Infertility from an esoteric point of view. Unknown causes of infertility

Today, many couples cannot become parents, despite the fact that from a medical point of view they are absolutely healthy. If visits to doctors do not produce results, and a woman cannot get pregnant for many years, it is probably worth looking for the cause of the problem. material world. In today's article you will learn about the most common spiritual causes of infertility.


Often a woman subconsciously or consciously treats herself poorly, does not accept her nature and accumulates negative emotions (resentment, anger and hatred) for years. This leads to self-destruction and diseases of the reproductive organs.

Resentment towards men

Sometimes women on a subconscious level experience hatred and resentment towards men. This may appear as a consequence negative experience in childhood, when my father hurt my mother, or as a burden from a past life. In the current manifestation, a woman needs to work on her emotions and solve the lessons of Fate in order to get pregnant.


Abortion is a great sin, a rejection of one’s natural destiny - motherhood, a rejection of a child - a soul that was supposed to come into this world. A woman can be punished for this in her present life - infertility. In addition, there is a possibility that her soul will work off this heavy karma in her next life.

Abandonment of a born child

If a woman abandoned an already born child in a past life or in this one, Higher powers can punish her with infertility. The child is a gift from above, a trust that was placed in her, and which she did not justify. Refusal of your destiny to be a mother and failure to fulfill it is always strictly punished.

Bad mother

An unacceptable attitude towards children earlier in this life or in a previous incarnation (cruelty, physical or mental violence) will certainly lead to the woman being forced to bear punishment. She must repent and ask for forgiveness from God and the soul to whom she is guilty.

Child as an idol

Excessive attachment to the desire to have children becomes the reason that a woman cannot get pregnant. Man is always deprived of what he deifies and prays for. If a woman or man begins to love someone or something more than God, it will certainly be taken away from him. In addition, idealization and unhealthy manic love for children often lead to aggression, despotism and tyranny, the inability to recognize the right of your child to live in his own way.


Sometimes a woman experiences a very strong fear of responsibility, childbirth, pain, and fear of losing her spring attractiveness. This destructive emotion blocks the flow of energy into the female reproductive organs and destroys them. In order to remove fear, you need to identify its cause and work with it. After such work, a woman will be able to get pregnant and give birth to a child.

Karma kind

It happens that many generations in a family suffer from hereditary diseases that lead to the inability to have children or complicate this task. This suggests that members of the clan are punished for some evil committed by one of their ancestors, and do not practice this lesson from generation to generation. In addition, the cause of infertility can be hatred and resentment towards parents. A woman must establish relationships with her family, forgive them and reveal gratitude in her heart - only after this she will be able to become a mother herself. It is also necessary to thoroughly work on the karma of the family, find out the causes of problems and solve them.


A curse is a powerful destructive program that destroys a person on a spiritual and physical level. Sometimes people, without realizing it, can curse each other and their loved ones. Evil words, curses that a person utters while in a state of extreme emotional upsurge are charged with strong negative energy. They are capable of destroying the life and fate of not only the person they cursed, but also harming his descendants up to the fourth generation! Signs that indicate that the family is cursed with childlessness:

  • Stillborn children or early mortality (up to three years of age).
  • Presence of childless marriages among relatives.
  • Sick or mentally retarded children.
  • There are many widows and widowers and lonely people in the family.
  • Women have had ectopic pregnancies.
  • There are many alcoholics and drug addicts in the family.

These reasons indicate bad ancestral karma, which only a specialist can identify.


This negative program affects men and women differently, since they different points entry of energy into the body. Men receive nutrition from the Heavenly Father, through the point of the crown - from above. Women are from Mother Earth, through reproductive organs- from below. Therefore, if damage is done to a man, things will not go well for him in all areas of life, since the negative program runs through everything. energy centers. A woman receives a huge blow directly to her reproductive organs, which affects her physical body various diseases. She becomes sexually unattractive and suffers from the inability to bear and give birth to a child.

