Human association with the color green. The psychology of color perception explains why we like some colors and hate others

Symbolism of color. Color and character. Color and performance.

The symbolism of color has a long history. Since time immemorial people have attached special meaning reading the “language of colors”, which is reflected in ancient myths, folk legends, fairy tales, various religious and mystical teachings. Thus, in astrology, the rays of the Sun, arranged in a spectrum and giving 7 colors, corresponded to 7 main planets: red - the color of Mars, blue - the color of Venus, yellow - the color of Mercury, green - the color of Saturn, purple - the color of Jupiter, orange - the color of the Sun, purple is the color of the moon. At the same time, the colors symbolized not only the planets and their influence, but also social status people, their different psychological states. This was manifested in the selection of clothes of certain colors, folk sayings, rituals, etc. U different nations A certain symbolism of colors has developed that has survived to this day.

Thus, since ancient times, people have shown a special interest in the color red. In many languages, the same word means the color red and, in general, everything beautiful and beautiful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved" » . In China, a sincere, frank person is said to have a “red heart,” while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black.

Red color primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and, at times, contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war. Since ancient times, the color red has been associated with aggressiveness and sexual desires.

Red is the main heraldic color. On the banner it symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle. It is interesting that among many tribes in Africa, America and Australia, warriors, preparing for battle, painted their bodies and faces red. The Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothing during war. IN ancient China The rebels called themselves "red warriors", "red spears", "red eyebrows"..

Red also denotes power and greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, the color red symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

White color symbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight, as well as with the productive force, which is embodied in milk and eggs. Associated with whiteness is the idea of ​​the obvious, the conventional, the legitimate, the true.

IN Ancient Rome The Vestals wore white dresses and white veils. Since antiquity, the color white has had the meaning of detachment from the worldly, striving for spiritual simplicity. In the Christian tradition, white denotes kinship with the divine light. Angels, saints and righteous people are depicted in white. Among some peoples, kings and priests wore white clothes, which symbolized solemnity and grandeur.

However, white can also have the opposite meaning. By its nature, it seems to absorb, neutralize all other colors and correlates with emptiness, incorporeality, icy silence and, ultimately, with death. The Slavs dressed the dead in white clothes and covered them with a white shroud. It is customary among some tribes in Africa and Australia to paint the body with white paint after the death of someone close to them. In China and some other countries in Asia and Africa, white is the color of mourning. In the old days, white mourning was also used by the Slavs.

Black color, as a rule, symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, death. Thus, in ancient Mexico, during the ritual sacrifice of a person, the face and hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered dangerous and envious. Ominous characters are dressed in black, whose appearance portends death.

It is also believed that there is a connection between the color black and sexual attractiveness. Among some African tribes, women with very black skin are highly valued as lovers, but not as wives. Love passion is shrouded in darkness and mystery; therefore, black can symbolize something intimate and passionately desired. Among the Arabs, the expression “blackness of the eyes” means beloved, “blackness of the heart” means love.

Thus, black can also have a favorable meaning. It is perceived this way, for example, in the arid regions of Africa, where there is little water and black clouds promise fertility and abundance. Black bulls, goats or birds are sacrificed to the guardian spirits who send rain, and the priests also dress in black.

Yellow- the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as frozen sunny color. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and fading leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.

Among many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often yellow served hallmark noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt.

On the other hand, among some Asian peoples, yellow is the color of mourning, grief, and sadness. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. U Slavic peoples yellow is considered the color of jealousy and betrayal, and in Tibet jealousy is literally called “yellow eye.” Let us also remember the “yellow press” and the “yellow house”

Blue color For many peoples it symbolizes heaven and eternity. It can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, favor, and in heraldry it means chastity, honesty, good fame and loyalty. "Blue blood" speaks of noble birth; The English call a true Protestant a “blue.”

In addition, the color blue is close to black and receives similar symbolic meanings. It was considered mourning Ancient Egypt and among some peoples South Africa. The French call horror “blue fear” (remember the fairy tale about “blue beard”. Among the Slavic peoples, blue served as the color of sadness, grief, and was associated with the demonic world. Ancient legends describe black and blue demons.

Green is the color of grass and leaves. For many peoples, it symbolizes youth, hope, fun, although sometimes it also symbolizes immaturity and lack of perfection. Green color is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also produce a depressing impression (it is no coincidence that melancholy is called “green”, and the person himself “turns green” with anger).

Iranians associate the color green both with rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, grief, which is why they say “green leg” about an ill-fated person, and “green house” about a cemetery. IN medieval Europe jesters wore green and yellow clothes, and bankrupts in Germany had to wear green hats.

The ancient symbolism of colors and their interpretation in various cultures is confirmed in modern theories the relationship between color and emotional-volitional states not only individual person, but also entire communities. Matching color and dominant psychological state studied by M. Luscher, I. Goethe and other psychologists.

Today, flower symbolism is widely used in business advertising. Psychologists have found that blue, gold, white, black, red are colors that can be used to identify a product with the elite segment, since these are “expensive” colors that have been identified with the elite of society for centuries. Indeed, in goods in the upper price range, the combination of blue or black with gold is very common. Black color allows you to effectively highlight a logo (made, for example, in gold) or an image of the product itself. This is done in order to concentrate the consumer’s attention not on the packaging, but on the product itself, to show its significance and prestige. For example, this technique is used by many producers of expensive alcoholic beverages, in particular Johnny Walker and Black Label whiskey, Comus or Martell cognac. This way the name of the product stands out and emphasizes that this is an elite drink. The same approach is practiced when creating expensive perfumes and colognes for men.

