Orders are honorary awards for military distinction and merit in battle and military service. Anafieva May for Verovna

January 2, 2006.

A well-deserved award.

“That’s how smart I am, I solved a modest crime, unexpectedly for myself and to help the police, this happens,” Katenka thought about her middle-aged, but young-at-heart person.
“What an interesting policeman, not dry, not rude, don’t laugh, Ira, not soft, but very smart and intelligent!” Katenka was already telling her old friend Irinka about her impressions over the phone. Their mutual friend Alexey also knew about the events that happened to Katya. He was an elderly but attractive man who still couldn’t do his thing. personal choice in favor of either Katya or Ira.
But fate has prepared more than one surprise for Katerina, and has given her the first one so far.
The girlfriends were soon going to have a party for the birthday of their old friend. It was at Margarita's party that the second surprise appeared.
When Katenka looked into Rita’s bedroom in order to find the latter, who at that time was crying in the bathroom because of leaving, as she believed, last love, Katerina saw Lizka, Rita’s friend, Lizka was looking for something in the birthday girl’s notebook.
“What are you doing, how dare you,” Katya exclaimed.
“I’m okay, it’s okay,” Lisa shouted, quickly hiding the book.
The evening ended unexpectedly, just like Katya’s first case with the policeman, the same intelligent man from the police station came and arrested Lisa and her friend Kostya; they, the police, had been looking for a gang of burglar thieves for a long time. But Rita was more surprised:
- “Well, I warmed up my friend, huh?!”
Lisa’s words, spoken before she and Kostya left, were imprinted in the memory of the remaining guests for a long time.
- “All the bastards, the gunners themselves, “revealed the cards” that we are here, these are the ones in uniform, huh?!”
Everyone was ashamed, since no one knew about dark side lives of Lisa and Kostya.
This bastard in uniform, but in fact, a man aged 45, short, stocky, dense, who introduced himself during his first acquaintance with Katerina as Andrei Alekseevich, turned out to be very active, he had many solved crimes behind him.
Katerina and the rest of the guests of that ill-fated party subsequently began to be often called to the police station as witnesses. But it was Katya who saw Lisa in Margarita’s bedroom, so conversations between her and Andrei Alekseevich began more and more often. These conversations were based on topics not only about Liza and Kostya, whom Katerina hardly knew, but on topics that were more interesting. Soon Katerina and Andrei Alekseevich discovered a common interest: reading detective stories. So imperceptibly they both realized that they could not for a long time be away from each other. Despite the difference of 15 years, Katenka and Andrei Alekseevich fell in love with each other very much, they were united not only by Love, but also by Friendship, common interests, and the eternally young souls of their bodies, hot with love.
Soon the wedding took place. And three months later, Andrei Alekseevich was promoted, and they began to live a good, bright life of two loving hearts. But if there are already two loving hearts in the world, then how could there not be several more? So, first a girl was born, and then a boy. They all had a very good time. Not without grief they proceeded family life, but everything bright accompanied Katerina, Andrei Alekseevich, Maria and Igork everywhere. And most importantly, there were always friends nearby: Irinka and Alexey, young spouses, Rita with her third husband, Dmitry, and many others.
So Katerina again unexpectedly, in a period of everything dark, received from Fate an already bright, well-deserved reward. All!

Well-deserved award
V.A. Chudinov

Ten years ago, when I wanted to publish my first monographs, I was advised to participate in a grant competition within the Ministry of Higher Education. Naturally, at that time I was just starting to write monographs, and did not at all hope that I could win this competition. Nevertheless, Ural University, at the suggestion of Voronezhsky, awarded me a grant on the topic “Syllable writing medieval Rus'" Composed of these two educational institutions there were people who considered both the problem itself and the degree of its development by me quite acceptable to give me the appropriate grant.

And this year, my friends advised me to apply for the Golden Pen literary award competition in the essay category. I sent one of my articles without much hope of success. However, he won here too. Therefore, it makes sense to cover this award in a little more detail.

Award status. I read the following on some sites. " The competition “National Literary Award GOLDEN PEN OF Rus'” has become not only one of the most popular, but is rightly recognized as elite among writers of the Russian-speaking world. The organizing committee of the competition is rightfully considered the crown of the community of writers and creative unions of the planet.

