Statuses about impossible dreams. Dream

A man's dream is for socks to find each other at night and crawl, crawl...

You need to walk towards your dream with someone hand in hand.

Never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body.

The air in autumn is special, it usually smells of unfulfilled dreams...

The phrase “not fate” is an excuse for weak people who are unable to fight for their dreams.

I always get very worried when a friend doesn’t answer the phone - suddenly she was kidnapped and raped, but I wasn’t...

Goldfish, I want to have everything. - Yes, no problem, you had everything...

If you have a dream, take care of it. You will be dissuaded by those people who did not succeed, and they will strive to ensure that you do not succeed either...

Rolling statuses about a dream

Take your time until you understand that I am alone, and there is no one dearer to me... When you have walked a hundred roads of fate, but you cannot reach the hundred and first without me...

A woman just needs to be loved. Nonsense!!! A woman needs a lot: Love, attention, care, respect, compliments, flowers for no reason, sweet words and much more. Too much? Perhaps... But the one who gives her all this will receive much more!!!

Unsolved rollicking statuses about a dream

It’s spring again, flowers again, dreams come true again!..

When I first met you, I thought that you were my dream... And now I know for sure that dreams come true!

I want to be honest... But less than rich.

Experience does not prevent us from repeating the same stupidity, but it does prevent us from getting the same pleasure from it.

As long as the heart keeps desire, the mind keeps dreams!

If you have found the woman of your dreams, you can say goodbye to your other dreams.

I want Italian life, American salary, French love, German car and Hawaiian summer!

People sometimes want to leave so that they can yearn, wait and rejoice at their return!

By pike command, according to my desire... let the impossible become possible! Let what is far become close. And let everything that was very difficult be solved beautifully and easily!!!

Dreams come true... At a certain moment... Most often this moment is called “Nothing is needed anymore”...

Ultra-modern rollicking statuses about a dream

I want a tattoo on my heel: “Kiss me before I go”...

Love is like a fire - until you throw a couple of sticks, it will not flare up.

Wind, wind!.. You are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds... Hear, wind, no need for clouds!.. Drive the Land Cruiser Prado!

I'm in seventh heaven...))) And don't put up a ladder, I still won't cry!!!...

Girl, I know, you’ve been waiting for a prince on a white horse for a long time, haven’t you? - Yes. - Here you go. I came! - Cool, where is the prince?

I want chronic health, progressive happiness, recurring success, a hypertensive salary and an eternally pregnant wallet without the threat of miscarriage!)))

When a star falls, you need to make a wish. So there you go! 99% of desires sound something like this: “Wow, damn it!”

Autumn in the veins, spring in the heart, winter in the soul, summer in the eyes!

Many difficulties await me, but I always move forward! After all, there is a dream, like bright Star, she leads with her, through the rains and cold always, always!!!

“Not destiny” is an excuse for weaklings who are not able to fight for their dreams!!!

I want to get sick with such a disease that the doctor will write in the prescription: RECREATION, CHAMPAGNE and SEX...

At first dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable.

I wish that in 2014 everyone would stumble, fall and cry... But... Stumble over money... Fall into arms... Cry with happiness...

I am incredibly happy for my husband - he married so well!!!

The hardest thing to refuse and forget is not the person himself, but the dream that he gave, and you believed in it...

Dreams are necessary for humanity. Thanks to them, people become better people.

I want this kind of love... like shampoo from childhood - without tears!..

A wise man was once asked: What is a good relationship between spouses? The old sage replied: “When the wife does not see what her husband is doing, and the husband does not hear what his wife says...

Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

Hard to find rollicking dream statuses

Dream vacation: An island in the tropics, the Miss Bust competition and I am the only man!

We don't believe in ideal people and every day we look for our ideal in the crowd.

I want a good fellow to burst into my room and act like an evil one!!!

93% of people have a dream that can be fulfilled before the end of the week, and they turn it into a dream of a lifetime.

Every woman must: destroy a house, cut down a tree and grow it!

Have a dream? Run to her! Can't run? Go to her! Can't go? Crawl to her! Can't crawl? Lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams!

I don’t believe in love anymore... I don’t believe in princes... I only believe in a horse, and not always a white one...

Sea, sun, beach... What could be better?.. Especially when it's all in dreams!=D.

That’s how I would conquer the whole world, but already in bed!

I need new shoes, new jeans and a new life!

Here is a portrait of an ideal husband: a blind-deaf-mute sea captain.

And all dreams come true, hopes come true, when you are next to me... (of course, it’s better without clothes)...

It's better to have the one everyone dreams of than to dream of the one everyone has.

What do I dream about? Just live... Breathe, love and know that I am! And appreciate every moment... Because our life is unique!

Correct rollicking statuses about a dream

What connects you with him? - Friendship with elements of porn.

It's better to be a pipe dream than a fallback option!

Hello, let's meet? - Who are you? - Perhaps the one you've been waiting for all your life... - Santa Claus, is that you?