If the colors of the premium segment should be associated with confidence and solidity, then the combination of red and yellow, on the contrary, is associated with a feeling of joy, warmth, and fun. It is no coincidence that these two colors are used by “folk” restaurants McDonald's and Lipton tea. Green and blue, which are considered the colors of May morning, have their own associations. They are usually used to show the freshness of the product.

There are also colors that are strictly forbidden to be combined with each other, as they evoke negative emotions in the consumer. For example, a combination of purple and orange speaks of hopelessness and suicide. The same effect is caused by an inscription written, for example, in white letters on a dull black background.

Color and character

Each person gives preference to one color, at least no more than two or three (depending on where these colors are used - in clothing, furnishings, car color, etc.). The pleasant or unpleasant feeling that a particular color evokes can change over time. But in any case, the color you prefer can tell a lot about your character and emotional makeup. Psychologists in such cases use color test, developed by Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher in the late 1940s. Luscher test used professional psychologists, requires special training for its use. The “lighter” version of the Luscher test can be easily tested by anyone, using the usual settings of a modern color TV.

Psychologists say : if the color red predominates, then the owner of the TV is trusting, but overly emotional and aggressive. If yellow clearly stands out, then such a person inspires confidence in others, is an optimist and expresses friendliness. But the constant smile on his face is most often a mask behind which hides strong internal tension. The predominant blue-green color indicates that the person is timid and weak, but dangerous if someone gets in his way. And finally, those who prefer light blue are accommodating, lazy and do not know moderation in food and drink.

An experienced observer can imagine Additional information about a person and his preferred car color. Data can be provided to prove this American psychologist Berthold Schwarz, who claims that the color of a car can be used to judge certain psychological characteristics its owner. Thus, the owners of red and yellow cars are optimists, lovers of life and consider themselves happy. Green ones are worn by nature lovers and realists. Blue is chosen by people with a balanced character. Owners of white cars adhere to conservative views, but drive black ones business people. Gray and silver ones are to the taste of proud people, and brown ones are preferred by respectable spouses and fathers of large families.

Below is a description of the main colors. Based on the preference for one color or another, everyone can independently draw a conclusion about their psychological characteristics.

  • white- a synthesis of all colors, which is why it is the “ideal” color. It contains a significant meaning, since it simultaneously conveys the brilliance of light and the coldness of ice. This color can be preferred by a person with any character; it does not repel anyone;
  • black- the color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life. Anyone who prefers to dress in black often perceives life in dark colors, is unconfident, unhappy, and prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his ideals in life are unattainable. Frequent change A change from a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchier one, indicates that pessimistic moods often dissipate. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (remember the black banners of anarchists). Children who are acutely experiencing a lack of care and love often use black shading in their drawings. Normally, black is generally rejected;
  • grey- the favorite color of sensible and distrustful natures who think for a long time before making any decision. it's the same neutral color, which is preferred by those who are afraid to express themselves too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character. Often grey colour It also turns out to be preferable in case of severe fatigue as a barrier, fencing off irritants outside world. In situations psychological testing this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into inner world test subject. A study of about two thousand young men in a situation of competitive examinations for vacant positions showed that the color gray was put in first place by 27% of the examinees instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation;
  • red- the color of passions. If this is your favorite color, then such a person is brave, he is a strong-willed, domineering type, quick-tempered and sociable. In addition, he is an altruist. People who are irritated by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency towards solitude, stability in relationships. The red color symbolizes excitement and energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism. Disgust and ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion. Prisoners of war, forced to live for years in life-threatening conditions, were especially likely to reject him. Red is the color most preferred by teenagers;
  • brown- are chosen by those who stand firmly and confidently on their feet. People who have a soft spot for him value traditions and family. The preference for brown reflects, first of all, the desire for simple instinctive experiences, primitive sensual joys. At the same time, the choice of this color as the most preferred also indicates a certain physical exhaustion. Normally, along with black, Brown color rejected most often;
  • yellow- symbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, intelligence. Being loved means being sociable, curious, courageous, adaptable, and enjoying the opportunity to please and attract people. When he is unpleasant, then we're talking about about a concentrated, pessimistic person with whom it is difficult to make acquaintance. Yellow comes from mixing green and red and is the color of energy. The greatest preference for yellow is given to pregnant women expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people who are prone to changing places. Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (the halo of Christ or Buddha);
  • blue- the color of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him. The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy. In short, choice of blue color as the most preferred reflects the physiological and psychological need a person is at peace, and denying it means that a person avoids relaxation. When ill or overworked, the need for blue increases;
  • green- the color of nature, nature, life itself, spring. The one who prefers it is afraid of other people's influence, looking for a way to assert himself, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties. The color green contains hidden potential energy and reflects the degree of volitional tension, therefore people who prefer green strive for self-confidence and confidence in general. Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not through targeted volitional activity, but through emotions, reject green as an unattractive color. Along with them, green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

Other colors can also tell about the psychological characteristics of a person’s condition. So, orange- a favorite color of people with intuition and passionate dreamers. In heraldry, this color also means hypocrisy and pretense. Pink- this is the color of life, of all living things. He talks about the need to love and be kinder. Those who like him can become agitated over the most insignificant things. For people who are overly pragmatic, this color causes irritation. Purple symbolizes inherent in man infantility and suggestibility, the need for support, support. In this sense, the choice or denial of the color purple acts as a kind of indicator of mental and sexual maturity.

