It's called an attraction. Interpersonal attraction

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2. Interpersonal attraction, its significance


List of used literature


Attraction is a concept that denotes the occurrence, when a person perceives a person, of the attractiveness of one of them for another. The formation of attachment arises in the subject as a result of his specific emotional attitude, the assessment of which gives rise to a diverse range of feelings (from hostility to sympathy and even love) and manifests itself in the form of a special social attitude to another person.

Attraction research in social psychology and in the psychology of business communication - comparatively new area. Its emergence is associated with the breaking of certain prejudices. For a long time it was believed that the sphere of study of such phenomena as friendship, sympathy, love cannot be an area scientific analysis rather, it is the field of art, literature, etc.

There is still a point of view that the consideration of these phenomena by science encounters insurmountable obstacles not only due to the complexity of the phenomena being studied, but also due to various ethical difficulties that arise here.

The purpose of this work is to consider the phenomenon and process of attraction.

Within the framework of the stated goal, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

1. define the concept of attraction, as well as the levels of attraction, its laws and mechanism of formation;

2. consider interpersonal attraction, as well as its external and internal factors.

1. The concept of attraction and its formation

Attraction (from the French attraction - attraction, attraction, gravitation) - means “the process of mutual attraction of people to each other, the mechanism for the formation of attachments, friendly feelings, sympathy, love. To form an attraction means to invite positive attitude, that is, to win over” Sheynov, V.P. Hidden human control (psychology of manipulation) [Text] / V. P. Sheinov. - M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2008. - P. 112 - ISBN 978-5-17-013673-5.

Attraction is also understood as “the process of forming the attractiveness of a person for the perceiver, and the product of this process, i.e. some quality of attitude” Sventsitsky, A.L. Brief psychological dictionary[Text] / A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospect, 2009. - P. 15 - ISBN 978-5-392-00250-4. This ambiguity of the term is especially important to emphasize and keep in mind when attraction is studied not in itself, but in the context of the third, perceptual, side of communication. On the one hand, the question arises of what is the mechanism for the formation of attachments, friendly feelings or, conversely, hostility when perceiving another person, and on the other hand, what is the role of this phenomenon (both the process and its “product”) in the structure of communication as a whole, in its development as a specific system, including the exchange of information, interaction, and the establishment of mutual understanding.

Incorporating attraction into the process interpersonal perception reveals with particular clarity that characteristic of human communication that has already been noted above, namely the fact that communication is always the realization of certain relationships (both social and interpersonal). Attraction is associated primarily with this second type (i.e., interpersonal) relationships realized in communication.

However, the logic of the study of interpersonal perception forced social psychology to accept this issue, and at present there are quite a few a large number of experimental work and theoretical generalizations in this area.

"Attraction can be considered as special kind social attitude toward another person, in which the emotional component predominates, when this “other” is assessed primarily in categories characteristic of affective assessments” Denisova, Yu.V. Social psychology [Text]: tutorial/ Yu. V. Denisova, E. G. Imasheva. - M.: Omega-L, 2009. - P. 101 - ISBN 978-5-370-01025-5. Empirical (including experimental) research is mainly devoted to elucidating those factors that lead to the emergence of positive emotional relationships between people. In particular, the question of the role of similarity of characteristics of the subject and object of perception in the process of formation of attraction, the role of “ecological” characteristics of the communication process (proximity of communication partners, frequency of meetings, etc.) is being studied. Many studies have revealed the connection between attraction and special type interactions that develop between partners, for example, in conditions of “helping” behavior. If the whole process interpersonal perception cannot be considered outside of the specific relationship that arises, then the process of attraction is precisely the emergence of a positive emotional relationship when perceiving another person.

The theoretical interpretations given to the data obtained do not allow us to say that a satisfactory theory of attraction has already been created. In domestic social psychology, studies of attraction are few. Undoubtedly, an interesting attempt to consider the phenomenon of attraction in the context of those methodological settings that are developed here for the analysis of groups.

