Korean War information. Korea - the unknown war of the USSR

Between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

The war was fought with the participation on the side of the DPRK of the military contingent of China and military specialists and units of the USSR Air Force, on the side South Korea— the armed forces of the United States and a number of states as part of the UN multinational forces.

Two Koreas. Where it all startedThe origins of current tensions on the Korean Peninsula began in 1945, when the Second World War ended. world war. Characteristic feature development of political dialogue, relations between North and South remain unstable and subject to ups and downs.

The preconditions for the Korean War were laid in the summer of 1945, when Soviet and American troops. The peninsula was divided into two parts along the 38th parallel.
After the formation of two Korean states in 1948 and the departure of first Soviet and then American troops from the peninsula, both Korean sides and their main allies, the USSR and the USA, were preparing for conflict. The governments of the North and South intended to unite Korea under their own rule, which they proclaimed in the Constitutions adopted in 1948.
In 1948, the United States and the Republic of Korea signed an agreement to create the South Korean army. In 1950, a defense agreement was concluded between these countries.

In North Korea with the help Soviet Union Korean was created people's army. After the withdrawal of troops Soviet Army from the DPRK in September 1948, all weapons and military equipment were left to the DPRK. The Americans withdrew their troops from South Korea only in the summer of 1949, but left about 500 advisers there; Military advisers to the USSR remained in the DPRK.
The mutual non-recognition of the two Korean states by each other and their incomplete recognition on the world stage made the situation on the Korean Peninsula extremely unstable.
Armed skirmishes along the 38th parallel occurred with to varying degrees intensity and until June 25, 1950. They happened especially often in 1949 - the first half of 1950, numbering in the hundreds. Sometimes these skirmishes involved more than a thousand people on each side.
In 1949, the head of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, turned to the USSR with a request for help in invading South Korea. However, considering the North Korean army to be insufficiently prepared and fearing a conflict with the United States, Moscow did not grant this request.

Despite the start of negotiations, hostilities continued. A large-scale fire flared up in the air air war, in which main role On the South side, the US Air Force and Navy played, and on the North side, the Soviet 64th Fighter Air Corps.

By the spring of 1953, it became obvious that the price of victory for either side would be too high, and, after Stalin's death, the Soviet party leadership decided to end the war. China and the DPRK did not dare to continue the war on their own. Opening of a memorial cemetery in memory of those killed in the Korean War In the capital of the DPRK, as part of the celebration of the anniversary of the end Patriotic War 1950-1953 was opened memorial cemetery in memory of the dead. The ceremony was attended by the country's top party and military officials. The truce between the DPRK, China and the UN was documented on July 27, 1953.

The human losses of the parties to an armed conflict are assessed differently. The total losses of the South in killed and wounded are estimated in the range from 1 million 271 thousand to 1 million 818 thousand people, of the North - from 1 million 858 thousand to 3 million 822 thousand people.
According to official American data, the United States lost 54,246 people killed and 103,284 people wounded in the Korean War.
The USSR lost in Korea in total 315 people were killed or died from wounds and illnesses, including 168 officers. Over the course of 2.5 years of participation in hostilities, the 64th Air Corps lost 335 MiG-15 fighters and over 100 pilots, having shot down over a thousand enemy aircraft.
Total losses The air forces of the parties amounted to more than three thousand aircraft UN forces and about 900 air forces of the People's Republic of China, North Korea and the USSR.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On final stage war, the USSR and the USA decided to consider the 38th parallel on the Korean Peninsula as the dividing line of allied military actions against Japan. Soviet troops accepted the Japanese surrender to the north, and American troops to the south of the 38th parallel.

Immediately after entering Soviet troops A government of a unified Korea sympathetic to the Soviet Union was created in Korea. The Americans opposed this government to the provisional Korean government, which had previously been in exile. These two governments competed for power in the country, although it was assumed that the division of the country along the 38th parallel would be temporary. Nevertheless, on August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was proclaimed with its capital in Seoul, and on September 9 of the same year - the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) with its capital in Pyongyang. In fact, residents of both parts of the country were never given the opportunity to decide their own fate, and Korea still remains divided: temporary military borders turned into permanent ones.

