Time to celebrate Victory Day. The history of the origin of the Victory Day holiday

The history of Victory Day, and such symbols of the holiday as the parade, fireworks, the victory banner, and the St. George ribbon.

Victory Day. History and attributes of the holiday.

Already 73 years old in Russia and participating countries former USSR celebrate. However, many, especially young people, know nothing about the history of the holiday.

History experts say that on April 30, 1945, Hitler’s suicide was a sign of approaching victory. However German troops didn’t stop, and only after a series bloody battles On May 2, Germany capitulated. The surrender was signed on May 9, 1945. So the official date was set for celebrating the victory over Nazi Germany, which was announced in the USSR on the radio.

However, the first celebration took place only on June 24, 1945. Under the command of Konstantin Rokossovsky, a parade was organized in Moscow, and festive fireworks thundered in other cities throughout the USSR.

In 1947, all events related to the celebration of the great victory were canceled by the country's leadership due to the opinion that people should relax and forget these bloody years. Some documents testify to this.

Only in 1965, 20 years later, the victory of the Soviet troops was recognized as a national holiday and on May 9 parades and fireworks were held in the cities.

In the 90s, due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, holidays in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War died down somewhat, but in 1995, two full-fledged parades were already held. One is on Red Square, and the second is on Poklonnaya Hill with the participation of armored vehicles. Wreaths were laid at monuments and memorials.
To get into the atmosphere of Victory Day, let’s look at what is typical for this holiday.

Fireworks on Victory Day

The first homemade salute was given on August 5, 1943, which celebrated the successful offensive of Soviet troops near Orel and Nizhny Novgorod. So fireworks became a tradition that commemorated the successes of the Red Army in battles.

The army held a grand salute in Kharkov when the city was liberated. This time they even used machine guns that fired bullets into the sky. But, since there were casualties after the experiment, machine guns no longer took part in fireworks.

And, of course, on May 9, 1945, the largest fireworks display was organized with the participation of 1000 anti-aircraft guns.

Victory Banner

Another attribute of the holiday is the victory banner, which was removed from the Reichstag. Taking part in parades, it proudly hovers over the soldiers marching along Red Square.

Victory Day Parades

And finally, the holiday parade itself. Traditionally, this festive event takes place on Red Square. For the first time such a decision was made by Stalin; on June 22, 1945, he issued a corresponding order scheduling a parade on June 24 on Red Square. Since then it has been like this.

The first parade was rehearsed for a month and a half, training the soldiers to take 120 steps per minute. For quick results they drew stripes along the length of the step, and pulled the ropes at a certain height. The sky was reflected in the patent leather boots, and the metal plates nailed to the soles of the boots clattered on the asphalt. It rained during the first parade. About 40 thousand people took part in the parade.

St. George ribbons

Already in our time, the symbol of the celebration of Victory Day is the herd " St. George Ribbon", which is painted black - the color of smoke, and orange - the color of fire. Its history begins in 1769, when Catherine II approved the Order of St. George the Victorious. IN Soviet era The ribbon began to be called “Guards” and was awarded to distinguished soldiers. " Guards ribbon"Participates in the design of the Order of Glory.
On Victory Day, a ribbon is tied to clothing as a sign of memory, grief and respect for the Russian soldiers who defended our freedom at the cost of their own lives.

The holiday and history of Victory Day will be unforgettable for many generations. May 9 is celebrated in many countries around the world. For for many years The holiday managed to acquire its symbolism and receive many conflicting assessments. All this is discussed in an interesting article, written in lively language and completely original.

May 9 Our entire country celebrates the holiday of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is a holiday of glory, pride, courage and eternal memory. It was on May 9, 1945, at one o'clock in the morning Moscow time, that the act of surrender of the Third Reich was adopted. On the same day, the Victory Banner and the document itself were delivered by plane to Moscow to Red Square. And in the evening, in honor of the victory, a large-scale salute of 1000 guns was given in the capital, 30 artillery salvoes were fired, complemented by the flight of multi-colored rockets and the illumination of searchlights. All this was accompanied by noisy celebration of the crowd that spontaneously formed on the streets of Moscow.

