Label meaning. Life Guards

LIB-... First part difficult words with value a member of the monarch, a courtier, e.g. life medic, life guard, life hussar, life dragoon, life squadron.

View value LIB-... in other dictionaries

Leib- German belonging to the person of the sovereign, devious, devious. -guard or guard, security royal army, bodyguards, convoy; old bells, convoy; funny army.........
Dictionary Dahl

Life-- (German Leib, lit. body) (official pre-revolutionary and zagr.). First part compound words, meaning: belonging to the monarch, e.g. life hussars, life cuirassiers, life lancers, life physician, life obstetrician, etc.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life Guards- Life Guards, Life Guards (military pre-revolutionary). Adj. to the Life Guards. soldier.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life Guards- Life Guards, w. (military pre-revolutionary). Privileged army (the original bodyguard detachment of the monarch). See (label-).
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life physician- life physician, m. (pre-revolutionary and zagr.). Court physician. See (label-).
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life-- 1. The first part of complex words, introducing meaning: belonging to the monarch, courtier (life guards, life hussars, life dragoons, life medic, life squadron, etc.).
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Life Guardsman M.— 1. A military man who served in the Life Guards.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Life Guards Adj.— 1. Correlative in meaning. with noun: life guard, life guard associated with them. 2. Characteristic of the Life Guards, characteristic of it. 3. Belonging to a Life Guardsman.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Life Guards J.— 1. Privileged army in a number of monarchical states (initially - the personal security of the monarch).
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Life physician M. Ustar.— 1. Court physician.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Beigman Lev Borisovich (labor Bentsianovich)- (? - ?). Member of the Zionist Socialist Party and the National-Class (Left) He-Halutz. Arrested in Odessa on September 2, 1924 and sentenced to exile. In November 1925, in exile in Turinsk.........
Political dictionary

Weizmann Chaim-Leib Pinkhasovich- (? - ?). Zionist socialist. In August-November 1931 he was in Arkhangelsk. In March 1932 he was in Veliky Ustyug. Further fate unknown. NIPC "Memorial", M.K.
Political dictionary

Glezer Leib (leibele) Isaakovich- (c. 1917 - not earlier than 1948). Member of "Hashomer Hatzair", son of Glezer I.-M., rabbi of the city. Font. He went to Palestine and died after the formation of the State of Israel.
Political dictionary

Life-- [from German. Leib - body] The first part of compound words. Introduces the meaning: a member of the monarch, a courtier. Life Guards, Life Guards, Life Hussars, Life Dragoons, Life Coachman, Life Medic, Life Squadron.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life Guards- -And; and. A privileged army in a number of monarchical states (initially - the personal guard of the monarch). Serve in the Life Guards. Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life physician- -A; m. Court physician. Royal L.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Life Guards- personal guard of the monarch and honorary title of selected military units in some countries with a monarchical form of government. In Russia it was established in con. 17th century Peter I. Later........

Life...- (from German leib - body) - the first part of compound words meaning: consisting directly under the head of state, mainly the prima monarch (for example, Life Guards).
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Life Guards— - personal guard of the monarch and an honorary designation for selected military units in some countries with a monarchical form of government. In Russia it was established in late XVII V. Peter.......
Historical Dictionary

Life campaign- - grenadier company in the amount of 364 people of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, with the assistance of which November 25, 174! Mr. Elizaveta Petrovna was promoted to palace........
Historical Dictionary

Life...- - the first part of compound words meaning: being directly under the monarch.
Historical Dictionary

Davydov, Fievel Leib.dr med. (obstetrics), b.

