Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries. The meaning of the word tavern

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I tavern

I., usually a type of squash called "Cucurbita melo rero". From Tur., Tat., Chagat. kabak – the same (Radlov 2, 437); see Mi. TEl. 1, 320; Gombots 96.

II tavern

II. "tavern", first tavern, gram. Veseyegonsk 1563 (see Srezn. I, 1169), often in the 17th century. (Kotoshikhin 85, Khozhd. Kotova) (IORYAS 15, 4, 290); Polish kabak (Niemojewski pamiętnik 1607) comes, according to Brückner (210), from Russian, like Alt., Tat. kabak – the same; see Radlov 2, 436; Kannisto, FUF 17, 108.

This word is usually considered a loanword. from English-German dial kabask, kabask "dilapidated house, hut"; see Grimm 5, 6; Christiani 50; Matzenauer 186; Bernecker 1, 464; R. Smal-Stotsky, "Slavia", 5, p. 49; Mikkola, Berühr. 116. NJ.-German. the word was explained earlier as an extension of the English-German. kagge (Schröder, Streckformen 23 et seq.; Bernecker, ibid.), but later identified in it the contamination Kabine or Kabüse and Varaske (so Bloomfield, Germanica f. Sievers 106). Other scientists tend to see in modern-German, modern-century-n. kabask borrowing. from Russian (Mi. TEl., Add. 2, 137; EW 425; Uhlenbeck, RVV 26, 300; Mikkola, ÄV 58 et seq.; Kluge-Götze 272). Related to this are attempts to search for the origin of this word in the East; Wed balk., karach. kabak "village, settlement" (KSz 10, 113; 15, 232). The product of the word tavern from Chuv is doubtful. χubaχ – the same, supposedly related to the Turko-Tat. kabak "pumpkin" (* "pumpkin bottle", whence the tavern; cf. New-Century Krug "jug" and "tavern", according to Mikkola (ÄB 58 et seq.); Vasmer views this word similarly ( RS 4, 183), which was opposed by Paasonen (orally)), as well as an explanation from Osset. kabak “milestone, pole with a tablet” (Potebnya, RFV 5, 143; Trans. I, 278) or from Pers. χаbāk "(reed) fence, corral". French cannot be a source either. sabaret "tavern", contrary to Korsch (AfslPh 9, 507) 1.

What's happened TUB, TUB this is the meaning of the word TUB, origin (etymology) TUB, synonyms for TUB, paradigm (word forms) TUB in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms TUB- Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

+ TUB- T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative

+ TUB- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language

what is KABAK


KABAK, -a, m. In the old days: a drinking establishment (now generally about restaurants, entertainment venues, with wine, food). What the hell is going on here?(translated: about disorder, confusion, noise; colloquial disapproved).

| decrease zucchini, -chka, m.

| adj. tavern, oh, oh. Gol Kabatskaya(old). Tavern customs(also translated: rude; colloquial).

Synonyms for TUB- Dictionary of Russian synonyms

KABAK synonyms



hotel; restaurant, tavern, restaurant, cellar, circle, tavern, establishment, bar, tavern, restaurant, shalman, tavern, drinking house, drinking establishment

Kabak m. drinking house, tavern; old circled; comic Ivan Yolkin; a place for selling vodka, sometimes also beer and honey. A tavern is actually a commercial drinking establishment. To see people, to visit taverns. Look for a mischievous person in prison, and a drunkard in a tavern. The tavern is for the hunter: whoever wants to, will turn (wander), and whoever doesn’t want to, walks by. He was born in a tavern and baptized in wine. Where there is a zucchini, there is a man. Where there is a tavern, there is my friend! The tavern is an abyss, and there is an abyss. They offer it in the tavern and ask for favors at home. Wherever you want, fight there, but make peace in the tavern! Go to a tavern, drink wine, beat up beggars, and you will become an archer. Let's go to church! “Look, it’s dirty.” “Well, then, to the pub?” “Is there any way to get under the fence?” Came to mass - funeral service, came to mass - funeral service; came to the tavern - exactly like that! that is, it fits. A dream and a woman, a tavern and a bathhouse - one thing fun! The tobacconist goes to the tobacco, and the drunkard goes to the tavern. A drunkard goes to church, but they say: to a tavern! Two taverns in the village, and a church on the mountain. He won’t buy bread and taxes, but he will buy taverns and tobacco. When he comes out of the bathhouse, he itches, but when he comes out of the tavern, he doesn’t stagger, to no avail. Zucchini will detract. days, decanters for vodka in liqueurs, on a common pallet, or the same travel device, in a casket. supplier | Novoros. small, oblong pumpkin, zucchini, lower. you. Zucchini plural Novoross. sunflower seeds? for a treat. Tavern, tavern, belonging to tavern, related. Kabachnik m. seller of squash drinks; sitter, kisser: who spends time in taverns, -nitsa. vodka saleswoman or | tavern owner's wife; | drinking in taverns. To hang out in taverns, hang out in taverns and get drunk. Tavern, maintain a tavern.

