Professional activities of a class teacher in an elementary school. Features of the work of a class teacher in an elementary school

Education Administration Committee

Balakovsky municipal district of the Saratov region

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 11 “Fairy Tale”

Balakovo, Saratov region

Project “Our Favorite Writer V. Bianchi”

Khlebnikova Olga Sergeevna teacher senior group No. 5 MADOU d/s No. 11 “Fairy Tale”, Balakovo, Saratov region

January 2016

Relevance of the project:

Environmental education is a new direction preschool pedagogy. The process of interaction between a child and the plant and animal world is contradictory. The evolutionary attitude will manifest itself in both moral and immoral actions. Communication with nature is not so much an intellectual as an ethical form of interaction between children and nature, bringing joy, developing humane feelings and right attitude to nature, to all living things. For a teacher, children’s communication with nature is separate interrelated activities that help teach children spiritual contact with plants and animals.

The main task of environmental education is to teach children to love and protect nature, to educate environmentalists. Unfortunately, modern children, especially urban ones, have very limited opportunities to communicate with nature. And here fiction will come to our aid.

Literature provides rich material on the basis of which the younger generation is educated. One of the writers who helps children learn huge world nature, is the writer V. Bianchi. The works of Vitaly Bianchi are distinguished by their strong environmental orientation. Based on his fairy tales and stories, one can cultivate love and respect for nature, teach to understand nature and its characteristics. Based on his works, one can not only educate moral, ethical and moral qualities, but also to provide knowledge about the structure, habits, and habitat of animals and birds. For teachers the main objective- to educate future creators of life. What a person is like is the world he creates around himself. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect all living things.

Deadlines – short-term project 1 month, in the senior group.

Objective of the project :

Continue work to familiarize children with literature and the work of Russian writers. Continue work on environmental education of preschoolers. Introduce children to the life and work of the writer V. Bianchi.

Project objectives:

1. Expand children’s understanding of literature, the work of various writers, and books.

2. Cultivate kind feelings towards animals, the ability to notice the beauty of the nature of their native land.

3. Promote the development of memory, thinking, and observation skills.

4. Instill a love and interest in reading books, stimulate interest in family reading. To enhance parents' knowledge about children's literature, environmental education children.

Planning and organization of activities





  1. Preparatory stage.

Library selection

To develop children's interest in the works of V. Bianchi

1 Week

Selection of visual teaching aids and demonstration material for classes

Create conditions for displaying works

1 Week

Creation of the finger theater “Forest bun - prickly side”

Create conditions for theatrical play

1 Week

Creation of an audio library of works by V. Bianchi

Enrich the group's audio library

1 Week

2. Main stage

Review of books and illustrations based on the works of V. Bianchi

2 week

Studying the biography of the writer

To develop children's interest in the writer as a person

2 week

Decorating a book corner

Create conditions for the implementation of the project. Develop an interest in books.

Week 2.

Compiling a card index of riddles about animals and birds.

Shape search activity when working with literature. Help broaden children's horizons.

Week 2.

Conversation on the works of the writer

2 week

Reading the works “The Fox and the Mouse”, “Teremok”, “Forest Kolobok - Prickly Side”, “Titmouse Calendar”

Encourage and maintain interest in fiction. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, notice the means of artistic expression.

2 weeks.

Targeted walk to the library

To summarize children’s ideas about the work of V. Biaki

2 week

Target walk “Bird Feeder”

Instill a love for birds

2 week

Building bird feeders together with parents

Instill a desire to care for birds

Week 2.

Application “Funny Teddy Bears”

3 week

Collective application “Birds at the feeder”

Develop teamwork skills


Modeling "Bear Cubs"

To develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of heroes

3 week

Modeling "Birds"

3 week

Finger Theater “Kolobok – Prickly Side”

To develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a story.

  1. a week

3.Final stage

Entertainment based on the works of V. Bianchi

Arouse emotional interest.

4 week

Processing and design of project materials

4 week

(1894- 1959)
The books of the famous children's writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki remained in the memory of several generations of children, who in turn became parents, and then grandparents. Patriotism, love and respect for the surrounding native nature, observation, readiness to always come to the aid of the weak and versatile knowledge - this is what everyone who turns to his works takes away, equally interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
An ornithologist by recognition, a researcher, pathfinder and traveler by way of life, a poet by attitude, active and hardworking by nature, with extraordinary literary abilities, a good storyteller and simply kind, sociable, with a lot of friends, followers, students, Bianchi became one of the founders of the whole directions in literature for children, devoting his creativity to scientific and artistic depiction of the life of the forest and its inhabitants. Famous Russian writers L.N. had a great influence on his work. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev, S.T. Aksakov, D.N. Mamin - Siberian, American writer E. Seton-Thompson. His contemporaries and like-minded people were the masters of scientific and educational books for children M. Ilyin, K.G. Paustovsky, V. Zhitkov, and his students and followers are the now recognized children's nature writers N. Pavlova, E. Shim, N. Sladkov, V. Sakharnov and others.

“There is a certain cheerful force living inside me. I see: everything that I had and still have that is good and bright in life... comes from this power. She is blessed both in me and in others - in people, birds, flowers and trees, in earth and in water,” he wrote in his diary.
Bianchi's love for nature and interest in science developed in childhood. He was born in 1894 in St. Petersburg, in the family of an ornithologist, curator of the bird department at the Zoological Museum Russian Academy Sciences Valentin Lvovich Bianchi. The Bianchi family lived in one of the wings of the Zoological Museum, so the sons of Valentin Lvovich (there were three of them - Lev, Anatoly and Vitaly) often visited the museum and knew it well. It is no coincidence that all of them later connected their lives with science. There was a real museum in the apartment where the Bianchi lived: numerous cages with birds from floor to ceiling, an aquarium with fish, a terrarium with turtles, lizards and snakes. The whole family usually spent the summer in the village, taking the inhabitants of cages and enclosures to nature. Little Vitaly especially remembered trips to Lebyazhye, which is located on the Gulf of Finland near Oranienbaum. This is the place through which the Great Sea Route of Migratory Birds passes.
How many patient hours have I spent
In light huts made from ship baskets,
Dried mud and branches - watching the birds,
Invisible to birds, -
he wrote. Father constantly took little Vitaly with him into the forest, explaining to him every bird and animal’s name, patronymic and surname.” For the rest of his life, Bianchi maintained the tradition of spending the summer outdoors, in the countryside. Wherever he has been! But he especially warmly recalled the nature of Altai, the Novgorod and Leningrad regions. Since childhood, his father taught him to write down everything interesting in notebooks. In numerous notebooks, Bianchi kept observations about the habits of birds and animals, local words, proverbs, hunting stories and stories of experienced people. Brother Anatoly, who traveled with him, often took photographs. This is how material for future books was accumulated.
In 1915 he entered the university in the natural sciences department. But my studies were interrupted by the war and mobilization into the army. After the October Revolution, he lived in Altai for several years - he worked as a school teacher, did a lot for the local history museum, and undertook expeditions along the rivers and mountains of Altai. Right here future writer For the first time he showed his literary abilities, published short notes and poems about nature. In 1922 he returned to Petrograd, completely devoting himself to literary work.
Since 1923, Bianchi has been participating in a circle of children's writers under the leadership of S.Ya. Marshak, who played a significant role in the development of children's literature of modern times. His first fairy tale, “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow,” attracted the attention of readers and inspired the author to create new fairy tales and books for children. younger age. Since 1923, “Forest Houses” have been published as separate books,
“Whose nose is better?”, “Mouse Peak”, “Teremok” and other works,
brought fame to the writer.
In 1928, the writer’s work began and continued until 1958 on his main book, “Forest Newspaper,” ten editions of which (the first in 1928), constantly supplemented and changed, were published during his lifetime. It was a poetic hymn to nature, a unique encyclopedia book, a calendar book, a game book, a book that organized children’s creative discoveries in nature, which had no analogues in world literature for children, and was subsequently translated into many languages ​​of the world. First published in 1932 big compilation“There were forest tales”, on the pages of which both previously written and new works are united by a single concept. Great creative
Bianchi's radio program “News from the Forest” brought success, which lasted for many years and was very much loved by listeners, on which he worked together with his students. The last book The writer's "Bird Identifier in the Wild" remained unfinished. In 1959 he passed away.
Most of Bianchi's works are dedicated to the forest, which he knew well since childhood. Writer N.I. Sladkov speaks of him as a “discoverer,” and the author himself calls himself a “translator from the wordless.” Many of Bianchi's stories affirm the idea of ​​vital practical significance knowledge of nature, the ability to observe it and navigate in it (“Following the Footsteps”, “How Uncle Volov Searched for Wolves”, “Tender Lake Sarykul”, “Ghost Lake”, etc.) Before us is not a boring moralizer, but a master of plot storytelling, dynamic, intense, with unexpected turn events (the mystery story “The Fatal Beast”, the adventure story “Mouse Peak”, the “biographical” description of the animal “On the Great Sea Route”, etc.) At the same time, they contain enormous educational material that is easily absorbed by the child.
The story “Following the Footsteps” was written in 1925. It is distinguished by an exciting plot and a lively artistic style, which immediately made it popular. It is constantly republished in different collections. “I forced my hero to use these traces to unravel the unknown fate of his son, making... human life dependent on the knowledge of the traces,” wrote Bianchi. Unfortunately, the artists were unable to illustrate the text in such a way that readers, like the author, also learned to understand the traces, which greatly upset the writer.
His “non-fairy tales”, developing the traditions of folk tales (“Teremok”, “The Fox and the Mouse”, “Forest Houses”, “Red Mountain”, “Lula”, “Owl” and others), short stories(“The First Hunt”, “Whose Legs Are These?”, “Who Sings What?”, Whose Nose is Better?” and others), stories (“Odinets”, “Askyr”, etc.), contain a lot of reliable and truthful material about nature. The cycles of stories “My cunning little son”, “Stories about silence” help children develop observation skills, understand the language of nature, which has not yet been fully studied by man and full of miracles, riddles and exciting secrets that must be comprehended.
In his diary, the writer once wrote: “Not everything is a grasshopper that cracks. (How I heard a warbler cricket).” In 1946, he wrote the story “Nesmyshimka” on this topic. It is conducted on behalf of an old ornithologist. He devoted four years to studying the birds of the Novgorod region and wrote a book about them, but his granddaughter baffled him with a story about an “inaudible” bird she saw: “Such a hunchbacked bird sits on a tree, on the top branch, its mouth opens, and its neck it flutters, but still nothing is heard, no song.” It turns out that silence comes in different forms, and you need to be able to listen to it. And you also need to know a lot, only then will the “silent orchestra of the meadow” become clear. It turns out that the bird actually makes a sound similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, but you need to know that grasshoppers begin to chirp in July, and this cannot happen at the beginning of summer. So the old scientist was caught forgetting about this and mistaking the sounds for the chirping of a grasshopper. I had to urgently add information about one more bird species to the book. It is important, the writer says, to always “turn your ear to the unknown.”
Bianchi's works are excellent material for reading, raising and developing children, especially today, when humanity is on the brink of an environmental disaster.

