Quotes about without. The best aphorisms, quotes about the best things in life

Sometimes you need to stop, take a break from the bustle of the world, take a deep breath and think about the future. Quo vadis? -Where are we going? Are we moving in the right direction? Maybe we should change course? What are we trying to achieve? It is likely that the statements of great representatives of humanity will help you find the necessary guidelines.

Life modern man with its endless flow of information, it is complex and multifaceted, and often people simply get lost among the variety of events and everyday routine. Here it is important to feel in time that you are starting to go with the flow, and not allow circumstances to get the better of you. Be creative own life, do not rely on fate - fortune is a capricious lady, she may not smile.

Read These Thoughtful Quotes famous people, think about them, and perhaps they will help you take stock of your own life. Take a moment from your daily routine and find some time for yourself.

No matter how busy you are - at work or at home with children - try to set aside at least a few minutes every day to switch gears and reflect on the essence of being. And - who knows? - maybe these quotes from the greats will help you find your place in life.

1. “Someday in the future you will understand that the years of struggle were the best in life,” Sigmund Freud.

2. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can't change it, treat him differently." Maya Angelou.

3. “The greatest difficulty in this world is that fools and fanatics are always confident in themselves, but wise men are filled with doubts,” Bertrand Russell.

4. “The thinking that gets us where we are is different from the thinking that gets us where we want to be,” Albert Einstein.

5. “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Make me do it and I will understand,” Confucius.

6. “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you learn to let them go; everything around you collapses so that you learn to appreciate when everything is normal; you believe when they lie to you, so that over time you learn to trust only yourself; and sometimes something good falls apart to create something better.” Marilyn Monroe.

7. “Never allow yourself to be silenced, never allow yourself to be made a victim. Don’t accept other people’s interference in your life - create it yourself,” Robert Frost.

8. “You will stop worrying about what others think of you once you realize how rare it is,” Eleanor Roosevelt.

9. “Just because something doesn’t make a profit doesn’t mean it’s worthless,” Arthur Miller.

10. “Promise me that you will always remember: you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think,” Alan Alexander Milne.

11. “There is only one place in the world that you can absolutely improve - and that is yourself,” Aldous Huxley.

12. “A tree is judged by its fruits, and a man by his deeds. A good deed will never go unnoticed. Those who sow politeness reap friendship, and those who cultivate goodness will reap love,” St. Basil.

13. “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but those that are able to respond quickly to change,” Charles Darwin.

14. “Time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who mourn, too short for those who are happy, but for those who love, time is forever,” Henry Van Dyke .

15. “You don’t need to be a fantastic hero to do something, to compete with someone. You can be an ordinary guy who is motivated enough to achieve challenging goals." Sir Edmund Hillary.

Quotes from the film "Three Meters Above the Sky", based on the novel by Italian writer Federico Moccia "Three Meters Above the Sky"

There is no turning back. And you feel it. You try to remember at what moment it all started and you realize that it all started earlier than you thought. Much earlier. And at that very moment you understand that everything in life happens only once. And no matter how hard you try, you will never experience the same feelings again. You will never rise three meters above the sky again.

Dandelion wine - caught and bottled in summer.

Take summer in your hand, pour summer into a glass - into the tiniest glass, of course, from which you can only take a single tart sip, bring it to your lips - and instead of a fierce winter, hot summer will run through your veins...

Most young men are scared to death if they see that a woman has any thoughts in her head.

When a person is seventeen, he knows everything. If he is twenty-seven and still knows everything, then he is still seventeen.

At first you live, you live, you walk, you do something, but you don’t even notice. And then suddenly you see: yeah, I’m living, walking or breathing - this is truly the first time.

The first thing you learn in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you find out is that you are still the same fool.

Quotes from Assol, Longren, Gray from the text of Alexander Green's work "Scarlet Sails"

She became the one for him with the right word in the conversation of the soul with life, without which it is difficult to understand oneself.

Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten.

I was in the same country. Love reigns there. At least they don’t build temples for her. Children are not forced to sing praises. They just love it there. Slowly and modestly. Naive and a little funny. It’s ordinary - after all, they don’t imagine how you can live without knowing love...

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

We don’t have many holidays that we celebrate throughout the country: a successful game by the Russian national football team and New Year. But, since we celebrate the second holiday much more often, we will talk about it.