Kabak, -a, m. In the old days: a drinking establishment (nowadays in general about restaurants, entertainment venues, with wine, food). What the hell is going on here? (translated: about disorder, confusion, noise; colloquial disapproved). || decrease zucchini, -chka, m. || adj. tavern, oh, oh. Gil tavern (old). Tavern morals (also translated: rude; colloquial).

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The meaning of the word tavern

tavern in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. drinking house, tavern; old circled; comic Ivan Yolkin; a place for selling vodka, sometimes also beer and honey. A tavern is actually a commercial drinking establishment. To see people, to visit taverns. Look for a mischievous person in prison, and a drunkard in a tavern. The tavern is for the hunter: whoever wants to, will turn (wander), and whoever doesn’t want to, walks by. He was born in a tavern and baptized in wine. Where there is a zucchini, there is a man. Where there is a tavern, there is my friend! The tavern is an abyss, and there is an abyss. They offer it in the tavern and ask for favors at home. Wherever you want, fight there, but make peace in the tavern! Go to a tavern, drink wine, beat up beggars, and you will become an archer. Let's go to church! "Look, it's dirty." “Well, then, to the pub?” “Is there any way to get under the fence?” Came to mass - funeral service, came to mass - funeral service; came to the tavern - exactly like that! that is, it fits. A dream and a woman, a tavern and a bathhouse - one thing fun! The tobacconist goes to the tobacco, and the drunkard goes to the tavern. A drunkard goes to church, but they say: to a tavern! Two taverns in the village, and a church on the mountain. He won’t buy bread and taxes, but he will buy taverns and tobacco. When he comes out of the bathhouse, he itches, but when he comes out of the tavern, he doesn’t stagger, to no avail. Zucchini will detract. days, decanters for vodka in liqueurs, on a common pallet, or the same travel device, in a casket. supplier

Novoros. small, oblong pumpkin, zucchini, lower. you. Zucchini plural Novoross. sunflower seeds? for a treat. Tavern, tavern, belonging to tavern, related. Kabachnik m. seller of squash drinks; sitter, kisser: who spends time in taverns, -nitsa. vodka saleswoman or

tavern owner's wife;

drinking in taverns. To hang out in taverns, hang out in taverns and get drunk. Tavern, maintain a tavern.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


tavern, m. (region). Same as zucchini 2.


tavern, m.

    Drinking establishment (historical).

    A low-class drinking establishment with an untidy environment (neglected). Hanging around the taverns. Tavern regulars.

    trans. About something that resembles the atmosphere of such an establishment with its disorder, uncleanliness, noise (colloquial fam. disapproves). Your room is a real tavern, dirty and smoky. There's a tavern on the streets, it's unclean! Gogol. You've set up a tavern here... brutes! Maksim Gorky.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ah, m. In the old days: a drinking establishment (nowadays it’s generally about restaurants, entertainment venues, with wine, food). What the hell is going on here? (translated: about disorder, confusion, noise; colloquial disapproved).

decrease zucchini, -chka, m.

adj. tavern, oh, oh. Gil tavern (old). Tavern morals (also translated: rude; colloquial).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


drinking establishment in Tsarist Russia 16th-17th centuries, place of state or tax sale of alcoholic beverages. The first K. appeared in Moscow in the 50s. 16th century Ivan IV Vasilyevich forbade the sale of vodka in Moscow, and opened K. for the guardsmen. All income from the sale of intoxicating drinks in K. went to the treasury. From 1555, cafes appeared in other cities, replacing old drinking establishments - taverns. In the 17th century there were about a thousand K. In 1746 K. were renamed “drinking establishments”, but the name “K.” preserved by purchasing common noun. Since 1863, after the introduction of a state monopoly on the trade in wine, wine shops began to be called state-owned wine shops.


