About the world of plants and country life. Double plant pots. Pallet with expanded clay, pebbles or hydrogel

Most apartments contain indoor plants, for which air humidity is vital. Did you know that air humidity also has a beneficial effect on human well-being and health. When air humidity is low, the amount of dust and bacteria increases, which leads to a decrease in human immunity, frequent colds, the likelihood of allergies increases.

To control air humidity, there are special devices - hygrometers. The simplest device for measuring air is a hair hygrometer. It takes measurements as a percentage - this is convenient, because humidity is determined by the ratio of water vapor to the “max” amount of vapor, and the temperature in the room should be the same in both definitions.

At low humidity, the amount of moisture evaporation from the substrate and plants increases. In a cool room, the humidity is 60%. The batteries heat the cold air. The ability of air to become saturated with water vapor increases. The more the room heats up, the drier the air becomes, that is, the humidity decreases.

We can increase the air humidity ourselves and this will help indoor plants and people be healthy.

Attention! According to statistics, relative air humidity is 50%, in winter - 25-30%.

How to increase air humidity for plants

There are several ways to increase humidity. In order to increase the air humidity for flowers with your own hands, you can:

  • regularly spray plant leaves with water at room temperature;
  • use of hygroscopic substances;
  • use containers with water on central heating radiators;
  • use a humidifier;
  • indoor fountain;
  • fill the tray with expanded clay or sand, keeping them moist.

The simplest and most effective method increasing air humidity for indoor flowers - spraying. Here I would like to note that not all indoor flowers like this procedure.

Attention! Indoor plants with velvety, terry leaves should not be sprayed, as moisture causes unsightly brown spots to appear on the leaves.

Spraying is beneficial only for moisture-loving representatives of the flora. Gather all your indoor moisture-loving plants (if there are two or more) in one place and spray them regularly.

The following method provides the necessary air humidity for indoor plants- hygroscopic materials: coconut fiber, moss, peat. Substances are placed on top of the substrate in the pot, periodically moistening them. For climbing hanging indoor plants, you can build a support that will be covered with hygroscopic materials.

High air humidity for indoor flowers that love water can be increased if the pot with the plant is placed in another more spacious pot, and the space between them is filled with moisture-absorbing peat.

You can increase air humidity by placing pots with plants on special water-filled trays with fine gravel. Water, evaporating, creates a humid atmosphere around the plant.

Know! Air humidity is 100% in fog.

An indoor fountain will help increase the air humidity for indoor flowers. It will not only be a guarantee of health, but will also become a unique highlight of your interior.

Electric humidifiers cannot be ignored. On sale you can buy air humidifiers for every income and taste, the simplest ultrasonic and the most complex, with air washing and ionization.

In conclusion, I want to say that it doesn’t matter at all how you increase the air humidity for indoor plants, the main thing is that as a result you and your flowers feel comfortable.

Temperature and humidity

Air humidity has a significant impact on the growth and development of indoor plants. You should also not forget about temperature conditions your houses.

Cacti, succulents, oleander and other indoor flowers come from dry climates and prefer dry air.

Attention! For indoor plants such as orchids, bromeliads, epiphytes, air humidity should be very high.

Philodendron, Monstera, etc., which have aerial roots, indoor plants must be sprayed with water at room temperature two to three times a day in the summer to prevent drying out and death of the roots.

This procedure is very useful not only in summer, but also in winter, especially in apartments with central heating. When air humidity is low, the leaves of plants wrinkle and wither, and the edges of the leaves may also turn yellow.

Attention! When the air humidity is high, indoor plants with aerial roots are affected by the disease botrytis (mold) or the buds and flowers fall off.

Air humidity for indoor plants in winter

Let's figure out how to help our house plants in winter and provide the necessary air humidity. In winter, tropical plants on windowsills suffer from the hot air flow that rises from indoor radiators. As a result, plants stop flowering, begin to grow more slowly, the tips of the leaves dry out, and sometimes even fall off.

Dependence of irrigation on air humidity

When providing indoor plants with the necessary air humidity, you need to pay Special attention watering process. Let's dwell a little on that, depending on the air humidity in the room. If your apartment is too hot and the substrate in flower pots dries out quite quickly, then indoor plants should be watered frequently.

