Day of the Russian Baltic Fleet. Why is the Russian Baltic Fleet needed?

Baltic Fleet - territorial structure Russian Navy. It represents a powerful strategic military unit. It includes the power of naval forces, aerospace and air defense, naval aviation and ground forces. Oldest fleet Russian state has all the possibilities effective action in any combat conditions. A holiday has been established in honor of its creation.

When is it celebrated?

Baltic Fleet Day of the Russian Navy is celebrated annually on May 18. The holiday was established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy on December 19, 1995.

Who's celebrating

The Day of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy in 2019 is traditionally celebrated by all its representatives, including the military leadership.

History of the holiday

The date May 18 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1703, the Russian flotilla became the winner in military battle, capturing two Swedish warships. The small fleet of 30 boats was commanded by Peter I. All participants in the famous event received medals with the inscription “The Unprecedented Happens” engraved on them, and Russia gained access to the Gulf of Finland.

The formation and development of the Baltic flotilla is directly related to the city of St. Petersburg. They were created almost simultaneously. In 1704, a year after the foundation of the first buildings of the city on the Neva, the construction of the Admiralty Shipyard began, which later became the stronghold of shipbuilding in the Russian state. Since then in historical chronicle Many glorious pages have been written about the military merits of the Baltic Fleet. All these years he has been guarding the northwestern borders of Russia. Navy personnel demonstrated unparalleled bravery and bravery during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, defending the Motherland on water and land.

About the Baltic Fleet

The Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy solves problems of protecting areas of economic security of the state and industrial activities strategic purpose. The composition of its military units ensures the security of controlled water areas and fulfillment of the foreign policy obligations of the Russian government in relation to significant areas of the World Ocean, takes part in protocol events.

IN peacetime The Baltic Fleet has carried out many scientific expeditions. On his ships, Russian scientists carried out round the world travel and discovered 432 new geographical places, some of which were named after the admirals of the famous flotilla. Today it is based in the ports of Baltiysk and Kronstadt, reliably protecting the borders of Russia in the northwestern direction.

Baltic Fleet Day was established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy dated December 19, 1995, and is traditionally celebrated in Russian Federation May 18 every year since 1996. Historically, this day is considered to mark an outstanding battle victory Peter I in 1703 at the mouth of the Neva River over two Swedish military ships. At that time, the flotilla consisted of only thirty boats with soldiers from the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments. IN Soviet era the fleet was the largest in the entire territory Soviet Union. Currently, the oldest Russian fleet consists of an operational-strategic formation that operates coherently and equally effectively both on water, on land and in the air. Currently, the permanent location of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy is Baltiysk and Kronstadt. Its current strength includes more than a hundred warships and one and a half hundred helicopters and naval aircraft. Fleet Day is traditionally celebrated by all employees and sailors of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy.

Happy Baltic Fleet Day,
Happy sea blue day,
Let the sea roar forever,
In the vastness of the earth!

May fate be good
To those who go to sea,
And happy share
Let the Baltiytsev find it.

Happy Baltic Fleet Day, my friend!
How many strong hands hide!
You are the lord of storms and seas,
Don't regret anything, don't be shy,
Neither the cold nor the heat are scary
And luck is with you everywhere!

Who went through a harsh school Baltic Sea,
He will say with obvious fact without arguing:
Who was tempered by the weather of the Baltic Sea,
He will forever remain in his soul a sailor of the Baltic Fleet!
Congratulations to all Baltic seafarers today,
We will write them a lot of funny congratulations in verse!

Baltic Fleet -
Very nice
For the Baltic people -
The most important one
Lift up
On the flagpole -
Our Baltic

Happy Baltic Fleet Day!
And let the ships
Gives a feeling of flight,
Don't be broke

And they rush towards
To the brightest dreams,
May you be happy forever
To be, guys, for you!

Today I congratulate
The harsh Baltic fleet,
Let the waves be obedient
And the wind sings in the masts.

The Baltic people are a special people,
Proud, invincible,
Happy Baltic Fleet Day
Russia congratulates you.

We wish 7 feet under the keel,
And calm and peaceful raids,
Let them wait on their native piers
Brides and wives of loved ones.

