Major axis 6 12 houses. Opposition axes of zodiac signs

based on materials from classes with A.V. Goloushkin.

3rd house - information potential of the individual.

Circumstances of short trips, movements, transport, high school And primary education. habitual skills (for at the moment this is computer skills and mobile phone), knowledge of the multiplication table, ability to pay in a store.
3rd house people these are neighbors, random fellow travelers, unknown people. We communicate on occasion, met in line or on the staircase and went our separate ways. Indirect relatives - uncles, aunts, sister, brother, cousins and sisters. for clarification - direct relatives (they no longer belong to the 3rd house) are mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, children and grandchildren.
circumstances of the individual unconscious, our habits, skills and abilities. this is what we do in the usual way, automatically, for example driving a car
or a bicycle. learning something practical. How to pickle mushrooms, for example? Reading is a 3rd house skill. planets in the 3rd house can signify people. the road from and to work - circumstances of the 3rd house. daily receipt of familiar information. that is, I came to work and here I need to read something. writing something yourself is also a circumstance of the 3rd house. practical training— we teach ourselves something practically. We start learning from the very beginning early childhood. brushing our teeth, tying our shoelaces, then it becomes our habit and then we ourselves teach someone else this.
busy 3rd house indicates (as it happens) that these topics are significant.
a person often finds himself in these circumstances. whether he wants it or not is another question. This is how the cosmogram is already laid out. but the fact that he has to move around a lot, communicate a lot, has to different people- not with the same ones, but some kind of flow. passes through a person big flow information. he has some kind of relatives who are constantly present or there can be constant quarreling with neighbors if the 3rd house is tense. We don’t choose our neighbors—that’s all that happened. in the 3rd house we usually have a lot of different people. the 3rd house can connect many different people. sometimes it happens that a person has a very strong 3rd house and the person is always learning something, going to all sorts of courses. since this is an accident, and not an internal motive, a person cannot explain it. or a person is sent to some courses from work, although he does not really need it, business trips are usual. The 3rd house is precisely the usual trips, this is the road that we have traveled several times and it has become familiar. if there is no tension in the 3rd house, then there are no unpleasant neighborhoods, i.e. at least they won't distract me so much. defeat or damage to the 3rd house, we will inevitably find distracting neighbors.
There are no horoscopes in which one of the houses would not be damaged someday. for example, the ruler is damaged by prognostication. Also, tensions in the 3rd house can indicate difficulties in learning, dangers while driving or dangers on the road. tense connection of the 1st (personal involvement), 3rd (road), 8th (circumstances of danger) houses - to warn a person about the danger on the road. It may be that we have no tension with our neighbors, but my 3rd house ruler is intensely aspecting the partner’s synastric planet. It turns out this way: as soon as I started living together with him, relations with my relatives and neighbors immediately deteriorated. This is already from the realm of synastry. How can synastry connect my particular house in the worst case or vice versa.

this is something far away. these are circumstances where something is difficult to achieve. These are the circumstances of receiving higher education or some rare and unique, specific education. very specific knowledge that is not available to everyone. astrological prof. training fits here. distant countries or long trips. where everything is different. different language, different climate and different currency.
9th house people unique in a sense. teachers high school, spiritual leaders, people who made a great impression on me. Ideology, thought leaders. Such people carry a value role. We value-oriented them. It is difficult to communicate with them, they are not always available. the priest in the church, for example, with whom you just can’t talk. advertising is also associated with the 9th house. the purpose of advertising is an ideological moment. legislative power. circumstances of social justice. a strongly emphasized 9th house may indicate some kind of legal proceedings, i.e. to circumstances where I defend my rightness, based on concepts, where the assessment takes place according to valuable things, according to some beliefs. if the 9th house is loaded, then this may be one of the indicators that it so happens that a person receives several higher education or struggles for a long time with recognition or receiving them. an indicator that a person lives in a place other than where he was born or travels around the world or lived in a place other than his homeland, attitude towards the academic environment, an indicator that a person communicates with high-ranking people (deputies, government agencies), a person may be in litigation judicial religion with its exoteric component. those rituals and rules that a person must follow in order to be considered fully religious. making Easter cake, defending the sacrament, the entire ritual part of the Orthodox rite is a 9-house theme. It seems that not according to the law, but according to concepts. if you start doing something wrong, you might get killed. The 9th house is in terms of conversations and actions. 9th house - (this is how the circumstances develop), how much a person corresponds to certain concepts or does not correspond to them.