Speransky Nikolai Vasilievich (physician)— Speransky (Nikolai Vasilievich) - life physician, chief military medical inspector, chairman of the military medical scientific committee; born 1840; graduated from Moscow.........
Historical Dictionary

Zvenigorodsky, Selm. Label- piss. about the charity of children, r. 1875,
Big biographical encyclopedia

Kantor, Lev Osipovich (Yehuda Leib)— - writer, rabbi and public figure; genus. in 1849 in Vilna, in the family of the cantor of the large Vilna synagogue. He received an ordinary religious upbringing in Yeshiba. Under the influence........
Large biographical encyclopedia

Money label- (real name and last name: Mani-Leib Braginsky; 1883–1953) – Heb. poet. He was a shoemaker. Revolutionary member movements in Russia. Emigrated to the USA. His lyrical the poems are colored in minor keys........
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Pseudonyms

Katsenelenbogen, Arie Leib Ben Joseph- (Leiba Katsenelbaugen) - an outstanding Talmudist and activist, grandson of r. Abraham K. (see). K. participated in the congress of electors in Vilna in 1818 to elect “deputies of the Jewish people”.........
Large biographical encyclopedia

Katzenelenbogen, Chaim Leib— - son of Tsevi-Girsh K.; genus. around 1814 in Vilna, d. in Vilkomir in 1876 K. was a teacher at the Vilna rabbinical school, where after the death of his father (1868) he took the place of inspector.........
Large biographical encyclopedia

Kvitko, Leib— - modern Jewish poet. Since childhood working life, full of need and wandering. Early poems K., included in his first book "Trit", are imbued with........
Large biographical encyclopedia

Lebel, Israel Ben-Juda Leib- - famous preacher, one of the main figures in the anti-Hasidic struggle, originally from Slutsk; was a rabbi and preacher in Mogilev-on-Dnieper in the 80s. 18th century Wide sizes........
Large biographical encyclopedia

    LAEB, German belonging to the person of the sovereign, devious, devious. Life Guard or Guard, royal security army, bodyguards, convoy; old bells, convoy; funny army. Life Guards, related to the Guard; life guard, warrior of the guard.... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (German). Actually means: body; used only in conjunction with other words to denote belonging to the Highest Court, for example, life lancers, life physician, etc. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N.,... ...

    - [from German. Leib body] The first part of compound words. Introduces the meaning: a member of the monarch, a courtier. Life Guards, Life Guards, Life Hussars, Life Dragoons, Life Coachman, Life Medic, Life Squadron... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    LAB... The first part of complex words with meaning. a member of the monarch, a courtier, e.g. life doctor, life guard, life hussars, life dragoons, life squadron. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Outdated The first part of complex words that adds meaning: belonging to the monarch (life guards, life hussars, life dragoons, life medic, life squadron, etc.). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    The first part of complex words with being under the monarch, courtier, for example. life medic, life guard, life hussar, life dragoon, life squadron. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - [German] Leib, lit. body] (official pre-revolutionary and loaded). The first part of compound words, meaning: being under the monarch, for example. Life Hussars, Life Cuirassiers, Life Lancers, Life Medic, Life Obstetrician, etc. Big dictionary foreign words. Publishing house... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Leib- (German Leib body) el t compound words, denoted. name units of troops making up the sovereigns' convoy. In Russia since 1698. It was included in the name of special formations from the point of view of its status (for example, Life Shvadron under A.D. Menshikov, created in 1705, or ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    - (German: Leib... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    LIB... (from German leib body) the first part of compound words meaning: consisting directly under the head of state, mainly under the monarch (for example, life guard) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Life Guards consolidated regiment in the Caucasus during the Persian War from 1826 to 1828. An episode from the history of the Life Guards Grenadier Regiment, S. E. Skrutkovsky. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The presented military-historical essay was prepared by regiment lieutenant S. E. Skrutkovsky within the framework of...
  • Life company of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, A. Demkin. Life company of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna...