The government decided to declare May 9 a Victory Day and consider this day a non-working day. Thus, already in the first peaceful moments, the traditions of the great holiday began to be laid. However, 2 years later, in the midst of the restoration of the post-war economy, May 9 becomes a weekday. This continued until 1965, when L.I. Brezhnev, who had just come to power, ordered the restoration of the status of a non-working day.

Not a single holiday can be imagined without traditions; Victory Day also has them. Meeting front-line soldiers, congratulating war and home front veterans, laying flowers at monuments and memorials, holding festive processions and parades with demonstrations military equipment, it is impossible to imagine May 9 without this. And in anniversary years, traditions acquire a particularly solemn scope.

So in 1995, in honor of the half-century anniversary of the Victory, two parades took place in Moscow: a pedestrian one on Poklonnaya Hill and one on Red Square with the participation of military equipment. Since then, parades have been held annually. Marches of veterans who have not lost their military bearing in their advanced years always look especially touching.

An invariable attribute of Victory Day has become festive fireworks, the tradition of which was founded in Moscow in 1943 in honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod, although at that time it was not yet a salute of the winners. Since 1945, the tradition has been established of producing Victory salutes in the capital from 31 points with an interval of 20 seconds, 30 salvoes each.

One of the symbols of the celebrations is the St. George Ribbon - two-color black and orange flowers. During the war, it became a sign of the soldier’s special military valor. Nowadays, since 2005, it has been customary on the eve of the holiday to distribute a ribbon to everyone and tie it on clothing as a sign of gratitude, respect, memory, and sorrow for those who died in the war.

It is impossible to imagine Victory Day without the Victory Banner, the state relic of Russia, which was hoisted over the Reichstag on April 30, 1945. Since 1996, it has become an accepted state symbol of the victory of the Soviet people over the enemy and should be used during official celebrations, as well as public events in memory of the war.

Of course, the spiritual symbol of the holiday is the hero cities and cities military glory(their status was officially determined in 2006), who took over main blow fascist troops. In Russia there are 7 and 45 of them, respectively. Commemorative obelisks and steles are installed in them, and on May 9 and the birthday of these cities, holiday events and fireworks.

In non-CIS countries, it is customary to celebrate the victory holiday on May 8, since formally the surrender of Germany was signed first in France on May 7, and then again, according to Central European time, the next day in Germany. And the date itself, as a rule, has a different context. In the USA, the holiday is not a national holiday and is called Victory Day in Europe. It is usually attended by officials, veterans, public figures laying flowers and wreaths at memorials.

And in West Hollywood, where the country's first monument in honor of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was unveiled, next to which veterans hold a solemn procession. In England, May 9 is not a day off, however, according to established tradition, on this day a solemn ceremony in memory of the victims of the war takes place at the Soviet war memorial in London.

The countries through which the war was a heavy roller stand apart. In Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands, it is customary to celebrate the day of liberation from fascism. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Serbia, festive events are particularly solemn and official, accompanied by the laying of flowers at memorials, ceremonial demonstrations, parades and rallies. In Germany, Victory Day is not a day off, which does not cancel the celebration. Many veterans usually come to the country these days.

IN modern Russia great status The holiday is beyond doubt, which is why it is celebrated on a grand scale. Although the date is official, it has a strong basis in society, because the war, one way or another, affected almost every family. The current 73rd anniversary was no exception. Ceremonial marches are planned in 40 cities, and parades are held in 28 cities. In Moscow, the parade will feature soldiers dressed in wartime uniforms, World War II-era equipment and modern examples of the latest weapons. A very interesting and expected event will be the participation of units of a number of foreign armies in the parade.

Today, the day of victory over Nazism has acquired a vivid political context both in the near and far abroad. It has become the subject of bargaining and manipulation, incorrect assessments and opinions. The victory of the Soviet people is being called into question, new assessments of the actions of the Red Army are being voiced - not liberation, but occupation Eastern Europe. Despite this, the eternal ideals of peace, kindness, harmony, which the Great Victory gave us as anti-values ​​of war, will not cease to be relevant.

