Common and non-common appeals, use of appeals. Lesson plan for a lesson in the Russian language (grade 5) on the topic: Appeal - a semantic segment, its characteristics

Appeals can be common or uncommon. The simplest type of distribution: adjective + address.
For example, why is it foggy, the clear dawn?
Difficulties in studying the topic “Conversion”:
  1. Common addresses can be quite lengthy, their characteristic quality becoming the content of the sentence. Appeals can be distributed: a) common definitions; b) subordinate clauses.
For example, you, gray from the ashes of burned villages,
Hanging the shadow of his wings over life!
You, who waited for us to crawl on our knees,
Not horror, but you awakened rage in us (Tvardovsky)
  1. Common calls may be cut.
N-r, Otkole, smart one, are you delusional, head?
  1. IN colloquial speech Uncontrolled prepositional case forms of nouns or their equivalents can be used as addresses.
N-r, S higher education, step forward! Hey there, in the boat, don't get under the wheels!
Addresses are used primarily in dialogue; the main sphere of their functioning is artistic style. Widely used in oratorical speech, slogans, calls, orders, announcements.
The appeal is that official form, with which every business or personal letter begins, i.e. address is often perceived as an obligatory and at the same time clichéd expression, like a cliche of speech.
Appeal can be a figure of poetic syntax. Particular expressiveness is given to speech by addressing inanimate objects.
N-r, itch, shoulder, swing, arm.
Oh Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin.
And let me have a lot to blame.
Let it increase a hundredfold.
My fault is human anger.
Such appeals are metaphorical and have an expressive and evaluative meaning.
In colloquial speech there are special forms requests. This is the so-called truncated nominative noun, usually a proper name (Nady, Mash).

Russian language lesson in 5th grade.

Conducted by a teacher of Russian language and literature of the 1st qualification category Nikolaeva O.A.

Subject: Appeal – semantic segment, its signs. Common and uncommon appeals (with presentation).

Lesson type. A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Goals as student activities:

L: to create the need to preserve the culture of Russian speech and expression respectful attitude to people through language.

M/n: use different types of reading (selective, introductory, studying) and listening, analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

LR: find references in a sentence, establish differences between the reference and the subject, graphically indicate the reference.

LR: identify appeals by ear and find them in writing(in literary and conversational style), correctly intonate sentences with addresses, use them in your own speech and follow the culture of speech.

Lesson progress:

1.Organizing moment . Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson. Identification of missing persons.

2. Random check of homework.

Students ask each other questions about homework.

(topic: homogeneous members offers).

Are the homogeneous members of the sentence semantic segment?


3.Introduction to the topic:

Today we will get acquainted with a new semantic segment as part of a simple sentence.

Which one? This remains to be seen.

Slide 2. (questions on the slide).

Does the word stand out? magician when pronounced with intonation?

See if the punctuation mark stands out?

Discuss in pairs and name the topic of our lesson.

Slide 3 .(questions on the slide)

Compare your guesses with the text in the box on p. 139, read paragraphs 1 and 2.

4.Discovery of new knowledge:

Slide 4. (work in pairs)

Exercise 258. Let's observe appeals in colloquial speech and everyday situations.

Imagine a dialogue between students, adults and students.

Students find out that they use names, names and patronymic, last name, if they are addressing one person, and common names -children, students, students, if they are addressing several individuals or a group of people.

Ex. 259 – let’s observe appeals in a literary text.

Read the texts expressively and write the appeals in your notebook.

(cottage, hospital, school)

Which of them name a person, and which objects are addressed with speech?

What can be concluded?

(requests can be words-names people and inanimate objects).

– observation of the way of expressing the address, identifying differences between the address and the subject, which have similar forms I.p.

As material for comparison, we turn to the proposal that was considered at the introduction stage.

Slide 5. (questions on the slide).

Slide 6. (questions on the slide).

The magician in sentence 2 is the subject, because you can ask a question to him or from him.

How does the subject differ from the address?

(They have different meanings.)

Will the appeal be part of the sentence? (No).

How can this be checked? (You cannot ask a question about a request.)

Reading and analyzing the text in the frame.

– What new information did you receive about the appeal?

(A semantic segment can be common and non-common.)

– Do you understand everything?

– Give an example of a common and non-common appeal.

– What is the name of intonation when addressing? Why is it called that?

– How many parts are there in the text of the definition?

– Write it down keywords(combinations) of each part.

Provide information about the semantic segment - appeal in the form of a diagram - and make a support diagram to differentiate between subject and address in a sentence.

