How to learn the little chest fable in 10 minutes. Where to start memorizing


Remove all unnecessary things from your workplace and clean up general order in the room. Often, extraneous things can only do harm, since they will not allow you to properly concentrate on memorizing the text. Taking everything away irritating factors, you will be able to tune in mentally.

Place a book with a fable in front of you and read it very carefully from beginning to end three times. Do it out loud. As you read, you will need to complete two key tasks. First, take a pencil and underline keywords in the text, which form the basis of the content of the fable. For example, if we take Krylov’s work “The Crow and”, then it will contain the following “keys”: cheese, cheat, captivated, perched, breathing, eyes, etc.

Secondly, while familiarizing yourself with the content of the fable, try to imagine an image of what is happening in it. Build associative rows. These two methods will help capture the content of the fable as a single whole. Now read fable again, stopping at each line and memorizing the words (form, tense, etc.).

Write down this fable on a piece of A4 paper. This will allow you to integrate into the memorization process visual memory. Also speak out loud the lines you write down. Do not neglect this point, as it is very effective for quick memorization. To make things easier for yourself, break it down fable for 4 lines. Continuous text is much easier to master.

Now go directly to memorization. Teach fable only according to the version written by you personally. Read only the first line 3 times and repeat it out loud without looking at the sheet. After that, read lines 1 and 2 together and play them out loud. Then - 1, 2 and 3. Do the same with each quatrain until you have mastered the entire content of the fable.

Write small ones with those key words or lines that are very difficult to remember. Repeat fable at night and tell it a few more times in the morning. All these simple techniques will help you master it in the shortest possible time and present it in class perfectly.

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A fable is not just work of art, this is a poetic or prosaic moral teaching of a satirical nature. Much easier to remember than dry scientific text, having no rhythm and not containing literary images.


One of the most common ways to learn fable- mechanical repetition. It is effective if your memory is trained enough to quick memorization. You learn one line by reading and repeating it 3-4 times. Then the second one. After - the third. When semantic segment fables, collect all the lines together and repeat several times. For better memorization, connect and motor memory, writing fable from memory by hand.

Fables performed to music are well remembered. Even if the work of art has a non-poetry form, try to choose the appropriate motive of any famous song and sing it fable.

Children perceive and remember the content of the fable well visual images. Make drawings that illustrate, and using them, repeating the lines out loud, you can build a consistent chain of plot development. You can take a simpler route and purchase a book with ready-made illustrations accompanying lines from the fable.

To quickly grasp the meaning of a fable, it is sometimes not enough to repeat it many times and memorize it. Mechanical methods Memorization is not always effective. The fable needs to be explained. In this way, there will be no vague word forms with an unclear meaning, and therefore difficult to remember, and things will go faster. Explain to yourself (or your child if you are helping to learn fable him) every word. For example, a line from the fable by I.A. Krylova “Veshunina was made dizzy by praise” has next value: “sorcerer” is formed “to know”, sorceresses who predicted the future were called prophets. It is believed that she is capable of predicting fate, which is why in the fable the author calls her a soothsayer.

If necessary, repeat what you have learned fable during the day. Choose moments for this when you are good mood, predisposed to the perception of new things. Read by heart fable with an expression that is deliberately theatrical. Allow yourself pomposity and exaggeration. Such a game will only fix “naughty” lines in your head and “write them down” fable in your mind on for many years.

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The capabilities of the human brain are almost limitless, but rarely can anyone use them to their fullest. Memory stores huge amounts of information, but right moment doesn't always work perfectly. Therefore, people resort to certain techniques that help them remember large amounts of information as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You will need

  • Text of the work, voice recorder.


As with anything, memorizing text depends on the type of material you need to remember. If you teach work, then it is either a poem or prose. True, there is still drama, but that’s a separate conversation. Of course, it’s much easier to memorize poetic texts, because they also have rhythm. To begin, open the poem and read it several times, being sure to say it out loud. This way, you will use three types of memory at once: firstly, you see the text, secondly, you remember how to pronounce it, thirdly, you hear what you read. Perhaps after a few readings, some of the text will already fit into your head.

Start learning line by line. Remember the first one first, then begin to gradually connect with the second one. This is what it will look like using the example of M.Yu.’s poem. Lermontova: I go out alone onto the road; Through the fog the flinty path shines. The night is quiet. The desert listens to God, And star speaks to star. First, remember the line “I go out alone on the road.” To do this, say it several times and then repeat it without looking at the text. Same with the second line. Then combine the first and second - first read them together, then repeat both without looking at the text. Then connect the second to the third. Repeat the second and third together, and then the first, second and third together. This way you will gradually memorize the stanza. Learn the rest of the verses in the same way.

If studying using the proposed technology takes a long time and is difficult for you, perhaps you have a well-developed figurative memory. Try to connect the lines you teach with certain images. Imagine a deserted road, fog, a flint path that glitters, a quiet starry night. It is quite possible that this will help you remember.