Kabak (Tu tributary)

Kabak (Boar) - river in the Tuapse region Krasnodar region Russia, the largest tributary of the Tu River.

The river originates on the northwestern slope of Mount Lysaya (19 m). The length of the river is 11 km, the drainage area is 21.5 km². The valley is composed of clastic deposits.

Kabak (Issyk-Kul region)

Kabak- a village in the Jeti-Oguz district of the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan. It is part of the Jeti-Oguz ayil district. SOAT code - 41702 210 830 05 0.


Tavern- a drinking establishment selling and creating conditions for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Word tavern V written sources first appears in 1563 (this date is given by etymological dictionary Vasmer). The word is believed to be borrowed from the Low German dialect kabacke, kaback- “a dilapidated house, a shack, a rubble.”

According to other sources, tavern- a word borrowed from Turkic languages and meaning vessel. In Turkic languages ​​the word tavern means a pumpkin and a vessel made from a pumpkin, which was common among nomads. From the word tavern(that is pumpkin) the name of the variety of pumpkin came from zucchini.

Kabak (disambiguation)

Kabak- ambiguous word:

  • Kabak is a drinking establishment in Russia.
  • Tavern - eastern term, which in Russian documents of the XVI-XVII centuries. called settlements in the Caucasus.
  • Kabak is a village in the Lepel district of the Vitebsk region of Belarus.
  • Kabak is a village in the Mangistau district of the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan.
  • Kabak is a village in the Jeti-Oguz district of the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan.
Hydronym Surname
  • Kabak, Aaron Abraham (1881-1944) - Jewish prose writer, one of the pioneers fiction in Hebrew.
  • Kabak, Aharon Abraham (1880-1944) - Jewish writer.
  • Kabak, Valery Ivanovich (born 1944) - vice-rector of Beltsky state university named after Alec Russo.
  • Kabak, Ekaterina Borisovna (born 1990) - Russian actress.
  • Kabak, Ilya Igorevich (born 1964) - entomologist, specialist in ground beetles.
  • Kabak, Konstantin Stepanovich (1924-1998) - doctor medical sciences, Professor. Laureate State Prize Ukraine in the field of science and technology (1994).
  • Kabak, Nikolai Panteleevich (1904-1979) - participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Kabak - pumpkin, name in southern Russia and Ukraine.
  • Zucchini is a type of pumpkin.

Examples of the use of the word tavern in literature.

He is still alive, somewhere he walks with his tired feet along the stairs of other people's houses, looks somewhere at sparkling parquet floors and well-groomed araucarias, spends his days in libraries, and his nights in taverns or lying on a sofa that he rented, hears how people and the world live outside the windows, knows that he is cut off from them, but does not commit suicide, because the remnant of faith tells him that he must drink this pain to the bottom with his soul, this terrible pain, and that he must die from this pain.

Here, under windmill, at the illuminated door of the austeria, or in our opinion - tavern, the girls and the men danced, clinging in pairs.

They litter on the street, they use foul language in front of women, taverns They drink to excess, and the crime rate is going up and up!

All you need to do is buy an ATM and place it next to some tavern more posh and write on the tape the numbers and PIN codes of the cards that drunk wealthy citizens will stick into it.

I'll tell you, just listen: first - the roosters with taverns They went and threatened the boyars, and for that the detectives of Kvashnin the boyar in Zemskaya dragged the batogs to beat them.

From all the cracks so much rubbish crept into our little world, such a thing began tavern, such a stock exchange that the modest, quiet Bashkin felt as good in it as a cornflower thrown into the dust in the market square.

Today you are looking for murderers, tomorrow you are standing at a fair, giving warnings to the people, the day after tomorrow taverns You're chasing people without passports.

It was a win-win move - issue tavern in the style of those cheap provincial taverns where heroes are accustomed to while away their leisure time during business trips.

When Bityagovsky spent whole nights sitting in tavern, and in the morning he got up from the table as if disheveled, Kikin, after the first damask, went down under the table.

Our Breter did not stay in tavern and a few minutes later Entrance door opened the door slightly, and appeared on the threshold new character, dressed from head to toe in black, except for the white collar of a ruffled shirt that bubbled over his stomach between his doublet and trousers.

