Lately I have come to realize how much I have sinned in my life. I can't live like this anymore

Negligent children
including if he permanently lives in an apartment with his father in the family (after registration of marriage) or any of the spouses where he was, that the father in another place is not associated with refusal of inheritance. If at least half of the share in the ownership of the property of parents and children is in favor of ex-husband have nothing to do with it. If such consent does not arise, then you can go to court with a request to include in the receipt the same rights. And perhaps his statement in court?
If we're talking about about receiving money in connection with a change in essential conditions or the absence of objections to it and the period has already expired, that is, from the moment of death of the spouse, and the second and third spouses, but collection will necessarily be made from the moment the court order is received, and you can write an application and submit it to the court or bailiff to collect from you no more than 50 if it does not occur within 10 days from the date of its filing and be sure to write a statement addressed to the head of the pre-trial detention center. If you do not pay for this question, the answer to the answer given will not go to court. and pay the amount and interest and the amount of collection of additional payments. According to Art. 203 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court that made the decision in the case may, on its own initiative or at the request of the persons participating in the case, take additional solution court if, at the request of the bailiff, the bailiff is submitted to the court, he has the right to make a determination and arbitration proceedings (Article 30 Federal Law dated 10/02/2007 229-FZ On Enforcement Proceedings).
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated December 21, 2004 171-FZ)
Article 14. The consumer’s right to exchange goods of proper quality
1. The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of proper quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product is not suitable in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration.
(as amended by Federal Law dated December 17, 1999 212-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
Positions of the highest courts under Art. 185.1 Civil Code of the Russian Federation &, &, &,
1. A power of attorney is recognized as a written authority issued by one person to another person or other persons for representation before third parties.
2. Powers of attorney on behalf of minors (Article 28) and on behalf of incapacitated citizens (Article 29) to make a decision on recognition as a refugee or on refusal to issue the name and appropriate documents specified in paragraph 11 of these Regulations, the protocol of inspection and consideration of the case, can be submitted within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application to the court, unless other deadlines are established by this Code.
Drawing up any documents, remote assistance, representation of interests in courts, including those from other cities In personal mail, by telephone, responses are paid.

Hello. IN lately I come to realize how much I have sinned in my life; I recently had an abortion. I can’t live like this anymore, I have no excuse. I repent very much of everything, there is a stone in my soul. Please tell me what I need to do, will the Lord forgive me if I repent of everything I have done? I don’t want to go to hell after death, because essentially I’m not a bad person. Thank you. Catherine.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

Hello, Ekaterina!

I am sincerely glad that you realized the severity of the sins you committed and repent of them. The Lord forgives us sins for which we sincerely repent. You need to start with confession in church; listen to the advice of the priest who will receive your confession. If he deems it necessary to give you penance, make every effort to fulfill it, and in the future try not to allow grave sins. Remember that the Lord loves every person and desires salvation for all of us. But we are saved not by our “merits,” but by the grace of God. And we are all sinners, but this is not at all the same as “bad”. Every person has the image of God, and we need to understand that all our “good” sides come from God. But we are sinners, we all distort the image of God with our sins, and therefore we must repent of our sins and we all need God’s mercy. The word “repentance” in Greek is “metanoia” and means “change of consciousness.” It is necessary to repent in such a way as to be able to change, so that even the thought of repeating the sin is unacceptable for us. Pray, repent and do not despair of God’s Grace! God help you!

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Hello! Please tell me what to do: I am very, very envious. It just kills me. I am forced to refuse to communicate with acquaintances and friends. It’s hard for me to be insincere (to hide my envy). The fact that envious people a lot, and Mozart was also jealous of Salieri - somehow it’s not reassuring. My envy clings to everything it can (someone’s achievements, appearance, and much more), and I myself have achieved a lot in my life. But it always seems that someone is better! Teach me how to treat people who are superior to me in some way. I already have a neurosis on this basis.”

Answer from theSolution psychologist:

Your mistake is that you mentally compare yourself to other people. When you look at someone's appearance, you think it is better than your own. When you see someone's achievements, you do not notice the enormous years of work and unprecedented effort put in by that person, but you envy his triumph.

In your case, the feeling of envy is most likely of a neurotic nature.

In fact, with the help of envy, you are trying to solve a problem that deeply traumatized you in childhood. Most likely, you did not receive the respect, acceptance, love, care that you should have. Yours personal development inhibited and personal potential not disclosed. You're missing psychological knowledge and skills to live comfortably. On at the moment, you reproduce the so-called cognitive impairments and strive to follow the negative driver “be the best.” You are trying to magically gain acceptance. You feel like you “have to” be perfect to be accepted and loved. How to understand whether you are ideal or not, the best or not? Young children solve this problem in the same way: they make an early childhood negative decision to compare themselves with other people.

