Kerry Stephen King download fb2 full version. Carrie

Feb 24, 2017

Carrie Stephen King

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Title: Carrie

About the book "Carrie" by Stephen King

Stephen King is one of the most popular modern writers, which simultaneously successfully works in several literary genres. His books have been translated into many languages, their total circulation worldwide has exceeded three hundred million copies. Many of his works became the basis for feature films. The writer has already published more than fifty novels and two hundred stories during his career. Stephen King is one of the most productive writers of our time. Absolutely everyone who has not done so before should read his books.

The novel “Carrie” is the writer’s first work for which he received a fee. It was published in 1974 and has been reprinted several times since then. It can easily be classified as a “mystical thriller”.

The plot centers on schoolgirl Carrie White, who, during her first menstruation, suddenly discovers her ability to telekinesis. She is not herself popular girl at school. Many of her classmates openly despise her. Now Carrie has a great opportunity to take revenge on all her offenders.

The book Carrie is based on very famous fairy tale about Cinderella. But this is only the surface layer of the story. After all, the novel is based on the theme of religious fanaticism and incredible youthful cruelty.

Immediately after the release of the novel “Carrie,” critics greeted it rather coolly, accusing the author of insufficient artistic persuasiveness. But the book was popular among readers, especially after the release of the first cinematic adaptation in 1976. This success allowed King to fully concentrate on his writing work, with virtually no distractions from other activities.

The main events in the novel take place in the spring of 1979. Carrie begins to menstruate, but since the girl lives with a very religious mother who literally despises all manifestations of human bodily life, she does not even understand what is happening to her. All her classmates laugh at her. The teacher saves the girl and helps her cope with the problem that has arisen. After this, Carrie goes home, and on the way she discovers in herself supernatural abilities. The next day, the management threatens all girls with a ban on participating in the prom. They decide to take revenge on Carrie, as they consider her to be to blame for everything that happened. But will they be able to carry out their plan? In his book Carrie, Stephen King will answer this and many other questions. Read this work Worth it for all those who want to tickle their nerves.

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Quotes from the book "Carrie" by Stephen King

When something important happens in America, someone always wants to cover everything with gold leaf and decorate it with ribbons. So that you can forget.

People don't get better - only smarter. They do not stop tearing off the wings of flies, but only come up with much more convincing excuses for themselves.

Christ looks from the wall -
Cold as stone, distant.
Christ loves me, she says.
But why do I feel so lonely?

“I don’t want to quarrel with you, mom,” Carrie said in a broken voice and could hardly force herself to continue. - But I want you not to interfere with me living my life. Yours...I don't like yours.

Her soul knew peace, as if it had been straightened and ironed.

The Lord punishes you with acne so that you remain chaste.

The root of evil is always blood, and only blood can bring redemption.

The punishment must fit the crime.

And children, as you know, do not know what they are doing. Children don't even realize that they are hurting someone. They have no compassion. Understand?

It doesn't surprise a lot of people - mostly men - that I asked Tommy to ask Carrie to the prom. They are surprised, however, that he agreed - obviously, men for the most part are not inclined to expect manifestations of altruism from their gender.

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"Carrie" is a mystical book by Stephen King. Initially, the book did not receive recognition, and the author himself initially threw the first pages into the trash. His wife managed to persuade him to finish the novel. Only after some time did the novel become famous, although reviews of it continue to be controversial.

Carriet, a young sixteen-year-old girl, is forced to endure constant humiliation. Her mother is oppressive and religious to an extreme degree, for this reason Carrie is constantly mocked at school. The bullying continues at home.

When Carriet was 3 years old, she developed telekinetic abilities. Later this did not appear. The girl started her period after a lesson at school. Her mother never warned her about this, so Carrie was wildly frightened and could not understand what had happened to her. Her classmates began to mock, laugh and throw tampons at her. The mother calls her daughter a sinner, locks her in a closet and forces her to pray.