5. Development of educational language and speech skills. (work in rows).

Find appeals in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin

How should they stand out? (intonation, signs).

Which ones are common?

Presentation slides for fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

6. Lesson summary.

Slide 7. Rhyming.

What was the most interesting thing about the lesson?

What difficulties did you encounter?

What prevented you from completing tasks?

What needs to be done to avoid mistakes in the future?

How do you evaluate your work?

7. Homework.

- find and write out requests from notifications stnyh va m fables by I.A. Krylov.


To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:


Language warm-up Car driver driver Oak fruit acorn Folding headdress, hood sewn to the collar of outerwear Quiet speech in which sounds are pronounced without participation vocal cords. whisper A dull quiet sound from the slight contact of something with something rustle The place where sewn pieces of fabric are joined seam Road with hard surface highway Professional horse racing rider, jockey Simaltinius Round Table. Find a pair using take-off - touch down.

BLINDS Compare your answers with the dictionary: 1. Curtains or shutters made of rigid transverse, parallel plates. Were your assumptions correct? Write this word down in your notebook and put the stress on it. Which syllable does the stress fall on? Come up with some association with this word Beautiful blinds. New blinds. Fink – Wright – Round Robin

Road. Just think how many meanings the word road has. The highway is called a road, And the path that runs alongside, And the road that lies on the plain, And the caravan path in the desert... Just think how many meanings the word road has. (V. Austen “The Road”.)

Songbird of the passerine order Identify lexical meanings words: lark frost Check yourself. Draw a conclusion: which words are called polysemantic and which are called unambiguous. Compare your definition with the text in the textbook and draw up a diagram “Unambiguous and ambiguous words" Let's remember what we know The man who gets up early in the morning Butter bun in the shape of a bird Thin layer ice crystals formed as a result of evaporation on a cooling surface single-valued multi-valued LZ LZ LZ LZ …… Hey AR Guide

Sharp Bitter 2. Star Bump Change Start (knife, nose, mind, joke, smell, eye, tongue, corner, pain) (taste, share, truth, tears) (celestial, screen, five-pointed) (coniferous, on the forehead, on end of the subject, important) (in life, after lessons) (kitten, motor, new orders, somewhere) Round Table.

Golden autumn Compare these phrases. Which meaning will be primary (direct), and which will be secondary (figurative)? Determine the problem of the Golden Ring lesson. Formulate the lesson problem. Check your assumptions How to determine direct and figurative meanings? How are they different?

golden lark run

color Is there a connection between the concept of ambiguous words and figurative meaning? lark (bird) What meanings of these words will be primary, i.e. straight? run (about a person) Let's summarize the observations golden (ring) golden (ring) golden (autumn) golden (hands) lark (person) run (about time) sensation action quality Conclusion: Many polysemantic words have figurative meanings Direct meaning- the primary, basic meaning of the word. A figurative meaning arises in a word if there are similarities between objects (phenomena).

Atmosphere - s, g. 1. Gaseous envelope, surrounding the Earth, some other planets, the Sun and stars. (Earth’s atmosphere. solar atmosphere). 2. transfer Ambient conditions, setting. (Comradely atmosphere. Atmosphere of trust. In an atmosphere of friendship). 3. Unit of pressure (atmospheric pressure).

gold ring golden hands golden frame hard days heavy bag heavy grief bitter pill bitter thoughts bitter coffee sea worries mom worries “the yellowing cornfield is worried” Jot Tots

Test yourself 1. Any word can have a literal and figurative meaning. 2. A figurative meaning arises in a word based on the similarity between objects (phenomena). 3. straight (look), steel (voice) - this is a figurative meaning 4. Ran away (about milk), sweet (sleep), warm (words) - these are the direct meanings of the word. 5. Direct meaning in explanatory dictionary presented first. 1. Any word can have a direct and figurative meaning. 2. A figurative meaning arises in a word based on the similarity between objects (phenomena). 3. straight (look), steel (voice) - this is a figurative meaning 4. Ran away (about milk), sweet (sleep), warm (words) - these are the direct meanings of the word. 5. The direct meaning in the explanatory dictionary is presented first. Reflection Choose the correct statements (write down the numbers in your notebooks). 2,3, 5

Homework. Present the rules on the topic studied in the form of diagrams and tables. (pp.28-29) . 2. Exercise No. 462.

