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Oh, that restless Jules Verne... His imagination sometimes led him to bold plots, as if snatched from the distant future. This man, who is the most true friend Dumas the son, was the first to write about things accomplished with the help of technology space travel. By the way, the Columbiad passenger module he invented, like the real American space shuttle"Columbia", made of aluminum. The world's first nuclear submarine They named it “Nautilus”, in honor of the fantastic submarine ship of Captain Nemo. The underwater battles anticipated by the science fiction writer and the march to the Pole became a reality.

Perhaps he anticipated the coming world wars. In the novel “500 Million Begums” the main bad guy, German by origin, dreamed of world domination. And in “Paris of the 20th century” skyscrapers rise, citizens ride electric trains, and banks operate powerful computers.

You can talk about it endlessly... However, the topic of this article is summary"Mysterious Island", worldwide famous book Jules Verne.

The writer's third Robinsonade

This novel, written by an already famous forty-six-year-old writer, was eagerly awaited by the world readership (Jules Verne ranked second after Agatha Christie in terms of the number of translated literature published). The previous books of the Jules Verne Robinsonade were extremely popular: “20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”, as well as “The Children of Captain Grant”. Robinsonade genre, where people caught in the world wildlife, confront circumstances, return to the civilized world, was especially popular then.

Main characters. Acquaintance

Brief summary of “The Mysterious Island” Let’s start with the beginning: prisoners of war, representatives of the army of the North, fleeing from the southerners from Richmond in a hot air balloon, due to a storm on March 23, 1865, find themselves on an uninhabited island located 7 thousand miles from the continent. Who are they, the new Robinsons?

Their leader is Cyrus Smith - a scientist and engineer. He is a thin and even bony man of 45 years of age with short hair and a mustache. He is remarkably brave, having participated in many battles under the command of General Grant. He is accompanied by a deeply respected and devoted servant - the dark-skinned strongman Neb.

On the same team with them is a fearless, dynamic and resourceful military journalist from the newspaper " New York Herald" Gideon Spilett, whose courage and fearlessness surprised even the soldiers. Outwardly, he is a tall, physically strong man of about forty with light, slightly brown sideburns. He, along with Cyrus Smith, is the initiator of the escape. The summary of “The Mysterious Island” introduces us to them as like-minded people, business-minded and determined people, the backbone of the team.

By the will of fate, a real sea wolf also turned out to be with them, a man familiar with the sea first-hand - the sailor Pencroft. Along with them is the captain's son, fifteen-year-old Herbert Brown, who came to Richmond with Pencroff. A good sailor who sailed under his father takes care of young man like a son. He is determined and smart. It was Pencroff who came up with the risky idea of ​​escaping from captivity on a balloon.

Balloon crash and rescue

The genre of the book itself presupposes creative logic further developments. The summary of “The Mysterious Island” suggests that the plot of the novel, like all Robinsonades, is typical. His heroes are people who became victims of circumstances, by the strength of their spirit, thanks to their work again acquiring power over their destiny. At the same time, they go through serious trials and challenges.

The balloon with the fugitives took off into a storm. People obviously took risks, but it was the only way, in order to lull the vigilance of the southerners and escape unnoticed. In fact, there was no landing of the balloon on the island, there was a crash. Cyrus Smith and his dog were thrown out of the ball's basket separately from the rest of the fugitives. He, exhausted, found himself a mile from the coast and was found by his faithful servant Neb. Thus, it is classic for Robinsonade: the novel begins with a disaster, and accordingly its summary.

Mysterious island turned out to be quite hospitable. It is inhabited by plants and animals. Here, fortunately, it was possible to find food and shelter quite easily.

First, travelers found edible bivalve mollusks, lithodome. Also readily available food was the eggs of rock pigeons. They were discovered by Herbert Brown, who was interested in zoology. I found myself on the island fresh water, trees grew here. Pencroft wove an improvised rope from vines, built a raft suitable for crossing the river and swimming along it. Thus began the Robinsonade of five resourceful northern Americans.

Creative activity of settlers

Invariably in novels of this kind, housing construction is present in the plot; the summary will not ignore it. The mysterious island provides the five with a whole natural palace - a granite cave, and even with an excellent view that opens up for the observer located in such a fortress house. After all, the rock where this dwelling was located towered above the rest of the area.

The northern colonists are already engaged in crop production on a large scale (from a single grain of wheat miraculously discovered in Herbert’s pocket, they grew this grain crop in quantities sufficient for regular baking of bread). The island now provides the settlers with plenty of meat, milk, and clothing. After all, they tamed mouflons and pigs. They keep the animals in a structure called a corral.

They also tame exotic animals, and this case is mentioned in our summary of the story. The “Mysterious Island” is also inhabited by monkeys. One of them, an orangutan that wandered into their granite home, was tamed. The animal that became attached to them and became their true friend was named Yup.

