Practice task 6 of the Unified State Exam Russian language. Morphological norms of verbs

  • know the rules of form formation various parts speeches;
  • choose the line with the error from five lines, write the word in the correct form.



Education plural:

Forms starting with Y - I:
engineers, designers, officers, lecturers, trainers, accountants, instructors, editors, mechanics, contracts, containers, policies, spotlights, warehouses, ages, elections, ports, creams, cakes

Words starting A - Z:
director, doctor, inspector, professor, cook, district, passport, cellar, variety

Formation of genitive plural forms:

Form for OV - EB:
several kilograms (kilograms), grams (grams), hectares, tomatoes, tomatoes, oranges, apricots, a lot of dresses

Null-terminated form:
a pair of towels, stockings, boots, shoes, shoes, slippers, galoshes, apples, a detachment of soldiers, a lot of saucers, pasta, towels, earrings, apple trees, a lot of pancakes

In a pair you should remember: socks, but stockings ("socks" can be remembered as a surname).

Use of nouns various kinds:

good shampoo, new metro, muffler, coat


There are two degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative. Each of them has two forms: simple (one word) and compound (two words).

Comparative simple: worse, better, less, more.
Comparative compound (more/less + word in initial form): more good, less bad, more tasty, less hot.

Superlative simple: the best, the worst, the most beautiful, the most beautiful.
Superlative compound (most + word in initial form): the best, the worst, the most beautiful, the hottest.

Confusing these forms and degrees is erroneous: worse, most beautiful, less better, later.


Formation and change of forms of compound numerals:

In compound ordinal numbers, only last word : in two thousand fifteen, after one thousand nine hundred and seventeen (we are talking about something serial, in Unified State Exam assignments these are mostly years).

In compound cardinal numbers, they are declined all words: I paid with two thousand and fifty rubles, I ate myself with five thousand three hundred and seventy berries (we are talking about the quantity of something).

In complex numerals from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts are declined. If it’s difficult for you, break the number in half and ask yourself how you would decline the first part if you had, for example, not eighty, but eight, not four hundred, but four?

Declension of numerals from fifty to eighty:

I.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty
R.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty
D.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty
V.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty
etc. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty
P.p. (o) fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty

Declension of numerals from two hundred to nine hundred:

I.p. two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
R.p. two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
D.p. two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
V.p. two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
etc. two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
P.p. (o) two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred

Declension of numerals: forty, ninety, hundred.

I.p. forty, ninety, one hundred
R.p. forty, ninety, hundred
D.p. forty, ninety, hundred
V.p. forty, ninety, one hundred
etc. forty, ninety, hundred
P.p. (o) forty, ninety, hundred

Please note: when the word “hundred” is one, then it has only two forms - “hundred” and “hundred”; when it is part of a numeral (such as “five hundred”), it can turn into both “hundred” and “hundreds”, both in “stam” and “stah”.

Pay attention to the declension of numerals one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred, where mistakes are often made:

I.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
R.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
D.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
V.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
etc. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
P.p. (about) one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)

Use of collective numerals:

1. With nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four boys.
With nouns children, people: three children, four people.
3. With nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
4. With nouns that have only the plural form. h.: five days.
5. With nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two glasses, two skis.
6. With pronouns: the two of us, the five of them.

The numeral "both" is for the masculine and neuter gender: both windows, both friends. The numeral "both" is for the feminine: both sisters, both paths.


Formation of forms:

Incorrect: was infatuated with her, with her; theirs; in the midst of him (her), among them; how many pens, how many guys.
Right: was carried away by her - T.p., with her - R.p.; their; in the middle* of him (her), among* them; how many pens, how many guys.

*In the middle, among- prepositions. If you say " from them", "from them", then speak and " among them". After prepositions for personal pronouns he, she, they V indirect cases a letter appears n.


Education of personal forms:

For verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find, feel, outshine, dare and some others do not have the form 1 person unit. h.
Incorrect: I will win, I will run, I will win, I will convince, I will escape, I will convince, I will find myself, I am a miracle, I am a stranger, I am alien.
Correct: do not use these verbs in the 1st form, singular.

