Fluid from cells into intercellular space into cells. Cleansing the intercellular space

Between cells, or intercellular (interstitial) space. The liquid located in this space is called intercellular (interstitial) fluid.
In addition to liquid, the intercellular space contains two main types of solid structures: bundles of collagen fibers and proteoglycan filaments. Longitudinal bundles of collagen fibers provide tissue elasticity. The finest proteoglycan fibers are molecules twisted in the form of spirals or curls, containing ~98% hyaluronic acid and ~2% proteins. The molecules are so thin that they may be indistinguishable when viewed with a light microscope and are only detectable by electron microscopy. Proteoglycan filaments in the interstitial spaces form a loose, narrow-loop network like felt.
Fluid enters the intercellular space through filtration and diffusion from blood capillaries. It contains almost all the same substances as blood plasma. The exception is proteins. Their molecules are too large to pass through the pores of the capillary endothelium. Therefore, the concentration of proteins in the interstitial fluid is negligible. Interstitial fluid is located in the smallest volume spaces between proteoglycan fibers. The result is a solution, a suspension of proteoglycan fibers in the interstitial fluid, which has the properties of a gel. Therefore, a solution of proteoglycan filaments in interstitial fluid is called tissue gel. Since proteoglycan filaments form a loose, narrow-loop network, free movement solvent, as well as other massive amounts of molecules of substances through the network cells is limited. Instead, the transport of individual molecules of substances through the tissue gel occurs through simple diffusion. Diffusion of substances through the gel is almost as fast (99%) as diffusion through interstitial fluid free of proteoglycan filaments. The high speed of diffusion and small distances between capillaries and tissue cells allow not only water molecules, but also electrolytes, nutrients with small molecules, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other end products of cell metabolism, and a number of other substances to pass through the interstitial spaces.
Although almost all the fluid of the interstitial spaces is in the tissue gel, some fluid is found in the minute free ducts and free vesicles of the interstitial space. Flows of free-flowing fluid (free from proteoglycan filaments) through the interstitial spaces can be observed if any dye is injected into the circulating blood. The dye, along with free liquid, flows along the surfaces of collagen fibers or along the outer surfaces of cells. In normal tissues, the amount of such free-flowing interstitial fluid is very small and amounts to less than one percent. In contrast, with edema, these tiny vessels and ducts become significantly larger. They may contain more than 50% interstitial fluid free of proteoglycan filaments.

Intercellular contacts.

The plasma membrane, as already mentioned, takes an active part in intercellular contacts associated with the conjugation of unicellular organisms. In multicellular organisms, due to intercellular interactions, complex cellular assemblies are formed, the maintenance of which can be carried out in different ways. In germinal, embryonic tissues, especially in the early stages of development, cells remain connected to each other due to the ability of their surfaces to stick together. This property of adhesion (connection, contact) of cells can be determined by the properties of their surface, which specifically interact with each other. The mechanism of these connections has not yet been sufficiently studied, but most likely it is provided by the interaction between lipoproteins and the glycocalyx of plasma membranes. With such intercellular interaction of embryonic cells, a gap of about 20 nm wide, filled with glycocalyx, always remains between the plasma membranes. Treatment of tissue with enzymes that disrupt the integrity of the glycocalyx (mucases acting hydrolytically on mucins, mucopolysaccharides) or damaging the plasma membrane (proteases) leads to the separation of cells from each other and their dissociation. However, if the dissociation factor is removed, the cells can reassemble and reaggregate. This way you can dissociate cells of sponges of different colors, orange and yellow. It turned out that in a mixture of these cells two types of aggregates are formed: consisting only of yellow and only of orange cells. In this case, mixed cell suspensions self-organize, restoring the original multicellular structure. Similar results were obtained with suspensions of separated cells from amphibian embryos; in this case, selective spatial separation of ectoderm cells from endoderm and from mesenchyme occurs. Moreover, if tissues from late stages of embryonic development are used for reaggregation, then various cellular ensembles with tissue and organ specificity independently assemble in vitro, epithelial aggregates similar to renal tubules, etc. are formed.