Interpretation of horoscope houses important role plays such a concept as the axes of houses - these are houses that are in opposition. They belong to the same energy channel and belong to a specific topic. These are areas of life, united by one principle, in which we solve similar problems on different levels– personal and social. When there is an opposition of planets in a horoscope, it affects two opposite houses, contrasting their problems in a person’s life and encouraging them to harmonize these areas of life, bringing them to a common denominator.

The axes of the houses are similar to the signs of the Zodiac that lie in opposition: Aries-Libra (1-7 houses), Taurus-Scorpio (2-8 houses), etc. Each axis contains a house of the lower hemisphere (personal) and the upper (social) hemispheres. The houses of the lower hemisphere are from 1 to 6, the houses of the upper hemisphere are from 7 to 12. Similar to the signs of the Zodiac, the houses are combined into 3 crosses: , and . Each cross includes 4 houses, similar to the signs of the Zodiac. The principle that is implemented through the houses of one axis is the same, but is solved differently in the houses of the upper and lower hemisphere. Each house of the horoscope has its share of participation in the affairs of the opposite field, which is called accidental influence.

Cardinal or corner houses

House axis: 1-7- axis of relationships, axis of personality.

Principle: action, awareness, boundaries.

Lower hemisphere: 1st house – active action, personal awareness, natural boundaries, personally set at your own discretion. The 1st house shows the person himself. A person owes his successes and failures primarily to himself.The house of the upper hemisphere - the 7th house - coordinated action, awareness reflected through others, social boundaries. This house shows how other people influence a person. Here a person's affairs depend on others.An example of how these fields interact : either a person uses the energy or capabilities of others to achieve his goals, or other people use the person’s potential for their own purposes. It depends on the severity of the field, on the number and quality of planets that are in these fields.

Axis of houses: 4-10 - axis of social growth, axis of home and career

Principle: – safety, stability, responsibility.

Lower hemisphere: 4th house - personal security, stability of your family, home, clan. Responsibility for yourself and for your family members. 4th house – foundations, traditions. Intimate life person. A person has the right to follow family traditions and the right to refuse them. Leaves parents' house and starts his own family.Upper hemisphere – 10th house – security in society, stability in the profession, in one’s position, responsibility for society, for the world as a whole. 10th house – career, position in society. A person is dependent on circumstances social growth does not depend entirely on human efforts; extraneous factors intervene here.Example of interaction : profession inherited from ancestors, working dynasty.

Fixed or subsequent houses

House axis: 2-8axis of well-being, axis of desires

Principle: values, judgments, pleasures.

Lower hemisphere: 2nd house - personal values, own judgments, pleasures received personally by a person, in accordance with his preferences. The 2nd house shows how a person earns his living. Money as a result of the efforts of the person himself.Upper hemisphere: 8th house – joint values, judgments as a result of interaction, socially oriented, joint pleasures. This is a chance to earn income without physical effort or with the help of other people. This could be valuables obtained jointly, or money received, for example, as an inheritance.Example of interaction : a person works, and part of what he earns goes as taxes or to pay for insurance, which returns to him through insurance and social benefits.

House axis: 5-11axis social connections and creativity, the axis of drives

Principle: behavior, creativity, love

Lower hemisphere: 5th house – involved behavior, since the house belongs to the western hemisphere; individual creativity, giving of love. Actions of a person that bring him joy and emotional satisfaction.Upper hemisphere: 11th house – independent behavior, creativity in a group, acceptance of love. These are plans, hopes associated with other people.An example of interaction: a person receives support from friends or sponsors or becomes the head of a community.

