Humid subtropics indigenous people. Soils of the humid subtropics

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It covers five important types climate, each of which is designated capital letter. The humid tropical climate extends in a north-south direction, from to 15º and 25º latitude. The annual precipitation exceeds 500 mm. There are three minor Köppen climate types in Group A, and their assignment is based on seasonal rainfall patterns. Atmospheric or tropical humidity is a tropical climate where precipitation occurs throughout the year. Due to intense surface heating and high humidity, cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds form during the day almost every day.

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soil humid subtropical

1. The concept of soil in humid subtropics

2. Agricultural use

3. Features of the soil of humid subtropics


There is little rainfall during the dry season. Wet and dry tropical climates or savannas have a longer dry season. Rainfall during the rainy season is usually less than a thousand millimeters, and barely during the summer. The most obvious feature of this type of climate is evaporation and potential transpiration, which exceeds precipitation.

Mid-latitude humid subtropical climate

Smaller types of this climate include. It covers 12% earth's surface, and the vegetation is xerophilic. It is a steppe climate that covers 14% of the earth's surface. This type of climate typically has hot and humid summers and mild winters. Its extent ranges from 30º to 50º latitude, mainly in the eastern and western borders of most continents. In winter, the main feature of this is the mid-latitude cyclone. Convection showers dominate the summer months.

1. The concept of soil in humid subtropics

The soils of the humid subtropics are represented by two types: red soils and yellow soils, total area which is about 0.6 million hectares. They are widespread in Transcaucasia and occupy two separate massifs, one of which is located on Black Sea coast, the other is off the coast of the Caspian Sea in the area of ​​Lankaran.

There are three minor types, viz. The humid subtropical climate has hot summers and heavy rainfall. Winters are mild and precipitation this season comes from mid-latitude cyclones. They have a humid climate with very short dry summers. Mediterranean climates receive rain first in the winter season, from mid-latitude cyclones. Extreme drought in summer is caused by the fall due to subtropical highs and can persist for 5 months. Places in North America with this type of climate are Portland, Oregon and California.

Humid mid-latitude continental climate

The mid-latitude humid continental climate has hot to cold summers and cold winters. Winters are very difficult, with snowstorms, strong winds And a large number cold caused by continental or arctic polar air masses. Polar climate is located in coastal areas North America, Europe, Asia and in the land masses of Greenland and Antarctica.

Soil formation factors. The climate is humid and warm with moderately hot summers and mild winters with rare frosts. The average annual temperature is 13-14 °C, and the period with temperatures above 10 °C is 240-250 days. 1500-2500 mm or more of precipitation falls per year, which causes the leaching type water regime. Precipitation is of a torrential nature, most of it occurs in autumn and winter.

Brightness needed inside

There are two minor types of this climate. The vegetation is dominated by mosses, lichens, dwarf trees and scattered woody shrubs. If the polar ice caps have a surface that is constantly covered with snow and ice. The trees shown below that require high to very high brightness will have difficulty unless they have light supplementation to improve light quality as well as day length during the winter.

Classification various types into three levels of complexity is both reductive and subjective. However, we tried to take it into account. Difficulty maintaining tree health, difficulty maintaining tree shape, susceptibility to parasites. Our many years of experience, as well as the successes or failures of our clients, form the basis of this classification.

The relief is typical for the foothills and is highly dissected, which, given the rainy nature of precipitation, contributes to the intensive development of water erosion.

The predominant soil-forming rock is red and yellow weathering bark. The first is represented by bright red clayey eluvium of basic igneous rocks (trachytes, basalts, andesites), and the second is represented by dark yellow eluvium of sedimentary rocks (shales, sandstones). The thickness of these deposits is 2-10 m or more.

  • Especially no jelly!
  • Don't be afraid if the temperature is a few degrees lower at night.
In winter, the length and quality of the day in our latitudes is much lower. The bonsai should be “stuck” at the window. Direct sun in winter cannot cause burns. More often than not, the available light is insufficient. Even when light appears to be sufficient, it is limited for trees, and their quality of life is greatly improved by supplemental horticultural lighting.