Connections between cells in the tissues and organs of multicellular animal organisms can be formed by complex special structures, which are actually called intercellular contacts. These structured intercellular contacts are especially pronounced in the integumentary border tissues, in the epithelia. It is possible that the primary separation of a layer of cells connected to each other using special structured intercellular contacts in the phylogenesis of animals ensured the formation and development of tissues and organs.

Thanks to electron microscopy, a lot of data has accumulated on the ultrastructure of these connective formations. Unfortunately, their biochemical composition and molecular structure have not yet been sufficiently studied.

By studying cell connections in epithelial layers, one can detect the following structures connecting cells with each other: simple contact, “lock” type connection, tight contact, intermediate contact or adhesion zone, desmosomal contact, gap junction.

Such a variety of contacts can occur when homogeneous cells unite. For example, all the main types of contacts occur in the liver.

Scheme of the structure of intercellular contacts.

1- simple contact, 2- “lock”, 3- tight

NO contact, 4 – intermediate

contact, 5 - desmosome, 6 - slit-like

Scheme of the structure of intercellular contacts

rat hepatocytes: nc - simple contact,

h – “lock”, d – desmosome,

sk – connecting complex,

zs – adhesion zone, tight contact;

GC – bile capillary, GC – slit-like junction.

Simple contact, found among the majority of adjacent cells of various origins. Most The surfaces of contacting epithelial cells are also connected by simple contact. Where plasma membranes contacting cells are separated by a space of 15 - 20 nm. As already mentioned, this space represents the supramembrane components of cell surfaces. The width of the gap between cell membranes can be more than 20 nm, forming expansions and cavities, but not less than 10 nm. On the cytoplasmic side, no special additional structures are adjacent to this zone of the plasma membrane.

Lock type connection is a protrusion of the plasma membrane of one cell into the intussusception (invagination) of another. On a cut, this type of connection resembles a carpenter's seam. The intermembrane space and cytoplasm in the “lock” zone have the same characteristics as in areas of simple contact.

Tight make contact- this is the zone where the outer layers of the two plasma membranes are as close as possible. The three-layered membrane at this contact is often visible: the two outer osmiophilic layers of both membranes merge into a common layer of thickness

2 - 3 nm. Membrane fusion does not occur over the entire area of ​​tight contact, but represents a series of point membrane fusions; On the cytoplasmic side, in this zone there are often numerous fibrils about 8 nm in diameter, located parallel to the surface of the plasmalemma. Contacts of this type have been found between fibroblasts in tissue culture and between embryonic epithelium and mesenchymal cells. This structure is very characteristic of epithelia, especially glandular and intestinal ones. In the latter case, the tight contact forms a continuous zone of fusion of plasma membranes, encircling the cell in its apical (upper, looking into the intestinal lumen) part. Thus, each cell of the layer is, as it were, surrounded by a ribbon of this contact. With special stains, such structures can also be seen in a light microscope. They received the name end plates from morphologists. It turned out that in this case the role of the closing contact is not only the mechanical connection of cells with each other. This contact area is impermeable to macromolecules and ions, and thus it locks and blocks the intercellular cavities (and along with them the actual internal environment body) from external environment(in this case, the intestinal lumen)

Closing or tight junction occurs between all types of epithelium (endothelium, mesothelium, ependyma)

Intermediate contact(or adhesion zone) In this place, the intermembrane distance is slightly expanded (up to 25 - 30 nm) and

in contrast to simple contact, it is filled with dense contents, most likely of a protein nature. This is an intermembrane substance

It is destroyed by proteinases and disappears after calcium is removed. From the side of the cytoplasm, in this place one can see a cluster of thin microfibrils 4-7 nm thick, arranged in the form of a network to a depth of 0.3-0.5 μm, which creates a high electron density of the entire structure, which immediately catches the eye when studying such contacts V electron microscope. There are several types of this contact. One of them, the adhesion zone, forms a belt, or band, around the cell. Often such a belt goes immediately behind the tight contact zone. Often found, especially in the surface epithelium, the so-called desmosome. The latter is a small area with a diameter of up to 0.5 μm, where between the membranes there is a region with high electron density, sometimes having a layered appearance. A section of electron-dense substance is adjacent to the plasma membrane in the desmosome zone from the cytoplasm side, so that the inner layer of the membrane appears thickened. Under the thickening there is an area of ​​thin fibrils that can be immersed in a relatively dense matrix. These fibrils (in the case of the integumentary epithelium, tonofibrils) often form loops and return to the cytoplasm. In general, areas of the desmosome are visible in the electron microscope as dark spots, symmetrically located on the plasma membranes of neighboring cells. Desmosomes were isolated as a separate fraction from the integumentary epithelium.

