Who erected the monument to General Wrangel in Crimea. Russia's first monument to Wrangel was unveiled in Kerch


Another lie about the abdication of the Tsar who never happened

The myth of the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II - Part II

The story of the so-called Manifesto on the abdication of Sovereign Nicholas II is extremely confused by all the witnesses to this terrible event for Russia precisely because they are all complicit in perjury, in the forcible removal of the Emperor from the Throne. The traitorous generals and Duma masons who captured the Tsar in Pskov needed to get a manifesto of renunciation from the Tsar in order to create the appearance of a voluntary surrender of the country to the revolutionaries. Moreover, the manifesto was conceived by the conspirators with the transfer of power to the heir - little Alexei Nikolaevich, who could then be easily eliminated, replaced, and finally killed, citing the incurable illness of the child. Nikolai Alexandrovich remembered the fate of Tsarevich Dimitri, who allegedly stumbled upon a knife in a fit of illness. The Emperor breaks the Masonic “scenario” of the coup, announcing the transfer of the Throne to his brother Mikhail. The sovereign deliberately acts illegally by imitating the transfer Tsarist power, bypassing the legal Heir. He easily agrees to sign an illegal document, which all the “witnesses of the abdication” call the “Manifesto”, but which in fact is a telegram to Headquarters to the only addressee - General Alekseev. The text of this telegram, under the guise of a Manifesto, was hastily sent out to the troops by the triumphant Alekseev, and the tragedy of the Army is that it did not hear the Sovereign’s call to the troops to save the Throne.

That this telegram to Alekseev is not a Manifesto of renunciation is immediately evident. It lacks a number of formal features required by the Manifesto. Here's how, for example, it was designed The Supreme Manifesto on the declaration of war on Germany: introduction: “By the Grace of God, We, Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, and so on, and so on, and so on. We declare to all Our faithful subjects...” - this is followed by the text of the Manifesto, and the conclusion: “Given in St. Petersburg, on the twentieth day of July, the year of the Nativity of Christ one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, the twentieth of our Reign.” The telegram lacks the formal countersignature necessary for the manifesto: “On the original, His Imperial Majesty’s Own Hand is signed: NICHOLAS.” Even the Sovereign’s signature on the telegram, passed off as the Manifesto of Abdication, was made in pencil, although varnished with vernier, but was not certified by the Minister of the Court Fredericks, and for some reason this signature of Count Fredericks was not preserved on the document.

The genuine Manifesto could come into force only after its publication in the appropriate form and in the official press. Understanding this, before the arrival of Guchkov and Shulgin, General Ruzsky, when asked by Fredericks how to formalize the details related to the act of abdication, replied that “those present in this are incompetent, that it is best for the Emperor to go to Tsarskoye Selo and formalize everything there with knowledgeable persons.” However, Guchkov already insisted on the immediate signing of the Abdication, as if not noticing its illegal form - a dense telegraph form with a strange address for the general address of the Emperor leaving the Throne: “Headquarters. The traitors were in a hurry, it’s a long way to Tsarskoe Selo, you see, the faithful to the Tsar will be found there.” generals, officers and troops, after all, after the Bolshevik revolution, the oath-breaking generals admitted: “Ruzsky’s enemies say that he should have... indicated to Rodzianka that he was a traitor and moved by armed force to suppress the rebellion. This, as we now know, is undoubtedly. would have succeeded, because the garrison of Petrograd was not capable of resistance, the Soviets were still weak, and enough strong troops could be taken from the fronts.” In a hurry, Guchkov and Shulgin grab the telegraph form, leaving a duplicate - the same form with the same text - for Ruzsky's keeping, and rush to Petrograd to announce their victory.

In a word, the so-called “renunciation” of Nicholas II is an illegal document, deliberately drawn up by the Emperor in violation of the laws both in content and form. And numerous testimonies about its legality and about the voluntary resignation of Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich of his Royal powers are a conscious falsification of history by participants in the events who violated their duty and Oath.