Mutable or cadent (cadent) houses

Axis of houses: 3-9 – axis of relationships, axis of mind

The principle of this axis is: education, research, communication.

Lower hemisphere: 3rd house – practical education, pragmatic, something that can be useful for future profession. Research based on everyday, direct personal experience, connection – close, immediate connection. The 3rd house is the immediate environment that surrounds a person. A person is free to change something in his environment. You are free to communicate or not to communicate. To study or not to study.Upper hemisphere: 9th house – ethical, systematic, higher education. Research based on other people's experience, communication on long distances. The 9th house is an environment beyond the control of a person’s will. Having chosen, for example, a confession, he follows its canons and, not having the right to change anything, he can become its guide, a missionary.An example of interaction: scattered information is combined into a system of knowledge, which, in turn, is returned to the world in the form of lectures, books, and teachings.

Axis of houses: 6-12 – axis of service

The principle is understanding, treatment, help.

Lower hemisphere: 6th house - practical understanding, external treatment, on the physical level, help for a fee. A person chooses his place of service, follows a diet or carries out preventive procedures.Upper hemisphere: 12th house – cosmic understanding, in the interconnection of all components, internal, spiritual treatment and help as charity. The 12th house is also labor service (prison, settlement, monastery) or treatment in a hospital, where the method of treatment is chosen by doctors, and not by the person himself.Interaction example:Failure to comply with the required diet can lead to a hospital bed.

Literature used:
S. Vronsky. Classical astrology, volume 3.

The most popular topics astrological consultations are themes of love, marriage, relationships with loved ones. We often hear the question: are we compatible? I think this formulation is fundamentally incorrect, because judge for yourself, if people are attracted to each other, if there is a problem between them mutual sympathy, then this is no coincidence! There are no chance meetings, paths of people who don’t have internal connections, will never intersect! If people meet and a relationship begins, then the two halves are a priori compatible! Here it is important to pose the question differently: in what ways are they compatible? In what areas do their interests intersect, and in what areas are there pitfalls? How do they influence each other?
Synastry will help you figure this out, but first it would be nice to work with the natal charts of your partners (I think astrologers will agree with me), because we are dealing with two individuals, two different people with their own tastes and preferences, and possibilities for interaction in a couple.

The algorithm of actions may be as follows:

1. Let's explore the 1-7 house axis: signs on the cusps, planets in houses, position of the rulers, the degree of their defeat.

By assessing the position of the ASC-DSC axis, we find out how a person interacts, how he manifests himself in a partnership (ASC) and what he expects from partners, or which partners he attracts to himself (DSC). There are signs that are prone to long-term, permanent relationships (earth and water signs). And there are those who light up quickly and cool down quickly, they love variety and new experiences in love (fire, air).
Planets in 1-7 houses will certainly participate in the formation of relationships. If these are tense planets (Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto), then we can assume that the relationship will be subject to painful transformations, and if these planets are located in the 1st house, the person himself provokes acute situations, and if in the 7th, he attracts problematic partners.
We look at rulers 1-7 to see if they form an aspect with each other. If this is a square or opposition, then it is difficult for a person to build relationships. A stronger ruler indicates who dominates the relationship; if the ruler of the 7th house is stronger, then the partner is the leader. Tense aspects from evil planets to rulers indicate difficulty in building relationships.
Nodes in houses 1-7 - a person is destined to learn to interact, and this will not be easy for him.

2. We look at the luminaries: the Sun and the Moon.

In a man's chart, the Moon will show the ideal type of wife. In a woman's chart, the Sun is responsible for the ideal type of husband. The Sun is also the father, the Moon is the mother, and if there is no difference between them harmonious aspect, That family relationships in a person can be complex and these reasons most likely lie in his childhood, in the relationship between his parents. Difficulties in family life also gives defeat to the luminaries by Saturn.
In addition, the Sun is responsible for a person’s consciousness, for his own self. Moon - subconscious, emotions, soul. An inharmonious aspect between them can show internal conflict, low self-esteem, a person is torn between conscious principles and subconscious desires.

