Heine toothache. Love is a toothache in the heart

1. Kindness better than beauty

2. Kindness will always prevail over beauty

3. Not to be subject to any law means to be deprived of the most saving protection, for laws should protect us not only from others, but also from ourselves

4. Love! This is the most sublime and victorious of all passions. But her all-conquering power lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible selflessness.

5. For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow

6. What is love? This toothache in heart

7. Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, and people call it love.

8. The only beauty I know is health

9. A person who is not busy can never enjoy complete happiness; on the face of an idle person you will always find a trace of discontent and apathy

10. Wise people think about their thoughts, stupid ones proclaim them

11. The higher a person is, the easier it is for the arrow of ridicule to hit him; dwarfs are harder to hit

12. Women’s hatred is, in fact, the same love, only changed direction

13. Women have only one means of making us happy and thirty thousand means of creating our unhappiness.

14. Youth is selfless in thoughts and feelings, therefore it most deeply understands and feels the truth

15. To write perfect prose, you must also be a great master of metrical forms

16. The poet, this creator in small ways, is similar to the Lord God and in that he creates his heroes in his own image and likeness

17. Every era has its own tasks, and their solution ensures the progress of humanity

18. We guess talent from one single manifestation, but to guess character, it takes a long time and constant communication

19. When the vice is grandiose, it outrages less

20. No matter how terrible war is, it still reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his strongest hereditary enemy - death

21. If a great passion takes possession of us for the second time in life, we, unfortunately, no longer have the same faith in its immortality

22. Everything healthy people love life

23. It is customary to glorify a playwright who knows how to extract tears. Even the most pathetic onion has this talent.

24. Music forms the middle between thought and phenomenon

25. Wisdom exists in singular and has precise boundaries, but there are thousands of nonsense and they are all limitless

26. When they hit a frock coat, the blows also fall on the person wearing the frock coat.

27. The most immaculate conception still remains a conception

28. The slave’s fatherland is where the stick is

29. The mission of the Germans in Paris is to protect me from homesickness

30. We Germans worship only the girl, and only she is sung by our poets; the French, on the contrary, only married woman is an object of love both in life and in art

31. French people- this is a cat that, even if it happens to fall from a dangerous height, still never breaks its neck, but every time immediately gets back on its feet

32. I wouldn't say that women don't have character - they just have a different character every day.

33. Fat cows are followed by lean ones, and lean ones are followed by complete absence beef

34. Humor, like ivy, curls around a tree. He's no good without a trunk

35. Only bars separate humor from the insane asylum

36. The German language is essentially rich, but in German colloquial speech we use only a tenth of this wealth; thus, in fact, we are poor in words. French is essentially poor, but the French know how to use everything they have in the interests of conversational speech, and therefore they are actually rich in words

37. When a critic's eyes are clouded with tears, his opinion doesn't matter.

38. Every person is a world that is born with him and dies with him; lies under every gravestone The World History

39. Everyone was my friend in those days: With me, like brothers, they all shared my cutlet, my last coin

40. He who is high must obey circumstances as much as a weather vane on a tower

41. The deepest truth blooms only from the deepest love

42. We are not fighting for human rights people, but for the divine rights of man

43. The first one who compared a woman to a flower was a great poet, but the second one was a fool

44. I have not read Auffenberg. I guess he's reminiscent of Arlencourt, which I haven't read either

45. A muzzled dog barks backwards

46. ​​Each era has its own flaws, which are added to the flaws more early eras; this is what we call humanity's heritage

48. Since the custom of carrying a sword at one’s side has ceased, it is absolutely necessary to have wit in one’s head

49. He who loves the people should take them to the bathhouse

50. the main objective opera director - arrange so that the music does not disturb anyone

51. Now they don’t build Gothic cathedrals. IN old times people had beliefs; we, contemporaries, have only opinions; and opinions are not enough to create a Gothic temple

