The causes of infantilism are in character. Is childishness cute or underdeveloped? Features of social activity

This article was written for infantile people who still cannot grow up. In this article I will tell you what infantilism is, who an infantile person is and how to grow up. I will also talk about the reasons for inappropriate behavior mature man. Ask all your questions in the comments below the article.

Infancy and infantilism

What is infantility? Of course, you can go to Wikipedia and read there, but all Wikipedia articles are written scientific language. That's why it gets boring. Here I will delight you with my humor, so that you do not leave me for Wikipedia (Wikipedia will not take you away from me). Just don't think that I am infantile person. On at the moment I'm 23 years old and already considered an adult. Infantilism comes from Latin word infantilis - childish. This is the preservation of immature development in physical appearance, namely: behavior, character traits that were inherent in the previous stage of age development.

Knowing what is immaturity, we can easily answer the question - who is an infantile person. An infantile person is a child, a person who wants to be like Peter Pan. An infantile person is a person who behaves like a child wherever he goes. This is a man who remains a child, despite the fact that he is already over thirty years old. This is developmental delay.

Knowing what infantilism is, we can easily answer the question - who is an infantile person? Infantile man– this is a baby, a person who wants to be like Peter Pan. An infantile person is a person who behaves like a child wherever he goes. This is a man who remains a child, despite the fact that he is already over thirty years old. This is developmental delay.

There is another version of the definition of infantilism. Do you know how children behave? They want to get everything at once. Some "adult people" behave the same way. They have a desire to satisfy their needs without giving anything in return. That is, getting everything from life without doing anything yourself. This attitude towards the world can easily be called infantile.

But is infantility considered something bad? Maybe it's cute? The fact is that sometimes I behave like a child or an infantile person. I noticed that a lot of people like it. It’s just that they stop taking you seriously. And if you want people to begin to appreciate you, that is, as a full-fledged and adult person, then you urgently need to grow up.

How to grow up?

To find out how to grow up, we must first find out what adults do. I can boldly say that a person automatically becomes an adult when he takes upon himself for everything that happens to him. He becomes doubly an adult if he takes responsibility for other people, for example, for providing for his family (that is, for his wife and children), for his parents and even for his subordinates in his business.

First you need to take responsibility for your own own life. There is no point in thinking about others yet. An infantile person blames anyone, but not himself. He thinks that nothing depends on him, and that other people owe him something. This is childish behavior. Such people are not paid attention to. So start thinking differently. Start affirming that your life is only in your hands, and everything depends on you (at least in most cases).

Deeds define a person. A man is what he does. I noticed that as I get older, interests change on their own, as if someone switched the program. If at 15 I was interested computer games, superheroes from Marvel Comics, now I notice how interested I am in my business, girls and my future. I rarely play computer games now, because I’m no longer drawn to them. I can say that in an infantile person this program does not change on its own. In this case you will have to own strength force yourself to do adult things. For example, get a job, start going on dates, think about how to create your own business, how to develop in the future. Such thoughts and ideas are characteristic of adults.

To grow up, you need to become independent. To do this, first of all you need to learn on your own. Not as mommy says, but as you think. Stop being a little sucker. Start solving all your problems yourself. Start making decisions on your own, and not with your mother’s suggestions. Do what you think is right and necessary for you. No need to ask mommy for permission like: “Mom, can I go for a walk with Natasha today? I’ll be home at eight, I promise!”. NOOO!!! It won't do. From now on, only you decide for yourself. You can ask your relatives for advice (I allow you), but try to think with your own head.

Great practice if you start living separately. A great exercise for growing up is moving to another city where you will be alone. This method helps not only to grow up, but also to develop confidence, raise self-esteem, and become a real lion. If there is such a great opportunity, take it.

A person is always influenced by his environment. Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. It's time for you to change « kindergarten» for an advanced team. When I was twenty years old I went to the theater "Leaf Fall". There were children under 15 years old (some older). I noticed how among children I became a child myself. I behaved like a 10 year old boy. This kind of behavior in the theater is normal. I just remembered it with horror later. A twenty-year-old child is how I could be described. Change your environment.

Another effective way is a visualization of the image of an adult. Under the influence of imagination, you can easily change your behavior pattern. First, create an image of yourself as an adult: write down the character traits of an adult, describe his gait, manners, gestures, and so on. Every night when you fall asleep, start imagining yourself as such a character. Later this image will become ingrained, and you will become an adult. This method works 100%. You need to spend from 1 to 3 months.