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Meaning words life

label in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


German belonging to the person of the sovereign, devious, devious. Life Guards or guards, royal security army, bodyguards, convoy; old bells, convoy; funny army. Life Guards, related to the Guard; life guardsman, guard warrior. Life Grenadier Regiment, Life Hussar Regiment, Life Guard Grenadier Regiment, - Hussar Regiment. Life is also attached to the name of those army regiments, of which the sovereign was chief before his accession: Life-Borodinsky. Life squadron, life company, squadron and company of His Majesty, number one, in each regiment. Life physician, life surgeon, doctors of the sovereign's family. Life coachman, coachman of the sovereign, empress.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


LIFE... (from German leib - body) the first part of compound words meaning: consisting directly under the head of state, mainly under the monarch (for example, Life Guards).


(from German Leib ≈ body), the first part of compound words meaning: being directly under the monarch; for example, life guard, life physician ≈ court doctor.

Examples of the use of the word label in literature.

Mitavsky moneylender Leiba Liebman - at the request of the duchess herself - was also forced to fork out, and a week later, hiding as a midnight thief, Ernst Johann Biren returned from prison to Mitau.

Leiba Libman stroked the lynx fur on Biren's coats: - Why despair?

I have a personal factor for that. Leiba Libman, whom I ask you to see tomorrow.

In the evening, Biren was already yawning, satiated, when he ran into the chambers Leiba Libman with a face distorted in confusion: - God!

“Most charming gentleman,” said Leiba Libman, - all the money is in the cemetery.

This is how Vasily Nikitich was sitting and talking about money when the chief commissioner visited him Leiba Libman surprised him with a suspicious question: “Do you have a lot of income from the coin alloy?”

John Belle took the first route to Count Biren's arena, where the venerable coiffer Cormedon was powdering his wigs, and Leiba Libman, looking very important, walked among the tubs of fragrant oranges.

If under Biren there was a factor for bribery Leiba Libman, then in Minikh’s house his wife did the staff work - she took all the bribes, and Minikh remained pure, like a baby.

After all, for a long time now on the exact historical facts it has been irrefutably proven that the ruler of Russia was not Biron at all and not Leiba Libman, and the vile Westphalian Osterman - it was he who strangled Russia!

Ankhen,” he whispered touchingly, as if his voice penetrated into the very heart, “we completely forgot about Leibe Libman, and you can tell him with money, because this broker understands a lot about them.

Biren walked around cheerfully, could not hide his joy, and Leibe Libman said: - Sneaky factor, I probably know that you know other income items that I haven’t gotten to!

But only Maslov is helpless: the British, a moneyed nation, held on with bribes - for Osterman, for Biren, for Leibu Liebman, for the Levenwolde brothers and even for Minich.

She got the first from the doctor Kaav-Buergave, the second from Labels Libman, and recently gave birth to a third one - from Prince Anton of Brunswick.

It was jointly decided: Leibu Libman should be handed over to the people in the square to be torn to pieces.

Processions and ceremonial departures. Due to this special attention is given appearance personnel. Preference is given to tall, well-built recruits. There were even a kind of “exterior” gradation. For example, in Russian Empire The tallest and fair-haired recruits were taken into the Preobrazhensky Regiment, blondes were accepted into the Semenovsky Regiment, and brunettes into the Izmailovsky Regiment. In the Horse Guards regiments, importance was attached not only to the hair color of the Life Guards, but even to the color of the horses: in the Cavalry Regiment there were blond men on bay horses, in His Majesty's Cuirassier there were red men on red horses.

History of origin



Following the example of the British, the royal guard of mounted sergeants ( Sergents d'armes listen)) appeared at the court of Philip II Augustus. During the Hundred Years' War under Charles VII of Valois, the cavalry squad was replaced by a corps of foot guards, which began with a company of Scottish archers. New Guard got the name Garde du Corps(With fr.  - “bodyguards”).