I think that tavern Buganda is a civilized person and does not believe in the power of shamans,” Vilmovsky noted.

As a gift from taverns, that is, the king of Buganda, I received two young hippos.

King of Buganda tavern, relying on the support of large feudal lords, sought independence and unification of all of Uganda under the leadership of Buganda.

Tomek suddenly remembered that doctors taverns The Buganda did not vouch for the complete recovery of Smuga.

Indeed, most of the barge haulers gathered around tavern, there were Kamensk barge haulers and factory workers.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Tavern- a drinking establishment for the sale and creation of conditions for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Word tavern first appears in written sources in 1563 (this date is given by Vasmer's etymological dictionary). The word is believed to be borrowed from the Low German dialect kabacke, kaback- “a dilapidated house, a shack, a rubble.”

According to other sources, tavern- a word borrowed from Turkic languages ​​and meaning vessel. In Turkic languages ​​the word tavern means a pumpkin and a vessel made from a pumpkin, which was common among nomads. From the word tavern(that is pumpkin) the name of the variety of pumpkin came from zucchini.


In taverns Western Slavs bailiffs conveyed government decrees to the people, judges held court, tried cases between visitors; taverns replaced town halls and guest courtyards for a long time.

Starting from the 11th century, mentions of taverns are found among almost all Slavs. The oldest drinks sold in the tavern are kvass, beer and honey. Almost every city had at least one tavern, and in some places there were several. At first, Western Slavic taverns were free institutions, and only later they became princely, state-owned; then secret ones began to appear. Traces of the tavern Eastern Slavs, it was in the south that they survived the longest.

Increased drunkenness in taverns aroused "disgust" in the ruling spheres, and in 1746 the word "tavern" was replaced by the phrase "drinking establishment". The word itself, however, did not disappear from use, and remained known both in Russia and abroad. Thus, in the famous “Encyclopedia” (1765) it was explained:

Kabak..., this is the name in Muscovy for public places where wines, beer, spirits are sold alcoholic drinks, tobacco, playing cards and other goods, the income from which goes to the king, whose monopoly trade in these goods is throughout the entire territory of the kingdom. There are two types of taverns: large - wholesale, and small - retail.

Original text(French)

Kabak... on nomme ainsi en Moscovie les lieux publics où se vendent les vins, la bierre, l "eau-de-vie, le tabac, les cartes à jouer, & autres marchandises, au profit du Czar qui s"en est réservé le débit dans toute l "étendue de ses états. II y a de deux sortes de kabaks ; les grands où toutes ces marchandises se vendent en gros, & les petits où elles se vendent en détail.

see also

The group "Gaza Strip" has a song "Kabak" from the album "Press on the Gas" in 1993

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  • Borodin D.N. Kabak and its past. - St. Petersburg. : Typo-Lithography Vilenchik, 1910. - 98 p.
  • I. G. Pryzhov. , 1914.
  • I. V. Kurukin, E. A. Nikulina. , 2007.
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing Kabak

- So listen. I’ll go to the police officer, and you tell the people, so that they give up this, and so that there are carts.
“I’m listening,” answered Dron.
Yakov Alpatych did not insist any more. He had ruled the people for a long time and knew that the main way to get people to obey was to not show them any doubt that they might disobey. Having obtained from Dron the obedient “I listen with,” Yakov Alpatych was satisfied with this, although he not only doubted, but was almost sure that the carts would not be delivered without the help of a military team.
And indeed, by evening the carts were not collected. In the village at the tavern there was again a meeting, and at the meeting it was necessary to drive the horses into the forest and not give out the carts. Without saying anything about this to the princess, Alpatych ordered his own luggage to be packed from those who had come from Bald Mountains and to prepare these horses for the princess’s carriages, and he himself went to the authorities.