Great, battle-hardened,
St. Petersburg stronghold!
Never been defeated
Ancient Baltic Fleet!

Your father Peter the Great,
You are a participant in two terrible wars,
But never, never broken by anyone
On guard of the Baltic waves.

Are you standing proudly on the roadstead,
Or are you on duty?
We believe in our safety
And you won't let us down!

Let the banners fly proudly
The whole country congratulates you!
Continue to be undefeated
Let's shout "HURRAY" three times!

Conquerors of space,
Watery, difficult latitudes,
Congratulations guys
Our glorious Baltic Fleet.

Don't let the sea deceive you,
Let the wave always love,
I wish the service
It only brought you joy.

Here the waves roll after each other
Day and night on the sand...
We are to the sailors on the occasion of Baltic Fleet Day
Let's write congratulations in verse.
The Baltic is capricious, harsh,
But the sailors are not afraid,
And sailors are always ready
Withstand all storms.
Today we need to shout:
Hurray for the Baltic sailors!

Waves of the Baltic Sea
They hit the side of the ship,
Serves himself in the open
Your sea family!

Even if there is a storm or wind,
Storm and thunder don't matter
You are a team, you are together,
Everywhere you and the sea are together!

Let the wind be fair
Vigorous body and spirit,
It's very cozy in the cockpit,
Letters from true friends!

Congratulations: 15 in verse.

On May 18, our country celebrates the Day of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. The holiday received official status only in 1995, after the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy. But the roots of the holiday go back to the times of Peter the Great, when the Tsar, amazed by what was lost in Europe, returned to Russia with full confidence that he would create a domestic merchant and military fleet.

History of the Baltic Fleet

The very first naval victory in the Baltic took place on May 18. This happened in 1703, when several dozen boats filled with soldiers of the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments defeated two large Swedish ships and captured the mouth of the Neva. Tsar Peter the Great himself personally commanded the army. It is curious that a special medal was issued in honor of the winners, with the inscription: “The unthinkable happens.” It sounds a little un-Russian; here it would be more appropriate: “The impossible is possible.”

Saint Petersburg

The Baltic has always been connected with the city of Petrov; it was here that the Russian fleet took its first steps, and the birth of the naval armada happened a year later than the appearance of the city itself. It turns out that Petersburg was founded in 1703, and the first shipyard appeared a year later and as a result it became the most important shipyard of the renewed Russian state.

First test

The Baltic Fleet first showed itself during Northern War, when numerous victories were won over the formidable Swedish fleet. A century later, the Baltic fleet gave a serious repulse during Crimean War, and stopped all attempts by the Swedes to take control of the northwestern borders of the empire. Thus, Kronstadt finally passed to Russia, and the danger of losing St. Petersburg and others important cities in the border areas has come to naught.

Baltic during World War II

In the first years of the war, the fleet actively resisted the enemy's invasion from the Baltic and until the last held back the enemy's power in relation to Leningrad. The Baltic Fleet supported the front in the direction of East Prussia and Pomerania. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, the forces of the Baltic Fleet destroyed more than 1,200 enemy ships, including combat, transport and service equipment. There were great victories both on land and on the ground, for example, the Baltics destroyed more than 2.5 thousand enemy aircraft, and over 100 thousand soldiers fought against Germany during ground operations.

Scientific base

No less merit of the fleet in the Baltic in numerous scientific works, research and expeditions. It was from the Baltic Sea that domestic researchers set off in search of new lands and riches. We have to admit that almost 500 new geographical discoveries were made by our great navigators, and as a result, each of them received the name of a Russian navigator.

Our era

Nowadays, the Baltic Fleet should not be perceived only from the point of view of naval purposes, it is also a research base, industrial zone and a training facility for exercises. Baltic Fleet Day is celebrated by everyone who works in the Baltic, and not only those associated with water element. It is possible to highlight naval pilots, infantrymen, missilemen who make up the air defense forces, as well as ground forces.