Try rewriting the poem several times. Some people have better developed mechanical memory. By the way, if you think that you have already learned the poem, write it too, but without looking at the text - check yourself.

Perhaps the poem can be set to a melody that is familiar to you. Try to learn it like a song. You can also record it on a voice recorder and listen to it several times - this will help if you have better developed auditory memory.

If you need to learn prose text, then it must be divided into semantic parts. Or even not entirely meaningful. Read the text, and in those places where you intuitively want to stop, put dashes. It is from these pieces that you will learn.

Be sure to pronounce prosaic text with intonation. Simple memorization of text is effective, but not always. Try helping yourself with gestures.

Useful advice

Regardless of what text you studied, repeat it several more times the next day. It may seem that you already know the piece perfectly, but the next day it turns out that you forgot half of it.

Literature teachers quite often invite schoolchildren to compose a work of one genre or another. If the student listened carefully and learned the features of the fable, ode or ballad, he has a chance to cope with the task. But even those who missed the lesson can write a fable if they take into account a few rules.

“Larchik” is one of Krylov’s first original fables. Krylov's fable Chest tells the story of an experienced mechanic who tried unsuccessfully to open a casket. Despite the efforts of the master and the hints of the assembled spectators, the casket was never opened - it turned out that there was simply no lock in it.

Fable Chest read

It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you just have to guess
Just get down to business.

A Casket was brought to someone from the master.
The decoration and cleanliness of the Casket caught my eye;
Well, everyone admired the beautiful Casket.
Here a sage enters the mechanics room.
Looking at the Casket, he said: “A casket with a secret,
So; it doesn't even have a lock;
And I undertake to open it; yes, yes, I'm sure of it;
Don't laugh so secretly!
I will find the secret and I will reveal the little chest to you:
In mechanics, I’m also worth something.”
So he set to work on the Casket:
Turns him from all sides
And he breaks his head;
First a carnation, then another, then a bracket.
Here, looking at him, another
Shakes his head;
They whisper, and they laugh among themselves.
The only thing that rings in my ears is:
"Not here, not like that, not there!" The mechanic is even more eager.
Sweated, sweated; but finally got tired
I fell behind Chest
And I couldn’t figure out how to open it:
And the casket simply opened.

Moral of the fable Larchik

It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you just have to guess
Just get down to business.

Fable Larchik - analysis

“The Casket” is a landmark work for the great fabulist. The analysis of Krylov's fable Casket usually begins from the end, with the phrase “And the casket just opened.” With these words, Krylov says that you should not complicate the tasks too much without trying to solve them in the simplest way.

But in in this context The long efforts of an experienced master and the absurd hints of the public are also of no small importance. This is the personification of attempts to understand Krylov himself. The writer claims that there is no need to carefully select the key to his fables - most often, it lies right on the surface!

There is another way to read this work. The writer never gave the reader a concrete understanding of how exactly the casket was opened? From this follows another moral of Krylov’s fable. Larchik is the only the right decision not a single problem has, each case requires a special approach. The reader must understand for himself whether the chest really did not have a lock, or whether the mechanic simply could not find it.

The fable “Larchik” by Krylov will tell little listeners how a mechanic tried to find complexity where there was none.

Read the text of the fable:

It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you just have to guess
Just get down to business.

A Casket was brought to someone from the master.
The decoration and cleanliness of the Casket caught my eye;
Well, everyone admired the beautiful Casket.
Here a sage enters the mechanics room.
Looking at the Casket, he said: “A casket with a secret,
So; it doesn't even have a lock;
And I undertake to open it; yes, yes, I'm sure of it;
Don't laugh so secretly!
I will find the secret and I will reveal the little chest to you:
In mechanics, I’m also worth something."
So he set to work on the Casket:
Turns him from all sides
And he breaks his head;
First a carnation, then another, then a bracket.
Here, looking at him, another
Shakes his head;
They whisper, and they laugh among themselves.
The only thing that rings in my ears is:
\"Not here, not like that, not there!\" The mechanic is even more eager.
Sweated, sweated; but finally got tired
I fell behind Chest
And I couldn’t figure out how to open it:
And the casket simply opened.

Moral of Larchik's fable:

The moral of the fable is that you should not look for difficulties and hidden meanings where they are not and cannot be. Often, like this master, people try to come up with their own facts for any situation. But in this way they only complicate what is actually simple and understandable. Certainly, main character fables - a mechanic - was an experienced craftsman. However, he was not smart enough to understand: there was nothing complicated in this casket. The fabulist teaches what to look for secret meaning in such cases it simply means making life more difficult for yourself and others.

How to quickly learn a fable? This problem often arises for students who have been assigned a work by Krylov for homework. If long text Well, it doesn’t want to be stored in memory, you can speed up the process by resorting to certain techniques. “Wagon Train”, “Quartet”, “Monkey and Glasses” - any story of a famous writer, with the right approach, is remembered in a matter of minutes.