The functional role of desmosomes is mainly mechanical communication between cells. The richness of desmosomes in the cells of the integumentary epithelium gives it the ability to be a tough and at the same time elastic tissue.

Intermediate type contacts are found not only among epithelial cells. Similar structures are found between smooth muscle cells and between heart muscle cells

In invertebrate animals, in addition to the indicated types of joints, septate desmosomes are found. In this case, the intermembrane space is filled with dense partitions running perpendicular to the membranes. These partitions (septa) can look like ribbons or honeycombs (honeycomb desmosome)

Slot contact is a region with a length of 6.5-3 μm, where the plasma membranes are separated by a gap of 2-3 nm, which, after osmosis, gives this entire structure a seven-layer appearance. From the cytoplasm, no special structures near the membrane are detected. This type of connection is found in all types of tissues. Functional role The gap junction apparently involves the transfer of ions and molecules from cell to cell. For example, in cardiac muscle, the transmission of action potentials from cell to cell occurs through this type of contact, where ions can move freely across these intercellular junctions. The maintenance of such ionic communication between cells depends on the energy obtained through oxidative phosphorylation.

Synaptic contact(synapses) This type of contact is characteristic

For nerve tissue and occurs as between two neurons

and between a neuron and some other element - a receptor

or an effector (eg, neuromuscular terminal).

Synapses are areas of contact between two specialized cells

for one-way transmission of excitation or inhibition from

one element to another.

Types of synapses: 1- presynaptic membrane (membrane of the nerve cell process); 2 – postsynaptic membrane; 3 – synaptic cleft; 4 – synaptic vesicles; 5 - mitochondria

Basically this kind of

functional load, impulse transmission can be carried out by other types of contacts (for example, gap-like contact in the cardiac muscle), however, in synaptic communication high efficiency and mobility of impulse implementation is achieved. Synapses are formed on processes nerve cells– these are the terminal sections of dendrites and axons. Interneuron synapses usually have the appearance of pear-shaped extensions, plaques at the end of the nerve cell process. Such a terminal extension of the process of one of the nerve cells can contact and form a synaptic connection both with the body of another nerve cell and with its processes. Peripheral processes

nerve cells (axons) form specific contacts with

effector cells or receptor cells. Consequently, a synapse is a structure formed between sections of two cells, just like a desmosome. The membranes of these cells are separated by the intercellular space of a synaptic cleft about 20 - 30 nm wide. Often in the lumen of this cleft a fine-fibrous material located perpendicular to the membranes is visible. The membrane in the area of ​​synaptic contact of one cell is called presynaptic, the other, which receives the impulse, is called postsynaptic. In an electron microscope, both membranes look dense and thick. Near the presynaptic membrane is detected huge amount small vacuoles, synaptic vesicles filled with transmitters. Synaptic vesicles, at the moment of passage of a nerve impulse, release their contents into the synaptic cleft. The postsynaptic membrane often looks

thicker than conventional membranes due to accumulation near it on the side

cytoplasm of many thin fibrils.

Synaptic nerve endings can be isolated by fractionating the cellular components of nervous tissue. It turns out that the structure of the synapse is very stable: after cell destruction, the contact areas of the processes of two neighboring cells are torn off, but not separated. Thus, we can assume that synapses, in addition to the function of transmitting nervous excitation, provide a rigid connection between the surfaces of two interacting cells.

Plasmodesmata. This type of intercellular communication is found in plants. Plasmodesmata are thin tubular cytoplasmic channels that connect two adjacent cells. The diameter of these channels is usually 40-50 nm. The membrane limiting these channels directly passes into the plasma membranes of neighboring cells. Plasmodesmata pass through the cell wall that separates the cell. Thus, in some plant cells, plasmodesmata connect the hyaloplasm of neighboring cells, so formally there is no complete demarcation, separation of the body of one cell from another, it is rather a syncytium, a union of many cellular territories with the help of cytoplasmic bridges. Membranous tubular elements can penetrate into the plasmodesmata , connecting the cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum of neighboring cells. Plasmodesmata are formed during cell division, when the primary cell membrane is being built. In newly divided cells, the number of plasmodesmata can be very large (up to 1000 per cell); with cell aging, their number decreases due to ruptures. increasing the thickness of the cell wall.