Research conducted by Russian psychologists V.F. Petrenko and V.V. Kucherenko, confirm the existing relationship between a person’s emotional states and his choice of certain colors as preferred. Thus, in situations of joy and fun, energy-saturated colors (yellow and red) are especially preferred, while the colors of peace and relaxation (blue and brown), as well as the color of non-existence (black), are simultaneously rejected. For situations where a person experiences a feeling of guilt for various actions, it is typical, on the contrary, to reject energy-saturated red and yellow and prefer gray and blue colors. Blue, therefore, reflects not only serene peace and relaxation, but in combination with gray corresponds to a state of passive depression. In situations that pose any danger to a person, there is a preference for green, associated with volitional tension, and yellow as energy-saturated, associated with the need for a quick release of tension. Moreover, if fear is characterized by a predominance of green and gray colors while rejecting yellow, red and violet, then aggressive arousal in response to danger is characterized by a combination of yellow and green while rejecting black and brown.

Color and performance.

Currently, scientists are making active attempts to use the influence of color on human psychophysiology for commercial and domestic purposes. Moreover, as already noted, each person perceives color in his own way. Therefore, decorators and designers, when designing the interior of premises, must always take into account socio-demographic characteristics - gender, age, profession, etc. However, there are also some General characteristics the effects of flowers on humans. The predominance of any color (or combination of colors) in the design of a room creates a certain emotional and business environment. Few businessmen know that the color scheme of the interior affects the human subconscious. And not only on the performance of employees, but also on the results of business negotiations.

Thus, blue color promotes better assimilation of information and the establishment of friendly relationships, so it is recommended to be used in meeting rooms. And, it would seem, blue, which is close to it, on the contrary, distracts attention and reduces the efficiency of staff. So many managers don’t even realize that the reason sharp decline The commercial profit of their company may well be... a chic European-quality renovation of the office, made in the now very fashionable “sky blue” style.

Green color has a calming effect on nervous system, relieves headaches, fatigue, irritability, lowers blood pressure. Red increases the level of adrenaline in the blood, increases performance and is therefore especially recommended for slow, lethargic people. However, an excess of red and green at the subconscious level awakens a thirst for profit in a person, and red, among other things, increases aggressiveness (it is no coincidence that the red jacket became the symbol of the “new Russians”). Purple color improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, increases the body's endurance. Nevertheless, it should not be overused: this color is a subthreshold catalyst for fatigue. So if you want to buy a purple blouse, then it’s time to go on vacation.

The transition in a room from yellow to blue is calming. People walk on a pink floor with caution, while on a brown floor they walk confidently. The white luminescent color irritates the nervous system, and the yellow-orange light of the lamps promotes creative thinking and good mood.

It was also noted that in in public places, where color is limited to white, black and gray, people without too great need don't linger. Colors can visually expand rooms (for example, yellow and yellow-green) or narrow them (red-orange). At the same time, in a red room it seems 3-4 degrees warmer than in an orange one, and in an orange room it seems 3-4 degrees warmer than in a blue-green one.

Each of the flowers has its own emotional burden, which must be taken into account when stimulating work activity. Thus, the combination of red and blue-green colors stimulates overall performance. Yellow or yellow-green with orange relieves mental fatigue, and yellow alone promotes mental activity. Blue color is recommended in child labor rooms, pink in the welding shop, blue in the lathe. In general, when working, yellow-green tones in various combinations and shades are most optimal. During meals, orange-red tones are preferred, and during rest hours, it is not so much the tone that is important, but the dynamics of the colors.

So what colors are recommended to be preferred when decorating an office? It is better to use yellow tones, but in small quantities. Large doses of yellow generate excessive greed (who needs employees who are always dissatisfied with their salaries or partners who make excessive financial demands?), and small doses stimulate brain activity and increase the efficiency of mental work. Moderate doses of yellow contribute to the success of negotiations, as they stimulate the desire to find compromises.


  1. Color personality test. - Minsk, 2000.
  2. Petrenko V.F., Kucherenko V.V. The relationship between emotions and color. - Vestn. Moscow University - Ser 14. - 1988. - No. 3.
  3. Know yourself. - Moscow, 1990.
  4. Shchekin G.V. Visual psychodiagnostics and its methods. - Kyiv., 1990.

More about color psychology:

Psychological meaning of flowers.

Is it possible to describe music in words? Is it possible to express the meaning of a look in words? How poor are familiar concepts when weWe are trying to describe in words the feelings we experience vividly and strongly!

Colors such as red and brown seem completely different to us. Despite this, we perceive both as warm. The concepts “warm” and “cold” from the point of view of touch do not reflect the true meaning at all.

The fact that different people perceive the subtlest shades of color with great accuracy confirms that the meaning of each color is human perception objective. Color discrimination in different people causes the same, specific experiences when looking at each color. Therefore, color perception is a generally understood language of sensations that does not require verbal expression– visual language.