Please note: The verb "to vacuum" has the 1l form. units h - "vacuuming"!

Incorrect: let's try, drive, climb, burn, bake, take care, guard, rinse, wave, want, show off.
Right: let's try, drive, climb, burn, bake, take care, guard, rinse, wave, they want it to get better.

Formation of forms imperative mood :

Lie down - (you) lie down, (you) lie down
Go - (you) go, (you) go
Ride - (you) ride, (you) ride
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Climb - (you) climb, (you) climb
Run - (you) run, (you) run

Formation of past tense forms:

Incorrect: froze, got stronger, dried out, dried out, got wet, got wet, etc.
There is no need to add “NULL” where you can do without it.
Right: frozen, got stronger, dried out, dried out, dried up, got wet, got wet.


If a gerund ends in "I", then it must be imperfect form(most often without a prefix). If the participle ends in "ev", then it must be perfective (usually with a prefix). This rule does not apply to all participles; some of them still form a perfect form using the suffix “a” (“I”), for example, “coming up.”

Incorrect: looking, adding, reading.
That's right: looking, folding, reading.

Exceptions: stable combination"hands folded"


Adverb formation:

Incorrect: from there, they open inward, I’m unlikely to be able to do it, we’ll divide it in half.
Right: from there, they come off inward, I can’t hardly do it, we’ll divide it in half.

Education comparative degree adverbs:

Incorrect: bad - worse, beautiful - more beautiful and beautiful, good - better and good.
Right: bad is worse, beautiful is more beautiful, good is better.


Example 1

Most forms of word formation are learned by us in childhood, so feel free to look for what hurts your ears and eyes, what looks and sounds strange.

several SCISSORS

skilled COOKS


in ONE AND A HALF hours

FIVE young ladies

At first glance, everything looks and sounds good, nothing is in doubt. But, if you look closely, it becomes clear that there is a mistake in the word “will recover,” because the correct word is “will recover.”

Example 2

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

pair of SHOES


several TOWELS



The words "towel" and "saucer" can be remembered in pairs, they are genitive case they sound exactly like that. The word “elections” is on everyone’s lips, and we have no doubt about its correctness either. If you check the information above, it turns out that “professor” is also correct. The text can be “straightened”, but the “shoe” is the wrong form. The correct answer is "shoes".

Example 3

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

goods are CHEAPER

about the AIRPORT

according to THEIR instructions

DRIVE faster


The answer immediately catches your eye: it is wrong to say and write “go”, even “go” is wrong, only “go” is correct.

For this task you can get 1 point on the Unified State Exam in 2019

The topic of assignment 6 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is the formation of word forms in the Russian language. There are several in the question small phrases or phrases, one or more of which are misspelled. Get ready to see phrases like “I did the most DECISIVE thing” or “NEEPPED APPLE” on this list - words that you need to pay attention to will stand out in capital letters, italics or other means. Your task is to find an erroneous version of the word form and indicate it. Each task contains phrases with “problem” words of all parts of speech, and any of them can be incorrect.

Task No. 6 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is considered one of the most voluminous and difficult. What is needed for its successful implementation? You need to know not only general rules, but also typical mistakes in word formation. To our common good fortune, most morphological norms are assimilated, if not in early childhood, then in elementary school, and they should not cause difficulties when preparing for exams. However, the developers of the questions for the Unified State Exam tried to use words in the tickets that even educated adults make mistakes in using. The only way out of the situation is to remember how complex words are formed and declined.

This task is to test the student’s general literacy, so to prepare for it you can use not only USE online tests in the Russian language or textbooks on this subject used in our schools, but also any dictionaries. In addition, you can notice the correct word formation when reading fiction, as well as when watching movies and television programs. The point for this task is added to the others - previous and subsequent ones. Alternatively, you can test your knowledge on only one topic by solving task No. 6 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

Task 6 Unified State Exam in Russian

Formation of words

To perform of this assignment need to good knowledge theories. What do you need to know?

