The Most Accurate Mental State Test: What Do You See? Psychological problems: psychological test type of problem.

Psychological problems It is rarely self-diagnosable. Go through the picture psychological test to determine the type of psychological problem you have and understand in which direction of self-development to move, and with what request to contact a psychologist.

Psychological problems like a snowball

A psychological problem, like a misfortune, does not come alone; usually emotional difficulties acquire new, similar difficulties, like a snowball, and drive a person into a dead end.

What starts out as a game can easily and quickly turn into a psychological problem!

Each of us at least once in our lives, starting with childhood, faced psychological problems and tried to cope with them in one of the ways described below:

  • They did nothing, hoping. that will resolve on its own, and indeed, even go away on their own in 15% of people suffering from them,

  • turned to a fortune teller or an astrologer, trying to understand the cause of the psychological difficulty,

  • A psychological problem that is not resolved in time usually turns into

    To solve this problem, you can seek advice from a specialist or try to determine the type of problem using suitable test, better than projective, that is, symbolically figurative or.

    Video: how do psychological problems arise?

    Watch this short video lesson from psychologist Oleg Gadetsky about where psychological problems come from and what can be done about it.

    Living in this world, we inevitably encounter situations that cause us pain. In response to this, we experience feelings of fear, pain, resentment, tension, and we very often forget what our essence is. How to restore your harmony? What need do we often prohibit ourselves from experiencing and what does this lead to?

    TEST: determine the type of psychological problem you have

    Try to determine the type of emotional problem you have right now and write in the comments what results you got from going through this.

    Relax and focus on your psychological problem, then briefly look at the picture below and choose an object that is figuratively related to it.

    Which object in the test picture is associated with your psychological problem? How do you think?

    Read which type of problem is with which picture and how it is connected symbolically:

    They symbolize erotic relationships. Perhaps you are overcome by sexual obsession.

    Symbolizes. Possibly related to psychological violence. Now you are having a hard time growing up or trying to appear younger than your age.

    Open can of paint
    Symbolizes your need to release aggressiveness and fight for your views. There is accumulated or.

    Closed can of paint
    Symbolizes accumulated fears, anxiety and insecurity that you try not to show to others. A closed jar reveals your inability to build relationships with others.

    It symbolizes your inner balance and your desire to seek new surroundings, new values ​​and the desire to change something. the problem is that there is no way you can or life purpose.

    Basket of apples
    Symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, achieving personal goals and happiness. The problem is that no one needs you with your ideas or your experience. The connection between generations is broken.

    They symbolize the phallic element, which represents a certain violence towards oneself and others. There is a punishment for it itself.

    Symbolizes courage and the spirit of a warrior, as well as impulsiveness and inability to make decisions. You need protection from someone’s slander and vile gossip addressed to you.

    They symbolize intelligence and the desire for knowledge. And your problem is, in contrast, emotional or physical in nature. Stop thinking - the time has come to act, but only understanding this you cannot make up your mind.

    Symbolizes violence and the desire to achieve something by force. This violence may be directed at an external object or subject that may cause some conflict with oneself.

    They symbolize the fantasy with which we relate to others. It can be both positive and negative. Psychological problem in the field of communication and social interaction.

    Symbolizes stability and clarity in business, and shows that a person is looking for a vision for himself and others. Required creative solution problems and there’s a complete gag with him now.

    Symbolizes the union between our environment and loved ones. The only one negative point is that this object denotes closed motion. You seem to be walking in circles or rushing through life like a squirrel in a wheel. Don’t stop yourself, a somatic illness will stop you.

    This is a symbol of sex. And they also show close connection psyche with yours physical condition. The one who chooses this symbol may have problems with digestion and hemorrhoids.

    Symbolizes feelings of claustrophobia and loneliness. This object shows that you are going through a period and anxiety and are finding it very difficult to react.

    Broken staircase
    Symbolizes the desire to rise up to achieve your goal. Since the ladder is broken, it shows that the path is interrupted and therefore you are balancing between the past and the future.

    They symbolize our personality as they are containers that are designed to hide something inside. It's time to invite a psychologist to look into the hidden corners of your soul.

    A completely natural and pure sexual symbol that represents a certain desire in intimate and real relationships with a loved man. It's just a pity that your lover belongs to someone else.

    Broken chair
    Symbolizes a period of instability, tension and stress. Don't try to sit on two chairs at once - it's time to choose!

    Broken mirror
    Symbolizes how we see ourselves. But since it's broken it shows internal struggle which makes us feel bad.

    This object represents the state of oppression you are in. You must make a choice and accept certain solutions. Otherwise, life will pinch you in your tender spot.

    So, you have just determined with the help of a test the type and nature of your psychological problem - it’s time to act! Write in the comments what subject you chose and how it relates to your emotional difficulties.

    Psychological problems: a book as a solution

    A great gift for someone who knows how to solve problems by reading books!