However, the settlers periodically feel that there is a certain well-wisher on the island. Indeed, a priceless gift for the five Americans was a box with working tools, dishes, small arms and ammunition, which they found in the morning on the beach. Now the engineering knowledge of Cyrus Smith allowed the Robinsons to organize the production of the most necessary things.

However, the summary contains not only information about the improvement of life of the settlers. Verne turns his “The Mysterious Island” into a dynamic work by enriching the plot of the novel with new characters.

Swimming on the island Camp

The sailor Pencroft, having carefully studied the map carefully placed in a pencil case with tools by an unknown well-wisher, discovered that next to the island where he and his comrades now live, there is another island, Tabor. The experienced sea wolf realized that it made sense to examine him. Friends together build a small flat-bottomed boat and begin to explore the waters of this island archipelago. Along with the sailor, there are two other people on board who are interested in Pencroff's idea - creative journalist Gideon Spilett and young Garbert. They discover " nautical letter" - a floating sealed bottle containing a note asking for help. A shipwrecked sailor awaits help while staying on the island. Camp. This is its summary (Verne builds “The Mysterious Island” on the principle of a quest). Indeed, having landed on about. Tabor, friends discover this man. He resides in inadequate condition consciousness. Ayrton (that was his name) former pirate) - a semi-wild creature, overgrown with hair and dressed in rags, tries to attack the young man Garbert. His friends help him out. Ayrton is tied up and sent to Lincoln Island to Granite Castle (as his friends call their cave - home).

Ayrton's story

Care and nutrition did their job: the repentant Ayrton told about his ugly story. Twelve years ago, he, being a complete scum of society, along with accomplices like himself, tried to seize the sailing ship Duncan. Captain Edward Glenarvan spared the criminal, but left him on the island. Tabor, telling Ayrton that he would take him, reformed, someday. Thus, Ayrton served his sentence on the island. This is his story in a very short summary. The mysterious island became a prison for him.

They returned from Tabor Island in the dark... The colonists were then saved by a landmark - a fire on the shore. Then they decided that the Negro Neb had started it. It turned out - no. It was kindled by a mysterious friend... (However, the “bottle mail” turned out to be the work of his hands. Ayrton did not write the note.)

Arrangement of the settlers' economy

The three years that Cyrus Smith and his comrades spent on the island were not wasted. Their farm includes a mill, a poultry farm, wheat fields, and an established production of woolen products. There is even a telegraph connecting the colonists' place of residence with the corral where they keep the animals.

However, a terrible danger awaits the friends: a war pirate ship drops its anchor in the island’s bay. The forces are clearly unequal. Ayrton, who carried out night reconnaissance, determined that there were 50 pirates on the ship.

War with pirates

The battle scene further decorates the plot and our summary of the book “The Mysterious Island”. Two pirate boats carry thugs from the sailboat to the shore. The northerners bravely take the battle. One of the boats, having lost three corsairs, returns. The second with six fighters nevertheless lands on the jungle-covered shore, and the pirates hide in the thickets.

The Americans, apparently, are in for a catastrophe. The thugs' warship turns its guns in their direction, and the guns begin to sweep the area around them. However, suddenly an incident occurs again that inspires respect for the power of their secret friend. The pirate ship suddenly explodes and instantly sinks. A live mine went off.

More about real war the author tells us about the pirates, known by some unknown readers as Julver (“Mysterious Island”). The summary mentions that it begins with attacks from pirates who disembarked from a boat. Relying on common sense deprived of the robbers' ship, the northerners did not pursue them. However, the thugs began their business as usual- looting and arson of settlers’ property. They captured Ayrton, who, tormented by his conscience, voluntarily lived not in a granite castle, but near the corral. Cyrus Smith and his comrades came to his aid. However, the pirates manage to seriously wound young Garbert. The northerners return to their home. The wounded man develops a fever. He is saved by a medicine planted by a mysterious friend.

Summary of Verne's novel “The Mysterious Island” enters the denouement stage. The settlers finally decide to destroy the uninvited guests. In their opinion, the thugs are in the corral. And this is true. However, all the bandits are dead, and next to them is the emaciated Ayrton, who has no idea how he ended up here (the pirates kept him in a cave). Once again the presence of an unknown benefactor is felt.

Life returns to usual course. However, a new danger threatens the settlers: the island volcano is gradually beginning to awaken and gain strength. The boat was previously smashed on the reefs by pirates. Concerned, the settlers begin to build a large ship to leave the island if necessary.