That is why General Danilov stubbornly insists on two copies of the manifesto! He really needs to create this legend about the Manifesto, so that everything that Ruzsky and Guchkov, he and Shulgin have done, would have at least the slightest semblance of legality. Already on March 2, 1917, Danilov was very worried about the “legal incorrectness” of what he had done: “Will abdication in favor of Mikhail Alexandrovich subsequently cause major complications due to the fact that such an order is not provided for by the law on succession to the throne?” Further scenario for the death of the Throne when it is transferred to the Heir Alexei Nikolaevich was clearly drawn by V.V. Shulgin, another criminal organizer of the tragedy called “abdication”: “If the next one has to renounce, then Mikhail can abdicate the throne... But the young heir cannot abdicate - his abdication is invalid. And then what are they. will they do, these armed trucks moving along all the roads? Probably they are flying to Tsarskoe Selo, damned... And I began to see: “There are bloody boys in my eyes.” This is what the revolutionaries were planning, this is what the Sovereign was saving his Son and the Throne from. It was not for nothing that Empress Alexandra Feodorovna unconditionally accepted her husband’s decision: “I fully understand your action... I know that you could not sign anything contrary to what you swore at your coronation. We know each other perfectly, we need no words and, on my life, we will see you again on your Throne, lifted back by your people and armies to the glory of your Kingdom. You have saved your son’s kingdom and country, and your holy purity, and... you will be crowned by God Himself on this earth, in your country.”

It was not for nothing that Kerensky, Miliukov, and Rodzianko were so taken aback by the unexpected text of the Tsar’s telegram to Headquarters and tried to hide it, not announce it, not publish it until they received a “renunciation” from Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. Miliukov said: “Do not announce the Manifesto... Serious changes have occurred... We were given a text... This text is completely unsatisfactory...” And here is evidence of the same from General Vilchkovsky: “At five o’clock in the morning Rodzianko and Prince Lvov called Ruzsky to the office and announced to him, that the Manifesto of abdication in favor of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich cannot be published until they allow it to be done. In order to calm Russia, the reign of Mikhail Alexandrovich is “absolutely unacceptable.”

Shulgin correctly understood the Sovereign’s plan and later explained this, at the same time shielding himself and presenting himself almost as an ally of the Emperor: “If there is a legal irregularity here... If the Sovereign cannot abdicate in favor of his brother... Let there be irregularity! Maybe this will buy time... Mikhail will rule for some time, then, when everything calms down, it will turn out that he cannot reign, and the throne will pass to Alexei Nikolaevich."

So, the document containing the supposed “abdication” of Emperor Nicholas II was deliberately drawn up by the Sovereign in violation of the Laws of Succession to the Throne, which was obvious to the majority of participants in the conspiracy. For what purpose did the Emperor draw up this illegal document, falsely called a “manifesto” by Danilov, Shulgin, Guchkov and other conspirators? Firstly, the illegal transfer of power, bypassing the Heir to the Throne, was supposed to call on the Army to fulfill the Oath and restore the Autocracy. Secondly, the revolutionaries were supposed to unleash their next blow not on the legitimate Heir to the Throne - Alexei Nikolaevich, but on Mikhail Alexandrovich, who, at the call of his brother, was obliged to take the fight, delay time until the intensity of the Petrograd street elements subsided; it was not for nothing that there were confessions later : “We were crushed by Petrograd, not Russia.” The crowd, as you know, does not riot for long, and soon spreads to their homes, to their wives, children, to their usual work. But Mikhail Alexandrovich obeyed not the will of his Brother, but the conspirators who threatened him. They were in a hurry to “break” the will of the already unwilling Mikhail, who did not understand either at that moment or later his sacrificial role destined for him by the Royal Brother to save Russia and the Autocracy. He was afraid of the threats of Kerensky, who, hysterically wringing his hands, was why he should panic. Kerensky, in the event of the return of the legitimate Tsar, a noose awaited Kerensky-Kirbis, shouted to the Grand Duke what dangers he would personally be exposed to if he decided to take the Throne: “I cannot vouch for the life of your Highness...”. Thirdly, the Sovereign did not save the Son, not Himself, by drawing up this document.

The Emperor was saving His Autocracy and His Throne. He had to return to this Throne, returned to him by the people and the loyal Army. The Tsar could not allow regicide out of compassion for his people, who would all fall under the oath of the Council of 1613...

In 1927, the Bolsheviks published all the memoirs published by that time about the overthrow of the monarchy under the title “The Abdication of Nicholas II,” accompanied by a foreword by the Jewish publicist Mikhail Koltsov, who maliciously, but very accurately wrote about these days: “There is no doubt, the only person The one who tried to persist in preserving the monarchical regime was the monarch himself. The Tsar alone saved and defended the Tsar. He didn’t destroy, he was destroyed.”

No matter how the memoirists-false witnesses try to obscure their participation in the destruction Imperial Russia, shifting the blame for the fall of the Throne onto the Sovereign, inventing fables about his character, manners, upbringing, actions, weaving a web of false facts, but the criminal way of their thoughts, envy or simply hatred of the holy King aroused by the enemy of the human race betrays them headlong and undermines the historical the reliability of their memories.