Study of attraction in context group activities opens up a broad perspective for a new interpretation of attraction functions, in particular the function emotional regulation interpersonal relationships in the group. This kind of work is just beginning. But it is immediately important to indicate their place in general logic social psychology. The natural development of the idea of human communication as the unity of its three sides allows us to outline ways to study attraction in the context of communication between individuals in a group.

Highlight the following laws attractions:

1st Law of Attraction: “To understand does not mean to accept. It is necessary that your position (goal, interest) coincide with the position of the other person, and in no case contradict each other.

Terms of acceptance:

- consistency of what he must do with his interests and desires;

- it is necessary to show him that the actions that are expected of him will help meet his needs;

- positive attitude towards the person reporting.

2nd law of attraction: other things equal conditions people more easily accept the position of a person towards whom they have an emotional positive attitude (sympathy, love, affection, friendship), and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept the position of a person towards whom they have an emotional negative attitude (dislike, antipathy, hatred). According to this law, people can be divided according to the scale of relationships (Table 1):

Table 1. Attitude scale

F - idolizes you; A is its antipode; B - obvious antipathy; C - is more negative than positive; D - attitude is more positive than negative; E - can be called a friend.

Let's consider the general psychological mechanism formation of attraction. Here we are faced with the problem of the unconscious in people's assessment of each other. For example, there was a feeling of something unpleasant after a conversation - “an unpleasant aftertaste.” Or: “There is something attractive about him,” we notice in another case. How to explain this? After a conversation, how often can we say something about the details of the interlocutor’s clothing (tie, etc.)? They saw and did not see, heard and did not hear. It all depends on the inclusion of your consciousness. Sometimes a person is carried away and does not hear or see signals that are not so significant to him. These signals may disappear without a trace for us. But the opposite situation is also possible. It all depends on how significant this signal is for a given individual, whether it carries a sufficient emotional charge. “Bypassing” consciousness, which at this moment is occupied with something else, an emotionally significant signal remains in the sphere of the unconscious and from there exerts its influence, which manifests itself in the form of an emotional attitude. It follows that when communicating, our signals should:

Have emotional significance for a partner;

This value must be positive for him;

Let the partner not be aware of this signal (it is better not to be aware of it).

This is the essence of the mechanism for forming the attraction technique.

2. Interpersonal attraction, its significance

IN in a broad sense interpersonal attraction is understood as “the formation of a positive emotional attitude in the process of people’s perception of each other” Sventsitsky, A.L. Social psychology [Text]: textbook for higher education students educational institutions/ A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospect, 2009. - P. 212 - ISBN 978-5-392-00583-3.

Research into interpersonal attraction factors began in the 1930s. from analyzing the questions of who is attracted to whom and why. Moreno and Newcomb had a particular influence on the development of research. During these same years, Dale Carnegie’s most popular bestseller “How to Win Friends and Influence People” was published, which went through fifty reprints in the United States and became the same bestseller in the 80s. in our country. Adaptation of Carnegie's recommendations to the practice of interpersonal interaction is also reflected in the domestic psychological literature.

The attention paid to this phenomenon has led to numerous and varied studies. Special interest raised questions about the emergence of attraction at first acquaintance, in friendship and love. Researchers have various reasons there was an illusion that the patterns identified in experiments with students were of an exclusively universal nature.

The traditional stimulus-reactive orientation of research should also be noted. “The numerous determinants of attraction identified in them, as a rule, act as incentives, which determines the construction of appropriate recommendations” Sventsitsky, A.L. Social psychology [Text]: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospect, 2009. - P.213 - ISBN 978-5-392-00583-3. The research euphoria of discovery inherent in that time general laws human relationships was subsequently replaced by a period of pessimism, especially characteristic of the behavioral psychological tradition. To prove the usefulness of the work carried out by representatives of the behavioral tradition, it can be stated: without it, both the recording of the phenomenon of attraction and its extensive study, which created the necessary basis for subsequent in-depth analysis, would not have been possible.

