Beautiful quotes about love. Quotes about love

In this article you will find statements from various great people about love. You can put them in your social network statuses to tell the whole world about your feelings.

All philosophers, writers, sociologists, representatives of culture and art, humanists, theologians, teachers, historians, government and public figures, scientists, poets, eminent and ordinary people the definition of love was quoted more than once.

  • Any person, when he truly falls in love, begins to look for sayings about love.
  • This unique feeling fills you from within and evokes a desire to search for beauty.
  • Aphorisms, quotes about love, sayings of great people - you will find all this in this article.
  • The most simple phrases will help you sort out your feelings and better understand the essence of love, and statuses on social networks will help you tell the whole world about what’s going on inside you.

What is love: quotes, phrases

If a person admires the beauty of another person or develops a thirst for possessing the object of his adoration, this is not yet love. If we start talking about love or analyzing it, then this is not love. So, what is love? Here are quotes and phrases from the great and ordinary people:

Quotes and phrases about love for a man, boyfriend, girlfriend, woman at a distance for statuses: list

When loved ones are at a distance, they become sad and want to tell everyone about the sadness of parting. Quotes and phrases about love for a man, boyfriend, girlfriend, or woman at a distance for statuses will help you do this. Here is the list:

Quotes and phrases about love and relationships, happiness, life, family for statuses: list

Family, happy love, relationships between a man and a woman and our life are the most precious things a person can have. In this section you will find beautiful and romantic phrases about married life, and also funny statuses about family and relationships. Real family- this is a family in which there are children, and this is true, because love must continue. We offer beautiful quotes and phrases about love and relationships, happiness, life, family for statuses. Here is the list:

Unrequited, unhappy and “sick love” - all this brings us torment and suffering. Express your feelings as beautiful quotes and phrases, sad words about love, about unrequited, unrequited love:

Short quotes and phrases about true, faithful and beautiful love for a man or woman for statuses: list

Happiness is a small extension of you and your beloved. If the love is mutual, we rejoice in happiness and we want to shout about our feelings. Short quotes and phrases about real, true and beautiful love to a man, a woman for statuses. Here is the list:

Short quotes and phrases about first love for a guy or girl for statuses: list

First love is almost always unhappy and unrequited. It happens at the most wonderful age, when a person is still young, inexperienced and naive. But this is the most beautiful thing when we don’t think about what will happen next, but completely surrender to the feelings and call of our heart. Express what's on your mind with short quotes and phrases about first love for a guy or a girl in statuses. Here is the list:

Smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity to a man, boyfriend, girlfriend, woman for statuses: list

We want our statuses on social networks to speak not only about feelings, but also about high intelligence. But at the moment when you need to speak out, nothing smart comes to mind. Just some banal words and incomprehensible thoughts. In this case, smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity to a man, boyfriend, girl, or woman will help. Here is the list for statuses:

Best wedding quotes for statuses: list

Girls dream of marriage, a wedding, a beautiful white dress, but many men are afraid of this and try to delay the moment of proposing to their beloved. But you can hint to him about your desires using original status on social networks. Here is a list of the best wedding quotes for statuses:

The best quotes about love with meaning from Omar Khayyam for statuses: list

Omar Khayyam is a Persian philosopher and legendary scientist. He lived in the 11th century, but his clever thoughts have survived to this day. The sayings of this sage are parting words of wisdom for many people. Here is a list of the best quotes about love with meaning from Omar Khayyam for statuses:

Best Quotes about love with meaning by Omar Khayyam

The best quotes about love with the meaning of Yesenin for statuses: list

The greatest Russian figure, Sergei Yesenin, wrote many poems and quotes about life and love. For many people of our time, his phrases are dear and interesting, they teach us to live and help us understand the highest human feeling- Love. Here is a list of the best quotes about love with the meaning of Yesenin for statuses:

The best quotes about love with the meaning of Yesenin

The best quotes about love from the movie “Love and Doves” for statuses: list

The comedy “Love and Doves” has been everyone’s favorite film since Soviet times. It has long been dismantled into quotes. The most highlights- this is the life of the heroes, their love, betrayal and relationships. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie “Love and Doves” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie “Love and Doves”

The best quotes about love from the series “Black Love” for statuses: list

The best series is life. But there are such multi-part films, with the heroes of which we live their lives as if our own. The plot is so captivating and the characters’ words, phrases and quotes are so lifelike. Such series include “Black Love”. The phrases of the main characters are repeated in the statuses of many social network pages, as they speak about the most important feeling of people - love. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the series “Black Love” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the series “Black Love”

The best quotes about love from the movie “Love, Rosie” for statuses: list

Rosie and Alex from the movie "Love, Rosie" were best friends since childhood. But they had to break up right after prom at school. However, despite this, they continue to remember each other. Here is a list of the best love quotes from the movie “Love, Rosie” for statuses:

The best love quotes from the movie "Love, Rosie"

The best quotes about love from the movie “Love in the City of Angels” for statuses: list

The city of hope and the city of angels is Los Angeles. Every person here is, if not an actor, then a producer. Dreamers come to this city to meet their love. The film about love in this city tells about the feelings between two people who met in Los Angeles. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie “Love in the City of Angels” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie "Love in the City of Angels"

The best quotes about love from the movie “Formula of Love” for statuses: list

“Formula of Love” is a good old film about Count Cagliostro, who traveled around Russia and studied people’s lives. Some build, others destroy - this is Rus', where everything is simple and eternal. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie “Formula of Love” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie “Formula of Love”

Best love quotes from love songs for statuses: list

A song can convey a feeling. It always contains the right words, and the melody complements them. Phrases become quotes, we write them in the statuses of our social networks in order to tell the whole world about our feelings for to a specific person. Here is a list of the best love quotes from love songs for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the work “Garnet Bracelet” by Kuprin for statuses: list

Kuprin's story " Garnet bracelet» based on real events. The theme of the work is love - real, eternal, which is a rare gift. List of the best quotes about love from the work “Garnet Bracelet” by Kuprin for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the work “Garnet Bracelet” by Kuprin

The best quotes about love from “The Master and Margarita” for statuses: list

Every person knows about Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. Some reread the book more than once, others watched the film. You may not fall in love with a work, but it is impossible to remain without emotions for its quotes. They keep you in suspense from the first lines to the end of the novel. List of the best quotes about love from “The Master and Margarita” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from The Master and Margarita

The best quotes about love from the Bible for statuses: list

The Bible teaches us life. Orthodox Christians always turn to this Book of Life for help in difficult moments of your existence. If you want to express what’s on your soul using a status on social networks, then choose the appropriate phrase to suit your mood from the best quotes about love from the Bible for statuses from this list:

Best quotes about love from the Bible

The best quotes and sayings about love Remarks for statuses: list

Erich Maria Remarque is one of the most readable writers twentieth century. His deep and heartfelt quotes are posted on social networks by millions of people, used as arguments when talking about love, and many lovers simply provide answers to their questions. List of the best quotes and sayings about love Remarque for statuses:

Best quotes and sayings about love by Remarque

The best Osho love quotes for statuses: list

There come moments in every person’s life when advice is needed, and then we turn to the statements of sages and philosophers, whose words contain answers to the questions that have arisen. Osho is an Indian mystic. Despite the fact that throughout his life he was an adherent of mysticism and religion, his statements are very life-like. List of the best Osho quotes about love for statuses:

Best quotes about love by Osho

The best Shakespeare love quotes for statuses: list

Great creations English writer William Shakespeare is forced to look at this in a new way great feeling like love. The words about love of this poet are very beautiful and elegant. Therefore, his works are popular at all times. List of the best Shakespeare love quotes for statuses:

Shakespeare's best love quotes

The best quotes about love from Coelho for statuses: list

Paulo Coelho is a famous writer of our time. His bestsellers are reread several times. All his works are analyzed into quotes and social networks almost every public page quotes this famous writer. Here is a list of the best quotes about love Coelho for statuses:

Coelho's best love quotes

The best quotes about love by Nietzsche for statuses: list

Friedrich Nietzsche - famous philosopher, who taught non-academic teachings. His statements destroy generally accepted stereotypes, people find the necessary answers to their questions. The philosopher easily clarifies the problems of reality, morality and religion. List of the best quotes about love by Nietzsche for statuses:

The best quotes about love by Nietzsche

The best quotes about Yevtushenko’s love for statuses: list

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko - famous Soviet and Russian poet. He is also known as a prose writer, a talented director, screenwriter, publicist, reader-speaker and a good actor. His statements speak about vital and painful issues for every person. List of the best quotes about Yevtushenko’s love for statuses:

Best quotes about love by Yevtushenko

The best quotes about Dostoevsky’s love for statuses: list

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky lived in the 19th century. He is an excellent writer, philosopher, thinker and publicist. The most bright thoughts Dostoevsky sorted by quotes. They are published on social networks and with their help they philosophize about life, love and everything beautiful on this Earth. List of the best quotes about Dostoevsky’s love for statuses:

The best quotes about love by Dostoevsky

The best Hemingway love quotes for statuses: list

Ernest Hemingway had a great sense of people. His books are cynical, harsh, but there is a lot of honesty in them. Hemingway spoke a lot about love in its various manifestations. List of the best Hemingway love quotes for statuses:

Hemingway's best love quotes

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Quotes from Sigmund Freud can tell us a lot more about ourselves. It's a paradox, but it's true. List of the best quotes about Freud's love for statuses:

The best quotes about love by Freud

Video: The best quotes about life, love and relationships.


Love quotes can be wise, romantic and even funny.

They remind us that love should not be taken for granted.

Here is a collection of beautiful and inspiring love quotes written by great people.

Beautiful quotes about love

“Love is the most powerful of passions, because it affects the head, heart and feelings at the same time”. Lao Tzu

“Love is like a fever, it comes and goes regardless of your will.” Stendhal

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.” William Shakespeare

"Love is a wild force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to comprehend it, it confuses us." Paulo Coelho

"Love is the best restorer." Pablo Picasso

"Love is being fools, but together." Paul Valéry

“It’s not worth loving a woman with all your soul. And not loving doesn’t work.” Salvador Dali

"Love is the poetry of feelings" Honore de Balzac

"Love is a game that two people play and both win." Eva Garbor

“The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for being who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.” Victor Hugo

"Love is a delightful deception to which a person agrees of his own free will.". Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"The only thing we are always missing is love. The only thing we are always missing is love." Henry Miller

"Love is smoke rising with the power of sighs." William Shakespeare

"Love conquers everything, so let us submit to love". Virgil

"Friendship is love without wings." Lord Byron

"Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope." Josh Billings

"Love is a natural canvas embroidered with imagination." Voltaire

“I discovered a paradox: if you love until it hurts, then the pain goes away and only love remains.” Mother Teresa

"A woman knows the face of her lover as a sailor knows the open sea." Honore de Balzac

Quotes about love and life

"Love is the only reasonable and satisfactory answer to the question of the meaning of human existence." Erich Fromm

"Life is a flower for which love is honey." Victor Hugo

“Looking back at your life, you will realize that only those moments when you were guided by the spirit of love were truly lived.” Henry Drummond

“We love life, but not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving”. Friedrich Nietzsche

“To know life you need to love many things.” Vincent van Gogh

“I consider life without love to be a sinful and immoral state.” Vincent van Gogh

“Life without love is like a tree without fruits and flowers.” Khalil Gibran

"Where there is love, there is life" Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes with meaning about love

“Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"What is hell? The suffering of not being able to love anymore." Fyodor Dostoevsky

"True love is like a ghost. Everyone talks about it, but few have seen it" Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“They love because they love. Love does not recognize arguments.” Paulo Coelho

“Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.” Oscar Wilde

"Immature love says: I love you because I need you. Mature love says: I need you because I love you." Erich Fromm