A series of people who passed here - a tsarist official dissatisfied with his career growth (how many of them were there who hastily left the Alexander Palace in those bitter March days of the 17th year), a priest who did not believe in the holiness of God’s Anointing, and, therefore, in the Lord Himself (those who renounced The Tsar's priests are not uncommon, but ruled in the year 17), an envious and unlucky son-in-law - a member of the Imperial Family (among relatives, betrayal and condemnation of the Tsar was universal), and finally, an army general, stung by the removal from a high post (all commanders of the fronts and fleets were guilty sin of kingship). How many of them, who swore allegiance to the Sovereign and Heir, oathbreakers, then began to justify themselves. And now we call their deliberate lies “documents of the era” and we believe these lies more than the testimonies of people who remained faithful to the Oath. They say that the royal servants loved Royal Family, owed her their prosperity, and out of love and gratitude they embellished the facts, keeping silent about the unworthy. And these “witnesses,” who were “critical” of the Tsar and Empress, allegedly express “unbiased opinions.” But the fact of the matter is that the judgments about the Sovereign of traitors and traitors, envious people and careerists (mostly Freemasons, conscious participants in the conspiracy against the Autocracy in Russia) are the most biased, they are expressed with only one purpose: to shift to The Tsar is guilty of his own sins before God and before the Motherland.

The ancient Orthodox rule “before death, do not cheat anyone” only now makes it possible to appreciate the baseness of the treason and slander of these witnesses. The death of sinners is cruel. This psalm word was sacredly fulfilled over all who transgressed the Royal Oath.

Already in 1918, the traitor general Ruzsky died. Mason, he soon after February revolution boasted in newspaper interviews of his active participation in the overthrow of the Tsar. An unrepentant traitor, Ruzsky died terrible death: chopped into pieces by the Red Guards, buried half alive in the ground in the Pyatigorsk cemetery.

Chief of Staff Supreme Commander the traitor general Alekseev, the one who collected consent from the front commanders for the coup, who drew up the text of the “manifesto” about the renunciation and then, when the Emperor arrived at Headquarters, arrested Him, the same Alekseev, tormented by the failure of attempts to create a combat-ready Volunteer Army, begged for a penny money for its equipment, trying to no avail to gather former generals into a fist Tsarist Army, died painful death from kidney disease in the same 1918.

Traitor General Kornilov, appointed by the Februaryists to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Petrograd Military District and personally awarded the non-commissioned officer Kirpichnikov St. George's Cross for the murder of an officer, and proclaiming at the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief that “everything must be forgiven to the Russian soldier, having understood his delight at the fall of tsarism and autocracy,” he took upon himself the audacity to arrest the Family of the Sovereign and, most importantly, the Heir to the Throne, in Tsarskoe Selo. like the Tsar, he swore allegiance. Kornilov also died in 1918. He led the white attack on Yekaterinodar, at night he worked at the table in a Cossack hut, and a single grenade in this pre-dawn lull hit him here in the temple and thigh, sensing the punishment of God so unnatural. for the soldier of the leader's death, White Army shuddered. The fate of the offensive was fatally sealed.

Admiral Kolchak and Admiral Nepenin, commanders-in-chief of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets, as traitors to the Oath, they also died terribly. Nepenin, even before any Alekseevsky survey of the commanders-in-chief, sent telegrams to Headquarters that “there is no way to resist the demands of the temporary committee,” was killed by the rebel sailors in 1917. Kolchak escaped this fate only because he fled, abandoning the fleet, to Petrograd, and then to America - to teach the Americans “naval mine warfare.” Soon, returning to Russia, he tried to lead the white resistance in Siberia, proclaimed himself Supreme Ruler, and having already experienced the bitterness of betrayal “on my own skin,” he was betrayed by his own comrades-in-arms and shot in 1920.

In the same 1920, General N.I. Ivanov died of typhus, the one who deliberately did not carry out the Sovereign’s order to bring guards regiments to the rebellious Petrograd to pacify the raging mob. A week after the “abdication” of the Sovereign, Ivanov hastened to assure Guchkov of “his readiness to continue to serve the fatherland, now aggravated by the consciousness and expectation of the benefits that the new political system can provide.”