The day length must be at least 12 hours, and only the use of a gardening bulb can increase the day length. The dry atmosphere is sometimes painful for trees in tropical or subtropical humid areas. Considering relatively low temperature wintering, moisture content in the atmosphere is not a problem. So-called indoor bonsai are trees that cannot remain outside in winter in our latitudes. These trees are never happy to stay all year round in the house!

The vegetation is represented by lush subtropical forests. They are dominated by oak, hornbeam, chestnut, maple, cherry laurel, and rhododendron, which are often intertwined with vines. The annual litter of organic matter reaches 20 tons per 1 ha; with it, up to 800 kg per 1 ha of nitrogen and ash elements are returned to the soil.

Red soils and yellow soils are formed as a result of active biochemical processes occurring in an acidic environment. The humid and very warm climate promotes intensive decomposition of organic matter almost throughout the year. Therefore, even with an abundant supply of plant litter, little humus accumulates in the soil, and its composition is dominated by the fulvic acid fraction. Stands out in large numbers carbon dioxide, as a result of the intensive decomposition of organic litter and plant respiration, contributes to the vigorous destruction of the mineral part of the soil. The deep decomposition of aluminosilicates is accompanied by almost complete leaching of calcium, magnesium, and also partially silicon and iron. The latter give the rock its characteristic reddish color (hence the name of the soil). At the same time, in the humus horizon of the soil there occurs biological accumulation calcium, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements that are a source of nutrition for plants.

Tropicals - those who suffer the least from not getting out - will also enjoy spending the entire summer season on outdoors. By “beautiful season” we mean “the season during which it cannot freeze.” Therefore, as soon as it cannot freeze, that is, after the Ice Saints, you can place your tropical bonsai in shade or partial shade.

Finally, avoid thermal shock when you take them out or put them back in. Difficulty: Medium Brightness: Very strong. . The white flowers are ephemeral and grow in summer. Beautiful flowering in its original climate, more hypothetical in northern France.

Soil formation in the humid subtropics is significantly affected by chemical composition maternal breeds.

Red soils were formed on red weathering crust, which is strongly depleted in bases (1-2%), contains little silicon (35-40%) and is enriched in sesquioxides (50-60%). The process of podzolization, characteristic of soil formation in an acidic environment, is very weakly expressed in red soils.

Difficulty: Medium Brightness: Strong. . The bark has a clear and beautiful rib. Be careful, it breaks easily to the touch. Culture: Light Brightness: Strong. . Its leaves are a little large, but it responds very well to size. For a ficus, its leaves are a very reasonable size! The chest grows quite quickly, and the bark stands out in longitudinal slits. This Ficus variety produces suberb specimens.

Culture: Light Brightness: Good. . This variety grows incredibly and produces impressive items. Its vigor is such that it is used as a rootstock for the Ficus compacta. This latest variety is "built" by grafting all branches, allowing it to offer important trees, but without special significance- Cultivated after a few years in tropical climates.

The upper horizons of red soils contain about 5-8% humus, 0.2-0.4% nitrogen and 0.1-0.2% phosphorus. The absorption capacity does not exceed 15-20 mg-gq per 100 g of soil. Of the absorbed cations, there are few Ca and Mg, and H and Al occupy 60-75% of the absorption capacity. Therefore, the reaction of red soils is strongly acidic (pH of aqueous extract 4-5). However, red soils are distinguished by good agrophysical properties, largely due to their heavy mechanical composition and water-resistant structure in the formation of which sesquioxides play a significant role.

Themes with a strong chest are interesting. Sometimes you can get white flowers. Summer white flowers reminiscent of orange blossom and scented with jasmine! This tree, growing near temples, can be formed by ligation. We can find this tree in many styles.

Culture: Light Brightness: Very strong. . This tree lives in nature on the edge of the desert. It is therefore ideally suited to the warm and dry atmosphere of interiors, provided that it has sufficient light. Find out here what you can expect in terms of climate in the subtropical Wakayama region. Also included are suggestions for best clothes for every season.