See also

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  • Philip Mason. Pillars of Monarchy, ISBN 0-7043-2424-5
  • Military encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1984.
  • Boguslavsky L. A.. - St. Petersburg. : Type. Min. communication paths (A. Behnke), 1892.
  • Vakhrushev M. N. History of the 101st Perm Infantry Regiment. 1788-1897 - St. Petersburg. , 1897.
  • Viskovatov A.V. Chronicle of the Russian Imperial Army. - St. Petersburg. , 1852.
  • Viskovatov A.V. Historical description clothing and weapons Russian troops. - St. Petersburg. , 1901.
  • Gabaev G. S. Painting of Russian regiments in 1812. - Kyiv, 1912.
  • Znosko-Borovsky N. History of the Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment. - St. Petersburg. , 1882.
  • History of the Life Guards of the Jaeger Regiment for 100 years. 1796-1896 - St. Petersburg. , 1896.
  • Potto V. A. History of the Akhtyrsky Regiment. - St. Petersburg. , 1902.
  • Sudravsky V.K. History of the Life Guards Grenadier Regiment. - St. Petersburg. , 1906
  • Collection of biographies of Cavalry Guards. - St. Petersburg. , 1901-1908.
  • Smirnov Ya. S. History of the 65th Moscow Infantry Regiment. 1642-1700-1890 - Warsaw, 1890.
  • Khlopov M. D. 52nd Vilna Infantry Regiment. - Tula, 1893.
  • Chicherin A.K., Dolgov S. N., Afanasyev A. N. History of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. - St. Petersburg. , 1883.
  • Shustov V. N. History of the 25th Dragoon Kazan Regiment. - K., 1901.
  • Annenkov I. V. History of the Life Guards Horse Regiment (1731-1848): in 4 hours - Reprint edition of 1849 - St. Petersburg. : Alpharet, 2009.

Excerpt characterizing the Life Guards

“Your Excellency,” said Rostov, “allow me to ask you.”
- What's happened?
“Tomorrow our squadron is assigned to reserves; Let me ask you to second me to the 1st squadron.
- What's your last name?
- Count Rostov.
- Oh, okay. Remain with me as an orderly.
– Ilya Andreich’s son? - said Dolgorukov.
But Rostov did not answer him.
- So I will hope, Your Excellency.
- I will order.
“Tomorrow, perhaps, they will send some kind of order to the sovereign,” he thought. - God bless".

The screams and fires in the enemy army occurred because while Napoleon's order was being read among the troops, the emperor himself was riding around his bivouacs on horseback. The soldiers, seeing the emperor, lit bunches of straw and, shouting: vive l "empereur! ran after him. Napoleon's order was as follows:
“Soldiers! The Russian army comes out against you to avenge the Austrian, Ulm army. These are the same battalions that you defeated at Gollabrunn and which you have since constantly pursued to this place. The positions we occupy are powerful, and while they move to flank me on the right, they will expose my flank! Soldiers! I myself will lead your battalions. I will stay far from the fire if you, with your usual courage, bring disorder and confusion into the enemy’s ranks; but if victory is doubtful for even one minute, you will see your emperor exposed to the first blows of the enemy, because there can be no doubt about victory, especially on the day on which we're talking about about the honor of the French infantry, which is so necessary for the honor of its nation.
Under the pretext of removing the wounded, do not upset the ranks! Let everyone be fully imbued with the thought that it is necessary to defeat these mercenaries of England, inspired by such hatred against our nation. This victory will end our campaign, and we can return to winter quarters, where new French troops, which are formed in France; and then the peace that I will make will be worthy of my people, you and me.