The punishing right hand of God did not escape the members of the Imperial family, who, in the madness of envy and Masonic servility, prepared the revolution with their intrigues. The Grand Dukes Mikhailovich, Nicholas and Sergei, were shot, one in Peter and Paul Fortress, the other is in Alapaevsk. Nikolai Mikhailovich, an active Freemason, who addressed the Sovereign with a letter in which he demanded (what a habit it was among His Majesty’s subjects to demand!): “Protect Yourself from the constant systematic interference of these whisperings through Your beloved Spouse,” for his openly anti-monarchical activities he was Sergei Mikhailovich, who did not sympathize with him at all, wrote in a letter to his revolutionary-minded brother: “The most sensational news is the departure of the colonel (this is about the Emperor!) with his whole family to Siberia. A very dangerous step by the government - now all the reactionary forces will wake up and make a martyr out of him...” Could the crime that the brothers committed by renouncing the Oath taken by each member of the Imperial House before the Cross and the Holy Gospel for allegiance to the Reigning Emperor and His Heir remain unavenged?

AND Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich, who was shot in 1918 in the Peter and Paul Fortress, who was outwardly so devoted to the Royal Family, because it was his Empress who called for help in all difficult issues during the Emperor’s last stay at Headquarters, was also a conscious traitor to the Throne. It was at Paul’s palace, with his participation and the participation of the head and legal adviser of the office of the Palace Commandant, that a draft constitution was drawn up on February 25 Russian Empire. And already on March 21, 1917, a letter from Pavel Alexandrovich was published in the St. Petersburg newspaper “Novoye Vremya”, where he “bowed” before the “will of the Russian people,” “wholly joining the Provisional Government.”

The series of main traitors soon went to their graves. And we are all sorting through the memoirs of lies left from them, with which they tried to whitewash themselves.

(“From Under the Lies”, T. Mironova, ed. SE IPK “VESTI”, 2005)

Savvich S.S. Nicholas II's decision to abdicate. L., 1927, p. 199.

Ruzsky N.V. Conversation with General Vilchkovsky about Nikolai’s stay in Pskov on March 1 and 2, 1917. L. 1927, pp. 158, 159.

Shulgin V.V. Days. L., 1927, p. 183.

Nicholas II secret correspondence. M, 1996, p. 659.

Shulgin V.V. Days. L., 1927, p. 265.

Ruzsky N.V. Conversation with General Vilchkovsky about Nikolai’s stay in Pskov on March 1 and 2, 1917. L. 1927, p. 164.

Shulgin V.V. Days. L., 1927, p. 474.

Ibid., p. 472.

Koltsov M, Who saved the Tsar. L., 1927, p. 28.

Voeikov V.N. With the Tsar and without the Tsar. M, 1994, p. 176.

Voeikov V.N. With the Tsar and without the Tsar. M, 1994, p. 108.

Ibid., p. 115.

On Sunday, September 18, on the day of remembrance of the blessed princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, on the territory of the Church of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Kerch, a grand opening and consecration of the monument to the Ruler of the South of Russia and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, Lieutenant General Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel

This first monument to Baron Wrangel in Russia was created and installed with the blessing of Metropolitan Platon of Feodosia and Kerch. The initiator was the Kerch Union of Monarchists. The works were performed by the workshop of the Moscow sculptor Andrei Vyacheslavovich Klykov.

The appearance of this monument became possible thanks to the support of the rector of the church, Archpriest Nikolai Zinkov, and the patrons who took part in the opening, Dr. economic sciences Ivan Anatolyevich Rozinsky and First Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Aristarkhov. In addition, donors from all over Russia provided significant assistance.

Due to a complex coincidence of circumstances, the monument left Moscow for Kerch only a couple of days before the opening, and due to delays in travel and crossings, its installation was carried out on the night literally before the announced ceremony, in a somewhat tense atmosphere. The sculptor and his assistants made every possible effort to ensure the opening took place.

After the Divine Liturgy at 10:30, parishioners, honored guests, the rector of the church, the dean and a host of city clergy gathered in the church square around a monument draped in white cloth. The event was opened by the speech of the leader of the Kerch Union of Monarchists Gennady Borisovich Grigoriev, who began it with the famous poetic eight-line of Vladimir Smolensky:

Over the Black Sea, over the white Crimea
The glory of Russia flew like smoke.
Over blue fields of clover
Grief and death flew from the north.
Russian bullets flew like hail,
They killed a friend next to me,
And the Angel cried over the dead angel... -
We went overseas with Wrangel.