After her father's funeral, Princess Marya locked herself in her room and did not let anyone in. A girl came to the door to say that Alpatych had come to ask for orders to leave. (This was even before Alpatych’s conversation with Dron.) Princess Marya rose from the sofa on which she was lying and said through the closed door that she would never go anywhere and asked to be left alone.
The windows of the room in which Princess Marya lay were facing west. She lay on the sofa facing the wall and, fingering the buttons on the leather pillow, saw only this pillow, and her vague thoughts were focused on one thing: she was thinking about the irreversibility of death and about that spiritual abomination of hers, which she had not known until now and which showed up during her father’s illness. She wanted, but did not dare to pray, did not dare to state of mind, in which she was, turn to God. She lay in this position for a long time.
The sun set on the other side of the house and slanting evening rays through the open windows illuminated the room and part of the morocco pillow that Princess Marya was looking at. Her train of thought suddenly stopped. She unconsciously stood up, straightened her hair, stood up and went to the window, involuntarily inhaling the coolness of a clear but windy evening.
“Yes, now it’s convenient for you to admire in the evening! He’s already gone, and no one will bother you,” she said to herself, and, sinking into a chair, she fell head first on the windowsill.
Someone gentle and in a quiet voice called her from the side of the garden and kissed her on the head. She looked back. It was M lle Bourienne, in a black dress and plungers. She quietly approached Princess Marya, kissed her with a sigh and immediately began to cry. Princess Marya looked back at her. All previous clashes with her, jealousy towards her, were remembered by Princess Marya; I also remembered how he Lately changed to m lle Bourienne, could not see her, and, therefore, how unfair were the reproaches that Princess Marya made to her in her soul. “And should I, who wanted his death, condemn anyone? - she thought.
Princess Marya vividly imagined the position of m lle Bourienne, who had recently been distant from her society, but at the same time dependent on her and living in someone else’s house. And she felt sorry for her. She looked at her meekly questioningly and extended her hand. M lle Bourienne immediately began to cry, began to kiss her hand and talk about the grief that befell the princess, making herself a participant in this grief. She said that the only consolation in her grief was that the princess allowed her to share it with her. She said that all former misunderstandings should be destroyed before great grief, that she felt pure in front of everyone and that from there he could see her love and gratitude. The princess listened to her, not understanding her words, but occasionally looking at her and listening to the sounds of her voice.
“Your situation is doubly terrible, dear princess,” said m lle Bourienne, after a pause. – I understand that you could not and cannot think about yourself; but I am obliged to do this with my love for you... Was Alpatych with you? Did he talk to you about leaving? – she asked.
Princess Marya did not answer. She did not understand where and who was supposed to go. “Was it possible to do anything now, to think about anything? Doesn't it matter? She didn't answer.
“Do you know, chere Marie,” said m lle Bourienne, “do you know that we are in danger, that we are surrounded by the French; It's dangerous to travel now. If we go, we will almost certainly be captured, and God knows...
Princess Marya looked at her friend, not understanding what she was saying.
“Oh, if only someone knew how much I don’t care now,” she said. - Of course, I would never want to leave him... Alpatych told me something about leaving... Talk to him, I can’t do anything, I don’t want anything...
– I talked to him. He hopes that we will have time to leave tomorrow; but I think that now it would be better to stay here,” said m lle Bourienne. - Because, you see, chere Marie, falling into the hands of soldiers or rioting men on the road would be terrible. – M lle Bourienne took out an advertisement on non-Russian unusual paper from her reticule French general Rameau asked that residents not leave their homes, that they would be given due protection by the French authorities, and submitted it to the princess.
“I think it’s better to contact this general,” said m lle Bourienne, “and I’m sure that you will be given due respect.”
Princess Marya read the paper, and dry sobs shook her face.
-Who did you get this through? - she said.
“They probably found out that I’m French by name,” said m lle Bourienne, blushing.
Princess Marya, with a paper in her hand, stood up from the window and pale face left the room and went to former office Prince Andrey.
“Dunyasha, call Alpatych, Dronushka, someone to me,” said Princess Marya, “and tell Amalya Karlovna not to come to me,” she added, hearing the voice of m lle Bourienne. - Hurry up and go! Go quickly! - said Princess Marya, horrified by the thought that she could remain in the power of the French.
“So that Prince Andrei knows that she is in the power of the French! So that she, the daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky, asks Mr. General Rameau to provide her with protection and enjoy his benefits! “This thought terrified her, made her shudder, blush and feel attacks of anger and pride that she had not yet experienced. Everything that was difficult and, most importantly, offensive in her position, was vividly imagined to her. “They, the French, will settle in this house; Mr. General Rameau will occupy the office of Prince Andrei; It will be fun to sort through and read his letters and papers. M lle Bourienne lui fera les honneurs de Bogucharovo. [Mademoiselle Bourien will receive him with honors in Bogucharovo.] They will give me a room out of mercy; soldiers will destroy their father's fresh grave to remove crosses and stars from him; they will tell me about victories over the Russians, they will feign sympathy for my grief... - Princess Marya thought not with her own thoughts, but feeling obligated to think for herself with the thoughts of her father and brother. For her personally, it didn’t matter where she stayed and no matter what happened to her; but at the same time she felt like a representative of her late father and Prince Andrei. She involuntarily thought with their thoughts and felt them with their feelings. Whatever they would say, whatever they would do now, that is what she felt necessary to do. She went to Prince Andrei’s office and, trying to penetrate his thoughts, pondered her situation.



kaba to 1, tavern, husband.