To grow up, you need to stop whining and complaining about life. If you do this, then you will become an adult. Whining and complaining mostly weak people. Adult warriors never do this. They are looking for a way out of the cave, and are not sitting in it on their butts. This quality is inherent in those people follow. Is a leader an infantile person? You yourself know the answer. Get rid of this bad habit.

That's all. Start using these tips, and then soon you, and you yourself, will not recognize yourself. Ciao cocoa.

infantilism, infantilism, how to grow up

infantilis- childhood) - developmental delay, preservation in physical appearance or behavior of traits inherent in previous age stages.

The term is used in relation to both physiological and mental phenomena.

IN figuratively infantilism (as childishness) is a manifestation of a naive approach in everyday life, in politics, etc.

Physiological infantilism

  • In medicine, the concept of “infantilism” refers to a lag in physical development, which manifests itself in some people as a consequence of cooling, poisoning or infection of the fetus during pregnancy, oxygen starvation during childbirth, serious illnesses in the first months of life, metabolic disorders, disturbances in the activity of certain glands internal secretion(sex glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland) and other factors. Such people have slower growth and development of all physiological systems body.

There are genetically linked variants of infantilism.

Psychological infantilism

Mental infantilism is a person’s immaturity, expressed in a delay in the formation of personality, in which a person’s behavior does not meet the age requirements for him. The lag is mainly manifested in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and the preservation of childhood personality traits. Naturally, infantile people are not independent, i.e. They are used to others deciding everything for them.

IN early age signs of infantilism and a decrease in the level of behavioral motivation are difficult to detect. Therefore, mental infantilism is usually talked about only starting from school and adolescence, when the corresponding features begin to appear more clearly.

One of the most important factors development of mental infantilism are the person’s parents who do not take the person seriously enough in childhood, not allowing him to accept independent decisions- thereby limiting the teenager’s (but not the child’s) freedom. That is, the parents themselves may be to blame for the infantilism of a person born normal.

Typical for infantile children are the predominance of play interests over academic ones, rejection school situations and related disciplinary requirements. This leads to school maladjustment, and in the future - to social problems. However, infantile children are very different from mentally retarded or autistic children. They differ more high level abstract-logical thinking, are able to transfer learned concepts to new ones specific tasks, more productive and independent. The dynamics of the emerging intellectual deficiency in infantilism is characterized by favorability with a tendency to smooth out impairments in cognitive activity.

Simple infantilism should be distinguished from disharmonious infantilism, which can lead to psychopathy.

See also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Infantility” is in other dictionaries:

    immaturity- and, f. infantile adj. 1. Infantile state. Ush. 1934. Painful underdevelopment. Infantile physique. ALS 1. 2. Faking the child's behavior. Infantility in habits. Lex. Ush. 1934: infantility... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    1. childishness; childishness, childishness (colloquial) 2. see underdevelopment Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. infantilism... Dictionary of synonyms

    INFANTILITY, infantilism, many. no, female (book). distracted noun to infantile; infantile state. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    INFANTILE, oh, oh; flax, flax. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    J. abstract noun according to adj. infantile 2. Explanatory dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

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In the modern world everything appears more people who do not strive for great achievements, but prefer to live at someone else’s expense. What is infantility? First of all, behind this concept lies inability to take responsibility for events occurring in life. There are now more than enough reasons for the development of this character trait. People literally lose the ability to concentrate on the main thing and become more and more lazy. Having become accustomed to spending time idly and constantly resting, it becomes increasingly difficult for an individual to make efforts to do something for others. Infantility often develops in a family where an only child grows up. Over time, he gets used to the fact that his parents are trying only for him, and begins to take any manifestations of care for granted.

Signs of infantility

By what signs can one determine that a person is infantile? In most cases, they literally catch your eye because they look very noticeable.


Most main feature infantilism, which constantly manifests itself in the behavior of such a person. A strong fixation on one's experiences creates an excessive focus on what is happening inside. Selfishness is expressed in the inability to put oneself in the place of other people, in the inability to experience empathy. Characteristic feature is such a strong isolation on oneself, reaching the point of absurdity. Own desires seem to be the most necessary and significant, while the needs of others do not matter at all. It is very difficult to explain anything to such an individual, since he is concentrated exclusively on his thoughts.