“And today, finally, the Ruler of the South of Russia, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, our white baron Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel, the last knight of the Russian Empire. This is God's Providence, but, as always, it comes into the world through specific people» , - he further expressed deep gratitude to the people without whom this day would not have taken place, speaking about those who participated in at least a small contribution common cause. “Peter Nikolaevich Wrangel is such a lump and size that he turned out to be perhaps the most slandered Soviet power. He amazingly combined external beauty and the beauty of his inner world, love for God and love for one’s family, the amazing courage of a warrior and the art of a military tactician, the outstanding talents of a civil ruler and military strategist. But P. N. Wrangel’s most important talent was his love for our homeland, Russia, which he served selflessly in every position that fell in his life. And his main actions were the preservation of the honor and dignity of the Russian army, the Russian Cossacks and the salvation of 150 thousand Orthodox souls. Therefore, P. N. Wrangel must always be for us an example of love for the fatherland - and we must also be ready to give everything in the name of our fatherland.”.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Aristarkhov not only made a significant financial contribution from his own funds, but also took part in the opening ceremony as an official representative of the Russian Ministry of Culture.

“Dear friends, dear ladies and gentlemen! Today is a very important day: an occasion to remember that the history of Russia began not in 1991, but more than a thousand years ago. We have something to be proud of, something to remember. And today we remember a great man, one whose name should rightfully stand on a par with outstanding commanders our history, together with Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky and our other great military leaders. Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel... - his name was forgotten for many years. This is wrong: our children and descendants should know people who covered themselves with glory fighting the enemies of our country, our people, who saved hundreds of thousands of lives from terror, from death. I will add that in addition to personal valor, in addition to the fact that he was one of the best commanders in the Russian army, Pyotr Nikolaevich was also a great organizer of civil affairs. It was here in Crimea, after a number of years of unrest, that an example was shown that Russia can be Russian, national, sovereign and properly structured, which today is not a sin to learn, remembering much of what was done then, but, unfortunately, not for a long time lasted", - V.V. Aristarkhov said in his speech. He also thanked everyone who was involved in the installation of the monument and concluded: “This is our Russian tradition, when the most valuable monuments and memorials are created with public money. Before us is just such a folk monument. I congratulate everyone on this event, and let our children and descendants remember our heroes.".

The next small word was said by the main philanthropist of the project, Ivan Anatolyevich Rozinsky: “First of all, I also want to congratulate everyone on this significant event - the opening of the first monument to P. N. Wrangel in our country. And in addition to the words already spoken, to say: work on the monument took certain time, participated in it different people, who sometimes found it difficult to get used to each other. Everyone strived for the best and it was not always possible for everything to go smoothly and without obstacles. But, nevertheless, it was possible: they had time, they did it - the monument turned out to be. And today, being on the territory of the temple, we are united by a common joy for the result of our work.”.

The rector of the church, Archpriest Nikolai Zinkov, noted in his speech that the monument can also be considered as a cenotaph - the spiritual grave of P. N. Wrangel, whose ashes rest in Belgrade, in the Church of the Holy Trinity. He emphasized that the monument stands on Crimean land, where Baron Wrangel tried to defend the island historical Russia. At a time when the rest of the country was plunged into chaos and decline, there was relative order and more high level life, reforms were carried out, including land reforms.

“We remember the name of Wrangel not as a tribute to memory, but as urgent need present",” Father Nikolai quoted one of Pyotr Nikolaevich’s associates. — These words are still relevant today, because we need people who openly, selflessly and to the end serve their fatherland, people of deep faith, like Baron P. N. Wrangel... He accepted the burden of power in Crimea in difficult times, when it was already it is clear that the White movement most likely will not win. This was not some ambitious decision, it was dictated by a sense of duty. And blessed him to take on this heavy cross Bishop Veniamin Fedchenkov. Having become the Ruler of the South of Russia and Commander-in-Chief, he took responsibility for all the people under his care - this was sacrificial service to his neighbors. Anticipating the possible collapse of the front, he competently prepared and subsequently carried out the evacuation of about 150 thousand people, and then took care of their arrangement in Bulgaria, Serbia and other countries... Unfortunately, in our time negative Soviet stereotypes about P. N. Wrangel are still very common, despite the fact that many programs and books have been published that reveal it authentic image. Many do not find time to delve into our history and reconsider their attitude towards people who are the true heroes of our people. And this is necessary. We will learn from our heroes, we will restore historical justice and hope that our Russia will return to the historical path of development. It is worth saying that under Pyotr Nikolaevich it was established military order Saint Nicholas, on which was inscribed: “Russia will be saved by faith.” And we believe that this will be the case.".

After the opening speeches, the opening ceremony was performed: I. A. Rozinsky and G. B. Grigoriev to the ringing of church bells untied St. George Ribbon, and the white board fell to the pedestal, revealing to the eyes of those present the bas-reliefs of P. N. Wrangel and St. George the Victorious on both sides of the monument.