Meeting a secret benefactor

One day, in their granite cave, a telegraph from the corral goes off. Finally, a previously unknown patron decided to meet them! They are summoned by him to the corral. The note lying there (again an element of the quest) then directs them along the laid cable - to the majestic grotto. Here their patron, sixty-year-old Captain Nemo, who by his origin is the Indian Prince Dakar, and by conviction, is a fighter for the independence of his homeland, awaits them. He's old, he's lonely. His comrades died in the campaigns and struggle for Indian independence. He is also a creative scientist. The unprecedented Nautilus submarine was designed and assembled by him from components produced by different contractors. Feeling that death was approaching, Captain Nemo called the settlers to help him complete his final task - to help him be buried in the depths of the sea along with his Nautilus. This noble man gives our travelers a chest of jewelry and something else that has no price. He left a note on Tabor Island addressed to rescuers. When he dies, the northerners batten down the hatches and lower the submarine to the bottom. This is a very touching scene.

Final disaster and rescue

Soon, Lincoln Island explodes due to a volcano. The explosion is so strong that the settlers are thrown out of the tent where they had moved in view of the impending disaster, into the water. Verne J. G. (“The Mysterious Island”) does not spare colors for the final scenes. The chapter summary ends with a touching rescue. The sailors of the sailing ship Duncan, which came to rescue Ayrton, guided by the note they found, remove settlers from the lifeless reef island, suffering from hunger and thirst for several days.

Returning to their homeland, the Americans turn the jewelry donated by Captain Nemo into material assets, buying land, livestock, tools and equipment. They are recreating on the American continent the same productive economy as on the island, and are successfully running it together.


Jules Verne in his novel “The Mysterious Island” gave his readers a fascinating story about the American Robinsons. The writer's innovation is striking. In the composition of the book there are a number of artistic techniques, characteristic of today's militants. Subsequent scenes are logically connected with the previous ones according to the laws of the quest. The final disaster and miraculous rescue are carefully depicted.

The innovation, as well as the artistic presentation of the novel, served as the source of its popularity among millions of readers.

Jules Verne

"Mysterious Island"

March 1865 In the USA during civil war five brave northerners flee from Richmond, captured by the southerners, in a hot air balloon. A terrible storm throws four of them onto the shore of an uninhabited island in Southern Hemisphere. The fifth man and his dog are hiding in the sea near the shore. This fifth one - a certain Cyrus Smith, a talented engineer and scientist, the soul and leader of a group of travelers - for several days involuntarily keeps his companions in suspense, who can nowhere find either him or his loyal dog Top. Suffering the most ex-slave, and now Smith’s devoted servant is the Negro Nab. In the balloon were also a war journalist and Smith's friend, Gideon Spilett, a very energetic and decisive man with a vigorous mind; sailor Pencroft, a good-natured and enterprising daredevil; fifteen-year-old Harbert Brown, the son of the captain of the ship on which Pencroff sailed, who was left an orphan, and whom the sailor treats as his own son. After a tedious search, Neb finally finds his inexplicably saved master a mile from the shore. Each of the island's new settlers has irreplaceable talents, and under the leadership of Cyrus and Spilett, these brave people rally and become a single team. First, using the simplest means at hand, then producing more and more complex objects of labor and household use in their own small factories, the settlers arrange their lives. They hunt, collect edible plants, oysters, then even breed domestic animals and engage in farming. They make their home high in the rock, in a cave freed from water. Soon, thanks to their hard work and intelligence, the colonists no longer needed food, clothing, or warmth and comfort. They have everything except news about their homeland, about the fate of which they are very worried.

One day, returning to their home, which they called the Granite Palace, they see that monkeys are in charge inside. After a while, as if under the influence of insane fear, the monkeys begin to jump out of the windows, and someone’s hand throws out to the travelers the rope ladder that the monkeys lifted into the house. Inside, people find another monkey - an orangutan, which they keep and call Uncle Jupe. In the future, Yup becomes people's friend, servant and indispensable assistant.

Another day, the settlers find a toolbox on the sand, firearms, various appliances, clothes, kitchen utensils and books on English. The settlers wonder where this box could have come from. Using the map, also found in the box, they discover that next to their island, not marked on the map, is the island of Tabor. The sailor Pencroft is eager to go to him. With the help of his friends, he builds a bot. When the bot is ready, everyone takes it on a test voyage around the island. During it, they find a bottle with a note saying that a shipwrecked man is waiting for rescue on Tabor Island. This event strengthens Pencroft's confidence in the need to visit the neighboring island. Pencroft, journalist Gideon Spilett and Herbert set sail. Arriving at Tabor, they discover a small shack where, by all indications, no one has lived for a long time. They scatter around the island, not hoping to see a living person, and try to find at least his remains. Suddenly they hear Harbert scream and rush to his aid. They see that Harbert is fighting with a certain hairy creature that looks like a monkey. However, the monkey turns out to be a feral person. The travelers tie him up and transport him to their island. They give him separate room at the Granite Palace. Thanks to their attention and care, the savage soon becomes a civilized man again and tells them his story. It turns out that his name is Ayrton, he is a former criminal, he wanted to take possession of the sailing ship Duncan and, with the help of the dregs of society like him, turn it into a pirate ship. However, his plans were not destined to come true, and as punishment twelve years ago he was left on the uninhabited island of Tabor so that he would realize his act and atone for his sin. However, the owner of Duncan, Edward Glenarvan, said that someday he would return for Ayrton. The settlers see that Ayrton sincerely repents of his past sins, and he tries to be useful to them in every possible way. Therefore, they are not inclined to judge him for past misdeeds and willingly accept him into their society. However, Ayrton needs time, and so he asks to be given the opportunity to live in the corral that the settlers built for their domesticated animals at some distance from the Granite Palace.