When is Baltic Fleet Day of the Russian Navy in 2019

Home Encyclopedia History of Wars More details

May 18 - Baltic Fleet Day

Construction navy in the Baltic was determined by the military-political goals of the Russian state, set for the period of the war with Sweden, which began in 1700. The most important of them was Russia’s access to the coast of the Baltic Sea. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to defeat the Swedish lake flotillas and capture the coastal fortresses, and it was for this that warships were needed. In 1702, the construction of ships began at the Novgorod and Pskov shipyards. At that time, the structure of the proposed maritime connections had not yet been determined.

The capture by Russian troops of the Oreshek fortress, located at the mouth of the Neva, on October 11 (22), 1702, significantly changed military-political situation in the region. This event, in essence, prepared the conditions for transferring the issue of creating a regular fleet in the Baltic Sea into a practical direction. Founded at the end of 1702 - beginning of 1703. at the Syaskaya shipyard, 2 new frigates, in addition to the 4 frigates already laid down there, were initially intended not for Lake Ladoga, but to form the ship composition of the future fleet in the Baltic.

By decree of Peter I of January 13 (24), 1703, it was ordered to build 6 more frigates. Closer to March, Peter I came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a more powerful connection in the Baltic than previously assumed. In the same year he compiled a ship list, which with good reason can be considered a program document for the construction of the Baltic Fleet.

It defined quantitative and high-quality composition ships needed for the fleet: “12 ships, 10 shnavs, 3 flutes, 6 boats, 1 boats, 6 shmak, 10 schooners, 10 galleys.” However, the date of writing this document remained unknown, and therefore, when establishing the day of the founding of the Baltic Fleet, it was necessary to use a certain assumption. The most acceptable date was determined to be May 7 (18), 1703 - Victory Day 30 Russian boats with two companies of the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments under the command of Peter I over two Swedish military ships “Gedan” and “Astrild”.

L.D. Blinov. Capture of the boat "Gedan" and the shnyava "Astrild" at the mouth of the Neva on May 7, 1703. Central Naval Museum (CVMM)

Then, on May 5 (16), the indicated Swedish ships, from the squadron of G. Nummers, not knowing that the Nyenschanz fortress was in the hands of the Russians, approached it and anchored. Peter decided to take advantage of the enemy's carelessness. A detachment of Russian guards, boarded on 30 boats, under the command of the Tsar himself and A.D. Menshikov on the night of May 7 (18) suddenly attacked the ships and captured them. There were 18 cannons on the ships. Of the 77 people, 19 were captured, the remaining 58 people were killed.

This battle was the first armed conflict in the Baltic, had a great resonance and was important symbolic meaning in the history of the creation of the Baltic Fleet. In honor of the victory, a medal was struck with the inscription: “The unthinkable happens.” The Military Council awarded Peter I and Menshikov the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, and all participants in the battle received award medals (officers - gold, soldiers - silver).

Award medal “The Unprecedented Happens.” Medalist F. Alekseev

With the capture of Nyenskans, Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea. There was an opportunity to establish trade relations with other countries. The question arose about protecting the mouth of the Neva. In the journal of Peter I there is the following entry: “After the capture of Kanets (Nyenschanz. - Author), a military council was sent to determine whether to strengthen the trench, or to look for another place (since it is small, far from the sea, and the place is not much strong by nature) , in which it is supposed to look for a new place, and after a few days it was found convenient place an island called Lust Eland (that is, Cheerful Island), where on the 16th day of May the Peter and Paul Fortress was founded and named St. Petersburg.” So on May 16 (27), 1703, the city of St. Petersburg was founded, which later became new capital Russian state.

A. Charlemagne. Foundation of St. Petersburg. 1703

In the spring of 1703, in order to reliably cover the approaches to the mouth of the Neva and St. Petersburg, the Kronshlot fortress, armed with 14 guns, was built near Kotlin Island. An artillery battery of 60 guns was installed on Kotlin.

At the end of May - beginning of June 1703, Russian troops captured the fortresses of Yam and Koporye. Thus, the enemy was expelled from the territory of the ancient Izhora land. In all this there was considerable merit of the young Baltic Fleet.