Conversations on works

1. Topic: V. Bianchi “First Hunt”

Target: To introduce preschoolers to birds, teach observation skills, develop memory, speech, and the ability to answer questions.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Reading the fairy tale “The First Hunt.”
  2. Conversation and discussion.


What animals did the Puppy come across while hunting?

What birds did the Puppy get to know?

Why didn't the Puppy recognize the Bittern? Where did she hide? (in the reeds)

Why didn't the Puppy see Udot? What does Udot look like? What does he look like? (on a motley patch)

Where did Whirlwind hide? Why was the Puppy scared?

What other birds do you know?

Guys, do you want to draw the birds that the Puppy met?

3. Drawing on the topic. Discussion of works.

4. Physical education minute.

Stork, stork, long-legged,

Show me the way home.

The stork answers:

Stomp with your right foot, Stomp with your left foot,

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot.

Then you'll come home.

5. Quiz

Riddles about birds

There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace,

And his name is... (starling)

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect it quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up.

After all, this is... (bullfinches).

And in the forest, mind you children,

There are forest guards.

The watchmen are afraid of these

Mice: hiding, trembling.

Very harsh

Eagle owls and... (owls)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,

Who is this? …(nightingale)

Vereschunya, white-sided,

They will call her... (magpie).

Not a king, but wearing a crown, not a horseman,

And with spurs (rooster).

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs. (sparrow)

The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (spring)

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds. (goose)

Long thin beak

He'll grab the frog.

A drop drips from the beak.

Who is this?.. (heron)

2. Topic: V. Bianchi “Forest houses”

Target: Study where birds live, cultivate interest in nature, observation skills, develop memory, speech, and thinking.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Introduction to the topic.

-Guys, guess the riddle: the hut was built without hands, without an axe? (nest)

- Guys, where do the birds live? Do all birds live in nests? Let's find out from the story of Vitaly Bianchi.

  1. Reading the story “Forest Houses.”
  2. Discussion. Questions:

Tell us how the Shore Swallow got lost?

Who did Beregovushka meet on the way to the house?

Where does Zuek live? (in stones)

What kind of house does the wood pigeon have in Vytyutnya? Did Beregovushka like his house? Why?

Who lived in a small, light house that looked like a rose? (wasps)

What does an oriole's house look like? (on a wicker basket)

Why didn’t Beregovushka like Oriole’s house? (swings)

Where did Penochka live? (in a hut in the grass?) Why didn’t Beregovushka stay with her?

What kind of house does Chemga have? (in the middle of the water on a reed island)

Who else lives in tree houses? (proteins)

Has Beregovushka found her house?

Where was the house of the Swallow and Shore?

Guys, whose house did you like the most?

Whose house did you find the most amazing?

Do you want to draw birds and their houses?

4. Draw Beregovushka and her house or any other house of the bird you like.

5. Reading and learning the poem “Swallow” by V. Bardadym


Sing to me, swallow, please,

And she answered:

I'm in a hurry! –

She scooped up clay with her beak

And flew under the roof

The whole day is full of worries -

She built the house.

The days have passed. Again I ask

And she answered:

I'm in a hurry!

Minutes are counted!

I have little ones.

I catch midges

I feed the little ones. –

It rained more frequently when visiting.

The old poplar was sad.

Sing to me swallow, please

And she answered:

I'm in a hurry!

I'm packing my family on the road,

I'll come back in the spring and sing.

3. Theme by V. Bianchi “Masters without an axe”

Target: Continue to introduce children to bird houses, develop memory and thinking.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Guys, in the last lesson we learned a lot of interesting things about bird houses, who remembers where the birds live?

Where did Swallow-Beregovushka live? Why do you think she was called that?

2. - Who wants to tell a poem about a swallow? (reading a poem)

3. Reading the Story by V. Bianchi “Masters without an Axe.”

4. Conversation on issues.

Guys, what new have you learned about bird houses?

Does the Nightjar build a nest?

What does the titmouse Remez make his nest from? (made from fluff)

What is the house of the Killer Whale Swallow made of? (made of clay)

Describe Drozd's house. (the outside is decorated with green moss, the inside is like a cup, smooth).

What kind of nest does the eagle have?

5. Guys, guess the riddle:

On the claws on the pine trunk

The red-headed fitter climbed in.

He worked hard

But the light did not flash in the forest (woodpecker)

What kind of house does a woodpecker have?

Guys, who wants to draw a woodpecker?

6. Execution of applications on the topic. Discussion of works.

7. Learning tongue twisters:

A woodpecker treats an ancient oak tree,

Kind detail, dear oak.

The woodpecker was pecking at the oak tree, but didn't finish it.

8. Physical education minute

Birds sitting in a nest

And they look at the street.

They want to go for a walk

And everyone flies quietly.

9. Go to the game

The game "doesn't fly". The teacher names the birds, the children wave their hands if the bird flies:

Owl, stork, sparrow, penguin, swallow, tit, ostrich, etc.

4. Topic: V. Bianchi “Whose nose is better”

Target: in continuation of the topic “Getting to know the structure of a bird,” you can read the story “Whose nose is better.”

Equipment: images of birds found in the story.

