Drawing on the theme of Russian language and literature. Interesting poster on the Russian language for elementary school

Tatyana Perova

One of the means of instilling love and attention to school subjects is to conduct substantive weeks.

At the school where my daughter studies, from January 25 to 30 of this year there was Russian Language Week. To this weeks my daughter was asked to make a themed one wall newspaper.

I, as a mother, of course helped my schoolgirl daughter and took an active part in creating wall newspapers.

Information on this topic was looked through in books in their home library and in Internet articles. Samples there are a lot of wall newspapers, but we decided to do it our own way. And we “released” such a thematic newspaper.

The wall newspaper was simply named -"RUSSIAN LANGUAGE"The name was written in large letters, colored with bright pencils and outlined with felt-tip pens.

Material for wall newspapers-"What's happened Russian language","Origin Russian language","Sayings of great people about Russian language", thematic drawings - found in books, magazines and the Internet. Then printed and pasted on colored sheets.

We are happy to share our design options wall newspapers for Russian Language Week and we hope that some of the readers will find the material useful and useful. Thank you!

Publications on the topic:

Didactic material for Russian language lessons in grades 3–4 “Synonyms” Exercises with nouns - synonyms Exercise No. 1 Read, name the words used in the meaning of “road”. What's in common?

Scenario "Pushkiniad", dedicated to Mother's Day and the opening of the Year of the Russian Language Objectives: 1. Generalization and consolidation of knowledge about the life and work of A. S. Pushkin. 2. Summarize and systematize the knowledge of fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin 3.

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade “Changing nouns by numbers” Russian language lesson Class: 3 “D” Teacher: Tyuryukova E. M. Textbook: Lesson topic: Changing nouns by numbers Purpose: Create conditions.

Summary of a Russian language lesson in a special (correctional) school “Composition of words” Open writing lesson on the topic: “Composition of a word. Prefix, root, suffix, ending” in the 7th grade of a special (correctional) school of the 8th type.

Dear colleagues! I present to your attention the already popular thematic (interactive) folder - lapbook! Seeing the lapbook options.

Within theme week"In the world of Russian language and culture" in middle group Various events dedicated to our native land took place.

Scenario of the KVN game “Pushkiniada” for Mother’s Day and the opening of the Year of the Russian Language The course of the script on the theme: “Pushkiniada”, dedicated to Mother’s Day and the opening of the Year of the Russian Language. Objectives: 1. Generalization and consolidation of knowledge.

The Russian language at school can, perhaps, be considered one of the most important subjects, ignorance of which can leave a serious imprint on later life person. But how to increase children's interest in it? How to make it easier to understand such difficult and confusing rules at first glance? A regular issue dedicated to the Russian language will help with this. Interesting facts, funny stories the origin of words, “blunders” from essays - all this will come to the rescue and make Russian a truly native language for students.

What can a wall newspaper tell you about?

A school wall newspaper dedicated to the Russian language should become not just a statement of facts, but also a way of communication. Let students ask questions, leaving them in a special pocket, bring their notes (you can introduce some kind of encouragement for such activity) and participate in competitions.

  • Did you know that in Russian there is animate nouns neuter: “child”, “animal” and “monster”?
  • The only thing full adjective in Russian, having one syllable is the word “evil”.
  • The verb “take out” is the only word in our language that does not have a root. It is considered that it is zero here and alternates with -it (take out - take out).

“Any foreigner who claims to know the Russian language perfectly can be tested. Invite him to translate the following sentence (I wonder if you yourself will understand what it is about?): “Mowed with a scythe.” And if a foreigner ends up saying something like: “A man with a crooked tool cut the grass,” then he can truly be considered an expert on the “great and mighty.”

But at the end of these notes, do not forget to ask: “Do you know such fun facts? This will stimulate children's interest in reading and create the beginning of communication.

Information that a wall newspaper can tell about

The school wall newspaper can become a meeting amazing facts. Like these, for example:

  • all obscene words before the 14th century. in Rus' they were called “absurd verbs”;
  • in the Russian language there is a word consisting of 46 letters - “thousand-nine-hundred-eighty-nine-millimeter”, and the longest preposition and at the same time the longest conjunction is the word “respectively” consisting of 14 letters;
  • and the word “darkness” used to be a numeral, denoting the largest known quantity - 10 thousand.

No less interesting will be the information for the “Entertaining Russian Language” section about nouns with “dropping out” vowels. If you decline words such as louse, day, lion, forehead, lie, stump, ditch, rye, sleep, seam, etc., then not a single vowel will remain in their roots. And since not all words are listed, you can invite readers to add to this list.