And when in Vladivostok they are already cutting it into salad with all their might, in Kaliningrad they are just cutting it up.

You need to find a normal guy, and not chase after any palmistry.

The theory of six handshakes, according to which every person on earth knows another through six acquaintances.

During the night I will have time to congratulate two or three Snow Maidens, but I won’t be able to cope with the rest.

I'm on fire! My life is on fire!

Rely on Santa Claus, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

Pain wants to be felt.

Without pain, how would we know joy?

True love born in difficult times.

Time is truly the worst of whores: it deceives everyone.

My thoughts are stars that I am unable to unite into constellations.

On dark days, the Lord sends the best people into our lives.

The world is truly not a wish-fulfillment factory.

I never stop and get only positive emotions from my work.

I'm used to thinking big. Always, since my youth. After all, it’s very simple: if you think about something at all, then think big, set it before yourself big goals. Most people are used to operating in small categories because they are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And this gives people like me a huge advantage.

Every day, millions of people pretend to go to work or do something else. important matters. But in reality, every second everyone is just looking for love.

Life goes on. The earth is round, the sky is blue, and I'm not your girlfriend anymore.

I have a slight feeling that you are starting to pester me.

Tonight, as for the next month, I was going to get drunk and curse my fate. But suddenly my plans changed dramatically.

Robots are cool. They don't cry, they don't suffer. They don't feel anything. And no one can hurt them. Being a robot is cooler than being a human.

Since childhood, I have been preparing for matinees, but life is not at all like a matinee.

A cool chick left you, and I’ve been living with a guinea pig for two years now. She and I watch TV together.

There is something that has a special magic that does not depend on us! What is this? Time! And no matter how much we want, no matter how much we strive, no matter how much effort we put in, time is not interested in us, nor in our opinion, nor in what the days and years do to us! This is an indicator highest power that exists in this world. It is this concept that rules everything and always, and even our life is subordinate to it! And that is why there are the most pointed statements about him; they have always spoken about him with special admiration and respect. Here you will find quotes about time. We will show phrases of great people about time, what they thought and how they treated it.

We would like to tell you about those words and sayings that can characterize time:

  • Einstein expressed his opinion about such an ever-impermanent concept;
  • What are your opinions about time and love?
  • The saying that time flies unnoticed by a person.
Everything has its own biography. But time doesn’t have it. It's hard to imagine that time was ever born. And before that? Wasn't he there? Is this possible? Catchphrases help to understand the definition of this concept and its meaning for people.

Quotes from the greats

How often do quotes about time show that we cannot understand its passage, its transience, its influence and its cost. Some people say that time is money. And another argues that time is priceless. And one of the greatest scientists of the Universe, Einstein, accustomed to analyzing everything, understanding and checking facts, suddenly announced to the whole world that what he so often used as a quantity, on which all his famous theories, which revolutionized the understanding of this world, are based, is just... an illusion! Yes, yes! Delusion, deception, fantasy and phantom! This is exactly how they characterize reference books the word "illusion".

If Einstein knew what he was talking about, then how can this “fantasy” influence us so inexorably that people, without meaning to, begin to plan their short days and life, describing minutes, hours and years? But there are other characteristics, other aphorisms about time. Not only Einstein, but philosophers from different times and cultures expressed their opinions. What these extraordinary personalities thought, and how they will help us expand this concept, will become clear from the words they said about time with meaning.

Three things never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore... don’t waste time, choose your words, don’t miss the opportunity.
(Confucius) Child's hour longer than an old man's day.
(Arthur Schopenhauer) One must look at the day like a little life.
(Maxim Gorky) Don't waste your time on a person who doesn't want to spend it with you.
(Gabriel Marquez) True love is not like that what endures for many years separation, but one that can withstand many years of intimacy.
(Helen Rowland) The word "tomorrow" was invented for indecisive people and for children.
(Ivan Turgenev)

There is time to work, and there is time to love. There is no other time left.
(Coco Chanel)

Happy They don't watch the clock.
(Alexander Griboyedov) Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.
(Honoré de Balzac) Time- money.
(Benjamin Franklin) Time is sand. Life is water. Words are the wind... Be careful with these components... So that it doesn't turn out to be dirt...

Beautiful and meaningful

Contrary to the view that Einstein had about a vague, almost mysterious illusion, other thinkers gave time greater value and defined it in very clear outlines. Such diverse views provide the most comprehensive information and reveal all the possibilities that time has; quotes help you see this.