How to quickly learn a fable: preparation

The success of the event directly depends on the environment, inner mood schoolboy. How to quickly learn a fable if extraneous sounds constantly interfere? It is worth choosing a quiet place to study, where there are no distractions. It is also welcome to restore order in the work area, which helps to get rid of chaos in thoughts.

You should also be mentally and physically prepared to study the text. The most effective way to do light exercises before completing the lesson is to jog for a few minutes. Simple exercises will help activate cerebral circulation, which will have a positive effect on memory.

Where to start memorizing

How to quickly learn Krylov's fable, no matter how voluminous it may be? The process begins with careful reading. the right story. Sentences must be spoken out loud and read with expression. It is also advisable to use a pencil, marking the most important points material. You must read the work at least three times.

How to quickly learn a fable if not all the words in the text are clear. It is definitely worth clarifying the meaning of all unclear terms used by the writer. A dictionary will help you cope with this. This will help ensure that the person will not “stumble” when reading and further retelling the story.

Let's use our imagination

How to quickly learn a fable without forgetting its content the next day? are famous for their vivid images that are easy to conjure up in your head. The more clearly a student can imagine a picture of what is happening, the better he will remember the material. Be sure to take turns imagining the main characters of the fable, their appearance, manner of communication.

The effect will be enhanced if you conjure up not only the picture of the story itself. For example, if we're talking about about the work “The Crow and the Fox,” one can imagine the sounds and smells of the forest, the crackling of the branches on which the crow is located. This will make the images more vivid, which will speed up the learning of words.

Association games are also encouraged. You can think about what or who this or that character or object reminds you of.

Using motor memory

How to quickly learn the fable “Oboz” and fix in memory any other work of Krylov? If you have difficulty remembering, it is useful to rewrite complex material on a piece of paper. When transferring text to paper, it is recommended to speak the sentences out loud. This will allow you to achieve maximum results.

If we are talking about a long fable, it is best to learn it by breaking the work into parts. This will help “simplify” the material, making it easier to remember it with psychological point vision. If the first rewrite does not produce tangible results, you can repeat the procedure one or even two more times. By the way, such exercises are also useful for developing literacy.

We use a voice recorder

If a student has the best developed auditory memory, it is definitely worth taking advantage of this. It would be great if you can find an audio version of Krylov’s fable, which is read, for example, by theater artists. Alternative option, even more effective from the point of view of memorizing text, is the use of a voice recorder.

When speaking text into a recording device, you need to pronounce words and phrases clearly, worry about correct intonation, tell a story with expression. Before recording, you need to familiarize yourself with the work several times, understand all the expressions used by the author. You can start working only when directly reading the material does not cause absolutely any difficulties, the student does not “stumble.”

How can you quickly learn a fable if the method proposed above seems overly complicated and time-consuming? You can ask relatives or friends to read the text out loud several times. This method also forces the auditory memory to connect.

What else can you do

If all methods have been tried, and the fable is remembered for too long, you can switch to the most creative methods. For example, imagine that we are not talking about Krylov’s work, but about popular song. By singing lines of material out loud, a person remembers them better. The melody can be absolutely anything, it does not affect the final result.

The right time to study is the last thing you should think about before studying. It’s great if you have the opportunity to learn Krylov’s fable just before bed. Research has confirmed that this approach helps better memorization complex text, since information is “sorted out” during sleep.

Not only in school you need to learn poems by heart short terms. Paying tribute to the fashion of education, people in everyday life show their erudition, the ability to recite poems, fables, and passages of prose that are appropriate to the situation literary heritage famous writers. How to quickly learn the text you like?

To quickly memorize information, you will need to tune in to the right mood. Try to put the room in order. Because things that are out of place can distract attention. Ventilate the room. Turn off your computer, tape recorder and TV. Read the text you want to memorize several times. Read carefully, imagining the detailed images that the author put into each line. Mentally highlight the key words of the text, make associative series. For example, if you need to learn Ivan Krylov’s fable “The Swan, Crayfish and Pike,” then the “keys” will be: comrades, in harmony, flour, swan, crayfish, pike, etc.

Prepare in advance blank slate paper and pen. With their help you use visual and mechanical memory. Read the first line of the fable 3 times, then say it out loud and write it on a sheet of paper. Then read the first and second lines several times and also, while saying them, write down the second line and so on. Break the fable into quatrains. Short passages will be easier for you to pronounce and remember.

Memorize the fable from the text you wrote in your own hand. Say the words out loud with intonation. Easy method studying poetic works is singing. Put the words of the fable you are learning to any simple motive. Advanced youth practice a fashionable style of music - rap. Recitative highlighting the main words will not just become a way to memorize a fable, but an interesting entertainment. Before going to bed, repeat the piece you are learning. At night human brain rethinks all the knowledge acquired during the day in a calm rhythm. And if you repeat the poem the next morning, it will definitely bounce off your teeth no matter where you recite it.

The main thing to quickly remember information is to constantly train your memory. You will develop it if you do everything for pleasure. Do not treat the task of memorization as hard labor, otherwise the process will truly become hateful for you. Simple tips on memory development can be found.

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