Yellow soils are formed on the yellow-colored weathering crust, which, unlike the red-colored one, contains several more reasons(2-5%), less sesquioxides (20-30%) and more silica (40-60%). The process of podzolization here is much more pronounced, therefore, in the profile of yellow soils, a podzolized horizon up to 60 cm thick and an illuvial horizon containing many orthstein nodules are quite clearly distinguished.

Wakayama is located at the very large peninsula in Japan known as Kii-Hanto, at latitude 14° northern latitude and 10°E longitude. Wakayama is hot all year round and the weather is so mild that bougainvilleas bloom even in winter. These tsuyu, the rainy season in Japan usually begins in early June and lasts until mid-July. Intense rainfall is frequent. An advantage of the rainy season is that popular outdoor attractions tend to be less crowded.

Temperatures in southern coastal areas are generally higher. January and February are the coldest months of the year, with temperatures dropping below freezing and occasional snowfall. However, round the year goes by rain, and the wettest months are June, July, October and November, during these periods when fog sets in, Koyasan and in particular Okunoin are engulfed in special atmospheric atmosphere. The weather in southern Wakayama and around the Kumano-Kodo region is generally quite mild all year round, with very little snowfall. Temperatures rise in August, making it humid and hot.

Zheltozems differ somewhat in properties from red soils. In the humus horizon they contain less humus (3.5-5%), and Ca and Mg predominate among the absorbed cations (75-95% of absorption capacity). However, a certain amount of hydrogen is also in the absorbed state, which causes the slightly acidic reaction of the soils (pH of the water extract 5-6).

While the months of May, June, September and October are the mildest this year, they also have the most high level precipitation, including June, July and September - last month, marking the peak of the cyclone season in Japan. Spring: jackets and sweaters. Weight: light clothing for wet weather, and a cardigan or jacket for air-conditioned rooms. Autumn: Sweaters, jackets and outerwear adapted to the changing climate of autumn. Winter: Winter coat and several layers of clothing.

Hiking in Kumano Kodo. The plum is a fruit tree that easily adapts to a wide range of climates and earthly conditions. European varieties, which bloom quite late, are more productive in areas with more cool winter and moderate summer temperatures. It is also better suited for deep, slightly chalky and medium-textured soils that drain well but tolerate more heavy soils unless they have peach peanuts.

2. Agricultural use

Agricultural use of red soils and yellow soils. The climate of the humid subtropics is very favorable for the cultivation of valuable crops: essential oils, citrus fruits, tea bushes and others.

Of primary importance in the zone are measures aimed at combating water erosion.

Dowry installation is usually done in rectangular or rectangular rectangles or lines: landing distances usually vary from 6 to 7 meters for free form and from 3 to 4 meters for linear forms training. The appropriate planting season is from November, once defoliation is complete until early spring, before the buds are developed.

Plum has requirements for constant soil moisture, especially in the summer months. Watering is something you need to be very careful about limiting fruit splitting. The predominant forms of tree formation are cup-shaped and double-sided palmettes. It is recommended to trim the fruit.

Intensive cultivation of many plants on red soils and yellow soils is possible only with the systematic application of large doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. Liming on chernozems and yellow soils is required only when cultivating crops such as citrus fruits and corn.

The humid subtropics are characterized by long warm summer and short mild winters.

Chestnut thrives in climates that are slightly cold and damp, at altitudes between 300 and 900 m in cold continental areas. It requires water and thrives in sloping and sunny places. The soil should be acidic to neutral and almost free of calcium. It thrives in sandy, volcanic soils with good drainage.

The predominant pattern of tree formation is cup-shaped. Pomegranate thrives in warm regions. It does not tolerate areas with fog or cold winds. It thrives best in medium, deep, fertile and irrigated soil. It contains moderate alkaline soils.

The humid subtropics are rich in lands favorable for vegetable crops. For example, the long growing season and high summer temperatures in the southeastern United States favor the growth of crops such as sweet potatoes, beans, and melons. Relatively mild spring and fall allow for two harvests of vegetables such as spinach, cruciferous greens, radishes and beans. Tomatoes, peppers and celery are grown in spring. In this area, a large industry has been created for growing vegetable and flower seedlings to supply northern states USA.