When the boat was returning from Tabor Island at night during a storm, it was saved by a fire that, as those sailing on it thought, had been lit by their friends. However, it turns out that they were not involved in this. It also turns out that Ayrton did not throw the bottle with the note into the sea. The settlers cannot explain these mysterious events. They are increasingly inclined to think that besides them, on Lincoln Island, as they dubbed it, there lives someone else, their mysterious benefactor, who often comes to their aid in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. They even undertake search expedition in the hope of discovering his whereabouts. However, the search ends in vain.

The next summer (for five months had already passed since Ayrton appeared on their island until he told them his story and summer was over, and it is dangerous to sail in the cold season) they decide to get to Tabor Island to leave a note in the hut. In the note they intend to warn Captain Glenarvan if he returns that Ayrton and five other castaways are waiting for help on a nearby island.

The settlers have been living on their island for three years. Their life, their economy achieved prosperity. They are already harvesting rich harvests of wheat grown from a single grain discovered in Herbert’s pocket three years ago, they have built a mill, raise poultry, completely furnished their home, and made new warm clothes and blankets from mouflon wool. However peaceful life they are overshadowed by one incident that threatens them with death. One day, looking at the sea, they see a well-equipped ship in the distance, but a black flag flies above the ship. The ship anchors off the coast. It shows beautiful long-range guns. Ayrton sneaks onto the ship under cover of darkness to conduct reconnaissance. It turns out that there are fifty pirates on the ship. Miraculously escaping them, Ayrton returns to shore and tells his friends that they need to prepare for battle. The next morning two boats descend from the ship. On the first, the settlers shoot three, and she returns back, but the second lands on the shore, and the six pirates remaining on her hide in the forest. Cannons are fired from the ship, and it approaches even closer to the shore. It seems that nothing can save the handful of settlers. Suddenly huge wave rises beneath the ship and it sinks. All pirates on it die. As it turns out later, the ship was blown up by a mine, and this event finally convinces the inhabitants of the island that they are not alone here.

At first they are not going to exterminate the pirates, wanting to give them the opportunity to lead a peaceful life. But it turns out that the robbers are not capable of this. They begin to loot and burn the settlers' farms. Ayrton goes to the corral to check on the animals. The pirates grab him and take him to a cave, where they torture him to get him to agree to come over to their side. Ayrton doesn't give up. His friends go to his aid, but in the corral Harbert is seriously wounded, and his friends remain in it, unable to move back with the young man who is dying. A few days later they still go to the Granite Palace. As a result of the transition, Harbert develops a malignant fever and is near death. Once again, providence intervenes in their lives and the hand of their kind, mysterious friend gives them the necessary medicine. Harbert makes a full recovery. The settlers intend to deal the final blow to the pirates. They go to the corral, where they expect to find them, but they find Ayrton exhausted and barely alive, and nearby the corpses of robbers. Ayrton reports that he does not know how he ended up in the corral, who carried him from the cave and killed the pirates. However, he reports one sad news. A week ago, the bandits went to sea, but, not knowing how to control the boat, they crashed it on the coastal reefs. The trip to Tabor has to be postponed until a new means of transportation is built. Over the next seven months, the mysterious stranger does not make himself known. Meanwhile, a volcano awakens on the island, which the colonists thought was already dead. They are building a new one big ship, which, if necessary, could deliver them to the inhabited earth.

One evening, as they are preparing to go to bed, the inhabitants of the Granite Palace hear a bell. The telegraph they ran from the corral to their home works. They are urgently called to the corral. There they find a note asking them to follow the additional wire. The cable leads them to a huge grotto, where, to their amazement, they see a submarine. In it, they meet its owner and their patron, Captain Nemo, the Indian prince Dakkar, who fought all his life for the independence of his homeland. He, already a sixty-year-old man who has buried all his comrades, is near death. Nemo gives his new friends a chest of jewelry and warns that if a volcano erupts, the island (this is its structure) will explode. He dies, the settlers batten down the hatches of the boat and lower it under the water, and they themselves tirelessly build it all day long. new ship. However, they do not have time to finish it. All living things die when the island explodes, leaving only a small reef in the ocean. Settlers who spent the night in a tent on the shore are thrown into the sea by an air wave. All of them, with the exception of Jupe, remain alive. For more than ten days they sit on the reef, almost dying of hunger and no longer hoping for anything. Suddenly they see a ship. This is Duncan. He saves everyone. As it later turns out, Captain Nemo, when the boat was still safe, sailed on it to Tabor and left a note for the rescuers.