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    Other readers of this article can order it from the link above! Take action and win!

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    Comments on “Psychological problems: psychological test type of problem”

  • 08/26/2017 at 7:25

    The thought struck me that I was lazy. There was a breakdown, but I couldn’t normalize the condition. Everything is difficult for me, I want, like in a fairy tale, to take a pill, fall asleep and wake up healthy, oops. If it weren’t for this “small” problem everything was ok. This is probably so that life doesn’t seem like paradise.😉In general, the problem has been found😊.


    08/26/2017 at 7:09

    Alexander, I couldn’t see an item that could be related to my problem. I didn’t associate her with anything. Although, I tensed up, but no. It means something? I know my problem. I have PA since 2015. I was treated by a psychotherapist, then I was overcome with new strength, the next psychiatrist, the treatment helped, lasted 6 months. Everything became fine. But after the termination. pills again and again, periodic intake of certain drugs, which relieves pain attacks. But now I understand that pills relieve attacks, but do not eradicate the problem. I really like your articles, they are accessible and understandable, I try to use your advice.


    08/10/2017 at 12:19

    Sasha! Dear, dear, almost dear! I know that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING and are always there. You are still my Teacher, friend, and brother. Thank you (since we are on you) very much for this!!! It’s just that now it’s better for me to talk about my feminine – non-feminine – and listen from a woman and among women. Is it true. Honestly!
    I just FEEL THIS SO NOW... Information comes from everywhere. I can directly hear Katya and Nadya Semenenko.

    So, here it is - time for yourself! After a working day of communicating with people at work, after answering questions in the evening phone calls and letters on social media. network, after seeing off the guests...

    How good! I want to think, reflect on myself...
    We need to dig into ourselves, we need to dig deeper! And then for some reason I became “...I’m all so awkward... all so angular... all so contradictory...”

    Ups and downs are natural. However... it’s worth thinking: what exactly is happening to me these days after the vacation? And here it is - a test to determine the type of psychological problem. Yeah! Thank you, Sasha!

    What did I see today in the small picture on the phone screen on Instagram? Barometer!)) Well, so what? It doesn’t look like a clock, it’s hanging on the wall... that means it’s definitely a barometer! I open an article on the blog, and this is actually... - this is a wheel! Why hang a wheel on the wall? The wheel... there is also a bicycle, the wheel is part of the bicycle. And I have a barometer, that’s what my subconscious said! And it’s useful to listen to the subconscious!

    Well, let's take a look. .. What happens in total? Let's read from right to left, translate from irrational to logical.

    The wheel symbolizes the union between our environment and loved ones. The only negative point is that this object represents a closed movement. It's like you're walking in circles... Aha! There is such a moment in one question!

    The bicycle symbolizes your inner balance and your desire to seek new surroundings, new values ​​and the desire to change something. The problem is that you can't figure out your purpose or purpose in life. I see the goal, I can show it in a metaphorical picture!

    Purpose - to sow reasonable, good, eternal

    “Such good soil -
    The soul of the Russian people...
    O sower, come!” (Nekrasov)

    The barometer is intuition, it’s what came right away...

    Intuition is the way our heart and soul communicate directly with our consciousness. This is one of the fundamental principles of the world, one of the fundamental concepts of human existence. (From the web)

    A barometer (I’ll look in the dream book) is a symbol of changes in your habits, lifestyle and affairs.

    So, the time for change has come! What are we going to change? In my wheel good union, only one knitting needle is missing. There is a desire to change something in order to achieve the goal. I’m in the process..., in a marathon, I want to talk to someone who served and let him go free and find what I’m missing.

    I'm on the move. But I drive as if I don’t know how to ride: either I’ll hit a bump, or I’ll fall onto the side of the road. And sometimes I blurt out something with my tongue, then I regret it... I don’t keep my balance. I don't hold it. Will seek! Balance is needed.

    Wheel-wheel, bicycle-bicycle... I have a BAROMETER!

    I became interested in the metaphorical photographs of Platon Jurich and the metaphorical paintings of Vladimir Kush. I get pleasure from their creativity - they speak!

    And it spoke to me...:

    Shall we talk?

    Let's talk. About what? About purpose? I sow...

    -Where do you sow?

    - Among the people.

    - What are you sowing with?

    — Creativity and Russian cultural heritage.

    — Do you share your Chinese heritage? A friendly people with a rich culture.

    I have it in Chinese traditional culture basic knowledge.

    What is your education?

    - Teacher primary classes.

    “I was sick and had surgery. Wow, how long have I been recovering! What can I betray to people? Your own sores?

    - Take care of yourself for now. Regularly, efficiently and efficiently!)

    — Do you have anything else to tell the people?

    - Why don’t you say?

    - On social media I speak on networks, though few and quietly. Any interesting new thing I learn, I share right away. I am not a professional. I have... like this - a greenhouse and a flower bed. Look - agronomists are without work.