Attention! If indoor flowers overwinter on a loggia or in a cold room, then they should be watered minimally.

In cool rooms, the soil in a flower pot remains damp for a long time. With prolonged dampness, rotting of the root system can occur, which provokes disease. To prevent possible problems You should promptly remove drained water from the pan after watering.

Attention! In winter, before watering, carefully examine the condition of the substrate and water when upper layer the soil is completely dry.

The most ideal place for indoor tropical plants in winter would be a florarium. In the florarium you can create a special microclimate that will be equal to natural conditions.

I would like to say a few words about cacti and succulents. These should not be watered. If watering is carried out, then with a lack of lighting the plants lose their decorative effect (they stretch out).

Fortunately for gardeners, succulents can do without water in winter. With the arrival of autumn and until next spring, succulents need to be watered only when the leaves or stems become limp, that is, once every 2-3 weeks, but less often.

With the onset of the winter season, watering cacti is sharply reduced and not watered at all. This is done so that the cacti do not “notice” winter at all. Low air humidity is indifferent to indoor cacti. Therefore, in winter you just need to “store” succulent plants so that they remain the same as they were in the fall.

Indoor plants that reduce air humidity

Tillandsia is a member of the bromeliad family. The genus consists of herbaceous plants with approximately 730 species. Native penates - subtropics, tropics of America. Nutrients and the plant collects water from the air through trichomes, a special structure in the leaves.

Peace Lily (Peace Lily), we know this plant as spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) from the araceae family. Native to the tropical regions of South and North America. The genus includes 50 species. The plant not only reduces air humidity, but also cleanses the air of formaldehyde and benzene.

Attention! The lower the humidity, the more water evaporates. When humidity is low, flowers should be watered more often.

Indoor plants for air humidity

There are indoor plants that increase air humidity. This happens because after watering, some of the moisture enters the air through the leaves.

Know! Plants use only 10% of moisture to live, giving 90% to the atmosphere.

But from total number indoor flowers most humidify the air:

  • Cyperus;
  • dracaena;
  • sparmania;
  • hibiscus;
  • dwarf ficus;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • nephrolepis;
  • fatsia.

If a person has problems with high humidity, it is recommended to grow indoor plants that do not require frequent watering.

Useful. My dear neighbor, the other day, shared her joy with me. It turns out she bought quite a lot necessary equipment when you have a greenhouse or a large garden plot. Her joy knows no bounds; the instructions say that the main thing is to correctly set the water supply timer and your crop will be watered automatically.

It is very important to maintain the air humidity necessary for flowers in the room. Some plants, such as asparagus, will never bloom in a room with dry air, even if it is watered as required. In especially fastidious plants, too low air humidity causes shoots and buds to fall off and slows down growth.

In nature, plants live only in those places where the climate is most convenient for them. And climate for a plant is a three-dimensional concept; it consists of temperature, light, soil moisture, soil structure and air humidity. In our apartments, air humidity is very dependent on the weather, especially when the heating is turned off. Even with the windows closed in spring or summer during rainy weather, the humidity in the rooms is rarely below 50%. But in winter, heating systems dry out the air greatly. Sometimes air humidity is 10-15% (when in very coldy the batteries are very, very hot), and when it is not very cold, boiler houses lower the temperature of the water in the batteries, and the humidity can be 30 - 50%. For some plants this is comfortable, for others this level of humidity is not enough.

How to increase air humidity

High air humidity at home can be maintained different ways. Most available method- this is spraying. During the growth period, most plants are sprayed daily in the morning and evening. Do not spray the plant in the sun, as it can cause leaf burns. Plants with stem-encompassing leaves are sprayed carefully or not sprayed at all (other methods of air humidification are used) - in such plants, the base of the leaf petiole clasps the stem, just as a wrapper wraps around it. Stagnation of water in the axils of such leaves can cause rotting, especially in cold weather. Do not spray plants with pubescent (velvety) leaves (gloxinias, violets).

It must be said that spraying is effective when the room temperature is about 24-26 degrees and the relative humidity is about 30-40%. But if the room is a little hotter - from 26-30 degrees or even higher, then spraying is no longer effective - the moisture instantly evaporates.