3. We look at the personal sexual planets Venus and Mars. Where are they located, do they have an aspect to each other?

Mars and Venus are a man and a woman, but not a husband and wife! Venus in a man's horoscope shows the ideal type of woman as a lover. Mars in women's horoscope will show the ideal type of man. If there is a tense aspect between these planets in the natal, love relationship will develop inharmoniously.
When assessing, it is important to consider the retrograde of these planets, especially Venus. Venus retrograde in the chart of both men and women will tell about the difficulty for a person to adequately express his feelings. A person can love with all his heart, but not be able to correctly convey this feeling to his partner.
It is important to pay attention to the defeat of Venus by malefic planets - Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Lilith. In this case, Venus takes on a negative connotation of these planets. For example, Saturn gives a shade of coldness and restraint. Uranus - moodiness, nervousness, unpredictability, etc. Pluto - aggressiveness, hot temper. A tense aspect from Neptune speaks of idealization of a partner or a tendency to deceive, as well as mistrust.
Another point is the aspect between the Moon and Venus, the Sun and Mars. If the aspect is not harmonious, then it is difficult for a person to combine the roles of woman and mother, man and father. A square, Venus-Moon opposition in a woman’s chart shows that she can cope well with the role of a lover, but poorly with the role of a housewife and mother, or vice versa. It all depends on the strength of the planets and the period of life (transits). If such an aspect is in a man’s chart, then he will marry one and love another.

4. The correlation of elements in the horoscope.

Usually the elements in the horoscope are distributed unevenly. The prevailing element will show us what a man lives in what he is strong about, and what is missing is what he lacks, what he needs to develop throughout his life. Often fate brings those people who eliminate this imbalance.
Brief meaning elements:
Fire - initiative, activity.
Water - emotionality, sensitivity.
Air - sociability, lightness.
Earth - practicality, thriftiness, down-to-earthness.
Sometimes in a person’s horoscope a certain key point. For example, a cluster of planets in a house or sign. This means that a person is too concentrated, fixated on something, the quality of the sign will manifest itself very strongly, hypertrophied, even if it is not his solar sign. And if in synastry intense aspects from the partner’s planets are directed to the cluster of planets, conflict will not be avoided; positive aspects, on the contrary, will strengthen the union, making it stronger.
The tense moment is the Axis of Nodes in Tau-square with a personal planet, or the rulers of 1-7 houses responsible for relationships. This is a sore point, a place of human vulnerability that needs to be paid attention to.

6. We build a synastric chart.

Synastry is an overlay natal charts partners at each other and search for common ground. Synastry charts show the nature and characteristics of the interaction between two people.

Synastric houses.