Reluctance to develop

Infantility prevents any new beginning. This is because there is no desire to struggle with difficulties, to take any actions towards the desired result. The individual does not see any prospects for his growth and advancement. She often has a desire to shift her problems onto others. All this stems from the inability to cope with important tasks, understand the essence of the events taking place. Adult children who have become selfish do not want to start independent life, but prefer to sit on their parents’ necks, constantly demanding money for their support. Reluctance to develop is another sign of demonstrated immaturity. It is much more profitable for an individual to continue to depend on someone than to accept true responsibility for his life.

Inability to solve problems

Personality is lost at the first difficulties that arise. She is not at all burdened by the realization that she has to constantly shift her difficulties onto other people’s shoulders. What is infantility? This is a lack of faith in one's own prospects and capabilities. A person gives up as soon as he encounters challenging task. It doesn’t even occur to him to think about how he can solve this or that issue on his own. Inability to solve problems is a sign of immaturity. When an individual does not even try to concentrate on something important, his energy goes into internal experiences. At the same time, no external actions are manifested. It is unlikely that with such an approach you can achieve anything truly significant in life.

No goals

The absence of aspirations for anything nullifies any prospects. Even if opportunities appear, it becomes impossible to take advantage of them precisely because there are no goals to which one should direct one’s efforts. Strongly developed infantilism prevents you from successfully moving through life, perform normal actions. Over time, a person becomes so lazy that he is no longer able to act in accordance with the situation. If she has any concerns, they are related to satisfying her own needs. The more formed the habit of always and in everything relying on others, the stronger the signs of infantilism appear.

Inappropriate behavior

Typically, an accomplished adult performs actions based on own ideas about life. If an individual still lives in the past and does not want to leave childhood perception, then his behavior will necessarily be characterized by some inadequacy. The conversation may involve rudeness, intolerance, irritation, or even outright aggression.

Infantility in men

Young guys especially suffer from this: they fall into childhood and shift the difficulties that arise onto the shoulders of their parents. Very often, infantility forces one to lead a passive lifestyle and sit for days on end at the computer, devoting best years your life to games. For men, this can become a habit over time. Of course, such behavior cannot be called adequate and correct.

Infantility in women

In women, the reluctance to grow up manifests itself in the choice addictive behavior. It is easier for them to relieve themselves of all responsibility and be weak, defenseless, driven. Such girls are completely dependent on men and do not want to make any decisions themselves. And although such behavior is often perceived by people as the norm, it significantly harms the development of the individual and does not allow her to fully reveal her potential.

How to get rid of immaturity

Such a character trait, of course, harms the individual and cannot lead to a successful outcome. In most cases, it takes a lot of work on yourself to overcome a childish view of the world. How to get rid of immaturity? Let's take a closer look.

Awareness of the problem

Any change begins with trying to understand own mistake. You can’t change something for the better if you don’t strive to work on yourself. Honest admission of your mistakes will help you overcome your child’s perception of reality. Understanding the essence of the problem will help you take promising steps, helping to cope with the situation.

Leaving your comfort zone

First of all, you need to give up the idea of ​​feeling sorry for yourself. Many people suffer because they try their best to avoid difficulties. It is absolutely impossible to do this. This approach only aggravates the problem rather than allowing it to be resolved in a timely manner. Leaving your comfort zone guarantees the gradual acceptance of responsibility for your life and the events occurring in it. New prospects will gradually open up, additional features. The more a person develops the habit of inaction, the more effort he will have to put in later.

Having a goal

Determination itself can work wonders. The individual gradually straightens his shoulders and begins to believe in himself. When thinking about how to overcome infantilism, you should understand that this will not be done quickly. First, you need to decide what should be done first, and what things can wait. In any case, it is necessary to act and not sit still.

Taking responsibility

A key point that changes a lot in everyday reality. Taking responsibility for oneself significantly improves the quality of life, allows you to stop being big kid, for whom others decide everything. With this step, the true maturation of the individual begins. Until you accept full responsibility for all your actions and actions, there is practically no chance to improve.

Caring for an animal

Caring for a small creature, be it a kitten or a puppy, significantly increases own eyes and improves self-esteem. Here it becomes necessary to enlist your own support so that the animal does not need anything. The desire to constantly hide behind the backs of those around you will not help here. It is important to be able to discover additional possibilities in yourself, to do certain steps towards the desired result. Caring for a living being can truly eradicate laziness, apathy and a sense of vanity.