We will help you with this. We will tell you the history of the Victory Day holiday in an accessible way, bring to your attention poems, dedicated to the Day Victory.

Victory Day - May 9

Victory Day is a holiday

The day of defeat of a cruel war,

The day of defeat of violence and evil,

Day of the resurrection of love and goodness.


Sasha took out his toy gun and asked Alyonka: “Am I a good military man?” Alyonka smiled and asked: “Will you go to the Victory Day parade dressed like this?” Sasha shrugged his shoulders, and then replied: “No, I’ll go to the parade with flowers - I’ll give them to real warriors!” Grandfather heard these words and stroked Sasha on the head: “Well done, grandson!” And then he sat down next to him and began to talk about the war and victory.

On May 9 we celebrate Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers put on orders and go to meet their veteran friends. Together they remember what the war years were like.

Second world war started in 1939. It covered more than 60 countries of the world! She came to our country on the terrible morning of June 22, 1941. It was Sunday, people were relaxing and planning their day off. Suddenly the news struck like thunder: “The war has begun! Nazi Germany launched an offensive without declaring war...” All adult men put on military uniform and went to the front. Those who remained became partisans to fight the enemy in the rear.

During the long war years, people could not live in peace. Every day brought losses, real grief. More than 60 million people did not return home. Half of the dead were residents of the former Soviet Union. Almost every family has lost a grandfather, father, brother or sister...

The Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other peoples of the USSR paid a heavy price for participating in this terrible war. The war spared neither the elderly nor the children.

The attackers mocked the residents of captured cities and villages. Our soldiers fought bravely against the invaders. They could not forgive the burned houses, destroyed monuments national culture. And they felt even more pain for their lost relatives and friends. The soldiers were not afraid of hunger or cold. Perhaps they were scared too. But the dream of victory peaceful life constantly supported them.

The year was 1945. Great Patriotic War against fascist invaders was approaching a victorious end. Our soldiers fought as best they could. In the spring our army approached the capital fascist Germany- the city of Berlin.

The Battle of Berlin continued until May 2. The storming of the Reichstag, where the leaders of Germany gathered, was especially desperate. On May 8, 1945, representatives of the German High Command signed an act ending the war. The enemy has surrendered. May 9 became Victory Day, big holiday of all humanity.

Now on this day festive fireworks are sure to bloom with millions of colors. Veterans are congratulated, songs are sung for them, poems are read. Flowers are brought to the monuments of the dead. We always remember that peace on earth is the most important value.

Poems for Victory Day for children

Let there be peace

Let the machine guns not fire,

And the menacing guns are silent,

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

May the sky be blue

Let the bombers run over it

They don't fly to anyone

People and cities don't die...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Together with grandfather

The morning fog has melted,

Spring is showing off...

Today grandfather Ivan

Cleaned up the orders.

We're going to the park together


A soldier, gray-haired like him.

They will remember there

Your brave battalion.

They'll have a heart-to-heart talk there

About all the affairs of the country,

About wounds that still hurt

WITH distant days war.

Even then we were not in the world

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries,

You fought a holy battle!

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you, soldiers.

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!



Remember how the guns thundered,

How soldiers died in the fire

In forty-one, forty-five -

The soldiers went to battle for the truth.

Remember, both thunderstorms and wind are in our power,

We are responsible for happiness and tears,

On the planet our children -

The younger generation lives on.


The sun disappeared behind the mountain,

The river riffles have become foggy,

And along the steppe road

From the heat, from the evil heat

The gymnasts on the shoulders were faded;

Your battle banner

The soldiers shielded themselves from their enemies with their hearts.

They did not spare lives

Defending the fatherland - the native country;

Overcame, won

All enemies in the battles for the holy Motherland.

The sun disappeared behind the mountain,

The river riffles have become foggy,

And along the steppe road

Soviet soldiers were walking home from the war.

Day of the Great Victory over Nazi invaders is a holiday on which every resident of our country feels proud of their people.

Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of more than 26 million inhabitants of the USSR. War came to every home, to every family. Since June 1941 Red Army heroically fought the troops Nazi Germany, home front workers worked tirelessly to provide the army with weapons and food. The evacuated factories were hastily reorganized and produced shells and military equipment. The whole country worked day and night for the sake of future Victory.

Millions of people died at the front, in concentration camps, in bombed cities and burned villages. But 4 years of universal efforts have done their job.

Soviet troops approached Berlin in April 1945. Already early morning On May 1, the Victory Banner fluttered over the Reichstag. The valor and dedication of the people allowed the troops of the Soviet Army to win this terrible war- In May 1945, Germany signed the act of surrender. Radio receivers announced this joyful event to the citizens of the USSR in Levitan's voice.

Back in 1945, the first one took place in Moscow. This happened on June 24. The parade was commanded by twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky. The first Victory Parade was hosted by Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov, a holder of two Orders of Victory and four times Hero of the Soviet Union. Stalin watched what was happening from the podium.

Regimental commanders and Heroes of the Soviet Union walked ahead of the parade ranks. This honorary title During the war years, soldiers who committed a heroic act or feat received. The heroes carried the banners of units that particularly distinguished themselves in battle.

The Leningrad and Karelian, Belorussian and Ukrainian fronts. The combined regiment also paraded along Red Square Navy. During the parade, the victorious soldiers threw 200 banners of the defeated German troops at the foot of Lenin's mausoleum.

Until then, there was no holiday in the USSR that was so widely celebrated “by the whole world.” The country rejoiced: people gave flowers to passers-by, embraced each other, and sang songs of the war years. Then, on June 24, 1945, the first victorious fireworks thundered in the evening Moscow sky.

By decree Supreme Commander-in-Chief USSR I. Stalin May 9 was designated a state holiday and non-working day - Victory Day .

After the Great Patriotic War the country was devastated, and all efforts were devoted to revival national economy. There was simply no time to celebrate Victory Day on a grand scale every year. Therefore, already in 1948, the holiday was canceled, and May 9 again became a regular working day.

Only 18 years later, already under Brezhnev, the Great Victory Day was given what it deserved - in 1965, May 9 was declared a day off and the 20th anniversary of the USSR Victory in the Second World War was widely celebrated.

Victory Day celebrated abroad too – in Western Europe and the USA. These countries celebrate the holiday on the 8th, not the 9th of May. This is due to the fact that, according to Central European time, the act of complete surrender of Germany was signed at 22.43 on May 8, 1945. In Moscow at this time it was already 00 hours 43 minutes on May 9th.

The traditions of European countries are similar to Russian ones. The French President lays a wreath at the grave every year Unknown Soldier . In Germany on May 9, officials and ordinary citizens bring flowers to the monument to the Soviet Soldiers-Liberators, which is located near the Reichstag building.

Since 2005, May 8th and 9th are celebrated Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation . This holiday was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in memory of the victims of the Second World War.

Victory Day is a tribute to memory and respect to the generation thanks to which we live in free country. To all veterans, to all who survived this war, our sincere words gratitude and low bow. And for those who did not return from the battlefield or from captivity - eternal memory.

Everyone who was touched by this war accomplished a feat and deserves the title of hero. And on Victory Day, on this holiday, with tears in their eyes, millions of people will bring flowers to the monuments, to the graves of the Unknown Soldier - in memory of the dead and for the glory of the living.

On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of his homeland against fascist Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War is the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany, violating the Soviet-German treaties of 1939, attacked the Soviet Union. Romania, Italy took her side, and a few days later Slovakia, Finland, Hungary and Norway.

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed conflict in human history. On the front, stretching from the Barents to the Black Sea, from 8 million to 12.8 million people fought on both sides at different periods, from 5.7 thousand to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 84 thousand to 163 thousand guns and mortars were used , from 6.5 thousand to 18.8 thousand aircraft.

Already in 1941 the plan lightning war, during which German command planned to capture the entire Soviet Union in a few months, failed. The persistent defense of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the Arctic, Kyiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, and the Battle of Smolensk contributed to the disruption of Hitler’s plan for a lightning war.