Amazing letter "Ъ"

The history of the 28th letter of the Russian alphabet “ъ” is complex and confusing and may also become the topic of one of the newspaper issues.

In the old days, it meant something very short about which linguists are still arguing. Later, from about the middle of the 12th century, it was used to break words into syllables and a line into individual words, until the widespread transition to the use of spaces (to God's chosen king) took place.

But even after spaces appeared between the words, Church Slavonic writing So the rule remains: “ъ” is the letter indicating the end of the word. That is, every word in the Russian language could previously end only with a vowel, й, ь or ъ (pawnshop, address, grocery store). Imagine, writing this absolutely unnecessary sign took up to 4% of the text!

Now, as a result of the Russian spelling reform carried out in 1917-1918, a new rule has appeared: the unpronounceable “ъ” is a letter that is used only as separator mark between a consonant and a vowel. It can be found at the junction of a prefix and a root (congress, embrace, corrosive, etc.) or to indicate the iotized pronunciation of vowels in (injection, adjutant, etc.).

But, of course, this is not all that can be said about the solid sign.

Let's talk about suppletives

It is not necessary to collect interesting facts about the Russian language for a wall newspaper “from the world.” After all, even quite scientific phenomenon from the field of linguistics may be surprising and entertaining for the average reader. For example, suppletives.

Each of the native speakers can easily form from any:

  • write - wrote,
  • read - read,
  • do - did,
  • sing - sang,
  • go - ... walked.

This “strange” discrepancy between the root of the initial and derivative form is called suppletive. The same phenomena occur during the formation comparative degree some adjectives:

  • funny - funnier,
  • smart - smarter,
  • warm - warmer,
  • good - ... better or bad - ... worse.

The same can be found in nouns, for example, in the word “man” (its plural is “people”, formed from another root), in the pronoun “I” (its indirect cases“me”, “me”, etc. also have a different root).

How a hooligan appeared in Russia

A school wall newspaper on the topic: “The Russian language and its history” can successfully publish interesting facts about the origin of some words. Here is an example of a short note about how the word “hooligan” appeared in the Russian language.

It's no secret that a hooligan is a person who indulges in excesses and does not respect the law, but the fact that given word it was earlier English surname probably few people know.

Yes, yes, at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In England, in the city of Southwark, there lived a most unpleasant family engaged in banditry and robbery. They all bore the same surname - Khaligan. And soon they became sadly famous throughout England. And about the head of this robber clan, Patrick Haligan, there was even a mocking song composed, which over time became popular throughout Europe. Caricatures were drawn of the Khaligans, parodies were written, and their surname gradually became a household name, not only in England, but also in Russia, where, however, it was somewhat modified.

Contradictions in the same word

Interesting facts about the Russian language for a wall newspaper can be found in a huge number. Schoolchildren will probably be curious to know about this amazing phenomenon development of our language as enantiosemy - polarization of the meaning of one word. That is, in one lexical unit meanings can contradict and oppose each other. Judge for yourself - famous word“priceless” contains two concepts at once:

1) something that has no price;

2) something that has a very high price.

What does a person mean when he says, “I listened to the lecture”? That he listened carefully to her or, conversely, that he never heard anything? The verb “listen”, as you can see, is its own antonym.

How did enantiosemy arise?

Interesting facts about the Russian language for a wall newspaper may include the history of this phenomenon.

Linguists explain it by using the word in different areas, for example in and in book language. Something similar happened with the word “dashing.” If in ancient Russian manuscripts it had only one meaning: “bad, nasty” (dashing person), then in common parlance “dashing” also became “brave, daring” (dashing warrior).

The thing is that in ancient times they most often spoke of robbers as dashing people, capable, as everyone knows, of bold, risky and reckless actions. This is where a new beginning began, opposite meaning ancient word.

The Russian language is rich in examples of enantiosemy of words. You can remember the following: borrow (borrow - lend) or probably (certainly, definitely - maybe not exactly).

The wall newspaper can present facts about how the great Russian language developed both in the form of short notes and as popular science articles.

The newspaper discussed in the article should be both exciting and thought-provoking reading for children of different ages. Interesting facts about the Russian language for a wall newspaper can be found in large quantities found in the media, especially now, when interest in native language rose to a higher level.

