Definition in Russian. §3

In Russian, discussed in the syntax section. The definition is one of the minor members involved in the sentence; characterizes the attribute of an object by answering the questions: whose, which, which? The definition can be presented as a separate word and speech construction.

Classification of definitions according to the property of syntactic connection. Condition of agreement by gender. Definitions consistent in number and case form. Parts of speech used

Based on the nature of the connection between the components of the phrase, the main types of definitions in the Russian language are distinguished: additional view definitions - application. The agreed definitions are expressed:

  • noun capable of changing by number: fate- villainess;
  • adjective: green Mercedes;
  • participle: unfading light;
  • ordinal numbers: first messenger;
  • pronominal adjective: my hero.

Agreed definitions take the form of case and number of the word whose attribute they express. IN singular agree with the main word and gender.

as separate definitions. Options for isolation regarding main words

A separate definition in Russian is represented by participles and adjectives. It can be isolated both intonationally and punctuationally in cases where:

  • expressed by an adjective with a dependent word and is in postposition;
  • is participial phrase in post position;
  • some single definitions follow the main word equipped with another prepositive definition;
  • a single postpositive definition enhances the meaning of the main word;
  • distant from the word being defined by other members of the sentence;
  • definition refers to a pronoun.

Parts of speech as inconsistent definitions. What is a definition in Russian, created according to the type of adjacency or control

Inconsistent definitions with the main word are connected by type of adjacency or control using:

Characteristics of the application and its figurative power

Application as a type of definition, expressed by a noun, may be in a “particular - general” relationship with the defined word according to the type of adjacency or agreement. This is a convenient and frequently used technique, because this definition in Russian most figuratively conveys:

  • property or quality of an object: bird- troika;
  • rank, age, profession of a person: steelmaker Ivanov;
  • more precise sign or explanation: Ural, main landmark of the European-Asian border, stretches from north to south;
  • titles brands, works of art, enterprises: novel "Dead Souls";
  • place names: peninsula Hindustan.

Classification of definitions according to the type of connection in the phrase. Management, coordination, adjacency

The phrase always contains one of the following:

  • coordination definitions with main word;
  • control definition;
  • adjacency definitions for the main word.
Types of definitions in Russian

Communication type


Definition as part of speech

Nature of communication


in hero cities


The defined (main) word sets case, gender, and number for its definition (dependent word).

affectionate May


to our mothers

pronominal adjective

third horseman


the coming century



oblique case noun:

The main word puts the definition in one of the cases, which remains with it for any declension of the main word.

lesson on schedule, lesson on schedule

a) with a preposition (unchanged when declension of the main word)

husband's brother, husband's brother, husband's brother

b) without pretext

possessive pronoun:

for his misfortune, for his misfortune, for his misfortune

a) with a preposition (when the main word is declined, the preposition is replaced)

her dress, her dress, her dress

b) without pretext


"Crocodile" magazine, from "Crocodile" magazine

unchangeable noun in the nominative case

Communication type without external manifestations. The definition is attached to the main word in the only form existing for it.

Komi literature, for Komi literature

immutable adjective

gun offhand, with gun offhand

a fixer, a fixer, a fixer


Homogeneous definitions as a way to comprehensively characterize the attribute of the word being defined, intonation and punctuation features

To Russian language homogeneous definitions are included as equal words characterizing to the same degree defined word.

  1. They may refer to one characteristic of an object, which in conversation is conveyed by the intonation of the enumeration.
  2. Can convey gradation of a trait: close, acquaintance, beloved.
  3. If listed different signs, homogeneity is observed according to a criterion common to all (impact on the listener, qualitative parameter):
  • white, faded desert sky;
  • long, straight, thick hair.

Example of preparation for a lesson in 6th grade: Patterns of formatting inconsistent definitions. Repetition of the covered topic and assessment of acquired knowledge

Russian language lesson. Definition.

Topic: Patterns of design of inconsistent definitions.

Educational goals:

  • consider previously studied parts of speech as definitions;
  • form the concept of agreement of definition.

Developmental goals:

  • establish the difference between an agreed type of definition and an inconsistent one;
  • stimulate creative thinking;
  • develop and train associative thinking.