Thus, in order to overcome infantilism in yourself, you must first honestly admit the existence of such a problem. This is the only way to fix it sad situation. The more open people are with themselves, the sooner they will be able to get out of this state.

Any personality disorder includes a system of characteristics that violate generally accepted behavioral standards of society. The patient, in any case, experiences negative attitude society, resulting in problems with adaptation. Such disorders are difficult to treat, since the individual transfers guilt to his environment, which does not perceive him, and does not feel the need for medical care. There are several types of personality disorders. This article will focus on infantile disorder.

Why does it happen?

Infantile personality disorder according to ICD-10 ( International classification diseases) belongs to the section “Other specific personality disorders” (F60.8). One of the most common factors in the occurrence of the disease is considered to be heredity. In addition to the presence of ancestors with mental pathologies, the reasons include alcoholic parents: in such a family sick children are most often born.

Uncontrollable anger and aggressiveness can be caused by hormonal imbalances. Often the reason for the tendency to depressive states is insufficient production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin.

Some symptoms in children can be explained by inappropriate developmental conditions. For example, hyperactivity is a consequence of lack of space and restricted movement. Emotionally unstable parents or other people who are constantly around the child are cause for concern. But a balanced atmosphere in the family helps reduce the severity of symptoms of disorders.

Signs of Infantile Personality Disorder

The consciousness of a patient with this mental illness is extremely immature. Adaptation to stressful situations he is not noted: like a child, a person diagnosed with infantile personality disorder is unable to plan, is confused and fearful.

The disease can be detected already in adolescence. Constant changes in hormonal levels in adolescents often provoke emotional swings. Difficulties arise in identifying infantile disorder in children who have some of which can be perceived as justification for making this diagnosis. It should be understood that it is optimal to install it when a person is already 16 years old.

With age, symptoms become more severe. The disorder manifests itself in the fact that the patient cannot control any emotions: joy, fear, anger, anxiety.

Living in an imaginary world, a person with infantile personality disorder cannot cope with harsh realities. Facing difficulties causes panic in such people. In addition, they are easily excitable, emotional, afraid of panic and avoid responsibility, they often have mood swings.

These types of pathological manifestations are not included in permissible norm, therefore, the disorder should not be confused with clearly manifested character traits (accentuation), which are on the border of the norm. The difference is that a person with accentuation does not have problems adapting.

Types of infantile disorders

Depending on the symptoms and emotional state The patient can be distinguished into 4 types of infantile disorders:

Should a patient with infantile disorder serve in the military?

Due to constant nervous tension Patients with infantile personality disorder are not allowed into the army. The same applies to any service in military conditions, work in law enforcement agencies.

General patterns of treatment

Treatment for infantile personality disorder is usually difficult. The complexity of treatment can be explained by the fact that psychotherapists most often have to work with people who have an advanced stage of the disease with pronounced symptoms. The success of therapy also largely depends on high-quality diagnostics.

Most often, specialists provide treatment using psychotherapeutic methods. When symptoms of other disorders are added to infantile personality disorder, specialists treat with medication.

Treatment of infantile borderline disorder

Treatment of this type deviations often involve a flexible plan combining different techniques. Can be used following methods:

  1. (aimed at eradicating negative thinking patterns from the patient’s consciousness).
  2. Dialectical behavioral therapy(develops skills to overcome unwanted reactions).
  3. Cognitive - based on awareness (prevention of relapses by addressing the patient’s consciousness and thinking).
  4. Group therapy.
  5. Searching for a point in the patient's visual field, eye contact which will lead to an improvement in the condition (Brainspotting).

Treatment of infantile theatrical disorder

Most effective method in the fight against this problem - group therapy. Communication with the team helps to build the atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding necessary for treatment. In combination with group therapy Other methods are also used:

  1. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.
  2. Yoga and meditation.
  3. Psychotherapy based on social interaction.
  4. Brainspotting.

Treatment of infantile disorder of narcissistic type

Therapy largely depends on whether the patient is aware of the problem and is ready to fight it. Psychotherapists most often use:

Treatment of infantile antisocial disorder

Antisocial disorder is difficult to treat. Doctors often use psychotherapy, but this method is rarely effective. He is powerless if the symptoms of the disease are severe or the patient does not want to admit that he has serious problems. Often, diagnosing a disease is possible only by clarifying the patient’s relationship with loved ones.