Returning to America, with the jewelry donated by Captain Nemo, the friends buy a large plot of land and live on it the same way they lived on Lincoln Island.

In the spring of 1865, during the American Civil War, southerners captured Richmond. Five guys fly away from the city in a hot air balloon, but a storm throws them off their path, and they find themselves in the Southern Hemisphere on a desert island. The fifth daredevil, Cyrus Smith, who led this journey, failed to get ashore. His dog Top also disappeared. For several days, travelers continue their search: the servant of the missing Neb, the journalist Gideon Spilett, the sailor Pencroft and his 15-year-old ward Harbert Brown. And suddenly Smith is found a mile from the shore. The settlers are trying to settle down in a new place, equipping their home at a height in a cave, and begin to engage in animal husbandry and agriculture. One day, monkeys climbed into their home, and after the owners arrived, everyone fled, except for one orangutan, whom people nicknamed Yupa and allowed to live with them.

The settlers discovered a box on the island with valuables: tools, weapons, books, clothes and kitchen utensils. There they find a map on which they see the nearby island of Tabor. The settlers build a boat and make a test voyage, during which they catch a bottle in the sea with a note from a shipwrecked man from a neighboring land. Herbert, Pencroft and Spilett sail to Tabor, but find no one in the discovered hut. During the search, a 15-year-old boy is attacked by a feral man, whom they tie up and decide to transport to their island in the evening. Upon returning back, people find themselves in a storm, and only thanks to the blazing fire do they find their way home. But on the island it turns out that it was not their friends who started the fire. The savage turns out to be the criminal Ayrton, who 12 years ago wanted to capture the sailing ship Duncan and become a pirate, and for this he was landed on a desert island, promising to return for him someday. He also insisted that he did not write any rescue note. The settlers take pity on Ayrton and accept him into their collective. But the savage asks to live for some time away from them in a building they built for animals.

Friends begin to suspect that someone else lives on the island and is secretly helping them. They search but find nothing. Over the three years they lived on the island, the friends made their stay comfortable: they increased wheat yields, built a mill, and learned how to make clothes. One day a pirate ship sailed to their island, the settlers desperately defended themselves, but the forces were unequal. Suddenly the ship hit a mine and sank. The surviving pirates do not want peaceful cohabitation, they constantly harm their economy and capture Ayrton. During his release, Harbert is seriously wounded, causing the young man to develop a fatal fever. But his life is saved by a medicine that came from nowhere. The next time they try to rescue Ayrton, the settlers discover a barely alive friend who does not remember how all the pirates were killed.

A few months later, a volcano wakes up on the island, and the friends begin to build a ship to save them. After the meeting with the pirates, a means of communication with the home was installed in the ship. One day they heard a signal, and when they arrived at the place, they found a note and a cable that led them to a grotto with a submarine. Inside it they meet their secret patron, 60- summer captain Nemo, who gave them jewelry before his death. Friends do not have time to complete their ship when the volcano explodes. They were able to escape on a small reef, where they were discovered by the captain of the Duncan, who sailed for Ayrton.


Late Novels of Jules Verne What Nautilus can do and what it has Captain Nemo's Nautilus is not only a literary phenomenon

Year of publication of the book: 1874

Jules Verne's novel The Mysterious Island is probably familiar to everyone. After all, it has been filmed more than once, and many television and animated series for children have been created based on it. Many people read Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island” personally and probably plunged headlong into the exciting adventures of the new Robinsons. It is thanks to such works that Jules Verne ranks high place among, and the name of this writer has not lost its appeal among readers over the years.

The plot of Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" in brief

In Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" you can read about how in 1865 five northerners, fleeing the surrounded city of Richmond, set off on a trip in a hot air balloon. On the way they are caught in a storm, which takes them to desert island in the Southern Hemisphere. The head of this group is engineer Cyrus Smith, who has been searched for a long time after the crash, because he was thrown further than the main group. Also present here are Smith’s former slave, Neb, and his friend, Gideon Spilett, according to whose notes Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island” was allegedly created. Also in this five are the sailor Pencroff and the fifteen-year-old son of the captain of the ship under whose leadership Pencroft sailed - Herbert Brown.

Finding themselves on a desert island, the five main characters of Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island” begin to improve their lives. They create their new home, which is located high on a cliff and can only be reached by a rope ladder. In addition, they began farming from one single grain, and also began to improve their lives. Thanks to their intelligence and ingenuity, they soon needed practically nothing. In addition, in their house appeared new resident– orangutan Yup. Jupe was the only monkey left in the house after a mysterious monkey invasion of the house. When it was as if someone had thrown them out of the house, and then lowered a rope ladder raised by the monkeys.