Synastric interaction is carried out mainly through the 5th, 7th, 8th and 4th houses of the horoscope.
5th house associated with sexual desires, entertainment, children.
7th- with long-term partnerships and, in particular, marriage relationships.
8th- with long-term energetic and sexual contacts.
4th- relationships with family members and spouse.
In this way, you can determine who his potential partner is for a person. Figuratively speaking, if a partner places his planets in the 5th house of an individual, then he is considered by the latter as a lover, in the 7th house - as a spouse, in the 8th - as a permanent sexual partner, in the 4th - as close person, family member. The placement of the partner’s planets in the 4th house of the radix is ​​favorable for long-term cohabitation, this is especially powerful in maturity and old age, when sexual needs fade and social activity fades into the background.
It’s good when the planets of both partners fall into the synastric 5th, 7th, 8th houses of each other’s charts, this is a kind of indication that they will be mutually perceived as lovers and/or spouses. With empty 5,7,8 synastric houses, the potential for harmonious long term relationship decreases sharply. A unique perception of the partner arises, colored by the characteristics of the house that will be emphasized.
So, if the planets fall into 1st house, the partner will be perceived by the person as his own reflection, and possibly as a competitor (this depends on spiritual level card holder). In a favorable scenario, the inclusion of the partner’s planet falling in the 1st house attracts admiring attention to him. The nature of admiration is determined by the planet: Venus - beauty, elegance, delicacy. Moon - gentleness, kindness, care. Mercury - intelligence. Mars - activity, energy. The sun is pride, dignity. Jupiter - nobility. Saturn is responsibility. Uranus is unusual, unpredictable. Like polarity, sharp rejection of a partner is also possible. For example, male Mars in the first house women's card can give its owner two extreme points range of relationships to a partner: “God, how I love you!” and “God, how I hate you!”, with no intermediate options. The attitude towards the partner’s planets falling into the 1st house will always be interested and personal. It is through these planets that a person first perceives a partner.
Occupancy of synastric planets 2nd house hardly promises any sensual connections, this is a material house. It is good in cases where partners have harmony in 5-7 houses, then the 2nd house activates the stable earthly component of the relationship.
3rd house emphasizes everyday communication, information exchange. This is more of a brotherly relationship, there is little romance here.
Partner planets in 6th house radixes show unequal, dependent, subordinate relationships. Moreover, the partner must adapt. There is even less romance here than in the 3rd house. Relationships are tedious, necessary to achieve a certain goal, or forced, for example, a “marriage by accident.”
Focus on 9th house- the partner is considered as a spiritual teacher, mentor, guru.
Planets in 10th house- the partner is considered as a boss, leader, “parent”. There is a desire to obey.
11th house indicates equal friendly relations. From a sexual point of view, the house is quite cold, sexual energy sublimated into mental interaction.
12th synastric house brings many difficulties for couple relationships. This is the house of secrets, deceptions, illusions, idealizations of a partner, as well as sacrifice, compassion, and mercy. Your partner may feel sorry for you. Secret love affair also goes through the 12th house.

Synastric aspects.

After a site for a new building has been selected, a plan has been designed, materials have been prepared, a process begins such as laying out the axes of the foundation, which will most accurately be carried out by an experienced surveyor, but if this is not possible, you can do all the work yourself. In order to avoid serious mistakes, it is important not to neglect the accuracy of the markings, to be able to measure distances, angles, and determine the location of all axes and points.

Layout means accurately transferring drawings from the house plan to a section of the main axes and lines and fixing them in place. Before starting work, you need to clear the area chosen for development from old debris, vegetation and remove a 15-20 cm layer of fertile soil.

Main axes

These are perpendicular lines, at the point of intersection of which the diagonals of the future house will touch. If this happened in practice, and you took into account the basic rules, then the breakdown was done correctly. Even when constructing small objects, it is recommended to carry out markings to ensure the strength of the building. Such work is carried out not only to lay the foundation of large architectural structures, but also secondary buildings, a garage, a bathhouse.

Dimensional axles

These are lines indicating the planning dimensions (in the project) and the configuration of the object. To determine them on the ground, you need to find two points indicating the longest longitudinal axis of the structure. Next, the distances between the axes and the connection of the foundation to them are clearly and clearly calculated on paper.

The breakdown work order: what do errors lead to?

IN best case scenario to weakening the load-bearing capacity of the building, in the worst case – collapse. If the floor slab does not fit on the plinth, its ends are cut off along with the reinforcement, which gives strength to the load-bearing wall and the entire house. Another option is when the slab barely rests on the wall, gaps are formed due to the deviation of the axes - this can cause the collapse of the structure.

The shift of the axes gives an incorrect load on the foundation. The result is uneven settlement and waterproofing failure. In order not to complicate yourself installation work, to build a strong, reliable house and carry out the layout correctly, you need to be careful and not rush into calculations. Standard work plan for self-marking:

  1. The foundation is oriented relative to something, a fence, a building, a red line, to which one line will be attached. Using a tape measure, two equal distances are marked from the selected object, and a parallel straight line is obtained, relative to, for example, a fence. It is brought to the length indicated in the drawings and secured at the intersection of the axis points using two pegs or metal pins and a construction cord. This is the main longitudinal axis of the house.
  2. The length of the house is drawn from one axis to another transversely to the landmark using a metal tape measure. All dimensions must be strictly observed up to 1 cm. For accuracy, the first intersection point must necessarily be attached to something.
  3. To obtain transverse lines, you will have to remember the Pythagorean theorem or use a huge right angle, which is prepared in advance from a sheet of plywood or a professional measuring instrument is purchased. In the first case, the value of the hypotenuse is calculated using the formula, transferred to the area and fixed. The third angle is obtained in the same way, only mirrored and the fourth, respectively.