Calculation of potential dates for conceiving a child. Prepare for motherhood by knowing your fertile dates...

Signs that indicate that a woman has damage:

  • A woman cannot become pregnant, although according to all medical indicators she is completely healthy.
  • A woman experiences cycle disorders.
  • For no reason, a woman begins to suddenly lose or gain weight.
  • All relationships with young people do not lead to marriage.
  • The woman feels a loss of strength, exhaustion, and her appearance deteriorates.

Unlike a curse, damage may not manifest itself in any way. long time and slowly destroy the body on a physical level.

Sins of past lives

Sometimes in this life a person pays for the sins of the previous one. If the soul in its previous incarnation committed some bad act, for example, took the life of another person, in this incarnation a program is launched that does not allow building relationships with the opposite sex and having children. Birth infertility occurs as a result of the fact that one of the person’s relatives was once involved in the death of a child (including abortion). Descendants have to work off this terrible sin.

Everything at once

Often the reason for the absence of children can be the unwillingness to trust God and the desire to get everything at once. Such married couples believe that a child should appear in the family soon after marriage, and are very worried if this does not happen. This causes anxiety and worry. In this case, the spouses should trust the divine will, and everything will come in due time.

Sometimes the Higher Powers deliberately delay and do not give a couple children so that they can complete some mission together.

Selfishness of parents

Sometimes a young family deliberately delays conceiving a child, preferring to first live for themselves and resolve their material issues. Such people take a pragmatic approach to the birth of a baby and do not perceive it as God's gift, but rather as another project. In this case, the Higher Powers teach them a lesson, depriving them of the opportunity to become parents.

Unmarried marriage

Often spouses, having lived unmarried for many years in a civil marriage, are unable to have children. However, having gotten married, having sealed their union with a divine blessing, they soon become parents.

Special child

There are cases when God sees that the child who should come to this family will be sick or born disabled. Then he allows the baby not to be born. There is evidence that when mothers continued to pray fervently and asked to send them a child, the will was revealed to them Higher powers who warned that this person could become a villain, a murderer, a blasphemer.

Emotional immaturity

Sometimes spouses are not given children because they are not morally and emotionally ready to become parents. In such a family, scandals and mutual betrayals often occur; the husband and wife are not ready to take care of the child or sacrifice for him. In this case, the couple is given some time to emotionally mature in order to become parents.

It also happens that, being in a relationship with one man, a woman could not for a long time get pregnant, despite all your efforts. However, having married someone else, she forever forgot about this problem and became a mother.

There are many causes of infertility, and it is not so easy to identify them on your own. In order not to waste your time, you need to seek help from a specialist. After all, only a person with paranormal abilities will be able to see the root cause of any problem at a subtle level and eliminate it.

It has been proven that more than 80% of all pathologies are directly related to psychological problems, but appear as physical illnesses, i.e. occur initially on energy level. To understand the connections between human energy, emotions and illnesses, I turned to a Reiki Master, a healer who deals with energy problems leading to infertility.

Where does “energy” infertility come from?

Indeed, diseases, including infertility, are only external manifestation negative emotions and blocks in consciousness. Blocks are created deep in the unconscious based on past experiences, observations of the experiences of others (most often loved ones and relatives), as well as conclusions drawn based on fears and beliefs.

Karma has a huge influence. Refusal of this “goodness” (a child), expressed in the form of termination of pregnancy in the past, gives the unconscious a signal to avoid pregnancy in the future.

There are many reasons for energy infertility, but among the main reasons I would also highlight:

How to get rid of energy infertility?

I would like to say that this is very simple, but... Probably one of the most complex tasks for a person it is to change something in oneself, and now I’m not talking about a haircut or plastic surgery (smiles), but about the inner content and worldview. Only by changing himself can a person come to a certain understanding, and subsequently abandon some negative attitude or getting rid of a block that prevents you from achieving what you want. As well as improving your karma and the karma of your family, which is inextricably linked with “results”. The above fully applies to the problem of infertility, both in women and men, but is not limited only to this pathology. This also applies to desired achievements in other areas of life.