52. God will forgive me, this is his specialty

53. Laughter is contagious, just like yawning.

54. In the works of all great poets, in essence, there are no minor characters, each actor is in place main character

55. I bequeath all my fortune to my wife, on the condition that she marries again. I want to be sure that at least one man will mourn my death

56. The past is the birthplace of the human soul. Sometimes we are overcome by longing for feelings that we once experienced. Even longing for past sorrow

57. The offender will never forgive. Only the offended can forgive

58. It’s easy to forgive enemies when you don’t have enough intelligence to harm them, and it’s easy to be a chaste person with a pimply nose

59. Morality is the mind of the heart

60. Unremarkable people are, of course, right when they preach modesty. It's so easy for them to practice this virtue

61. The music of a wedding procession always reminds me of a military march before a battle.

62. We don’t grab the idea, the idea grabs us and drives us into the arena so that we, like slave gladiators, fight for it. This is what happens to every true tribune or apostle.

63. The Romans would never have had enough time to conquer the world if they had to learn Latin first

64. The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it. The good one finds his paradise here on earth, the evil one already has his hell here.

65. Iliad, Plato, Battle of Marathon, Moses, Venus of Medicea, Strasbourg Cathedral, French revolution, Hegel, steamships, etc. - all these are individual successful thoughts in God’s creative dream. But the hour will come, and God will wake up, rub his sleepy eyes, smile - and our world will melt away without a trace, and perhaps it never existed at all

66. In favor high quality Republic could be given the same proof that Boccaccio gives in favor of religion: it persists in spite of its officials

67. The Catholic priest walks as if heaven were his complete property; the Protestant, on the contrary, walks as if he rented heaven

68. When the heroes leave, clowns enter the arena

69. French madness is not nearly as mad as German madness, for in the latter, as Polonius would say, there is a system

70. The British have more opinions than thoughts. We Germans, on the contrary, have so many thoughts that we don’t even have time to form an opinion.

71. The English next to the Italians all, as one, resemble statues with the tips of their noses broken off

72. The English take a dozen in their mouths monosyllabic words, chew them, swallow them, and spit them out - and this is called English language

73. Silence - English way talk

74. It’s good with us Germans that no one is so crazy that they can’t find an even crazier one who will understand him

75. Russians are already, thanks to the size of their country, cosmopolitans, or at least one-sixth cosmopolitan, since Russia occupies almost a sixth of the total populated world

76. The first virtue of the Germans is a certain loyalty, a somewhat clumsy, but touchingly generous loyalty. A German fights even for the most unjust cause, once he has received a deposit or even drunkenly promised his assistance

77. To approach Christ is too difficult a task for a Jew: will he ever be able to believe in the divinity of another Jew?

78. Lessing says: “If Raphael’s hands are cut off, he will still remain a painter.” In the same way, we could say: “If the gentleman**’s head was cut off, he would still remain a painter,” - he would continue to paint without a head, and no one would notice that he has no head at all

79. The principle of homeopathy, according to which women heal us from women, is perhaps the most proven by experience

80. In Italy, music became a nation. Here in the north the situation is completely different; there music became man and is called Mozart or Meyerbeer

81. You need to make jokes and borrow money suddenly

82. The beauty of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs

83. Beautiful rhymes often serve as crutches for lame thoughts

84. A woman is both an apple and a snake

85. God will forgive me the nonsense that I said about him, just as I forgive my opponents the nonsense that they wrote against me, although spiritually they stood as much below me as I stand below you, O Lord!

86. Women do not have second loves; their nature is too tender to be able to endure this terrible shock of feelings twice

87. Women have only one means of making us happy and thirty thousand means of creating our unhappiness.

88. One poet said: “The first king was a happy warrior!” Regarding the founders of our current financial dynasties, we can perhaps say prosaically that the first banker was a happy swindler

89. Frederick the Great has great services to German literature; by the way, the one that he published his poems in French

90. No people had such a strong belief in immortality as the Celts; you could borrow money from them, with the expectation that you would return it in another world

91. For love, yesterday does not exist; love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches out to this day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded.