Certificates of gratitude from the initiators of the project and commemorative medals P. N. Wrangel were presented to I. A. Rozinsky, V. V. Aristarkhov, A. V. Klykov, Archpriest Nikolai, and also through representatives - His Eminence Metropolitan Platon, M. V. Nazarov and the Union of Descendants of Gallipoli.

The dean of the churches of the Kerch district, Archpriest Vladimir Kraplin, the rector of the church and eight local priests with a deacon and two sextons performed a prayer service with the rite of consecration of the new monument. Archpriest Nikolai Zinkov read a prayer for Russia containing the lines: “Send, O Lord, good workers to Thy Russian field, may they make it known with the words of Thy truth, may they enlighten it with the example of life by faith. Send, O Lord, to the people a sensitive heart, may they understand the holy speeches of Your chosen ones, may they understand Your holy will and do it unchangeably and with joy, may Rus' be truly holy, may it unite with one mind and one accord into one great brotherhood of Christ, in thought, in word and deed faithful to God and His Christ. May our Rus' be a truly ecclesiastical power, guided in all its affairs by the teachings of the Orthodox Church.".

The final word on behalf of the diocese was made by Archpriest Andrei Yakovets: “Beloved in Christ, Your Reverences, Reverends, Evangelists, honored guests and all those present and praying here! On behalf of the head of the diocese, His Eminence Metropolitan Platon of Feodosia and Kerch, I greet you all and convey from him a low bow, the First Hierarch’s blessing and sincere well-wishes and gratitude to all those who have gathered here today to consecrate the monument. By and large, it was from here that Baron Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel went into exile, here he was a ruler, and it seems providential to me that it was here, on Kerch soil, that his first monument in Russia was erected. It is also symbolic that today, despite the elections in State Duma, this consecration takes place, to which our Moscow guests also arrived. I think the people gathered here will fulfill their civic duty at the polling stations. Today, you and I, immediately after the Divine Liturgy, in a certain sense, also made our choice. We have chosen our heavenly deputy. We know the Savior’s admonition: “By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37). Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel said that the White movement fights, first of all, for the desecrated faith and its insulted shrines. These words were the concept, vector and paradigm of his life and indicate that this man in many ways should show us an example of patriotism, sacrifice and courage. And again, it is symbolic and providential that today a monument to Pyotr Nikolaevich is being unveiled in the former Russian Empire. This is also important for our people’s representatives, who, perhaps, will learn about our action today. Let the life and exploits of Baron P. N. Wrangel and St. George the Victorious, whose image is located on the other side of the monument, serve as a good example for them. May the Lord grant us all strength and courage, despite any trials, to remain Orthodox and carry the Christian faith. Today, faith is no less in need of protection, its desecrated shrines are no less in need of revival, including the memory of people who carried Orthodoxy and tried with all the strength of their souls and their lives to protect our ancestors, our land, our your holy faith. Let us remember that “Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality” is not just a beautiful slogan, but the basis of the life, death and exploits of our ancestors.”.

At the end of the solemn event, a litany was performed for the repose of the soul of the deceased servant of God, the ever-remembered warrior Peter and all the leaders and warriors who laid down their lives on the battlefield for the faith and fatherland and for the forgiveness of their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and “Eternal Memory” was sung.

During a visit to the peninsula on August 14, 2014, the President said the following words: “I believe that Crimea can be a unique measure today, playing a unifying role for Russia, becoming a kind of historical, spiritual source, another line of reconciliation for both Reds and Whites”. The monument to the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army P. N. Wrangel in Kerch, where there are dozens of monuments to revolutionary figures and events, and the names of the leaders, is intended to be precisely such a step towards reconciliation. White movement are not given the same attention.

The graves of Denikin, Kappel and Ilyin in the Donskoy Monastery, moved to Russia on the initiative of V.V. Putin (photo by N. Dutov)

The Ministry of Fuel and Energy calls the situation stable

Crimea was completely without power on the night of November 22. On Saturday, November 21, power lines supplying energy to the peninsula were damaged in the Kherson region. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the supports of the damaged power lines were blown up.

In this regard, electricity supply schedules have been introduced in Crimea. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations stated that the emergency situation on the peninsula could be long-lasting.

The situation has stabilized

The power supply situation in the Republic of Crimea has been normalized. This was announced by the Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Svetlana Borodulina on the air of the First Crimean TV channel.

I think that the situation has now normalized. We have learned to work in emergency mode. If in the first days of the situation the employees of the dispatch service and the distribution zone expressed their desires, now we bring the situation to their attention and tell them what is available, so that based on this they can work with their area as competently as possible,” noted Svetlana Borodulina.

