Define personality potential. Personal potential and its features in youth

personality potential personnel assessment

Personal potential: cognitive, moral, creative, aesthetic

In many countries of the world the most important basis national wealth is human potential, which is revealed in the activities of a leader in the process economic activity. Consequently, it becomes clear that it is the leader who is both the engine of progress and the basis for economic development. Each person has unique characteristics and abilities, strength, i.e. certain potential See: Mozgachev M.I., Problems of forming the competitiveness of the oriented economy of Russia // Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2013, No. 7..

To reveal the concept of “personal potential”, we first define the meaning of the main word - “potential”.

The Latin word potential (strength, power) came into the Russian language in the 19th century through borrowing French word“potential” meaning “could be.” That is, the concept of potential implies: a set of capabilities that, under certain conditions, become actually operating factors; unrealized abilities and the level of development of society, social, human groups See: Bulanov V., Kataitseva E. Human capital as a form of manifestation of human potential // Society and Economics, 2011, No. 1..

The belief that a person biological species has great untapped potential and is important aspect put forward Maslow's theory human motivation. Maslow believes that all, or at least almost all, babies are born with the potential for psychological growth and the corresponding need. See: Maslow A. Motivation and personality. - St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 2010..

On this definition potential, given by Maslow cannot be used as sufficient when revealing the potential of a manager, but his idea of ​​human biological predispositions acquires new uniform in the works of Yu.V. Sinyagina and V.N. Markov, who consider the “human potential of a manager” as a system of reproducible resources, manifested in the activities of a manager, which are aimed at achieving socially significant results. At the same time, the authors consider the human potential of a manager not as a certain amount of resources assigned to a person from birth (his individual competencies), but as his daily, minute-by-minute ability to realize his resources.

In his research, A. Sen, an Indian economist, considered “human potential” from the point of view of capabilities (capabilityapproach) and justified it as a process of development through the expansion of competencies, which characterizes “ more freedom choice so that everyone can choose from large number options, the goal and the way of life that he considers most preferable” See: A. Sen. Development as freedom. - M.: New Publishing House, 2004..

In the works of B.G. Ananyev's potential is considered as a qualitative characteristic of the subject, which is revealed in the specifics labor activity manager and is characterized by his ability to work, efficiency, activity, which is aimed at value orientation and motivation and depends on what is formed in the activity practical experience varying degrees of generalization See: Ananyev B.G., On the problems of modern human science. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011..

Personality receives its structure from the species structure human activity and is therefore characterized by five potentials: cognitive, value, creative (constructive, productive), communicative and artistic (aesthetic) See: Udaltsova M.V., Averchenko L.K. Sociology and psychology of management. - Rostov n/d., 2012..

Epistemological (cognitive) potential is determined by the volume and quality of information that a person has. This information consists of knowledge about outside world(natural and social) and self-knowledge. This potential includes psychological qualities with which it is connected cognitive activity person.

The axiological (value) potential of an individual is determined by the system acquired by him in the process of socialization value orientations in moral, political, religious, aesthetic spheres, i.e. its ideals, life goals, beliefs and aspirations. It's about here, therefore, about the unity of psychological and ideological aspects, the consciousness of the individual and her self-awareness, which are developed with the help of emotional-volitional and intellectual mechanisms, revealing themselves in her worldview, worldview and worldview.

The creative potential of an individual is determined by the acquired and independently developed skills and abilities, abilities to act creatively and (or) destructively, productively or reproductively, and the extent of their implementation in one or another area (or several areas) of labor, social-organizational and critical activity .

The communicative potential of an individual is determined by the extent and forms of his sociability, the nature and strength of contacts he establishes with other people. According to its content interpersonal communication expressed in the system social roles.

The artistic (aesthetic) potential of a person is determined by the level, content, intensity of her artistic needs and how she satisfies them. The artistic activity of an individual unfolds both in creativity, professional or amateur, and in the “consumption” of works of art.

Implementation of the activity approach in social psychology personality is presented in the concept of activity-based mediation of interpersonal relationships by Arthur Vladimirovich Petrovsky See: Romashov O.V., Romashova L.O., Sociology and psychology of management. - M., 2011..

The socio-psychological emphasis of this concept is that the fundamental categories in it are personality, activity and collective. Interpersonal relationships in a group are mediated by the content and values ​​of the group. Social and psychological phenomena in a group are determined by the content of this activity, the multi-level structure of group activity, and the level of development of groups. The vector of this development is from a diffuse group to the development of a team, which is a group where “ interpersonal relationships are mediated by socially valuable and personally significant content joint activities...Personality can only be understood in a system of stable interpersonal connections, which are mediated by the content, values, and meaning of joint activity for each of the participants.”