1. Drinking establishments ( ist.).

| A low-class drinking establishment with an untidy environment ( neglected). Hanging around the taverns. Tavern regulars.

2. trans. About something reminiscent of the atmosphere of such an establishment with its disorder, uncleanliness, noise ( decomposition fam. neod.). Your room is a real tavern, dirty and smoky. “There’s a tavern on the streets, uncleanliness!” Gogol. “You’ve created a tavern here... Cattle!” M. Gorky.


kaba to 2, tavern, husband. (region). Same as 2.

Toponymic Dictionary of the Caucasus


a river in the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory, is a left tributary of the Tu River (flows into it in the area of ​​​​the village of Olginka); originates on the northwestern slopes of Lysaya Mountain (821m). According to V.N. Koveshnikov, the translation of the hydronym is based on the Adyghe elements k'e - by - "pumpkin", k'o - "valley", - "valley where pumpkins are grown." It is possible that the hydronym is translated as "pig's groin" - "cave valley"

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


Gol Kabatskaya (people's poet) - collect. drunkards who drank everything from themselves, impoverished drunkards.

All the tavern's richest people gather there.

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries


, A , m.

Drinking establishment lower category, which sold alcoholic beverages.

* If he wants to relieve boredom, or, as he himself calls it, if he wants to have fun, he goes to a tavern. // Radishchev. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow //; Now the balalaika is dear to me Yes, the drunken tramp of the trepak Before the threshold of the tavern. // Pushkin. Eugene Onegin // *

Tavern-keeper, tavern-woman, tavern-keeper, ◘ tavern-keeper's head.

Turkisms in Russian


1) (usually zucchini), and region (Ukrainian, Kurok, resin) a type of pumpkin with white oblong fruits. Experience, 1852 tavern (Sl. Acad., 1956, 5, 614, 615); Ukrainian tavern from tur.; Dal tavern, Ukrainian kebeka; don., south. tebyok pumpkin (2, 69); Vasmer, 2, 147. Radlov tavern (Tat., Crimean-Tat., Tur., Chag.) pumpkin; su kabak (Turkish) a vessel made of a hollowed out pumpkin (2, 437). “The word is noted in a number of Turkic languages, starting with Mahmud of Kashgar, in the meaning of pumpkin” (Dmitriev, 1958, 45).

2) m old drinking house, tavern, tavern (Dal, 2, 69). First recorded in 1563 (Sreznevsky, 1, 1169); Polikarpov, 1704 tavern; Dal zucchini 1. pumpkin; 2. container, decanters for vodka (2, 69). The word tavern means drinking house from glory. languages ​​commonly used in Russian. language Wed Bulgarian krachma, mehana (from Pers. mei-khan drinking house), Polish. Traktiernia, Serbian krchma, rakicinica, Czech, krema. Vasmer: “Polish kabak comes, according to Brückner, from Russian, like Alt., Tat. kabak the same (see Radlov, 2, 436). The product of the word kabak from the Chuv. hubah - the same, allegedly related to the Turkic is doubtful -tat. kabak pumpkin, pumpkin bottle, where the kabak comes from" (2, 148). Bogoroditsky refers tavern to the words tat. and Mong. origin (Bogoroditsky, 1935, 353). Wed Radlov kagiak (Crimea), tavern, empty tree, hollow (2, 463); kabak (Tat., Crimean-Tat., Tur., Chag.) pumpkin, su kabak (Turkish) a vessel made of a hollowed out pumpkin (2, 437); copa "(Turkish, Chag.) 1. glass; 2. (Chag.) cup (2, 652). Cod. Cum., 25 kabak (kabyk?) (Uyg., Tur.); kapy (Tat.) Thür, Thor [doors, gates].