Purpose of the lesson: Purpose of the lesson: 1. Systematize and generalize knowledge about conversion. 2. Introduce ways of expressing appeals, rules for highlighting appeals in oral speech(vocal intonation) and in writing ( excretory marks punctuation). 3. Find an appeal in a sentence, use it taking into account the speech situation.

Write down the sentences. Specify requests. What are they, common or uncommon? Give me your hand, Delvig, why are you sleeping? Wake up, sleepy sloth! Goodbye love letter! Farewell: she said... Oh, you, foolish old groom, will you, old man, solve the riddle?

ADDRESSEE OF THE SPEECH: surname, first name, patronymic of the person surname, first name, patronymic of the person name of the person by occupation, age, gender, position held, place of residence, nationality, family and other relationships name of the person by occupation, age, gender, position, place of residence, nationality, family and other relationships name of the animal name of the animal inanimate objects inanimate objects

Homework. Selective task: 1. Observe how teachers working in your class address students. Make a conclusion: when do teachers address you by your first name, and in what cases – by your last name? Write down your conclusions. 2. From the works of A.S. Pushkin or N.V. Gogol write out 5-7 sentences with appeals. For what purpose are these references used in the text?

Lesson type: lesson-research of scientific, informational and artistic text.

Lesson location: first lesson on the topic “Conversion”

  1. partially search;
  2. practical

Types of work:

  1. reflection;
  2. commented letter;
  3. partial linguistic analysis text

Types of speech activity:

  1. presenter - letter;
  2. study of the language of the story;
  3. creating your own text using emotionally charged appeals (stylization)

Lesson Objectives

  1. Update background knowledge about appeal.
  2. Studying § 28 of the textbook “Proposal with Appeals”, identifying what is already known in it, expanding and generalizing knowledge on the topic “Appeal”.
  3. Identify the structural features of the semantic purpose of addresses and emotional coloring, to explore the functions of address, which manifest themselves, on the one hand, in the formation of the text, and on the other hand, in the expression of the author’s attitude towards the characters of his work.
  4. Identify the most striking textual functions of appeals in the story “Taras Bulba”.
  1. Develop critical thinking through reading informational and literary texts.
  2. Develop logical thinking, linguistic flair, ability to sense beauty poetic language Gogol.
  3. Develop interest in various forms research activities.

III. To develop students' ability to lead educational dialogue, respect the opponent’s opinion; maintain a spirit of tolerance by accepting other points of view.

  1. textbook M.M. Razumovskaya, 8th grade;
  2. story by N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”;
  3. portrait of N.V. Gogol;
  4. table.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Preparation for active and conscious assimilation material

Individual task (expressive reading)

N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”, chapter 12

Describe Taras's speech.

What kind of person says these words? What can we say about him?

A caring person who cares for a just cause.

What makes a speech bright and memorable?

Unusual treatment.

What is an appeal? What do we know about this syntactic unit from the 5th - 7th grade course?

Appeal is a word or combination that denotes who or what the speech is addressed to. The role of address in speech: vocative, evaluative, figurative.

The address is not a part of the sentence - it is its main grammatical feature.

The address is separated by commas if they are at the beginning or end of the sentence, and separated by commas on both sides if they are in the middle of the sentence.

The address can be pronounced with exclamatory intonation. In this case, it is followed by exclamation mark, and the word following the exclamation mark is capitalized.

The particle “O” in sentences with an address does not stand out in any way. The exception is the particle that carries the meaning of the interjection “ah”.

There is no comma between two addresses connected by a non-repeating conjunction.

III. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

IV. New material

1. Analytical work with suggestions

Come on, gentlemen and brothers, sit down wherever you feel best, at the table.

Be healthy sons: both you Ostap and you Andriy!

Good son, by God, good!

“Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, Dad,” the eldest of them finally said.

Stop, stop howling, old woman!

Don't stare, damn son! Accept the honor of a dog when they give it to you!

Clear noble gentlemen Just let me say one word!

Great sir, noble sir! I also knew your late brother Dorosh!

Consider the structure of sentences, arrange necessary signs punctuation, put forward hypotheses about the functions of addresses in the text.

2. Working with the textbook.

§ 28, pp. 117 – 118.

Read § 28, make a diagram “The role of addresses in speech” in your notebook for the rules.

Which addresses that you have worked with in proposals have an unusual form? Why do you think she is like this?

Features of the language of Gogol's story.

U. Any theory is tested by practice.

3. Individual task. Linguistic research “Address in the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". (Emotionally charged, mostly undistributed, appeals in the form vocative case.)

Individual task.“Functions of the nominative and vocative case. Use as appeals.”