  1. Guys, guess, a person has nails, and a bird has (claws), a person has a nose, and a bird has (a beak).
  2. Reading a story.
  3. Conversation. Questions:

What is the name of a bird's nose? Do all birds have the same beaks?

Whose beak did you find most surprising?

What kind of beak does the Tonkonos Mukholov have? Show it in the picture.

What kind of beak does the Grosbeak have? Why does he need such a beak? (crack nuts, cones). Show me the Grosbeak.

What kind of beak does Crossbill Crusader have?

Guys, do you know that the name of the crossbill bird comes from the old Russian word “klestit”, which means “to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.” The beak of this bird is bent crosswise, as if it is compressed, squeezed. (The word “pincers” comes from the word “bite.” Their front part is also compressed, squeezed).

Why does the Snipe Weevil have a long and straight beak? (to get boogers out of the mud)

What kind of beak does Shilonos have? (long and curved towards the top) Why does he need such a beak? (to pry up living creatures in the water).

Why does the Curlew-Sickle-nosed beak look down? (to get worms and bugs out of the grass)

What kind of nose does Shirokonos have? (thick as a shovel)

What is special about the beak of the Netbill Nightjar? (beak and mesh and throat)

What kind of beak does a Pelican have?

What does the Woodpecker do with its beak?

What happened to Mukholov?

Guys, who wants to decorate the bird you like?

4. Coloring birds with pencils.

5. Fixing the material.

The teacher examines the finished work and asks: “What kind of good bird did you get, Petya?”

Guys, how do you understand the proverb:

A bird is red with its feather, but a man with his mind?

7. Physical education minute

White swans,

The swans were flying

Inna sat down with water.

Sit down and sit down,

We flew again.

  1. Transition to the game "Fox and Birds". Rules: A fox is chosen, the rest of the children are birds.

Counting book

Cockerel, cockerel,

Show me your skin.

The casing is on fire.

How many feathers does it have?

One two three four five…

Riddles about animals

He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded

Lives under the porch

Tail in a ring. (Dog)

* * *

The muzzle is mustachioed,

Striped fur coat,

Washing frequently

But I don’t know about water. (Cat)

* * *

The motley itself,

Eats green

Gives white. (Cow)

* * *

In the middle of the yard

Worth a fortune:

Forks in front

Behind is a broom. (Cow)

* * *

Thick grasses entwined,

The meadows are curled up,

And I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn. (Ram)

* * *

Will be born with a beard

Nobody is surprised at this. (Goat)

* * *

There are horns, not a ram,

The tail is a candle, not a squirrel,

It's not a cow, but it gives milk. (Goat)

* * *

Who has a piglet,

Not clenched in a fist?

His feet have hooves.

He eats and drinks from a trough. (Piglet)

* * *

There is a patch in front,

At the back there is a hook,

In the middle is the back,

There are bristles on the back. (Pig)

* * *

Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the village. (Horse)

* * *

Made a hole, dug a hole,

The sun is shining, but he doesn't even know it. (Mole)

* * *

The animal is brown, clumsy,

He doesn't like the winter cold.

Until spring in a deep hole

In the middle of the wide steppe

The animal is sleeping sweetly.

What's his name? (Marmot).

* * *

He looks like a shepherd:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Sleeps in winter

In summer the hives are stirred up. (Bear)

* * *

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes,

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

* * *

I arrange myself cleverly:

I have a pantry with me.

Where's the storage room? Behind the cheek!

I'm so cunning! (Hamster)

* * *

Water masters

They build a house without an axe,

A house made of brushwood and mud.

And good dams. (Beavers)

* * *

Now red, now gray,

And the name is white. (Squirrel)

* * *

And through pines and firs

She runs fast

He sees where the cones have ripened,

Where is the virgin mushroom soil? (Squirrel)

* * *

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

* * *

Everybody's moving forward

And he is the opposite.

He can do it for two hours straight

Move backwards all the time. (Cancer)

* * *

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

Both a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)

* * *

The rope curls

At the end there is a head. (Snake)

* * *

Who has eyes on horns,

And the house on the back? (At the snail)

* * *

What a miracle! What a miracle!

A dish on top, a dish below,

A miracle is walking along the road,

The head sticks out and the legs stick out. (Turtle)

* * *

Guess who it is

Does he wear a bone coat? (Turtle)

* * *

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

* * *

Like a royal crown

He wears his horns

Eats lichen, green moss,

Loves snowy meadows. (Deer)

* * *

Less tiger, more cat

Above the ears there are brushes-horns.

Looks meek, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger! (Lynx)

* * *

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

* * *

Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

What is her name? (Fox).

* * *

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

* * *

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head? (Hare)

* * *

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

* * *

Look: it lies under the fir trees

Pillow with needles.

Lying, lying

Yes, suddenly she ran. (Hedgehog)

* * *

The hedgehog has grown tenfold

It turned out... (porcupine).

* * *

When he is in a cage, he is pleasant,

There are many black spots on the skin.

He is a beast of prey, albeit a little bit,

Like a lion and a tiger, similar to a cat. (Leopard)

* * *

What kind of horses -

Are they all wearing vests? (Zebras)

* * *

I'm very funny

I jump and run

And in the film in color

I'm always black and white. (Zebra)

* * *

I am a hunchbacked beast

And the guys like me. (Camel)

* * *

There is a lot of power in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

It’s as if the nose has been growing for a thousand years. (Elephant)

* * *

Across the sea-ocean

A miracle giant is swimming,

Hides a long mustache in his mouth,

Stretched out for a mile. (Whale)

Riddles about birds

I wake everyone up on time

At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

* * *

Scarlet comb,

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard

Important gait

He gets up before everyone else

* * *

He will knock his nose on the ground,

He will flap his wing and scream.

* * *

He appeared in a yellow fur coat:

Goodbye, two shells! (Chick)

* * *

The mother has twenty children,

All children are the same age. (Hen with chicks)

* * *

When it floats it's beautiful

When it hisses, it is dangerous. (Goose)

* * *

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives light feather dusters. (Goose)

* * *

There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace. (Starling)

* * *

And he doesn’t sing,

And it can't fly.

Why then

Is he considered a bird? (Ostrich)

* * *

Black vest, red beret,

The nose is like an ax, the tail is like a stop. (Woodpecker)

* * *

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (Woodpecker)

* * *

The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (Magpie)

* * *

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

* * *

Let me be a bird

My friends, I have a habit:

When the cold starts -

Straight from the north here. (Bullfinch)

* * *

Guess what kind of bird it is:

Little dark girl

White from the belly,

The tail is spread into two tails. (Martin)

* * *

Crying in the swamp

But it doesn’t come from the swamp. (Sandpiper)

* * *

He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His songs and flight

Entered into poems. (Lark)

* * *

Naughty boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

* * *

The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

* * *

Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,

Who is this? (Nightingale).

* * *

He flies all night, catches mice.

And when it becomes light, he flies into the hollow to sleep. (Owl)

* * *

A bird flies from above

And there are plenty of chickens below. (Hawk)

* * *

The eyes are round,

The claws are sharp,

The nose is crooked -

Forest robber. (Owl)

* * *

The brothers stood on stilts,

They look for food along the way.

Whether you're running or walking -

They can't get off their stilts. (Cranes)

* * *

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

He will poke at random with his beak -

Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

* * *

The fisherman stood in the water all day,

I filled the bag with fish.

Having finished fishing, he took the catch,

He rose up and was like that. (Pelican)

* * *

Amazing child!

Just came out of diapers,

Can swim and dive

What's his name birth mother. (Duckling)

* * *

I don't know my mother and father

But I call it often.

I won’t know the children -

I will sell them to strangers. (Cuckoo)

* * *

What kind of spring black bird

Does he like to follow the plow and feed?

What kind of spring black bird

Almost sits down on the tractor? (Rook)

* * *

And he is arrogant and boastful,

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires them himself

And shows us. (Peacock)

* * *

Tell me

What a weirdo

Day and night

Wears a tailcoat. (Penguin)

Proverbs about animals

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

The cow has milk on her tongue.

Feed the cow more nutritiously, her milk will be whiter.

A good milkmaid milks her cow with butter.

Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive it with oats.