We just have to be together. Me and money.

I want to be like “Masha and the Bear”: I’m so small, impudent and annoying, but he’s so big, strong, protects me and endures me no matter what and will always be there)

I would like a job like this, less work.

A person must dream to see the meaning of life!

May you, my friends, drown in love! May you fall into the abyss of tenderness! May you disappear in the Maldives for a month! Yes, I don’t want to see you sad!)))

I want tenderness, flowers, chocolate and sex. It's cheesy, but it's fair.

This time I’ll ask the Snow Maiden for a gift... She, like a woman, should understand me!

Summer... Sun... Sea... Guys... Oh, what am I talking about??? Study, study, study...

Make sure you get what you want, otherwise you'll have to love what you get!!!

Everyone has their own idea of ​​"Miracle". But only one “miracle” can call you dad and mom...

Path to the sea

In one poor village a boy was born. He spent his days meaninglessly, mechanically and monotonously, just like the rest of the inhabitants of this dying village, having no idea what to do with own life. And one fine night he dreamed of the sea. None of the villagers had ever seen the sea, so no one could confirm that such endless water existed somewhere in the world.

And when the young man announced that he was going to go in search of the sea from his dream, everyone twisted their finger at their temple and called him a madman. But, in spite of everything, he set out on a journey and wandered for a long time until he found himself at a fork in the road. Here he chose the road that led straight, and a few days later he reached a village whose inhabitants led a calm, prosperous life. When the young man told them that he was traveling, dreaming of finding the sea, they began to convince him that he was wasting his time and it would be better for him to stay in this village and live as happily as everyone else.

For several years the young man lived in abundance. But one night he dreamed of the sea again, and he remembered his unfulfilled dream. The young man decided to leave the village and hit the road again. After saying goodbye to everyone, he returned to the fork and this time went in a different direction. He walked for a long time until he reached a big city. I admired its hubbub and diversity and decided to stay there. I studied, worked, had fun and over time completely forgot about the purpose of my journey.

However, a few years later he again saw the sea in a dream and thought that if he did not fulfill the dream of his youth, he would waste his life. Therefore, he again returned to the fork and chose the third road, which led him into the forest. In a small clearing, the man saw a hut, and next to it, a not too young, but beautiful woman who was hanging out the washed laundry. She invited him to stay with her, since her husband went to war and did not return. The man agreed.

They lived happily for many years, raised children, but one day our hero, who was already old, was again visited by a dream about the sea. And he left everything with which he had been associated for many years, returned to the fork and set off along the last path, hitherto unknown to him, very steep and rocky. He walked with difficulty and began to fear that he would soon be completely exhausted.

Finding yourself at the foot big mountains, the old man decided to climb it in the hope of at least from a distance seeing the sea from his dreams. A few hours later, at the end of his strength, he reached the top of the mountain. Vast expanses stretched out before him: the old man saw a fork in the road and a village in which the inhabitants led a prosperous life, and Big city, and the hut of a woman with whom he spent many happy years. And in the distance, on the horizon, I saw the blue, endless sea.

And before his tormented heart stopped, the touched old man, through tears of regret, also noticed that all the roads along which he walked led to the sea, but he did not go through any of them to the end.

Happiness is one step before the dream, nightmare is one step after...

When you conquer the peak, you conquer your dream. We dream of a vacation in nature, nature dreams of a vacation from us.

5 (100%) 1 vote

A dream is a rainbow connecting Today and Tomorrow.

In this crazy, crazy, crazy world, you can only dream of Peace.

A dream is good and useful, as long as you don’t forget that it is a dream.

And no one said that a dream should be reasonable.

Statuses about dreams with meaning

Leave your dreams and your mind will leave you.

If a dream does not come true, then this dream is not worthy of you.

Do you think dreams are just dreams? You are wrong. The brighter the dream, the closer it is to reality.

If you have a dream, think: what are you willing to pay for its fulfillment?

Dream big: only big dreams have the power to touch people's souls.

Don't just give up on your dream. Maybe she's just not ready to come true yet

If a person does not believe in your dream, he is not your person.

You don’t even notice that your dreams are coming true, but they are coming true!

Status about dreams come true

I always dream only of the best, and that’s probably why my dreams come true.

Believe in your dreams and strive to make them come true.

My favorite time of the year is the time when dreams come true.

Dreams come true when they are forgotten.

Make a wish, and I will make it come true.

A person has everything he wants in life, and if he doesn’t have it, it means he doesn’t want enough.

Dreams come true only for those who work at Gazprom: D

Beautiful statuses about dreams

My world is beautiful. It's only a pity that I won't be able to show it to you, because it's in my dreams...

Why wait? The dream is now!

Dreams must be deliciously crazy. Otherwise, it’s just plans for tomorrow.

Don't give up on your dream, even if it seems unattainable.

We met our eyes and I suddenly realized that dreams have colors.

The keys to happiness are dreams come true.