Wrongly considered very wet soils. Pomegranate requires a lot of care for watering because irregular edibles are implicated in fruit bursting. In addition, water shortage due to high leaf penetration leads to water absorption by the fruits, resulting in deterioration in their quality.

Fruit pruning is done by deflecting and thinning the branches of the crown. Quince is a species that adapts to many areas of the temperate zone, but produces fruit more high quality in the hottest areas. It grows in moderate soil, sandy, well drained and poor in calcium.

There are dry and humid subtropics.

The soils of the humid subtropics are formed in a humid and warm climate. The amount of precipitation varies from year to year between 1000 - 2500 mm. Autumn-winter precipitation predominates, usually of a torrential nature.

Agricultural use of soils in humid subtropics.

The humid subtropical zone is most suitable for tea culture. This is due to favorable soil and hydrothermal conditions. Acid reaction red soils and yellow soils and their low saturation with bases have a positive effect on the productivity of the tea bush, which normally develops only on acidic soils, and dies on alkaline soils. Studies of the composition of mobile cations in soils and the yields of tea plantations in Georgia have shown that for the normal development of the tea bush it is necessary that the ratio of mobile A in the soil.

The soils of the humid subtropics have unsatisfactory physical and chemical properties which can be improved by adding organic fertilizers. But delivery to many plantations is even small quantities manure is difficult due to the mountainous terrain. Under these conditions, the importance of green fertilizer as a means of replenishing the lack of manure increases. In addition, green manure crops protect plantations located on slopes from erosion and protect soluble nutrients from being washed out of the soil during heavy rains.

The natural conditions of the humid subtropics are very favorable for growing many crops. On red soils and yellow soils, tea bushes, citrus and essential oil crops, tobacco and other agricultural plants are cultivated. But these soils have a small reserve available for plants. nutrients. Mobile forms of nitrogen are easily washed out from the upper horizons, and large number Sesquioxide makes soil phosphates inaccessible to plants.

3. Features of the soil of humid subtropics

In the humid subtropical zone, water erosion is severe.

Low-lying humid subtropical zone with very mild winters and very warm summers; breezes are observed in all seasons of the year, especially often in the summer months. The zone is divided into 3 subzones.

In the coastal zone of humid subtropics sea ​​salts contribute to the embrittlement of aluminum, as evidenced by the experiments carried out.

In summer, in areas of humid subtropics there are quite long periods with insufficient rainfall, when green manure sown in wide row spacings of perennial plantings, consuming moisture from the soil, can inhibit the development of the main crop. The surface of the plantation is kept in pure steam from spring to mid-late summer; It is useful to mulch the soil, at least in the tree trunks, with mowed green manure. Plow green manure late autumn, more often in early spring.

In the region of the humid subtropics, winter is very mild, with an almost complete absence of frosty weather, with average temperatures of the coldest month of about 5, with a lot of precipitation.

The most common soil-forming rocks in the humid subtropics are products of weathering of igneous rocks. rocks: andesites, basalts, porphyritic goofs and tertiary sedimentary deposits - clayey and sandy-clayey shales. In lower areas, the soil-forming rocks are alluvial and deluvial-proluvial clay-sand and pebble-boulder deposits.

In the conditions of the coastal zone of the humid subtropics, when atmospheric corrosion occurs, several stages of its development can be established, the most important of which is the initial stage. At this stage great influence they are influenced by impurities and meteorological parameters. At the next stage, when corrosion products form on the metal surface, at a humidity below critical, the activity of impurities decreases.

The hydrochemical regime of the sea in humid subtropical conditions is particularly important from the point of view of atmospheric corrosion of metals, especially when air masses move from sea to land. Chloride content, dissolved oxygen presence, salinity and density sea ​​water, among other factors, are constant characteristics of the hydrochemical regime of the sea. As a result of studying the materials of the Batumi Meteorological Observatory, it was found that in the Batumi region the content of chlorides and salinity changes little throughout the year: the density of sea water fluctuates comparatively more (Fig. II. As can be seen from the figure, from February to August inclusive, the density of water gradually decreases, then increases.

Galvanic coatings in the coastal zone of the humid subtropics are subject to more severe conditions due to increased temperature and relative humidity and air salinity, frequency of wetting and drying, strong solar radiation.