    - What do people eat?

    - I guess, that different people They eat different things. I noticed that everyone wants money.

    - And what's wrong with that? Money is energy.

    - So I seem to have energy myself, but big money No. Am I complaining? I am Divine beautiful nature I also eat art, I love to travel, communication with like-minded people is dear to me. I have it. And I am grateful to the Universe!

    - That's enough for today. Let's talk again! Be healthy and everything you want for yourself!

    “I want to ask: what is it that I have here and there, I’ve been struggling with the question of... You know what I’m talking about!”

    Let's talk, let's talk! Have you been sent an assignment? So go and do it!

    - Fine! Thank you! Come tomorrow evening... Or better yet, be by my side always! I'm glad to see you!)

    - Use your energy wisely! You're draining!

    - I noticed. Fine. I will try to be more attentive and reasonable than before. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!))


    Anna Alexander, happiness psychologist

    08/09/2017 at 0:46

    Psychological problems, renamed in the psychologist's office as psychological task have 100 solutions - just like in the second part of Larisa Parfentyeva’s book there are another 100 ways to change your life - who will get the book from us?


    Psychologists often use projective tests to assess a person's condition.

    For these purposes, they often use dual photographs or images that each person interprets differently.

    This simple test will tell you what is going on in your head right now and what state you are in.

    Read also:The most terrible test: how developed is your sixth sense?

    Look at the picture for no more than 10 seconds and answer what you saw first.

    Mental State Test

    You saw a cave

    If you saw a cave, you are a balanced person who is very difficult to anger. You have a calm demeanor and a positive personality, tending to see the good in everything. you have inner strength, are optimistic and do not feel pressured by problems or negative situations. You are the type of person people turn to for advice. They reach out to you for support and love your positive energy.

    You saw a UFO

    You're on the edge nervous breakdown, and may be about to explode due to pent-up stress. Even low sensitivity to stress can lead to problems such as cardiovascular diseases, insomnia and recurring nightmares.

    Try not to suppress your emotions and not to get irritated over small things, otherwise you risk causing headaches, nausea and other unpleasant consequences.

    You saw the alien's face

    You tend to create problems out of nothing or inflate small things to universal proportions, which brings you considerable grief. Shake yourself up and don't let minor troubles deplete your energy reserves. If problems arise, look at them from different perspectives, which will give you several options for moving forward, rather than one path in which you feel you are stuck.

    Read also: Prediction watch test: what does fate have in store for you?

    To cope with stress or panic attacks, follow breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

    You saw a cave and a UFO

    Many of you may have immediately seen the image of a cave with a UFO. This means that you strong personality who tries to deal with her stress by denying existing problems up to their suppression. Suppressing stress is not always healthy, and sometimes you need to let off some steam.

    Of course, you are strong, but deep down you are trying to cope with stress at work and in the world. personal life. Such situations are quite normal and there is no need to fight them. It is better to seek help and talk to someone, instead of carrying the whole burden of problems on your shoulders.

    If you don't do this, your fears will take root even more firmly within you. Try to look at everything from a positive point of view to analyze the situation and find a way out of it.

    Rorschach test

    There are other projective tests with which a psychologist can find out about a person’s mental state. Since it can be difficult for a person to open up, initial stage It may be useful to conduct simple projective tests.

    These tests make it more difficult for a person to lie than during a clinical interview because they do not provide clues about preferences or correct answers.

    One of the most famous projective tests is inkblot test, developed by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. Rorschach believed that a person's reaction speaks louder than words and can tell you what is going on in your subconscious.

    Look at the following inkblots and tell me what you see.

    This inkblot card talks about your response to anger. If you saw two people fighting while the red color represents blood, then you can say that when someone upsets you, you are ready to take revenge on the offender.

    If you saw two figures joining hands, then in situations of aggression you behave calmly.

    In any case, if you see two figures (for example, women or clowns), this is a positive response. If you don't see them, this may indicate difficulties in interacting with people.

    About 50 percent of people also see wild animals in this picture, as well as a butterfly or a cave entrance, which is also a positive response.

    This is one of the most famous color inkblot cards. Look at it and tell me what you saw.

    Many people see strange four-legged animals on it, such as a lion, pig, bear or others. Others see a butterfly chest, Christmas tree or reproductive organs. These are all positive answers.

    Failure to see animals with four legs may indicate mental retardation.

    Look at this simple card and tell me what you see.

    Most often in this inkblot they see two girls or women or rabbit ears. This image can tell about your feelings towards your mother.

    Disapproving remarks such as "witches", "gossips", "girls fight or quarrel" may indicate bad relationship with Mother.

    If you see thunderclouds instead of female figures, this may indicate anxiety.

    The white space between the girls can also be interpreted as a lamp or similar object. As a rule, only schizophrenics see a lamp in this spot.

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