But once again I would like to remind you that such a newspaper is not just an informative publication, but also a place for communication. Only in this way will interest turn from purely contemplative into something more real, leading to a passion for the subject, and perhaps even to the discovery of the talent of a writer, poet or artist. Good luck!

We present to your attention funny memory cards for the Russian language on 15 rules of spelling, spelling and grammar.

Competent speech, both oral and written, immediately reveals an educated and well-read person. Everyone dreams of speaking and writing without mistakes! Of course, only someone with rare encyclopedic knowledge can achieve a 100% result. However, making your speech clearer and not harsh on your ears is an easily achievable task: and you should start by avoiding at least the most common mistakes.

In this article, prepared specifically for Russian Language Day, we tried to bring together several “popular” difficult cases, which not only children, but also quite serious adults often stumble on - in TV shows, movies, and the media. And in order for even a child to remember the rules, we decided to put them in poetic form.

1. The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

NOT – the verb is not a friend,
They always stand apart.
And write them together -
They will never understand you!

(E. Intyakova)

2. Particles NOT and NOR

Oh, how similar NOT and NO are!
But they are still different.
No matter how cunning, no matter how wise,
Don't confuse NOT and NOR!

3. -TSYA/-TSYA in verbs

IN winter evening starry, quiet
What is the snow doing? Spinning.
And it's time to see tomorrow
What should everyone do? Go to bed.

(E. Intyakova)

4. The emphasis in the personal forms of the verb “call” falls on the sound I.

My neighbor-dunno is moaning
His phone doesn't ring.
The cunning apparatus is silent,
Waiting for someone to call.

(I. Ageeva)

5. Put on (what?) clothes; dress (who?) hope

Nadya girl WEARED
Feel free to wear three dresses,
I put on a raincoat and a coat -
No one will freeze like that!

I began to DRESS the doll,
Pack for a walk.
"It's getting hot - mommies!
Should I take off my mittens?"

(E. Intyakova)

6. Come – I’ll come

- I won’t be able to come to you
And I won't come to school.
- But what happened? Tell!
- I can come. I'll come.

(E. Intyakova)

7. The verb “to go” is in the imperative mood

To the green light
Don't go
And don't go
And never go
GO! Remember?
- Yes!

8. The verb “put” is used without prefixes, and “(to) lay down” is used only with prefixes.

I'm going neither to lie down nor to lie down,
Yes, and you can’t put it on.
And you can put it and put it -
Remember, friends!

(E. Intyakova)

9. Will I win or will I run? The verb “to win” in the future tense only has complex shape(to win, to become a winner).

“How will I go to a competition, how will I beat everyone there!
I’ll win it without effort, if I’m patient enough!”
“Don’t brag, be literate, but learn the language quickly.
You must know the rules to win!”

(E. Intyakova)

10. Separate and continuous writing what would/so that, the same/also, the same/also

Same the best thing I can write in my notebook is Masha,
Same Tomorrow, like Masha, I will get an A!

Also I'll go to the market
How did you go last year?
I'll buy myself a cow there,
And also horse and goat.

(E. Intyakova)

11. Words-halves (half a room, half a world, half a watermelon, half a lemon, half a Moscow)

Now it has become clear to us
Let's never forget:
The word GENDER with any consonant
It's always written smoothly.

Before "L" and before a vowel,
Capitalize before the letter
The word GENDER is clear to anyone -
Separated by a line.

(I. Aseeva)

12. Genitive plural nouns “socks”, “stockings”, “boots”, “shoes”

"Stockings" and "socks" obey simple rule: the shorter, the longer.

Short socks – long word: socks (6 letters)
Long stockings – short word: stocking (5 letters)

And about “shoes” and “boots” we suggest you remember the funny quatrain:

One pair of fashionable shoes
It costs like a huge truffle.
But leather boots
I bought as much as I could!

(E. Intyakova)

At the same time, you can learn the spelling of the single letter N in the word “leather” (the same thing in other adjectives with the suffix AN/YAN). Exceptions are easy to remember by looking at the usual window: wooden, glass, pewter.

13. O or Yo? In the stressed suffixes of nouns -ONK-, -ONOK- (girl, skirt, galchonok, bear cub) the letter O is written.

A bear cub was walking through the forest,
A wolf cub met him:
– There’s a crowd of girls in the forest
The whole barrel was scattered,
Full of berries, tasty, ripe.
Feel free to pick up raspberries!

(E. Intyakova)

14. Cakes – Shorts: the stress in all forms of both words falls on the first syllable.

We ate cakes for a long time -
The shorts didn't fit.
It's better to live without cakes,
How to walk without shorts!