The functional role of plasmodesmata is very great; with their help, intercellular circulation of solutions containing nutrients, ions and other compounds. Lipid droplets can move along plasmodesmata. Through plasmodesmata, cells are infected with plant viruses.

Intercellular contacts

U multicellular organisms Due to intercellular interactions, complex cellular assemblies are formed, the maintenance of which can be carried out in different ways. In germinal, embryonic tissues, especially in the early stages of development, cells remain connected to each other due to the ability of their surfaces to stick together. This property adhesion(connections, adhesion) of cells can be determined by the properties of their surface, which specifically interact with each other. The mechanism of these connections is quite well studied; it is ensured by the interaction between glycoproteins of plasma membranes.

In addition to relatively simple adhesive (but specific) connections, there are a number of special intercellular structures, contacts or connections that perform specific functions.

Locking or tight connection characteristic of single-layer epithelia (Fig. 9). This is the zone where the outer layers of the two plasma membranes are as close as possible. The three-layer structure of the membrane at this contact is often visible: the two outer osmophilic layers of both membranes seem to merge into one common layer 2-3 nm thick.

Membrane fusion does not occur over the entire area of ​​tight contact, but represents a series of point-like approaches of membranes. With special stains, such structures can also be seen in a light microscope. They received the name from morphologists end plates. The role of the closing tight junction is not only to mechanically connect cells to each other. This contact area is poorly permeable to macromolecules and ions, and thus it locks and blocks the intercellular cavities, isolating them (and with them the internal environment of the body) from the external environment (in in this case- intestinal lumen).

Closing, or tight, contact occurs between all types of single-layer epithelium (endothelium, mesothelium, ependyma).

Simple contact, found among most adjacent cells of various origins(Fig. 10). Most of the surface of contacting epithelial cells is also connected using a simple contact, where the plasma membranes of the contacting cells are separated by a space of 15-20 nm. This space represents the supramembrane components of cell surfaces. The width of the gap between cell membranes can be more than 20 nm, forming expansions and cavities, but not less than 10 nm.

On the cytoplasmic side, no special additional structures are adjacent to this zone of the plasma membrane.

Gear contact (“lock”) is a protrusion of the surface of the plasma membrane of one cell into the intussusception (invagination) of another (Fig. 11).

On a cut, this type of connection resembles a carpenter's seam. The intermembrane space and cytoplasm in the “lock” zone have the same characteristics as in zones of simple contact. This type of intercellular connections is characteristic of many epithelia, where it connects cells into a single layer, promoting their mechanical fastening to each other.

The role of mechanical tight fastening of cells to each other is played by a number of special structured intercellular connections.

Desmosomes, structures in the form of plaques or buttons also connect cells to each other (Fig. 12). In the intercellular space there is also visible dense layer, represented by interacting integral membrane cadherins - desmogleins, which adhere cells to each other.

On the cytoplasmic side, a layer of the desmoplakin protein is adjacent to the plasmalemma, with which the intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton are associated. Desmosomes are most often found in epithelia, in which case the intermediate filaments contain keratins. In cardiac muscle cells, cardiomyocytes, contain desmin fibrils as part of desmosomes. In the vascular endothelium, desmosomes contain vimentin intermediate filaments.

Hemidesmosomes, in principle, they are similar in structure to the desmosome, but represent a connection of cells with intercellular structures. Thus, in epithelia, linker glycoproteins (integrins) of desmosomes interact with proteins of the so-called. basement membrane, which includes collagen, laminin, proteoglycans, etc.

The functional role of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes is purely mechanical - they adhere cells to each other and to the underlying extracellular matrix firmly, which allows the epithelial layers to withstand large mechanical loads.

Similarly, desmosomes tightly bind cardiac muscle cells to each other, which allows them to carry out enormous mechanical loads while remaining connected into a single contractile structure.

Unlike tight contact, all types of adhesive contacts are permeable to aqueous solutions and do not play any role in limiting diffusion.