If you feed well, a bad horse will become a good steed.

Take care of your livestock and you will have an income.

There will be feed on the farm - winter is not scary.

At the skit party, the goat is not the guard.

Don't trust the goat in the garden or the wolf in the sheepfold.

Cats squabble - mice have fun.

Two cats in one bag will not make friends.

It is not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

Don't be afraid of a lying dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The hare's legs carry, the wolf's teeth feed, the fox's tail protects.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox does not hunt near the hole.

An old fox is not poisoned by young dogs.

The fox even counts chickens in his sleep.

They appointed a fox as a governor in the forest: there are many feathers, but no birds.

The old fox digs with its snout and sweeps with its tail.

Every fox praises its own tail.

A wolf is still a wolf, even if he didn't eat your sheep.

They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep.

A wolf would pretend to be a goat, but the tail is not like that.

The wolf will not change his nature until the skin is removed.

The wolf's legs feed him.

Two bears will not get along in one den.

If you can't force a camel to lie down, you can't load it.

The lion is already formidable even as a lion cub.

You can't pull prey out of a lion's mouth.

Fear the tiger, not its tracks.

Leisure event based on the works of V.V. Bianchi.

Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about the works of V.V. Bianchi. Develop in children Creative skills, ability to create expressive images heroes of fairy tales, using various visual techniques. Cultivate a love of books.

Preliminary work:Watching cartoons “The Adventures of Ant”, “Owl”, “Orange Throat”, listening to audio recordings of V. Bianka’s fairy tales “Panyushka the Duck”, “Arishka the Coward”, reading fairy tales “Kolobok - the prickly side”, “The Adventures of Ant”, “Cuckoo Little Boy” ”, “The Fox and the Mouse”, “Teremok”.

Materials: Portrait of V.V.Bianki, books, costumes, illustrations of animals.

Educator: Our meeting today is dedicated to the famous writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi. V.V.Bianki is a famous children's writer who opened the world of the forest to many young readers. A love of nature was instilled in Vitaly Valentinovich from childhood by his father, a famous ornithologist and director of the Zoological Museum. Bianchi often called his father the main “teacher of the forest.” His father began to take him with him to the forest early. He taught me to recognize birds by sight, by voice, by flight, and to look for the most hidden nests. He taught a thousand signs to find living animals secretly from a person. Bianchi wrote a large number of children's fairy tales and stories about Everyday life animal world. Sometimes giving the characters human traits, but without exaggerating or adding fairy-tale moments. Many stories are notes from the life of Vitaly Valentinovich. His whole life was connected with the forest, with nature.

Bianchi traveled a lot. In his youth he participated in scientific expeditions in the Urals, Volga, Altai and Kazakhstan. He was a good football player. He was put on the team of the city of St. Petersburg. He kicked with both feet and was famous for his sharp burst and accurate cross pass. He took corners superbly, with a biting, cutting shot right at the goal.

Before his death, he was sick a lot. But until the last he was faithful to the forest and his little reader.

Now let's look at Bianchi's fairy tale“Kolobok - prickly side”,which the guys prepared for you.

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman - the same ones from whom Kolobok rolled away. They went into the forest. The old man says to the old woman:

Look, old woman, is our Kolobok lying under a bush?

The old man couldn’t see well, and the old woman’s eyes were watering. She bent down to pick up Kolobok - and stumbled upon something prickly. Old woman: "Oh!" - and Kolobok jumped up on his short legs and rolled along the path.

Kolobok is rolling along the path, and the Wolf meets him:

Do not eat me, Gray wolf, I'll sing you a song:

I don't scrape the box,

It doesn’t sweep the bottom of the barrel,

No problem with sour cream.

I grew up under a bush,

All overgrown with thorns,

I don't feel good to the touch

You can't take me with your bare hands!

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I'll leave you soon, Wolf!

The wolf got angry - grab him with your paw! The thorns dug into the paw, - The wolf, oh, it hurts! And Kolobok jumped up and rolled along the path - only the Wolf saw him!

Kolobok rolls, and the Bear meets him:

Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Where can you, clubfoot, eat me!

I am a forest bun - a prickly side!

I don't scrape the box,

It doesn’t sweep the bottom of the barrel,

No problem with sour cream.

I grew up under a bush,

All overgrown with thorns,

I taste bad

You can't put me in your mouth!

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the Wolf

I'll leave you soon, Bear!

The bear got angry, wanted to grab him in the mouth, - he pricked his lips, - oh, it hurts! And Kolobok rolled again - only the Bear saw him.

Kolobok is rolling, and the Fox meets him:

Kolobok, Kolobok, where are you going?

I'm rolling along the path.

Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song!

Kolobok sang:

I am a forest bun - a prickly side!

I don't scrape the box,

It doesn’t sweep the bottom of the barrel,

No problem with sour cream.

I grew up under a bush,

ALL overgrown with thorns,

I'm not good all around;

How will you take me?

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the Wolf

Left the Bear

It’s not smart to get away from you, Foxes!

And as soon as he rolled along the path, the fox quietly pushed him into the ditch with just his claws! Kolobok - plop! - in water. He immediately turned around, started using his paws, and swam. Then everyone saw that this was not Kolobok at all, but a real forest hedgehog.

Role class teacher V

initial level.

Changes in public life, economic restructuring in the country led to the destruction of long-standing ideals, moral and spiritual values. From a long-term position "do as everyone else does" There is a sharp turn towards the individuality and self-worth of each person.

The basis of the educational system is a personality-oriented approach.

The key role in solving educational problems belongs to the class teacher

Main educational goal– creating conditions for the development of the individual abilities of each child, their improvement in the conditions of the school educational process.

self-realization of the student’s personality, his successful socialization in society

Tasks class teacher :

1. Formation of a class team.

2. Creating conditions for the formation of the personality of each student.

3. Formation of moral and value views of students.

4. Organization of all types of activities that would help to reveal individuals in a given class.

There is a lot of responsibility in elementary school.

Forming a class team helps improve the educational process in the classroom and increases student motivation.

This process is difficult and lengthy, requiring not only patience, but also creativity. For achievement positive results Various forms were used. methods and means of education.

Each child, as an individual, has his own tasks,

your life program. This is self-knowledge

self-determination, self-regulation, self-realization.

And no matter what kind of student he is in his studies - an excellent student or a “gray” C student - he, for me, is bright, individual school personality, here at school is his place for self-expression and self-realization.

A person with high moral ideals, a diverse education, a clear civic position,

a person who is worthy and respects himself will be able to find his place in society, realize his abilities,

live a happy life..

In everything and always I try to go along with my students.

Talking about our creative affairs, I would like to note the enthusiasm and great desire with which students and their parents take on the work. With the correct prioritization, each family makes an appropriate contribution to the common cause. The forms of work are very diverse:

Thematic workshop of crafts and toys;

Participation in various promotions and competitions;

  • calendar and school holidays.
  • -joint trips to theaters, etc.

The main tasks of a modern school

revealing the abilities of each student, raising a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world.

"Our new school"


Analysis of educational work

for 2014 – 2015 academic year A

morning teacher

Kraevoy S.N.

There are 17 pupils in the 1st grade: 10 boys and 7 girls. In December, the boy Dmitry Chuprin arrived. Guys of different abilities different levels efficiency and education.

Main tasks educational work were:

- promote the formation of a favorable emotional, psychological and moral climate in school team;

To form an active life position, to carry out the personal development of schoolchildren in the process of game interaction;

To improve the conditions for the development of needs for self-knowledge, self-education, self-development, self-determination based on moral values ​​and leading life guidelines;

To foster a sense of citizenship and familiarity with the folk, spiritual values ​​of one’s Fatherland;

Foster a positive attitude towards collective activities, towards the team, its members and yourself.

It is precisely such tasks and goals that make it possible to consciously manage a class team and adapt to individual characteristics every student

In the first grade, each child is a separate person, there are no common interests, no common affairs, the group exists separately. Therefore, first of all, a plan of educational work was drawn up. During the year, work was carried out in the class to form a class team, through intensifying the activities of each child. For this purpose, extracurricular events were held: “First time in first grade”, “Hello golden autumn”, holiday programs dedicated to March 8, February 23, “Farewell to 1st grade”, etc. As a result, students became more united with each other.