In the 70s in the behavioral tradition, the reinforcement chain developed by Lott began to be used to the phenomenon of interpersonal attraction and tries to accumulate the ideas of the theory of balance and exchange, according to which the decisive prerequisite for interpersonal attraction is the inclusion of reinforcements in relationships. If your actions are reinforced by other people, your attitude towards them is what creates attraction.

Another modification of the interpretation of interpersonal attraction learning theory is called the Barne and Clore reinforcement-emotion model. In it, reinforcement is supplemented with an emotional component. The logic is entirely consistent with classical conditioning I.P. Pavlova. Just as a dog learns to establish an association between food and a bell, a person establishes associations with positive characteristics of other people and the environment. attraction attachment interpersonal gravitation

The reinforcement-emotion model includes the following provisions:

1. People identify incentives of reward or punishment that affect them and strive to find the former and avoid the latter.

2. Positive feelings are associated with encouragement, and negative feelings with punishment.

3. Stimuli are evaluated in terms of the feelings they evoke. The assessment is positive when positive feelings arise and negative when negative feelings arise.

4. Any neutral stimulus associated with positive reinforcement causes positive feelings and vice versa.

Accordingly, evoking sympathy or antipathy specific people associated with the feelings that are associated with them. Of course, “the behavioral interpretation of the phenomenon of interpersonal attraction is too simplified, but, at the same time, fully consistent with the general stimulus-reactive methodological model” Sventsitsky, A.L. Social psychology [Text]: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospect, 2009. - P. 215 - ISBN 978-5-392-00583-3.

IN Lately the complexity of the phenomenon of interpersonal attraction, its dynamic and procedural nature begins to be understood.

The only clearly stated statement is the fact that people prefer to build positive relationships with those who create opportunities for mutual encouragement. In many ways, these ideas are based on Homans' theory of social exchange. Describing interpersonal relationships using a conceptual apparatus borrowed from economics, Homans uses the cost/gain ratio, which is again deciphered through a rational analogy - a person weighs the possible costs of achieving a goal and the benefits received. If the costs pay off, the relationship is positive; if it exceeds the profit, the relationship becomes negative. Logically mutually beneficial relationships would seem to form the foundation of interpersonal attraction. But in real life a person is not always rational in his feelings and actions and is not always like an accountant balancing relationships.

There are six types of interpersonal relationships involving the exchange of resources:

1. Goods - any products or objects.

3. Love - tender glances, warmth or comfort.

4. Money - any money or anything that has a price.

5. Service - any bodily activity or belonging to a person.

6. Status - evaluative decisions that provide high or low prestige.

Any of these resources can be objects of mutual exchange in human relationships. According to this approach, in most interpersonal relationships we try to use a minimax strategy, which involves minimizing costs and maximizing benefits. This strategy can be implemented either intentionally or unintentionally.

Methods for measuring interpersonal attraction were proposed by J. Moreno using the “sociometric test”. A person is asked to name those people with whom he would like to do some work or action, as well as those with whom he would not like to participate in any business: who would you like to have as your boss? Who wouldn't you like to spend your holidays with? “The sociogram summarizes information about interpersonal preferences among group members, and also reveals communication connections between them” Sventsitsky, A.L. Social psychology [Text]: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospect, 2009. - P.216 - ISBN 978-5-392-00583-3.

TO external factors attractions include:

- the need for affiliation, which refers to the desire of people to unite,

- the need to create satisfactory relationships with other people, the desire to be liked, to attract attention, to feel like a valuable and significant person.

In order to correctly understand an interaction partner, you need to know his attitude towards us, how he perceives and understands us. A person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner is called reflection. The concept of “reflection” arose a long time ago. Descartes also meant by reflection the ability of a person to concentrate on the content of his thoughts, to abstract from everything external, bodily. But here we also add the clarification of how others know and understand the reflective person, his personal characteristics, mental capacity, behavioral and emotional (expressive) reactions. At the same time, our attention seems to be simultaneously transferred from the partner to ourselves and some kind of doubling occurs mirror reflections each other.