Further in our summary of Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island,” we should mention a chest with everything necessary that appeared on the island. Among other things, there was a map. They discovered an island nearby - Tabor. Five builds a boat and decides to go on a trip to this island. While testing the bot, they find a bottle with a note that another person lives on Tabor, who survived a shipwreck. On Tabor they find Ayrton, who is out of his mind. But care and communication allow him to regain his sanity. Ayrton says that for attempting to seize the Duncan ship, he was left on the island, but was promised to return.

During their return to the island, the travelers were greatly helped by a fire built on the shore, but as it turns out, their friends were not involved in it. Therefore, the team is even more imbued with the idea that they are not alone on the island. They organize a search expedition around the island, but find no one. The next summer they decide to go to Tabor again and leave a note there that Ayrton and five other people need help and that they are on a neighboring island.

Further in Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island” you can read about the events unfolding three years later. During this time, the settlers thoroughly settled down, and they even had their own mill and telegraph. But one afternoon they see a ship with a black flag. As it turns out, these are Ayrton’s old acquaintances – pirates. And because of Ayrton's carelessness during reconnaissance, they now know about the people on the island. The next day, two boats are launched from the ship. The Robinsons manage to return one to the ship, killing 3 people, but the second one lands on the shore. The ship, which opened fire on the brave six from cannons, exploded on a mine. But travelers will find out this later.

Further in the book “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne, you will learn how the settlers tried to peacefully resolve the conflict with the pirates, but this failed. They began to destroy their farm and captured Ayrton. Rushing to help him, Kharbert is seriously wounded, but thanks to medicines that came out of nowhere, he is able to be cured. After his full recovery, they decide to deal the final blow to the pirates, but find only their corpses and Ayrton, tortured half to death. Having come to his senses, he says that the pirates stupidly sank the boat, so the trip to Tabor will have to be postponed and they will have to start building a new boat.

At this time, the volcano, which the travelers thought was dormant, awakens again. Some strong earthquakes make them worry and speed up the construction of the ship. But one evening the telegraph rings, and an unknown voice offers to follow the newly laid cable from the ship. They go out into a huge grotto where the submarine is located and meet Captain Nemo. He reports that during earthquakes the level of the grotto has shifted and that he can no longer go out to sea. All his friends died, and he himself was dying. Therefore, he asks to sink the submarine and gives a chest of precious stones. Nemo also reports that the structure of the island is such that it will explode if it erupts. Having fulfilled Nemo's request, the travelers begin building the ship with redoubled efforts. But they don't have time. The island explodes, and they miraculously escape on a small reef left from the island.

Further in Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island” you can read the denouement. For ten days, all travelers except Yupe, who failed to escape, starve on the reef. But they are saved by “Duncan”, who arrived for Ayrton. On the island he discovered a note that Nemo left for the travelers. Upon returning to America, the friends buy a large piece of land and live as if on an island, thanks to Nemo's box of precious stones.

Jules Verne's book “The Mysterious Island” on the Top books website

For many years now, many generations have been wanting to read Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island”. This adventure book captures the minds of not only teenagers, but also adult readers. Thanks to this, the stable interest in the book allowed it to take its rightful place in the ranking. And we will probably see this work more than once in our subsequent ratings.

You can read Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island” online on the Top Books website.

The action takes place during the American Civil War. Southerners control northern city Richmond. Five local residents decided to escape with the help hot air balloon. But due to a strong storm, they are thrown onto a desert island. This brought the whole team together. A dwelling was made - a Granite Palace in a cave. The colonists created tools, hunted, and grew plants. One day, the cave was occupied by monkeys. Although everyone later fled, an orangutan nicknamed Uncle Jupp remained with the people. He helps and serves the new owners. Having found old map, the team decides to sail to Tabor Island, a boat was built for this purpose. There they were joined by former criminal Ayrton, who was exiled to the island for re-education. Three years later, the islanders were attacked by pirates. But someone mysterious first blew up the enemy’s ship, and then exterminated the pirates who did not agree to lead a peaceful life. As a result, it turned out that the elderly captain Nemo, who was fighting for the freedom of India, helped. As a result of the volcanic eruption, the heroes miraculously did not drown. They were rescued by the ship Duncan. Returning to America, the comrades live the same way as on the island.

Conclusion (my opinion)

A difficult situation is a reason to mobilize physical and mental strength. From nothing, you can create a lot. As a result of work, each hero acquired new qualities. Using the example of Nemo, it is clear that a person is happy in society, and not in solitude.