Colors have not only a certain appearance(for example, red or blue), but are also characterized by other types of perception (for example, warm - cold; round - having corners).

The emotional perception of color is its objective meaning. For example, red is activating and exciting for all people. This is true for all cultures of the world. Pure red color carries a meaning of stimulation and energy.

The generally accepted meaning of color is assessed differently by each person. He either agrees with this meaning or rejects it, based on his own feelings (for example, nervousness, rejection). Affects color perception powerful influence personal subjective feeling: attractive, indifferent (indifferent), causing antipathy.

Depending on a person’s state of mind, a certain meaning of color, and, accordingly, the meaning inherent in it, is confirmed, ignored or rejected. If we think a color is beautiful, it means we agree with it semantic meaning. This color reflects our state of mind. By the chosen or rejected color in the Luscher test, we can clearly determine our emotional or physical state. The choice of color occurs unconsciously, so it allows you to see reality, and not a person’s subjective image of himself (as is usually the case with verbal methods - surveys, questionnaires, psychoanalytic sessions, etc.).

A large number of colors reflect a whole range of emotions. Thus, color is a highly differentiated language of feeling, just like music. This means that colors can be called “visualized feelings.” The meanings of colors and the system of regulatory psychology are described in more detail in M. Luscher’s main work, “The Law of Harmony in Us.”

Blue (1).

The dark blue color evokes a feeling of deepest peace. It has been experimentally proven that when looking at dark blue for a long time, breathing slows down, pulse and blood pressure decrease. Generally accepted psychological significance dark blue color - peace.

V. Kandinsky considers blue to be “concentrated movement.”

Dark blue evokes relaxation and contentment. It gives a feeling of deep harmony, order, unity and security. That's why the Virgin Mary's veil is blue.

Blue corresponds to feelings of self-awareness as well as satisfaction or dedication.

In a state of inner peace, a person unconsciously opens up to the world around him, picking up more subtle signals from the outside. The state of mind of the “blue color” creates conditions for a sensitive aesthetic perception. I. Kant calls this “calm contentment.”

Schelling (1775 - 1854) describes in his “Philosophy of Art” the symbol of blue as peace - a unique state caused by beauty - calm at sea.

The blue color symbolizes eternity, the absence of time frames, so it is chosen as a symbol of tradition, unity and cohesion. (“Blue is loyalty”).

Connections and a sense of belonging are expressed through the choice of shades of blue.

Novalis in his novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen described the romantic mood through the image blue flower. “The sky was black and blue and absolutely clear. He (Henry) was fascinated by a tall, bright blue flower that grew near the source and touched it with its wide, shiny leaves. He didn’t notice anything around except the blue flower and looked at it for a long time, with great tenderness.” Hölderlin has something similar in his novel Hyperion: “In the blue of the ether young hero sees unity with the universe as eternal peace: “Lost in the distant blue, I often look up into the ether. Unity with all living things, a return to blessed self-denial, to the natural world - a place of eternal peace."

One of famous poems I.V. Goethe fully captures the essence of the color blue:

“Silent peaks sleep in the darkness of the night,

Sleepy valleys are full of fresh darkness.

The road does not gather dust, the leaves do not tremble,

Wait a little - you too will rest...”

Green (2).

Luscher green (2), dark and tinged with blue, like fir needles, expresses stability, firmness, perseverance and constancy. Green does not have expansive energy influencing others (like orange-red), but contains the energy of tension accumulated inside, which is not in a state of rest, but in readiness for action. From the outside it appears static.

Green, like any other primary color, changes its meaning depending on the tone. The more dark blue it contains, the more solid, cold, tense, and rigid it is perceived psychologically. Just like molecules form a structure of a certain rigidity solid, invisible from the outside, and in human soul a feeling of internal tension arises. This is “penetration into oneself.” This is self-awareness, self-management, self-esteem.

By creating stability and permanence, green (2) represents a value system.

One who gives preference to such green (2) can be characterized as a person who is firm in his convictions, able to resist internal and external influences, incl. temptations, temptations; a person with a deep sense of self-respect.

The words “noblesse o” blige” (position obliges) or “do the right thing and don’t be afraid of anyone” - just about such people.

Green (2) – stability of beliefs, self-respect, inviolability of moral values.

The psychological meaning of green (2) is also the feeling self-importance, manifested as respect, dignity, competence, authority, property, dominance in a certain space.

If there is no internal stability of green (2), and, accordingly, integrity, inviolability, impeccability, then these qualities are replaced by demonstration, for external effect - mannerism, arrogance, excessive “pride,” sometimes boastfulness, etc. Prestige becomes a pose.

Someone who needs external approval uses status symbols to create the appearance of self-worth. He finds himself in the spotlight, turning the spotlight on himself, playing up stability, greatness, dignity and prestige.

Red (3).

Of all the colors, yellow-red (3) has the strongest activating effect. If you look at this color for a long time, your breathing will become faster, your blood pressure will rise, and your heart rate will increase.