Gap contacts (nexuses) are considered communication junctions of cells; these are structures that are involved in direct transmission chemicals from cell to cell that can play big physiological role not only during the functioning of specialized cells, but also to ensure intercellular interactions during the development of the organism, during the differentiation of its cells (Fig. 13).

Characteristic of this type of contact is the bringing together of the plasma membranes of two neighboring cells to a distance of 2-3 nm. It is precisely this circumstance for a long time did not allow distinguishing on ultrathin sections this type contact from a tight separating (no) contact. When using lanthanum hydroxide, it was observed that some tight junctions would allow the contrast agent to pass through. In this case, lanthanum filled a thin gap about 3 nm wide between the close plasma membranes of neighboring cells. This gave rise to the term gap contact. Further progress in deciphering its structure was achieved using the freezing-cleavage method. It turned out that on the cleaved membranes, the zones of gap contacts (sizes from 0.5 to 5 μm) are dotted with hexagonally arranged particles with a period of 8-10 nm, 7-8 nm in diameter, having a channel about 2 nm wide in the center. These particles are called connexons.

In gap junction zones there can be from 10-20 to several thousand connexons, depending on functional features cells. Connectons were isolated preparatively; they consist of six subunits of connectin - a protein with a molecular weight of about 30 thousand. By combining with each other, connectins form a cylindrical aggregate - a connecton, in the center of which there is a channel.

Individual connexons are embedded in the plasma membrane so that they pierce it right through. One connexon on the plasma membrane of a cell is precisely opposed by a connexon on the plasma membrane of an adjacent cell, so that the channels of the two connexons form a single unit. Connexons play the role of direct intercellular channels through which ions and low molecular weight substances can diffuse from cell to cell. It was discovered that connexons can close, changing the diameter of the internal channel, and thereby participate in the regulation of the transport of molecules between cells.

The functional significance of gap junctions was understood from the study of giant cells salivary glands Diptera. Due to their size, microelectrodes can easily be introduced into such cells in order to study the electrical conductivity of their membranes. If electrodes are introduced into two neighboring cells, their plasma membranes exhibit low electrical resistance, current flows between cells. This ability of gap junctions to serve as a site for transport of low-molecular compounds is used in those cellular systems where it is necessary fast transfer electrical impulse(waves of excitation) from cell to cell without participation nerve transmitter. Thus, all muscle cells of the myocardium of the heart are connected using gap junctions (in addition, the cells there are also connected by adhesive junctions). This creates the condition for the synchronous reduction of a huge number of cells.

With the growth of a culture of embryonic cardiac muscle cells (cardiomyocytes), some cells in the layer begin to spontaneously contract independently of each other at different frequencies, and only after the formation of gap junctions between them do they begin to beat synchronously as a single contracting layer of cells. In the same way, the joint contraction of smooth muscle cells in the uterine wall is ensured.

Synaptic contact(synapses). This type of contact is characteristic of nervous tissue and occurs both between two neurons and between a neuron and some other element - a receptor or effector (for example, a neuromuscular ending) (Fig. 14).

Fig.9. Tight contact Fig. 10. Simple contact
Rice. 11. Gear contact Fig. 12. Desmosomes
Fig. 13. Nexuses Rice. 14. Synaptic contact

Synapses are areas of contact between two cells specialized for the unilateral transmission of excitation or inhibition from one element to another. In principle, this kind of functional load, impulse transmission can be carried out by other types of contacts (for example, a gap junction in the cardiac muscle), however, in synaptic communication, high efficiency in implementation is achieved nerve impulse.

Synapses are formed on the processes of nerve cells - these are the terminal sections of dendrites and axons. Interneuron synapses usually have pear-shaped extensions, plaques at the end of the nerve cell process. Such a terminal extension of the process of one of the nerve cells can contact and form a synaptic connection both with the body of another nerve cell and with its processes. Peripheral processes of nerve cells (axons) form specific contacts with effector cells or receptor cells. Therefore, a synapse is a structure formed between regions of two cells (just like a desmosome). The membranes of these cells are separated by an intercellular space - a synaptic cleft about 20-30 nm wide. Often, in the lumen of this gap, a fine-fibrous material located perpendicular to the membranes is visible. The membrane in the area of ​​synaptic contact of one cell is called presynaptic, the other, which receives the impulse, is called postsynaptic. In an electron microscope, both membranes look dense and thick. Near the presynaptic membrane, a huge number of small vacuoles, synaptic vesicles filled with transmitters are detected. Synaptic vesicles, at the moment of passage of a nerve impulse, release their contents into the synaptic cleft. Postsynaptic membrane often looks thicker than ordinary membranes due to the accumulation of many thin fibrils near it on the cytoplasmic side.