Educational goals:

  • increase applied interest in native speech;
  • deepen understanding of the role of language in the history of the Russian people.

Type of lesson work: deepening fundamental knowledge course.

Checking and assessing the degree of mastery of the previous topic:

Repetition of grade 5 material from the “Definition” section. Introduction to the topic of inconsistent definitions and the rules for their presentation. Physical exercise for vision training - working with cards. in groups

Topic of this lesson: Patterns of design of inconsistent definitions.

1. Specifying the goal.

2. Brief overview 5th grade material “What is a definition in Russian”:

  • write phrases on the board;
  • mark spellings;
  • indicate the method of communication;
  • name parts of speech;
  • indicate the number and case of dependent words;
  • formulate conclusions in positions:

a) definition functions;

b) differences in the type of connection;

3. Independent reading theoretical section.

4. Entering the topic in a notebook: “Ways to formalize inconsistent definitions”.

5. Retelling the rule.

6. Relieving visual stress - showing cards. Definition in Russian: guiding questions.

Questioning and performing exercises to reinforce new material. Work in groups, familiarization with texts of different difficulty levels

Consolidating new material:

  • formation of coordinated and inconsistent phrases (orally 4 people);
  • write down the indicated phrases on the board, indicating the type of definition (1 person);
  • Give examples of definitions with an explanation of their role in the conversation.

Work in groups:

Texts for work
I"Description of the school."
II“It is a thousand times preferable to have common sense without education than to have education and be deprived of it.” common sense" R.G. Ingersoll
IIISchool,, ol..garh, leadership..lstvo, s..knowledge, r..pport, j..nathan, p..esa, tel..graph, erudition..i, bra.. st..enlightenment, sh..colade, impression..decay, majority, zo..chiy,, march(?) to, ch..mpion, k..mfort.
IV“The best equipped office in the school.”
V“During trial testing, Lena tried to use a cheat sheet. The teacher noticed this and rated her test result as a bad mark. How to explain to the teacher and should you tell your parents about this?”
VI“Understanding the role of definition in the Russian language is unlikely to be desirable for a careless student who can write even a simple dictation with so many errors and corrections that red marks from the teacher’s pen will stain his eyes. Without hard work of thought and development of skills, attending classes will be meaningless.”

Distribution of texts. The general task is to highlight definitions. Additional tasks

Groups Creative task Analytical task
IWrite on your own behalf.Label the definitions.
IIRewrite the statement using commas.

Give arguments.

Highlight definitions.

IIIWrite down the words in the context of “education”.

Describe this connection using the selected words as an example.

Write phrases with these words.

Highlight definitions.

IVDescribe your impression.Isolate definitions.
VUnderstand the situation.

Describe possible actions.

Highlight definitions.

VIPerform a punctuation check.Write down phrases with an agreed definition.

Final concepts: what is the definition in Russian; techniques for indicating inconsistent definitions. Homework

  • Learn the rules for noting inconsistent definitions.
  • Write down 5 phraseological units from the life of birds.
  • Exercises to prepare for dictation.
  • Exercise on the covered topic.

Material about what a definition is in the Russian language is studied in the syntactic section of linguistics. Definition - a syntactic element included in the group of minor members of a sentence. What words can serve as definitions in a sentence.

They have a number of distinctive features:

  • denotes signs, properties, qualities, distinctive features objects, as well as living beings, phenomena, events;
  • answer the questions: which one? whose? and derivatives thereof;
  • when parsing a sentence in writing, they are indicated by a wavy line;
  • spread a noun, and any other word denoting an object.

Important! Dependence on a noun (a word denoting an object) is the most main feature this minor member. Example: Mom bought Yulia a new jacket. A (what kind of) new jacket.

If the questions indicated in the second paragraph are posed to the word-definition of the verb that interests us, then we have before us the second part of the compound nominal predicate. Example: He came to the test prepared. He came (what?) prepared.


The minor member in sentences is of two types, different:

  • by structure;
  • way of expression.

According to the structure of the definition, there are common and non-common:

  • common - they contain several words (Grandmother, delighted by the statement she heard, smiled contentedly.);
  • uncommon - consisting of one word (The delighted grandmother smiled contentedly.).