On an August day in 1972, Vadim Aleksandrovich Glebov, who was preparing to move into a cooperative apartment, went to a furniture store located “near the devil’s horns.” There he had to buy an antique table. To get the desired piece of furniture, you first had to find a certain Efim. Instead, Glebov came across an old friend Levka Shulepnikov (Shulepa), who was almost drunk. Efim was never found. Glebov decided to have a friendly conversation with Shulepnikov, called out to him, but he did not answer.

In the evening, when Glebov told his wife Marina about what had happened during the day, he was more worried not because his old friend did not recognize him, but because there are such unnecessary people as Efim and that now the antique table will go to someone else . Glebov had almost gone to bed when his wife and daughter Margosha entered his office. Marina reported that her daughter was going to marry the artist Tolmachev, who worked as a salesman in a bookstore, in 12 days.

Around one o'clock in the morning the phone rang. Glebov picked up the phone. On the other end of the line was Shulepnikov. He said that he pretended not to recognize Glebov because he was “terribly disgusted” with him. Coming home from work, Levka thought that he had unnecessarily offended an old friend and therefore decided to call. Shulepnikov asked if Glebov remembered his mother. Glebov began to answer, but then the connection was interrupted.

Almost 25 years ago, Vadim Aleksandrovich was a completely different person - he often sat without money, “in appearance he resembled a commoner from the seventies,” he worked as a loader and chopped wood in the yards.

Glebov went to school with Shulepnikov. In the fall of 1947, Levka unexpectedly appeared at the institute, and immediately in his third year. Shulepnikov had a stepfather “who had enormous potential.” Thanks to him, Levka rapidly made his career. At that time, those around him either slavishly served Shulepnikov or were “viciously jealous.”

Glebov was never Levka's slave, even at school. At the institute, many times he could have joined the company that had gathered around Shulepnikov, but did not do so.

When Vadim Glebov was in fifth or sixth grade, in a house on the embankment - a rich one, reminiscent the whole city or even a country,” Levka settled. From birth, Glebov lived in a communal apartment, in a small old two-story house, for the inhabitants of which the huge house on the embankment blocked the sun in the morning. In those years, Vadim developed an “ineradicable illness”, which can be called “suffering from inadequacy.” Glebov was offended that he had to achieve everything through hard work, while Levka, for example, got everything easily. Vadim's father worked as a master chemist at a candy factory. Mother worked as an usher in a run-down movie theater. This gave Glebov an advantage in class, since sometimes he was able to take one friend, or even two, to the cinema for free. He invited only boys whose friendship he was interested in.

First days in new school Shulepnikov behaved arrogantly. His classmates decided to attack him and rip off his pants. Such reprisals were called “ogogo.” Glebov refused to participate at the last moment. Shulepnikov dispersed the attackers by firing into the air from a “foreign scarecrow.” Subsequently, Levka did not surrender those who attacked him. So he turned into a hero. Soon Glebov became friends with him. Vadim’s father advised him to be more careful in communicating with Levka, and to visit his rich apartment less often. He warned that this friendship could lead to trouble. Glebov himself thought so, but still continued to go to the house on the embankment.

Vadim’s mother had a sister, Aunt Polya. One day her husband, Uncle Volodya, a simple-minded and soft-hearted man who worked as a typesetter in a printing house and loved to drink, was accused of “almost sabotage.” Glebov’s mother decided to turn to Levka’s influential stepfather for help. Her father did not agree with her, but she did it her way. When Levka came to Glebov’s for tea, his mother started talking about Uncle Volodya. Shulepnikov agreed to talk about this with his stepfather.

One frosty day, Glebov was visiting Levka. The stepfather came and invited Vadim into the office. He promised to try to help Uncle Volodya, but in return he demanded that the boy name the instigators of the attack on Shulepa, which happened several months ago. Glebov named two classmates - Bear and Manyunya. Vadim counted them bad people, but there was still an unpleasant feeling that he had betrayed someone. As a result, Levka's stepfather was unable to help Uncle Volodya. The bear left Moscow with his parents because they were transferred somewhere for work. Manyunya was kicked out of school because he did not study well.

Seven years have passed. As mentioned above, fate brought Glebov and Shulepnikov together again at the institute. During the war, Glebov’s mother died, his father was wounded in the head, some school friends died, Vadim did not know about the whereabouts of the others, he himself also almost died. Everything turned out better for Levka - Shulepnikov even managed to live in a marriage with an Italian. His mother remarried, and again to an influential man. The previous stepfather was found dead in his car, in a locked garage.

Even in his first year at the institute, Glebov again began going to the house on the embankment. His former classmate Sonya Ganchuk remained to live there. But the girl was of little interest to Glebov at first. He communicated more with her father, Professor Ganchuk, who taught him. Glebov tried to win the sympathy of the teacher and succeeded in this. Vadim's attitude towards Sonya changed after one of the parties she organized. Then Glebov realized that he could fall in love with Ganchuk’s daughter, but their romance began only two years later.