    Case forms numerals

    Use of collective numerals

    Using BOTH, BOTH

    Use of numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred

    Formation and use of degrees of comparison of adjectives

    Formation and use of imperative forms of some verbs

    Formation and use of nominative and genitive plurals of nouns

Declension of collective numerals both, both

Male and neuter


both students, desks, letters

both students, books

both students, tables, letters

both students, books

both students, tables, letters

to both students, books

both students, both tables, letters

both students, both books

both students, tables, letters

both students, books

about both students, tables, letters

about both students, books

Declension of cardinal numbers

In compound cardinal numerals, all words forming them are declined, and nouns denoting countable objects in all cases, except the nominative and accusative, agree with the numeral in the case.
For example: a series of manuals with three hundred and sixty-seven drawings.
But: there are three hundred and sixty-seven drawings in the manual (sixty-three drawings).

Declension of numerals
50, 60, 70, 80, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900.
In complex numerals from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts of the word are declined.




two hundred

five hundred



two hundred

five hundred

about fifty

about two hundred

about five hundred

Declension of numerals 40, 90, 100.






about ninety

The word thousand is declined as a noun feminine on -a; the words million and billion are declined as nouns masculine with a base on a consonant.

The comparative degree is formed:

1) synthetically; means of expressing the degree of comparison are the suffixes -ee- (-ee-), -e, -she-;
2) analytically; means of expressing the degree of comparison are additional words more or less;
3) in a suppletive way; the means of expressing the degree of comparison is the exchange of basics: good - better, best; bad - worse, worst; small - less.
The comparative degree of an adjective has two forms: simple and compound.
Simple form of comparative degree formed from the base of the adjective by adding suffixes:
1) -ee(s): round – round-ee (round); beautiful - beautiful-her (beautiful-her); long - long (long); extended - extended (extended);
2) -e if:
a) the base of the adjective ends in g, k, x, d, t, cm, followed by alternation of the consonant base: zharch-i – zharch-e; dear - dear; quiet - quiet; young-oh - younger; rich - rich; pure - purer;
b) the adjective has the suffix -k- (-ok-, -ek-) followed by truncation of the suffix and alternation of the consonant base: niz-i – nizh-e; narrow - narrow; high - higher; close - closest;
3) -she, if the base of the adjective ends in g, k with subsequent truncation of these consonants: distant-iy - further-she; long - longer; thin-y – thin-she.
Forms of degrees of comparison in -ee(s), -e, -she can be combined with the prefix po-, which brings the added value of softening the degree of predominance of quality; Wed: more - more; more interesting - more interesting; more fun - more fun; tighter - tighter; heavier - heavier; tastier - tastier.
A number of adjectives have variant forms of the comparative degree: big - more, more; distant - further, further; long - longer, longer; late - later, later; early - earlier, earlier; small - less, smaller.
Not all qualitative adjectives form simple form comparative degree:
1) adjectives with the suffix -sk- (-esk-): comic, tragic, friendly, brotherly, sanctimonious;
2) some adjectives with the suffix -n-: bloody, manual, sick, early, extra;
3) adjectives with the suffix -ov- (-ev-): gratuitous, business, private, combat, mass;
4) many verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-: lethargic, rotten, tired, hoarse, hoarse;
5) some adjectives with the suffix -k-: unsteady, impudent, brittle, sticky, squishy, ​​timid, avid, tenacious, chilly;
6) some non-derivative adjectives: old, proud.
Complex shape comparative degree is formed in all adjectives that name a characteristic that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. It is formed by adding to positive degree additional words more, less; for example: more important, less affectionate.
The superlative shows that this sign of an object manifests itself to the greatest or least degree compared to a similar feature in another object, for example: deepest; the brightest; the narrowest.
Simple superlative form is formed from the base of the positive degree of the adjective by adding suffixes:
1) -eysh-: white – white-eysh-y; rich-y – rich-eysh-y; brave - bravest; wonderful - wonderful;
2) -aysh- to adjectives with a base on g, k, x and subsequent alternation of consonants: high-y - high-aysh-y, deep-yy - deep-aysh-yy, quiet-yy - tish-aysh-yy .
There are some features in the formation of superlatives:
– the adjective grave forms the superlative degree with the alternation of w//g and k//h: grave – the gravest;
– the adjectives close, low form the superlative by adding a suffix with truncation of the generating stem and subsequent alternation of consonants s // z: close - closest, low - lowest.
Not all qualitative adjectives form the simple superlative form:
1) adjectives with the suffix -sk-, -esk-: brotherly, friendly, enemy, demonic, hellish, ugly;
2) some adjectives with the suffix -n-: native, efficient, bloody, quarrelsome, redundant;
3) adjectives with the suffix -ov- (-ev-): advanced, business, free, combat, key, frontal, circular, passenger;
4) verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-: burnt, seasoned, moldy, stale, tired;
5) some adjectives with the suffix -k-: catchy, weighty, avid, sticky, loose, vigilant, tenacious, tart;
6) adjectives with the suffixes -ast-, -ist-: big-eyed, browed, fanged, layered, curved, handy, tongued;
7) some non-derivative adjectives: frequent, proud, young.
Complex superlative form is formed in two ways:
1) by adding additional words most, most, least to the positive degree of comparison of the adjective, for example: the most charming, the most sensitive, the sweetest, the thickest, the least broad, the least funny. This method is productive even for those adjectives that do not have a simple superlative form, for example: the most friendly, the most combative, the most flexible, the most practical, the least friendly, the least catchy;
2) by adding the words all, everything to the simple form of the comparative degree of the adjective, for example: most important, dearest of all.

