Houston flood map. Flooding in the USA: water began to overflow a dam in Houston

The American state of Texas has been living in a natural disaster mode for the fourth day due to the powerful storm Harvey, which brought downpours and flooded cities.

The streets of big city Texas' Houston turned into a river; houses were flooded. The damage from Harvey is comparable to that of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005.

Hurricane Harvey recognized as the most destructive natural disaster in Texas history. It killed at least 14 people; authorities expect the death toll to rise after the water recedes.

As the insurance analytics department of Imperial Capital has calculated, damage from Harvey could amount to about $100 billion. Also, according to their data, less than a third of the total volume of destruction is covered by insurance.

Meteorologist Ryan Moe estimated that Houston and its surrounding areas received between 14 and 15 trillion gallons of rainfall by August 28. At least another five trillion gallons are expected.

Newspaper The New The York Times compared the same places in Houston before and after the flood. The “after” footage shows that in some places the water rose several meters.

Due to the disaster, the American corporation ExxonMobil, the Dutch-British Royal Dutch Shell and the Brazilian Petrobras suspended the operation of their oil refineries in Texas.

In addition, all oil refineries in the area of ​​the city of Corpus Christi, located on the Gulf Coast, were shut down.

Houston's two main airports are grounded, and most major highways, train lines and many schools are closed.

More than 300 thousand people remain without electricity American coast Gulf of Mexico.

"Historic rainfall in Houston and throughout Texas. Unprecedented flooding and more to come. The resilience of the people is incredible. Thank you!" US President Donald Trump tweeted.

To help combat the disaster, the Texas authorities mobilized 1.3 thousand military personnel. More than a thousand civilians are involved in rescue operations.

Over the weekend, authorities evacuated about 4,500 inmates from three prisons across the state.

The Washington Post told the story of a dog whose photo went viral online. last days.

The owners left the dog named Otis with his father, who decided to meet the hurricane at home rather than leave the city like his children and grandchildren. However, at night the dog ran away.

Another city resident went to check the condition of the houses of evacuated friends and relatives the morning after the storm. On the way, she met a dog who was simply walking down the street, holding a large pack of food in his teeth.

She posted the photo on Facebook and followed the dog to make sure he wasn't lost. Otis reached his house, climbed onto the veranda, put a pack of food on the floor and lay down next to him.

Reptiles, fleeing the elements, hid under machinery and even in the courtyards of residential buildings.

Published 08/28/17 09:06

Hurricane Harvey in Texas 2017: Houston turned into a lake, three oil refineries were shut down in the state.

Texas flood 2017: Hurricane Harvey kills five people

The US state of Texas is experiencing severe flooding after the devastating Hurricane Harvey, which killed at least five people. The disaster is said to be the most powerful in the last 12 years. The city of Houston suffered the most, literally turning into a lake. State authorities advise local residents to rely on themselves.

"I lived in an apartment on the ground floor and lost everything intkbbee your furniture, all your property,” Channel One quotes one of the local residents.

Houston Flood 2017 VIDEO

On the first day, Texas was hit by winds of 60 meters per second, and on the second, rain hit. In Houston, traffic is paralyzed, cars are being carried away by water flows, and there are no signs on the roads.

At a nursing home in Dickinson, water rose chest-deep. Elderly people confined to beds and wheelchairs are desperately waiting for help. Some were evacuated by helicopter, but police said they could not help everyone.

In addition to the five confirmed victims of the hurricane, about forty people were missing. The governor of Texas urges people not to leave their homes unless there is a threat to life and to climb onto rooftops.

"No matter where you are, outside or in a building, get as high as you can. Try not to go outside unless necessary. These showers may go down in history as the heaviest on record," said Greg Abbott.

Two are not working in Houston. international airport, the runways were under water. There is practically no electricity in the city. The symbol of Hurricane Harvey on the Internet was a photo of a dog named Otis leaving the house with a bag of dog food.

Besides, American company ExxonMobil, British Royal Dutch Shell and Brazilian Petrleo Brasileiro announced the shutdown of three large oil refineries in Texas. All factories are located in the vicinity of the city of Houston, writes TASS.

Cleaning up the consequences of Hurricane Harvey and subsequent flooding could cost state authorities, according to rough estimates, about $40 billion. At the same time, weather forecasters continue to give terrifying forecasts that the storm will rage at least until Wednesday and will certainly bring even more powerful tornadoes.

Hurricane Harvey in Texas 2017 VIDEO

Earlier, engineers had already begun releasing water to prevent flooding in areas near the reservoir. However, on Tuesday, according to the head of the flood response headquarters, Jeff Lidner, the water rose above the maximum retaining level.

It is expected that in the coming days American state In Texas, where more than 30,000 people have already been forced from their homes, flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey will only worsen.

Prolonged downpours continued for three days and, according to the forecast, the rains will not stop in the near future.

Hurricane Harvey has weakened to a tropical storm and has reached Louisiana. state, the city of New Orleans, which was seriously damaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, is also preparing for flooding.

Mayor Mitch Landrew asked residents to stay home and stay off the roads.