After the communist victory in China, Mao Zedong had the opportunity to help the communists North Korea in their quest to create a unified state. It was with the support of Mao Zedong and with the knowledge of Stalin that the North Korean troops attacked the south. In 1950, the leader of the Korean communists, Kim Il Sung, informed Stalin that as soon as the communists crossed the 38th parallel, the south would begin popular uprising and the whole thing will be limited to a short civil war.

The corrupt regime in South Korea was not popular with the people; about 100 thousand people died during various uprisings against it. In addition, Stalin apparently believed that the United States did not attach much strategic importance to South Korea and would not interfere in the conflict. However, the American leadership, confused by the events in Berlin, believed that communism was on the march and must be stopped at all costs.

In 1950, the USSR withdrew from the United Nations for some time. The US leadership did not fail to take advantage of this situation and was able to involve the UN in solving the Korean problem. American and UN troops were sent to Korea.

The Americans hoped for a quick resolution of the conflict, but they were faced with a three-year bloody war, which was the result of the participation of the Chinese army in it.

It is interesting to note that during the Korean War (in which the United States officially participated, but the USSR did not), Washington knew for certain that at least 150 Chinese aircraft were actually Soviet and flown by Soviet pilots. The Americans kept this information secret, since they reasonably believed that Moscow did not at all want to be drawn into the war. In other words, the main concern of both sides was to prevent actions that could be regarded as steps towards starting a war between the powers.

On July 9, 1951, the USSR proposed a truce. Negotiations proceeded extremely sluggishly, and meanwhile the front line stabilized in the same positions where hostilities began - along the 38th parallel. On July 26, 1953, a truce was concluded.


In the Korean War, 4 million Koreans, 1 million Chinese, 54,246 Americans, and 120 Soviet pilots of the 4th Fighter Aviation Corps died. Material from the site

Prestige of China

China's victory, paid for a large number casualties, but forced the Americans to retreat, causing a state of shock in Western world. Military successes in the fight against American and UN troops, as well as pursuing a policy independent of Moscow, have increased China's international prestige. The Korean War showed that China can no longer be ignored in international affairs.

Arms race

The Korean War was a global event. It contributed to the development of the arms race. After the Korean War, the size of the army in the United States increased sharply from 1.5 million in 1948 to 3.2 million in 1951 (in the USSR, from 2.9 million to 3.1 million people, respectively). Under the influence of the Korean War, a decision was made to permanently station American troops in Europe. Since the end of 1953, the United States began to place European continent tactical nuclear weapons.

During the war, the United States was able to win over the UN, military spending, created NATO, and the opportunity arose to arm Germany, which happened in 1955.

Until the mid-70s, the Soviet Union did not officially recognize its participation in the Korean War of 1950-1953. The award lists and death notices spoke of “a particularly important task for the party and government.” And today few people know about this domestic page. But in the skies of Korea for 3 years, Soviet and American pilots flew real war for the possession of the sky, finding out “who is who”. The sky is left behind Soviet aces. This article is dedicated to the memory of Soviet pilots who fought and died in Korea.

"Hot" episodes of the Cold War

After representatives of Japan signed the act of surrender on September 2, 1945, the USSR and the USA again became rivals. The confrontation between the two world superpowers and the economic and military blocs they led remained in history as the Cold War. But the war was not always “cold”. Often the confrontation turned into a “hot” phase. Numerous military conflicts in Asia, Africa, Latin America and in the Middle East were based on the desire of the USSR or the USA to establish their control, their hegemony in a certain point of the world. The territories of many countries became testing grounds where the USSR and the USA tested their military equipment, tested new methods of warfare in practice, where officers acquired and improved their combat experience.