The country survived, the course of events turned. Soviet soldiers defeated fascist troops near Moscow, Stalingrad (now Volgograd) and Leningrad, in the Caucasus, inflicted on the enemy crushing blows on Kursk Bulge, Right Bank Ukraine and in Belarus, in the Iasi-Kishinev, Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.

Over the course of almost four years of war, the Armed Forces of the USSR defeated 607 divisions fascist bloc. On Eastern Front German troops and their allies suffered more than 8.6 million casualties. More than 75% of all enemy weapons and military equipment were captured and destroyed.

The war, which became a tragedy in almost every Soviet family, ended in victory for the USSR. Act of unconditional surrender Nazi Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8, 1945 at 22.43 Central European time (Moscow time on May 9 at 0.43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the end of World War II in Europe is celebrated on May 8, and in the USSR and then in Russia - on May 9.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 1996, on Victory Day, when laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, holding ceremonial meetings, parades of troops and processions of veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Red Square in Moscow, along with National flag The Russian Federation carries out the Victory Banner, hoisted over the Reichstag in May 1945.

Where in Moscow can you get St. George's ribbon The St. George's Ribbon campaign runs from April 26 to May 9. There are 17 points for issuing ribbons in Moscow. Where you can get a St. George's ribbon, see the RIA Novosti infographic.

Since 2005, a few days before Victory Day, it starts with the goal of returning and instilling the value of the holiday to the younger generation. Black and orange ribbons have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a sign of gratitude to the veterans who liberated the world from fascism. The motto of the action is “I remember, I am proud.”
The action covers almost the entire territory of Russia, many countries of the former USSR, and in the last few years it has also taken place in the countries of Europe and North America.

According to established tradition, veterans’ meetings, ceremonial events and concerts are held on Victory Day. To monuments of military glory, memorials, mass graves Wreaths and flowers are laid, guards of honor are displayed. Memorial services are held in churches and temples in Russia. Since 1965, radio and television have been broadcasting a special solemn and mourning program “Minute of Silence” on May 9.

May 9, 2013 military the parade will take place in 24 cities of the country. 11 thousand 312 people will take part in the parade on Red Square in Moscow. It will involve 101 units of weapons and military equipment. Eight helicopters will carry the flags of the branches and branches of the military.



IN modern world There are many holidays that Russians traditionally celebrate. Some of them are personal or family in nature, others are religious, and still others are considered state. It probably won’t be an exaggeration to say that one of the most anticipated holidays of the year is Victory Day, which falls on May 9. And it’s not all about long weekends, festivities that take place on the streets of most cities, and good spring weather.

On this memorable day, which has forever entered into world history, the unity of the entire people is felt as never before, the lines between generations are blurred and a solemn mood reigns everywhere. After all, it was on May 9, 1945, at 0:43 a.m. Moscow time, that something that everyone in all corners of the world had been waiting for somewhat endlessly happened many years. The war against fascism, which cost the lives of millions of people, is finally over.

History of the Great Victory

Officially the most bloody war began in world history September 1, 1939. But in Russia trouble has come June 221941. Contemporaries forever remembered this day, which became the beginning of a real nightmare that everyone had to go through to the Soviet people, regardless of whether they were on the front line or remained in the rear.

For several years, every day brought thousands of deaths. According to some sources soviet army lost about fifteen thousand people a day. In just four terrible years, remaining not only in the memory of those who were unlucky enough to live at that time, but also in the collective memory of the entire people, approximately three hundred twenty-five thousand officers and privates fell in battle.

At first, Soviet troops were forced to retreat. The soldiers literally bit into every inch of the ground, but they could not stop the enemy. To lift morale fighters during Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 special ones began to be produced. Radical fracture during World War II occurred in the spring of 1943, which was due to the growth of the military-economic power of the states that fought against fascism. But what allied forces began to push back the enemy and win back their territories, this did not mean that they had won. Two whole years had to pass before the Victory became not only a long-awaited event that would happen sometime in the future, but also an officially documented fact.