The most difficult thing was the ability to find a “common language” with children and their parents, so the first meeting began with a survey of parents “Let’s get to know each other.” In this questionnaire, parents reported necessary information about myself and my family, and at the first class meeting I conducted a questionnaire “Me and my friends”, “What am I?”, “What are emotions?”. The survey results helped to see

guys on the other side.

At the beginning of the school year, together with a psychologist, I conducted a questionnaire to determine the student’s school motivation. There were 5 (31%) children with a positive attitude towards school, 63% with an ambivalent attitude (positive replaces negative and vice versa depending on the situation) (Shchankin M., Klimentyev K., Bychkova L., Milovanov E., Shkrebneva K. ., Miller S., Konnov V., Sakharova U., Kolesnikova V., Kichik T.), with negative attitude- (predominance negative emotions) 1 child was identified (Chistyakov D).

The level of education of the class team was determined. An indicator of good manners is concrete actions each student in different situations, his actions, value orientations, relationships with classmates, parents, adults, as well as with oneself. This technique allows you to see the dynamics of improvement or deterioration in quality educational process both for one student and for the class.

Analysis of the level of education of students showed:

Conclusion: Of the 17 students, the percentage of high level of education increased by 36% (at the beginning of the year - 36%, mid-year - 60%, end of the year - 72%), but it is necessary to work on increasing the level of education.

By development educational abilities, in order to develop children's cognitive potential, the following activities were carried out: the game-excursion “In Search of Treasure”, the game “I Choose Myself”.

The process of personality formation is a complex process. Without an alliance with parents Even the most experienced teacher cannot do it. I consider them my first assistants. I constantly inform parents about educational successes, children’s participation in classroom and school social life, well-being, behavioral problems, looking for joint solutions, I'll see you off individual consultations.

Parents take an active part in conducting class and school events (Preparation of projects in mathematics “Numbers in riddles, fairy tales, proverbs”, on the surrounding world project “My small homeland", "My Family" participation in the event "All Work is Good", preparing autumn-themed costumes and preparing dishes for the holiday "Hello Golden Autumn". The team of our class, consisting of the Tailakov family: Vladimir Grigorievich, Vera Ivanovna and Kirill, took 1st place in the “Dad, Mom, Me” competition, which was dedicated to Family Week in boarding school. Operation Feeder aroused great interest among parents and children; many families approached this issue creatively and took an active part. At the end of the year, we held a parent meeting with the children on the topic “Farewell to 1st grade” and a tea party.

Also, the parents of Kirill Klimentyev, who has an assignment as a Trudovik, repaired the chairs in the classroom.

Forming a healthy lifestyle, maintaining and strengthening the health of students is one of most important tasks. For six months, physical exercises were held in lessons related to strengthening vision and relieving physical fatigue. Class hours “Day routine”, “Your health - what is it?”, helped the children in creating their daily routine and instilling hygiene rules. Every day after school, outdoor games are held. fresh air in order to maintain air conditions in any weather... The children really like it. This is understandable. Having conducted an oral survey on the topic “Personal Hygiene”, “My Health”, and observing the pupils’ compliance with the daily routine, I came to the following conclusions:

Know and follow the rules of personal hygiene

Keep a daily routine

Take care of your health

Average percentage

Raising schoolchildren in the spirit of friendship between peoples and respect for people of all nationalities is one of the tasks of educating the younger generation. First of all, this is instilling in children a friendly attitude towards people of other nationalities. Students get acquainted with the work, life, and art of the people of the region in which we live. For this purpose, children drew pictures of the peoples inhabiting our region, studied symbolism, during lessons on literary reading and the surrounding world and hours of communication, they became acquainted with literature, artistic creativity, fine arts peoples living in our region. All events related to the national education of the world of children.

A class hour “My Small Motherland” was held; students were introduced to the symbols of the Russian Federation and the Novosibirsk region, in particular the Barabinsky district; they visited the school museum and the Local History Museum.

I came to the following conclusions:

Know the concepts and symbols of the state

They know poems about the Motherland

Average percentage

A class hour dedicated to Victory Day has passed. The children took an active part: they recited poems, sang war songs, and at the end answered quiz questions. After class hour, conversations with children, I came to the following conclusions:

They know about the Second World War

Know poems about War

They watch and love films about war

Read books about war

From the first days of school, a group of children immediately emerged who strive to be first in everything and take their academic duties, organized. These are Kirill Klimentyev, Polina Safina, Vika Posnaya, Ulyana Sakharova, Ivan Konnov, Slava Miller.

Among the students, a diagnosis of the starting capabilities of schoolchildren was carried out (“Methodology for identifying readiness for school”, A.L. Wenger, Doctor of Psychology, “Recommendations for conducting an experiment to study the readiness of first-graders to study at school”, M-2008.) , allowing us to conclude that there is giftedness.

Conclusion: high level general development made up 38% (6) of children, the average level of general development was demonstrated by 5 children (31%), 5 children (31%) demonstrated low results (Milovanov E., Bychkova V., Chistyakov D., Kichik T., Moissev V.)

Children take part in distance All-Russian Olympiads in the following subjects:

F.I. child

event title


Bychkova Valeria

1st degree diploma

1st degree diploma

Kichik Tanya

Klimentyev Kirill

Remote All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics on the portal "",

"Tic Tac Toe"

Scientific Conference"Thinking, creating, exploring" with the work "Creating a plasticine cartoon"

1st degree diploma

1st degree diploma

II degree diploma

Kolesnikova Varya

1st degree diploma

1st degree diploma

Konnov Ivan

All-Russian distance Olympiad on the surrounding world for grades 1 – 4 “Naturalist”

1st degree diploma

Malyutin Sasha

All-Russian distance Olympiad in literary reading for grades 1 – 4 “Good books”

1st degree diploma

Miller Slava

Distance All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language on the portal ""

1st degree diploma

Milovanov Egor

Moiseev Vlad

Distance All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics on the portal ""

1st degree diploma

Posnaya Vika

Distance All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language on the portal "Video,

"Tic Tac Toe"

1st degree diploma

II degree diploma

1st degree diploma

Safina Polina

Distance All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics on the portal ""

All-Russian distance Olympiad in literary reading for grades 1 – 4 “Good Books”

III degree diploma

1st degree diploma

Sakharova Ulyana

All-Russian distance Olympiad in mathematics for grades 1 – 4 “Mathematician”

1st degree diploma

Tailakov Kirill

All-Russian distance Olympiad in literary reading for grades 1 – 4 “Good Books”

1st degree diploma

3rd degree diploma

Chistyakov Denis

All-Russian distance Olympiad in mathematics for grades 1 – 4 “Mathematician”

Diploma 2nd degree

Chuprin Dima

"Quiz for grades 1–4 “I am the future defender of the Fatherland!”"

Shkrebneva Katya

Distance All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language on the portal ""

All-Russian distance Olympiad in mathematics for grades 1 – 4 “Mathematician”

1st degree diploma

Shchankin Matvey

All-Russian distance Olympiad in literary reading for grades 1 – 4 “Good Books”

International literary reading competition, grade 1 “In the world of fairy tales”

1st degree diploma

1st degree diploma

Many kids have hobbies outside of school. For example, Slava Miller is involved in an English language club, learning to play the piano in music school, Ivan Konnov plays volleyball in sports section, attends a dance club in the cultural center. All the children attend the dance club classes with great pleasure and even performed in front of parents and teachers at the “Teacher’s Day” holiday, at the honoring of veterans of teaching work, “Mother’s Day”, “Farewell to 1st grade”.

Formation of a cool team.

In the first grade, each child is a separate person, there are no common interests, no common affairs, the group exists separately. Therefore, first of all, a development program for the class team was drawn up.

Throughout the year, work continued in the class to form a class team through intensifying the activities of each child. For this purpose, modeling games, classroom hours, and extracurricular activities aimed at solving specific problems were held. Relationship skills between classmates, culture of behavior in in public places, were formed during game programs“Let's get to know each other!”, “Self-introduction: this is me”, class hours: “I am a student”, “My class, my school”, “My friends”. Work has been ongoing throughout the year to create support for students. For this purpose, class hours were held “What is good and what is bad”, “Who do we call a true friend?”, “About ignorant people and politeness”, “What does it mean to be responsible?”, “Behavior at school”.