Standard forming of some verbs:
When forming imperfective verbs in literary language in some cases, there is an alternation of vowels o–a at the base: treble - triple, sharpen - undermine, borrow - lend.
At the same time, such alternation is not typical for the following species pairs: disturb - to disturb, to preoccupy - to preoccupy, to disgrace - to disgrace, to delay - to defer, to summarize - to summarize, to time - to time, to authorize - to authorize, to accelerate - to accelerate.
When forming imperfective verbs from the verbs to condition, concentrate, the forms condition, concentrate are acceptable, but the main normative option remains the form without alternation - condition, concentrate.

When forming the 2nd and 3rd person forms singular and forms of the 1st and 2nd person plural of the present and simple future tense from verbs of the first conjugation with the base on g, k, there is an alternation of these consonants with hissing w, h: flow - flow - flow - flow, lie down - lie down - will lie down - they will lie down, take care - take care of - take care of - take care of.
The exception is the verb weave (tku – weaves – weaves).
Errors are especially often made when conjugating the verb to burn and its derivatives: zhgu, zhzhesh, zhzhet, zhzhem, zzhete, burn (wrong: burn, burn, burn).
When forming the 1st person singular forms of the present and simple future tenses from verbs of the second conjugation, an alternation is observed: v-vl, f-fl, b-bl, p-pl, m-ml, st-sch, t-ch, d/ z-f, s-sh: catch - catch - catch, shine - shine - shine, twist - twist - twist, weigh - weigh - weigh, see - see - see, carry - drive - carry.
Forms like shine are a gross mistake, and their use in speech indicates a very low culture of the speaker.
The same can be said about errors in the conjugation of the verbs to run, to want (and derivatives from them). When forming the forms of the present and simple future tenses from the verb to run (and its derivatives), the stem ends with the consonant g in the 1st person singular and 3rd person plural forms: run - run; if I run, they will run. In other forms, the stem of the verb ends in a sibilant: run, run, run, run. The forms run, run in are unacceptable in literary language!
The verbs want, want, have consonant alternation only in singular forms: want - want - wants - want, want - want. It is unacceptable to use the forms want, want, want, wants! This is not only a gross grammatical error, but also an indicator of an extremely low human culture!
Sometimes in a literary language it is possible to coexist several equal variants of the forms of the present and future tenses, for example: listen - listen and listen. However, in most cases the variant forms are opposed in some way.
So, for the verbs wave, pour, the main variants are waving, pouring (acceptable forms are waving, pouring). The use of the forms drips and drips from the verb drip depends on the meaning: “to fall in drops” – drips and drips from the roofs; “pour slowly, drop by drop” - He will give her twenty drops of the mixture. Used variant forms The verb to shine can also highlight differences in compatibility: stars shine - people shine.
Errors in the formation of future tense forms from the verbs recover, weaken, weaken are very common in speech. Verbs on -et indicate the direction of action on the subject himself and retain the vowel e when forming present tense forms: I will recover, I will become weak, I will weaken. The form I will recover is not used at all in literary language. The form of exhaustion is the form of the 1st person from transitive verb with the suffix -i(t) to weaken and expresses the focus of the action on the object (I will weaken the enemy).

