Beautifully said quotes. The most beautiful quotes and statuses of great people

There is an opinion that there are words-shackles, there are words-destroyers, and there are words-wings. And, if the first and second should appear in our vocabulary as rarely as possible, then the latter can shape our lives and our worldview. But their function is much more. Let's get to know them, find out what they are and how to use them. “Wings” include beautiful quotes. What are they about? What power do they have? And why should you pay attention to them?

Graceful sayings

Wings are what allow birds to fly and soar. This is how they help us believe in own strength and break away from the dullness and everyday life in thinking with beautiful phrases. They have strength and courage, they have confidence and kindness. The main purpose of such sayings is to help.

If you love, love with all your soul,
If you believe, then believe until the end.
And then they will be with you
Your happiness, love and dream!

To find out where your heart lives, pay attention to where your mind wanders during moments of daydreaming.

When you look for yours happiness, don't take it from others.

Don't complain about the cold outside, if you yourself haven’t put a drop of heat into it.

Everyone wants a beautiful rose beautiful night, good friend. It is important to be able to love a rose with its thorns, the night with its mystery, a friend with all his problems.

Someone hesitates to confess their love? Tell them the inspiring: “You will succeed!”, and he will overcome his internal doubts, no matter how frightening they may be. If a friend has to accept serious decision, assure him of support using beautiful sayings. Tell him that no matter what decision he makes, you will be there and help you overcome everything, give him wings so that when he takes off, he can look at the situation from the outside. This will help him be calmer and more confident.

A woman shouldn't tell a man that that loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about this. They speak louder than any words.

Some people enjoy the rain others just get wet.

We think God sees us above y - but he sees us from the inside.

Elevate your words not a voice. Flowers grow from rain, not from thunder.

May this day be happy
And everyone's dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere,
And the flowers smile...

It doesn't matter what face you have– what matters is what it expresses. It doesn’t matter what kind of voice you have, what matters is how precious your words are. It doesn't matter how you talk - your actions speak for themselves.

A person needs wings so that, armed with them, he can become richer. So that the whole world becomes closer to him. They expand his horizons so much that the first thing he sees when analyzing beautiful aphorisms, this is yourself. He understands what he is really capable of and how to use all the potential that he has!

Love is when you want it experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run away with someone spring thunderstorm under the lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer, pick berries and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter - help survive a runny nose and long evenings

Love is a bath you need to either dive headfirst or not get into the water at all.

Hearts are like flowers- they cannot be opened by force, they must open themselves.

Thousands of candles can be lit from one single candle, and her life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Don't throw out phrases rashly, There are words stronger than a hurricane.
Wounds from a knife heal, but wounds do not heal from words...

Every person needs beautiful phrases that can lift them off the ground, because we are all sometimes overcome by fears and doubts, some are haunted by gossip, bad wishes, and envy. How to overcome everything? But there is no need to fight, otherwise you will easily be drawn into the cycle of complexity and swamp uncertainty. Flap your wing, read the beautiful words, and soar, soar above these difficulties. They are not worth spending a minute of your life on these insignificant things.

Where there is a lot of love, there are a lot of mistakes there. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake.

The best shot is a random shot.
The best thoughts are your own.
The most best feeling- mutual.
The most best friends - true friends.
Most best man- for each one.

Even though life is not tied with a bow, it's still a gift.

In thunderstorms, in storms,
Into everyday shame,
In case of bereavement
And when you're sad
Seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.
S. Yesenin

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.

Know how to rejoice, know how to understand your significance and the significance of certain events and people in your life. Those of the people you need, let them stay in it, do not let others put shackles on you to destroy your personality and your life. What will help with this? Wise and beautiful aphorisms. Start the day by reading them, and when problems arise, read the strengthening sayings again.

Everyone has a quiet corner in their soul,
Where we don't allow anyone.
And at the same time we anxiously dream,
For someone to cross the threshold.

Failure doesn't mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

I am the air don't try to hold it back. Breathe while I let myself breathe!

I'm not asking for a lighter burden., and so that the shoulders are stronger and the heart is wiser.