Some people attach healing properties to this concept, saying that time heals. The author understands exactly how important it is to sometimes be patient while waiting for changes. Like a pill taken, the period passed should affect the well-being and circumstances of people if misfortune befalls them. People who expect something good from life, but for a long time do not have what they want, are guided by the same principles.

Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love.
(Jean Labruyère) It's stupid to make plans for life, without being master even of tomorrow.
(Seneca) Life is Very short time between two eternities.
(Carlyle Thomas) Time passes, that's the problem. The past grows and the future shrinks. There are fewer and fewer chances to do anything - and more and more resentment for what you did not manage to do.
(Haruki Murakami)

The time will come when you think it's over. This will be the beginning.
(Louis Lamour)

And whatever happens to us TOMORROW...
We have TODAY and NOW in stock!

To find out the price of the year, ask a student who failed an exam.

To find out the price of a month, ask a mother who gave birth prematurely.

To find out the price of the week, ask the editor of the weekly magazine.

To find out the price of an hour, ask a lover waiting for his beloved.

To find out the price of a minute, ask someone who is late for the train.

To find out the price of a second, ask someone who lost loved one in a car accident.

To find out the value of one thousandth of a second, ask an Olympic silver medalist.

The clock hands will not stop running. Therefore, cherish every moment of your life. And appreciate today as the greatest gift that has been given to you.
(Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels)

An ordinary person thinks how to pass the time. Smart man thinks about how to use time. Every minute When you get angry at someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson) Time is like a mosquito: It’s good to kill him with a book.
(Konstantin Melikhan) All that matters It's not urgent. Everything that is urgent is just vanity.
(Xiang Tzu)
Among the statements there are also ones about love. These topics have been intertwined for centuries, since there is no time limit for eternal feelings, and they cannot even be limited whole life. Some still retain their freshness, as if we're talking about O modern people and their feelings.

Is it possible to find the day, hour, year? No one has heard of this. But there are cases of wasted time, when it was wasted by those who did not value it. It is no coincidence that modern world There is a real organization that puts minutes before money. And you can get services there under certain conditions. And time spent usefully is a good use of it, which characterizes it well.

About the transience of life

Aphorisms about time and its swiftness are probably the most famous and widespread. These words are the best, they tell about its main features. After all, sooner or later, every person thinks about how quickly his life has flown by. I would like to find an explanation for this and understand the meaning of existence.

There are many such expressions, since each of us wants to give an assessment of the past period and planned plans for the future. Any such quote only confirms the idea that life is fleeting, and plans and ideas are always enough. But this understanding does not always come on time. That is why the experience of those who came to such an idea and shared it is invaluable.

Use every moment so that later you won’t repent and regret that you missed your youth.
(Paulo Coelho) You're too busy what was and what will be... The sages say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is given. That's why they call him real.
("Kung Fu Panda") Don't talk about how you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.
(Jackson Brown)

Between success and failure lies the abyss whose name is “I have no time.”
(Franklin Field)

Time lost with pleasure, is not considered lost.
(John Lennon) Yesterday- this is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today's is a gift!
(Alice Morse Earl)
Time flew like a bird. It cannot be stopped and cannot be brought back. And how you spend your life will show whether you were wise enough to learn from the experiences of those who shared their observations. This true collection that is presented on our website is imbued with magic real people, where every fate is an invaluable lesson for all those who are looking for an explanation of who we are, what and where our lives go, what things we considered more important for ourselves that we gave them so much importance.

Life always happens now. Get comfortable in the present moment...

Quotes to yourself – Happy people don’t watch the clock,

And on mine it’s ten to ten. A. Griboyedov

I am waiting. It's easy for me to be patient and not rush things. I know how to say: “I don’t care,” moreover, I know how to believe it. Max Fry

Be yourself. All other places are already taken. Oscar Wilde

I'd rather regret something I did than something I didn't do. That's why I try to grab every opportunity. Cameron Diaz

There are things that I never lie about: that I love or miss you. It’s trivial, but in reality, few people have heard them from me.

We got so used to wearing masks in front of others that we ended up wearing masks even in front of ourselves. La Rochefoucauld

But all I want is to bring people joy and love! Michael Jackson

I'm exactly the same as everyone else; I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it. Paulo Coelho

My main rule is: do your job well and see what comes of it. Denzel Washington

The most junk food- TEA... There will always be gingerbread, sausage and pies to go with it!!!