- I am what I am;

- I - how I see myself (self-esteem);

- I am through the eyes of others (interaction partner).

Only by studying and taking this information into account can we expect that our image will be adequately perceived and our personality adequately assessed. Ignorance of oneself inadequate self-esteem(underestimated or overestimated), ignoring other people’s opinions about us can contribute to serious imbalances in the development of our image and prevent us from achieving success.

Factor emotional state is expressed in the fact that “a person experiencing positive emotions, looks at others more often and more kindly than when he is in a neutral, aggressive or depressed mood” Sheynov, V.P. Hidden human control (psychology of manipulation) [Text] / V. P. Sheinov. - M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2008. - P.132. - ISBN 978-5-17-013673-5.

Also, external factors of attraction include spatial proximity. “The influence of this factor is that, other things being equal, the closer people are spatially to each other, the more likely they are to be mutually attractive. This may be explained by the fact that people who communicate more closely have general information, general issues and problems, interest in mutual assistance" Ibid..

Now let's look in more detail at internal factors attractions. Most psychologists are convinced that physical attractiveness is the basis of attraction. For the development of a positive feeling towards another, social and personal characteristic person, features of the situation, factors of similarity and difference between participants in communication.

However, the relationship between a person’s physical attractiveness and attraction is ambiguous. Sometimes you like people who at first glance don't seem likeable. However, in the process of interaction, we can change our attitude towards them if we observe intelligence, a charming smile, a friendly look and gestures, and a desire to meet us halfway. And, conversely, when beautiful face a person may look cold and aloof, engage in narcissism or demonstrate selfishness, unethical, and incorrect actions towards another. Such a person, as a rule, does not evoke sympathy.

This is due to the fact that to form sympathy, a whole range of positions is taken into account: what kind of life a person leads, what is his personal life, relationships with colleagues, relatives, friends, his moral principles and virtues, attitude, behavior and character. Sometimes one negative characteristic is enough, and the image is not perceived as the person himself would like. Therefore, sometimes it is not beauty, but precisely the attractiveness of a person that is more significant in the eyes of others. Attractive people usually:

- smile often and willingly;

- have good feeling tact and humor, know how to laugh at themselves;

- behave naturally and smoothly in different situations;

- cheerful, cheerful and optimistic;

- often and willingly give compliments;

- self-confident, friendly, sociable;

- quickly call a person to talk about himself;

- respond to requests and demonstrate a willingness to help;

- know how to work in a team, enjoy the successes of others;

- pleasant in appearance (aesthetically pleasing, tastefully dressed, etc.).

Moreover, psychological research show that when a person is confident in himself, he actually chooses the most beautiful partner. In the absence of such confidence, he, as a rule, focuses on the average or even on low level physical attractiveness of another person. In communication, the ability to be pleasant and sociable is valued much more than natural external beauty with undeveloped attraction. It has also been noted that the influence of physical attractiveness is usually higher at the beginning of acquaintance and decreases as we learn about other traits of this person.


Attraction is not only the ability to please others, but also the process of forming the attractiveness of a person for the perceiver, and the product of this process, that is, a certain quality of attitude.

Interpersonal attraction is the process of preferring some people over others, mutual attraction between people, the ability to cause mutual sympathy. This emotional assessment has a very sustainable nature and is one of the key factors human relations. The emotional rating scale covers the entire range, from “love” to “hate.” On the process of interpersonal attraction greatest influence exerted by external and internal factors.

Attraction ensures the formation of an emotional attitude towards the perceived person, in particular towards the communication partner, whose assessment gives rise to a diverse range of feelings - from hostility to sympathy and even love - and manifests itself as a special social attitude towards another person. As a result of attraction processes, a system of social attitudes, partially stereotyped, is formed. These attitudes regulate the relationship of the individual with his social microenvironment. The presence of an attraction greatly facilitates the “hidden” control of an object, although it does not always appear explicitly.