M.V. Petrov-Maslakov. Arrival of the first frigate of the Baltic Fleet “Standard” in St. Petersburg in 1703

In 1704, the Admiralty was founded in St. Petersburg. Further rapid development of Russian naval forces in the Baltic led to the creation of a strong Baltic Sea fleet, divided into several squadrons with different bases. The main task The fleet became the defense of the capital from the sea.

The fleet under construction met all the requirements of the time. Main classes sailing ships were battleships and frigates. The battleship had a displacement of 1-2 thousand tons, three-masted sailing equipment, 2-3 battery decks (decks), on which 52-90 guns of 24-, 12- and 6-pound caliber were installed. The frigate had 1-2 battery decks and was armed with 25-44 guns.

Galley from the times of Peter the Great. Fragment of the engraving by A. Zubov “Preshpekt up the Neva”. 1721

The main type of rowing vessel was the scampaway. Due to its greater lightness and better maneuverability, its seaworthiness compared favorably with Western European galleys. This was especially important for operations in the skerry areas of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Scampavea had up to 18 pairs of oars, 3-5 cannons of 12-, 8- and 3-pound caliber and up to 150 crew members.

From 1703 to 1709, 15 frigates, 13 ships, 3 bombardiers and 44 other smaller sailing ships were commissioned in the Baltic. The skerry flotilla consisted of 114 rowing ships: 2 rams, 91 brigantines, 21 galleys and half-galleys.

S.D. Vsevolozhsky. Review of the fleet on the Neva. CVMM

After 1709, fleet bases were established in Kronstadt, Vyborg and Revel. The main classes of combat ships based in these bases were battleships and frigates. By the end of the war, Russia had almost twice the number of battleships as Sweden.

Fortress Kronstadt. 1780 Watercolor

The Baltic Fleet played important role V wars of the XVIII V. Its history is marked by high-profile victories in the Gangut (1714), Grengam (1720), Gogland (1788), Revel and Vyborg (1790) and other battles.

L. Caravaque. Portrait of Peter I against the backdrop of the united Russian-English-Dutch-Danish squadron, which he commanded in August 1716.

Squadrons of the Baltic Fleet participated in the implementation of the policy of armed neutrality in the 1780s, in the 1st and 2nd Archipelago expeditions, during which brilliant victories were won in the battles of Chesme (1770), Athos (1807) and Navarino (1827) . At the beginning of the twentieth century. ships of the Baltic Fleet made an unprecedented transition to Far East as part of the 2nd and 3rd Pacific squadrons.

Monument to Peter I, founder of Kronstadt. Opened on the anniversary Poltava victory June 27, 1841 Cast P.K. Klodt based on the model of T.I. Jaco

Sailors of the Baltic Fleet glorified Russia as great geographical discoveries And circumnavigation of the world. This primarily refers to the discovery by Russian sailors under the command of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev of Antarctica (1820).

Monument to F.F. Bellingshausen. Kronstadt. Installed on September 11, 1870. Sculptor I.N. Schroeder, architect I.A. Monighetti

TO end of the 19th century V. The Baltic Fleet was one of the most strong fleets peace. Restored in numbers after failure Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 The Baltic Fleet took an active part in the First World War.

From the ships of the Baltic Fleet transferred to the North, on June 1, 1933, by a circular from the Chief of Staff of the Red Army, the Northern Military Flotilla was formed, transformed on May 11, 1937 into the Northern Fleet.

The contribution of the Baltic people to the victory is invaluable Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Already in the first days of the war long-range aviation The Baltic Fleet caused bomb attack around Berlin. The ships of the fleet participated in the defense of the city on the Neva, subsequently actively acted on enemy communications and assisted the Red Army in coastal areas.

The Baltic Fleet was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner (1928 and 1965). The names of Peter I (Admiral Peter Mikhailov), F.M. are associated with the Baltic Fleet. Apraksina, K.I. Kruysa, G.A. Spiridova, S.K. Greiga, A.I. Cruz, V.Ya. Chichagova, D.N. Senyavina, N.O. von Essen, W.F. Tributs and many others. And today it is a strong operational-strategic formation of the Russian Navy in the northwestern direction.