In modern Russia, for the first time in the centuries-old history of Russian literature, a single literary prize, which is awarded to writers, regardless of their place of residence and citizenship, who create works in Russian. The award is not given for the presence of projects that have nothing to do with the word “ high literature", and for preserving the best Russians literary traditions, for true talent and creativity.

Considering the significance of the award, the sign “Golden Feather of Rus'”, according to the statutory code since 2005, has been called the “Sign of Special Distinction”, awarded annually and for life. The sign is made of pure gold, the sign “Silver Feather of Rus'” is made of silver, in the form of a feather with two letters SP. Simultaneously with the presentation of the Special Insignia “Golden Feather of Rus'”, the holder is awarded the title “Golden Feather of Rus'”, and the holder of the Special Insignia “Silver Feather of Rus'” is awarded the title “Silver Feather of Rus'”. They are issued with appropriate IDs and certificates with personal numbers. All winners are included in the honorary list of title holders.

Every year, the contestants are awarded the title of LAUREATE of the “National Literary Award GOLDEN FEATHER OF Rus'” and are awarded special diplomas" This really encouraged me. What made me even more excited was the following message:

Writers from Siberian district became the owners of the "golden pen". « In 2009 in literary competition“Golden Pen of Rus'” was attended by more than 2,000 authors from 34 countries, 26 of them were nominees from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the “Golden” and “Silver” feathers, as well as the laureates of the competition, will take place on October 30, 2009 in Moscow at the Central House of Writers. Krasnoyarsk “feathers” will participate in the award ceremony together with the poet Evgeny Yevtushenko, storyteller Sofia Prokofieva, Slavist Valery Chudinov and actress Natalia Bondarchuk" As you can see, my name is mentioned among the names of other famous people.

Congratulations. The first to congratulate me at SUM were my colleagues in the department, then the management of the institute. Later - colleagues and Chairman of the State University Academic Council for the defense of dissertations, in which I am the Deputy Chairman of the Council.

Next came congratulations from friends and acquaintances via email. So, on October 30 the writer wrote to me and editor-in-chief publishing house "Alva the First" Dmitry Loginov: " Dear Valery! Congratulations on being awarded the "Golden Pen of Russia" award! There are, therefore, still cases when such awards go to the worthy! I wish you new creative successes, and that these successes continue to receive deserved recognition. Best regards, Dmitry" Alexander Kakurin October 31: “ I congratulate you. You make an invaluable contribution to the Renaissance former greatness Rus'. Creative success and New Discoveries. Sincerely, Alexander Mikhailovich" Sergey Shilyaev, October 4. "... I would like reliable evidence. But in general I support the cleansing of our history and morality from Christian lies».

Naturally, congratulations were waiting for me on the site. Sancho October 6: " Congratulations on your original award!" Konstantin Vladimirovich: “ Valery Alekseevich! Congratulations with all my heart! All the best to you and even greater achievements!» Yuri October 7: " The prize is given not for the presence of projects that have nothing to do with the word “high literature”, but for the preservation of the best Russian literary traditions, for true talent and creative abilities.” Short, clear and correct. Congratulations, dear Valery Alekseevich! Continued success in preserving the great Russian word and upholding historical justice!"Flint: " Congratulations on your continued well-deserved recognition!“As I understand it, I wrote from both myself and Darena. Igor: « Congratulations with all my heart! I wish you further creative success!» Sernial, October 15: " Dear Valery Alekseevich. I will not join the general chorus of admirers of your talent, because my very address to you indicates that you deservedly received the award. I have stepped over personal ambitions, because the interests of the cause and the Fatherland are now ahead... Yuri Ivanovich».

Rice. 1. Congratulations from miracle fans

To my surprise, even online miracle-loving hooligans congratulated me in a very unique way and offered to drink to this event. I would not have even looked at this congratulation, but Valentina was very touting it on October 11 (I omit the offensive titles): It will be a great pity if you all do not read this carefully: http://community.livejournal.com/chudinologia/142861. html. Valentina." In addition, they took the trouble to introduce the members of the jury of the commission for selecting applicants, Fig. 2 and 3.

Rice. 2. Svetlana Vasilievna Savitskaya

So, I was pleased to learn that Svetlana Vasilievna is a writer-storyteller, owner of the very first “golden pen”, works in the newspaper “Youth of Muscovy” and even awards a special diploma "For caring for the heritage of our ancestors and expressing the diversity of the great Russian language through our works". Well, great! Good luck to Svetlana Vasilievna! New creative achievements! And success in finding talents that will increase the glory of Rus'!