It is important to check whether the rectangle is calculated correctly. To do this, it is re-measured with a tape measure; if the angle of their location is 90°, then everything is done correctly. The diagonals must be equal to each other. During the period earthworks the entire alignment of the building's axes can be damaged, so it needs to be strengthened. This method is called cast-off.

Cast-off device

A cast-off is two wooden posts with a board nailed between them. When installing the structure, the dimensions of the angles of natural repose of the trench, pit on long distance from the walls. All dimensions and data regarding the location of the walls are transferred to the board. These will be guidelines for precise definition thickness of the house support walls.

Vertical cast-off boards have a standard length of 1.2 m to 1.4 m. Nails are driven into the upper part and a cord is put between them. Upper part horizontal boards are leveled. Cast-off stakes are installed from the boundaries of future walls at least 1.5 m. This way, when digging a trench, the structure will not be damaged. When digging a deep pit is planned, the cast-off will be continuous. This method helps to place the support under the house with great accuracy.

Continuous cast-off is rarely used due to its large size and complexity of installation. This design is made rectilinear, mounted strictly along the entire contour of the structure parallel to the main axes. Therefore, it is easy to measure planned distances from it. The frame cast-off can be installed at any distance and in partial fragments.

The marking construction cord is stretched solely for marking purposes, after which it must be removed, otherwise it will only interfere with other work. Once the construction of the foundation is completed, cast-off becomes unnecessary, but without it it is difficult to lay the correct support for the house. You should not take long breaks in setting up the axes, especially on moving heaving soils. If they start to move, then all measurements will be lost, and the breakdown will have to be done again.

Basic rules for self-partitioning

It doesn’t matter where to start, since the whole process of laying the foundation is complex and time-consuming, and if you are ready, then you need to approach the matter with all responsibility and care. Not only the aesthetic appearance of the house, but also safe, comfortable operation for human life depends on the competent execution of each stage of work.

Geodetic layout is carried out in compliance with two basic rules, adherence to which is mandatory:

  • the walls of the building should close tightly to each other at an angle of 90º, without forming gaps;
  • the foundation for the floor, for which large-hollow panels are used, must meet the dimensions of standard panels.

According to building codes and safety rules, the embedding of slabs into the wall is carried out at a depth of 1.2 m, no less. For better quality work, it is better to invest in specialized equipment and tools.

It is important to remember that cast-offs play a major role in laying a strong foundation. Its main purpose is to designate and maintain the zero level of the structure throughout the entire period of construction of the support for the house and the floors of the first floor. Existing slopes on the site are leveled completely or in the form of terraces.

The main criterion that must be adhered to when transferring data into reality is accuracy. When carrying out work related to laying the foundation with your own hands, serious requirements are placed specifically on the accuracy of the initial geodetic network. The second condition is strict consistency.

Curvilinear foundation

The breakdown of a curved base begins with the removal of the main axis. Next, the center of curvature is established and a metal peg is driven into this place. From this center the outlines of the ledge and the top of the uneven place of the support, walls, and plinth will be exposed. After marking, you need to check everything again.

The markings for the foundation, as well as the trench itself, prepared for laying it, must be protected from exposure weather conditions. Therefore, fishing lines and metal stakes made of thick reinforcement are used; they are driven at least 40 cm deep. To prevent water from getting into the trench or pit, a device is made that drains the liquid.