Ozhegov's Dictionary

KAB A TO, A, m. In the old days: a drinking establishment (nowadays it’s generally about restaurants, entertainment venues, with wine, food). What the hell is going on here? (translated: about disorder, confusion, noise; colloquial disapproved).

| decrease zucchini, chka, m.

| adj. tavern, oh, oh. Gol Kabatskaya (old). Tavern customs (also translated: rude; colloquial).

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. Drinking establishment (in Russian state until 1917).
    2. trans. decomposition A place, a situation, reminiscent of such an establishment in its disorder, noise, and lack of cleanliness.
  2. m. local Same as: zucchini (1*).

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


The ancestor of K. can be considered the Old Slavic tavern, where people gathered to drink and eat, for conversations and drinking parties with songs and music. In the taverns of the Western Slavs, bailiffs conveyed government decrees to the people, judges held court, and dealt with cases between visitors; taverns replaced town halls and guest courtyards for a long time. Since the 11th century. We find traces of taverns among almost all Slavs: the oldest drinks sold in taverns are kvass, beer and honey. Almost every city had one tavern, while others had two or four. First, Western Slav. taverns were free institutions, and only later became princely, state-owned; then secret ones began to appear. Traces of a tavern near the east. The Slavs, precisely in the south, survived the longest. Ivan IV banned the sale of vodka in Moscow, allowing only the guardsmen to drink it, and built it “on the balchuga” (on the swamp) for their drinking bouts. special house, called K. (among the Tatars K. was called inn, where food and drinks were sold). K. "on the balchug" fell in love with the tsar, and from Moscow they began to order the governors to stop the trade in drinks everywhere, i.e. taverns, and start Tsarev K. (about 1555). With them came a ransom. In Tsarist and Moscow K. it was possible drink only to peasants and townspeople; people of other classes drank drinks at home and had the right to own coffee (for example, the clergy and boyars). From that time on, the spread of K. in Rus' went very quickly. Fletcher wrote that in his time (1588) already in every big city stood K. Boris Godunov started tax payments for K. in all cities. Next to the royal ones, boyar communities also spread throughout the cities. Feeding tamga and K. became half XVI centuries the desired goal of boyars and princes. In 1651, the farmsteads were destroyed and K. were named circle courtyards, and “it was ordered that in all the sovereign’s villages and cities there should be one circle courtyard.” In 1652, companies owned by private individuals were banned, and only government sales were left on trust. Olearius numbered circle courts throughout the state up to 1000. Despite the decrees of 1651 and 1652, farming and coterie continued to exist and soon even received government sanction. From Moscow Rus' K. in the same 17th century. they tried to move to Little Russia, but they could not take root here: the tavern and tavern remained the fundamental difference of the south until recently. Rus' from north-east. Increased drunkenness in K. aroused “disgust” in the ruling spheres, and in 1746 the word “K.” was replaced by the words: “drinking establishment.” The highest supervision over the sale of wine in Kazakhstan was first entrusted to the royal governors, and then was under the jurisdiction of the orders that governed the regions. In Moscow and in the cities included in it there was a special institution for this purpose, new honor, or quarter, known since 1597 and by decree of 1678 renamed order new quarters. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, K.'s management is consolidated in the order big palace and in the order of the Great Treasury. Selling wine or faithful kissers and heads, chosen mainly from trading people and people of the “first articles”, or tax farmers. They took notes from the elected representatives, forced them to swear an oath and kiss the cross. Any expenditure of tavern sums was carried out only with the permission of the governor and according to the royal charters, and a reservation was always made: “keep the money for expenses half as much as before and even less, so that the sovereign’s treasury does not suffer.” When collecting and storing tavern sums, all possible precautions were taken; By the way, there was a whole staff of tavern clerks. Every tavern head was obliged to give a report to the local governor and Moscow, and only in 1667 were both tselniks and heads removed from the department of the governor and subordinated to the supervision of zemstvo elders. A known salary, which was entrusted to be collected at a profit. Any shortfall was considered negligence and the elected officials had to comply with the law, which passed on to the voters. In addition, tavern elected officials were entrusted with the prosecution of tavern behavior and the collection of tavern money. In 1699, the kissers and heads were replaced by tavern ones bailiffs, subordinate to the Burmister Chamber, which was in charge of the drinking business, which passed in 1717 to chamber-collegium.

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