When forming past tense forms, in a number of cases there is a loss of the suffix -well-: arise - arose, dry up - dried up, disappear - disappeared, perish - died, get used - got used to, get wet - got wet, penetrate - penetrated.
Forms such as arose, penetrated, etc. cannot be used in literary language.
Sometimes in literary language coexist as equal options with and without a suffix: to stall - stalled and stalled, to achieve - reached and reached, to sour - kitty and sour, to smell - smelled and smelled, to undergo - suffered and was subjected, to wither - withered and withered.
For a number of verbs, the option without a suffix is ​​the main one(to go out - go out, freeze - froze, dry - dry, go out - go out), but we also accept the option with the suffix (go out, freeze, dry, go out).

When forming the imperative mood, a number of verbs have an alternation of consonants and vowels at the base: run - run, run; take care - take care; take - take; drive - drive; burn - burn; call - call; seek - seek; put – put (!), put (!), etc.
In addition, some verbs do not add the suffix -i when forming the imperative mood. In most cases, the use of these forms in speech does not cause difficulties: attack - attack, command - command, spend the night - spend the night, follow - follow, wash - mine, get up - get up, get dressed - get dressed.

A number of verbs are characterized by the absence or infrequency of forms of the imperative mood: weigh, see, move, be able, hate, undergo, happen, hear, mature, cost, flow, see, become obsolete, want, etc.

Standard formation of nominative and genitive plurals of nouns doesn't have certain rules(!), i.e. you need to remember these words.
Have you mastered the theory? Then it’s time to start completing options for task 6 from the Unified State Exam in Russian!

Test options for task 6 from the Unified State Examination in Russian:

Try to solve them yourself and compare with the answers at the end of the page

Example 1:

LIE (on the floor)
THEIR work
hot SOUPs
SIX HUNDRED students

Example 2:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

five PAN
wider than your shoulders
over one hundred seventy KILOMETERS
put on headphones

Example 3:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

for BOTH students
in the year one thousand ninety

Example 4:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


Example 5:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

insurance POLICIES
we don't LIE
Northern and SOUTH POLES

Example 6:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

DRY in the sun
BELLS are ringing
several pairs of EARRINGS
knew a lot of FABLES

Example 7:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

THEIR watch
planted twenty APPLE TREES
refrain from COMMENTS

Example 8:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

the price of NOBILITY

Example 9:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

dripping from a CANDLE
MOST successful
SEVENTY assistants
DRIVE straight


    six hundred


This is probably the most “unpleasant” task: here you have to learn a lot by heart. Do the same as with task 4: practice those moments in which you doubt, gradually narrow the circle of mistakes. Console yourself with the fact that in the exam you will be given not dozens, but only 5 words.

Task 6

Task formulation

In one of the words highlighted below there was an error in the formation of the form

words. Correct the error and write the word correctly.


behind SEVEN locks

pack of PASTA

in the year 2000


Diversity grammatical errors associated with the formation of the word form is great. There are no specific rules for the formation of the forms of words of various parts of speech; this is a matter of established practice in the language. Memory, speech hearing, and patience will help you in working on task 6.

We offer you lists of words grouped by parts of speech. The tables are compiled in such a way as to make it easier for you to memorize. Read aloud correct options and remember. Watch your speech. Here, as with task 4 on orthoepy, it is important to repeatedly refer to grammatical rules, get used to them, and after a while the correct formation of words will not cause you any difficulties.