At 5 o'clock in the morning it was still completely dark. The troops of the center, reserves and Bagration’s right flank still stood motionless; but on the left flank the columns of infantry, cavalry and artillery, which were supposed to be the first to descend from the heights in order to attack the French right flank and throw it back, according to disposition, into the Bohemian Mountains, had already begun to stir and began to rise from their overnight positions. The smoke from the fires into which they threw everything unnecessary ate my eyes. It was cold and dark. The officers hurriedly drank tea and had breakfast, the soldiers chewed crackers, beat a shot with their feet, warming up, and flocked against the fires, throwing into the firewood the remains of booths, chairs, tables, wheels, tubs, everything unnecessary that could not be taken with them. Austrian column leaders scurried between the Russian troops and served as harbingers of the attack. As soon as an Austrian officer appeared near the regimental commander’s camp, the regiment began to move: the soldiers ran from the fires, hid tubes in their boots, bags in the carts, dismantled their guns and lined up. The officers buttoned up, put on their swords and knapsacks and walked around the ranks, shouting; The wagon trains and orderlies harnessed, packed and tied up the carts. Adjutants, battalion and regimental commanders sat on horseback, crossed themselves, gave the last orders, instructions and instructions to the remaining convoys, and the monotonous tramp of a thousand feet sounded. The columns moved, not knowing where and not seeing from the people around them, from the smoke and from the increasing fog, either the area from which they were leaving or the one into which they were entering.
A soldier on the move is as surrounded, limited and drawn by his regiment as a sailor by the ship on which he is located. No matter how far he goes, no matter what strange, unknown and dangerous latitudes he enters, around him - as for a sailor, there are always and everywhere the same decks, masts, ropes of his ship - always and everywhere the same comrades, the same rows, the same sergeant major Ivan Mitrich, the same company dog ​​Zhuchka, the same superiors. A soldier rarely wants to know the latitudes in which his entire ship is located; but on the day of battle, God knows how and from where, in moral world The troops hear the same stern note for all, which sounds like the approach of something decisive and solemn and arouses them to an unusual curiosity. During the days of battle, soldiers excitedly try to get out of the interests of their regiment, listen, look closely and eagerly ask about what is happening around them.
The fog became so strong that, despite the fact that it was dawn, it was impossible to see ten steps in front of you. The bushes seemed like huge trees, the flat places looked like cliffs and slopes. Everywhere, from all sides, one could encounter an enemy invisible ten steps away. But the columns walked for a long time in the same fog, going down and up the mountains, passing gardens and fences, through new, incomprehensible terrain, never encountering the enemy. On the contrary, now in front, now behind, from all sides, the soldiers learned that our Russian columns were moving in the same direction. Every soldier felt good in his soul because he knew that in the same place where he was going, that is, unknown where, many, many more of ours were going.
“Look, the Kursk soldiers have passed,” they said in the ranks.
- Passion, my brother, that our troops have gathered! In the evening I looked at how the lights were laid out, there was no end in sight. Moscow - one word!
Although none of the column commanders approached the ranks or spoke to the soldiers (the column commanders, as we saw at the military council, were not in a good mood and were dissatisfied with the undertaking and therefore only carried out orders and did not care about amusing the soldiers), despite However, the soldiers walked cheerfully, as always, going into action, especially offensively. But, after walking for about an hour, everything was in thick fog, most the troops had to stop, and an unpleasant consciousness of the ongoing disorder and confusion swept through the ranks. How this consciousness is transmitted is very difficult to determine; but what is certain is that it is transmitted unusually faithfully and spreads quickly, imperceptibly and uncontrollably, like water through a ravine. If only Russian army If there was one thing, without allies, then perhaps a lot of time would have passed before this consciousness of disorder would have become a general confidence; but now, with special pleasure and naturalness attributing the cause of the unrest to the stupid Germans, everyone was convinced that there was a harmful confusion caused by the sausage makers.
- What did they become? Al blocked? Or have they already stumbled upon a Frenchman?
- No, I haven’t heard. Otherwise he would have started firing.
“They were in a hurry to speak out, but when they set out, they stood uselessly in the middle of the field—the damned Germans are confusing everything.” What stupid devils!
“Then I would have let them go ahead.” Otherwise, they're probably huddling behind us. So now stand there without eating.
- So, will it be there soon? The cavalry, they say, blocked the road,” the officer said.

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