4. Teamwork. Linguistic task. (Taras’s speech to the Cossacks (chapter 8) and address to the Cossacks during the battle (chapter 12.).( Appendix 2)

Swipe linguistic experiment, select appeals missed in the text. Now compare it with the author’s version. (!!! See D!!!) What did the text acquire?

What other appeals to the Cossacks does Gogol use in his story?

Panov, brothers, gentlemen-brothers, children, Panov-brother, Pan-brother.

How does the choice of addresses help to understand the relationship between the Cossacks? How does a selection of these appeals help us understand Gogol’s attitude towards his heroes?


U. We have put forward a hypothesis about the function of circulation in the text. However, conclusions cannot be drawn from the results of one experiment. Therefore, we will conduct a linguistic study of two more excerpts from the story.

5. Linguistic research.(Cm. Application)

Chapter 6. Andriy’s meeting with a Polish girl in a besieged city (the appeals help to understand Andriy’s attitude towards the girl, reflect emotional state Polish women). Chapter 11. Execution of Ostap (appeals in the form of the vocative case are used; vocative - from the verb call, call upon a loved one; addresses in the form of the vocative case most fully reflect the state of the heroes: in difficult times name is someone who can help and support).

6. The teacher's word.

Each line of the story “Taras Bulba” preserves a piece of the writer’s soul, the generosity of his feelings. Images of his heroes - Cossacks Zaporozhye Sich and their Polish opponents are not only clearly visible, but also emotionally charged. The very choice of words to describe this or that character indicates that in the story everyone is given their own, special assessment. Appeals help to show how the hero relates to others, that is, they characterize him.

7. Reflection (based on the table and § 28 of the textbook) - conversation with the class, filling out the information field.

How much of what was discussed in the lesson about conversion were you already familiar with?

What new information did you gain by working with § 28 of the textbook and analyzing excerpts from Gogol’s story?

What questions remain unresolved?

8. Stylization (preparation for homework).

Create a journalistic speech about friendship, harmony, love for home country using appeals in the style of N.V. Gogol.

V. Lesson summary. Ratings.

P.S. Objectives of the second lesson

Russian language lesson No. 71

Grade: 8 Date: “______” ________________

Subject Appeal. Undistributed and widespread appeals.

Target: develop students' discrimination skills different types requests through pair and group work.

Learning outcome:

1. Students know the types of addresses, ways of expressing them, conditions for placing punctuation marks, explain and designate them.

2. Students are able to defend their point of view orally and in writing, give reasons for their judgment, and think logically.

3. Students improve communication skills(oral and written monologue speech)

Key Concepts: address, non-common and common appeals, ways of expressing appeals.

Evaluation criteria


I know the reversal function;

I know how an appeal can be expressed;

I know the types of appeals;

I know the conditions for placing punctuation marks when addressing


I can find appeal in sentences;

I can correctly identify ways of expressing an address;

I can distinguish between types of appeals;

I can distinguish addresses from subjects;

I know how to use punctuation marks correctly when addressing someone;


I can create my own speech utterance with appeal;

I know how to evaluate my work and the work of my comrades according to criteria.

Resources: interactive whiteboard, presentation, route sheet, information text, handout(6 hats), assessment sheets.

Lesson progress


Lesson steps


Teacher activities

Student activity

Organizational forms

Modules used



Friendly attitude at work

Friendly atmosphere in class




Encouragement to work with new information, awakening interest in the topic.

Exercise: carefully consider the sentences (no punctuation marks are placed), divide them into two groups. Name common feature one of the groups of sentences, invariably accompanied by punctuation, and formulate the topic of the lesson.

    My friend, let us dedicate our souls to the Motherland with wonderful impulses!

    A rash of bird cherry snow.

    Bird cherry trees are scattering snow, greenery in bloom and dew.

    My friend tried to collect the pieces of a broken vase.

Group, find a common feature of one of the groups of sentences.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Work in MG

Dialogue conversation

ICT Slide 1-2

4- 5

Goal setting

Based on the topic of the lesson and taking into account that in to a certain extent You are already familiar with the appeal, formulate the purpose of the lesson.

Make up goals and speak them to the class

(repeat, study, learn, improve, develop, be able to, use )

ICT Slide 3


To work with a new concept, we will divide into groups (technique geometric shapes)

You have been given a task. Read and follow it carefully. You will present the result of your work on a poster.

Task for group work (getting stage new information) Application.

They are distributed into groups, assign roles in the group, read the task.