Korean "mess"

On June 25, 1950, the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel, the former border between the two Koreas, and began to rapidly advance south. By mid-August, about 90% of the territory of South Korea was under the control of North Korean troops. The American military decided that this was very suitable occasion to conduct large-scale military field exercises in conditions as close as possible to combat. In order to provide political cover, the United States “pushed” through the UN a resolution on the introduction of peacekeeping forces into Korea, and already on July 1, the first American military units landed on the Korean peninsula. To the great surprise of the American military, North Korean troops broke through the defenses of their 24th Infantry Division and stormed the city of Cheonan, which it defended. The division, which did not have time to retreat, was surrounded and soon ceased to exist; its commander, Major General Dean, surrendered.


The United States began to urgently increase numerical strength peacekeepers in Korea. Soon the American military joined combat units Canada, Australia, Great Britain and other countries. 15 states sent their military contingents to Korea. By September 1, the number of “blue helmets” in Korea exceeded 180 thousand, half of them were Americans. On September 15, this entire colossus, twice the size of the DPRK army, went on the offensive and literally crushed the North Korean army into powder. Decisive role The superiority of the “peacekeepers” in weapons, military equipment and, above all, aviation played a role in the success of the offensive.


UN troops against the DPRK army

The strike force of the “UN peacekeepers” was the B-29 strategic bombers – “Flying Fortresses”, inaccessible to anti-aircraft artillery, capable of carrying up to 9 tons of bomb load. They were covered by F-80 Shooting Star jet fighters. 835 aircraft 5th air army The US Air Force was opposed by 200 piston LA-9, LA-11 and IL-10 attack aircraft. The North Korean Air Force was doomed. By September 20, all that was left of them were 20 attack aircraft and 1 fighter, which survived simply by miracle. In this situation, American pilots, “showing courage and selfless courage,” began the methodical destruction of the North Korean armed forces from the air, dropping tons of bombs on them, thereby ensuring the success of ground tactical operations. By October 1950, UN troops were already approaching the Chinese border.
North Korean leaders turned to China and the USSR for help. China sent 270 thousand “volunteers” to help its southern neighbor, and the USSR took over air cover for the troops.

Chinese pilots Li Si Qing and Wang Yu Shin

At the end of October 1950, the first pilots arrived in Korea from the USSR. They were dressed in Chinese military uniform and issued documents with new names, without photographs. This is where the origins of jokes about Chinese pilots with the surnames Li Si Qing and Wang Yu Shin (Lisitsyn, Vanyushin) come from. MIG-15 jet fighters arrived along with the pilots. The planes were North Korean or Chinese identification marks. In the air it was prescribed to negotiate only on Chinese. The pilots wrote down the texts of the main commands in Russian letters and fastened these pieces of paper on their knees, but in the very first battle they switched to Russian, widely using profanity. The management very soon realized the absurdity of the order and canceled it. The group was called the 64th Fighter Corps.

The air group was commanded by Three Times Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kozhedub. On November 8, the pilots for the first time “tested their teeth” with American pilots, who proudly called themselves “knights of the sky.” The meeting ended with the Yankees losing one F-80 fighter. The peacekeepers' air force began to suffer serious losses. To establish parity, the United States sent to Korea the latest fighters F-86 Saber.

US Air Force Black Thursday

But the real test of who was worth what was the battle of April 12, 1951, which went down in the history of the US Air Force as “Black Thursday.” On this day for the bombing railway bridge 48 B-29 bombers, accompanied by 80 F-86 fighters, flew across the Yalu River, along which the entire flow of military supplies flowed from China to Korea. 44 Soviet MIG-15s flew out to intercept. The fighters were met by a dense fire curtain from B-29s and F-86s. Soviet pilots, many of whom had also shot down Luftwaffe pilots, went straight into the fire. Subsequently, up to several dozen holes were counted on each of these fighters. Breaking through the wall of fire, the MIGs attacked the B-29s. In less than 20 minutes, the US Air Force lost 10 bombers and 4 fighters. The 64th Fighter Wing returned to the airfield that day without losses. The US Air Force declared a week of mourning for the victims. For three months, the bombers of the “UN peacekeepers” did not take to the skies. All subsequent time, the fearless Yankees preferred to fly out for bombing missions at night. After April 12, Soviet pilots christened “flying fortresses” into “flying barns.”