"Gravity is not to blame for people falling in love." Albert Einstein

  • You shouldn't waste time on a person who doesn't want to spend it on you.
  • A woman must be loved in such a way that it does not occur to her that someone could love her even more.
  • No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past. Remarque
  • True love is not the kind that endures for many years separation, but one that can withstand many years of intimacy.
  • The desire to fall in love is not love. But the fear of falling in love is already love.
  • Believe me - happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us! M. Yu. Lermontov -
  • Loyalty in love is entirely a matter of physiology; it does not depend in the least on our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they are not, old people would like to change, but where can they be?
  • First love requires only a little stupidity and a lot of curiosity.
  • Those incapable of love are prone to sentimentality in the same way as those incapable of brotherhood are prone to familiarity. F.Iskander
  • The beloved often blinds the lover.
  • When loving, remember that there is hatred. When you hate, remember that there is love.
  • Angelically in love and devilishly happy!
  • The person you fell in love with in me is, of course, much better than the real me, because I am not like that at all. But you love me, continue to love me, and for the sake of your love I will become better than I am now. Prishvin
  • Jealousy is love mixed with hatred. Edvard Herriot
  • When you are loved, you don’t doubt anything. When you experience strong feelings yourself, then doubts arise by themselves!
  • Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to go and pluck it from the brink.
  • All love lasts as long as it deserves.
  • The love of life is inseparable from the fear of death.
  • There is much more selfishness in jealousy than love.
  • Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again because broken knees heal faster than a broken heart.
  • Don't walk behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - I may not follow you. Walk next to me and we will be together
  • When love comes through the door, reason jumps out the window.
  • The love of a jealous person is more susceptible to hatred.
  • You can change a man only with an affectionate attitude, kindness, and patience. And nothing else. G. Sachs
  • Love is a traitor: it scratches your soul until it bleeds even when you just wanted to lose yourself in it. Ninnon de Lanclos
  • When a person falls in love, he begins by deceiving himself, and ends by deceiving others.
  • Love is heard in the voice before it is guessed in the look.
  • Love is toothache in the heart
  • Love without desires is a chimera: it does not exist in nature.
  • If love is not in the head, but in the heart, it is real and beautiful. V. Belinsky -

No science can explain the phenomena that love easily explains. Oscar Wilde

You can buy up the entire pharmacy, but you will not be able to destroy the sticky web of loneliness, kill depression or escape from despair. A very special medicine will help... love. Many people die from its absence more people than from hunger... Mother Teresa

Love gives the opportunity to be happy simply because she is happy. Gottfried Leibniz

Between mutual and unrequited love the same gap as between a fairy tale and reality. George Sand

Love presupposes unlimited trust. A person deceived in a relationship deserves respect, not sympathy - after all, he is capable of overwhelming feeling. Andrey Platonov

Loving does not mean looking into each other's eyes. It is enough to look in one direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Love is just a duplication good qualities in another person. Ralph Emerson

Some people believe that love is when both look in the same direction. Perhaps... the main thing is that there is no TV on this side... Gilbert Cesbron

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

In real passion there must be a drop of cruelty. And in love - a little violence. (A. Camus. “Violence”)

From a geometric point of view, a love triangle is possible only if one of its angles is “obtuse.”

Marrying in order to have a beautiful wife is like paying dearly for a piece of land from which one can contemplate the sky that belongs to the whole world. (Paolo Mantegazza)

When a person falls in love, he begins by deceiving himself, and ends by deceiving others.

In vengeance and love, a woman is more barbaric than a man. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

I don't love you. But in you, somewhere deep inside, there is someone completely different... I love him.

Love is not blind; blind - jealousy. (L. Darrell)

Ideal love is dead, and worse than dead: it has gone out of fashion.

When you find a person with whom you can speak silently, stay forever, believe wholeheartedly and rejoice in your heart, you understand that this is Love.

Since I know that you will come, I can wait for you as long as I like. (A. Camus)

Love is the sun, and desire is just a flash. Desire blinds, but the sun gives life.

Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because if we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

The strongest love is unrequited.

Love is vital energy, giving you the opportunity to improve. This is a sea of ​​tenderness for a loved one, a desire to touch him, with him it is easy, joyful, fun, interesting.

Love comes without asking and goes without warning.

IN family life the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long.

Never ask a person why he loves you: as soon as he thinks about it, it may turn out that there is nothing to love you for.

When love looks like magic, we call it fate.

Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.

No one can ever love a completely unknown thing.

Unrequited, unhappy love is so different from mutual love, happy love how error differs from truth. (J. Sand)

Love has many facets - more than we think.

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame.

Can Don Juan conquer everyone? What childishness! In fact, he is simply not able to refuse a single one. (Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński)

Money cannot buy love. But it can be significantly improved starting positions for bargaining. (L. Peter)

The day I fell in love without memory is the day my lifelong slavery began. (Salman Rushdie. “The Ground Beneath Her Feet”)

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune.

There is a bright shelter on earth. Love and loyalty live there. Everything that we sometimes only dream about has settled there forever!

Love usually looks like a cultural superstructure over the sexual instinct. (M. Weller)

She loved him now in a completely different way - after all, he made her suffer. (S. Maugham)

It doesn’t matter how strong the feelings are in your heart, but if you can’t convey them to another person, it’s all useless.

Lovers suffocate in two cases - when they love and when they fall out of love.

In love there is no word, it seems - love either “is” or “is not”.

To be in love is to be furious in your right mind.

Love is when all the women in the world cease to exist for you, except one.

From love to hate - one step: I love when we are together, I hate when we are apart!

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water and bend it, it will bend.

Love is work and care, work is not for a year, but for a hundred. At first we love for something, then - no matter what.

Love is the victory of imagination over intellect!

No matter how pleasant love is, it is still external manifestations bring us more joy than she does herself. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

True love is not between bodies, but between souls.

One day I met a beggar in love on the street. He was wearing an old hat, his coat was frayed at the elbows, his shoes were leaking, and the stars were shining in his soul.

Love is a state when the happiness of another person becomes more important to you than your own.

It would be better for her to cry because I am her husband than for me to die because she is not my wife.

People always think that they are loved because they are so good. And rarely does anyone realize that we love because the person who loves is good. (L.N. Tolstoy)

For most people, the problem of love is to be loved, and not to love, to be able to love.

Of all the lies you told me, “I love you” was my favorite.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

I wanted to see you to see if it would be nice to see you again.

IN last minute before the explosion someone will fall in love and the world will be saved.

Usually this passion (voluptuousness) is denoted by the word Love, meaning by it an indefinite attraction of one sex to another, as natural as hunger.

This is not love, this is a habit. And as they say, bad habits need to be abandoned.

It only took one man to fall in love with a woman for the world to become what it is.

Love is vain and proud from beginning to end.

There is no crime to love several times in life and there is no merit to love only once: reproaching yourself for the first and boasting about the second is equally absurd.

Love is characteristic only of a sane person.

And why are we always like this great value give first love? After all, in fact, the last one is most important.

Love consists of bodies and words. (J. Carol)

What is love? This is a disease of the soul and heart. And this is bad. This is very bad. This can undermine your health. I need a healthy heart and an equally healthy soul!

It often happens that after a woman has given away the key to her heart, she changes the lock the next day. (Ch. Sainte-Beuve)

Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again because broken knees heal faster than a broken heart.

Love and death cannot be avoided.

Love is the only force in the world that can make a friend out of an enemy. (M.L. King)

Love has no meaning, it gives meaning to everything else.

People talk a lot about love, while most don't even know what color the eyes of those they sleep with are.

Everyone dreams of receiving the kind of love that they do not deserve. (Leszek Kumor)

No one can win the war between the two sexes - too much brings them together. (Henry Alfred Kissinger)

Love is a trainable organ, like an arm and a leg. If you take care of it and are afraid to waste it in vain, then it will atrophy from inactivity. And even when the opportunity arises, you take out your love from the far shelf, shake off the dust from it... and there is almost nothing left of it.