Nouns in the nominative case

Nominative plural ending -И -И Nominative plural ending -A -Z
Accountants Addresses
Ages Bills of exchange
Reprimands Vorokha
Dispatchers Directors
Treaties Doctors
Engineers Boats
Instructors Jacket
Compressors Body
Constructors Domes
Containers Nedra
Doctors Ham
Months Districts
Players Cooks
Policies Cellars
Ports Professors
Handwriting Belts
Poodles Varieties
rectors haystacks
Locksmiths Watchmen
Syllables Poplars
Snipers Khutora
Joiners Postmarks
Report cards Anchors

Let's remember the pairs:

Hulls (torsos) – hulls (buildings)

Camps (political) – camps (tourist)

Husbands (state) – husbands (in families)

Teeth (in humans) – teeth (in saws)

Omissions (spaces) – omissions (documents)

Images (literary) – images (icons)

Orders (knightly) – orders (awards)

Tones (sounds) – tones (shades of color)

Chicken - chickens

Log - logs

Vessel - ships

Nouns in the genitive case(We substitute the word A LOT)

Fruits and vegetables:

Clothes and shoes:

Shoe cover Golfs
Boot Jeans
Boots Lampasov
Valenok Noskov
Shoulder strap


Armenians Mongols
Bashkir Tajikov
Bulgarian Horvatov
Buryat Yakutov

Groups of people by occupation:

Units of measurement:

We teach, we teach, we teach:

End of OV, EV

No ending OV, EB

Bronkhov Gnezdoviy
Dahlias Wrists
Zamorozkov Copies
Canned food Food
Nervov Necklaces
Rails Fritter
Verkhovyev Cookies
Korenyev Coasts
Comments Beliefs
Lokhmotyev Dungeons
Nizoviev Ruzhey
Dresses Seats
Journeymen Pickles
Ustev gorges
Khlopev Land

The end of HER

Zero ending

Everyday life Basen
Dumbbells splash
Skittles Waffle
Palms Del
Sheet (sheet) Poker
Strife Kitchens
Tablecloth Macaron
Chukchi Cuff
Nursery Nian

Gender of nouns

Masculine, neuter Feminine
Grand piano, grand piano Mezzanine
Rail, rail Parcel post
Tulle, tulle Cello
Shampoo, shampoo Callus
Jam, jam Sneaker, sneaker
Reserved seat, reserved seat
Slipper, slipper
shoe, shoe

Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs

Attention! You can't mix simple and compound form. More beautiful, most beautiful, most subtle– this is a grammatical error.

We decline numerals

40, 90, 100


Forty, ninety, one hundred Forty, ninety, hundred

50, 60, 70, 80

R.P. "no"

D. p. "give"

T.p. “I’m proud”

P.p. “thinking about”

fifty fifty fifty fifty
sixty sixty sixty sixty
seventy seventy seventy seventy
eighty eighty eighty and eighty eighty

This is where it gets difficult instrumental case. When declension, divide the numeral into two parts and pronounce it separately: eight houses, ten houses.

200, 300, 400 and 500, 600, 700, 800, 900

When declension of these numerals, divide them into two parts and instead of the word hundred substitute leg. Their endings will coincide: two legs - two hundred; five legs - five hundred.

two hundred two hundred two hundred About two hundred
three hundred three hundred three hundred About three hundred
four hundred four hundred four hundred About four hundred
Five hundred Five hundred Five hundred Five hundred
Six hundred Six hundred Six hundred Six hundred
Seven hundred Semistam Seven hundred Semesta
Eight hundred Eight hundred Eight hundred Eight hundred
Nine hundred Nine hundred Nine hundred Nine hundred

Differences in the declension of compound cardinal and ordinal numbers

In compound cardinal numbers, each word is declined, while in ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined. Compare:

There are no two thousand five hundred and forty-two words - there is no two thousand five hundred and forty suitcase;

Two thousand five hundred and forty words – two thousand five hundred and forty suitcase.