It is quite difficult to immediately take and specifically characterize the concept of “human potential”. You can find many different interpretations this concept. But in general, human potential is the ability to realize a theoretical possibility in practice.

The meaning of the word “potential” is the totality of physical strength man, and his spiritual component, by realizing which everyone can improve the quality of their life, and after this expand reproduction various structures in society.

The nature of human capabilities:

  • Systematic properties. They cannot be reduced to a simple set or list of human qualities.
  • External influence. In order for human potential to be formed and realized, it is necessary to use influences external to the person.
  • Stealth. For this human quality characterized by invisible information, attributes that can only appear with a complete change in the external situation around the individual.
  • Long-term strategy. A person’s potential is built both for the near future and for a distant alternative.

The personal potential of a certain people or nation is also highlighted. This is all the variety of open and implicit forms characteristic of the population of a particular country, which can manifest themselves in certain socio-economic and natural-ecological circumstances.

Development and expansion of potential is not only an improvement in a person’s material condition, but also a direct increase in his capabilities, the number possible options. A person will choose from them independently, preferring the option that is most interesting to him. The potential average person always strives for self-improvement.

Economic growth can influence development creative potential, ensure not only an increase in the well-being of the individual worker, but also make it possible to maintain an acceptable level of treasury spending aimed at social security, impartially distribute reserves, in general, spend money personally per capita, and not on weapons for the police to pacify unrest. Material income is only one of the components of human satisfaction, albeit one of great importance.

The state, in its desire for constant growth and increased efficiency, often does not take into account some issues that society needs and which it is not able to solve on its own at a satisfactory level. Each person has a potential reserve, and it needs to be helped to reveal it at different levels - household, regional, state.

But you shouldn’t shift the entire burden of unlocking potential onto the state machine, this could cause negative phenomenon as social dependency. And this, in turn, leads to a gradual decline in the economic activity of each person. He simply stops doing anything - the state gives him everything anyway.

Therefore, such a model of society seems more favorable when the authorities ensure not only equal consumption, but, above all, equality of opportunity. The most important areas here are education, safety, labor protection, healthcare, civil law, freedom of choice.

Many people wonder: how to unlock your potential? Development mechanism hidden qualities human is based on the following principles:

  • Performance. Each individual should have the opportunity to influence the productivity of his work, take part in improving the work process, understand the dynamics of employment and wages of workers,
  • Equal opportunities. All negatively influencing barriers should be removed - segregation by racial, gender, income level and so on. This will help the individual to participate more fully in the general economic life of society.
  • Sustainable development. Minimizing various shocks, both in the social and everyday spheres of life, which can unsettle and hinder the desire for the future.
  • Increased opportunities. It is necessary to help people become independent, to instill a responsible attitude towards own life, develop a dynamic secular position, build a civil society.
  • Stable security. Gradual increase in social standards, growth trade relations. Social unity of society, gradual improvement of its material condition.

Building Human Talents

Having understood the structure and main components of human development, we can consider its impact on some areas of society.

Nature itself initially laid in us sufficient physical and intellectual potential. This property gives us the opportunity to become pioneers in certain areas of life, to come out alive in unequal battles with wild nature, using skills primitive hunter, fisherman, gatherer, and so on.

Human history is a series of continuous wars, most of of which was a direct hand-to-hand battle, when the manifestation of each person’s physical and spiritual potential depended on whether he would remain alive. Potentially, the warrior was constantly exposed to danger from enemies.

Modern society practically does not need this skill and rarely uses it, but no one has canceled it human need unleash aggressive potential, which most effectively occurs simultaneously with enormous physical activity on the body. In addition, in many cultures there is a social need for this type of activity. This happens where the dominant values ​​are courage, fearlessness, courage and the like. But alas, in ordinary life Such qualities are quite difficult to demonstrate.

Humanity has found a way out of this situation, and this is sport. Essentially, it's a way to manifest hidden potential in an extreme situation created artificially. Some sports very vaguely resemble natural conditions, while others, for example, rock climbing, mountain hiking, sports tourism, hunting and fishing – come as close as possible to real tasks our ancestors in everyday life. This is where the need for full-fledged thrills arises.

Our society, industrial and post-industrial, is full of people who are ready to spend money, time and effort in order to break away from the usual as much as possible. modern life, get closer to the boundaries of your capabilities - physical, mental and emotional. Test yourself to the fullest, only in this way will you feel complete and truly alive. The potential of personality is so strong within us that it constantly strives to break out.