How can you find out what exactly is the reason for a person? Is there any way to understand?

Well, working on yourself is always good, so changing for the better certainly won’t do any harm. (smiles) And you can find out what emotions cause illnesses, and whether there are any wrong attitudes, by yourself, by “digging” into yourself and asking simple questions:

  • How does the thought of pregnancy make me feel?
  • Why do I want a child?
  • How will I treat the child?
  • How do I feel about my partner/husband?
  • How do I feel about myself and what do I think about my real self?
  • What do I think about infertility?

This is, of course, only a small part, the rest of the questions will appear as the answers are given - you need to listen to yourself and analyze.

It is said a lot that shrines, prayers, pilgrimages to holy places help with infertility, if this is true, then how does this happen?

Yes, sometimes the way to get rid of infertility is pilgrimage to holy places, prayers, and the help of healers. The mechanism of such an influence is quite simple: the “energetic value of the situation” has a certain influence on the unconscious, as if “ennobling” it, partially freeing it from negativity.

I see this as some kind of medicine. Am I right?

Rather, this can be thought of as a kind of “virus” that is positive for humans. Getting into a strong positive energy field, a kind of positive infection occurs, as a result of which the view on certain things and subconscious attitudes change, and blocks can be eliminated. Gradually, naturally, and only with the participation of the person himself. Quite often, couples who do not have any medical abnormalities are unable to conceive a child for a long time or lose one at different stages of pregnancy. There are equally well-known cases where infertile couples, despite the diagnosis, become happy parents.

And the last question: you smiled a little mysteriously all the time - I felt like a schoolboy. Perhaps my questions seemed a little naive to you?..

No. (smiles) It’s rather me holding back the manifestation of joy associated with the hope for something good... I’m always pleased to know that someone will try to look at life a little differently, and perhaps change for the better. Even if a person was pushed to this by the problem of infertility and the search for the causes of reproductive dysfunction. After all, the ways of the Lord are mysterious.

Alexander Yasny

At this session, the ward fell into past life, where her current husband was also related to her by marriage. In the current incarnation, the couple is on the verge of divorce and the ward wanted to see what exactly was the reason for this. She also wondered why she could not have children for a long time.

At the beginning of the session, the ward found herself in a life that she lived in a village, where she was married against her will (to the same soul who is her husband today). After watching some moments of everyday life, we were transported to the last day of that incarnation to find out what lessons she learned from it.

A: Everything is somehow gray, as if it’s raining. Autumn. It's somehow very sad. It's like I'm lying somewhere. Rain outside the window, November. Very sad, I didn’t do something. It seems that I really regret my life. It feels as if I’m lying on a bench or on a stove, and it’s very... no family, no one close to me, very sad.
Q: Why are there no loved ones? Didn’t it happen, or did you leave, or did they die?
A: I don’t understand, the house is empty.
Q: Have you ever been married, or were there any close people?
A: I don't see. I see that already adult girl, I’m going somewhere in a cart, I don’t want to. They take you forcibly, as if they were marrying you off somewhere nearby. Don't want.
Q: And next door, let’s look at your husband. Who did you get married to?
A: Some man with a forelock. Treats me well, a cheerful guy in person.
Q: And yet you don’t want to be with him...?
A: I don’t want to leave my mother.

Q: What happens 10 years after your wedding? What is your relationship like?
A: I don’t see any children. We are bored and uninteresting.
Q: And what happens, why do you find yourself alone at the end of your life? What happens between you if he leaves before you?
O: I see a well...
Q: What is this well connected to? Where did this well come from?
A: I don’t know, I look at it and cry. Dark water.
Q: Just dark water? And where is your husband? Show your husband, please.
A: I don't see. The well - he must explain this, the well.
Q: Maybe he drowned in this well?
A: Maybe, but I don’t see it.