As the minister noted, currently Crimean thermal power plants collectively generate 150 MW. Additional power of 225 MW is provided by mobile gas turbine stations.

In addition, connected to additional sources electricity supply socially important objects peninsula. In particular, out of 955 diesel generator sets distributed between cities and regions of the peninsula, 854 are connected to social facilities. Svetlana Borodulina also noted the stable situation with fuel supplies to Crimea.

Due to installation large quantity generators, fuel consumption has increased. This issue is under the control of the leadership of the republic and the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation. Volumes have been purchased. The Minister of Transport controls their passage through the territory of mainland Russia, the ferry crossing has been warned. I think that the population now sees that the problem has been resolved,” said Svetlana Borodulina.

According to the minister, the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chernomorneftegaz has been given appropriate instructions for the purchase of additional volumes.

Also, within 5 days the situation with liquefied gas will normalize.

In particular, 66 tons of liquefied gas have already been delivered to the territory of Crimea, another 90 tons are at the Kerch ferry crossing.

Reward for the blockade

Leaders of the Republic of Crimea are ready to reward deputies Verkhovna Rada Ukraine Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov for the “amazing unity of the Crimeans.”

At a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of municipal representatives today, the head of the administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district, Vladimir Ganaga, decided to consult with the leadership of the republic about the initiative to send a letter of “gratitude” to Chubarov for rallying the Crimeans. In response, the speaker of the Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, recommended paying less attention to all the figures who left Crimea, and Aksyonov said that they still deserved the award.

Vladimir Andreevich (Konstantinov) and I wanted to reward them (Chubarov) and Dzhemilev, but we don’t know where to send the invitation – through the prosecutor’s office. Natalya Vladimirovna (Poklonskaya) is waiting for them all there, at the place,” he emphasized.

Vacations will be extended

Unscheduled holidays for schoolchildren in six regions of Crimea have been extended for another week, said the head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov.

According to the press service of the Crimean government, Aksenov made the corresponding decision after hearing a report on the situation in the regions of Crimea.

At the same time, he emphasized that each region of the peninsula must determine for itself the need to resume the educational process.

It is necessary to make a decision on the resumption of the educational process in each municipality. Just report this in advance,” he explained.

Let us remind you that unscheduled holidays in schools and kindergartens in Crimea were announced on November 24 due to the state of emergency.

Water is normal

Rospotrebnadzor specialists, after examining samples of water and products in Crimea, concluded that they meet the requirements.

Specialists interregional management Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol inspected about 200 socially significant and epidemiologically dangerous objects. More than 250 samples examined drinking water And food products. No samples that did not meet the established requirements were identified, the report says. It is noted that the department has strengthened control over the quality and safety of drinking water, children’s nutrition in kindergartens educational organizations, sale of food products, storage of immunobiological preparations. On the peninsula, cold chain checks are carried out to monitor the proper storage of immunobiological drugs. Everyone has been examined medical organizations carrying out vaccination work.

In Crimea and Sevastopol, a water hyperchlorination regime has been introduced. IN populated areas where there is no centralized water supply, the supply of drinking water is organized. The sanitary and epidemiological situation on the Crimean peninsula remains stable, despite the power outage, the department concluded.

Ministry of Health on duty

A special flight of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is on duty in Crimea for the urgent evacuation of seriously ill patients. Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova told reporters about this.

We have a permanent aviation board of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, which is located on the peninsula. Just last night we evacuated really seriously ill patients for treatment. inpatient care on the territory of other regions of the Russian Federation. This is an additional option in case we have some extraordinary severe cases,” she said.

At the same time, the minister emphasized that as a result of the abrupt cessation of energy supplies from Ukraine, none of the seriously ill people were injured.

At this moment there were two operations going on. However, we managed to equip the operating rooms with such equipment for artificial ventilation of the lungs that in the event of a loss of external electricity, their own generator is immediately activated. Therefore, not a single patient - neither the first nor the second - felt disconnected, and, thank God, there were no problems,” she said.

Kerch: new schedule rolling blackouts

Kerch is switching to a schedule for connecting housing stock to energy supplies at intervals of every 6 hours. The head of the Kerch administration, Sergei Pisarev, announced this at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of municipalities.

Now electricity is supplied 4 hours after 8, from 20.00 we switch to a schedule of 6 through 6,” he said.

Of the 61 MW the city needs, 19.6 MW is actually supplied. According to Pisarev, about 30 houses are not connected due to accidents on transformer substations and networks, which the authorities promise to eliminate by Sunday morning. Of the 18 boiler houses, 9 are already ready to start, all should be ready by Monday.