IN experimental studies the mechanisms of the formation of attachments and friendly feelings when perceiving another person are studied, the reasons for the emergence of a positive emotional attitude, in particular the role of the similarity of the characteristics of the subject and object of perception, as well as the situation in which they are located (for example, the influence on the formation of attraction of such formal-dynamic characteristics, such as the proximity of communication partners, the frequency of their meetings, the distance between them, etc.; the influence of interaction conditions: “helping behavior”, joint activities.

List of used literature

1. Aronson, E. Bolshaya psychological encyclopedia: Why does a person behave this way and not otherwise: psychological laws human behavior [Text / E. Aronson, T. Wilson, R. Eickert; lane from English V. Volokhonsky and others - St. Petersburg: Prime-EUROZNAK, 2008. - 558 p. - ISBN 978-5-93878-629-5

2. Baron, R. A. Social psychology: key ideas[Text] / R. Baron, D. Byrne, B. Johnson; lane from English A. Dmitrieva, M. Potapova. - 4th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 507 p. - ISBN 5-318-00577-2

3. Denisova, Yu.V. Social psychology [Text]: textbook / Yu. V. Denisova, E. G. Imasheva. - M.: Omega-L, 2009. - 172 p. - ISBN 978-5-370-01025-5

4. Sventsitsky, A.L. Brief psychological dictionary [Text] / A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospekt, 2009. - 512 p. - ISBN 978-5-392-00250-4

5. Sventsitsky, A.L. Social psychology [Text]: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / A. L. Sventsitsky. - M.: Prospekt, 2009. - 332 p. - ISBN 978-5-392-00583-3

6. Houston, M. Introduction to social psychology. European approach [Text]: a textbook for university students studying psychology and pedagogy / M. Houston, V. Strebe; lane from English G. Yu. Lyubimova; edited by T. Yu. Bazarova. - 3rd ed. - M.: UNITY, 2004. - 594 p. - ISBN 5-238-00713-2

7. Sheinov, V.P. Hidden human control (psychology of manipulation) [Text] / V. P. Sheinov. - M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2008. - 815 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-013673-5

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Attraction in psychology is understood as the perception of one person by another, as a result of which a lasting positive impression arises and an attachment is formed. The formation of interpersonal attraction is a process that is accompanied by a number of changes in consciousness. As a rule, the mood changes in better side, a feeling of some kinship and attraction is created. If a person experiences all this, then we can say that the formation of interpersonal attraction has occurred.

Interpersonal attraction refers to what people feel towards each other mutual attraction. They do not strive to please or make an additional positive impression. Everything happens by itself. Usually, the younger a person is, the easier it is for him to become imbued with the ideas and feelings of another person. As we age, we begin to accumulate various prejudices, fears and doubts about how to behave with others. Let us consider in more detail the factors in the formation of interpersonal attraction.

Factors forming attraction

Proximity effect

The proximity effect can be called a factor that helps shape attraction. In most cases, people form friendships while being in the same space and time. In other conditions this is very difficult to do. The exception is when people have something in common, they have a deep intercom and are simply forced to be at a distance from each other, while still being able to interact. The proximity effect implies that a person, first of all, pays attention to those people who are close to him during a period of time. large quantity time. He focuses on the opinion of the majority, strives to please and impress. This phenomenon becomes especially noticeable in large teams, where completely different people are forced to contact each other. Being in the same space contributes to the emotional development of personality. Sooner or later, people begin to get used to each other, communicate little by little and carefully. Being close to a person over time necessarily attracts you to him. This is how interpersonal attraction is formed.

Support and approval

Every person wants to be respected and accepted for who they are. To achieve this goal, many are even ready to make significant efforts, do something, prove self-worth. The presence of support is a factor that contributes to the formation of interpersonal attraction. When someone supports a person, imbues him with sympathy and attention, a reciprocal feeling of attraction arises. At a minimum, we begin to feel gratitude, and at a maximum, we ourselves strive to be useful in relation to the one who showed us help. Approval works in a similar way. If someone praises us, then in the future we will begin to treat this person more favorably, show patience and participation. This is how the phenomenon of attraction works.