Meanwhile, in the city of Houston, Texas, a record amount of rain fell - 75 centimeters, the city's roads turned into rivers.

At least nine people have died as a result of the storm, Texas authorities said. Six members of one family died in the flood, the Americans reported, citing relatives, but this information has not been officially confirmed.

Houston, the fourth-largest city in the United States, did not order an evacuation over fears it could lead to chaos and the deaths of people trapped in cars on flooded roads.

According to authorities, thousands of people were rescued, many of them spending the night in a shelter set up in the city center for those experiencing homelessness.

Meteorologists warn that rainfall could double this week.
The US President promised to provide all necessary help victims of the flood. He plans to visit Texas and possibly Louisiana on Tuesday.

“The process of recovering from weather damage is a long and the hard way, and the federal government is ready for it,” the head of state said.

According to Trump, he discussed with members of Congress the issues of financing the liquidation of the consequences of the flood, because it would cost a significant amount.

Trump also declared states of emergency in Texas and Louisiana. This measure makes it possible to provide emergency funding and take other steps aimed at combating the consequences of the disaster.

Hurricane Harvey was initially classified as a Category 4 hurricane, but was downgraded to a tropical storm as it moved deeper into the continent.

More than 3,000 people were rescued from Houston and the surrounding area. Helicopters evacuated people from rooftops.

Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States, home to 2.3 million people, and together with its suburbs the population exceeds 6.6 million.

Battle with the elements

Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the deployment of all 12,000 state National Guard members to participate in rescue operations and restore infrastructure.

The authorities are preparing to provide assistance to half a million flood victims; 30 thousand people left homeless will be placed in temporary shelters.

Of two dams that control water flows main river Houston is experiencing an emergency release as officials said Monday they are opening the Addicks and Barker dams, sacrificing some suburban homes that will be washed away to stop water from seeping into the city's downtown.

The National Weather Service warned that the worst flooding in days was expected on Wednesday and Thursday, but it was unclear exactly where water levels would spike.

Thousands of homes across the state were left without electricity. Many schools are closed and Houston's two main airports are closed.


James Cook, BBC, Houston

Entire suburbs were under water. The shops are closed, and so are the roads. Both airports are closed. Moving around the city is now completely impossible.

Upstream, engineers are performing an emergency water release. They warned people living nearby to be prepared for flooding.

Some residents have been critical of authorities' preparations for the storm, which gained strength in the Gulf of Mexico last week.

In one area, residents reacted angrily to reports that authorities had not yet given them instructions to evacuate, fearing nightfall and a rapid rise in water levels.

Forecasters predict that the neighboring state of Louisiana could receive the same amount of precipitation - up to 75 centimeters.

In 2005, the state was heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Observers compare the current situation in the state with that of 12 years ago.

Then the authorities decided to place people in the stands of the Superdome stadium. About 30,000 people eventually gathered there, and conditions quickly began to deteriorate.

The US Department of Energy intends to sell 500 thousand barrels of oil from its reserves, which until recently were considered inviolable. This need is caused by Hurricane Harvey, which requires $160 billion to repair the damage. The specifics of the situation threaten to lead to a rise in oil prices to $60 per barrel.

For the first time in five years, the US Department of Energy decided to sell 500 thousand barrels of oil from its strategic reserves. The department voiced this position in connection with adverse consequences Hurricane Harvey, which caused various kinds troubles have hit the US territory in recent days.
As US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry notes, 200 thousand barrels of sulfur-free and 300 thousand barrels of high-sulfur oil will be pumped out of the reserve. The report notes that the US authorities are taking such measures for the first time since 2012. This raw material will be delivered to the oil refinery of one of the largest American oil and gas companies. If there is a decision about the need to obtain additional volume from reserve stocks, then this fact will become public knowledge.
Let us recall that the US strategic oil reserve in case of global crises was created in 1975. Now it is the largest in the world and owned by the American government.
This US oil resource was first tapped in 1991 during the Gulf War. Then the Americans used its reserves only a few years ago to help their own enterprises that suffered damage from the global economic crisis of 2008-2009.
Apparently, now is the time to use this resource again. The US Department of Energy informed about a sharp reduction in oil production: from 15% in shale fields to 25% in extractive fields offshore platforms. Over the past week, when the drop in volumes reached 5.4 million barrels per day, the Americans sounded the alarm, deciding to withdraw 500 million “barrels” from the strategic reserve.
At first glance, for the global level of “black gold” production, which can be used in the amount of 2 million barrels per day, this is quite favorable news. By reducing its production by 1.8 million barrels per day, OPEC and its associates in the memorandum on “freezing” production capacity achieved stabilization of quotations at “ black gold» around $50 per barrel.
However, in the future, this leverage of Washington on global oil prices will be insufficient. According to Anna Kokoreva, deputy director of the analytical department at Alpari, it can be argued that a stable decline in reserves in the United States will have a positive impact on the oil market and will lead to an increase in prices. However, the market will again focus on fundamental factors.
According to Gerchik&Co expert Viktor Makeev, China, one of the largest oil consumers, is now showing an unenviable trend in industrial production and is far from the maximum in terms of GDP. “Europe has just reached more stable numbers, but even there the economy remains on the verge of a fragile recovery. There is no single forecast that India will be able to replace such a supplier as the Celestial Empire with its demands, since it currently does not have the capabilities to create a new flagship of the Russian and the world economy,” the analyst notes.
However, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, oil prices will remain stable at $50 per barrel until the end of the first quarter of 2018. Then they will collapse to $40 per barrel, and this will happen no later than the middle of next year.
In other words, Russia in the coming year will either continue to hover between the price of a barrel of $40, which is noted in the budget forecast until 2019, or will find the strength to reach a level exceeding this level.
The economic bloc of the government, judging by Oreshkin’s statement, does not particularly believe in such a favorable development of events. According to the minister, oil prices will be stable until the end of the second quarter of 2018 and will drop to $41-42 per barrel by the middle of next year.
In this regard, it can be assumed that, despite the struggle for oil interest, OPEC, whose countries will strive to achieve cost coordination, will not be able to go beyond the current price environment, also dictated by Washington. That is, the level of $50 per barrel will remain next year.