What water to spray flowers with?

Water for spraying should be soft. Hard water containing salts can leave streaks on the leaves. If, when spraying, water gets on the window glass, then after a week the clean glass loses its transparency due to salt impurities. Therefore, for the purpose of moisturizing, it is advisable to use boiled water or distilled.

The water for spraying should be warm. From cold water If it gets on the leaves, yellow or brown spots may remain on especially sensitive plants. Therefore, fill a bottle or spray bottle with water that is warm for your hand. When blowing drops, the water cools and reaches almost room temperature on the leaves.

When a plant absolutely requires moist air, specific recommendations are usually given - place the pot with the plant on a tray of water, wet pebbles or peat. But sometimes concepts such as “frequent spraying”, “regular spraying” or “periodic spraying” are used. What do you mean by this?

Frequent spraying and regular spraying are the same thing, meaning spraying in the morning and evening.

Periodic spraying means spraying at least once a day, or every two days; this applies, as a rule, to those plants that do not require constantly moist air and periodic spraying plays a hygienic role or refreshing the plant rather than increasing humidity.

If the plant does not need spraying, then it does not need to be sprayed, but if nearby plants are sprayed, then it will not be harmed.

If the plant does not tolerate spraying, then do not place it next to the plants that you will spray so that water does not get on it. IN as a last resort, the air around such plants is sprayed, and then from a very small spray bottle.

How to increase air humidity without spraying

If spraying does not help increase air humidity or the flowers cannot be sprayed, you have to look for other methods.

Wide containers of water will help humidify the air - this can be any tray, baking sheet or cat litter box. You can increase air humidity by covering the soil in a pot or between pots with moss and keeping it moist. True, the moss will most likely have to be changed periodically - it rots. And also lift and check the condition of the ground underneath it. Here it is important to moisten only the moss, but not to create increased dampness in the soil. Otherwise, insects may appear in the soil (fungus gnats, moss gnats), which are invisible in the moss, but can cause damage. significant harm. If very damp moss lies directly on the surface of the soil, the roots of the flowers may rot due to waterlogging.

If the source of dry air is a radiator, then it is advisable to cover it with a damp sheet (folded in several layers) or a large terry towel. If you wet the cloth in the morning and evening, you can reliably protect the leaves from the directed hot flow and increase the humidity.

And of course, this is why humidifiers were invented - devices that can measure humidity and increase it. When choosing a humidifier, pay attention to power - more powerful humidifiers work faster and more efficiently in large rooms. It is advisable to pour only boiled or distilled water into the humidifier; even if your area does not have very hard water, there is a high probability of salt dust settling on surfaces or salt deposits inside the device.

What you need to know about air humidity:
The main rule regarding air humidity is that a lack of relative air humidity can never be compensated for by more abundant or frequent watering. The main mistake beginners make in floriculture is trying to increase watering when the plant is suffering from dry air.

Signs of insufficient air humidity

The ends or edges of the leaves dry out, flowers do not form, the ovaries and buds fall off when the flowers bloom, do not last long, quickly fade, and plants are often attacked by spider mites. If the soil is moistened regularly and excessive drying of the soil is not allowed, then the problem is only in the dryness of the air.

Signs of excess air humidity

It should be remembered that excessively humid air can be just as harmful to plants as dry air. When the humidity is too high, microflora harmful to flowers - pathogens - develop intensively various diseases(gray rot, spotting), spots of rot appear on leaves, flowers or stems. High humidity itself does not harm the plant, if not for all the moisture-loving microbes. But the lack of air movement contributes to their reproduction. That is why in orchidariums, where the humidity is very high, several fans are placed at once.

Some plants that do not require high air humidity or tolerate dry air (30-40%):

Aloe and most leaf succulents, acacia, albizia, aspidistra, asparagus, adenium, bocarnea, gasteria, hydrangea, hibiscus, ginura, groundsel, Kalanchoe, callistemon, coleus, desert cacti, clivia, spurge, sedum, oleander, some types of peperomia, radermacher , Strelitzia, Sansevieria, Stapelia, Stephanotis, Sparmania, Tradescantia, Tolmia, Ficus, Haworthia, Hemanthus, Chlorophytum, Hoya, Cyanotis, Eucalyptus, Eucharis and some others.