One day, under New Year the entire “student horde” went to Bruskovo, to the Ganchuks’ dacha. Shulepnikov was also in the company, who at that time had been a year old at the institute. The party ended with a big fight. At dawn, almost everyone hurried to the train. Soon only Sonya and Glebov remained at the dacha. They were in a hurry to put the house in order, as they were waiting for the arrival of the girl’s parents, who ultimately did not arrive that day. In the evening, Sonya gave herself to Glebov. She admitted that she had been in love with him since the sixth grade. Vadim could not say exactly when he fell in love with Sonya. This is how their romance began. Many years later, Glebov believed that it was not true love, but “young bodily possession.”

While Glebov was having an affair with Sonya, “the life of Glebov’s family was at its end.” Vadim’s grandmother, Nila, who supported the house, could barely walk. After the death of his mother, my father grew old and was consumed by illness. In addition, he began to drink. Aunt Polya came to help from time to time. Her husband, Uncle Volodya, who was sent to the north at one time, started new family and left with her for Tashkent. Aunt Paulie got into trouble love relationship with Glebov's father.

In late autumn, when Glebov was actively writing a thesis on Russian journalism of the 1880s, he was called to the training unit. There was the newly appointed Druzyaev, who had previously worked as a military prosecutor and had only been demobilized a year ago. During the conversation between Druzyaev and Glebov, graduate student Shireyko entered the room. He gave a special course on Gorky to Vadim, replacing linguistics teacher Boris Astrug, a student of Ganchuk, who was “dismissed with a bang” about a year ago.

Friends started talking about Professor Ganchuk. He was Glebov’s scientific supervisor. It turned out that the professor included Vadim in the “preliminary list of graduates who will be recommended for graduate school.” Glebov heard about this for the first time. In addition, Druzyaev knew that Vadim was having an affair with Sonya. Glebov was briefly outlined the current situation. No one was against Ganchuk supervising his diploma, so that Vadim married Sonya, so that Ganchuk’s wife remained at the institute to teach in the department of languages. Individually it was all great, but together it was too much. Glebov was required to talk to Ganchuk so that he would refuse the scientific supervision of the diploma and select someone else. Vadim, not seeing the catch and thinking that training part shows concern for his successful completion of the diploma, agreed. It seemed to him that the institute was simply afraid of formal troubles.

A few days later, Glebov told Sonya about everything. She advised him to do as he saw fit. At the same time, it turned out that Dorodnov, the head of the educational department, notified Ganchuk’s wife about the need to take exams. Allegedly, further teaching requires a diploma from a Soviet university, but she had a diploma from the University of Vienna. It is interesting that this did not come up before, although Ganchuk’s wife taught for twenty years.

Soon, at one of the Ganchuks’ tea parties, Sonya told her father and mother that she was meeting with Glebov and that Vadim was asked to replace scientific supervisor. After this, Professor Ganchuk explained why intrigues were being woven against him. In particular, due to the fact that he defended Astrug and others who were unfairly humiliated.

On Thursday, Glebov was supposed to compete against Ganchuk. Vadim turned to Shulepnikov for help, hoping that Levka’s stepfather could somehow influence the situation. Glebov really didn’t want to perform; he passionately wanted them to do without him. Shulepnikov reluctantly tried to help by calling graduate student Shireiko, who was clearly playing in the intrigue against Ganchuk important role, but nothing really came of this call. There were two days left until Thursday, and Glebov still had not decided what to do.

The situation has become more complicated. Now Glebov was also forced to speak at the meeting by supporters of Professor Ganchuk, of whom there were many. Early on Thursday morning, Vadim’s grandmother died, which saved him. He didn't have to go anywhere. True, there was also a second meeting. Glebov still performed there. According to Vadim himself, he said something “short, insignificant.” Professor Ganchuk was eventually sent into disgrace, to the regional pedagogical university. He managed to return only a few years later. After the second meeting, Glebov and Levka, who was also speaking, got drunk. In his drunken delirium, Shulepnikov constantly repeated: “We are brutes, bastards...”. That's when his alcoholism began to develop. Even before the second meeting, Glebov broke up with Sonya.

Throughout the entire work there are fragments written by the author, who once lived in a house on the embankment, communicated with Glebov and Shulepnikov as a child, and was in love with Sonya. In the finale, the author found Professor Ganchuk, who at that time was already 86 years old. On the anniversary of Sonya’s death, they went together to her grave. The author and Ganchuk found themselves at the cemetery just before it closed. The gatekeeper did not want to let them in for a long time, until the author recognized Levka Shulepnikov in him. Returning home from work on a trolleybus, the former darling of fate Shulepa passed by a house on the embankment and hoped for a miracle, for another change in life.

  • “House on the Embankment”, analysis of Trifonov’s story
  • “Exchange”, analysis of Trifonov’s story

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