Soils common in the humid subtropics of Transcaucasia. Physical properties and structure are favorable. The thickness of the humus horizon is usually 25 - 40 cm. Podzolenge K. They have high acidity, are less humified and less saturated with bases. Absorption capacity 10 - 15 meq per 100 g of soil. They require liming and the application of increased doses of mineral (especially phosphorus) fertilizers, the use of manure and green fertilizer. Anti-erosion agricultural technology is also necessary.

From Tuapse to Sochi the region of humid subtropics begins. Up to the valley of the Ashe River, the influence of the nor'easters is still noticeable; to the south, access to dry continental winds is blocked by a ridge of mountain ranges. High temperature air, almost complete absence winters, high humidity and a large number of hours of sunshine create conditions for the lush growth of subtropical vegetation.

For tea, the main crop of the humid subtropical zone of the western part of the Georgian SSR, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are very effective on red soils. An increase in green tea leaf yields from the application of potassium fertilizers is usually observed on plantations aged 10 years or more.

Establishment of indices of other microelements in some soils of humid subtropics, where the content of these substances is minimal.

Geochemical and environmental study of oil flows in the humid subtropics // Migration of pollutants in soils and adjacent environments: Mater.

The fourth zone includes the Baltic states (IV A), humid subtropics (IV B), Primorye and Sakhalin in summer period. Winters in this zone are mild, but with high humidity.

To correctly assess the corrosion aggressiveness of the most characteristic climatic regions of the humid subtropics, five special test sites were selected, located on the territory of meteorological stations (Fig. II. To obtain comparative data, the samples were tested at approximately the same time. As a result, it was found that steel samples exhibited in Kobuleti (70 - 80 m from the sea) were subject to the most severe corrosion.

In the Lankaran and Astara regions of Eastern Transcaucasia, the climate features of the humid subtropics are less pronounced. The climate properties of this area make it possible to call it a moderately humid subtropical climate. In summer, in the Lankaran-Astara region, cases of hot and dry weather are more frequent, and humid tropical weather occurs less frequently.

The climate of the Menji resort bears, to a somewhat weakened degree, the features of humid subtropics.

Corrosion in cracks and gaps is most dangerous in the coastal zone of the humid subtropics, where corrosion products contain iron chlorides and sulfates, which contribute to further destruction of the metal.

GOI54 and GOI54P lubricants dry out quickly, their use in humid subtropical conditions does not give positive results, in addition, they are unstable against fungi.

The current instructions state that for red earth and podzolic soils in the humid subtropics of Georgia, the dose of lime should be determined based on exchange acidity data.

Long-term data from the Batumi Zonal Meteorological Observatory for individual, most characteristic areas of the humid subtropics (Batumi, Kobuleti, Keda) confirm that the dynamics of meteorological parameters for them, although not identical, are subject to some general patterns.

Climatically, Batumi and its surroundings are characterized by complex meteorological contrasts, most typical of humid subtropics. The combination of the salinity of the coastal atmosphere with air humidity and temperature creates an aggressive environment, leading to intense corrosive destruction of materials.

In 1967, an agrochemical cartogram of the content of exchangeable magnesium was compiled for the oldest farm in the humid subtropics of Georgia - the Salibauroki tea state farm in the Batumi region. From this cartogram it is clear that in many areas of the farm, tea and citrus crops require the application of magnesium fertilizers. However, there are areas where the magnesium content is quite sufficient to feed the tea bush, which is due to the topography, the mechanical composition of the soil and the complex of agrotechnical measures that have been carried out here for a number of years. From this we can conclude that the opinion about the widespread use of magnesium fertilizers on old tea plantations is not justified. We believe that the strictest differentiation is necessary for the use of magnesium fertilizers.

In the zone of dry subtropics of the subtropical class of zonality, mountain gray soils or brown soils are common, and in the zone of humid subtropics the lower zone is represented by red soils and yellow soils.