Special courses and trainings on survival in extreme conditions, in wild remote places, etc. are held everywhere. A person is ready to give a lot of effort to try himself in a one-on-one fight with wild nature. This desire lives within us, it is formed by thousands of years of evolution.

However, in modern world a person has practically no places where he can reveal this potential. It would seem that these skills were vital, and literally over the last two hundred years that have passed since the beginning of the industrialization of the world, the opportunity to realize one’s potential fuse has completely disappeared. Hence all these extreme hobbies.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a person who, for his food, survival, and in our time constantly defends the right to life of wild nature, is unlikely to agree to go to the mountains with a tourist group just like that or kayak on a mountain river. Potential risk is available to him in Everyday life.

Sport is not the only area of ​​realizing human potential. Not everyone jumps with a parachute. Artists, especially television and cinema, went much further. After all, a person is busy with routine life every day, which means he doesn’t have time for all these quirks, but sitting in a chair, turning on an adventure film, an action movie or a melodramatic series and experiencing all the emotions along with the characters in the picture is a completely accessible opportunity. Author: Andrey Vorobiev

In the literature you can find various terms: “human resources”, “ human capital", "standard of living", "quality of life", which consider a person only as an economic resource or as a consumer of various goods.

The concept of “human potential” expresses the idea of ​​a person as a subject of activity, active, self-valued and self-developing. The term “roepsia” itself, meaning both the possibility and inner strength, orients us towards a humanistic perception of people. According to V.M. Shepel, in the 21st century. the quality of workers as subjects of labor will be recognized in civilized countries as the main value priority in all management systems.

The professional extreme psychological potential of specialists is not only a set of personal, professionally significant qualities, abilities and experience, i.e. a passive component that provides the opportunity to successfully implement professional activities in extreme conditions, but, more importantly, is a generator of self-replenishment, i.e. has an active component, which is the basis for the professional and personal growth of specialists in extreme conditions. It is this component of potential that has the ability for self-understanding, self-forecasting and self-development, and is aimed at creative self-expression and identification of specialists.

The concept of “potential” is currently being studied in the following aspects: economic (labor potential), socio-organizational (human resources), socio-ecological (general vitality, life potential), psychological (personal potential), personal-social (organizational potential) .

In the concept of psychological potential in ATS management, developed by a group of scientists under the leadership of Professor V.I. Chernenilov, the following two main substructures are distinguished in the structure of professions and the psychological potential of an employee: 1) psychotechnological and 2) personal.

The first is designed to ensure the rational performance of job duties and serves as an indicator of what level of specialist a person can become. this employee, if certain psychological variables are updated during execution professional tasks(functions).

The second sets a system of semantic coordinates for work and life in general: it determines what kind of personality a person can develop. this person and how this may affect his professional activities and life in general.

In accordance with this concept, V.M. Pozdnyakov and I.E. Reutskaya have professional and psychological potential police officer understand the integrative state of the psychological components of the personality that are available, but sometimes remain unclaimed, which can be actualized and actually used in professional activities. At the same time, the psychotechnological substructure of potential is understood as a projection of the integral psyche of a police officer onto the plane of the requirements for him as a specialist, imposed in modern conditions. It fully reveals the personality in its influence on all aspects of professional activity. The personal substructure of potential is understood as everything that makes a person an individual, and not a narrow functionary: the scale of understanding of what is happening, the scale of thinking, horizons, openness to new things, civic courage, understanding of responsibility for the destinies of people, including responsibility to descendants and the Fatherland as a whole.

These approaches do not fully take into account the main feature of professional psychological potential, which makes it the main component of the specialist’s psyche. This feature is most clearly visible in extreme conditions.

The concept of professional extreme psychological potential of specialists should be approached taking into account not only personal characteristics, but also taking into account the totality of external factors influencing this person, individual, social, activity, and situational. In extreme conditions, there is not just an actualization of the professional extreme psychological potential of a specialist (which can only be represented by its passive component of various levels, while the active component may be absent or insignificant), but its formation and development as a specific mental phenomenon. Moreover, when characterizing the potential, it is advisable to talk not about the results of the formation of a specialist and the development of an individual, but about the features of the process itself, capabilities, quality, speed, timing of the formation and development of the skills of specialists. It is these parameters, and not an abstract one, even if positive result are of decisive importance in characterizing professional extreme psychological potential and in the professional and personal growth of a specialist.

So, we can conclude that the professional extreme psychological potential of a specialist should be understood as an integrative set mental components, having both passive and active content of various levels and proportions, which is formed and developed under the influence of internal personal conditions, and external - activity-based, social, situational. Moreover, the possibilities, quality, timing and speed of these processes (formation and development) depend on the state and functioning of the system: “specialist - life activity + extreme conditions (situational component) - functional group” (see Fig. 1).