Humidity for cacti

You know that cacti love spraying, despite what they write about them. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is to spray from the smallest sprayer so that the water droplets are like specks of dust. Spraying is done early in the morning and in the evening, at a time when dew falls outside. Spraying is carried out only in summer and only in a warm room. At the same time drafts are avoided. You will say why this is needed, but, firstly, this is a hygienic procedure, and secondly, dew falls in almost all latitudes where cacti grow in nature, only the dew there is not the same as in our meadows - your feet are damp to the knees , but very light.

Humidity for Saintpaulias

Violets (Saintpaulias) do not like water on their leaves, but in the hottest days in summer they suffer from dry air. Therefore, on such days, pots of violets are removed from the windowsill and placed on the floor, because below, near the floor, the coolest and less dry air is (beware of drafts), in addition, the air around the violets is sprayed several times a day from the smallest sprayer, this method makes it very easy for the plants to survive the heat.

A way to increase air humidity

In the summer, during the heat of the day, I used a spray bottle to spray the curtains on the window with a powerful stream at night, so that they were very damp, the humidity increased and not only the flowers, but also the people, it became easier to breathe, the curtains dried out by the morning and did not lose anything from it. I did the same thing on very hot nights, when the boiler room did not spare coal and the radiators were on fire. In addition, I got into the habit of putting a damp terry towel on the radiator during the heating season, folded several times; I had to wet it three times - in the morning, after work and at night. In addition, I sprayed all the plants in the morning and evening. As a result, my plants not only feel good, but also grow beautifully, including maidenhair and asparagus, which blooms annually.

Air humidity. Relative humidity. Optimal air humidity. Techniques and methods for maintaining the required air humidity. 7 Basic rules for indoor plants and flowers regarding the required air humidity. Photo. Tables.

Table - Air humidity scale. Table - Danger signals for low air humidity. Table - Danger signals for high air humidity.

As we noted above (see article “”), the majority indoor plants and flowers are natives of tropical and subtropical climatic zones. They require special and careful treatment. Including compliance required air humidity , is very an important condition in matters of proper maintenance of indoor plants and flowers.

The presence of central heating batteries in most of our houses, great amount heating appliances (electric stoves, gas stoves and heaters, a whole army heaters and electrical appliances, incandescent lamps...), all this leads to the fact that the air in the rooms of our apartments is very dry. Quite naturally, the question arises of how to correctly measure and how to properly maintain the required air humidity. And support it exactly where our loved ones will be located " green friends ».

The very first point in this regard, of course, is regular and correct measurement air humidity. Let us remind you that air humidity is measured with special devices called hygrometers. We strongly recommend purchasing, as they now say, “branded” hygrometers (factory-made) and under no circumstances measuring air humidity by eye.

A little theory. The simplest hygrometer (hair hygrometer) shows on its scale the air humidity value in percent (%). Relative air humidity in percentage (%) is determined for a specific place by the ratio of two values ​​- this is the ratio of the content of water vapor (at a given and specific temperature of this place) to the possible maximum number this water vapor (at the same temperature) and multiplied by the number 100. To understand this “tricky” definition, here is the simplest example: the relative humidity of the air in heavy fog is considered 100%.

It is clear that fog in our apartments is very rare and the relative humidity in them ranges from 25 to 75 percent. This is where it can be seen main pattern– the more the relative air humidity drops, the more active the process of water evaporation occurs. And this, in turn, with sufficiently low air humidity in the room can lead to “overdrying” of flowers and plants. And ultimately to their death.

The cooler the air, the better it is saturated with water vapor. And in this regard, it was noticed that in sufficiently cooled rooms, the humidity does not fall below 60%. And this is very “welcome” by our favorite indoor flowers and plants. But as soon as we begin to heat the cooled air (after all, it is not comfortable to be in cold rooms), the air humidity will decrease. And the higher the temperature, on the contrary, the humidity decreases. Here are two comparisons:

— If we take the value of average humidity in spring, summer and autumn periods, then it should be about 50%.

— In winter, mainly due to the heating radiators being turned on, it can decrease by up to 25%.