The American Truth

In an effort to “save face,” the American press wrote about “ superior forces enemy,” increasing the number of MIGs participating in battles by 2-3 times, and provided exorbitantly inflated data on losses among Soviet pilots. Even then, this caused violent indignation among Soviet pilots, direct participants fights So, if you want to know the truth about those events, you should not look for it based on American sources - it is not there.


Over almost three years, pilots of the 64th Fighter Wing shot down 1,525 aircraft, 170 of them B-29s. 52 Soviet pilot Asami returned from Korea. E. Pepelyaev, who shot down 23 planes in the skies of Korea, is considered ace No. 1, followed by N. Sutyagin, who has 21 victories. Many returned home with orders and medals, and the chests of 35 pilots were decorated Gold Star Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, about 1,200 pilots passed the test of the Korean War.

As in any war, there were losses. American pilots They were by no means cowards, and were not afraid to engage in battle. The air corps lost 319 aircraft over three years of fighting, and 120 pilots died in battle. Almost all of them are buried in Chinese city Dalyan (formerly Dalny), in the Russian cemetery, next to the defenders of Port Arthur.
Eternal memory to them!

Unfinished war. This is how one can characterize the Korean War of 1950–1953. And although hostilities ended more than half a century ago, a peace treaty between the two states has still not been signed.

The origins of this conflict date back to 1910. Then the “Land of Morning Freshness,” as Korea is poetically called, was annexed by Japan. And her dependence on it ended only in 1945.

Allies of Korea

After the surrender of Japan, the fate of Korea, the former province of the "Country rising sun"- the allies decided. American troops entered from the south, Soviet troops from the north. At first this was considered a temporary measure - the state was planned to be united under one government. But just under what? This was the stumbling block that divided the nation for many decades.

The USA and USSR formed governments in each of their parts, having previously withdrawn their troops in 1949. Elections were held, a leftist government came to power in the north, southern part, with the support of the UN, headed a right-wing government.

Both governments had one task - to unite Korea under their rule. No one wanted to give in, and relations between the two parts of the country became tense. The constitution of each of them also provided for the extension of its system to another part of the nation. Things were heading towards war.

Korea's appeal to the USSR with a request

In order to resolve the situation in its favor, the North Korean government turned to the USSR and personally to Comrade Stalin with a request for military assistance. But Stalin decided to refrain from sending troops into the country for fear of a direct clash with the Americans, which could end in World War III. However, military assistance provided, and by 1950 North Korea had become a sufficiently equipped military state.

Gradually, the leadership of the USSR was inclined to decide to more openly help North Korea establish communism by military means in its southern neighbors. This became possible thanks to the stated position of the United States, which stated that Korea was no longer within the sphere of interests of the United States. But this turned out to be not entirely true.

Beginning of the war

The war began on June 25, 1950. North Korean troops crossed the border. The number of attackers exceeded 130 thousand people. They were met by a larger army - their southern neighbors sent 150 thousand. But they were much worse armed and equipped - in particular, they did not have aviation or heavy artillery.

The North Korean army was counting on a quick victory - broad popular support for the established communist system was expected, but this was a miscalculation. Although the army advanced quite quickly - three days later Seoul was captured, and three weeks later it already controlled most of country - but this did not bring a lightning victory.

The Americans did not expect such a development of events. They hastily began to arm units of the South Korean army, while simultaneously acting on international arena. The UN Security Council, convened on June 25, put the “Korean” issue on the agenda. The resolution adopted at this meeting stated that the Council condemns North Korean aggression and UN peacekeeping forces should stand up for South Korean sovereignty. It was supported by 9 countries - with Yugoslavia abstaining and the Soviet Union boycotting this meeting.