The children took an active part in the life of the class and school.
There were no problems with class duty, we can conclude that in terms of hard work, the guys are great.
Systematic work on the development of classroom self-government has led to the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom. Every child feels comfortable and needed in the team; there are no rejected children. Schoolchildren are confident in their abilities, have the skills to communicate with peers and adults, and are friendly. The relationship between the children is friendly. Formed favorable conditions for cooperation, mutual understanding, creative communication of all participants in the educational process.

Distribution of orders

student's FI




Kolesnikov Varya


Tries to get the kids in class

worked, occupies herself active position

Safina Polina

Trying to show independence

learns to analyze your work,

in class affairs management, occupies

active position The order is carried out “well”

Konnov Vanya

Miller Slava

physical education

They love physical education very much and pull for

like other guys

Shchankin Matvey

Milovanov Egor

Editorial board

There are no downsides to their work

Moiseev Vlad



Always conscientiously performs his duties, does not do it because

necessary, but because he wants to.

Posnaya Vika

Kichik Tanya

Chistyakov Denis

Flower growers, group


Always perform their duties conscientiously

Malyutin Sasha

Shkrebneva Katya


Of special interest not to work

show but fulfill

assigned tasks

Bychkova Lera

Sakharova Ulyana


The assigned work includes

responsibly, in my own way

initiative carried out a raid -

reader check

class student forms in

school library

Klimentyev Kirill

Tailakov Kirill


Show initiative and creativity in

Work. Always performs his duties conscientiously

In general, friendly relations developed between the guys. As a result of a survey of first-graders, it can be stated that 100% of children like to communicate with children within the class. 76% of children named the names of friends in the class. Based on the results of the “Mitten” method of studying the communication abilities of schoolchildren, we can conclude that children can work in pairs, interact with each other, find common decision, negotiate. They are friends with each other, share toys, coloring books, markers, with each other. The skills of relationships between classmates, culture of behavior in public places, were formed during class hours: “Change with passion”, “Acquaintance with the rules of behavior at school”, “I choose my own health”, “Rules of behavior on the street”, “What is good”, “This is a simple word - “Hello!”, polyculture “The world around. We live in Siberia,” “I am a student,” “My class, my school,” “My friends,” “Boys and girls,” “There are many of us, and we all live on planet Earth.” .

During these hours, the guys opened up, expressing their thoughts and opinions more vividly, characterizing their judgment with a complete answer.

Hours were also spent on moral education: “Rules for the culture of behavior of students at school,”

Started creation "Portfolio of Achievement"for each student. Compared to the beginning of the year, children’s personal achievements increased from 10% to 89%:

Throughout the school year, classes were held with a psychologist and speech therapist. The guys attended clubs and sections. Social teacher and the school psychologist helped in solving the following problems: monitoring attendance at classes, drawing up a social passport for the class, and a questionnaire for parents on the adaptation of first-graders. I had a lot of conversations and hours of communication about the rules of conduct in public places. Instructions on safety and traffic regulations were provided.

So, through various types of lesson and extracurricular activities, children receive and assimilate new knowledge, emotionally express their attitude towards successes and defeats. During communication in class and extracurricular activities learn to communicate, enrich lexicon speeches, show their skills, abilities, creativity. The class team began to unite. They help each other, there were no disciplinary offenses, everyone tries to prove themselves and their abilities.

The varied activities of students are an important condition and a means of introducing the child to social reality and knowledge of the world. This allows for the opportunity to actively learn the world and become a participant through gaming, motor communicative, creative, artistic activities.

Overall, I am satisfied with my work as an early afternoon teacher. My students are already a team.

Next year I will continue to work with parents, I will try to involve them in the life of the class and school.

I will continue to teach my children to follow the rules. educational work, carry out instructions. I will try to bring the children closer together by involving them in class and school activities.

Based on the analysis of educational work, it should be noted that, in general, the set goals and objectives of educational work in the 2014-2015 academic year can be considered resolved. Based on the problems that emerged during the work, it is possible to formulate goals and objectives for the next 2013-2014 academic year.

Goal: formation of favorable development harmonious personality child, as well as for the development of a friendly class team.

1. Reveal everyone’s internal reserves (abilities, interests, personal qualities); enrich pupils scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in various directions.

2. Contribute to the development of a sense of belonging to the life of the class and school, develop the need for broadening one’s horizons and development mental abilities, cognitive activity.

Z. To instill in children a respectful attitude towards each other, towards adults, discipline, responsibility.

- the presence of a system of educational work.

A class teacher is a teacher whose main activity is aimed at helping students in their personal development. I plan my activities in accordance with the planning requirements established by the educational institution, I strive to create a humanistic atmosphere in the classroom, an educational environment, and the development of the creative potential of students.

The main thing in the educational system of my class is the creation of an appropriate moral psychological climate, creative atmosphere, friendly style of relationships - everything that contributes to the development of the personality of each student and the team as a whole; helps in the formation life position, general attitude to life; recognition of human personality as an absolute value. IN pedagogical activity I'll put a few tasks:

  • provide students with a quality education;

  • to reveal the abilities, intellectual, creative and moral potential of each student;

  • instill skills of independent work with a focus on further training in various educational institutions. Prepare students for an informed choice of profession;

  • improvement of forms of organization of educational activities;

  • use of new pedagogical technologies, effective teaching methods.
All this allows me to develop the student’s personality in accordance with his abilities, interests and capabilities, and for students to achieve certain success in their studies and realize their plans for further education.

Having studied deeply, I use technology educational influence on the individual, methods of educational work, collective creative activity, techniques of individual communication with students and parents. In my teaching activities I use technologies: problem-based learning; gaming technology; collaborative learning; multi-level learning technology; modular training technology; technology of project-based learning; technology development critical thinking; health-saving technologies; information and communication technologies. I am guided by a democratic style of communication. The psychological atmosphere in the class is friendly, based on mutual respect, trust and openness.

Main forms of work:

Organization of an educational environment: instilling skills in following the rules of communication in a team, together with parents and students, aestheticization of the classroom environment, organizing self-care, regulating nutrition.

Organization of collective activities: class participation in school-wide events, organizing joint creative and collective activities for students, conducting excursions, visiting museums.

Individual work with students: studying health, interests, character, cognitive abilities, family conditions and extracurricular communication, helping students develop intellectual and creative interests, helping students overcome difficulties in communicating with the team, regulating students’ information interests.

Coordination of actions with other teachers, parents, leaders of creative associations, and health workers.

Conducting pedagogical research aimed at studying the personality of students.

This is the fifth year now educational system class is aimed at self-development and self-improvement of the individual. From my point of view, this is very relevant at the present stage of development of society, since the transition of society to a new socio-economic and political structure causes an urgent need for highly educated, proactive and enterprising people who have a sense of social responsibility, capable of increasing the spiritual and material wealth of society.
- the presence of a self-government system in the classroom;

I belong to that category of class teachers who consider the work of the class teacher not just the main, but the most important, because his job responsibilities, if we once again study all the instructions and summarize, include great amount aspects designed to educate a new person of a new generation, capable of finding his place in life and becoming a worthy citizen of society.

Self-government is the principle of autonomous management of small communities, public organizations and associations in civil society. Based this definition, the work of student self-government is being built, which is a form of organizing the life activities of a group of students, ensuring the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals.

The goals of student self-government can be formulated as follows: education of a citizen with a high democratic culture, humanistic orientation, capable of social creativity, able to act in the interests of improving his personality and society. Classroom self-government is one of the modes of joint and independent activity students, in which each student can determine his place and realize his abilities and capabilities. The initial goal of self-government was to unite students into a friendly and strong team. Classroom self-government develops in stages. At first, the guys’ function was performing. My position as a class teacher was that of a teacher. A survey was conducted to identify inclinations and interests in something. Having identified their interests, the guys received tasks and instructions. At the initial stage, in order to attract them to self-government, I myself appointed those responsible, and looked closely at who was capable of what. Gradually, students began to evaluate events in the class, exercise self-control and mutual control. They gained their first self-esteem. I was glad that the guys stopped being indifferent to each other and began to take initiative in the life of the class and school. The children themselves began to suggest events in which they would like to take part. The following results of classroom self-government have been achieved in the class:

  • duty in the classroom and school is well established;

  • labor matters are well organized (cleaning the area, insulating the classroom, landscaping and spring-cleaning in class);

  • organization of leisure (carrying out cool lights, competitions and other events);

  • publication of various thematic newspapers;

  • holding sporting events;

  • Conducting themed classes.
That is, my position has changed - I became a consultant.