Frontally, then in groups

T&O consultants


Understanding the content

Obtaining new information on a topic.

Walks through groups, exercising control and offering dosed assistance

They complete the task, distributing roles in the group, and prepare a poster.

Group work.

Management and leadership.


Self-regulated learning (self-direction while working on tasks).

18 - 19

Bottom line

Analysis of working with information

What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task?

They answer the question.


New approaches to teaching: dialogic conversation.

19- 25

Understanding the content

Statement of the problem

Nominate speakers - representatives.


Formative assessment Management and leadership

Interpretation of the information received

I approach the groups, listening to the students' speeches

They listen to the speaker and ask him questions.

Group work

Dialogue training


Nonverbal assessment



Discussion of the results of the groups' work

Identifying and correcting gaps

Reply to test questions strategy MOUNTAIN CLIMBING

1st group:

1.What is the purpose of the appeal?

2. With what intonation are addresses pronounced?

3. What case form are addresses expressed in?

4. How to distinguish the address from the subject?

5. How to distinguish an uncommon message from a widespread one?

Group 2:

1.Name the ways of expressing appeals.

2. What part of the sentence is the appeal?

3. List the types of appeals by composition.

4. How can ordinary appeals be distinguished from rhetorical ones?

5. How are addresses distinguished depending on their location and intonation?

Answer security questions

climbing the mountain


Dialogue training


ICTSlide 4


30- 43

Reinforcing the concept

Level B assignment:

Level C assignment:

Moving to new groups by shape color

Work according to the route sheet

Task 1. Write down the numbers of those sentences, group 1 - in which there are appeals, group 2 - in which there are no appeals.

1) Grow white birch trees more cheerfully. 2) The earth is noisy, free with the branches of poplars. 3) Let the bell sleep peacefully in our school until the fall. 4) Hello sun, hello forest

Task 2. 1 group - Rearrange the sentences so that the subjects become addresses. Determine ways to express appeal. Place punctuation marks.

1. The wind will sing to us about wild mountains.

2. Persistent achieves goals.

3. Grandma tells a bedtime story.

Group 2 – Determine ways of expressing appeals. Rearrange the sentences so that the references become subjects.

1. Vacationers, let's go to the river.

2. Honey, buy me a book.

3. Petya, first learn your lessons, and then go for a walk.

Task 3. Group 1 – Copy, distribute appeals, place punctuation marks.

1) Pyotr Andreevich, take us to the square. 2).Wash us warm moisture rain.

Group 2 – Copy, replace common addresses with uncommon ones, add punctuation marks.

1).Sleep, my dear. 2) Solve my riddle, old groom.

Task 4 . Rate What appeals are most often used in your speech? What does this depend on? Give examples of sentences with appeals that you have to use in different situations within one day. Watch yourself: what attitude do you express towards the interlocutor in the selection of addresses?

(Compare: mom, mommy, mommy, mummy; Anatoly Alekseevich, Anatoly, Tolya, Tolik, Tolechka.)

They are moving

Write out, argue. Check by key.

define, rearrange, place punctuation marks.

They give reasons.

Check by key.

Distributed, replaced. They give reasons.

Check by key.

Create their own speech utterance with an appeal;

Work in groups.

Work in groups.

Individually, then in a group. One speaks from the group.

New approaches to organizing training.

Age characteristics. ICT (keys)

Slides 5,6,7



New approaches to organizing training


New approaches to organizing training




43- 44


Analysis, creative processing, interpretation of studied information.

Cinquain (2 people)

2 adjectives to describe

3 verbs to explain purpose

4 words - sentence to describe everyday use

general concept

6 hats

1.Red Hat.

What feelings arose during the lesson?

2.Yellow Hat.

Why is this topic worth studying?

3.Black Hat.

What shortcomings do you see in the lesson on this topic?

4.Green Hat.

What suggestions do you have?

5.White Hat.

What information do we need to further work on this topic

6.Blue Hat.

What have we achieved in the lesson? What needs to be done next?

Write to workbook

Individual work.


Management and Leadership

ICT Slides 8, 9

Nonverbal assessment


Organizational moment

End of the lesson

Thank you for your work. Please hand in your assessment sheets

Handing in assessment sheets



A: repeat the theory in paragraph 43. ex. 535 (distribution by numbers)

Q: write out 6 sentences from the comedy “The Inspector General” with appeals different in composition and location.

WITH:Compose a test with multi-level questions on the topic “Appeal” (8 – 10 questions)

Age characteristics.

ICT Slide 10

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