Sayings with magical powers

Magic is the ability to transform a wonderful moment into a lifetime. It is precisely the magic of transformation that words-wings possess; they transform disbelief into confidence; fears – in force; beautiful aphorisms transform losses into gains. How do they do it?

Not being able to live forever, we have the opportunity to live brightly.

Nothing will ever go away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we don’t see the most beautiful things in life, but feel them with our hearts...

About some words and expressions we can safely say: appetizing; wise; peace-loving; filled deep meaning. And each point very accurately characterizes beautiful phrases.

Don't be afraid of changes in life,
All the more inevitable.
They come at that moment
When they are necessary.

Tasty or colorful, juicy, beautiful phrases, those that call for action. If we want to praise someone, encourage them to be active, or give a compliment, we use special vocabulary. Vocabulary in which expressions that completely capture the attention of the interlocutor, turn on his imagination and motivate him to act.

A husband and wife should be like hands and eyes:
When your hand hurts, your eyes cry, and when your eyes cry, your hands wipe away your tears.

True love is when you love not the one you would like to meet, but the one you don’t want to part with.

Happiness can't be loud. It is quiet, cozy, dear...

Don't teach your children to be rich. Teach them to be happy. When they grow up, they will know the value of things, not their price.

So often we all lack balance in everything, in desires, in aspirations, and in relationships. It is beautiful quotes that help you find harmony in yourself and in your outlook on life. Simply put, they help you become wiser and teach you through examples of the experience and knowledge of worthy people.

How easy it is to offend someone!
He took and threw out a phrase angrier than pepper...
And then sometimes a century is not enough
To return an offended heart...
E. Asadov

- That time of year, when people should warm each other: with their words, with their feelings, with their lips. And then no cold is scary.

You can always close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel.

Learning to resolve issues kindly is a talent that deserves respect. What will help us with this? Beautiful phrases. Anytime conflict situation such talent is the only thing that will help us remain real people. In the family, at work or in an informal meeting, each of us needs to show that the first thing we value is peace. And on this basis we can build strong relationships.

Wise, filled with deep meaning

Beautiful aphorisms are deep waters, which are rewarding to explore and enjoyable to enter. Their waters carry our thoughts away from familiar and ordinary things into the depths of consciousness. That's where we find true goals for which we live and strive for.

The day is over. What was in it?
I don’t know, I flew by like a bird.
It was an ordinary day
But still, it won’t happen again.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they were sent to you by fate.
After all, there are only a few of them in your life.

To be remembered by children tomorrow, need to be in their lives today.

Don't trust those who speak beautifully there is always play in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

Exact Quotes

Why not make beautiful sayings the basis of your life? They illuminate the path for us to follow. They make adjustments accurately and accurately, pointing out our mistakes and suggesting how they can be corrected. That’s why it’s worth reading beautiful aphorisms every day. Read them yourself and forward them to your friends, post them on social networks and try to actually follow their simple wisdom. What will you gain by paying such attention to these statements? Wings!

The one who is to blame for disappointment is always the one who was enchanted, but not enchanted, so do not scold the glass that seems like a diamond to you.

Three things never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore... don’t waste time, choose your words, don’t miss the opportunity.

Before you judge someone, put on his shoes, walk his path, trip over every stone that lay on his path, feel his pain, taste his tears... And only after that tell him how to live!

My Guardian Angel... I’m tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don’t fall... And if I stumble, You lift me up...

Let them tell me: “All the trains have left,
and it’s too late to expect anything from life.”
And I will answer - this is nonsense...
There are still ships and planes!

I live in a world full of things I don't have but would like to have. Correction... I exist, because this is not life.

If a person’s life consists of nothing but happiness, then the very first problem becomes its end.

Those who persistently test their life to the limit, sooner or later achieve their goal - they end it spectacularly.

You shouldn't chase happiness. It is like a cat - there is no use in chasing it, but as soon as you mind your business, it will come and peacefully lie on your lap.

Every day can be the first or the last in life - it all depends on how you look at this issue.

Each new day is like taking a match out of the box of life: you have to burn it to the ground, but be careful not to burn the precious reserve of the remaining days.

People keep a diary of past events, and life is a diary of future events.