Words representing a group of common members are separated in a sentence by commas. This is explained by the fact that such a turnover gives additional information about a person (being, phenomenon, event, thing) or clarifies his belonging to someone (something).

The different way of expression led to the division of definitions in the Russian language into agreed and inconsistent.

The first group includes those that are consistent (match, have same value) with the main word (the one from which the question is asked to them) according to three characteristics: gender, case and number. That is, both the determined and dependent parts have the same grammatical categories. For example: interesting lesson, interesting lesson, to an interesting lesson.

Inconsistent are those types of definitions that have the following connections with the main word:

  1. Control - the addition is used in a certain case, the question is posed to it: “which one?” (pinwheel - which one? - made of paper, pinwheel - which one? - made of paper).
  2. Adjunction is an unchangeable form of addition, to which the question is posed: “which” (a hard-boiled egg, an open coat, his socks).

Elements representing this group, usually follow the main word (this does not only apply to the pronouns his, her, their).


Another type of syntactic unit under study is application. It is represented by a noun and has one of two types of connection: control or adjacency. Extends the word being defined, moving from generalization to particularity.

What does the application mean:

  • distinctive property or quality of an object (hero boy);
  • status, profession, honorary title, age category(General Kuzmenko, old lady Nikitichna);
  • clarified explanation (Baikal, the cleanest body of water in our country, began to gradually become polluted.);
  • titles educational institutions, literary and works of art, organizations, etc. (the story “The Captain's Daughter”);
  • geographical objects (Lena River).

Application from other species syntactic units The group under study is distinguished by the fact that it gives a second name to the object, subject, phenomenon.

Ways of expression

The ways in which definitions are expressed vary by group and may be represented various parts speech. The table will help you consider them. In the left column are indicated possible ways expressions, on the right - a set of examples.



Inconsistent definitions in Russian are difficult to distinguish from other types of secondary members of a sentence.

How to separate inconsistent definitions from other minor terms:

  1. Replacement with a word from a group of agreed ones (but not all can be replaced). For example: dad's trousers - dad's trousers, the desire to study - replacement is impossible.
  2. The attribute value, while the complement has the object value. For example: a woman was walking with a bag - the addition “with a bag” depends on the verb acting as a predicate and denotes the object of the woman’s action. The boy took a place next to the woman with a bag - here “with a bag” is exactly distinguishing feature women who help to recognize her among everyone else.
  3. Indication of a sign by time, mode of action, location, purpose. This meaning is expressed by a noun with a preposition and an adverb depending on the noun. For comparison: they entered (where?) into the utility room; the entrance (which one?) to the utility room was closed.

The meanings of the inconsistent definitions are as follows:

  • belonging to a person (Masha’s notebook);
  • carrier of the trait (yellowness of the fabric, blueness of the sky);
  • the content of the defined concepts (standards of etiquette, human opinion, a story of adventure, the desire to know);
  • action producer (birds chirping, Misha's find);
  • characteristics of an object/phenomenon/person according to qualitative features(short guy, four-year-old boy, checkered blouse, bun with jam, girl in a hat, text in Russian);
  • material (cotton shirt, fence made of beams);
  • origin, change of status (president from students, captain from sailors);
  • material sign (juice box, medicine bottle);
  • source of origin (robe pocket, bruise from a blow).

Attention! The distinction between secondary members is important both for parsing, and to comply with punctuation standards.

Separation of definitions

In writing, the definition is separated by commas in the following cases:

  1. A common definition follows the main word (Mother, stunned by the sudden news, wiped away unbidden tears).
  2. A series of homogeneous coordinated ones in position after the main word (She was a brave girl, strong, strong).
  3. Inconsistent, located after a proper name (Alina entered the room, wearing a blue flowing dress).
  4. When they depend on personal pronouns and their forms (She is beautiful and proud, and walked into the hall with an important step).
  5. Agreed in position before the main word, having an additional adverbial meaning (Found in a pile of garbage, the ball did not have the slightest sign of use).

In other cases, there is no separation.

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Let's sum it up

A careful study of the material about what a definition is in the Russian language will help you deal with the main difficulties when parsing a sentence by members, and will also help you avoid syntactic and speech errors on the letter.