In private construction, if you wish, you can make the correct layout of the foundation with your own hands, which does not tolerate the breakdown of the axes of the foundations of various structures, architectural, industrial, public, and complex technological objects. If a surveyor violates the rules for transferring drawings to the area, then only disastrous consequences can be expected. In the future, these buildings become dangerous for operation, because skewed axles will lead to problems in laying the roof and floors. Over time, the object will begin to deform, crack and collapse.

3rd and 9th houses. Introductory lecture. Lecture 116.

Finishing our consideration of the topic of “horoscope houses”, we move on to the axis of the 3rd and 9th house. It should be noted that in your regular practice, you will rarely encounter consultations based on the themes of these houses. Although the issues of guiding grown-up children to higher education educational institutions and the problems of young children at school within the general children's consultation will arise regularly.

The 3rd house has extensive signification, and even if not as the main ones, but as additional ones, such questions will also arise, which means there is a need to consider these topics.
Let me make a reservation right away: we will not consider the 9th house separately by Signs. Within introductory lecture we will talk about the signification of the 9th house, and you will take all the particular characteristics from the description of the 3rd house in the corresponding Signs.
As usual, in order for interest to arise in the topic of the corresponding house (both for the Native and for the astrologer, at the time of preparation for the consultation), this house must be strengthened by some indicators. Either this is a filled house, or it is a strong house ruler in a highlighted position - on the ASC or MC, in conjunction. with the Sun or Moon, in the handles of a Sling or Basket (), standing at the top of some aspect configuration or highlighted through karmic indicators (we will talk about these topics in the future), etc.
weak house does not indicate a lack of achievements on it, but almost always indicates a lack special interest to the themes of this house. That is, the Native will not make special efforts to achieve results in the affairs of this house, but if the house and its ruler are harmonious, and have a good connection with the element of some other house, then by dealing with the affairs of a stronger house, a person can simultaneously realize the themes weak but harmonious house.
Defeat, of course, creates problems in the corresponding house, and, therefore, there is a need to solve these problems, simply in order to remove the discomfort. Therefore, investing in the affairs of this house, even through numerous “rakes” and troubles, the result can be very worthy. Well, consciously ignoring the affairs of this house will periodically “climb out” troubles in it, the strength of which can be assessed based on the strength of the house itself.

General signification of the 3rd house.
I think most of you already know well what topics traditionally relate to the signification of the 3rd house, but I would like to clarify something in the usual formulations. “Communications and the ability to do so. Degree of eloquence" - you will find something like this in any book with a description of the 3rd house.
Let's figure it out. Indeed, the 3rd house symbolically corresponds to the Sign of Gemini, and, therefore, it is customary to transfer all Gemini themes to it. BUT it’s worth understanding here.
The 3rd house is responsible for the importance of communications in the life of the Native, but rarely, in itself, indicates behavior in these communications. Only relationships with people of the 3rd house (relatives, classmates, etc.) can literally correspond to the characteristics of the house, and in other communications, in to a greater extent other indicators will be implemented - in particular the first house and the ASC. It is he who indicates “primary” sociability, openness or, conversely, restraint when acquaintances are not close.
The words used by the Native will depend on the ASC and Mercury more than on the 3rd house. Voice timbre, assertiveness, specificity, conciseness, imagery, friendliness, aggressiveness - all this is also Mercury - speech in itself and ASC - what the Native can afford to retain the formed image.

The 3rd house will show whether communication is NEEDED at all. He will explain with which people and under what circumstances it is easier and simpler for the Native to make contacts, or, on the contrary, he will point out the difficulties in communicating with a certain type of people. What importance does the Native attach to contacts? BUT, his presentation at the moment of contact is better described by the ASC, speech - by the ASC and Mercury, etc.