There are no specific medications to treat antisocial disorder. Psychotherapists prescribe medications only to relieve specific symptoms, such as aggression, anxiety, or depression.

In most cases, it brings a lot of suffering to the people around him. To cope with aggression and protect against violence and anger, there are support groups for families and friends of people with antisocial disorder. If you have a loved one with this personality disorder, it is important that you also receive psychological assistance.

Until now, diagnosing infantile personality disorders is extremely difficult, since it is impossible to classify all patients under one pattern of disease development. The most important thing in treatment is to find a qualified doctor who can draw up individual plan treatment, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease.


Becoming an adult with a passport, an infantile person is not ready to build relationships with other members of society; it is difficult for him to find a job for the same reason. Everything would be fine, but such people get married early, and now all the care for them falls on their spouse. Everything in marriage negative traits The character of the “child” manifests itself very clearly: 1. Egocentrism, because he believes that the world revolves around him. 2. The inability to make decisions and the inability to show willpower are manifested in small things.3. Dependency, and this is not only and not so much the material side of the issue. An adult child is not able to take care of himself in everyday life, and if children appear in such a marriage, then the care of them is completely transferred to the spouse, who plays the role of “elder”.

In such a situation, the maturation of an infantile person depends on his spouse or on his parents, if he is still supported by them. And all actions should be aimed primarily at change own position. Usually in such a situation, the wife, whose husband lies on the couch all day long and refuses to take responsibility, begins to nag him. In response, he starts a game of . For a “child” to disappear, it must first lose its “parent”. And to do this, you need to take the position of an adult who has stopped caring for the “baby” and raising him.

The reaction of an infantile person who has been deprived of his bright rainbow world of irresponsibility can be different. At first, he will try with all his might to return the situation to its previous state. Most likely, he will pretend to be helpless and press for pity. If the wife/mother steadfastly holds on to the position of an adult, the infantile will begin to recover from his illness. The second development option is that the “child” will lose interest and go looking for a new “mother.” If a cure was attempted by the mother, then he will run away from her into marriage; if it is a wife, then such a marriage will come to an end.

In fact, by being overly protective of her child/husband, the mother/wife also receives something in return. She feels needed and useful. If the mother does not have enough arguments to change the situation, then she needs to come to the understanding that her child will not adult life that, being unadapted to reality, he will suffer. Wives themselves often get tired of their infantile husbands and they don’t need to look for any special arguments. Even if there is fear, you need to understand that a person and an infantile person still will not get along.

Tip 2: What is the social activity of society?

Social activity is a certain set of forms and types of activity of a person and society, the purpose of which is to solve the problems assigned to society, social group and various classes. Tasks depend on historical period. Object social activity It can be both an individual and a team, a group and society as a whole.

Features of social activity

In sociology, several types of social activity are considered - phenomenon, state and attitude. WITH psychological point vision, the main type of social activity is considered to be a state. It is based on the interests of society and its needs in a given period of time and is considered as internal readiness to action.

The peculiarity of social activity is the transformation of beliefs and ideas into actions of society. The social activity of a society depends on its leader. He provides strong influence on the beliefs and ideas of society in a given period of time. The level of social activity of society depends on this. The manifestation of social activity occurs when a person realizes his social significance and acts in conjunction with social and personal motives. This is impossible without a certain freedom of society, which consists in the fact that citizens have the right to participate in the development of society or in local government, without coercion.

Types of manifestation of social activity

Dependent activity – complaints and requests that require administrative bodies to solve citizens’ problems. Often these are requests and complaints that are not within the competence of administrative authorities. Constructive activity - proposals and ideas for changing the activities of administrative bodies to improve the living conditions of the population and the favorable arrangement of territories. Partnership between the administration and the population. Fictitious and demonstrative activity - to increase statistical data, they are involved. Certain publications are paid in funds mass media. Protest activity is society’s opposition to the activities of administrative bodies, without offering alternative solutions. It comes in the form of rallies, strikes, boycotts or hunger strikes.