Notes for memory:

— The recommended relative air humidity for favorable growth and functioning of indoor flowers and plants should be 70%-80% . And some representatives of plants from “overseas countries” (for example, ferns, fittonias and arrowroots) already require moisture and 90% and 95%.

It turns out vicious circle. We cannot live normally in our homes under such conditions. That's why conclusion It suggests itself - the air humidity in the rooms where we “live” together with indoor plants and flowers must be regulated. Look at the photo:

And the simplest and most accessible to everyone method– this is the application spraying plants. Moreover, this must be done regularly, since spraying has a very beneficial effect on general condition indoor plants and flowers.

Second and no less simple way– application pallets with wet moss - sphagnum, peat or even sand (expanded clay is sometimes used).

Third way consists of placing various containers of water near the plants. These can be simple bowls or special beautiful decorative vessels.

AND fourth method – is to buy “branded” factory air humidifiers. We recommend using all these methods in a comprehensive manner to obtain a greater and desired effect.

Notes for memory:

— If you spray plants with tap water, well-defined spots may form on the leaves. Therefore, it would be preferable to use “soft” water.

— It is very advisable to use water heated so much for the “ablution” procedure that it was a little bigger than a room size(2-3 degrees Celsius).

— Carry out the procedure of “washing” plants that receive abundant solar energy, due to the rather noticeable temperature difference between the leaves, which have already warmed up, and the water, it can generally lead to the formation of “burns” on these leaves. And in the case where the plants are in a very bright place, we do not recommend performing the spraying procedure at all.

— In winter, it is better to “pollinate” plants in the morning or choose time before noon.

— After a plant transplant operation, it is very important to carry out the spraying procedure(1-2 or 3 weeks) and do not stop it until the plant has enough take root .

There is another one in stock, quite simple, but very effective method, increasing air humidity. It consists in using additional containers. Sometimes this method is simply called “ double pot" It consists in the following. The primary pot with the plant is placed in a slightly larger container. It is very important that this container does not allow water to pass through at all. The resulting empty space between the first wall of a small vessel and the wall of a larger pot must be filled with sphagnum moss. And then keep them moisturized all the time. Moisture evaporating from the surface of moss or peat will, as it were, “envelop” the plant and increase the relative humidity of the air.

There is one more amazing fact, but plants, like people, are trying to adapt to the dry air of our apartments. For example, it has been established that if you use compositions of plants in pots or mini-gardens to decorate your interior, the relative air humidity around these plants will be higher than around a lone plant standing to the side.

There are several main groups of plants in relation to the need to provide them with water. These are the groups:

Plants included in the group hydrophytes– completely immersed in water or have leaves floating on the water.

hygrophytes- These are plants from habitats with a very humid climate. These can be swamps, the coasts of large and small bodies of water, rain forests... They categorically cannot tolerate a sharp decrease in air humidity.

Plants included in the group xerophytes– these are people from “hot countries” with a fairly dry climate

Plants belonging to the group succulents- these are very “cunning” plants that have learned to accumulate moisture in their stems and leaves. Such “cunning” plants include agaves, cacti and euphorbia.

Plants mesophytes– this group includes mainly all those indoor plants and flowers that we keep in our homes. They require, so to speak, moderate or average relative humidity conditions.

Notes for memory:

— In rooms with cool air, spraying must be carried out in the first half of the day, so that the leaves have time to dry during the day.

— Use special devices (sprayers) for the spraying procedure that spray the water jet well enough.

— Spraying at elevated ambient temperatures will save your green pets from overheating, and at the same time cleanse them of dust and foreign particles.

— Spraying has a very good effect on the leaves, but it can also affect the flowers themselves. negative impact. Therefore, when carrying out the spraying procedure, be sure to cover the flowers with pieces of paper.

— Special vessels with water, which are placed directly on central heating radiators or inserted inside between sections, can significantly improve the atmosphere in which your “green friends” stay.