Climatic zonation is weakly expressed; most of the Russian Platform is dominated by a monotonous climate, reminiscent of the climate of modern humid subtropics. Only in the Far North climatic conditions approaching moderate. The hot and humid climate and sluggish tectonic regime contribute to the formation of thick crusts of chemical weathering of kaolinite and bauxite composition on flat watersheds, which in some places are preserved in the Ukrainian crystalline massif at the present time. The resulting thin sandy-silty-clayey material is carried by currents to a vast area of ​​the shallow sea occupying the south of the Russian Platform. Mostly sands, often glauconite, and less often clays were deposited in the Early Paleogene. Marls and purely carbonate sediments are formed only in the deep-sea part of the Black Sea basin. In the Volga region and the Urals, the accumulation of sediments of terrigenous-siliceous formation continues.

Conducted in the laboratory exploration work to determine the content of copper, manganese and zinc in various soils of the humid subtropics according to the method of Peive and Rinkis. The results of these determinations show that in red earth soils the manganese content is different and varies from 25 to 45 mt per 1 kg of air-dry soil; in carbonate soils Western Georgia no manganese was detected.

As you move southward, as a result of the rising spurs of the Main Caucasus Range, the climate acquires features characteristic of the humid subtropics. This is manifested in a noticeable decrease in humid northeastern winds, an increase in precipitation (for example, in Tuapse the annual precipitation is 1200 mm) and relative air humidity.

Technical petroleum jelly (UN grease), widely used as a protective lubricant, turned out to be an insufficiently good preservative in humid subtropical conditions.

Lubricants CIATIM202, CIATIM203, MS70, PVK with AKOR1 additive, MS20 oil with AKOR1 additive provide good protection and they can be successfully recommended for the tropics.

The Sochi resort area has the most valuable natural resources medicinal properties in an exceptionally successful combination: warm hydrogen sulfide sodium chloride mineral waters, mild climate of humid subtropics, warm sea. The entire area of ​​the Sochi resort area is surrounded from the northeast and southeast by a chain of high snow mountains of the Main Caucasus Range; These mountains, gradually lowering, descend like an amphitheater to the very shore of the sea, enclosing the entire coastal strip from access to cold and eastern winds. The coastal mountains up to the snowy peaks are covered with rich vegetation - beech, hornbeam, chestnut and coniferous forests.

It is located in the mid-mountain zone of Adjara, 28 km from Batumi, at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, characterized by a humid subtropical climate with moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers. Number sunny days and the amount of precipitation here is significant.

On the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea and in Western Georgia there are soils colored red, brown and yellow; These are soils of humid subtropics.

Sea of ​​Azov and northern part Black are in temperate zone, southern - in the subtropical climate zone of the Mediterranean type, south-eastern part- in the humid subtropics zone.

Therefore, the classification name of lowland resorts includes an indication (in addition to equality) of the nature of the location and belonging to the main climatic zone, for example: Riga seaside - a flat, seaside resort in a forest zone; Sukhumi is a seaside, foothill resort in the humid subtropics.

The main areas of application of green fertilizer are as follows: a) northern non-chernozem zone- areas of sufficient moisture with soddy-podzolic soils, as well as gray forest soils, lying in a wide ribbon along the northern border of chernozems; b) all irrigated areas with low-humus soils (serozems Central Asia, brown and chestnut soils of the Volga region and other regions), areas of the forest-steppe zone with gray forest soils and leached chernozems and c) the humid subtropics of Transcaucasia.

Exceptionally mild winter conditions, as well as the region’s high supply of heat and moisture during the active growing season, make it a valuable area for the development of many subtropical crops. The humid subtropics region is also very favorable for the development of resorts that effectively use not only the described weather regime, but also the richest nature and mineral springs of the area.

Soils of humid subtropics are common in Transcaucasia, along the Black Sea coast in the Georgian SSR. Red soils and yellow soils of the humid subtropics in the Soviet Union occupy 0 6 million hectares.

Here the climate bears the characteristics of humid subtropics, with very mild winters and high rainfall in all months of the year.

The zone is rich in vegetation characteristic of the climate of humid subtropics; in some places there are forests of relict pine, as well as tertiary plants of the Mediterranean climate.

The tea bush grows well only in the humid subtropical regions of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Krasnodar region. Mineral fertilizers have crucial in obtaining high yields of tea leaves.