Q: Guardian, are there any other important points, which we need to work through today before asking questions? Let’s say why were we sent specifically to this life, which we saw at the very beginning, why were they shown to us the well?
A: There is no need to change people by force. A person can break.
Q: So in your life you broke your husband, you mean?
A: Yes, I wanted to make him feel better, but he couldn’t stand it.
Q: And do we understand correctly that he did end up in the well?
A: Yes.
Q: By choice?
A: Yes (sad)

Acceptance and kicks

Q: Relationship with my husband, why exactly can’t I separate? Is there a connection with this incarnation where he drowned?
A: Yes. They cannot solve problems from life to life. ( the voice changes a little. The Guardian speaks through the ward)
Q: So it’s the same question, are you constantly trying to change each other? Or do you constantly pull it on yourself? ( My husband has a drinking problem)

A: He decides some tough questions mine, I forcefully try to help him and make it worse.
Q: And how long does this relationship last? Approximately how many lives?
A: Not the first, not the second, not the third. Everything on Earth.
B: Okay. But, in in this case, what is the lesson between you? should you just let it be as it is?
A: Stop correcting him. From life to life.
Q: Just leave it alone?
A: There is no need to do good with a sword.
Q: Is this lesson for the rest of your life, or will it end?
A: Not predetermined, our choice.
B: Okay. Is it forever that your husband's alcoholism is permanent?
A: It’s not his will, they force him. There are a lot of fears, covered in something bad.
Q: Is there any way we can clean it now?
A: His wish is really needed, it won’t help. ( it is forbidden to clean it without the expressed desire of a person)
Q: What is the best thing to do about this to help him?
A: Wait. Something will happen, he will come to it himself. There will be a kick, and a very bad one. There were many small kicks - without attention. There is no desire to understand hints. There should already be something extreme, frankly, for stupid people.
Q: Should I warn him about this?
A: Maximum denial of a person, does not believe in anything. No use. Don't insist - the well will end.

Q: You didn’t have children in that life, do we understand correctly?
A: Yes, that's right.
Q: For what reasons were there no children?
A: Energy vampirism at the expense of the husband. He drowned and I was a widow until old age. It was I who brought him out of the world. I ate it.

As you can see, constant calls for internal balance they sound like that for a reason. Many forgotten or even completely unconscious actions affect our further development our life scenarios. Too many people constantly think they are right and too important to consider the opinions of others in an attempt to change them. Do not give in to negativity and do not provoke it, and life will become much easier! AND or, in other words, don’t eat others and don’t let yourself be eaten, be it in your family, work or on the Internet!)

Addition from:

Q: What is the price for infertility?

A: For beating a child (in past lives), if you didn’t give the child water to drink, she won’t give birth, to her own, to a homeless person, to anyone

Q: Does it depend on the case? If she didn't have water, she couldn't give...

A: If you didn’t give it out of greed... out of laziness. If you took it by the hair, it hurt, not necessarily even your own

Q: Hair is like antennae?

A: Yes, there are millions of purple dots on the head, it shows: it’s very beautiful, if you pull the hair, the vibration is disturbed, the balance is disturbed, and harm is done to the child. She will be able to give birth, but she will have to work off karma for a long time

Q: What if a miscarriage happens?

A: Shows this person's quarrels with people who had children, or with children, or envy

Q: Or maybe because of bad character? Or if a person does not have a soul for himself?

Oh no

Q: How can you combat this?

A: Forgive everyone, every single one

Addition from the web:

Generic causes

A fairly serious reason for infertility is the presence in your family of a person who, at least indirectly, is involved in the death of a child. This also includes repeated terminations of pregnancy or simply abortions, regardless of timing and reasons. In this case, women of this kind most often suffer; they cannot arrange their personal lives or become pregnant. Retribution may come in the form of the birth of children with any mental or physical disabilities. Here there is a kind of “winding up” of the negative program, which grows like a snowball and as a result of which the species simply dies out.