Mutual interest

Another factor contributing to the development of attraction is a feeling of curiosity towards the person who caused it. Mutual interest arising from something also contributes to the formation of interpersonal attraction. In fact, only in this case do people really begin to properly hear and understand each other. As long as there is no interest in another person, attention will be concentrated only on internal experiences. General helps to gain the favor of the person you like and establish contact.

Similarity of judgments

This factor can only be revealed through communication. If there is some attraction on the part of people, they often discover that they have similar views on life. Common views, as a rule, help people make friends and endear themselves to each other. How higher level similarities are discovered, it becomes easier to understand the person. Accordingly, the formation of interpersonal attraction occurs very quickly. On the contrary, the difference life positions cannot attract. As a rule, it only pushes people away from each other. Sometimes people are able to intuitively understand how close or not the person who is nearby is. Without this factor, people would hardly be able to understand what they should pay attention to first and would not be able to build meaningful relationships.


A person’s individual character also plays a significant role in the formation of attraction. This is a factor that simply cannot be ignored or ignored when trying to build relationships. People who have the same character will be able to understand each other much better than those who have completely opposite dispositions. A similar one promotes deep contact, awareness of the motives of the opponent’s actions, and quick attraction. This factor really helps people find the right person and line up with him harmonious relationships. Sympathy that arose in the first minutes of meeting a person who has a similar character can subsequently develop into a strong friendship or become the beginning of the emergence of love.

Physical attractiveness

This factor is important in most cases. Even when people say that the appearance of their interlocutor is not important to them, they still pay attention to it. In fact, it cannot be otherwise. Attraction arises when we begin to experience pleasant feelings towards the interlocutor, and not the other way around. People avoid unpleasant personalities with dirty or torn clothes, and avoid those who are unkempt and have external defects. Physical attractiveness often leads to inexplicable attraction.

Thus, attraction is the attraction of one person to another, which arises for some reason significant reasons and circumstances. Attraction factors show on what basis people have the opportunity to make friends, to like inner world each other.

Attraction is (in psychology) a complex and versatile concept. In short, it determines the sympathy of one person for another. Attraction is gravitation, and mutual.

Psychological definition

Different sources give approximately the same interpretation of this concept, but they all mean approximately the same thing. Attraction is an expression of sympathy, a friendly type of communication, a manifestation of warm and friendly feelings. And the development of attractiveness occurs, as a rule, as a result of the emotional and somewhat specific relationship of one individual to another. The assessment of the sensations that arise in this case among the participants in a communicative act gives rise to a huge range of feelings, resplendent in diversity. It can be anything, from ordinary human interest to falling in love, which often quickly develops into love. And all these emotions are expressed in the special attitude of one person towards another.

Since the emergence of psychology, specialists in this field, together with sociologists, have been studying the principle of the formation of attachments, as well as various feelings between people. Due to the various studies The concept of “attraction” also appeared, which later became the impetus for further study of people. cause the reasons for the appearance of sympathy, the circumstances under which it happened, what was the distance between them, how often opponents see each other, and much more.

Individuality is the determining factor

Why is one person perceived different people not the same? One may like him incredibly, and he would gladly communicate with him for hours on end. The other person simply cannot stand this person and dreams of him disappearing from his life. It's all about individuality. But not only this.

The first impression and opinion created on its basis is very important. Psychologists have proven that it is this that is the basis for building subsequent communication. In a few seconds you can understand whether there is a prospect for communication or not. And in most cases, the first opinion does not deceive people. Appearance, the smell of cologne, gestures, behavior, clothing, manners, intonation, gaze - all this forms the opinion of one opponent about another. All this shows a person as he is. Something, of course, can be hidden, but it is impossible to keep track of all the little things. And if two people meet each other’s standards, then the likelihood of sympathy or at least a desire to communicate is high.