The countries of the socialist bloc criticized the actions of the United States and its allies in the “Korean” issue, while Western countries supported America's initiative, providing not only diplomatic support, but also military support.

Meanwhile military situation in South Korea it was difficult. The troops of our northern neighbor conquered almost 90 percent of the country's territory. One of the most successful and significant military operations for the North Koreans was Daejeon. The army crossed the Kimgan River, surrounding the enemy group, which included the American 24th Infantry Division. In fact, its remnants were surrounded - the vigorous actions of the North Korean army virtually destroyed it completely, and the commander, Major General William F. Dean, even managed to be captured. But strategically, the Americans completed their task. The timely arrival of UN assistance was able to turn the tide of events. And already in August they not only stopped the enemy’s offensive, but by October they were able to launch a counter-offensive.

Allied help

The Allies supplied the South Korean army not only with ammunition, weapons, and armored vehicles, but also provided aviation. The offensive was so successful that the advancing military units soon captured Pyongyang. Capital of North Korea. The war seemed hopelessly lost. But this situation did not suit the leadership of the Soviet Union and the PRC.

Officially, China could not enter the war, because the 270 thousand soldiers who entered Korean territory on October 25 were called “volunteers.” Soviet side supported the Chinese invasion with air power. And by early January, Seoul was again under North Korean control. Things were so bad on the Allied front that the Americans were seriously considering nuclear attack to China. But, fortunately, this did not happen. Truman never decided to take such a step.

However, the victory of the North Korean army never happened. Situation towards the middle next year acquired a “stalemate” character - both warring sides suffered huge human losses, but did not come close to victory. The negotiations that were held in the summer of 1951 did not bring any results - the armies continued to fight. Visit American President Eisenhower in November 1952 also did not clarify - how to resolve this complex and controversial Korean issue?

The situation was resolved in the spring of 1953. Stalin's death forced the leadership of the Soviet Union to reconsider its policy in this region. And the members of the Politburo decided to advocate for an end to the conflict and the return of prisoners of war by both sides. But only two-thirds of the captured North Korean and Chinese soldiers wanted to return home.

Armistice agreement

The agreement to cease hostilities was signed on July 27, 1953. The front line remained fixed at the 38th parallel, and a demilitarized zone was organized around it, which still exists.

The document was signed by representatives of North Korea and General Clark, who heads the American contingent. Representatives of South Korea refused to sign the agreement.

Subsequently, the parties still sat down at the negotiating table - in particular, a year later a peace conference was held in Geneva, at which an attempt was made to conclude a peace treaty. Each side tried to push through its own amendments to it, not wanting to compromise. The parties left with nothing.

In 1958, the United States, violating all agreements, placed nuclear weapons on the territory of South Korea, which were removed only in 1991. At the same time, an Agreement on Truce, Cooperation, Non-Aggression and Exchange was signed between these countries with the assistance of the UN.

The Korean War of 1950-1953 is usually called a local military conflict between two opposing parts of what was once one country, which was divided after World War II into South and North Korea. In fact, it was a proxy war, waged by two military-political systems - the “Soviet” and the “American” - at the hands of the Korean people. Pro-communist North Korea was supported by the USSR and China, whose participation in this conflict was unofficial. UN peacekeeping forces took part in the fighting on the side of South Korea.

In Pyongyang this war is called the Fatherland Liberation War, and in Seoul it is called the “Troubles or June 25 Incident.”

This military conflict, which happened more than half a century ago, has not officially ended, since there have been no announcements about its end. And the confrontation between the two Koreas continues to this day.