For example, our family has a simply wonderful friend - a handsome, tall, always smiling person who can find common language with anyone. We have been friends for a long time and, in principle, have already become accustomed to his sociability, and yet, he still manages to surprise and delight us. We recently vacationed together in a forest area, and when leaving, we went to get some water at a spring, which is located in a large forest clearing. At this edge, many people were resting with tents, barbecues and other attributes of happiness. Already on the way, he began to loudly and loudly express his admiration for the vacationers and how great everything was arranged for them. He walked along the road and wished everyone have a good rest, JUST IN THE WAY OF CONVERSATION WITH US! Leaving (and we just filled up Water and went to reverse side!), said goodbye to everyone, asked how long they were resting, and told about how we rested J.
He has K3 - Leo, the Sun in Leo, in conjunction with Mars in the 3rd house - on the one hand, it’s clear, he sees himself in communication, he manifests himself in connections with other people. But still, Leo is selective and quite arrogant, although he is certainly talented and eloquent. And Mars adds aggressiveness and pressure.
Mercury – the ruler of speech – and the ruler of the ASC – is in Gemini in the 1st house.
So it turns out that he feels the importance of contacts (Sun in the 3rd house), but at the same time, he behaves in them not in a Leo/Martian way, but in a Gemini way - easily and naturally. It gives the impression of being very simple and nice person with an open Soul. At the same time, by the way, he is not at all touchy, which is very typical fire people.
Those. The 3rd house is the need for contacts in general, but NOT the method of contact (except for people and situations of the 3rd house).
“Thinking and the ability to learn” is also a traditional theme attributed to the third house. In fact, here, as with speech. HE DESCRIBES THE IMPORTANCE of the topic of study, of course, but thinking is better described by the Sun, Mercury and the horoscope as a whole (this is too large a layer).
As for the ability to learn, the 3rd house, IN COMBINATION with the Sun, Mercury and the overall balance of the chart, shows well how information should be presented so that the Native can assimilate it. BUT, what is important, most often this concerns information received in the 3rd house situation. So, for example, if we are talking about the learning process, then we will have to look at the balance of the cosmogram, the Sun, Mercury, and 3rd house, to understand HOW to TEACH our Native.
But if we remove the situation of the 3rd house, and talk, for example, about marriage, then in order to hear each other, the partners can easily do without the third house. You will need to adapt to Mercury, the Sun, and the dominant element, for example.
“School and learning. School performance."
It is generally accepted that from the third house it is possible to determine which form of education will be more suitable for the Native, and as described above, it is indeed possible to make such conclusions, for which, IN THE ALL, other indicators should also take into account the 3rd house.
But personally, I was not able to assess my performance with 100 percent certainty. Moreover, I don’t know how to evaluate it not only by the 3rd house but also by generally examining the entire horoscope. The third house provides excellent opportunities for assessing the circumstances of learning, from it you can see the difficulties or joys at school, but it is possible to make a more or less viable judgment about the grades in the magazine only on the basis of cumulative signs, and then the probability of error will be very high - from the category "finger to the sky"
Evaluation is a completely different matter. general attitude child to school, relationships with classmates, definition morale– here the third house has no equal!
Likewise, he is second to none in describing the school as an institution, the circumstances of learning, etc. This third house can and does do this simply brilliantly.
By the way, it’s not uncommon for parents, when asking about their child, to say something like “while we went to first school, everything was fine!” But how did we go to this... just creepy! I don’t know what to do anymore!” Obviously, the 3rd house is one, but the circumstances are different, the question arises, how then to evaluate different schools? To do this, we will use the horary method of evaluating things or phenomena that are similar to each other. It probably sounds depressing, but in fact, you and I have already used it, assessing the qualities of husbands () or children () if there are several of them.
The first school will go through the 3rd house, the second through the third from the third house - that is, through the fifth, the third through the third from the fifth - that is, through the 7th, the fourth through 3 from the seventh - that is, through the 9th, etc.
There is an opinion that primary school(especially if the child did not change schools during the learning process) is described by the third house, and high school 5th I can’t say anything about its effectiveness, simply because I almost never use it.
The 5th house also describes various schools, colleges, etc.
The house manager of the school will show WHAT school means to Nativ, what emotions it is associated with, describe the difficulties and joys at school, the learning process and the school itself as a building.
We will talk about the features of assessing the remaining topics of the 3rd house - relatives, road and documents in the next part of the introductory lecture.

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