Occult reasons from outside

In some cases, the inability to get pregnant occurs due to the influence of external occult forces, for example, damage done and paid for externally. Such negativity can be directed both at specific person, and manifest themselves in paternal or maternal line. The causes of such infertility are extremely poorly diagnosed, but if you remove the energy negativity, then it is quite possible to cope with this problem.

In Rus', and throughout the world, childbirth has always been an important part of the life of any woman. This is how nature intended. There is no other way for life to appear except in the womb of a woman. U Slavic peoples It was arranged like this: as soon as a woman had difficulties conceiving, she was sent to a healer (a healer, a woman in charge, that is, a witch). Sometimes, however, they took completely radical measures - they sent me to a monastery to atone for my sins. A barren woman in Rus' was often considered a sinner - infertility was treated as a punishment for sins.

Of course, physical illnesses are very often the cause of problems with conception, but just as often it is the problems of the energy body that are to blame. So, what are they energetic reasons can cause problems with childbirth?

Curse to end the Family: The curse begins with scary phrase: “So that your entire Family will die out.” This curse is not used often, it is too harsh. Ultimate Goal: stop the Human Race, completely stop births in his family, which will ultimately put an end to the existence of the entire Race. The curse is very difficult to diagnose on your own. Rod almost never stops immediately.

This can be clearly seen in an example: there was a man, this curse was sent to him, and his wife could easily give birth to a child and continue the family line. Even this born child will be able to continue the race, but over time, fewer and fewer children will be born. At some point the end will come, there will be only one representative of the Family who will not leave offspring behind. When this end will come, in how many generations, alas, it is impossible to say for sure. Each case is unique, it can happen in four generations, or maybe in twenty-four. A woman experiencing difficulty in childbearing may find herself last point, and maybe in the middle and have difficulty conceiving, but not complete infertility. A woman’s closest relatives can give birth, but she will no longer be able to, since the Family is gradually declining.

Abortion: Much is known about its consequences from a medical point of view. In addition to these consequences, there are also energetic ones. Nothing comes from nowhere and nothing goes anywhere. After an abortion, you need to undergo a very complex and lengthy cleansing. You can do it yourself, or you can do it with the help of a magical practitioner. Even after an abortion, the child remains with the mother, and a negative energy binding. Roughly speaking, the child “gets stuck” next to his failed mother. It doesn't give you the opportunity to develop. new pregnancy, puts an energy block on motherhood, an energy connection is formed. Such an attachment deprives the woman of strength, the child steals energy, and as a result, nothing goes well. As a result, there is simply not enough strength and energy to bear a new child.

Working out Rod's karma: It is difficult to work off Rod’s karma, and very often you end up sacrificing what is most precious to you – the opportunity to become a mother. When self-diagnosing the so-called “delivery” (negative birth program), it is worth paying attention to the following circumstances:

*This is not the first time that a problem with childbearing has arisen within the same Clan. Suffice it to recall the stories of relatives about childless representatives of the Family; this may already be a reason to be wary. Ancestral karma a long period of time is worked out and problems of this kind become commonplace.

*The children born experienced troubles. This includes all kinds of childhood diseases that appear either from birth or as a result of trauma. It can also be very early mortality, usually up to three, less often up to seven years. This also includes stillborn children and miscarriages.

*There are many lonely people in Rod. Not necessarily only women, maybe men too. These may be people who personal life never worked out, or those who have experienced a lot failed marriages, widowers and widows.

*There are many in the Family who have not had a good life. Here we are talking about people with addiction (alcohol, drugs). But these may not be drunkards, but simply those who lost everything, did not end their lives very well, and lived accordingly.

If working off the karma of the Family is the reason for infertility, it is necessary to cleanse the karma and atone for the sins of the entire Family. Why such karma can fall on Rod’s shoulders is a question that has many answers. There could be anything here - murderers in the family (if we're talking about about infertility, then most likely child killers) and so on.