Only a dog is ready to love you for what you do, and not for what others think about you.

The meaning of life is not to achieve perfection, but to tell others about this achievement.

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

There is only one true law - the one that allows you to become free. Richard Bach

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome. (Kozma Prutkov)

For every minute you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he does not need others. (Seneca Lucius Annaeus the Younger).

In search of joy and happiness, a person runs away from himself, although in reality real source joy is within himself. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)

If you want to be happy, be it!

Life is love, love supports life in the indivisible (it is their means of reproduction); in this case, love is the central force of nature; it connects the last link of creation to the beginning, which is repeated in it, therefore, love is a self-returning force of nature - a beginningless and endless radius in the circle of the universe. Nikolai Stankevich

I see the goal and don’t notice the obstacles!

In order to live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It's not always an easy sacrifice. Richard Bach

Possessing all kinds of benefits is not everything. Receiving pleasure from owning them is what happiness consists of. (Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais)

Corruption is everywhere, talent is rare. Therefore, venality has become a weapon of mediocrity that has permeated everything.

Misfortune can also be an accident. Happiness is not luck or grace; happiness is a virtue or merit. (Grigory Landau)

The peoples have made freedom their idol, but where on earth are the free people?

Character can be shown in important moments, but it is created in the little things. Phillips Brooks

If you work towards your goals, then these goals will work for you. Jim Rohn

Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do!

Don't solve the problem, but look for opportunities. George Gilder

If we don’t take care of our reputation, others will do it for us, and they will certainly put us in a bad light.

In general, it doesn't matter where you live. More or less amenities is not the main thing. The only thing that matters is what we spend our lives on.

I must lose myself in activity, otherwise I will die of despair. Tennyson

There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for another (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. Special rain - hope, faith and the meaning of life. If there is no rain, everything in the soul dies. Paulo Coelho

Life is beautiful when you create it yourself. Sophie Marceau

Happiness sometimes falls so unexpectedly that you don’t have time to jump to the side.

Life itself should make a person happy. Happiness and misfortune, what a huckstering approach to life. Because of it, people often lose their sense of the joy of life. Joy should be as integral to life as breathing. Goldermes

Happiness is pleasure without remorse. (L.N. Tolstoy)

The most great happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.

Any unambiguity primitives life

The entire actual life of a person can deviate from his individual purpose, as well as from generally valid norms. With selfishness, we perceive everyone, and therefore ourselves, entangled in a motley veil of illusions, woven from stupidity, vanity, ambition, and pride. Max Scheler

Suffering has great creative potential.

Every desire is given to you along with the forces necessary to fulfill it. However, you may have to work hard for this. Richard Bach

When you attack the heavens, you must take aim at God himself.

A small dose of stress restores our youth and vitality.

Life is a night spent in deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare. A. Schopenhauer

If you deliberately set out to be less than you can be, I warn you that you will be miserable for the rest of your life. Maslow

Everyone is only as happy as he knows how to be happy. (Dina Dean)

Whatever happens tomorrow must not poison today. Whatever happened yesterday should not choke tomorrow. We exist in the present, and we cannot despise it. The joy of a burning day is priceless, just as life itself is priceless - there is no need to poison it with doubts and regrets. Vera Kamsha

Don't chase happiness, it is always within you.

Life is not an easy task, and the first hundred years are the hardest. Wilson Misner

Happiness is not a reward for virtue, but virtue itself. (Spinoza)

Man is far from perfect. He is sometimes more hypocritical, sometimes less, and fools chatter that one is moral and the other is not.

A person exists when he chooses himself. A. Schopenhauer

Life goes on when familiar image life dies.

An individual does not have to be wiser than an entire nation.

We all live for the future. It is not surprising that bankruptcy awaits him. Christian Friedrich Goebbel

It is important to learn to accept yourself, to value yourself, no matter what others say about you.

To achieve happiness, three components are needed: a dream, self-confidence and hard work.

No man is happy until he feels happy. (M. Aurelius)

True values ​​always support life because they lead to freedom and growth. T. Morez

Most people are like falling leaves; they fly in the air, spin, but eventually fall to the ground. Others - a few of them - are like stars; they move along a certain path, no wind will force them to deviate from it; within themselves they carry their own law and their own path.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at closed door.