All my little oddities stood up, bowed and began to dance in a circle. Jonathan Carroll

Know how to control yourself if you don’t want others to control you. Veselin Georgiev

Just be yourself, there is no one better. Taylor Swift

I don’t have to be the way others want me to be, and I’m not afraid to be the way I would like to see myself. Muhammad Ali

Temporarily unavailable. Gone to arrange personal life. I don’t know where. When I will return, with whom and for what purpose is unknown.

I love being alone. Or rather, this: being alone is not at all difficult for me. H. Murakami

For everyone who knows you, you are different. Chuck Palahniuk

I am a strange person. I think we're all a little crazy in our own way. Johnny Depp

I'm usually bad, but when I'm good, I'm good as hell. Charles Bukowski

I am the only person in the world whom I would like to get to know better. Oscar Wilde

I don't like it when people touch what's mine. And it doesn’t matter what it is, a thing or a person. Oscar Wilde

If you always think: “I am a genius,” you will eventually become a genius. Salvador Dali

Of course, I’m not perfect... but I’m still a masterpiece...

You are already different from others anyway. Trying to fix this is useless. But you can use...

Who strives for great goal, should no longer think about himself. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

A horse and a hut for me... Until I sobered up

Only the surrounding public makes me stupid and rude... Andrey Belyanin

I am far from ideal... and in general, I don’t even strive for it. Lyudmila Shcherblyuk

Oh, such a mistress, such a mistress!
I make dumplings, dumplings, fry pancakes...
And that's all - with eyes closed, and that's it - lying on the sofa, and everything MENTALLY! Anabell

The main thing is not what you look like on the outside, the main thing is how many devils are in your pool.

There is no need to flatter me, I already know what is good about me and what is simply wonderful!!!

For some, the process of self-discovery is completely natural, while others live in the moment and do not seriously think about exploring their inner self until something changes their view of life.

In general, self-knowledge is, most often, a lonely road - even if you are surrounded by family and friends, you will have to walk this path yourself. And, nevertheless, the process of finding oneself cannot be completed only from within - it requires interaction with outside world.

What is self-searching, in principle? Maybe this is a year of traveling after graduating from school and before entering university? Or is it those strange years at university between adolescence and finding your place in society? Or maybe it's more internal struggle with yourself, the goal of which is to feel comfortable with your own self?..

Perhaps this is a search for a job that will bring both joy and money? Or is the term “searching for yourself” a banal way to evade your obligations and responsibilities? And this search process - can it ever be completely completed?

Can a person really “find himself” and experience absolute happiness and satisfaction, being “in his place” in this world?

Is there one true answer to all these questions? If it exists, none of us knows it. But we can all find our own answer to these and other questions; Below we publish quotes we have selected about finding yourself, which will definitely help you with this:

“Most often a person meets his fate on the path he tried to escape from it.” - Jean de La Fontaine

“It is at the moment when I think I have learned to live correctly that life changes.” - Hugh Prater

“A man never knows what he wants; he strives to understand the mysteries, and once he succeeds, he wants to create them anew. Ignorance irritates him, and knowledge satiates him.” – Henri-Frédéric Amiel

“A person who views life at 50 the same as he did at 30 has wasted 20 years of his life.” - Mohammed Ali

“What you discover on your own is always more exciting than what someone else discovers for you. This is about the same if we compare marriage for love and for convenience.” - Terrence Rafferty

“People often say that one or the other has found himself. But we don’t find ourselves, we create ourselves.” - Thomas Szasz

“If you don't get lost, chances are you'll never be found.” - author unknown

“You will know that this is your path when you find yourself on it, because you will immediately feel all the energy and imagination that you need.” - Jerry Gillies

– Aldous Huxley

“Know yourself. Don’t take your dog’s admiration for you as proof that you are wonderful and perfect.” – Ann Landers

“I can teach anyone how to achieve what they want in life. The problem is that I can't find anyone who knows what he wants.” – Mark Twain

“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. If you, out of your stupidity, do not notice beauty, then you will soon find yourself without it.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

– James Thurber

“A man travels around the world in search of what he needs, and finds it at home when he returns.” – George Moore

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