With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it. (William Shakespeare)

You never need to look for reasons to hate when there are reasons to love

No mysterious women, but there are slow-witted men. (Magdalena the Impostor)

It is much easier to grieve for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. (Jean de Labruyère)

Love comes on tiptoe and leaves with a loud slam of the door.

Love lives by hope, and dies with it. (Mark Levy)

Nothing interferes with romance more than a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it.

Love is when it's always in the yard good weather, even if there is rain and wind.

When a person falls in love, he begins by deceiving himself and ends by deceiving others.

We will be happy. I will wake up at night and run barefoot to the kitchen. I will wake you up by biting your ear, and you will scream and hit me with a pillow. The neighbors will wake up to our screams and laughter, and we will love each other desperately.

I wonder if he understands that when I write him hello, this hello means I love him?..

We love both a child and a friend only if we already know how to love. And a man learns this from a woman.

How much does love cost?! Love is worth as much as the person who loves is worth. (R. Rolland)

Of all eternal things, love lasts the shortest. (Jean Baptiste Moliere)

It is much easier to miss someone you love than to live with someone you hate.

Love is a bright creature, but loves a dark corner.

If anyone says that love and peace are a cliché that went away with the sixties, that will be their problem. Love and peace are forever (John Lennon)

To be in love is to be furious in your right mind. (Ovid Publius Naso)

Love, love, love... What's good about it? Absolutely nothing.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Love is a leap. I haven't yet met someone I would jump for.

He who is unfailingly faithful knows only the frivolous sides of love; only those who cheat will know its tragedy.

Anyone who has been happy in love has no idea about it. (J. Anouilh)

“I know what love is,” the cat said sympathetically. - This is when they throw old shoes at you and cold water they pour water from the balconies.

When love comes, everyone becomes a poet (Plato)

The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom. (Anthony Bret)

Love without reverence and delight is only friendship.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it!

Without you, life is not life, and the world is only half of it.

Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with their beauty.

And to talk about love, we have to talk about hatred. (S. Lukyanenko. “Autumn Visits”)

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first.

We looked into each other's eyes: I saw myself, and she saw herself. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

To understand each other, you need to have something in common; and in order to love each other, you need to be different in some way. (P. Geraldi)

Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth. (George Sand)

Any love is true and beautiful - each in its own way, if, of course, it is in the heart and not in the head. (Belinsky)

To resist love means to provide it with new weapons. (George Sand)

Loving a neighbor is something different from loving a neighbor.

Separations are easy to arrange, but not easy to bear.

I have no idea how I will live without you, but I have no doubt that it will be happy. (T. Polyakova)

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage.

How brave and self-confident one becomes who becomes convinced that he is loved.

Lovers either doubt nothing or doubt everything. (Honoré de Balzac)

Every love is happiness, even if it is not shared.

What is love like? She has hands to help others, she has legs to rush to the aid of the poor and needy, she has eyes to see grief and need, she has ears to hear people’s sighs and complaints - that’s what looks like love.

The beloved often blinds the lover.

In love, as in everything, experience is a doctor who appears after an illness. (N. Lanclos)

But does love have anything in common with the mind! (I. Goethe)

When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree on trifles. (Don Aminado)

Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding trifle, but giving flowers is already a serious step.

Love lasts long only if each of those who love knows its value. (Frederick Beigbeder)

When you are loved, you don’t doubt anything. When you experience strong feelings yourself, doubts arise on their own!

Love is a beautiful flower, but it takes courage to walk to the edge and pluck it. (Stendhal)

As long as we love, we know how to forgive

I loved and was loved, but it never coincided in time.

To love means to live the life of the one you love. (L.N. Tolstoy)

But love is some kind of disease, pain and suffering. It takes over everything, gives no peace, gives rise to some vague impulses and great sadness.

Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself.

Still, love, even the most carnal one, is a sacrament.

When a person experiences love, he must be prepared to experience hatred.

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