Fights for the Reichstag began in April 1945. They lasted several weeks. Only on the first day of May Soviet troops managed to crush the Nazis and raise Victory Banner over the main stronghold of the Nazis. But negotiations for the final surrender Germany started later. And only late in the evening of May 8, the corresponding act was drawn up and signed. At this time in Moscow a new day has already begun. A day marked by the joyful news that had long been expected, hoped for, and believed in. A plane landed in the heart of the capital Soviet Union, delivered to his homeland a document indicating the surrender of the Nazis.

Great Victory Day in the USSR and Russia

The very first May 9 on the territory USSR celebrated as magnificently as ever. Thousands of people in all cities of the country poured into the streets. They cried, congratulated each other, hugged and kissed. They were happy though Victory was bitter. After all, on the territory of everything huge USSR there were practically no families who would not suffer heavy losses. And therefore, sorrow was mixed with joy, people mourned the dead, at the cost of whose lives this triumph was snatched.

In the evening of the same day, fireworks went off. There have never been such fireworks in the history of the USSR. Stalin signed a decree according to which May 9 was to become a holiday. People heard the text of the decree at six in the morning. The person who had the honor of delivering this news on the radio was announcer Levitan.

Unfortunately, the tradition of vacationing in Victory Day was interrupted after just three years. At the time, it seemed more appropriate to devote all efforts to restoring the destruction left behind by the war, rather than to organize festivities in honor of its end. And only Brezhnev in 1965 he resumed the tradition and re-declared Victory Day day off.

But in 1945 all these events were still very far away. Then people lived in one moment, which veterans never forgot about and told their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren about. And in mid-May Joseph Vissarionovich issued a decree on holding Victory Parade. Preparations began for the solemn event, which was attended by forty thousand people. Led the Parade Rokossovsky, accepted it Zhukov. On paving stones Red Square heavy equipment passed by. Planes took off into the sky above Moscow, with recognized aces at the controls. Even the pouring rain that fell throughout the day could not spoil the mood that reigned around.

Until 1948, the Victory Parade was held annually, but not in June, but on May 9. But in the next twenty years there was a break. Only after this time Brezhnev ordered the revival of the tradition and again organized the first gala event in several decades. Until the mid-eighties, when the USSR split, the Parade was held every year. The next break was short-lived. Already in 1995, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary significant event The parades on May 9 were resumed and are still held today.

Veterans, who, unfortunately, are becoming fewer and fewer every year, still take to the streets. Orders shine on their chests, each of which they earned with blood and sweat. They meet each other and reminisce old times and friends we lost many years ago. Elderly people visit graves unknown soldier, put flowers to eternal flame, they travel to places of military glory and to the graves of comrades who were not lucky enough to live to see this day.

In schools on the eve of the holiday, all kinds of events are held, meetings between children and veterans are organized so that they can tell the younger generation about past exploits. Flags fly over the cities, and thematic artistic and documentaries. Concerts are also held at which modern musicians perform military songs. And museums organize special exhibitions dedicated to the Victory.

V-E Day

IN European countries This bright day is also celebrated. It is celebrated even in Germany. The celebrations are dedicated to the liberation from fascism and the memory of the victims of concentration camps. But in all Western countries It is customary to celebrate Victory Day on May 8, since in their time the legendary act that ended the war was once signed on this very day.

Victory Day in the British capital in 1945 was celebrated on Trafalgar Square and in Buckingham Palace. The British were personally congratulated by the royal couple: George VI and then still very young Queen Elizabeth. Myself Winston Churchill said solemn speech, standing on one of the balconies of Buckingham Palace.

In the United States Great Victory celebrated no less magnificently. Today there are two holidays dedicated to the defeat of the Nazis. One of them is a tribute to the victory over Germany, the other over Japan. Back in 1945, Americans saluted their veterans, made speeches and paid a lot of attention to memory Franklin Roosevelt who did not live to see happy moment just a few weeks.

Despite the fact that every year that grandiose event moves further and further away from contemporaries, forgetting about the experience that humanity received during World War II it is forbidden. Just like many years ago, on May 9, we need to remember the people whose efforts gave future generations a chance to live, and try not to make mistakes that could potentially lead to a new catastrophe.

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