Based on the experience of organizing student self-government, I came to the following conclusions:

  • Self-government at school - necessary component modern education.

  • His goal is modern conditions– adaptation of graduates to continuously changing living conditions.

  • Self-government promotes personal growth schoolchildren, developing their responsibility and independence.

  • The most successful is a multi-level approach to organizing self-government, when the personal needs of schoolchildren are taken into account, determining their goals and professional orientation.

-psychological and pedagogical diagnostics;

Diagnostics plays a huge role in the work of the class teacher. The teacher needs to be able to monitor various changes in the classroom, the formation of relationships between children, their value orientations, trends in emerging relationships.

The goals of studying the classroom team are multifaceted: determining the status of each high school student in the system interpersonal relationships in a class team; identifying the level of development of the class team and its lifestyle; determination of the psychological climate in the team and the emotional well-being of its individual members; having experience joint activities and etc.

When systematically diagnosing a class team, you can see every time new level development in the relationships of adolescents: the degree of cohesion, organization, independence increases, the scope and possibilities for carrying out various activities in it expand.

The following diagnostics were carried out:

  • Study of student satisfaction with school life.

  • Diagnosis of education.

  • Diagnosis of moral self-esteem.

  • Diagnostics of ethics of behavior.

  • Diagnostics of attitudes towards life values.

  • Diagnosis of moral motivation.

  • Diagnosis of professional suitability.

  • Studying parents' satisfaction with teachers' work.

  • Studying the psychological climate in a children's group.
During the survey, there were no unselected students; everyone felt comfortable.

When communicating with children, I strive to predominate a democratic leadership style and encourage the growing autonomy of my students. According to research results, students in the classroom perfectly adapted: self-confident, they have developed self-control, social skills have good self-esteem.

There are no rejected or isolated children among the students in the classroom; the survey revealed high level group cohesion.

When determining the level of good manners, the final score is 4.5, which indicates high level of education of students.

- absence of offenses and violations of public order by class students;

I consider the formation of the legal culture of students and the prevention of crime among them to be an important area of ​​my activity. For five years I have been leading close connection with traffic police, employees law enforcement. Positive result educational activities I believe that during my work as a class teacher, there were no students in my classes who were registered internally and with the juvenile affairs inspectorate.

- absence of absences from classes for students without good reason;

Without good reason the children in my class do not miss lessons, about which a weekly report is submitted to the deputy director for education and management. Each absence is confirmed by a medical certificate, a call or a statement from parents about the reason for the student’s absence.

- participation of the class in the life of local society;

In each student in my class, I see, first of all, a personality. My students are talented and diversified; among them there are those who have particularly distinguished themselves in their studies, in sports, and in social life. They were repeated winners of regional and zonal competitions, both in team and individual competitions.

Appendix 1. Participation of class students in events by year at municipal, regional and all-Russian levels on years.

Students take an active part in socially significant events not only at school, but also in the village. Within environmental action"Awakening" students participated in the project " Beautiful school- a beautiful village": they cleaned the territory not only of the school, but of the entire rural settlement, trees were planted. They actively take part in the Memory Watch, the Elderly Day concert, provide assistance to the elderly, and work on the farm in the summer.

Thus, children are constantly involved in classroom, school-wide, village, municipal and republican events, where their activity is visible.

- a well-functioning system of interaction with parents;

Today, many parents are interested in the successful education and development of their child. Only in close contact with parents, raising them pedagogical culture, teachers can achieve positive results in preparing children for life and work. Starting to work with the children's team, I tried to study the family situation as much as possible, to understand the way of life of each student's family, traditions, customs, spiritual values, and the style of relationship between parents and children. This is necessary in order to plan educational work in the classroom with maximum efficiency. I see my task as a class teacher to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between children, teachers and parents in the educational process. Over the years of working with this class, she managed to unite children and parents into a single team. Parents are constant participants in all creative and educational activities of the class, my first assistants. Together with parents and children, I conduct themed classroom hours, in which parents act not only as a grateful listener, but also as an active presenter. The sports competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” and the evening of relaxation became unforgettable. This connection between generations, in my opinion, is the most effective way for the transmission of sociocultural values, since younger generation Using the life example of parents, one can be convinced of the inviolability of such concepts as kindness, decency, and honesty.

Parent meetings are one of the main forms of work with parents. The topics of parent-teacher meetings are very diverse, since the range of problems that parents face is wide.

Parent meetings 5th grade:

Parent meetings 6th grade:

Parent meetings 7th grade:

Parent meetings 8th grade:

Individual conversations with parents, questionnaires, discussions on parent meetings showed that basically all children have good relationships with their parents. But in some families there is excessive strictness and demands on the child, and in some, on the contrary, there is a lack of control on the part of the parents. Thanks to joint activities, parents began to realize that it is necessary to communicate with the child as an equal, treat him as a person who has the right to independence and respect; that patience and condescension towards a child are the main means in education.

- complaints and requests from parents about misconduct there is no class teacher;
- implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process;
Our school is an experimental platform for physical education and recreation and a Pilot school for the implementation of the “Sports Saturday” project, Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mordovia No. 190 dated February 25, 2010.

I am deeply convinced that the health of students is the main component of the entire pedagogical process, therefore I carry out constant targeted work on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of students, which comes down not only to explanatory conversations with children and parents, but also teaching techniques, how and what to do, how to be healthy. Understanding the importance of the fact that knowing how to be healthy is not enough, you also need to develop the skill and need for healthy way life, I devote great attention creating new forms of behavior that are beneficial to health, conscious of students.

System of health measures:

a) daily physical exercises using specially selected sets of exercises;

b) the use of physical exercises, which include exercises for cerebral circulation, to relieve fatigue of the shoulder girdle and arms, to relieve fatigue of the torso, for lessons with elements of writing, exercises to mobilize attention, a complex of gymnastics for the eyes to strain the eye muscles;

c) a series of conversations on hardening the body as a means of preventing morbidity;

d) conversations about preventing bad habits;

e) relieving tension in the musculoskeletal system;

f) alternation of activities;

g) monitor the illumination in the classroom (presence of lamps), measure the illumination level of the classroom;

h) use technical means training according to standards;

i) monitoring of student morbidity.

I conduct classroom hours, talk with parents, speak at meetings methodological unification, pedagogical councils on the problem of student health.
- spiritual and moral education and folk traditions.
The spiritual development of a person is a long and complex process. Every year, every stage of a child’s spiritual development is associated with new imprints of attitudes towards social values, which are preparation for certain actions in the adult world. This process is consistent and irreversible. Main principle, laid down by nature in the process spiritual development a person can be expressed by the phrase: “The soul must work.” Otherwise, its development can be suspended and degraded. My task is to help a child in the difficult process of spiritual formation. This is facilitated by a focused program spiritually - moral education. Adhering to it, I draw up an action plan in this area. Behind last years events were held: classes “The Magic Power of Good”, “We are all different” (tolerance), “Educate yourself”, the campaign “Hurry to do good”, conversations “My family is my wealth”, “Values, rights, responsibility”, etc. .R.

In my educational activities, I pay great attention to working with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the elderly and retired veterans of the school. In my work, I rely on the principle “Don’t be late with kindness.” From the 5th grade, my students were assigned Ivan Grigorievich Kulyanov, a WWII participant, Tamara Alekseevna Shlyapnikova, a school veteran, whom we help with housework, take care of their health, and don’t forget about them in holidays: Together we prepare gifts and impromptu concerts. Pensioners at the “Elderly Day” holiday expressed great gratitude to my students for the attentiveness and sensitivity shown to them.