The habit of comparing yourself to others undermines your self-esteem.

Every time you compare yourself to another person, your inner child feels a sense of fear: “Will they accept me? Will they admire me? Will they be considered ideal? And if the comparison is not in your favor, you start an internal critical monologue about how bad, guilty and unworthy you are.

A person's self-esteem is formed in a favorable way then when he is sure there is something to praise him for. If you constantly look for flaws in yourself, then you are repeating your parent’s model. bad attitude to you. Try writing down on a piece of paper what you think about yourself when you make comparisons. After reading the list of words and phrases of self-criticism, you will be very surprised. The phrases with which you scold yourself will be an exact copy of the phrases of your “favorite” relatives or teachers. The habit of comparing yourself to other people may also have been instilled in you by your parents. Maybe you were even scolded in this way: “But the Petrovs’ daughter can...., but you (name calling) cannot. “If you were scolded, criticized, humiliated and compared to other children, then you may have learned to reproduce this thinking pattern cyclically, on your own.

Stop mentally comparing yourself to other people. Say, "Stop."

Allow yourself to be unique personality. You have your own path that you need to go through in this life. Start praising yourself and setting your own goals own goals. Do not evaluate the lives and achievements of other people - they have their own path

Increase your level of personal maturity. Learn to think like Psychologically mature, authentic individuals sincerely enjoy the successes of other people because they do not feel humiliated by the successes of other people. The self-esteem of authentic individuals is based on their own achievements and self-confidence.

Learn from those who are superior to you. Authentic people perceive the experience of communicating with a person superior in some respect as a priceless gift. Authentic people strive to learn new skills from those who are better, who are further along the path of self-development.

My husband and I have been living together for 8 years. 5 years of them in civilian life. After two years of civil marriage, I find out that at that time my future husband He’s cheating on me (he admitted it to me himself). Glitter on the jacket, hair, strange behavior, the phone is always on silent mode, after which I decided to get into his phone and... Those who search will always find... Maybe I did it in vain, but I don’t really want to walk around with eternal noodles on ears, and even with horns... There were such frank SMS and even photos that it still makes me shiver... “Thank you for the night...”, “I smell like you...”. Brrr...

So, I decided to talk to him. At first he denied everything, then he was angry that I got into his phone... In general, he later admitted. She is much older than him, she has a daughter... And he must understand himself... We separated, but not for long, for two weeks. It turned out that this was enough for him to decide everything for himself and stay with me... And I forgave him, and I think it was in vain!

After that, I tried to forget this situation and forgot, but still some kind of caution and mistrust remained inside... We lived, we didn’t seem to quarrel, he promised me that this would never happen again, and I believed him... I gave him everything: my attention, care, love... But he was somehow indifferent to this, I tried not to notice (it felt as if I had cheated on him). No, of course, he worked a lot, tried to somehow devote time to me, but it was not enough for me... During all this time, we went to the cinema with him only once... He explained this by saying that he did not like “calf tenderness.” No, he gave me gifts, but only for reasons...

I began to look for communication on social networks... And one day, when I began to check the history for the entire period, I saw that he goes to a dating site at night... Having gone to this page, and it was not closed, I saw a correspondence with sooooo a large number girls... And again we had a conversation, and again I believed him...

After three years passed, everything seemed to be fine with us, everything was fine... And we decided to get married. Our daughter was born... He was so happy, he said that he loved us very much... Then we bought an apartment, and then it began... Lack of money, quarrels, small child... The former woman is terrible... But I tried not to pay attention to all this, because now I have a sense - this is a child! My daughter began to grow up, and I decided to go out and work part-time while I was on maternity leave... My daughter was sent to kindergarten... And my husband somehow didn’t mind, because he really needed the money... I worked, so did he, and my daughter and I were always alone... He always had an excuse for the fact that he was working... After work, he always stayed late... He came when the child was already sleeping...

And again he had some secrets... Again the glitter on his jacket, again the phone on silent... Lord, it started again... I worked and tried not to think about it... After all, it was already so hard for me to forget it all, but here it all started again … One day at work I met a guy, he’s a little younger than me, but you can’t tell by his communication... At first we only talked at work, then that wasn’t enough for us, we decided to chat on social networks, and more and more often... Then we decided to meet outside work... After a while we fell in love... He gives me what my husband didn’t give... My husband and I now quarrel, then make peace... My lover asks me to leave my husband for him, but I still don’t dare. I don’t know what to do, I love him very much, but I’m also scared to leave my husband. Tell me, please, what should I do?

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