The psychological meaning of this color is excitement, stimulation, activity. It is also a response to demand and challenge. If there is a joyful activation, then red (3) is considered powerful force. A person choosing red (3) perceives it as stimulation, capture, a strong driving desire. This is “appetite” in all its manifestations: from passionate love to greedy possession. Red activity (3) – focused energy: physical activity (sports, sex); emotional (ardent, passionate inspiration); it is also a halo over the head of a saint; love is like conquest. This is also a manifestation of power. Red is faith in own strength, self confidence.

It is important to remember that the perception of any color, be it red (activation) or blue (calm), can be either positive (preference) or negative (rejection).

If red (3) inspires antipathy or disgust, it is perceived as unpleasant or painful, threatening. There is irritation, anger, disgust (to the point of a physical feeling of nausea).

German nursery rhyme This reflects this very well:

"Red is love"

Red is blood

Red is the devil in a rage..."

The name "red" is like common name any other color does not reflect the true essence of the color, because the huge number of shades is not taken into account, each of which has its own, unique meaning. So, the term " classical music" combines the entire spectrum, from Handel's Largo to Ravel's Bolero.

Pure red, yellowish, bluish or brownish - they all have completely different shades of meaning.

Brownish red has a tranquil connotation; bluish – stability, stability, just as pure green reflects; If you add yellow to red, activation occurs.

Yellow (4).

Pure yellow (4) – the most bright color. Like the sun, bright and shining. When light hits yellow, the strong reflection creates the impression of sliding across the surface. Yellow lacks the depth and mystery of dark colors.

Yellow corresponds to a feeling of free development, therefore yellow (4) is preferred by people who are looking for changing, free relationships for self-development (maybe partings, long journeys, flights). Yellow is decision, liberation, change, development, wide open space. This is a search for something new.

Thus, yellow (4) is the opposite of green (2): expansion - contraction; change - stability; freedom is restriction.

Yellow (4) is also considered the color of “illumination” and deliverance (the halo above the head of Jesus Christ the Savior).

Carefree fun can be called a “yellow mood.”

Purple (5).

Purple is obtained by mixing red and blue. Red is the impulse for conquest and experience. His satisfaction is carried out in blue. Red seeks to achieve agreement and unity through struggle and conquest. Blue strives for the same thing through calm dedication. Both paths, red and blue, are aimed at unity. Both colors cross their boundaries and transform. Therefore, purple can be described as a barrier-breaking metamorphosis. The red path is autonomous, authoritative. The path of blue is receptive, heteronomous, unconditional acceptance. "Male" red and "female" blue become genderless purple. 75% of pre-pubescent children around the world prefer purple. Purple is the color of transcendence, the transition to a world dominated by emotional values. Purple is the unity of opposites. That is why it is so often used by adherents of mystical traditions.

Purple is also an expression of curiosity, passion, identification, impressionability (fluctuating from red to blue, from impulsive desire to cautious sensitivity). The same perception of reality is characteristic of creative individuals.

White (6) and Black (7).

White is the lightest of all colors. It can be perceived as dazzling.

Black is the darkest of all colors, practically the absence of color. White is emission, black is absorption.

Black is the opposite of everything positive, absolute negation, an unconditional “no.” It also manifests itself as the will to destroy the existing, opposition, authoritarian pressure in relation to any other opinion and way of life.

Every day we get to see the most various colors. They are present in clothes and the world around us. Each color has its own meaning. Let's talk about what the colors symbolize.

White color

White color is a symbol of purity and perfection. It has a beneficial effect on human energy. People who like him are usually honest and careful, but they have many enemies. As a rule, they have a calm temperament.

Red color

Red color symbol vital energy. It activates, attracts the eye and warms. This color is liked by strong and brave people, who often turn out to be very vindictive. Red clothes are worn by those who want to stand out from the crowd. It charges people with special energy, giving them activity and vigor.

Orange color

Orange represents the color of creation. He is optimistic and encourages freedom and action. Orange color can activate the hidden capabilities of a person. With its help you can achieve any goals. Those people who prefer the color orange are strong in spirit, they have the ability to influence others and quickly gain popularity. They often become leaders.


The color yellow symbolizes love of life. It can bring joy and laughter, and also stimulates mental capacity. It is believed that the color yellow is liked by creative people who are honest and diligent. It is also chosen by those who want to become rich and succeed in life.


The color turquoise symbolizes harmony between heart and mind, experience and wisdom. It activates in humans hidden talents and allows them to develop as much as possible. This color is preferred by people who want to achieve not only success in life, but also enlightenment.

Green color

Green color symbolizes harmony. It reduces arousal and helps get rid of negative emotions. This color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. People who like it usually lead a quiet life, are compassionate and sentimental. They are trusting and constant, but they are often betrayed by the people around them.


The blue color represents not only wisdom, but also a calm disposition. It promotes relaxation and inspires you to do good deeds. This color is chosen by people who strive for spiritual achievements. They are not selfish; they can be spineless and passive.

Blue color

The color blue symbolizes inspiration, justice and devotion. It contributes to the fulfillment of desires, even those that at first glance seem unrealistic. People who like the color blue tend to be very organized and have good self-control. They are receptive and can submit to others. They have well-developed logical thinking.


Purple is a color that symbolizes kindness and wisdom. It is very powerful, which is why it is preferred by leaders. The color purple helps balance the spiritual and physical energy. People who give preference to it tend to put on airs, they have a well-expressed feeling self-esteem and there are oratorical skills. But at the same time, they often do not notice their shortcomings and can be quite harsh with others.