92. The moth does not ask the rose: has anyone kissed you? And the rose does not ask the moth: have you flirted with another rose?

93. In dark times, people are best guided by religion, and in pitch darkness, the best guide is the blind... When dawn comes, it is simply stupid to follow the blind

94. If you strive for peace of mind and pleasure, then believe; if you want to know the truth, then research

There is sediment at the bottom of every heart.
K. Prutkov

Separation reduces moderate love and increases strong love, just as the wind extinguishes a candle and fans the fire...

For some, love is everything, for others it’s everything...
Evgeniy Kashcheev

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven; she has heaven, but wants heaven. O lovers! All this is in your love. Just be able to find it.
Victor Marie Hugo

Love should not be bad habit, and the latest news!
Johnsen Koikolainer

It is better to live with your beloved for one night than with your unloved for the rest of your life.
Veselin Georgiev

To love is to give to your loved ones everything that they take, and to take from them everything that they give.
Valery Afonchenko

"Always return to first love." May be. But each time for a different purpose.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

In the beginning, love has no end.
Arkady Davidovich

If love is selective, then lust is indiscriminate.
Ilya Shevelev

The boastful woman chooses a man in the body, the far-sighted woman chooses a man in business, but only unsightly slackers are truly lucky: they are definitely chosen for love!

If love does not demand anything, it is only because, as it seems to it, it already possesses everything.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

It is better to be a slave to the beloved than to be free to the unloved.
Eric Bern

Being rich does not mean being happy, just as possessing a woman does not mean loving her.
A. Rivarol

Unlike stupidity, love is hidden
Georgy Alexandrov

A woman never thinks very much smart man who is in love with her.
Paul Leotode

Venus awakens love, venereologists study the consequences.
Alexander Krasny

There must be only one love in life great love throughout life, this justifies the causeless attacks of despair to which we are subject.
Albert Camus

Nine times out of ten, the woman's lover is hated most by the wife herself.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Only with your beloved can you confuse day and night.
Evgeniy Kashcheev

Passion can do a lot. It can awaken unprecedented superhuman energy in a person. She can, with her unrelenting pressure, squeeze titanic strength out of even the most balanced soul.
S. Zweig

If nothing can shake your love and it becomes stronger over the years, then it is self-love.
Efim Shpigel

The more favors a woman gives a man, the more she loves him and the less he loves her.
Jean de La Bruyère

Can you imagine a woman who would allow her lover to tell stories a thousand and one nights?
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

But does love have anything in common with the mind!
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

In love, silence is more valuable than words.
Blaise Pascal

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first.
Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov

In love, everyone deceives each other a little so as not to be deceived.
Arkady Davidovich

Why strive to buy love when you can give it...
Timur Nigmatullin

The surest way to win the love of others is to give them your love.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

In one minute of love you learn more about a person than in a month of observation
Romain Rolland

It's easy to hide sadness, hard to hide love, hardest to hide indifference.

Any discussion about love destroys love.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There is nothing more annoying for a man than a promise to love him “always”, while he would prefer to be loved for two or three weeks.
Helen Rowland

Ultimately love is nothing more than a reflection in people own merits person.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man is already half in love with every woman who listens to him talk.
Francis Bacon

It is very easy to love all of humanity and very difficult to say “I love” to one person.
Dmitry Nagiev

Jealousy, being a weakness in a man, is a strength in a woman and stimulates her enterprise. She inspires a woman not so much with hatred as with courage.
Anatole France

To be loved by one who causes universal wonder is the best fate that can befall a woman; but this happiness entails a lot of anxiety.
Germaine de Stael

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.