List of used literature

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006.

2. Soils of the USSR. M., Mysl, 1979

3. Dobrovolsky V.V. Geography of soils with fundamentals of soil science. M., Vlados, 2001

4. Glazovskaya M. A., Gennadiev A. N. Geography of soils with the fundamentals of soil science. M., Moscow State University, 1995


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Within subtropical climate zones in different parts continents there are areas where the average annual air temperatures are approximately the same, but the amount of precipitation and its pattern differ markedly. Thus, dry and humid subtropics are distinguished. In summer these areas are dominated by tropical air masses, and in winter - air masses of temperate latitudes.

For western parts continents with the so-called Mediterranean type of climate are characterized by hot and dry summers (up to +30 °C) and cool, windy, rainy winters (annual precipitation 400-600 mm). These areas are home to hard-leaved forests and shrubs. They are common in California, Chile, South Africa, but are most widely represented in the Mediterranean and Australia.

In these forests, many species of trees and shrubs have hard leaves covered with a shiny waxy coating, sometimes pubescent underneath. The root systems of some plants penetrate to great depths: for example, the roots of a holm oak can reach the horizon groundwater, located at a depth of about 20 m from the surface of the earth. In the Mediterranean, evergreen hard-leaved forests of laurel, plane, and olive with a predominance of holm and cork oak were indigenous. Under light forests with a well-developed shrub and herbaceous layer, fertile brown soils containing a large layer of humus were formed. People have been farming in these places for a long time, and now a significant part of the forests have been cut down, and there are almost no untouched landscapes left. The coastal lowlands and mountain slopes are occupied by pastures, groves of olive and citrus trees, vineyards, fields of roses and lavender. And where there are no crops and plantations, shrub formations called “maquis” are developed. They are characterized by various types of heather, cistus, strawberry tree, wild olive, carob, myrtle, and pistachio. There are many Lamiaceae, legumes, and Rosaceae, which abundantly secrete essential oils.

In places where fires or intensive agricultural activity have destroyed maquis formations, garigues develop - communities of low-growing shrubs dominated by kermes oak, which regenerates well after fires, and xerophilic herbaceous plants.

Australian hardwood forests, located on the south-eastern and south-western edges of the continent, are formed by several species of acacia and eucalyptus (there are 525 species of eucalyptus in Australia). Australian forests are light and sparse, with a well-developed shrub layer of legumes (more than 1000 species), myrtaceae and proteaceae.

IN eastern parts continents within the subtropical climate zone(for example, in eastern China, southeastern United States and southern Brazil) monsoon rain forests grow. The winter monsoon brings dry and cold air from internal parts continent, and in the summer, along with the warmth, come the summer monsoons - moist winds blowing from the ocean and carrying heavy rainfall. In total, from 1000 to 2000 mm of precipitation falls per year, and groundwater lies relatively shallow. In these areas, tall-stemmed trees grow on yellow-earth and red-earth soils. mixed forests, both deciduous and evergreen. Many ancient species of gymnosperms are found here, such as ginkgo, cryptomeria, metasequoia, and cycad. Oaks, laurel trees, tea trees, rhododendrons, bamboo and vines are common. The fauna of humid monsoon forests is also very unique. However, currently most These forests were cleared, and in their place fields and pastures stretched.

The olive, or olive tree, is one of the oldest cultivated plants. About 60 different types of olives are known, but economic importance Only cultivated olive, or European olive, has. It is grown in areas with a dry and warm climate - on the northern coast Mediterranean Sea, in Crimea, the Caucasus, as well as in Central Asia and northern Africa. This is an evergreen tree or shrub up to 10 m high, grows slowly, but lives long - average duration life is about 300 years, maximum - up to 2000 years. Mature trees are very picturesque thanks to thick intertwined trunks with cracked bark and a round, dense crown with small silvery leathery leaves.

The olive gained fame all over the world thanks to its fruits. The fruit of the olive is a drupe with one seed, surrounded by oily pulp. The pulp of olives contains a lot of oil, potassium and many vitamins. Raw fruits are bitter and inedible, but in ancient times people learned to preserve them. Olive trees are mainly grown for their oil.

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