Pink color

Pink is the color of Venus, symbolizing love. It allows you to build relationships with people around you. By using Pink colour You can attract a soul mate into your life or fill an existing relationship with tenderness. It also helps to heal from emotional wounds, increase self-esteem and prevent troubles in life.

Brown color

The color brown symbolizes protection. It allows you to protect yourself and attracts into life only good events. The color brown attracts wealth, success and abundance. It appeals to people who are willing to do anything to achieve their goal.


Indigo is a color that symbolizes spiritual healing and enlightenment. It helps to learn about past lives and other worlds. It is preferred by people who like mysticism and the unknown.

Grey colour

The color gray represents protection from mental and physical attacks. It effectively neutralizes negative energy and allows you to quickly get rid of problems. People who choose this color are sensitive and kind-hearted.

Black color

The color black symbolizes mystery and enigma. It is chosen by people with calm character. They often have foresight abilities, but not everyone uses them.

Each color has its own meaning, its own character, which influences our lives and behavior much more than it seems. What is color psychology? How do colors affect our emotions? What does each color mean? What is the symbolism of flowers in different cultures? What is the meaning of colors in psychology? We associate each tone and shade with certain feelings, thoughts... In this article we will familiarize you with the basic concepts of color psychology and give some tips on how you can use the influence of color in Everyday life. You will learn how to apply the knowledge of this science in practice.

Psychology of color

Psychology of color: what it is and what it is used for

What is the meaning of colors in psychology? What does each color mean? There is a whole science of color, which includes knowledge about the nature, components, characteristics of color, color contrasts, harmony, etc., called coloristics. Psychology of color, in turn, explores what how does one color or another affect us?. Colors may change our perception feelings and even make us worry. With the help of color you can improve memory and attention, and even convince a person to make a particular decision. Knowing the meanings of colors is the key to understanding human behavior.

Color can completely change our understanding of a particular object, item or element. Imagine for a moment a toy for kids. Chances are you imagined a bright, cheerful rattle or a shiny, contrasting fun toy. Now imagine the same toy, only... completely black with silver details... shocking, right?

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Very likely. Despite the fact that there is no color code for certain things, throughout our lives we associate everything we see with certain colors. We do this every day and don't even think about it. However, when we suddenly notice, for example, a blue banana, orange eye lenses, or a sparkling yellow tree, it surprises us.

Research in the field of color psychology does not stop. Possession of this knowledge is key to creative people, businesses and companies that plan to introduce new products to the market. However, this science is also useful in everyday life: how not to make a mistake when choosing a gift for special occasion how to please best friend the right gift, how to create coziness in the home - understanding the psychology of color can help us with all this.

Color affects emotions and mental state. Psychology of Color: Brain and Emotions

Every day we carry out a huge number of tasks and are influenced by numerous stimuli. Our brains are constantly challenged. We don’t even always have enough time to process all the information received through our senses during the day.

That's why, the associations we have adopted about shape and color significantly save our time, since they are processed automatically.

Psychology of color: the symbolism of blue

The meaning of green

Green is the most natural color, the color of nature, grass, youth and hope, health, fertility, money. According to color psychology, it is also the color of freshness and harmony, peace, tranquility. People who protect nature are also called “green”.

However, this color also has its “dark” side. It is also associated with poison, with that which poisons us, as in the above example - “green with envy or anger.” Nevertheless, most of the meanings of this color are positive.


The meaning of brown

The color brown is associated with laziness, dirt, vulgarity, vagrancy and ugliness. It may seem outdated and boring. This is one of the most underrated flowers.

However, brown is also the color of wood and autumn, warmth and comfort. It is the color of chocolate and tan. This color surrounds us everywhere and evokes a huge number of diverse associations.

Psychology of color: what does the color brown mean?

Gray value

In color psychology, gray mainly symbolizes old age, modesty and simplicity. It can be dark, boring or bland, and even hide secrets and secrets. Hence the expressions - “gray scheme” or “gray salary”. On the other hand, this color reminds us of elegance in fashion or " gray matter" brain .

What does black mean?

As with white, there is still ongoing debate about whether black is actually a color. According to color psychology, black is associated with night, power and death. It represents mystery, mourning, denial, hatred, cruelty, etc. Black cats are associated with bad luck and no one wants to experience a “rainy day.”

However... who doesn't have black things in their wardrobe? This color surrounds us everywhere, it is useful and functional. A beautiful black dress or suit is always an elegant option for evening wear.

Psychology of color: what does black mean?

Eve Geller's book The Psychology of Color talks in detail about the meaning of colors. This book is one of the main sources for this article.

Symbolism of color in different cultures

Research has been done on whether color classification is natural or socially determined. B. Berlin and P. Kay, having studied various cultures, came to the conclusion that among most cultures there are general trends when categorizing colors. It is generally accepted that there are six primary colors, and everyone else is grouped around them in one way or another. The concepts of primary colors are the same, and then variations are possible.

As for the meanings: in Europe it is not customary to dress brightly for a funeral, black or dark colors. In Asia, mourning is symbolized by the color white, since this color is associated with ideas about reincarnation. However, earlier in Europe this color was widely used by women in mourning; they covered their heads with large white scarves.