In love you can achieve anything, everything will be forgiven, but not a habit.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

If a crying child is not calmed down, not persuaded, not distracted, but allowed to scream, if loved ones are forced to humble themselves, then they will stop begging and crying. And they will become the same scumbags.
Elena Ermolova

In life, selfless love is more common than true friendship.
Jean de La Bruyère

There is only one love, but there are thousands of counterfeits.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Women who give themselves most dearly are those who give themselves out of love. They get paid for life.
Valentin Domil

True love does not know satiety. Being entirely spiritual, she cannot cool down.
Victor Hugo

If it turns out that the one you love is like two peas in a pod and wants everything you want you actually you will not love her, but only yourself.
Margaret of Navarre

If you start judging people, you won't have enough time to love them.
Mother Teresa

Either marry her or adopt her?
Arkady Davidovich

We know that love is as strong as death; but as fragile as glass.
Guy de Maupassant

The mind is always a fool of the heart.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Truly loves not the one who always says: “I love you!”, but the one who always asks: “Do you love me?”
Konstantin Melikhan

* For every love at first sight - legal right at a second glance.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

No amount of pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is there, or to pretend it when it is not there.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Traditionally, on Saturdays, we publish for you the answers to the quiz in the “Question - Answer” format. We have a variety of questions, both simple and quite complex. The quiz is very interesting and quite popular, we are simply helping you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen correct option answer, out of four proposed. And we have another question in the quiz - To what pain did the poet Heinrich Heine compare love?

  • from the head
  • with lumbar
  • with dental
  • with phantom

The correct answer is C. With dental

Heinrich Heine(German poet, writer, critic and publicist)

1. Kindness is better than beauty

2. Kindness will always prevail over beauty

3. Not to be subject to any law means to be deprived of the most saving protection, for laws should protect us not only from others, but also from ourselves

4. Love! This is the most sublime and victorious of all passions. But her all-conquering power lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible selflessness.

5. For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow

6. What is love? It's a toothache in the heart

7. Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, and people call it love.

8. The only beauty I know is health

9. A person who is not busy can never enjoy complete happiness; on the face of an idle person you will always find a trace of discontent and apathy

10. Wise people think about their thoughts, foolish people proclaim them.

On December 13, 1797, the great German poet Heinrich Heine was born.
Unsurpassed author lyrical genres, a witty publicist, a devastating satirist, one of the outstanding political lyricists 19th century.

World split And crack passed By heart poet", he once said. And he also owns the famous definition of love: “ Dental pain V heart " In his autobiographical " Travelpaintings" Heine wrote: " Before last moments let's play We themselves With yourself comedy, We disguise even yours suffering And, dying from cardiac wounds, complaining on dental pain. U me same was dental pain V heart" A cheerful joker and mocker, he languished in hopeless melancholy all his life, drowning out mental torture with the peals of his caustic laughter, in which, however, one could clearly feel invisible to the world tears.

G. Heine's fame spread to all continents of Europe. He was especially popular and loved in our country, where he became known since the 30s of the 19th century. " This was barely whether Not most popular foreign poet V Russia» , wrote Turgenev. There was not a single educated Russian reader who had not read something from Heine, and almost not a single Russian poet who had not translated two or three of his poems.

Heine's first translator in Russia was Tyutchev.

The young Russian diplomat Fyodor Tyutchev was married to one of the famous beauties of Munich, Countess EleanorBotmer, and Heine was in love with his 19-year-old younger sister-in-law Clotilde(Tyutchev’s first love), often visited his house, they were friends. Tyutchev translated several poems by Heine from his “ Bookssongs».

Clotilde Botmer, addressee of Tyutchev's poem "I Met You..."

Once Clotilde drew the attention of her Russian friend to one poem in the collection “ TragediesWithlyricalintermezzo", which began with the line " Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam. .." The poems were permeated with a feeling of melancholy of two separated lovers. Fyodor Ivanovich also liked it, and he translated a poem by an unknown person German poet.

In the gloomy north, on a wild rock
The lonely cedar turns white under the snow,
And he fell asleep sweetly in the frosty darkness,
And the blizzard cherishes his sleep.

He keeps dreaming about the young palm tree,
What in distant limits East,
Under a fiery sky, on a sultry hill
Stands and blooms, alone...