Let us summarize all of the above and determine 7 basic rules for indoor plants and flowers regarding the required air humidity:

  1. And the very first and most important rule says that many of the plants placed in our apartments are of tropical origin. And therefore, it is imperative to take measures to additionally increase the humidity of the air surrounding the plant.
  2. In order to increase the air humidity around the desired plant, the method of “fogging” or, simply put, spraying is very suitable.
  3. To improve the quality of spraying, it is necessary to use homemade, or better yet, “branded” sprayers.
  4. Install specialized factory-made air humidifiers, which can provide invaluable assistance in this matter.
  5. They help well and work quite well simple methods from "grandmother":

— Place pre-wetted fabrics on central heating radiators or inside them. It is better to install specially made vessels or special containers with water for this purpose.

— Use decorative dishes filled with damp sand, sphagnum moss or expanded clay.

6. In rooms where the “fogging” process is difficult to carry out, the plants themselves can be placed in additional containers. And large in size. Pre-moistened peat, or just sand, is poured into the bottom of these containers.

7. Under no circumstances carry out the procedure of spraying with chlorinated tap water (the result will be sharply negative - the plants may simply lose their leaves). The water must sit for some time. If this operation is not possible, always add a little baking soda (sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 - a teaspoon per two liters of water) to neutralize the bleach. It is also not recommended to use boiled water.

Below we publish a summary table for indoor plants and flowers that react differently to the spraying procedure. Unfortunately this is true. And not all plants respond equally positively to such procedures.

Summary table for indoor plants and flowers in relation to spraying procedure :

Very important : remember again one rule– indoor plants that have leaves with small and fine hairs do not like direct spraying. This is when the entire plant is sprayed with moisture. Therefore, in this case, it is not the plant itself that is moistened, but only the air around it.

And here table, which shows negative points when it changes required humidity what happens to our indoor favorites - plants and flowers.

As in previous topics on care for indoor plants and flowers we publish three tables. They will help improve visual representations on the issue required air humidity for indoor plants. They will be called like this:

Humidity scale

Danger signals for low air humidity

Danger signals for high humidity

Table - Air humidity scale.

Let's consider this table from zero relative humidity parameter, i.e. from the very bottom.

— Relative humidity 0%

Absolutely dry air has these parameters. As you yourself understand, in our home premises under completely natural living conditions, such a parameter simply cannot exist.

— Relative humidity from 10% to 30%

You may not believe it, but approximately these relative air humidity levels can be maintained in our rooms during the winter. Especially where central heating radiators are installed. In this respect, the air in the apartments resembles a desert.

— Relative humidity from 40% to 60%

Under the most ordinary living conditions, these air humidity parameters are considered the most favorable for houseplants.

— Relative humidity from 70% to 90%

With such relative humidity levels, we gradually move from the deserts (which were in the beginning) into the jungle. This is where the humidity is maintained.

— Relative humidity 100%

Now we go to the other extreme. There is only one good thing - it is very difficult to create such humidity in an apartment. It is very reminiscent of a steam room in a bathhouse, when steam is continuously supplied.

Table - Danger signals for low air humidity.

Table - Danger signals for high air humidity.

We really hope that these tables will help you in matters related to the required air humidity for indoor plants and flowers.

For getting additional information We recommend watching this video:

Try to follow the above tips and recommendations and your pets - indoor plants and flowers - will feel very good and delight you with their beauty all year round.

What is air humidity?

In addition to gases and dust, an important component air is water. For all terrestrial organisms, air humidity is an important environmental indicator. Almost all of them make their own demands on it, and deviations from these requirements entail serious consequences.

Excessive humidity often causes illness for humans and animals. respiratory tract. Lack of moisture in the air causes irritation of the mucous membranes, impairs vision and can cause fatigue.

Air humidity plays a role in the life of indoor plants. special role. If you pay attention to the conditions under which they grow in their homeland, it becomes obvious that tropical species need warmth and relatively high air humidity more than others.

A distinction is made between absolute and relative air humidity. Absolute humidity refers to the amount of water vapor contained in one cubic meter air. Due to its small value, this indicator is usually measured in g/m3. However, air humidity depends on temperature.

At a certain temperature, air can contain a certain amount of moisture. With increasing temperature this amount increases, and with decreasing temperature it decreases. In this regard, physicists introduced the concept of relative air humidity.

Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum possible (measured as a percentage). In our latitudes, depending on the time of year, humidity can vary from 60% (in winter) to 85% (in summer). With the onset of cold weather, the temperature outside decreases, and along with it, the amount of moisture in the air decreases. When air enters a warm apartment during ventilation, it heats up, but at the same time becomes even drier - the relative humidity drops.