Rice. 3. Alexander Nikolaevich Bukharov

Another founder of the award is Alexander Nikolaevich Bukharov. Alexander Nikolaevich - publisher of the newspaper "S.M.I.: events, materials, information." He informs: “All participants in the competition have the right to publish original books with branded abbreviations “National Literary Award Golden Pen of Rus'” in our partner publishing houses at their own expense. For award holders and laureates of all years, the organizing committee of the competition can provide letters of petition confirming victory in our competition for the administrations of the cities of residence or sponsoring organizations in order to allocate funds for the publication of the authors’ works. All questions about the price and terms of publication can be asked by calling 8-926-161-60-23 to the founder of the competition, Alexander Nikolaevich Bukharov. "- Simply wonderful, and thanks, trolls, for the information! I’ll definitely call and ask, because I didn’t have this information before.

On October 22, miracle fans pleased me with a quote from a certain Tatyana: “ Hello, Good people! I join the topic raised. I know Chudinov personally, with his scientific activity. A person has been studying, for decades, a subject about which we have only a vague idea, based on information obtained in school years wonderful. On information that was fabricated for us for a specific purpose. I trust a scientist, a patriot who does his life's work with sole purpose- to give humanity knowledge that was hidden from it for many centuries. God is in everything. I ask you not to judge or ridicule the desire to seek truth. Moreover, don’t you know how pioneers and eccentrics are crucified and burned.” Well said!

Well, of course, they posted a pretty decent screenshot with my portrait from the DTV broadcast on October 25, reminding the reader that I have been a famous figure for our media. Considering that we are dealing with online hooligans, we can only thank them for such a manifestation of sympathy for my work. I honestly admit that I didn’t expect this from them. As well as the fact that my bonus will excite them so much. For example, “Crocodile River” on October 29 was concerned: “What should I give Chudinov?” And I couldn’t think of anything better than to give a parrot. Apparently, his habit of mocking gave him this idea. However, he himself doubted the usefulness of such a gift, for he wrote: “ If you have better and more realistic gift ideas, please suggest them. You can meet him at one of his conferences and lectures and give him something" The idea is simply wonderful. I believe that Crocodile River will be very happy to know that its idea has been realized. Indeed, at my author’s lecture, my third-year students gave me a gift.

Rice. 5. Sasha and Lenya give me a gift

Real gifts. This happened one evening in October. On behalf of the students of my author’s courses, Lenya and Sasha presented me with a gold-trimmed fountain pen from Waterman (Paris) with the words: “ To the golden pen of Rus', a golden fountain pen!“At the same time, all the listeners applauded and stood up. I was both embarrassed and touched. I have never been given a gift for my scientific creativity! But I was even more surprised and touched when my wife gave me mechanical swiss watches from Longines with a special leather bracelet and four dials, and, of course, a calendar. This was the most expensive gift to me, even in monetary terms! I simply did not expect this from my scientific research!

Rice. 6. Close-up gifts

There were other gifts, but I only found out about them on the day of the awards. However, what they had already given me filled my heart with a sense of pride that my work did not go unnoticed! And even the troll “Dead8”, on the day of the award, October 30, let out a cry from the soul: “Drop it, Valera!” He probably really didn’t want me to go to the awards ceremony. He also hinted about the small hall - that it was cramped there, and that at other times it was used for other purposes - and I realized that for the online hooligans living at my expense and trying to make their own small business out of slinging mud at me, this reward of mine is just a knife in the heart! But this recognition is also a good gift! After all, because on November 1 the troll Kvoytsekhovsky allegedly found the text “ runes of the wise Moses Lazarevich from Berdichev and his sister Sofa", he will not receive any bonus from anyone! Neither from Israel, nor personally from Berl Lazar. So let him be content with only the texts of the wise Moses Lazarevich from Berdichev. They will console both him and the whole company of miracle-lovers!

Presentation day. I was in no hurry to attend the press conference at one o'clock in the afternoon; besides, there were traffic jams. The first people I met at the Central House of Writers upon arrival were representatives of the Academy basic sciences led by its President Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunyaev. They specifically waited for me to personally congratulate me on the award. But they warned that the hall was full of people.