However, within the framework of our culture color symbolism is not immutable. Did you know that in Europe they started dressing girls in pink and boys in blue around 1920? Last years this tradition is increasingly criticized. Over time, we change the meanings of colors and create new traditions, which someday will also be forgotten or fashion will dictate its own new rules.

The company's brand is very important. If they tell us about the color red and a drink... no more hints are needed, we understand what company they are talking about. Different companies use certain colors and other visual elements in their logo in ways that convey their personality. The role of color is key in marketing strategies, and sciences such as neuromarketing study the effects of colors on the brain and consumer behavior person.

Imagine that the same restaurant chain will decorate each of its restaurants in completely opposite colors, without observing the corporate style. IN in this case our idea of ​​this brand will be blurred, we may not even remember that it is the same network. As a result, such a restaurant will lose many opportunities to retain and expand the customer base. Of course, the image, logo and corporate style are not everything, but they are important. Especially now, with high level development of competition in the market.

We can even see how companies use colors depending on the target audience or current trends in the market. For example, many people add to their logo green light, which symbolizes ecology and environmental protection.

Color is not only important to clients and consumers. Employees will also feel better and be more productive if they work in a comfortable office or space. A dark, poorly lit space will have a negative impact on productivity and will force workers to spend as little time as possible at the workplace.

And vice versa, if we paint the walls white, add something green, blue and other warm colors to the interior (taking into account the corporate style), workplace will become cozy.

How colors affect our daily lives

Colors play a big role in our lives every day. From birth we are asked what color we like, and everyone has their own preferences. Almost all the items that are sold are available in different color options. Therefore, when buying a cup, we will certainly choose our favorite color.

For more serious purchases, options are possible. The main thing here is not to make a mistake. Maybe you love the color orange, but when you buy a car you realize that you don't want to attract too much attention on the road. Therefore, the choice will probably fall on a car of a different color.

On the other hand, black or blue cars are difficult to see on the road at night. White color is very demanding when it comes to cleanliness, and you may want something “more cheerful”. Such doubts are resolved through much thought and consultation with family and friends.


1 Your favorite color is not suitable for all occasions

You may love purple, but the color can be depressing if you over-decorate your room with it. However, it is a wonderful color to wear in clothing. You can create unusual, unusual combinations, for example, combining it with orange. But before you get dressed, always consider whether the outfit is appropriate for the particular occasion.

2 Context plays a key role in color choice

We know the meaning of color in different cultures and circumstances. It's not entirely logical to show up to an interview for a lawyer position in a bright green suit with sequins. In other situations, don't be afraid to experiment.

3 The main thing is to be able to combine colors

Let's imagine that we need to send important letter or develop a poster design, and we took into account all the elements of color psychology. However, there is another aspect - how will the two colors work together? For example, brown combined with gold, yellow or orange is associated with autumn. However, in combination with black or gray, it becomes too conservative and inexpressive.

4 Colors Should Also Be Functional

When putting on a white shirt, who hasn't thought about how easily it can get dirty by anything during the day? There are colors that are more resistant to dirt, or those that are more appropriate to wear in the heat, or those that will help us go unnoticed if we are not in the mood...

When writing a letter or creating a poster, it is important that the font color stands out from the background color. As much as we would like to write light pink on white, black on orange is much easier to see. Moreover, this is one of the most contrasting combinations.

5 Use colors to

If you're studying for an exam and can't remember, say, a list or list, try associating each item with a specific color. Mnemonic techniques increase our learning ability. The same method works if you need to give a presentation. Use color to highlight what's important and associate each color with a specific meaning.

6 Be consistent

If you have your own business or are just thinking about it, think in detail about what idea you want to convey to your clients. Once you've completed your analysis, determine what your brand needs to do to achieve these goals. It is important that all divisions of the company operate in the same corporate style. Correct selection A designer to develop a brand that can take all these aspects into account can be key to successfully launching or growing a business.

Thank you for reading this article. Are you now thinking about which colors surround you most in your daily life and why? Will you use the tips? As always, we would appreciate your questions and comments on the article.

Translation by Anna Inozemtseva

Study of the meaning of colors in psychology, classification and their influence on human consciousness.

Each color in psychology has a different effect on consciousness and has meaning. Seeing some shade, we feel a certain emotion. Under color influence people make certain choices without thinking about it.

The meaning of color in psychology

Goethe developed the concept of color: light colors excite, and dark colors calm. The palette can have a fleeting physical effect, and with a long look - a mental effect.

Colors are perceived through associations, for example, blue is cold. Next, perception moves to the organs - to tactile sensations. What is the meaning of each color?


It denotes sensuality, standing on the verge of individuality; it can be defined as suggestibility. Represents idealism and increases self-esteem. This is a heavy tone that should be diluted with gold, as it can lead to depression. It is not recommended when working with children.


Wet and cold, deep mysterious. And the more blue, the stronger, more intense and colder its effect. If there is more yellow, the shade is more harmonious and lighter. Turquoise color is used to create freshness and coolness, it also symbolizes sterility.


The personification of power, breakthrough, the will to win, achieving what you want. The red color always wants to be first, it is constantly in motion, it is a source of energy.

His credo is “survival of the fittest.” It makes you alert in case of danger, embodies passion and excites passion.

His feelings are characterized by maximality. This color represents activity in everything, gives strength and inspires to continue what you started.