So, even if in cold weather the humidity outside is 60-70%, then after entering the apartment it will already be 30-40% - this is the usual level of humidity in heated rooms.

What air humidity do indoor plants need?

The vast majority of plants in our latitudes spend the winter dormant. Under deep snow, they don't care what humidity it is outside. But indoor plants “look” at it differently.

For example, azaleas bloom in winter or early spring. If during this period you do not provide them with the necessary humidity (at least 70-80%), then flowering will be short and not abundant, or the plant will not bloom at all. It has already been said that indoor plants develop best in conditions reminiscent of their homeland.

Wet plants tropical forests throughout their history they grew and reproduced in high humidity. Gradually, this led to the fact that they lost the ability to effectively retain moisture in the tissues and became dependent on the humidity of their environment.

At low humidity, less than 80%, they are the first to give signals for help. Cacti and succulents are naturally found in deserts and semi-deserts; in conditions of low humidity they do not suffer at all. It is clear that such plants do not need either high humidity or abundant watering. On the contrary, they need dry air with relative humidity 20-30%. Most plants develop at least at a humidity level of 30-40%.

However, a humidity of 40-50% is preferable for them, this is especially true during the heating season. It’s worth reminding once again - it doesn’t happen universal recommendations on the maintenance of any domestic plants. Each requires individual approach and knowledge of its biology.

How to determine air humidity?

To measure humidity yourself, you can purchase a special device - a hygrometer. There are several types of hygrometers: weight, hair, film. Their action is based on different principles. Most gardeners do not need to accurately measure air humidity.

A hygrometer can be useful only for those who keep particularly moisture-loving plants. A household hygrometer can be purchased at a specialty store.

What are the signs of insufficient humidity?

A common symptom of insufficient moisture is drying out of the tips of the leaves. If you notice such symptoms, you should not immediately rush to water the plant or spray it.

First you need to figure out how typical this phenomenon is for your pet. There are no perfect green plants in nature. They always have older and younger shoots and dried leaves. For example, shrubs are characterized by drying out of the lower leaves and even branches. Younger leaves form a crown and gradually cover the lower branches from light. Over time, the lower leaves dry out as unnecessary.

If the damage is extensive but concentrated on only one side of the plant, look for temperature as the cause. It could be sunburn or hypothermia from contact with window glass. It is worth emphasizing once again: low air humidity can be only one of the reasons for drying out.

Before you do anything, think about the conditions in which the plant lives in nature, what it may lack, and only then begin to act. Once you have made a diagnosis, carefully monitor how the plant reacts to changing conditions. If it gets worse, it means you made a mistake and you need to urgently change your therapy.

How to increase the humidity in a room?

The most traditional and most in a simple way is spraying. To do this, take a spray bottle with warm, soft water and carefully spray the green parts of the plant. There is no need to spray flowers and buds!

It is advisable to carry out the procedure early in the morning, when there are no direct sun rays. Droplets of water can act as a magnifying glass and burn the tender leaves of the plant. To prevent limescale from forming on the leaves, it is advisable to use soft water.

Spraying is a good method, but not universal. It is categorically not suitable for plants with pubescent leaves: Usambara violets, Smithianta, Gloxinia, and indeed all Gesneriaceae. Due to the design of the leaves, these plants remain wet for a long time and, as a result, are easily attacked by fungi. For the same reasons, begonias and calceolarias do not respond well to spraying.

Another, quite effective and no less popular method is a wet plant stand. To do this, place the pot with the plant on a tray filled with wet peat. Peat will gradually evaporate moisture and thereby locally increase humidity. Those who do not want to create a swamp in their room (wet peat emits a characteristic smell) can be advised to replace peat with expanded clay or small pebbles. The scheme is the same: the pan is filled with expanded clay and topped up with water so that the pebbles or granules are only half immersed in it. Wet expanded clay will significantly increase the evaporation surface. Make sure that the pot does not come into contact with water. Wet soil can cause plant roots to rot.