Definition is minor member sentences, which depends on the subject, object or circumstance, determines the attribute of the subject and answers the questions: which one? which? whose?

Definition may refer to words different parts speech: nouns and words formed from adjectives or participles by transitioning to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and inconsistent definition

A consistent definition is one for which the type syntactic connection between main and dependent words– approval. For example:

A dissatisfied girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl (what?) dissatisfied, ice cream (what?) chocolate, on the terrace (what?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives that agree with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mother, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: laughing boy, bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: the first of September, by the eighth of March.

But the definition may not be consistent. This is the name of a definition associated with the word being defined by other types of syntactic connections:



Inconsistent definition based on control:

Mom's book was on the nightstand.

Wed: mom's book - mom's book

(mom’s book is an agreed upon definition, type of connection: coordination, and mom’s book is inconsistent, type of connection: management)

Inconsistent definition based on adjacency:

I want to buy her a more expensive gift.

Wed: a more expensive gift - an expensive gift

(a more expensive gift is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is adjacency, and an expensive gift is an agreed definition, the type of connection is coordination)

Inconsistent definitions also include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

A five-story shopping center was built opposite.

Wed: center with five floors - five-story center

(a center with five floors is an uncoordinated definition, the type of communication is management, and a five-story center is an agreed definition, the type of communication is coordination)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, type of connection - control.)

Different parts of speech can act as an inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had a knack for listening.

(listen is an infinitive verb)

4) comparative degree of an adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she always chooses the more difficult tasks.

(easier, harder comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(ee – possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


A special type of definition is application. An application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case.

Applications stand for various signs subjects that are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my little sister.

A group of Japanese tourists lived in the hotel with me.

A variety of applications are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, printed publications, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhony is a consistent application, the words river and Sukhona are in the same case.)

My son read the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

(“Cinderella” is an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and “Cinderella” are in different cases

Definition - a minor member of a sentence. The definition answers the question: what? whose? and denotes the attribute of an object. The definitions are explained by the members of the sentence.

There are 2 types of definitions

1) Agreed

2) Uncoordinated

Agreed Definitions

Agreed definitions are combined with the word being defined in form (number, case, gender). And they can be expressed:

1) Adjective: I bought an orange T-shirt.

2) Pronoun: Our road.

3) Numeral: Give me the second volume.

4) Communion: Greening forest

Agreed definitions most often appear before the word being defined.

The meanings of the agreed definitions are varied. Depends on the meaning of the words (lexical) that they are.

Definitions that denote the quality of an object are expressed qualitative adjectives. Definitions that indicate the attribute of an object by time and location are expressed relative adjectives. Definitions that are expressed possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns, indicate belonging.

Definitions that indicate the uncertainty of an object in relation to property, quality, belonging are expressed indefinite pronouns. Definitions that are expressed by ordinal numbers indicate order in counting. Definitions that can denote a characteristic associated with an action are expressed by participles.

Inconsistent definitions

Inconsistent definitions are combined with the main adjacency (are immutable part speech or form) or control (placed with the main word and in a certain case). And they can be expressed:

1) Nouns with and without prepositions indirect case: Climate in St. Petersburg. Pilot's flight.

2) Infinitive: The desire to see. I have a desire to learn.

3) Adverb: I was served soft-boiled eggs. I love walking.

4) Adjective in comparative degree: Smaller house.

5) Possessive pronoun his, her, theirs: His sister. Their apartment.

6) In a complete phrase: Mom saw a girl of about fourteen.

Inconsistent definitions can indicate belonging if they are expressed by a noun without a preposition in the genitive case.

Inconsistent definitions may mean different things

  • - sign according to the material;
  • - a sign that indicates that an object has some external features, details;
  • - a sign characterizing an object in relation to space;
  • - a sign indicating the contents of an object;
  • - a sign indicating the purpose of an object, if they are expressed by a noun with prepositions in indirect cases.

Inconsistent definitions can mean a sign in relation to direction, quality, time, method of action, if they are expressed by an adverb. Inconsistent definitions, which are expressed by the infinitive, serve to reveal the content of the subject

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