In life we ​​reap what we sow: he who sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed. Luigi Settembrini

If whole life many will come unconsciously, then this life no matter how it is. L. Tolstoy

If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room.

I see only two paths in life: dull obedience or rebellion.

We live as long as we have hope. And if you have lost her, under no circumstances allow yourself to guess about it. And then something can change. V. Pelevin “The Recluse and the Six-Fingered”

The most happy people do not necessarily have all the best; they just do moreover what they do better.

If you are afraid of misfortunes, then there will be no happiness. (Peter the Great)

All our lives we do nothing but borrow from the future to pay the present.

Happiness is such a monstrous thing that if you don’t burst from it yourself, then it will require at least a couple of murders from you.

Happiness is a ball that we chase while it is rolling and that we kick when it stops. (P. Buast)

It seems to me that I will miss you even in heaven...

Night gives shine to stars and women.

Love is a state of mind when you cannot live without your loved one, he is necessary like air, like life, and the moment of separation from him seems like an eternity...

There is no need to fear the end of your life, you need to fear that it will never begin.

Set yourself up for a positive... Then the day will go as it should... Don't bother yourself... Then the reward will find you... Don't whine day after day... That everything is so bad and miserable... Never lose heart... And you will see everything, it will be wonderful...

Love is a feeling of great affection for a person. When this person is not around, there is sadness and sadness, and great happiness when you are together. You can’t live without him for a minute, just as he can’t live without you. Love is passion, it is a constant extreme. This is what we live for...

A girl should be a mystery: small, cute, sweet.
Flirtat, make eyes, believe in all sorts of fairy tales.

To remain holy and sinful, to be beautiful soul and externally.
A charming, cunning imp, a gentle, soft fluffy kitten.

A cheerful, playful minx, to love and always be loved.

Madly and passionately in love, affectionate, timid and domineering.

Be able to laugh through your tears and never give up!

Anyone who is looking for his own path must understand that at the beginning there will always be a crossroads...

It is better to love and once fall out of love than never to love and never fall out of love.

You have to pay for love in installments, and even then mostly when love, alas, has already ended.

And she will only laugh, casting a predatory glance in response; as anyone knows, there are no rules in the life of a cat.

Love is a voluptuous and at the same time very bitter monster, from which there is neither salvation nor protection.

You need to be able to close boring book, leave a bad movie, quit with bad work and part with people who don’t value you.

The most beautiful quotes - Everything you look at with love seems beautiful...

Success is achieved by those who have fire in their hearts!

A woman would rather love a person she hates than someone she is indifferent to.

I don't need tomorrow if you're not around.

There are many similarities between our lives and a delicious dinner. But the difference is that at dinner, dessert is served at the end.

Love never bothers to ask the mind's opinion, but always makes it pay all its bills.

Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we only wanted to play with her.

Don't believe it! Don't be afraid! Don't ask! Don't make a mistake twice. Carry your cross with dignity, Do not humiliate yourself in front of everyone.

The same can be said about love as about high mountain: as soon as you climb to the very top, you have to go down.

It’s such a miracle to just live! Breathe and wait for what happens next, Be above evil, resentment, falsehood, Forgive, fall in love and be friends!

We met too early... to realize that it was love, and too late to just remain friends.

Lovers - love! Lonely - find it! Lovers - keep it!

Love is like truth - sometimes it inspires, and sometimes it hurts.

Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the closest will hear, and only the lover will hear what you are silent about...

One of the reasons we crave love so much and seek it so desperately is because love is the only cure for loneliness, shame and sadness. But some feelings are hidden so deeply in the heart that only all alone you can discover them. Some truths about yourself that are revealed to you are so painful that only by experiencing a feeling of shame can you live with it. And some things are so sad that only your soul can mourn them.

Love at a distance is a difficult test, and only the most will survive it. serious relationship. But on the other hand, how wonderful it is that somewhere there is a person who waits and loves.

The anger and rage of lovers is the renewal of love.

Being a human is a lot, but being a woman is even more.

Live as you want, do as you know your right, you decide everything yourself.