Another method of increasing humidity is wide containers of water on battery radiators. The water heated from below will evaporate effectively, creating high humidity in the room. A significant disadvantage of this method is that the humidity will increase not only for those plants that need it, but also for all other plants in the room. For some of them this may be harmful. In addition, excessive humidity in the room can negatively affect wallpaper and furniture.

The most “lazy”, but far from it bad decision problems, there may be a correct grouping of plants. To do this, plants that require high humidity are placed as crowded as possible. Wet soil in pots will gradually evaporate water, and the plants themselves will evaporate. This creates a comfortable microclimate for the group.

The most sensitive and moisture-loving plants can be placed in a terrarium - a large glass container. Its bottom is covered with wet expanded clay and covered with glass. The terrarium will also be useful for urgent resuscitation of a dried plant. To do this, it must be pre-sprayed. It is better to water moderately: under such conditions, the usual watering regime will not be needed soon

How do humidifiers work?

Insufficient indoor air humidity is one of the main limiting factors in the development of indoor plants. Meanwhile, in the absence of proper values ​​for this parameter, the plant, unless it is a succulent, suffers very seriously: its aerial roots and leaf tips dry out, and metabolic processes in the tissues are disrupted. Cordylines, dracaenas, and conifers are especially sensitive to decreased humidity.

The decorative quality of indoor flowers sharply deteriorates, the plant is attacked by many diseases (spider mites, thrips), and flowering in such conditions may not occur at all. How can we help plants survive such a “winter drought”?

It should be said right away that adjusting humidity is much more difficult than adjusting temperature. This issue is especially relevant in winter, when with the connection of central heating batteries, air humidity in the room decreases from 40-50% to 25-35%, while optimal values for most plants it is 60-80%.

Spraying plants is the simplest and most common technique for all gardeners. There are quite a lot of water sprayers, and they are presented in a very different price range, starting from a 15-ruble device that is screwed to any plastic bottle. It is best to spray indoor plants with boiled water. warm water. Boiling water will help prevent salt stains from appearing on the leaves, and room temperature water will relieve the plant from temperature stress.

It should be remembered that not all plants will be happy with direct spraying. Representatives of the flora with rather hard leaves and some others will tolerate it well. You can safely spray ficus, philodendron, monstera, anthurium, codiaum. For plants with pubescent and tender leaves, it is better not to spray them directly, but to spray water next to them.

The same should be done with for the most part flowering subtropical plants, such as gardenias, camellias and the popular azaleas during the flowering period, since drops of water are detrimental to the delicate flower petals. In addition, indirect sprays are necessary for bromeliads and orchids growing on pine bark blocks or epiphytic wood. Winter watering should not be frequent - once a day (preferably in the morning) will be enough.

If you did not spray, and spider mites managed to attack your plants, then you can carry out health measures as follows: after the crown has been wetted with water, the plant is wrapped in transparent plastic film, which should be pressed tightly against the leaves. After one or two weeks, spider mites will disappear because they cannot tolerate high humidity.

An excessive number of sprays in combination with cool temperatures can lead to waterlogging of the earthen coma, which in turn creates favorable conditions for the development of small wingless pests white- fool. Podurs damage small roots, sprouted seeds, and seedlings. To get rid of them, just slightly dry the earthen ball and sprinkle the soil in the pot with a layer of sand.

Another technique for increasing the humidity around flowers is to place them on a wide tray, into which a layer of drainage covered with sphagnum moss is poured. The bottom of the pot should not come into contact with water that is constantly present at the bottom. Evaporation from such a tray increases humidity by about 8%.

A fairly effective way is to use household humidifiers. In this case, the undoubted benefits of hydration will extend not only to the green inhabitants of your apartment, but will also help you yourself. Normal air humidity will help your skin and will be a good prevention of pulmonary diseases and insomnia.

Air humidifiers are divided into “cold steam” humidifiers, “hot steam” humidifiers and the most modern ultrasonic humidifiers, which use a thin piezo membrane that releases small drops of water into the air. Using ultrasonic air humidifiers, you can achieve 80% air humidity - this humidity is good for tropical greenhouses; in the room it is better to limit it to 60%.

In the absence of such devices, you can place baths of water on the radiator, which will gradually evaporate and humidify the air in the room.

N. Ivanova, biologist

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