Plasmodesmata. This type of intercellular communication is found in plants. Plasmodesmata are thin tubular cytoplasmic channels connecting two adjacent cells (Fig. 15). The diameter of these channels is usually 20-40 nm. The membrane limiting these channels directly passes into the plasma membranes of neighboring cells.

Plasmodesmata pass through the cell wall that separates the cells. Thus, some plant cells plasmodesmata connect the hyaloplasm of neighboring cells, so formally there is no complete demarcation, separation of the body of one cell from another, it rather represents a syncytium: the unification of many cellular territories with the help of cytoplasmic bridges.

Membranous tubular elements connecting the cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum of neighboring cells can penetrate inside the plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata are formed during cell division, when the primary cell membrane. In newly divided cells, the number of plasmodesmata can be very large (up to 1000 per cell); as cells age, their number decreases due to ruptures with increasing cell wall thickness.

The functional role of plasmodesmata is very great: with their help, intercellular circulation of solutions containing nutrients, ions and other compounds is ensured.

I welcome you, dear readers, to the blog. Today I bring to your attention information about cleansing the intercellular space. I found some thoughts interesting, so I’m happy to share.

I have already written about cleansing the lymphatic system.

Lymph is the liquid tissue of the body and the most easily accessible and nice way to clean it is the bath.

Additionally, you need to add a week of fasting or intense exercise, or all together at the same time.

This type of cleansing helps the body cleanse itself not only of old toxins, but also of heavy and radioactive metals.

Research has shown that in conditions of hunger or malnutrition, small intestine begins to produce melatonin - a hormone of the pineal gland, which has long been known as "rejuvenation hormone". When used in people, tumors, fibroids, fibroids, cysts resolve, mastopathy disappears and insomnia goes away.

During cleansing, the skin is intensively cleansed. But to remove many toxins, moisture is needed, so it is very important for human cells to sweat during cleansing so that they can easily release the toxins accumulated in them and drink water. If you do not have the opportunity to take a Russian bath at least once a week or intensively load your muscles physical exercise, then try to take a shower or bath at least twice every day.

During this period, the skin secretes something all the time. All intercellular waste can be removed through the skin if you take warm baths every morning and evening.

Deep lymph cleansing can be done as follows.

The intercellular space can be in two states: thick (gel) and liquid (sol). The state of the intercellular fluid can change, depending on the temperature it becomes liquid or thick. In the sauna, the intercellular fluid liquefies and begins to move into the lymphatic system. When pouring cold water the space between the cells narrows and the intercellular fluid stops flowing. We go into the sauna again, and the liquid can move again.

In addition, there are substances that can thicken or thin the intercellular fluid.

To cleanse the lymph, it must be diluted with clean liquid so that excess lymph is released from the body. About 80% of poisons are found in the intercellular fluid, because there are 50 or more liters of it in the human body.

To cleanse yourself means to replace all this acidified water in which fungi, bacteria, and dead cells live. And after this, the cells will receive a second life.

If we assume that a person excretes 1.5 liters per day, then these one and a half liters need to be included in him. Dividing 50 liters of cellular and intercellular water by 1.5 liters, we get 34 days - this is the number of days during which a complete replacement of lymph will occur, if, of course, we inject 1.5 liters of water into ourselves daily.

At the same time, it is possible to remove poisons deposited in it from the body with the help of substances that do not dissolve themselves, but attract poisons to themselves.

These are sorbents: white clay (the best sorbent), activated carbon, alfalfa, or you can use vegetable cakes obtained from a juicer.

Lymph cleansing is as follows: a person drinks 2 tablets of licorice root three hours before the sauna. The lymph is liquefied. Within an hour, he drinks 1.5 liters of alkaline water or freshly squeezed juices, and after another hour he takes sorbents: three to four tablespoons of vegetable cake balls (from which the juices are squeezed). These balls must be swallowed like tablets.