Analyzing the educational work of the class team and the class teacher, we can conclude: there are positive results activities as a class teacher, the entire system of work is aimed at creating comradely care, at presenting each child with the opportunity to reveal their abilities, at teaching them to analyze phenomena and events, to have their own opinion about them and be able to defend it. So that every child goes to school with pleasure and joy.

Annex 1

2006-2007 academic year

Republican level

Republican VDPO competition

Kuzmin A., 11th grade.

3rd place in the region

(as part of a team)

Fifth Republican essay competition “A Veteran’s Story”

Garin N., 11th grade.

Letter of thanks

Republican competition creative works"Shrines of the Mordovian Land"

Kuzmin A., 11th grade.


Municipal level

Regional Olympiad in German

Garin N., 11th grade.

II place

Regional script competition on fire-fighting topics

Kuzmin A., 11th grade.


Republican competition of poems and ditties “Vote, Russia - prosper, country!”

Kuzmin A., 11th grade.

1st place, publication in the collection

Regional Olympiad in Russian language

Shcherbakova N., 11th class.


2007 – 2008 academic year

All-Russian level

All-Russian competition "Russian Bear Cub-2007"

Zemtsov A.

74 b.

Zemtsov A.

105 b.

(8th place in the region)

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

250 b.

Republican level

Zonal hockey competitions for the Golden Puck club prize

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

1st place

Junior 60m running competition age group DL SOK NP SKO Profturgaz

Kashurkin I.

1st place

Municipal level

Regional mini-football competitions

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.


Regional competition "Children's companies"

Medvedev A.

(as part of a team)

1st place - nomination “Pantomime”,

1st place - nomination "Circus skit"

Regional drawing competition “Guys about animals.”

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

District New Year's toy competition for the prize of the Head of the District

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

III place

District competition children's creativity on fire safety topics

Zemtsov A.


2008-2009 academic year

All-Russian level

All-Russian competition "Teddy Bear-2008"

Zemtsov A.

100 b.

(1 place in the region)

All-Russian competition "Mathematical Championship"

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

86 points (1st place region)

76 b. (2nd place region)

All-Russian competition "Kangaroo"

Kirdyashkin E.

Zemtsov A.

91 b. (3rd place district)

106 b. (1st place region)

All-Russian competition "Golden Fleece"

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Republican level

Republican competitions of young hockey players of the Golden Puck Club named after A.V. Tarasov among the middle age group in the 2008-2009 season.

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

(as part of a team)

Republican zonal competitions of young hockey players of the Golden Puck Club named after A.V. Tarasov among the middle age group in the 2008-2009 season.

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

1st place

(as part of a team)

Republican competition among students secondary schools municipal districts and the urban district of Saransk of the Republic of Mordovia on better job on questions voting rights and the electoral process "Conference 2008"

Zemtsov A.

Best job in the area

Tournament dedicated to the Year of Youth (Yelniki)

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

I place (as part of the team) best player

Municipal level

District New Year's ice hockey tournament among secondary schools of the Krasnoslobodsky municipal district

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

Best goalkeeper

1st place

Regional mini-football competitions among secondary schools (within the framework of the all-Russian project “Mini-football to school”) in the younger age group (born 1996 -1997)

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

II place

(as part of a team)

Regional qualifying competitions of the IV Winter Spartakiad of students of the Krasnoslobodsky district in short track speed skating at a distance of 200 m

Kashurkin I.


Regional competition "New Year's Toy"

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.



Regional competitions in checkers and chess

Zemtsov A.

II place (personal competition)

1st place (team)

Regional fire-fighting competition

Kashurkin I.


Republican team running competition for the prizes of the Head of Administration of the Krasnoslobodsky Municipal District

Kashurkin I.

II place (personal competition)

2009-2010 academic year

All-Russian level

All-Russian competition “Russian Bear Cub 2009”

Kashurkin I., 7th grade.

Zemtsov A., 7th class.

90 b. (1st place-district)

Zemtsov A., 7th class.

Kirdyashkin E., 7th class.

80 b. (3rd place-district)

All-Russian gaming competition"KIT-2009"

Zemtsov A., 7th class.

101 b. (1st place - district)

All-Russian game-competition in computer science and information technology"Infoznaika-2010"

Zemtsov A., 7th class.

90 b. (2nd place – district)

Zemtsov A. 7th grade.

89 b. (1st place-region)

Zemtsov A. 7th grade.


All-Russian competition "Golden Fleece"

Zemtsov A., 7th class.

162 b. (2nd place - district)

Republican level

Republican competition “Ecology. Children. Creation"

Kashurkin I., 7th grade.


Republican competition of young hockey players of the Golden Puck Club named after A.V. Tarasov among the middle age group

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.


RM Ice Hockey Championship

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

4th place

Republican competition “Fun Starts”



I'm running for V.D. Volkov's prizes

Kashurkin I. 7th grade.


With. Atyurievo 04/11/10

Kashurkin I., 7th grade.


Republican competitions in running 500, 1000, 2000 m. With. Atyurievo 04/18/10

Kashurkin I., 7th grade.


Republican running competitions for prizes from the head of the Elnikovsky district in

With. Elniki

Kashurkin I. 7th grade.


Republican intellectual and creative competition “The Fleet in the Destiny of Russia.” Nomination: research work.

Zemtsov A., 7th class.

winner of the absentee round

Zonal competitions for the prizes of the Golden Puck young hockey players club named after A.V. Tarasov (average age group 1995-1996)

Kirdyashkin E., Kashurkin I.,

Zemtsov A.

1st place

Republican competition "Military equipment of Victory"

Zemtsov A.


Municipal level

Regional boys' volleyball competitions at school №2

Kirdyashkin E.

Zemtsov A.

II place

Zemtsov A. 7th grade.


Regional Olympiad in History

Zemtsov A. 7th grade.


Regional mini-football competitions among boys 1995-1996.

Zemtsov A.

Kashurkin I.

Kirdyashkin E.

II place

2010 – 2011 academic year

All-Russian level

International competition "Underwater World": prose and poetry competition

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

II place

All-Russian game-competition “Golden Fleece”

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

153 b.

All-Russian gaming competition “Man and Nature”

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

All-Russian gaming competition "KIT-2010"

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

115 b. (1st place - district + region)

All-Russian mathematical game competition "Kangaroo"

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

95 b. (1st place - district)

All-Russian game-competition in computer science and information technology “Infoznayka-2011”

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

83 b. winner

Youth Math Championship

Zemtsov A. 8th grade.

111 b. (1st place-region)

All-Russian competition “Russian Bear Cub 2010”

Kashurkin I., 8th grade.

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

Kirdyashkin E., 8th grade.

73 b.
73 b.

Correspondence Mathematical Olympiad "Avangard"

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.


Republican level

Republican ice hockey competitions for the Championship of the Republic of Moldova

Kashurkin I., 8th grade.

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.

Kirdyashkin E., 8th grade.

II place

Republican competitions I'm running for the prizes of ZTR, ZRFK of the Republic of Mordovia I.I. Danin. With. Atyurievo

Kashurkin Igor


Republican competitions I'm running, dedicated to memory Director of the Youth Sports School,

Excellent student physical culture Russia

MM. Misharina. p. Torbeevo

Kashurkin Igor

III place

Republican competitions I'm running, dedicated to the memory of ZRFK RM, MS of Russia A.I. Bazarov Kovylkino

Kashurkin Igor


Republican competitions I'm running on

prizes of Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Moldova, Olympic Champion, ZMS of Russia P.G. Bolotnikov (district level)

Team place (COP cup) Krasnoslobodsk

Kashurkin Igor


III place

Municipal level

Regional checkers competitions


Zemtsov A., 8th grade.


III place

1st place

Regional chess competitions


Zemtsov A., 8th grade.


1st place

1st place

Regional short track competitions

Kirdyashkin E., 8th grade.

1st place

District scientific-practical conference in physics

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.


Regional Olympiad in Mathematics

Zemtsov A. 8th grade.


Regional Olympiad in Life Safety

Zemtsov A., 8th grade


Regional Olympiad in Physics

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.


Regional Olympiad in Chemistry

Zemtsov A., 8th grade.


Regional boys' volleyball competition


III place

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