Statuses about a dream in English

The difference between the dream and reality is just a difference of perception
The difference between dreams and reality comes down to differences in perceptions

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.
An artist is a dreamer who agreed to dream about real world.

It’s better to have ideals and dreams than nothing.
Better than dreams and ideals than nothing.

Don’t leave a stone unturned. It’s always something, to know you have done the most you could.
Try all the possibilities. It's always important to know that you did your best.

Never stop dreaming.
Never stop dreaming.

Only my dream keeps me alive.
Only my dream warms me.

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.
A dream becomes a goal when action is taken to achieve it.

Unfulfilled dreams

My crystal pink dreams shattered against the metal frame of reality.

Do you know why your dreams don't come true? That's not what you're dreaming about.

The hardest thing to lose is the unfulfilled.


Every dog ​​dreams of becoming an owner.

May all the dreams of those who read this come true.

Nothing is impossible if you are insolent to the required degree.

Dreams lead to heights or to the abyss.

Dreams Come True. at a certain moment. Most often this moment is called “no longer necessary.”

It’s better to admire birds all your life than to dream in vain about wings.

Do you know why your dream didn't come true? Because you chose the wrong dream.

- Don't you have a dream?
- Eat. One. Learn to dream about something.

Dreams lead to heights or to the abyss.

- What is your cherished dream? - To be that guy’s cherished dream!

I have been given everything to live an exalted life. And I am perishing in laziness, debauchery and daydreaming.

“If a dream comes true, then it is no longer a dream, but a forecast and planning.” Valery Afonchenko

Blue dreams look especially good through rose-colored glasses!

If they tell you that dreams don't come true, don't believe them. They come true if you fight for them...

True love usually starts with drinking, jail, and the destruction of your life's dreams.

It's better to be a pipe dream than a fallback!

Only You can give me a Dream.

I dreamed of a meeting without separation
I dreamed of happiness, but without pain
I was running along the trail, catching up
I grabbed it, but I don’t even know what.

Life is a cruel thing: you can stumble out of the blue and have your dreams dashed...

If you dream all the time, even what could become a reality will remain a dream.

The phrase “not destiny” is an excuse for weak people who are unable to fight for their dreams...

MY dreams smell like HIS perfume...

And the last bastard dreams of becoming the first...

Dreaming is not harmful, but even very pleasant)))

Thank you. For giving me someone to dream about.

You are the dream of my dreams...

Before you dream about something, think, what if it comes true.

Yes, I live without you But I suffer from separation And only for you I breathe through the pain And I continue to dream.

[...I dream about you all the time...I close my eyes and see me get rid of you...let me go...]

Dreams are like ice cream... They will melt someday anyway)

A person must dream in order to see the meaning of life.

Toyota - drive your dream. VAZ - don't piss, we'll get there.

It’s better to have the one everyone dreams of than to dream of the one everyone has! (c)

If you have found the woman of your dreams, you can say goodbye to your other dreams.

Dreams come true only for those who work at Gazprom _(C)_

I am not GazProm to make your dreams come true!!!

If you are reading this status, know this! Santa Claus loves you and will fulfill your cherished dream, the main thing is to believe! :)

You and I are connected by one dream.

Learn to be happy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet and be nervous without a cigarette.

A best friend is the one you dream of having. big house for 2 families, cool husbands, 5 children and a bunch of small dogs.

Every girl dreams of having chalk written on the asphalt: “I can’t live without you” :)

I always dreamed of being a witness at a wedding. consider yourself at the center of the movement, but you don’t need to get married.

Recipe for success: study while others are sleeping; work while others are hanging around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish.

I have a dream in my pocket, tickets to the ocean, a suitcase of money... Do you want to come with me?

You're all bitches!!! - Rising and shaking herself, Dream said through her teeth...

Her name was Dream... - Why was she called, what happened to her?.. - It didn’t come true.

Fucking Gazprom! When will your dreams come true?

I really want to hear that you are loved... Should I call my mom?

*** moment and they are gone..

The less you love a woman, the darker your dreams.

Losing everything... And starting again with a dream.....

I love girls because you constantly dream of a date, and when they invite us, you don’t know how cold it is!

Life changes when dreams collapse...

*** and me...we have dreamed about this for so long...I love you!

For a hip-hop grab, a glass for love, a bet on a dream.

- What do you dream about? - About his brush in my bathroom.

A dream is a good guide, but a poor support.

You are my dream

Your smile is like heaven
I pray that it will always be like this.
You are my dream and I would do it
Everything you want is for you.

Everything that is with me is yours forever,
I won’t let you freeze in the future,
I can be with you forever,
You are the one thing I need in my life.

The skies will fall someday
I'll be near you
I'll give my life, and let it go somewhere
The whole world disappears without a trace.

But your eyes are always with me,
Made to be together forever
You and I will overcome everything,
I won't let you go forever.

Statuses about a dream. Statuses about a dream. Statuses to dream

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