End of the story, poor Lisa. "Poor Lisa" with a happy ending. User reviews of the book

The story of N. M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa"is unusual in its ending. The relationship between Erast and Lisa ended very tragically, which was unexpected turn. Why didn't happiness come to them? A person builds his own destiny; the main character would have lived a long time, but she deliberately committed suicide. I don't understand her actions. The author describes Lisa... N. M. Karamzin's story "Poor Liza" is unusual in its ending. The relationship between Erast and Lisa ended very tragically, which was an unexpected turn. Why didn't happiness come to them? A person builds his own destiny; the main character would have lived a long time, but she deliberately committed suicide. I don't understand her actions. The author describes Lisa as a hardworking, honest girl who loves her mother very much and helps her in everything. But he still decides to kill himself, without taking care of his mother, who could not survive the death of her beloved and only daughter.

When Lisa Rubin was a film graduate at Columbia University, she gained a reputation for writing good sex scenes. These were sprinkled through her feature scripts, which focused on prepubescent women dealing with issues such as control, obsession, identity and sexuality. A. Hollywood insiders were quick to urge the Long Island-born screenwriter to play his strength in the most accessible to the market, perhaps anyway.

The renowned director also directed the first film, Five Shades of Grey. However, despite the sexual nature of the project, it main character and Taylor-Johnson's involvement, the projects are very different. The project, which debuted Rubin, attracted an equally impressive star: Naomi Watts, who plays Jean Holloway, a therapist who, feeling trapped in her country life in Connecticut, begins to cross the boundaries that she preaches to her patients, the objects of their obsessions and the development of her own relationships with them.

From the very beginning, Erast did not love Lisa, perhaps he mistook another feeling for love. The writer describes this hero as a kind, generous person who says beautiful words love Liza, but then shows cowardice. He didn’t have the courage to say that he had stopped loving, or rather, that he didn’t love at all, so he began to deceive.

I didn’t like the main characters, the descriptions of their relationships, and I didn’t like the story as a whole. Why does everything end in suicide? This is the gravest sin. Lisa showed weakness and did not find another solution, although there is a way out of any situation. Why is the work included in a literature textbook? To take an example from Lisa or to condemn?..

Television viewers have watched over and over again as flawed middle-aged men are deprived of their comfort family life in favor of dangers and demons tempting them from the shadows. But women are often given the same opportunity for ugly on-screen soul searching, which makes Gypsy all the more special. Here, our protagonist, who survives the crisis, is not only a woman, but also a trio of complications - husband, daughter and privateer, a career that guides patients through their own psychic squall.

Some critics had issues with the drama's slow burn. But this viewer at least saw the stimulation, as a deliberate nod, to the speed with which a woman can actually unfold the very personality she's spent a decade carefully constructing.


Lisa- main character. The poor peasant girl is left an orphan very early. Her father died, and soon her mother became seriously ill, so all worries fell on Lisa’s fragile shoulders. But what is she? This young peasant woman is not afraid... The story "Poor Liza" - I think this is a very powerful work by N.M. Karamzin. The whole story reminds me of a picture from modern life...

Rubin, whose sister is a cognitive behavioral therapist, said she wants to create a strong, vicious, female character who lives full of desire, makes some bad elections, but is human. The idea that someone would have this power and act on it for good or bad, felt like it could be really dark, exciting, and if she took steps to develop a relationship using the information she had, it can be quite dangerous.

After the pilot ended, Rubin showed it to his sister, whose response was logical: "Yeah, a therapist can't do that." After explaining that Jean breaking these boundaries was the point of the show - "it's not drugs or drinking or traditional addiction, it's the idea of ​​escaping into other people's lives" - the nurse worked as a sort of technical consultant, ensuring that Jean's language was with the patients was realistic.