Kronstadt Naval Nicholas Cathedral. Temple-monument to sailors who glorified the Russian Navy. Built on Anchor Square in Kronstadt according to the design of architect V.A. Kosyakova. Consecrated June 23, 1913

Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Ovchinnikov,
Leading Researcher, Department 11, Department 1
Research Institute (military history)
Military Academy of the General Staff
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
Candidate of Historical Sciences

TASS DOSSIER. May 18, 2018 marks the 315th anniversary of the creation of the Baltic Fleet (BF) (Navy) of Russia.

The day was established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Fleet Admiral Felix Gromov, “On the introduction of annual holidays and professional days specialty" dated July 15, 1996. In Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region) on this day there is a parade of garrison troops, and a visit to the ships of the fleet is organized for guests of the holiday.

The commander of the Baltic Fleet is Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov (since July 1, 2016 - acting, since September 17, 2016 - commander).

Fleet history

The Baltic Fleet was created by Tsar Peter I during the Northern War of 1700-1721. The fleet began with ships laid down in 1702-1703. at shipyards on the rivers Syas and Svir (flow into Lake Ladoga). First by large ship The 28-gun frigate "Standard" became a fleet in 1703. In the same year, Fort Kronshlot was founded on the island of Kotlin in the Gulf of Finland - the future base of the Kronstadt fleet.

At the same time, the date of birth of the fleet is considered to be May 18 (May 7, old style) 1703, when a rowing boat flotilla with soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments under the command of bombardier captain Peter Mikhailov (Peter I himself) and lieutenant Alexander Menshikov attacked and captured the Swedish military ships Gaddan ("Gedan" in Russian sources) and Astrild ("Astrild") at the mouth of the Neva.

During the Northern War, with the assistance of the Baltic Fleet, Vyborg, Revel (now Tallinn), Riga, the Moonsund Islands, and Helsinfors (now Helsinki) were taken. Victories were won at sea at Gangut (1714), Ezel (1719) and Grengam (1720). The fleet participated in Seven Years' War And Russian-Turkish wars XVIII century Turkish fleet was destroyed by ships of the Baltic Fleet in naval battles in Chesme Bay (1770, the Russian squadron was commanded by Rear Admiral Samuel Greig), the Dardanelles (1807, under the command of Vice Admiral Dmitry Senyavin) and Navarino Bay (1827, the commander of the Russian squadron was Vice Admiral Login Heyden).

In the second half of the 19th century. The Baltic Fleet was equipped with armored ships, from which the 1st and 2nd squadrons were formed in 1897 and 1904 Pacific Ocean, sent to the Far East to strengthen naval forces. During the Russo-Japanese War, a significant part of these ships were lost during the defense of Port Arthur in 1904 and Battle of Tsushima May 27-28, 1905. Before the outbreak of World War I, the Baltic Fleet was re-equipped with new ships - in particular, in 1912 it included the battleships "Andrei Pervozvanny" and "Emperor Paul I", in 1913-1917. - 17 Novik-class destroyers, etc. During the war, sailors of the Baltic Fleet sank about 100 enemy ships.

Baltic Fleet sailors took an active part in revolutionary events 1917 After October Revolution, in February - May 1918, 226 ships and vessels of the Baltic Fleet (including 6 battleships, 5 cruisers, 59 destroyers and destroyers, 12 submarines), in order to avoid their capture by German units, made an ice campaign from Revel to Helsingfors, and then to Kronstadt. In the spring of 1921, the Kronstadt garrison and the crews of several ships of the Baltic Fleet rose up against Soviet power an armed rebellion that was suppressed.

During the Great Patriotic War, naval forces destroyed 1,205 enemy warships, transports and auxiliary vessels, and 2,418 enemy aircraft. 173 military personnel were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Famous Soviet submariners Alexander Marinesko and Pyotr Grishchenko, ace pilots Nelson Stepanyan, Vasily Rakov, Alexey Mazurenko and Nikolai Chelnokov fought in the Baltic.