People should know: in the theater of life, only God and the angels are allowed to be spectators.

Never tell people about your plans. Just take it and do it. Let them freak out about the results, not the chatter.

I feel bad, but you think I’m happy... I play, and you think I live... I still have a lot of masks, but you don’t even try to take them off. I'm telling the truth, but you don't believe me.

I met a man and fell in love with him. I allowed myself this weakness for one reason - I don’t expect anything and I don’t hope for anything.

When something ends in life, be it good or bad, there is an emptiness left. But the emptiness left after bad things fills itself. The emptiness after something good can only be filled by finding something better...

There are evenings when the sky seems like a desert to me, the stars seem like cold, gloomy dead bodies, corpses in this lifeless, meaningless universe, only we are the only ones rushing about alone on our little seedy provincial planet, as if in a remote town, in a remote place where there is no water, it’s dark and even fast trains don't stop...

The emerging attraction is fraught with inexplicable charm, the whole charm of love lies in change.

I am air, don't try to hold it. Breathe while I let myself breathe!

Soft fluffy snow fell all night, and a delightful whiteness enveloped the world and sparkled in the rays winter sun, seemed to be a veil mercifully thrown over all the mistakes and humiliations of the past.

Someone said that "people don't change in a day." Believe me, they change even in one hour, when they realize that there is still a whole real life. And the past is the past.

For centuries, a woman has played the role of a mirror, endowed with a magical and deceptive property: the figure of a man reflected in it was twice its natural size.

... I am all one continuous love for you. Even, perhaps, the word “love” is still too weak. I have a feeling for you that only one can have for God: everything is here - reverence, love, and obedience...

Even from a dream you can make jam if you add fruit and sugar.

Love is like a flower that can only be given to one person at a time.

Don't talk about wasted love! Love is never wasted; even if she did not make the heart of another person richer, then her waters, returning back to their source, like rain, will fill it with freshness and coolness.

No, it was not death that she was afraid of. She was afraid of life, which began to remind her of a gray waiting room in the intensive care unit.

Everything in the world is so changeable... It is impossible to catch the moment when happiness comes to you.

If we welcome life with all our hearts, as a gift whose boundaries extend ever further, then our torment, disappointments, and bad luck will be filled with the same meaning for us as our joys.

Beautiful quotes - The girl with green eyes... No, not ideal at all, she is just beautiful... She is so sincere and playful... She loves caramel dreams, sweet coffee and the concept of “we”... Early spring on the soul... Hot sun inside... And paradise disappearing into her dreams...

Loneliness in the family is like ink spilled onto a white sheet of paper. It seems they were created for writing beautiful words, phrases, thoughts and, interacting with paper, could create a real work of art. But the ink spills and, having spilled, destroys both the paper and itself along with it...

True love shows itself in misfortune. Like a light, it shines brighter the darker the darkness of the night.

Holding hands and tenderly hugging each other, lovers hide in what they themselves created. soap bubble happiness and do not notice anything around.

There is a string in every heart. She will definitely respond, even to the weak call of the beautiful.

Gratitude is a beautiful flower that grows from the depths of the soul.

Love is one of those sufferings that cannot be hidden; one word, one careless glance and even silence are enough to give him away.

Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for.

You have to be sensitive, know what questions not to ask. When to be silent, when to touch, when to be, and when to disappear. I want to make sure that you will be with me enough so that I both feel you close and miss you. And that you will never turn your back on me in bed.

Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

Every era craves something more beautiful world. The deeper the despair and disappointment in the troubles of the present, the more intimate is such a thirst.

Life gives a person only one unique moment, the secret of happiness is that this moment is repeated again.

Drawing dreams is not stupid. Even if they never come true. It's stupid not to dream.

Man seeks miracles. If only he could see how wonderful the human heart is.

After you left and I was left with only your scent, I closed the window so as not to let it out. I was like a dog that couldn’t understand that its owner had left and was about to return. When you disappeared I tried to remember your face, but couldn’t because of melancholy. I tried to understand how we met, who we were, and when “you and I” became “we.”

When one door of happiness closes on us, another opens; but very often we do not see a new passage, looking at the closed door and suffering.

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