Reasons that led Korea to war

It was possible to foresee such a development of events back in the summer of 1945, when in the territory Korean Peninsula Soldiers from the armies of the USSR and the USA appeared. And after World War II ended, and the peninsula was temporarily divided into northern and southern parts along the 38th parallel, the confrontation between them became more and more noticeable, although it was assumed that over time Korea should become a single country. But the Cold War began, and in the context of the confrontation between two opposing world systems, it became almost impossible to agree on reunification. Therefore, North Korea developed under the patronage of the Soviet Union and became a communist country, while South Korea was more oriented toward the United States and followed the capitalist path of development. But also general secretary Kim Il Sung and President Syngman Rhee sought unification, but each saw a unified Korea under their own leadership. And at the same time, both leaders understood that they could not do without the use of force, so they prepared for war.

Seoul and Pyongyang were also pushed towards military action political situation prevailing in the world: the exacerbation of the Cold War, the emergence of the Soviet nuclear weapons, the creation of Chinese People's Republic. Well, and most main reason The war was the intervention of the world's powerful powers in the internal affairs of Korea in order to pursue their policies on the Korean Peninsula.

Progress of the war

Until 1950, Soviet and American troops left the territory of the peninsula, leaving not only military equipment, but also their military advisers.

Skirmishes along the demarcation line between the two Koreas occurred regularly, and the situation remained extremely tense until June 25, 1950, when it escalated into an armed conflict, which began with a surprise offensive by North Korean troops.

The UN Security Council discussed the Korean issue on the same day, and as a result, they came to an agreement to provide military assistance to South Korea, and North Korea was obliged in an ultimatum to withdraw its military forces from southern territories. Such decisions were made because at that time the representative from the Soviet Union refused to participate in meetings of the Security Council and was unable to use the right of veto.

On June 27, the US Air Force and naval forces, and July 1 ground forces arrived to fight in the Korean War. In addition to the USA fighting entered military formations 16 more states.

Initially, the North Korean army was very successful and managed to put South Korean troops and peacekeeping forces to flight. The northerners successfully carried out military operations in the area of ​​Suwon, Seoul, Naktogang, Daejeon and Busan and as a result occupied most of South Korean territory. Enemy troops were pinned to the sea near the port of Busan.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the peacekeeping forces in Korea, General Douglas MacArthur, not only managed to competently organize the defense of the port of Busan, but also carried out a counter-offensive with the landing American landing at the port of Incheon. On September 15, Incheon was taken, and the combined forces of UN peacekeepers and the South Korean army, successfully moving forward, recaptured previously lost territories. North Korean troops were driven back to the very border with China. This meant that the entire territory of the Korean Peninsula could be occupied by American and South Korean forces. Therefore, in order to prevent such a development of events, the Soviet Union and China decided to come to the aid of their ally. And by the beginning of November, Chinese troops (they were called “Chinese people’s volunteers”) and soviet fighters The MiG-15 ended up on Korean territory.

Until January 1951, hostilities continued from with varying success, but neither side achieved significant results. By July 1951, enemy troops took up positions approximately at the 38th parallel, that is, they found themselves where the war began a year ago.

In July 1951, opponents started talking about a truce. Although negotiations began, the fighting continued. Now the fighting moved into the air, where American and Soviet pilots competed.

In the spring of 1953, I.V. Stalin died, and the USSR decided that the time had come to end this war. Without the help of the Soviet Union, North Korea did not dare to continue hostilities.

Therefore, already on July 27, 1953, in the village of Panmunjom on the border of North and South Korea, an agreement to cease hostilities was signed, which, in essence, meant the end of the Korean War. According to this agreement, a 4 km neutral demilitarized strip was established between the two states, and the rules for the return of prisoners of war were determined.


In this war, both sides suffered huge human losses. More than 1.5 million people were killed or wounded among those who fought on the side of North Korea, including about 900 thousand Chinese. Southern losses reached almost a million people, more than 150 thousand of whom were Americans. Losses among the civilian population of the Korean Peninsula reached about 3 million people.

In addition to the loss of life, Korean industry was also affected, 80% of which was destroyed. As a result, the entire peninsula was on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.

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