In the passive group of components of the professional extreme psychological potential of specialists, it is advisable to include those that do not have operational motivating power (knowledge, abilities, skills, habits, general and special abilities, properties) and psychodynamic (endurance, energy, rhythm of work, performance, etc.) components of the personality structure, developed by the professor of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia A. M. Stolyarenko, into an active - moral and motivational component (values, ideals, needs) with a motivating force , motives, orientation, attitudes, goals).

Extreme situations not only contribute, but are also a prerequisite for the formation and development of professional extreme psychological potential of properly trained specialists. At the same time, they can lead to complete professional and personal degradation untrained specialists. Active group components of the professional extreme psychological potential of specialists is more susceptible to changes in operating conditions and can serve as a kind of indicator of the level of formation and development of the entire potential of specialists in extreme conditions. This diagnostic feature of the potential was used in the process psychological support and training of special forces personnel in extreme conditions. The active group of components of the professional extreme psychological potential of specialists contributes to the formation and development of the entire potential, including through the accumulation of potencies of the passive group of components.

Extreme conditions of professional activity force specialists to carry out deep personal transformations of the psyche. These changes are manifested in the process of professional formation, adaptation, development and improvement of specialists in extreme conditions.

In extreme conditions, the process of professional development in terms of its dynamics proceeds according to a different pattern than in normal conditions. It is more rapid, because it is possible to survive in extreme conditions only with a sufficient level of professionalism; as a rule, it is conflicting, since the character of the individual encounters harsh conditions of life and interaction between specialists, has high degree psychological habituation to risk (“risk shift”).

A. M. Stolyarenko suggests taking into account the following features in the psychological potential of the head of the police department: 1) individual management concept; 2) development of moral and psychological qualities; 3) managerial preparedness; 4) intellectual abilities; 5) emotional-volitional properties; 6) communication skills.

The professional extreme psychological potential of a department head in extreme conditions, in addition to the specified components, should include:

Developed organizational abilities and skills (coordination of mutually agreed and complementary actions;

High level of trust in yourself and the functional group (hence, high level responsibility);

Abilities for helping (training) actions that improve (perfect) the actions of subordinate employees (assistance).

Developed subconscious sphere of the psyche and high skills in managing this sphere.

The main condition for increasing the professional extreme psychological potential of a leader in extreme conditions is the development of his autopsychological competence, which is acquired in the process of professional extreme psychological training, self-training, psychoconsulting and professional activity (interaction).

Autopsychological competence of a leader is integral part his professional competence. Combined with abilities professional competence forms the so-called “practical intelligence” (Sternberg school), which can be considered as a form of acquired experience in the process of conducting special operations.

The Latin word intellectus - “understanding, comprehension” - is usually translated in dictionaries as “mind, mental abilities.” It is believed that they largely determine the employee’s success in learning and solving emerging life problems. However, this assessment is only in the area of ​​so-called “academic” intelligence, which characterizes the success of learning and solving problems of an abstract theoretical nature. At the same time, since the 80s. XX century psychologists are developing the concepts of “social”, “emotional”, as well as “practical” intelligence, which make it possible to more reliably make predictions regarding a person’s solution to problems that arise in everyday life, at work and when interacting with other people.

Intelligence, and above all practical intelligence, is extremely important for managers working in extreme conditions, since for the success of their actions they are obliged to recognize and solve suddenly emerging problems, outline and formulate strategies for solving problems, optimize the flows of different sources information and distribute available resources, personally participate in the solution or control the solution to the problem and evaluate it. The development of practical intelligence is associated with the development of managers' skills to work in professional situations filled with excessive operational information, with its lack or complete absence. To develop the practical intelligence of managers for activities in extreme conditions, it is necessary to develop their skills of concentration, distribution and retention of attention on one or several objects, professional perception of the situation, recognition, structuring, sorting, mental completion (construction), retrieval from memory, use of various information streams. In addition, verbal and nonverbal communication skills at the level of complete mutual understanding with subordinates are important.

When solving new problems in extreme conditions, intelligence alone is not enough for a leader. It is only the basis on which they base and acquire leading value personal characteristics(creativity, motivation, will, intuition).

The Latin word create is translated as “creation, creation of something new.” Creativity manifests itself not only in the peculiarities of thinking (the prevalence of divergent (multidirectional, holistically shaped) over convergent (unidirectional, partial) thinking, according to J. Guilford’s classification), but also in the specifics of intellectual activity associated with the characteristics of motivation (primarily with the tendency to curiosity and risk), as well as the ability to intuitively comprehend the nuances of a situation and overcome barriers in joint activities and communication)

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