Rice. 7. It was difficult to get to the presidium table

However, everything went fine. Not only me, but also the photo and television cameramen accompanying me calmly leaked forward, so that I was able to watch the entire presentation and congratulation ceremony from beginning to end. The organizers joked that it was never possible to guess how many people would show up for the awards. When they were filming Great Hall, there were few awardees and guests at the ceremony, and the hall looked empty. Now they decided to rent a small hall, and again they miscalculated: a lot of people came. Moreover, entire delegations came from different cities of Russia, as well as from near and far abroad.

Rice. 8. Presentation of a diploma and certificate to me

Among all the nominations, mine was third; before me, awards were given only for prose and poetry (the latter was awarded to Yevgeny Yevtushenko, but due to illness he was unable to come). Well, receiving an award after him was quite worthy! Before presenting me with the laureate’s diploma, Svetlana Savitskaya said: “The nomination is “Essay.” The best essay came from Valery Chudinov, Moscow. For the high artistic excellence of the essay “The contribution of researchers of Slavic countries to the discovery of pre-Cyrillian writing.” It is a great honor for us to present you with this award.” And with these words, she handed me the insignia in a red box and the corresponding documents.

Badge of Distinction, Honorary Award for Special Merit

Alternative descriptions

Military-religious organization of knights in the Middle Ages

High state award, her badge

The spiritual knightly community turned into a reward

Insignia for military or civil merit

Monastic Catholic. organization with its own charter

Courage Award

Name of centralized Catholic monastic associations

Organization, community with a specific charter

Special insignia as a reward for outstanding services to the state

Story by A. Chekhov

Medieval spiritual-knightly organization

Big Brother Medal

Heroic Promotion

Silk wise guy

Monastic Union

Award accepted on the chest

JK Rowling's novel "Harry Potter and... the Phoenix"

Award named after St. Andrew the First-Called

An honorary award that Vasily Terkin is not chasing

An award that is better than a medal

Award insignia

It makes a man a gentleman

Award on plaque

Award on chest

. "Anna" on the neck

Veteran's Award

Promotion for the hero

. "Harry Potter and... Phoenix"

Named after Andrew the First-Called

. “society of monks” on the hero’s chest


Monastic company as a reward

Merit Badge

Community of monks and knights

Award and Knight Community

State Hero Award

What's more honorable than a medal?

Templar Company

It will be cooler than the medal

Makes a man a gentleman

State award

Secret community in the Middle Ages

Hero Reward

Jesuit community


Brezhnev's favorite jewelry

They, the combat ones, are awarded


Special Merit Award

Monastic or spiritual-knightly community with a specific charter

Insignia for military or civil merit

A community with a specific charter

Story by A. Chekhov

. "Harry Potter and... Phoenix"

. "Society of Monks" on the hero's chest

M. lat. class of gentlemen of one order badge, at first worn as a sign of brotherhood, and now granted by sovereigns for distinction and merit; This order and this sign itself, sometimes granting special rights. church road, place (order) on transportation. Monastic order, Catholic. charter, and the community that accepted it. Zodchesk rank, order or category of pillars (columns), according to their sizes and decorations: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan and mixed. Order holder Moscow selling orders, working them. Ordinary, established or approved; in this meaning only about the title: Oroinary professor, academician. Simple, everyday, ordinary. Ordinary cloth, tea. Ordinary water, kamch. where there is only one ebb and flow per day. Ordination w. installation, ordination of a Catholic clergyman. Ordanarets is a military man who is assigned to send orders and send orders to his superior. Ordoštsgaus m. Commandant's office. Warrant m. written order, prescription; currently used perhaps only about outfits or orders for the release of supplies to the watchmen. Morsk. formation, order, in which the fleet is built for a known purpose, for example. order of battle, battle formation. Ordinata mathematician one of the straight lines defining the location of a point on a plane or in space

Pillars, among the architects. transitional from Doric to Corinthian, taller and thinner, usually with spoons

What's more honorable than a medal?

JK Rowling's novel "Harry Potter and... the Phoenix"

. "Anna" on the neck

Dominican community

Even in ancient times, people, expressing gratitude to their fellow tribesmen for courage and skill, allowed the most worthy to wear symbols of hunting skill - animal fangs, skins, feathers. IN ancient times A fairly harmonious system of military awards appeared. Thus, Roman soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle and showed particular courage in battle were awarded an honorary badge in the form of a wreath or crown, which they wore on their clothes. For example, the warrior who was the first to climb the wall of an enemy fortress was awarded a wreath with a miniature image of the fortress wall placed on it. In the Middle Ages appeared in Europe new look awards, called the order. These awards usually took the form of a cross or star.