Poem " WITHstrangersides» will be included in domestic literature, becoming the first publication of Heine's poetry in Russian. (Later we will recognize him in translations by Lermontov, Fet, Maykov.) And Tyutchev and Clotilde will meet the author of the poem only two years later.
_ _

Duke's Park in Munich, place of walks of Tyutchev and Heine

If the first translators (Tyutchev, Lermontov, Fet, Blok, Annensky) emphasized the romantic beginning of Heine’s poetry, then the translators of the second half of the 19th century were more often attracted by Heine the satirist. But the poet himself combined both: his lyrical cycles are often constructed in such a way that in some poems the lyrical hero reveals himself as an obvious romantic, while in others - as an inveterate cynic. Often both are combined in one poem, and the dreamer lyrical hero V last stanza the author’s mercilessly ironic sarcasm overtakes:
And roses on my darling's cheeks,
And her forget-me-not eyes,
And white lilies, little hands,
Everything is blooming fresh and more luxuriantly...
Only her heart withered!

Or vice versa: it begins with sarcasm and ends with a piercing lyrical note:

Having put on richer frock coats,
townsfolk walk in the forest,
frolic in calf delight
and glorify nature's beauty.

And their souls drown in the bliss,
The romantic valley is blooming!
And they listen with open ears,
as the goldfinch chirps in the thicket.

And I'll close my windows
from the light with black cloth,
my ghosts sometimes
They visit me during the day too.

Former love comes
to me from forgotten days,
sits down with me, sobbing,
and I cry with her.



« But my spirit will continue to live.”

One of last poems Heine, translated by Tyutchev:

The fly arrived on Sunday (they didn’t let it in either on Friday or Saturday). The nurse opened the door, tears streaming down her face. Mushka was allowed to say goodbye to the dead body. She remembered him" pale face, whose regular features resembled the purest works of Greek art".

Heine was buried according to his will in the Montmartre cemetery on a high hill overlooking Paris.

"This will be my last apartment with a view of eternity", he joked.

Mushka was forbidden to go to the funeral, " to, - as she wrote , - my grief was not used by others as material for gossip" But don't carry it out last way she could not.
They walked behind the coffin of the German poet A. Dumas, sobbing bitterly, Théophile Gautier, other celebrities, and behind them all crept a small, stooped figure. " I hid behind them, not at all trying to follow all the details, but I could hear the ropes being brought under the coffin, and it seemed to me as if the ropes were wrapping around my own heart." And the lines dedicated to her rang in my ears:
I lay down in the grave - my flesh decays,
but my spirit will continue to live...

They were from his poem " Mushke", which ended with the order: " And you must live what I lived - my spirit has bewitched you" Mushka fulfilled the order. She lived by words, lived German language, and all four decades that fate gave her after him, she taught this beautiful language to children. All these 40 years until 1896 she lived with this love.

Eliza Krinitz (Mushka)

And Matilda died on the anniversary of her husband’s death on February 17, 1883, exactly 27 years after Heine’s death.

She was standing at the window of her apartment and suddenly fell, never to get up again. Perhaps at that moment she also recalled Heine’s poems dedicated to her:

My hand is giving out. As seen,
Death is approaching. And it's such a shame
That's the end of all pastoralism!
At your right hand, O creator,

I place my staff. Keep it
When I finish my earthly days,
My little sheep. All the thorns
Sweep her from her earthly path.

Don't let her get lost in the forests,
In the swamps where the fleece gets dirty,
Always drink clear water,
Feed on the greenest grass,

And let her be carefree, cheerful,
She sleeps like she slept in my house...

Heine monument in Dusseldorf

And this is a bust of Heine by A. Frische. Installed in Moscow, near the building of the Foreign Library named after. Rudomino is a gift from Dusseldorf to Moscow.

Heinrich Heine entered Russian culture and became an integral part of it. He introduced new poetic meters into our poetry, thanks to him the music of Russian verse has changed in many ways. Many Russian poets dedicated poems to him. Here are just four lines from the poem Lev Mei « In memory of Heine»:

Singer! You didn't live long -
and there was no strength to live.
But he will always pick flowers
love from your grave.

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