By the way, it should be noted that attraction is also a turnover, which is expressed in the absence of a certain syntactic connection between one and the second terms of a sentence. That is, the adjective genitive case could not be used together with the subject. One of the most bright examples is a phrase that sounds like "killed by the feet of elephants." It sounds strange, but at a time when the paratactic system dominated the language, this was normal. Nowadays it looks like this - “killed by the feet of elephants”. Visible application genitive case. This is the specificity of syntactic attraction.

Attraction levels

Attraction is a fairly extensive term in psychology, which includes several more. It's worth talking about her levels. There are only three - sympathy, friendship and love. As you can see, the levels are positive. There is no such thing as “dislike”, for example. That’s right, since attraction is a manifestation. But the emotional assessment “I hate” begins to form if one individual, for some reason, begins to irritate another. Situations are different, and almost all of us are familiar with them.
Each level has its own characteristics. Sympathy, for example, is a manifestation of goodwill, politeness, a desire to show attention, help or communicate. Friendship is something more fundamental, characterized by the development of a strong and lasting attachment from one person to another. And finally, love. This is the most high degree relationships. We should talk about it in a little more detail.

Attraction in close relationships

Why does this happen: a guy met several hundred girls, but they all rejected him, but in his sixties he met one who showed an incredible desire for close relationships with him and, by a lucky chance, fit his parameters? Because he meets her standards. And she is his. These are the kind of people she likes. This means that all previous girls had different tastes. And completely different ideas about interpersonal relationships. This is where the attraction comes in. This is just one case out of millions.

If we talk about close relationships, it is worth noting that everything plays a role here. Appearance, character, interests, outlook on life, goals. Interpersonal attraction is not just a social attitude, formed on the basis of an analysis of the person with whom communication is taking place, and everything connected with it. Even if some people claim that only appearance or character is important to them, it only seems so at first. You need to remember such a concept as balance. It directly relates to the term "attraction". What is this? A harmonious combination of all personal and external. Everyone has their own taste, but all people want to have a close relationship with someone who will look good, have similar interests and views, and have a pleasant character. Everyone has their own ideal. And each such image is perfection for the person who dreams about it in the subconscious. And sometimes in reality. Only often such people remain lonely, since they rarely manage to find the ideal that they managed to draw in their imagination. Others, having long ago realized that it is unlikely that they will be able to meet perfection, have already forgotten about these images and live happily with that person who, perhaps, is not ideal in everything, but it was with him that everything worked out, and well.

A special range of problems of interpersonal perception arises in connection with the inclusion of specific emotional regulators in this process. People not only perceive each other, but form certain relationships towards each other. Based on the assessments made, a diverse range of feelings is born - from rejection of a particular person to sympathy, even love for him. The area of ​​research related to identifying the mechanisms of formation of various emotional attitudes towards a perceived person is called attraction research. Literally, attraction is attraction, but the specific connotation in the meaning of this word in Russian does not convey the entire content of the concept of “attraction.” Attraction is both the process of forming the attractiveness of a person for the perceiver, and the product of this process, i.e. some quality of relationship. This ambiguity of the term is especially important to emphasize and keep in mind when attraction is studied not in itself, but in the context of the third, perceptual, side of communication. On the one hand, the question arises of what is the mechanism for the formation of attachments, friendly feelings or, conversely, hostility when perceiving another person, and on the other hand, what is the role of this phenomenon (both the process and its “product”) in the structure of communication as a whole, in its development as a specific system, including the exchange of information, interaction, and the establishment of mutual understanding.

The inclusion of attraction in the process of interpersonal perception reveals with particular clarity that characteristic of human communication that has already been noted above, namely the fact that communication is always the implementation of certain relationships (both social and interpersonal). Attraction is associated primarily with this second type of relationship realized in communication.

The study of attraction in social psychology is a relatively new field. Its emergence is associated with the breaking of certain prejudices. For a long time it was believed that the field of study of such phenomena as friendship, sympathy, love cannot be an area of ​​scientific analysis; rather, it is the area of ​​art, literature, etc.