Ordinal numbers ending in -hundredth, -thousandth, millionth, -billionth, are written in one word. They look like compound adjectives: the first part in such words is in the genitive case. Compare: three hundredth - three-headed; three hundredth - three-headed; about four thousandth - about four meter.

One and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred

Collective numbers (two, three, four etc.) are used

1) with nouns naming male persons, words children, people, guys: two friends, three brothers;

2) with nouns naming young animals: seven kids;

3) with nouns that only have a plural form: four, scissors, three trousers.

Both (both, both, both) used with masculine and neuter nouns : both brothers, both hearts.

Both (both, both, both) used with feminine nouns: both sisters, on both sides.


1. Not used in Russian theirs, theirs, theirs etc. Must be used his, her, theirs.

2. After prepositions, personal pronouns have the letter N: with her, without him, for them.


  1. 1. Imperative
lie down lie down lie down
drive go go
leave leave leave
ride drive go
put put it down put
touch touch touch
wave wave wave
put luggage put
run run run
pour out rashes pour it out
rinse rinse rinse
  1. 2. Verb conjugation
ride I'm driving drives drive
climb I get along climbs climb
wave I wave waves waving
burn I'm burning It burns, it burns tourniquet
bake I'll bake bake bake
guard guard guards guard

3. Suffix –СБ after vowels: met(wrong met), Deal.

4. " Polite word» - Sorry (wrong I'm sorry)

5. By get a haircut By slip, By damn, but under scribble on laugh

6. Get well – I’ll get well

become weak - become weak

7. Dry - dry

get wet - wet

freeze - frozen

get stronger - get stronger


Imperfect participles (doing what?) have suffixes -A, -I: speaking(wrong speaking), bored(wrong bored).

Perfective participles (by doing what?) have the suffix -В, -ВШИ: after reading, talking(wrong talking), offended ( Not offended).

Let's get back to the task. Analyze each answer, find in the explanation the part where this or similar word. (Error: PASTA. Correct: PASTA.)


1. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

TWO lovers


BOTH pages



Correct the error and write the word correctly.


a herd of seven hundred heads of cattle

about BOTH books

pair of BOOTS


Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

with FOUR HUNDRED suits


by the tenth of APRIL

BOTH geese

in FORTY regions

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

THREE wolf cubs

over FOUR HUNDRED meters

the berries have become SWEETER

no ONE HUNDRED books

before the fifth of June

Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

TWO orphans

less than NINETY one percent

LIE (on the floor)

pair SOCKS

THEIR work

Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

hot SOUPs

favorite PROFESSOR



on THEIR territory

Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

BY BOTH students

SICK callus



for SEVEN HUNDRED children

Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.


SIXTY rubles

FOUR days

BLACK tulle


Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

in BOTH countries


With FIFTY rubles


a ton of TOMATOES

Answer ________________________

Correct the error and write the word correctly.

SIX HUNDRED students



pie withPOVIDLOY

PUTin place

Answer ________________________


1. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

Experienced CHARACTERS

with one slipper

in BOTH countries

no comments

COOKS cooked delicious food

Answer ________________________

2. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.



less than FIFTY rubles

GO today

several TOWELS

Answer ________________________

3. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

five amperes


the flower quickly withered


in almost a hundred countries

Answer ________________________

4. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

honorary TITLES


RINSE the laundry

I CLIMB on the roofs


Answer ________________________

5. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

kilogram of WAFFLES


according to the ORDER

misses you

over SEVEN HUNDRED pages

Answer ________________________

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

experienced TRAINERS

twenty loops

kilogram of TOMATOES


a lot of POKER

Answer ________________________

7. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.


THREE cubs

BURNS a lot

twenty GRAMS

by the first of SEPTEMBER

Answer ________________________

8. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

kilogram of BANANAS

PARTIZAN detachment

the light bulb will LIT


GO to town

Answer ________________________

9. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

five HUNDRED books


handful of CHERRY

portion of PELMENI


Answer ________________________

10. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

finger with CALL

about ONE HUNDRED books

barrels without bottoms


BOTH sisters

Answer ________________________


Option 1

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