In 1945-1956 the fleet carried out combat trawling in order to restore navigation in the Baltic, while in 1946 it was divided into the South Baltic (later 4th) and North Baltic (later 8th) fleets, in 1955 it was restored in the previous structure. In the years cold war ships of the fleet defended the Soviet Baltic coast, carried out military service tasks in the Northern and Mediterranean seas, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. By 1991, the Baltic Fleet had 232 warships (including 32 diesel submarines), about 300 combat aircraft and 70 helicopters, coastal missile launchers, etc. The main basing points were Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region), Daugavgriva and Liepaja (Latvian USSR, now Latvia), Tallinn and Paldiski (Estonian SSR, now Estonia), as well as Swinoujscie (Poland). The Baltic Fleet aviation had ten main and 13 reserve airfields.

The fleet was awarded with orders Red Banner in 1928 and 1965 After the collapse of the USSR, the main bases for the fleet were Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region) and Kronstadt (Leningrad region, now part of St. Petersburg).

Current Status

The modern Baltic Fleet is the operational-strategic formation of the Russian Navy in the Baltic Sea. It is part of the Western Military District and is the main training base of the Russian Navy.

According to data from open sources, as of May 2018, the fleet consisted of 2 diesel submarines and 56 surface ships, including:

  • 2 destroyers of Project 956 "Sarych" (one of them, "Bespokoiny", is being prepared for transfer to the branch of the "Patriot" park in Kronstadt, but the withdrawal of this ship from the fleet has not yet been officially announced);
  • 2 patrol ships of the far sea zone (frigate) of project 11540 "Yastreb" (one of them, "Neustrashimiy", is undergoing repairs and will return to service in 2019);
  • 4 patrol ships of the near sea zone (corvettes) of project 20380;
  • 6 small missile ships;
  • 6 small anti-submarine ships;
  • 6 missile boats;
  • 1 sea, 5 base and 9 raid minesweepers;
  • 4 large landing ship;
  • 2 small landing hovercraft and 9 landing boats (including new hovercraft of the Dugong type, Project 21820).

The Baltic Fleet also includes formations of auxiliary and search and rescue vessels, naval aviation, coastal troops, rear and technical support. Of all Russian fleets The Baltic Fleet historically has the most developed training infrastructure, which includes military training scientific centers in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad (Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov and its branch).

Fleet flagship - destroyer"Persistent" (type "Modern", project 956 "Sarych").

Fleet activities in 2017

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during 2017, the auxiliary fleet of the Baltic Fleet was replenished with five new support vessels, the fleet aviation received Su-30SM multi-role fighters, modernized Ka-29 deck helicopters, the coastal missile formation near Kaliningrad formed divisions of the Bal and "Bal" coastal missile systems Bastion".

The operating time (the time a ship spends at sea without entering a port) of the Baltic Fleet surface forces in 2017 exceeded 2 thousand days, in total surface ships and support vessels passed 150 thousand. nautical miles(about 277 thousand km).

Fleet forces took part in joint exercises with the Chinese Navy "Maritime Cooperation-2017", practiced tasks in the Baltic Sea and on land training grounds as part of the joint Russian-Belarusian exercises "Zapad-2017", and repeatedly carried out tasks of long-distance ocean voyages as part of an operational formation ships of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea.

Units and formations included in the fleet army corps conducted about 1 thousand combat firing exercises as part of units, more than 800 shooting exercises with small arms and more than 300 exercises in driving combat vehicles and special vehicles. The total flight time of the naval aviation crews of the Baltic Fleet exceeded 4 thousand 500 hours (an increase of more than 10% compared to 2016).

Based on the results of competitions in 2017 academic year Prizes from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy were awarded to the crews of the corvettes of the Baltic Fleet "Boikiy", "Stoikiy" and "Steregushchiy" (all for the successful completion of artillery training exercises), the naval strike group of the Baltic Fleet consisting of small missile ships "Liven" and "Passat" (the best in the competition tactical groups of missile boats), tactical group of minesweepers of the Baltic Fleet (the best in the Navy among mine-sweeping ships), anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Baltic Fleet air defense unit (for carrying out missile firing at air targets at the Kapustin Yar and Telemba training grounds), communications ship "Fedor Golovin", air assault battalion of the formation Marine Corps fleet, as well as two more units of the Baltic Fleet.

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