Social activity of Russian society

Nowadays social activity Russian society very low.
Excluding elections, only a quarter of the population takes part in other forms of social activity. Other citizens believe that their social activity is meaningless. According to research in Russia, social activity takes a fictitious and demonstrative form. This is explained by the fact that the majority of citizens believe that everything has already been decided and all that remains is to pretend to make a decision. Because of this there is low level social activity of society.

Video on the topic

Infantilism is a common phenomenon in modern society. Paradoxically, the more demanding it becomes modern world to those who make decisions, the more clearly one can see how many infantile people there are around, running away from responsibility for making any decisions at all.

“Dodik, Dodik, go home! - Mom, can I play a little more? - No. Go home. - Mom, am I cold? - No. You want to eat!” - this classic anecdote perfectly reflects the essence of the origins and content.

Beautiful word"infant" is translated as "child". It’s a beautiful word, but life with an adult child is never cloudless and is fraught with a lot of stress and disappointment. Not at all. His partner, who has tasted all the delights of living together.

An infantile person is eternal child. With all the wonderful bouquet characteristic of children from three to five: egocentrism, narcissism, irresponsibility and hysteria. But if only the character of classical infantiles was limited to this. Unfortunately, they are also characterized by traits inherent in adolescents during puberty: negativism, denial of life with constant self-affirmation, easy excitability and conscious isolation.

Ungrown children

“Oh, children, children! So great is their faith in mother's love that it seemed to them that they could afford to be heartless a little longer!” (James Barrie. Peter Pan)

Peter Pan, the hero of a good old children's fairy tale, is a classic representative of an ungrown teenager, moreover, who refuses to grow up, provoking with his actions inadequate reaction, selfish, often indifferent, irritable, arrogant, but demanding exceptional attention. Peter Pan - an infantile modern personality.

As a rule, infantilism is a consequence modern education. In other historical eras, due to the family and tribal way of life, children were taught almost from infancy to be responsible for their actions and for the well-being of the family. The modern way of life is certainly good in that it makes our everyday life easier, but also blurs the boundaries of responsibility for survival, and does not pose, from childhood, the dilemma of making momentary responsible decisions on which not only the well-being, but also the life of the entire family depends.

Several years ago, American anthropologist Carolina Izquierdo from the University of California published a paper in which she touched on the topic of growing up by comparing archaic and modern upbringing. In this work, she described two: the first - the attitude towards raising a 6-year-old child in the Peruvian Matsigenka tribe living in the Amazon, in which Caroline spent several months, the second - episodes from the life of an ordinary American family.

So, the first situation: one day, members of the tribe set out on a two-day “expedition” to collect food for the entire tribe. A little girl of 6 years old asked to be taken with her. Although she did not yet have a clearly defined role in the tribal community, she became a full and useful member of the expedition, carrying sleeping mats and catching, cleaning and boiling crayfish for all members of the expedition, having made the decision to do so on her own. She was calm, self-possessed and did not demand anything for herself personally.

The second situation from the anthropologist’s work relates to the life of an ordinary middle-class American family: an 8-year-old girl, not finding a cutlery next to her plate of cereal, sat for ten minutes and waited for it to be served to her, while a 6-year-old boy tried to persuade his father to he untied his sneaker laces.

Main features of infantilism

Infantilism can be congenital, but most often it is acquired and depends on upbringing. An infantile adult is a disaster, first of all, for his loved ones, for his family members, if he manages to have one. But also in the sphere industrial relations Infantile people cannot be called a gift of fate.

An infantile person, as a rule, displays emotional and volitional immaturity; he is unreliable, irresponsible and avoids making any decisions, happily shifting responsibility to others. Infants are fixated on themselves and are only concerned with their own whims and goals, although they can quite successfully hide behind beautiful phrases or even actions, but, alas, they are based in any case only on concern for personal convenience, well-being and satisfaction of needs. As a rule, they almost always find someone who solves their problems, takes care of them and takes them “under their wing.”

But how charming and attractive infantiles are - these eternal children! They are as different as they are attractively beautiful, like Peter Pan and Carlson - archetypes-representatives of infantile individuals: their element is the eternal celebration of life, where they give attention and gifts.

Well, they not only love to have fun, but also know how to have fun like no one else, and if life were always just a holiday, then you wouldn’t find a better companion for this: with an infantile person fun is guaranteed until... Until the first decision is made whether he is cold or wants to eat. And if you are ready to make all subsequent decisions for him - forward to the eternal fairy tale, in which the further you go, the worse it gets.

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