Self-corruption: From the name everything is clear - this is damage that a person inflicts on himself. You can bring it on yourself in the form of various troubles, including childbirth.

There are two ways to self-damage infertility:

*Option one. At some point in a woman's life, she develops obsessive desire never have children. This reluctance is so strong that it causes a negative release in her, which blocks childbearing. When the opinion on this matter changes, it becomes very late. Damage takes root and, as a result, bears fruit in the form of infertility.

*Option two. The woman really wanted a child, she dreamed about it so much that she raised this idea into a cult. Everything was planned - the gender of the child, the color of his eyes, the type of future activity. This behavior does not bring anything good. A child should not be treated as a commodity, as if we were talking about choosing a sofa in a store. This also includes those who shout: “I will only love a girl (boy), I don’t need another.” These thoughts are accompanied by a very strong emotional outburst, which causes damage.

Whether it will be possible to remove self-inflicted damage without resorting to the help of a magician depends on how long ago the self-damage was done. If a month or two has passed, then a person can remove it on his own. If more time has passed and the damage has intensified and begun to cause active harm, then you cannot do without the help of a practitioner. In order not to encounter this problem, you need to monitor your thoughts, actions and actions very carefully.

Birth ban: Here we can already draw a parallel with God’s punishment. There is a type of woman whom Mother Nature herself does not allow to bear a child. Most often this manifests itself as a problem with pregnancy, but sometimes with conception too. If a woman has committed some actions that will not make her a good mother in principle, or has a negative energy field, this kills the fetus. Cleansing the energy field will help change the situation.

Damage to infertility: If in all other cases we are more often talking about complete physical health, in other words, infertility has no clear cause, since reproductive function is not impaired, then in this case we are more often talking about diseases. Damages caused by infertility act instantly - they hit the reproductive organs and have no effect on anything else. Therefore, women notice that not everything is in order only when they start thinking about marriage and having children.

Although there are symptoms, it’s hard not to notice them:

*The female cycle is disrupted;

*No relationship leads to marriage;

*Weight fluctuations occur, up to critical conditions (obesity, anorexia);

*Treatment of female diseases does not produce results.

There are many reasons for infertility, and most of them are of an energetic nature. With the right approach, as well as with the skillful work of the master, all these reasons can be eliminated.

Modern medicine divides the causes of infertility according to two main criteria: primary infertility and secondary. Primary infertility is everything that is associated with heredity. In particular: various anomalies in the formation and development of the female genital organs, abnormal position of the uterus and functional insufficiency of the gonads. Secondary infertility is everything that is associated with diseases and certain actions that led to infertility.

The energetic state is the reason for everything that happens to a person in life. This applies not only to diseases. Why diseases, and not specifically on infertility? Because it doesn’t matter what disease a person has: infertility, cancer, leukemia, etc. - these are all consequences that have the same source. Only for some this is expressed in diabetes, for others in tonsillitis, and for others in infertility.

So, any disease originates not in the physical body, but in the etheric, i.e. V energy body. Every organ, every cell of our body has its own etheric body. For the normal, healthy functioning of an organ, a certain amount of energy is required, and the more energy there is, the more efficient the organ is.

With an excess of energy, all organs and cells of our body, in addition to maintaining healthy body tone, spend excess anergy on self-healing - rejuvenation (aging is a lack of energy). When there is not enough energy, organ dysfunction begins, as a result of which problems begin to form in the area for which it is responsible.

In the energy (as in the physical) body, everything is interconnected. There are energy channels that conduct energy through organs and cells - this is similar to blood vessels and capillaries, which perform a similar function in the physical body. When the harmony of this system is disturbed (any of the energy channels ceases to function), failures occur in the entire system as a whole.

First of all, the organ on the energy plane whose channel has been disrupted suffers. Very soon this begins to affect the physical organ. Infertility begins with a violation of energy exchange in the pelvic organs. If infertility is congenital, then this was the result of energy disorders in the mother, which worsened and developed in the born child.