15. Spelling unpronounceable consonants

Both terrible and dangerous
It’s a waste to write the letter “T”!
Everyone knows how lovely it is
It’s appropriate to write the letter “T”!

We give you memories
Absolutely FREE OF CHARGE !

Happy Russian Language Day!

Dear readers, perhaps you know other good memos? Did you compose them yourself or did you remember them from childhood? We will be very grateful if you share your knowledge with us and add new information to this article. interesting material. You can send letters to our editorial office.

A huge hello to everyone, everyone, everyone, both big and small! My name is Evgenia Klimkovich and I am glad to welcome you to the pages of the ShkolaLa blog! Today I decided to leave the “summer” topics alone for a while and post an article in the “posters for school” section. Academic year It’s not soon yet, but still, it will begin someday, and this article may be useful to you.

Without undue modesty, I will say that we are real experts when it comes to posters. We make them beautiful, interesting and a little interactive. That is, you can not just look at and read them, you can play with them! I already told you about the poster for mathematics week. And today I will show you a poster on the topic of the Russian language. We made it when my daughter Alexandra was in 1st grade. But I think that it is quite suitable for 2nd grade. And for Russian language week, such a poster is absolutely what we need!

It's called "Attention!!! Letters!" and it looks like this.

Done on a whole sheet of whatman paper. They drew with pencils and felt-tip pens. Along the edge instead of a frame, we decided to draw block letters. They follow each other, like in the alphabet. The same letters are shared different zones poster And there were five zones in total. Now let's talk more about each of them.

Zone 1. It's called "Detective".

The yellow rectangle says:

"Attention! A detective is urgently needed to find the alphabet in this room."

The picture shows a room that at first glance is ordinary, but in this room the letters of the alphabet are hidden. These are the ones you need to find! For example, the letter “o” is a mirror. One of the chairs near the table is “b”. And the vacuum cleaner looks suspiciously like “s”) We came up with the room ourselves. Very exciting process, especially for my daughter, who was wondering where to hide which letter.

Zone 2. Called “Wizard” (it’s on the left in the picture) and zone 3, called “Knowledgeable”.

In zone 2, a small wizard is drawn, and in a yellow rectangle it is written:

"Attention! We urgently need a wizard to turn two small words into one big one.”

The task is to make one word out of two words. To make it clear for children, an example is given.

In zone 3, Znayka is drawn and there is the following inscription:

"Attention! We urgently need Znayka to solve complex riddles."

The riddle is poorly visible in the photo. Therefore, I was not too lazy to display them for you in separate images (along with hints and correct answers).

Riddle No. 1.

Riddle No. 2.

Riddle No. 3.

Zone 4. "Policeman". I had to tinker with this area)

"Attention! A policeman is urgently needed to restore order in words."

Notice to the left of the police figure the words:

  • ipnesla;
  • atsomac;
  • I'm thinking;
  • Loshka.

“What kind of words are these? There are no such words! - you will say and you will be right. The letters in these words are simply rearranged. The letters are not written on whatman paper. They are written on small cards that have frames different colors, so as not to confuse which word is which letter. And these cards are inserted into transparent pockets. They can be removed and swapped.

I made pockets from textbook covers. I simply cut out strips 4.5 cm wide and sewed them directly to the Whatman paper with ordinary strong threads. Well, I used vertical seams to divide these transparent strips into separate pockets. The design turned out to be quite durable; nothing happened to it in 4 years.

This is how the letters are placed correctly!

Well, the last zone 5. “Trainer”.

You see the trainer, and the inscription reads:

"Attention! We urgently need a trainer who will teach the syllables to stand in their place.”

The principle of making this zone is the same as in the case of a policeman. But here the syllables have already learned to stand in their places.

I can say that this poster invariably attracted flocks of little schoolchildren who imagined themselves as detectives, police officers, Znaykas, wizards or trainers and tried to cope with tasks while playing. And at the same time we deepened our knowledge of the Russian language!

Friends, I hope that the information is useful to you and will help you create with your own hands not just a wall newspaper for primary school, and a real miracle, so that both the teacher and classmates simply gasped in admiration!

Well, right now I suggest you gasp in surprise! Watch the video and learn new interesting facts about our native great and mighty Russian language, which, by the way, can also be used in posters for school.

We also have interesting items for other subjects, you will find them in the “Posters for School” section.

I wish you all the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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