In the era crusades semi-military, semi-monastic organizations - orders (Livonian, Teutonic, Templar, etc.) arose in the East. Members of the order considered military affairs their profession. Persons who joined the order received the right to wear the insignia of this order (cross and star).

Orders of the Russian Empire

Order of St. Andrew the First-Called

In Russia, the first order appeared in the very late XVII century. It was the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The motto of the order is “For faith and fidelity.”

The badge of the order is a specially shaped cross in the form of the letter “X” with the image of the figure of St. Andrew the First-Called. The order was worn on a wide blue ribbon over the right shoulder. The order also included a star with eight rays and a similar cross in the center.
The order is named in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called, the apostle (disciple) of Christ.

The first holder of the order is known - Count Fedor Alekseevich Golovin, an associate of Peter I, admiral (from 1699) and field marshal general (from 1700). Signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689, participated in the Great Embassy of 1697–1698, from 1699 - chief executive Russian foreign policy. Among those awarded “for special distinctions” were commanders Rumyantsev and Suvorov.

Order of St. George the Victorious

During Russian-Turkish war in 1769, the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George was established with the motto “For service and courage.” The order was awarded to officers and generals for military distinction. The first statute of the order, signed by Catherine II, stated: “Neither high family, nor previous merits, nor received wounds are taken into account when awarded the Order of St. George; The only one who is awarded it is the one who not only fulfilled his duty in all respects according to oath, honor and duty, but in addition to this, marked himself for the benefit and glory of Russian weapons with a special distinction.”

The Order of St. George had four degrees, and the first time the recipient had to be presented to the 4th, lowest, degree, the next time to the 3rd, then to the 2nd and 1st. The Order of St. George had a special position, and it was prescribed to be worn at all times, on any clothing. A full holder of the Order of St. George was the outstanding Russian commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

Other orders of the Russian Empire:

Orders of the USSR

Order of the Red Banner

First Soviet order became the Order of the Red Banner, which was established in 1918. The regulations on the order stipulated that it was awarded to citizens of the RSFSR who showed particular bravery and courage during combat activities.

Order of the Red Star

The Order of the Red Star, like the Order of Lenin, was approved by a resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on April 6, 1930. The statute provided for the awarding of the Order of the Red Star not only to citizens of the USSR, but also to foreigners.
The order was made of silver and was a convex five-pointed star, the rays of which were covered with ruby-red enamel. In the center of the star was a horseshoe-shaped plate depicting the figure of a Red Army soldier with a rifle in his hands at the ready, as if confirming readiness Soviet people defend your Fatherland with arms in hand. The drawing of the order was made by the artist of the Moscow Gosznak factory Vladimir Kupryanov. The future Marshal became the first holder of the Order of the Red Star in May 1930 Soviet Union V.K. Blucher for a brilliantly carried out operation to repel the Chinese military during the armed conflict in the Chinese East railway in 1929.

Order Patriotic War

The Order of the Patriotic War was established on May 20, 1942. In accordance with the status of the order, it could be awarded to Soviet and foreign citizens, military personnel and partisans, institutions and enterprises, military units and formations, cities and regions that made a significant contribution to the defeat Nazi invaders. Nominations for the award of the Order to civilians were discontinued in October 1947.

The order had two degrees, the highest being the first degree. The statute of the order did not provide for the sequence of awards, but for new services to the Fatherland, the recipient could be repeatedly nominated for award of that degree of the order.

Among the first awarded the order of the Patriotic War, I degree was the commander of the artillery battalion, Captain Ivan Krikliy, II degree were artillery soldiers, sergeants Zharko S.T., Nemfira M.G., Nesterenko P.V., privates Grigoriev N.I., Kulintsev A.I., Petrosh I.P.

Orders of Kutuzov, Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky

During the Great Patriotic War, special military awards were created to reward those who distinguished themselves. In May 1942 the order was established Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degrees. In July 1942, three orders were introduced: Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky.
The people called Kutuzov “the savior of the Fatherland” because he had the historical mission of leading the liberation war of the Russian people against the French conquerors of our Motherland in 1812.