Moreover, the following are used:

  • beet pulp for hypertension
  • Carrot pulp balls for heartburn
  • for liver disease - parsley root cake
  • Black radish cake is used for asthma
  • for leukemia - apple cake
  • for diabetes - blueberry or chicory pulp
  • if a person’s feet get cold, then cabbage cake is used

It has been noted that beet pulp has a “side” effect - it actually reduces appetite :)

If a person drinks 2 tablets of licorice root and one and a half liters of juices or alkaline water, then the lymph is liquefied, being able to move through the lymphatic system, and reaches the intestines.

Filtration occurs there, and if at this moment a sorbent enters the intestines, then all the crap that was in the body and collected in the intestines is adsorbed onto the sorbent. There will be clean liquid inside, and all the poisons will go out.

Sorbents can be consumed without a sauna every day 2 hours before meals or 3 hours after meals. You can prepare them yourself by making small balls from the fruit or vegetable pulp left over from the juicer. These balls should be swallowed without chewing, 2-4 tablespoons at a time.

Another way to cleanse the capillaries is morning and evening hot baths.

In the morning, add 0.5 cups of vinegar to the bath and take it for 15 minutes.

In the evening, add alkali to the bath, for example, 0.5 kg of baking soda per bath and also sit in it for 15 minutes.

Alkaline toxins come out through the skin in the morning, and acidic ones in the evening.

Another equally effective procedure- these are turpentine baths according to Zalmanov. In addition to normalizing capillary blood circulation, they are good for chronic diseases musculoskeletal system, occurring with pronounced pain syndrome.

Turpentine is obtained from pine resin. It has dissolving, stimulating and disinfecting properties. It was used for medicinal purposes by the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The fabric in which it was wrapped egyptian pharaoh, was impregnated with resin. How were we convinced? modern researchers, this resin impregnation has not lost its ability to destroy microbes to this day!

That is why hot procedures using pine needles are used, because they contain turpentine.

Turpentine dissolves perfectly in water, easily penetrates the skin and affects nerve endings.

Turpentine baths are made in two types of emulsion: white and yellow. The technology for using Zalmanov baths is outlined in the instructions for using the Zalmanov bath kit, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or on the Internet.

However, it must be taken into account that it is not possible to cleanse the lymph if the liver is clogged with Giardia.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the methods I am writing about relate to alternative medicine, so if someone wants to use them, then they need to understand that everyone is responsible for their own health.

With wishes of harmony, health and joy in your life, Jeanne Nickels.

When writing the article, materials from books by V.A. Shemshuk were used.

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The human body is a completely extraordinary phenomenon.

If we were able to examine these tissues in which cellulite forms under a microscope with a magnification of several hundred times, we would be able to see many different cellular formations. Each of them individually plays a significant role in maintaining the vital activity of cells and tissues. In order to understand the deep processes of cellulite formation, we will consider the functions of each such formation separately.


In these tiny vessels surrounding the cells, most important function blood circulation, called the exchange of nutrients and excretory products between tissues and circulating blood. When this vital function is disrupted, the capillaries weaken and leak more fluid into the intercellular space than necessary. This additional leakage of fluid is the beginning of the formation of tissue called cellulite.

Intercellular space

One sixth human body consists of intercellular space. Since nutrients move from the blood to the cells through a process called diffusion, through the fluid surrounding each cell, it is very important that the cells are located as close to each other as possible, and the distance between the capillaries and cells is kept to a minimum. The tiny spaces between cells, those spaces between them, should not contain more fluids than is necessary to maintain a healthy and clean “internal cell environment”, namely, the environment in which the process of exchange of nutrients and excretory products can effectively occur. When excess fluid is formed, the formation of a fibrous substance begins. This, in turn, further separates the cells and increases the distance not only between the cells themselves, but also between the cells and the capillaries. As a result, the metabolic process becomes more difficult. And tissue that has areas of stagnation can no longer function effectively.