Schools resume on Monday educational process with lessons reduced to 30 minutes and dry rations, kindergartens - 4.5 hours without food, Pisarev added.

In his assessment, the situation in Kerch has not only calmed down: “they have already begun to live fully.”

Simferopol: emphasis on houses without gas

When drawing up new schedules for power outages in Simferopol, an increase in volumes for houses without gas supply will be taken into account. The head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, ordered this at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of municipalities.

With a request for this, according to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Larisa Opanasyuk, “ hotline residents of non-gasified high-rise buildings appealed to the government Crimean capital.

“There are calls to the hotline that they are given light for an hour or two, and they simply do not have time to do anything, because they only have electric stoves,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Pay attention when drawing up the schedule,” Aksyonov instructed.

During the meeting of the headquarters, Aksyonov also ordered that by 18.00 on November 29, the authorities of Simferopol should receive a schedule of rolling power outages, which will fully correspond to reality.

Generators are being delivered to Koktebel and Dzhankoy

Ministry of emergency situations The Russian Federation promised to provide a 120 kW diesel generator to provide heat supply to multi-storey buildings in Koktebel. This information was announced at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of Crimean municipalities.

In Shchebetovka, Koktebel and Primorsky there are multi-storey buildings that do not have central heating. We closed Shchebetovka, we are closing Primorskoe tomorrow, but in Koktebel, if they had given us at least one more 120-kilowatt generator, then Koktebel would have been closed, too,” Dmitry Shchepetkov, head of the Feodosia administration, said at the meeting.

After a short exchange of views, the head of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, said that the generator would come through the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation Alexander Chupriyan says that there will be a 120-kilowatt generator. First, Belogorsky and Krasnogvardeisky districts, then put the 120-kilowatt power plant in Feodosia on the queue,” Aksyonov ordered.

The Dzhankoy sanatorium boarding school received a diesel generator, thanks to which the evacuation of students is cancelled. The Minister of Education, Science and Youth of Crimea Natalya Goncharova announced this today at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of municipalities.

Early in the morning the generator had already arrived, it was connected for the needs of the catering unit, and the children received hot meals,” she noted.

Another 24 kW generator, according to the minister, will make it possible to provide heating in the boarding school and send children from other special institutions that do not have an autonomous power supply to it.

According to Goncharova, starting Monday, Dzhankoy schools will resume teaching for grades 5-11. Admission of preschool children to kindergartens and the educational process in junior classes depend on the timing of connection of boiler houses.

At a headquarters meeting on November 27, the head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, instructed to distribute the pupils of the Dzhankoy boarding school to other boarding institutions in Crimea. Aksyonov’s order followed information from the head of the Dzhankoy district administration, Alexander Bocharov, that the boarding school does not receive electricity, and therefore both the employees and students of the institution are experiencing difficulties.

Prices are rising. But not everywhere

In Alushta and Saki there is an increase in prices for goods consumer consumption. The Minister of Industrial Policy Andrei Skrynnik announced this today at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of municipalities.

Not all administrations quickly got involved in the work of monitoring prices,” he noted. – Of all the regions with a minus sign, I would like to mention Alushta and Saki.

According to Skrynnik, the ministry’s working groups traveled to the regions several times without warning.

As for the situation itself, the situation is stable,” he assured and reminded that on Saturday and Sunday there is a full working day in the administrations.

I ask you to send your employees for monitoring from 8 am,” Skrynnik said.

According to the chief of staff, Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic Sergei Shakhov, price control in the regions is very weak.

Evpatoria: the houses have become warmer

In Evpatoria, the supply of centralized coolant was resumed at 4 boiler houses. The head of the administration, Andrei Filonov, announced this at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of municipalities.

4 boiler houses have been launched, more than half of the population already has heating,” he noted. – Tonight we will launch 3 more boiler houses, in total 80% of the population will have heating.

According to the head of the administration, schoolchildren will resume classes on a shortened day starting Monday. Children's preschool institutions will resume work according to the temperature regime.

We need 30 diesel generator sets for boiler houses and 11 for water utilities,” Filonov said. - The application has been sent. Please provide as much as possible.

Emergency Children

In Kerch over the past two days, four newborn girls were given the name Sveta. A deputy announced this at a meeting of the interdepartmental emergency response headquarters with the participation of representatives of municipalities State Council Republic of Crimea Efim Fix.

ABOUT pleasant moments“Four girls who were born within two days in Kerch were named Svetami,” said Fix.

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