Attraction can be considered as a special type of social attitude toward another person, in which the emotional component predominates, when this “other” is assessed primarily in categories characteristic of affective assessments. Empirical (including experimental) research is mainly devoted to elucidating those factors that lead to the emergence of positive emotional relationships between people. Various levels of attraction are identified: sympathy, friendship, love.

19. Statement of the problem of groups in social psychology. Classification of groups.

In the history of social psychology, numerous attempts have been made to construct a classification of groups. For social psychology, the division of groups into conditional and real is significant. She focuses her research on real groups. But among these real ones, there are also those that primarily appear in general psychological research - real laboratory groups. In contrast, there are real natural groups. Social-psychological analysis is possible regarding both types of real groups, however highest value have real natural groups identified in sociological analysis. In turn, these natural groups are divided into so-called “large” and “small” groups. Small groups are a well-established field of social psychology. As for large groups, the question of their study is much more complicated and requires special consideration. It is important to emphasize that these large groups are also represented in social psychology unequally: some of them have a solid tradition of research, while others are organized, long-term existing groups, - like classes, nations, are much less represented in social psychology as an object of research. The whole point of the previous discussions on the subject of social psychology requires the inclusion of these groups in the scope of analysis. In the same way, small groups can be divided into two varieties: emerging groups, already defined by external social requirements, but not yet united by joint activities in in every sense this word, and groups more high level developments already established.


(from lat. attrahere - to attract, attract) - a concept denoting the emergence, when a person is perceived by a person (see) of the attractiveness of one of them for another. The formation of attachment arises in the subject as a result of his specific emotional attitude (see), the assessment of which gives rise to a diverse range of feelings (from hostility to sympathy and even love) and manifests itself in the form of a special social attitude towards another person.

Karpenko Lyudmila Andreevna

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


A concept meaning the appearance when a person is perceived by a person ( cm.) the attractiveness of one of them for the other. The formation of attachment arises in the subject as a result of his specific emotional attitude, the assessment of which gives rise to a diverse range of feelings - from hostility to sympathy and even love - and manifests itself as a special social attitude towards another person. The mechanisms of formation of attachments and friendly feelings are being studied experimentally ( cm.; ) when perceiving another person, the reasons for the appearance of an emotional attitude, in particular - the role of the similarity of characteristics of the subject and object of perception, as well as the situation in which they find themselves:

1 ) the influence of such characteristics as the proximity of communication partners, the frequency of their meetings, the distance between them, etc.;

2 ) the influence of interaction conditions - “helping behavior”, joint activities, etc.

Dictionary practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

Attraction Etymology.

English attraction - attraction, gravitation.


Installation on another person.


Causes people to be interested in each other. In accordance with it, the individual is involved in joint activities.


Measured using the Interpersonal Rating Scale.


(Ed.) Huston T. Foundations of Interpersonal Attraction. N.Y., 1974

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


1. Behavior of approaching an object or just paying attention, showing interest in a person. Wed. attraction - a spectacular circus or variety act; entertainment.

2. In social psychology A. is called friendly guy relationships between people, their sympathy for each other. It should be noted that this concept is not explanatory, but purely descriptive and, moreover, metaphorical. In the theory of equilibrium (balance) F. Heider postulates ( reciprocity principle) that social A. is reciprocal: if you discover that someone likes you, then this makes it more likely that you like him. Cm. , . (B.M.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


See what “attraction” is in other dictionaries:

    ATTRACTION- (Latin attractio, from attrahere to attract). Attraction; force of gravity. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ATTRACTION [lat. attractio contraction] 1) psychol. concept denoting the emergence of... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    Attraction- ATTRACTION (Attractio attraction) is a turnover that is grammatically expressed in the absence of a syntactic connection between two members of a sentence. Examples of attraction: “killed by the feet of elephants”, “they were surrounded by a bowl of green wine” instead of killed by the feet of elephants,... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    attraction- and, f. attraction f., lat. attractio. 1. physical Attraction. All bodies and creatures attract each other according to certain rules. That force of bodies is called attraction. Cantemir Satir. 7 161. For attraction you already need + and, you need one and quantity. 31.12.… … Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

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