The next day, the students who bullied Carrie are reprimanded. One of the girls, Sue, is ashamed and persuades her friend to invite Carriet to the ball. But the second girl decides to take revenge by persuading everyone to vote for her. For the first time, downtrodden girl Carrie begins to experience something similar to happiness... But when she is chosen as the winner, a bucket of blood is poured on top of her. The whole hall laughs. She runs out into the street to come to her senses, very angry. With the power of thought, she closes all the exits in the hall, blowing up everything in her path.

Arriving home, she sees that her mother wants to kill her. After all, she believes that Carriet is a product of sin, and plunges a knife into her shoulder. Carrie makes her heart stop and goes to take revenge on the main perpetrators of her shame, bleeding.

Stephen King's book, although written in a mystical style, makes you think about what mistreatment of a child can lead to, and also shows how strongly the herd instinct is developed in society.

On our website you can download the book "Carrie" by Stephen King for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Stephen Edwin King was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland, Maine. He was an unexpected addition to the family because... his mother said she would never have children. His parents, Donald and Nellie King, were experiencing some difficulties in their marriage, and when Stephen was just 2 years old, his father, who was delivering Electrolux products, left the house to buy a pack of cigarettes... and never returned. Stephen King has not seen his father since then.
Stephen and his sworn older brother David King moved with their mother from Massachusetts to Maine and back, and his passion for writing began in 1959, at age 12, when he wrote an article for his brother's local "newspaper" entitled "Dave's Jokes." ("Dave's Rag"). It was mimeographed and had a circulation of about 20 copies. Stephen wrote articles and reviews of unreleased television shows. Inspired by the relative success, Stephen copied some of his stories and sold them local residents for as much as THIRTY CENTS! He also sold his creations at school until teachers put a stop to it.
Stephen wrote many short stories during those years, many of which were published by Triad and Gaslight Books. The publishers were actually Stephen, Dave and Chris Chelsea. The last one working together There was "Star Invaders" which was 3000 words long.

Many early works Stephen's were science fiction, but due to a lack of knowledge of the basics of science, they were poor in detail, although they were still excellent for a guy his age. King's interest in the horror genre was sparked when he discovered a box of old science fiction and horror magazines in his aunt's house. Inspired by authors such as Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Robert Bloch and Jack Finney, Stephen became interested in the horror genre and published the story "I Was A Teenage Grave" Robber") in 1965. The first professional publication took place in 1967, when Startling Mystery Stories accepted his story "The Glass Floor".
In a 1988 interview, King stated: "I had constant feeling injustice... My mother lived without a husband. He left her when I was 2 and she had to work a lot of menial jobs. We were little people. We were tossed from one difficulty to another, and there were no equal opportunities at that time. We grew up before our time, and our mother was the female head of the family at a time when women had to do the dirty work and clean up after other people. She never complained about this. But I was not deaf and dumb and I was not blind. I felt who had an advantage over other people. And this feeling of injustice remains. It stuck with me, and it is still present in my books..."
Stephen King finished high school in 1966 and continued his studies at the University of Maine at Orono. During his studies, Stephen met his future wife, Tabitha Spruce. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in English language in 1970 and married Tabitha in 1971.
Stephen King worked in a laundromat, then became a janitor and finally became an English teacher in Hamden. public school in Maine in the fall of 1971. At that time, he earned little money and had problems paying bills. He wrote whenever he wasn't working. In 1974, Doubleday published the novel “Carrie”, paying King an advance of $2,500. The novel that Tabitha rescued from the trash! Carrie immediately became popular, as did the film, which appeared in 1976.
The only thing that saved the King couple from poverty at that time was the sale of Carrie, but on May 12, 1973, the only phone call changed their lives forever. Doubleday sold the reprint rights to Carrie to the New American Library for $400,000, and King got HALF! To mark the occasion, Stephen bought Tabitha a hairdryer. Now they didn't have to fight for every cent, so King devoted all his time to writing. free time, something I couldn’t afford before. Unfortunately, King's mother Nellie did not live to see the publication of the novel Carrie.
After the public recognition of the novel "Salem's Lot", originally titled "Second Coming", King received status as a horror writer, but this did not particularly excite him. The subsequent sale of the rights to reprint the book to NAL brought King half of the amount of 500 thousand dollars.
King's third novel was called "The Shining" and was based on a weekend trip to a hotel. Stephen and Tabitha decided to spend the weekend away from the children at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. Staying in room 217, King realized that he was full of ideas about what was happening. As in his previous works, King used real characters from the hotel, including Grady, the bartender. "I channeled all of my aggressive urges into the character of Jack Torrance..." King said. It was after this book that King forever secured his status as a writer of horror novels.
King decides to part ways with Doubleday and enter into a contract with NAL (owner of the Viking publishing house) for several reasons. The main reason was money. Another reason was the book covers. When publishing the novel "The Dead Zone", the cover turned out to be more lively and attractive than those made by Doubleday.
Since then, King has published more than 40 novels. Although his novels contain many gruesome details, Stephen King is afraid of many things (see list at the beginning).
Stephen King loves rock music (for example, Bruce Springsteen). He quotes song lyrics a lot in his novels. A list of some songs mentioned in certain works can be found in the “Music” section. King also plays in the rock band Rock Bottom Remainders.
As for Stephen himself, he looks deliberately normal, which cannot be said about his many fans. He wears Levi's jeans and glasses, and has a pen in his chest pocket. He watches baseball, drinks Pepsi, and lives quietly in Bangor, Maine, with his wife and children. “My wife and children perceive me from one side, one-sidedly, so to speak.” - says King. “But something abnormal happens to me when I write. Whoever I am when I’m not working is one person. But there is someone else who writes books.”
In 1998, King was ranked 31st on the Forbes Top 40 List of Entertainers, earning approximately $40 million in one year...