Blue creates the precondition for deep reflection about life; calls for a search for meaning and truth. However, it does not provide an answer to understanding the meaning of life, driving us into weakness and melancholy. It evokes not sensory impressions, but spiritual ones.

Blue is:

  • constancy;
  • perseverance;
  • persistence;
  • devotion;
  • dedication;
  • seriousness;
  • rigor.


Darkened red-yellow color, indicating that the impulsiveness and vitality of the color red is frozen and contained. Vitality remains in it, having lost its activity. Defines life sensations bodies.

Those who prefer this shade in clothing need physical rest and peace.

He personifies:

  • devotion;
  • stability;
  • calm;
  • support during times of unrest.


Represents peace and stillness. It always contains life opportunities, contains potential energy, green reflects a tense internal state.

Green expresses how a person feels about himself - he hides his secrets. It signifies new beginnings and prosperity and inspires stability.


The personification of the mind, the influence of the dominant. It helps in overcoming difficulties and promotes concentration. Under the influence of yellow, decisions are made quickly.

Those who prefer yellow fight with words, love to be admired and do not tolerate being driven into a corner.

They are characterized by:

  • a high self-evaluation;
  • self confidence;
  • intelligence;
  • intuition.


Responsible for satisfying all kinds of abilities, always keeping you in good shape. Its effect is warm, joyful and exciting. Color is associated with the desire to achieve self-affirmation.

This is a symbol of bliss and intensity, at the same time the softness of the brilliance of the sunset, it pleases the eye and promotes a good mood.


A symbol of carelessness that calms, radiating reliability. However, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate and it does not contribute to the development of imagination.

Blue is a shade of “calm emotionality” that reduces tension and is comfortable. Represents dreams and daydreams, peace and harmony.


The color of perfection and completeness, demonstrating a final and absolute decision, complete freedom of opportunity and the absence of obstacles.

The fundamental quality is equality, since all colors are contained in it, they are equal in it. He:

  • inspires;
  • brightens;
  • promotes renewal of all colors in the body;
  • removes stiffness.


Embodies balance and calm. At the same time, this unearthly color is characterized by alienation. He is piercing and strong, he is characterized by mysticism. Very unusual to perceive.

In a positive aspect, the color of an orchid (a shade of lilac) is a sign of bright individuality, and in a negative aspect, it is deliberately exotic and inflexible.


Happy, delicious, warm, feminine and delicate color. This is a holiday and pleasant emotions, the personification of romance, kindness and love. The paler the shade, the stronger the expression of love.

It causes a feeling of comfort, calms by getting rid of obsessive ideas, helps in crisis situation. However, it is characterized by increased sensitivity.


It is associated with curiosity and attracts people, frightening them with its mystery. Black always challenges you to free your essence - to go through the black in order to realize how much white you have.

Black gives you the opportunity to relax, it contains hope, but it drags you down because it doesn’t force you to do anything. With depression, only its negative characteristics remain.


Those who prefer gray do not believe in the power of emotions, in their ability to solve something, and do not trust sincerity emotional experiences; believe that they should only be displayed in certain circumstances.

Gray color tends to stabilize surrounding processes, but it always means duality.


The psychological perception of this color is quite complex and ambiguous. Beige is considered the color of stagnation, since it does not have a pronounced emotional coloring.

However, it is multifaceted, can be calming, and has a quiet, warm and calm energy. At the same time, it is classified as a non-independent, background part of the palette.


The color took from red his willpower and penchant for philosophical reflection from brown. The problem with its adherents is the ability to dwell on past unpleasant events.

It is also considered to be somewhat immoral, cloying, magnetic and heavy.


A mixture of pink and orange, it is characterized by youth and energy. Coral represents the borderline in the spectrum of red and orange colors, so it is not surprising that this attractive feminine shade fills with cheerfulness and optimism, leaving no chance for a bad mood.

Light green

The color of plant purity and cold expressiveness. Spectacular and rich, it is included in the range of warm shades and includes their characteristics, on the other hand, embracing the qualities of green, it has a neutralizing function.

It encourages:

  • strive to establish a large number of contacts;
  • active communication with the outside world;
  • learning something new.


A symbol of inevitable victory and glory. Its positive aspects are experience, maturity, wisdom, inexhaustible resources and vitality. TO negative aspects refers to pessimism, dishonor, limitation.

Gold is the combination of childhood modesty with the wisdom of a real ruler. However, it can provoke conflicts.

Palette and character in children

Kids cannot express the full range of feelings they experience. But the colors they choose tell a lot more.

  1. "Orange" and "Red" Children are very noticeable: they always scream, play pranks, and squeal.
  2. "Yellow"- cheerful, cheerful, fantasize and dream a lot.
  3. "Green" you need a feeling of reliability and security.
  4. Those who chose blue- the most carefree of all.
  5. "Blue" The little ones are calm and balanced, doing everything thoroughly.
  6. Preferring purple– artistic and sensitive natures.
  7. Here are the brown and black colors signal an unfavorable mental state, experienced deep stress.

Colors brighten our existence and determine our mood, influence our thoughts and actions, and by the characteristics of eye color we can learn a lot about a person.

We recognize better the world and we cope with important life tasks with their help. Therefore, you should not take the information they contain too lightly.

Video: Psychology of color

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