If infertility is acquired, then this is the “merit” of the person himself: poor nutrition(through food we get energy - we are what we eat), unhealthy lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, stress, depression and others various factors and circumstances). All this leads to disturbances and weakening of the energy of our body.

In terms of energy, stress and depression primarily affect sexual energy. The genital organs are the center of life, on which not only specific problems with the reproductive functions of the body depend, but also our life in general. During a period of depression, a person feels moral apathy towards life - he doesn’t care whether he lives or not.

And this is precisely what negatively affects the energy of the body as a whole. Thus, the best way The treatment for infertility is to treat it at the energetic level.

A woman who cannot become pregnant or give birth when diagnosed as “healthy” is not a rare occurrence.
Since time immemorial, they say about such a woman “empty flower” or “God does not give”...

The oldest eastern theory successive incarnations and retribution for mistakes made has long become known to the modern man in the street. But in the context of the problem of infertility, this can be explained as a violation of the law “Thou shalt not kill” in previous incarnations of one of the parents.

A person born with such karmic experience has a certain program written into his destiny. IN best case scenario difficulties arise in building promising and harmonious relationships with the opposite sex, and in the worst case, infertility.

If only a man has a negative karmic program, then a woman cannot conceive a child from this partner, but successfully becomes pregnant with another.

Another reason is the presence in the family of a person involved at least in some way in the death of the child, including multiple terminations of pregnancy (abortion). Then the woman usually has to pay the price of this kind not only in the form of childlessness, but also in the form of the appearance of children with disabilities in the family mental disorders, congenital pathologies and diseases. The negative program in this case “winds up” like a snowball, ultimately ending the entire family.

The problem of infertility or miscarriage may have external occult causes. For example, damage paid for by someone. Such a negative program can be directed at a specific person, or go through the maternal or paternal line. The causes of such infertility are poorly diagnosed, but can be treated if the energetic essence of the problem is removed.

It's no secret that our emotional state has a serious impact on our physical health. It is true what they say that “all diseases come from nerves.” The state of the soul affects the state of the body. Between the nervous system and reproductive organs there are special, very close relationships due to the fact that the same planet is responsible for all this. That is, from the state nervous system A woman's ability to conceive a child depends.

Research shows that the fetus, while in the mother's belly, hears sounds and reacts to many external factors. He perceives the world around us very subtly, through the senses. An unborn child already feels the emotions of its mother. It's good if these emotions are positive. What if expectant mother experiences feelings of anger, malice, resentment, irritation, the same feelings are transmitted to the child. But he is still very small and completely defenseless. Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy can cause fetal death (miscarriage, death) or have other serious consequences.

Nature is wise and therefore establishes certain patterns for the benefit of man himself. She strives to protect the child in the womb from a sad fate and in most cases does not allow nervous women possibility of conception. Such women either simply do not conceive, or develop serious diseases that block reproductive function.

To solve the problem of infertility, a woman first of all needs to return to her true feminine essence, to put her feminine function in first place. And be sure to get your nerves in order. Otherwise, nothing may work out.

As for the female Yin energy, it is concentrated in the womb. For a woman it is " holy place”, because it is there that she bears her unborn child. After working with your energy, you can learn to feel this feminine energy. It feels like an energy spiral, a vortex, going from the uterus up through the body. But it is important not only to feel it, but also to spread it throughout the body, to fill every cell of the body with it. Working on yourself in this direction allows you to completely restore reproductive function and solve the problem of infertility.

Male energy is also present in the female body, but in much smaller quantities. Certain areas are allocated for it - these are right hand and the area of ​​the right forearm. In all other places there should be feminine yin energy. Only then will a woman feel inner energetic comfort and spiritual harmony. Correct distribution of energies allows you to solve not only the problem of conception, but also the problem of relationships in the family. After all, the task of a true woman, determined by nature itself, is to preserve the home.

WITH best wishes, see you - with love to you Stelana

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