The role of potassium

Oxygen and nutrients do not pass directly from capillaries to cells. On the contrary, they dissolve in the intercellular space and are sucked out by the cell from this space. Excretion products follow the same route, but in opposite direction. The energetic course of this process is ensured mainly by a certain ratio of salts that are found in the tissues, namely sodium and potassium salts. Together, these two chemical elements form a kind of bidirectional “pump”, which, on the one hand, pumps nutrients into cells, and on the other, waste products from the cell. All kinds of stagnation, “plugs” in tissues significantly weaken the effect of this very important mechanism, called the “sodium-potassium pump”, and thereby slow down metabolic processes.

When we eat rationally, we consume healthy food, the body receives the required amount of sodium. If sodium intake is higher required quantity, this leads not only to water retention in the body, but also to a decrease in cell activity. Potassium is the chemical element, which naturally neutralizes the effects of sodium.

Products of exchange

Trillions of cells in our body are constantly working to nourish, restore and renew themselves. As a result of this continuous activity, which is called cellular metabolism or exchange, products are formed that must be immediately removed. If all the processes of our body are in a well-functioning, balanced state, the amount of excretory products is minimal, and as they accumulate, they are removed with the help of lymph.

The processes of utilization and excretion do not occur, however, equally, evenly and simultaneously in all parts of the body: in those organs or tissues where the blood circulation process is slowed down - in this case, the pelvis, thighs and buttocks - decay products accumulate faster than they are removed by lymph.

Free radicals

Free or oxidative radicals are highest degree unstable molecules that attack the cell, penetrate inside and damage internal, vital cellular structures. Free radicals are constantly produced in the body as by-products of chemical reactions. Smoking, excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine, drugs and bad job intestines, diseases - all this leads to excessive clogging of the body with by-products of oxidative reactions.

Diets high in fat, as well as overeating in general, lead to accumulation in the body. free radicals. These molecules are most easily released by the oxidation of fats, so the more fatty foods you eat, the more free radicals are created in your body. However, burning fat too quickly also produces these dangerous molecules, so rapid weight loss should be avoided. Once formed, free radicals destroy collagen, which is one of the main components connective tissue, and also serves as a framework for the skin, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and ages prematurely. Another cause of free radical damage is prolonged exposure to the sun.

Metabolic products and clogging of the body with toxins

The close relationship between the formation of cellulite and the clogging of the body with toxins has been repeatedly proven by European physiologists. Great value In the clogging of our body with toxic waste, disruption of the normal functioning of the intestines (constipation), congestion in the liver and kidneys, these two most important organs that cleanse the body of waste products, play a role. A sensitive indicator of the level of slagging in the body is fatigue. Fatigue, however, is also part of vicious circle: It releases toxins in the body, which in turn lead to even more fatigue. Stress and nervous tension also entail additional education waste, which means clogging the body with toxins. As a result, both the most important organs of purification and excretion, as well as the intercellular spaces of our body, become overcrowded with decay products. Obviously, to improve the functioning of the entire system as a whole, a general cleansing of the body at the cellular level is necessary.

Lymph and its role in cleansing the body

The primary importance of lymph circulation in the body is to cleanse it of decay products. Lymph circulation is closely related to blood circulation, but it exists as a separate independent system, and part of its functions is to help ensure microcirculation of cells.

Cleansing the body by the lymphatic system occurs as follows. Lymph collects excess fluid, decay products and other substances from the intercellular space and delivers them to “filtration stations” or so-called lymph nodes, which are scattered throughout the human body. The lymphatic vessels eventually drain into two large veins located close to the heart, thus returning the lymph to the bloodstream, where it is further processed and delivered to the excretory organs. Now, I think it is easy for you to understand why the lymphatic system is also called the “waste management system.” The lymphatic system performs many functions, and one of them, for example, is protective, when the lymph acts as a kind of barrier, protecting the body from disease and infection.

Unlike circulatory system, the lymph circulation system does not have a central “pump”. The movement of lymph is ensured by contractions of skeletal and respiratory muscles.

If the speed of lymph circulation is slowed down for any reason, accumulation and stagnation of intercellular fluid occurs in the tissues. In places where the speed of movement of lymphatic fluid is especially low and is mainly due to gravity, for example, in the pelvis and thighs, congestion provokes the formation of cellulite. Poor lymph circulation also affects high fatigue and inertia of other vital important processes. Effective drainage of lymphatic fluid is task number one for the normal functioning of the body as a whole.

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