The powerful Hurricane Harvey hit the southern United States and flooded coastal counties in the states of Louisiana and , including one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country - Houston, as well as several nearby settlements. Entire residential areas and streets went under water. The disaster claimed the lives of five people.

The strongest in half a millennium

Forecasters rate the hurricane as the worst powerful blow disasters since Katrina in 2005, which almost completely destroyed New Orleans (Mississippi). And the city's police chief, Art Acevedo, called the flooding caused by Harvey a "once in half a millennium event." The US National Hurricane Center said Harvey, which was classified as a category four out of five possible storms, had weakened to a tropical storm.

But the main danger comes from the fact that the storm is moving to the southeast at a minimum speed of 0.5 m/s and will continue to flood the city for several more days. Meteorologists estimate that approximately half a meter of rain fell on some areas on Saturday alone, and this figure could double in the coming days. Rain also complicates rescue operations.

City under water

All major TV channels broadcast live throughout the day with dramatic footage from the flooded areas of the metropolis. In a matter of hours, and sometimes minutes, water penetrated homes and offices, covering cars and buses on the streets. And on some streets the water rose several meters to the level of traffic lights and the roofs of gas stations. By social networks Photos from the disaster zone are circulating: old people in a nursing home waiting for evacuation, sitting chest-deep in water; a child with a teddy bear fleeing the rising water on kitchen furniture.

Townspeople help each other, try to get out, save pets and property in all available ways, including in inflatable boats and mattresses, kayaks, and finally, simply by swimming or wading in shoulder-deep water. Watercraft are now the main means of transport on flooded city streets. Boats maneuver between the roofs of cars remaining under water. Many owners motor boats and boats come to the aid of others.

A strong blow was struck. Hurricane wind knocked down power lines and trees, tore off roofs and billboards. About 300 thousand people were left without electricity. Nearly three hundred schools in Houston will close for the coming week. The decision was made due to high risk conduct classes in such conditions, and because of the upcoming work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Some city hospitals, the airport and sea ​​ports. Authorities redirected two large cruise ships to the port of New Orleans, and units Coast Guard The United States rescued the crews of small ships caught in the elements at sea. Three large oil refineries ExxonMobil, Shell and Petrleo Brasileiro, located in the vicinity of the city, have been shut down. Before this, workers were evacuated from dozens of production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, which led to a reduction in oil production in the area by almost a quarter. Agricultural fields along coastline turned into a network of lakes.

Experts are already talking about tens of billions of dollars in damage to real estate, and the overall scale of destruction and economic losses has yet to be assessed.

Trump encourages, and the mayor makes excuses

US President Donald Trump on Sunday published several “tweets” about the hurricane, praising the coordinated work of federal and local authorities, rescue services, and also encouraging local residents. He held a meeting with members of his cabinet and instructed them to interact with authorities in Louisiana and Texas. The head of state intends to visit Houston this coming week.

The storm hit the coastal areas at night and at first local authorities found it difficult to assess the picture of events. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott has ordered the use of National Guard units for rescue and response efforts. There are hotlines to help those in the disaster zone. The authorities and non-governmental organizations have organized several temporary shelters for those affected and homeless.

50 Texas counties announced state of emergency. The authorities of a number of neighboring states also provide support. Mandatory evacuation is underway in 22 districts, and for residents of another three dozen districts it is advisory. Earlier, authorities evacuated 4.5 thousand prisoners from local prisons caught in the flood zone.

Some commentators are already asking why Houston officials didn't order the evacuation ahead of time. Mayor Sylvester Warrant insisted in an interview with ABC that it would have caused chaos and worsened the impact of the disaster, as up to 6.5 million people live in Houston and its surrounding areas. Local authorities on Sunday called on residents to stay in their homes despite the flooding. as a last resort climb out onto the roof, do not try to get out on your own through the flooded streets, but wait for help.

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