And therefore, it is quite natural that in 1942, during the period of the most difficult trials that befell the Fatherland, the military order “Mikhail Kutuzov” was established in the USSR.

The Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov had three degrees and were intended to award military leaders of different ranks. Order of Suvorov - for the development and successful implementation offensive operations, Order of Kutuzov - for organizing effective defensive actions. The Order of Alexander Nevsky was intended for commanders and military leaders who knew how to fight not with numbers, but with skill.

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky

In October 1943, the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky was established in three degrees: 1st degree was intended to award commanders of fronts, armies and partisan units; 2nd degree - for awarding mid-level commanders; 3rd degree - for privates and partisans.

Order of Victory

In November 1943, the sign and statute of the Order of Victory, the highest military order, were approved. This is the most expensive award badge; it is a platinum star with ruby ​​rays bordered by diamonds. The diameter of the star is 72 mm, the weight of diamonds is 16 carats. The Order of Victory was awarded to persons of the highest command staff The Red Army for the successful conduct of such military operations on the scale of one or several fronts, as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the Red Army. A total of 12 people were awarded this award. The first to be awarded was Marshal G.K. Zhukov.

Order of Glory

In November 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established for privates and sergeants. A star with the image of the Spasskaya Tower and the inscription “Glory” on the medallion was adopted as a sign of the order. The Order of Glory was worn on a pentagonal block with St. George's ribbon. Persons awarded all three degrees of the order were called complete gentlemen Order of Glory and were equal in rights to Heroes of the Soviet Union. This order was very popular among soldiers.

In total, during the existence of the Soviet Union, 20 orders and 54 medals were established.

Orders of Russia

Gold Star Medal

With the collapse of the USSR, the existing award system became a thing of the past and a new one began to take shape. In March 1992, the title of Hero was established Russian Federation and the insignia - the Gold Star medal - was approved.

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"

In 1994, the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” of four degrees was established.

The first degree star of the order is silver, eight-pointed, with faceted, polished rays. In the center of the star is a round silver medallion with a relief gilded image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Along the circumference of the medallion, on a red enamel field with a silver edging, is the motto of the order: “BENEFIT, HONOR AND GLORY” and laurel branches. The distance between the opposite ends of the star is 82 mm.

Restoration of orders Russian Empire

On July 1, 1998, the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called was again established in the country's award system. Currently is highest award RF. Awarding this order means the highest recognition of the gentleman’s services to the state and the Russian people.

In August 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of St. George of four degrees and the insignia - St. George's Cross four.

Comment from Kiltarnish

Shadowfang Keep
Sinews from Giests & Corpse Eaters At entrance
Moontouched wood spread around first courtyard and inside stables at SW corner.
Last boss has scope.

Comment from Debs

To get to Shadowfang keep without a flying is do-able. From Refuge point in Arathi Highlands go north to the mountains and go west along the line of the mountains till you come to Thoradin's Wall. There is a gap in the wall at this end that will bring you out just behind Durnhold Keep. Make your way across Hillsbrad foothills avoiding the horde, It is possible, try to stay on the road as much as possible but watch out for the horde guards. You might die once but if you are careful it can be done. I managed it with my lvl 20 something priest only to die horribly in the Keep itself. Take a very much higher lvl friend with you if you can.

hope this helps.

Comment from Kelleher01

I like the horde version of the bow better.

Comment from rktect

It's not hard to get there but it takes some time to walk/scramble/swim. I went at level 26 hunter, followed the road up to stormguard, went through the pass following the buzzards to the right of the keep, swam along the coast, and the n went overland following the main map to get to the bearpaw shaped lake that shows up in the quest map.. Everything is pretty killable levels 17-22 raptor, orc, undead, ogre, spider, big bear monsters mostly, not many friendly" s except for the elves, and the horses.

The usual sort of big and scary mean monsters, but not much work at all till the very end. It's also easy to evade trouble using beastmaster but I had to put my wo;d on passive. The wild horses in the highlands seem friendly and are possible tameable, plus its really pretty country mostly. The only negative about getting there was I used up a couple of bags of equipment looting en route and then at the end you have to throw some stuff away to collect the quest objects.

Right after the entrance screen there are monsters but none of them charge you right off so you can collect items 1 and 2 easy Getting the final reward is well deserved.

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