Lisa is the main one heroine. The poor peasant girl is left an orphan very early. Her father died, and soon her mother became seriously ill, so all worries fell on Lisa’s fragile shoulders. But what is she? This young peasant woman is not afraid of work and takes on any job. (This is the true quality that so many people lack modern girls). In the city, Lisa meets a young nobleman. The girl’s feelings flare up for this person who is distant to her. You yourself understand the 18th century, peasant woman and nobleman, but where have you seen this?! But Erast (that was the young man’s name), tired of the windy social life, not averse to breaking the law of morality of that time and playing love with the poor girl. This game, of course, does not last long, but Lisa believes in the truthfulness of their feelings, “having completely surrendered to him, she only lived and breathed for them”...

Most people are not good or bad; they fall into the gray and do bad things. And showing women who are always cherishing are good or pretty is not fair. They were very big on pushing boundaries. It seems like every step is towards creating such a team. Most likely, this also applies to Jean.

Claire Underwood, house of cards

Sometimes emotions linger and things happen in such a frenzy that you just go through it and then realize it later.

Frank Underwood, house of cards

Orange is the New Black Lorraine Toussaint. Rory Gilmore, Gilmore Girls Revival.

She may have started out as Frank Underwood's tough, if slightly icy wife who stands on the sidelines, but Claire Underwood quickly turns into a closeted Lady Macbeth with a beautiful elf, delivering quiet but shocking blows to her enemies. “I'm ready to let your baby wither and die inside you,” she once told a pregnant man former employee. “Am I really the kind of enemy you want to make?” No.

But still, the truth is revealed and it becomes clear that Lisa’s lover is marrying an elderly but very rich widow. The girl's heart is split into pieces; she cannot survive the deception. The heroine drowns herself in a pond, but even then, before her death, she cares about the life of her mother... “In this way she ended her life beautiful soul and body,” the author ends his story. With all his heart he is on the side of his heroine, simple in origin, but extraordinary in the richness of her soul and ability to feel.

Well, unless this is the most corrupt, murderous fictional president you'll ever set foot in The White house. Get in his way and prepare to be bowed down or shoved in front of a moving train.

Orange is the New Black is filled season after season with new villains, from the horror of Season 1's crazy religious freak Pennsylvania, to Season 4's sadistic guard who forces a prisoner to eat a baby mouse.

But it should be noted that Erast, despite his spoiled nature and weak character, is the same “sensitive” character. After Lisa's death, we can observe the feelings of the young man... And what do we see? Still, he loves the girl in his own way, but he cannot challenge his environment. And he also does not want to improve his soul, get rid of the shortcomings instilled in him environment. As punishment for this, life makes the hero unhappy: “Having learned about Lizina’s fate, he could not be consoled and considered himself a murderer.”

Kilgrave showed us what can happen when incredible power falls into the wrong hands. Madrid Buddy had the power to control other people, it was a terrible gift that he used to achieve violent ends.

Sometimes greatest villain the show may also be its star. Pablo Escobar on Narcos is just that, based on a real-life drug lord who became rich selling cocaine in Colombia, leaving a trail of blood and horror along the way.

This is the story, which is an example of a sentimental work in Russian literature.



Poor Lisa

Poor Lisa is probably one of the most interesting works Karamzin. Like all the girls, I was very touched by the work. The work is based on love. Strong feelings. Emotions. The brightness of heartbeats. But are there barriers to love like social inequality? Yes, both then and now they exist. The book takes us back to the days of distant Moscow.... Poor Liza is probably one of Karamzin’s most interesting works. Like all the girls, I was very touched by the work. The work is based on love. Strong feelings. Emotions. The brightness of heartbeats. But are there barriers to love like social inequality? Yes, both then and now they exist. The book takes us back to the days of distant Moscow. No traffic jams, narrow streets, carriages and noble manners. Perhaps Poor Lisa is overly sentimental, but she is surrounded only by her characteristic romance and charm. A simple village girl simply could not help but fall in love and believe in fiery

Count Olaf, A Series of Unfortunate Events

There are few things more villainous than being dedicated to a child-killing mission. Alas, this is Olaf's life in life, a commitment that constantly requires him to turn his cartoonish villainy into new level, constantly disguising himself so that he can finally rid the world of those damn Baudelaire orphans.

Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

He trapped Kimmy and three other women in a bunker for 15 years, forcing Kimmy to marry him and fool all the women into thinking the world was on the verge of an apocalypse.

He may be seductive, but he is also a snake.

Demogorgon, strange things

Martin Brenner, Eleven's evil father, might seem like the obvious villain of this show.

N. M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” (1792) became a new word in Russian literature. It marked a new trend - sentimentalism. As is known, sentimentalism was primarily interested in inner world characters, their feelings, moods, experiences. This direction can be called democratic, since it recognized the right of people of all classes to their souls and feelings. No wonder the expression from “Poor Liza” became popular: “even peasant women know how to love!” The plot of the story is very simple: the young peasant woman Liza fell in love with the flighty master Erast with all her soul, but he betrayed her by marrying a rich widow. Liza’s love was so strong that she she saw no other way out but to die. Lisa drowned herself in the pond, on the banks of which the best moments of her life passed in the arms of Erast. Could the girl’s fate have turned out differently? Born into the family of a rich peasant, Lisa lost her father at the age of 15. She was left completely alone with her sick mother in her arms, who could not work because of her worries. Lisa began to work herself, mourning the death of her father. Any girl could envy her tirelessness and dexterity. The mother could not get enough of her daughter - her support and protection in old age. “God gave me hands to work with,” said Lisa, “you fed me with your breasts and followed me when I was a child; now it’s my turn to follow you.” beauty. One day, while selling lilies of the valley in Moscow, the heroine met Him. A pleasant young man bought flowers from Lisa and started talking to her. He wanted the girl to pick flowers just for him now. Arriving home, the heroine told her mother about everything. She warned her daughter, her heart was restless: you never know what could happen to her girl in the big city. Erast did not want to leave the girl alone. He came to her home, charming her mother and leaving Lisa herself in awe. Love settled in the girl's heart. But this feeling brought the heroine more sadness than joyful feelings. Erast is a nobleman, he is no match for a simple peasant woman. But the girl could not control her feelings. She confessed everything to Erast and took an oath from him that he would never stop loving her.. Lisa, the relationship with her became something new for Erast: “Erast admired his shepherdess - that’s what he called Lisa - and, seeing how much she loved him, he seemed more kind to himself. All the brilliant fun big world seemed insignificant to him in comparison with the pleasures with which the passionate friendship of an innocent soul nourished his heart.” One fateful evening, Lisa informed Erast that they wanted to marry her to the son of a rich peasant. In the heat of her feelings, the girl did not notice how she found herself in the arms of her beloved... From that moment on, an alarming premonition did not leave the girl. Perhaps this was caused by Erast’s changed attitude towards the heroine? The most charming thing in their relationship - innocence, purity - disappeared. Erast gradually became bored with the girl. They no longer met every day, which caused the heroine great suffering. In the end, Erast told the girl that he was leaving for war. Reluctantly, Lisa resigned herself. What could she do? Just shed tears and pray to God for the safety of your beloved. While Lisa was waiting for her lover, he lost to smithereens in the army. To improve his situation, he decided to marry a rich widow. When Lisa found out about this, her grief knew no bounds. The main idea the girl said: I can’t live. Why? Could she not live without Erast? Couldn't you bear the betrayal? Of course yes. But, in addition, Lisa lost her innocence. It seems to me that, in her mind, she was now unworthy of living. After all, earlier, in the depths of her soul, the heroine hoped for a miracle - to marry Erast. Now how can she live with her tarnished reputation? How to tell your mother everything? Lisa discredited the good name of their family.

He was a villain who swore that he did the work for the greater good. Aloysius kept literal angels in his basement for years so he could spend scientific experiments experiments on them that included killing them over and over again and wiping their memories so they couldn't remember what he did to them.

From Hannah's point of view, technically everyone who received the tape was a villain. However, none of them were more devious than Bryce, a prankster who wasn't just your typical bully high school, but later revealed that he is a serial rapist.

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