Nightmare!!! I'm afraid even for a minute to imagine what if everything. what is written in this work will come to life. But still I imagined...I imagined what destructive force can be carried by a person at the level of consciousness.
In this book we're talking about about a girl who can use telekinesis to destroy everything in her path. Why destroy, and not vice versa, turn the gift into good? But everything comes from the girl’s childhood. The poor child lives with her mother, a religious fanatic, has a bunch of complexes, her mother hates her, her classmates constantly insult and mock her... She is mentally lonely. But one day they gave her a helping hand, but everything led to disaster.
The work keeps the reader in suspense until the last moment, and you want to believe in happy ending. Throughout the reading, I felt incredibly sorry for Carrie, because many problems arise due to our cruel society. And if we look around, we can quietly see a colleague, classmate, neighbor who needs a kind word or a helping hand. We must not forget that foolish behavior can lead to great hatred that can destroy the world.

Several eyewitnesses immediately confirmed that on August 17, a hail of stones fell on Carlin Street in the city of Chamberlain in completely clear, cloudless weather. The stones hit mainly the house of Mrs. Margaret White. The roof, two gutters and a downspout were extensively damaged. Damage is estimated at approximately $25. Mrs. White, a widow, lives with her three-year-old daughter, Carietta. Mrs. White herself refused to give an interview.
When this happened, no one, in general, was surprised, at least internally, on the subconscious level, where bad feelings usually ripen, waiting in the wings. Outwardly, all the girls who were in the shower then behaved differently - some were horrified, some were shocked by what had happened, some felt ashamed, and some were simply glad that this bitch Carrie White had gotten it again. Some may have even claimed later that this event came as a surprise to them, but, of course, they were lying. Carrie went to school with some of the girls from the very first grade, and the germs of conflict that arose even then, all these years slowly and inevitably gained strength in full accordance with the laws of human nature - like some chain reaction in a critical mass of radioactive material.
And of course, none of them knew that Carrie White had telekinetic abilities...

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