Everything you wanted to know about the GRU special forces and Russian troops in Ukraine. What's happening with the GRU these days?

The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces is the main intelligence agency of Russia. GI is a new name introduced in 2010 during military reform. Transcript of the GRU General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. The outdated designation GRU is common among people.

The intelligence of the RF Armed Forces rests on the shoulders of this body. The department coordinates subordinate intelligence departments, following the Constitution of the Russian Federation and acting in the interests of the state. Intelligence officers intercept information through personal involvement (conspiracy) or the use of electronics and radios.

History of the organization

In the RF Armed Forces, military intelligence existed back in the USSR (more precisely, its prototype). Based on the GRU of the USSR in 1992, after signing all documents on the collapse military coalition, the main body and its officers went over to Russia. Based on the old management, an updated one was created. The abbreviation GRU (stands for Main Intelligence Directorate) of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces was brought to the official level in 2010 after the reform of the military administration. The change in the name of the body did not affect its tasks.

During its existence, the department participated in many missions. In 2015, employees collected information and conducted a report on the plans of Islamic groups in Central Asia. The merits of the scouts include the destruction Chechen leader militants, information analytics and accession activities Crimean peninsula in 2014, planning attacks in Syria in 2015, helping to establish international contacts.

On currently The position of the intelligence department can be called positive, since all the intelligence officers have been bought out or exchanged and are in Russia, or on a mission abroad, but at large.

GRU tasks

The set of tasks of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces was determined back in 1992 and has remained unchanged since then. Main goals of the organization:

  • information support that benefits political, military, technical or scientific development countries;
  • security central authorities RF (President, Ministry of Defense, General Staff) with information necessary for making decisions in the field foreign policy, economics and military relations;
  • creating conditions favorable for the implementation of the foreign policy goals of the Russian state.

In practice, these tasks are implemented through the use of intelligence resources: trained personnel, modern technology, knowledge of encryption and other intelligence tools.

Managment structure

The body is headed by the General Staff and the Russian Ministry of Defense. The top level in the hierarchy is the President of the Russian Federation, Commander-in-Chief of the army units. The heads of the GRU of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces (or deputies, or acting) must report on their activities primarily to the General Staff.

The vacancy of the chief in the Main Directorate of the General Staff was vacated several times due to the resignation of the previous chief. Since 1992, 6 managers have been replaced. The first to speak was Timokhin E.L., Colonel General. Most of the subsequent chapters are also colonel generals (except for Army General Korabelnikov).

The most prominent figure among the leaders of the body is considered to be I.D. Sergun, who held the managerial post from 2011 to 2016. During his leadership, the most striking intelligence operations of recent times took place (Crimea, Syria).

The reason for the change of leadership is the death of Sergun. On this moment The department is managed by Colonel General Korobov, whose biography includes being awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. He was responsible for coordinating the fighting in Syria.

Official information about the structure intelligence units are not disclosed. According to unconfirmed data, the organization has 21 divisions, of which 13 are main and 8 are auxiliary. Approximate composition:

  1. EU countries (First Directorate).
  2. America, Australia, UK, New Zealand(Second division).
  3. Asia (Third).
  4. Africa (Fourth).
  5. Operational intelligence (Fifth Department).
  6. OsNaz (radio engineering, Sixth Department).
  7. NATO.
  8. Special Forces (sabotage department).
  9. Military technologies.
  10. War economy.
  11. Strategic management.
  12. Information warfare department.
  13. Space reconnaissance.

Auxiliary departments:

  • personnel;
  • operational and technical;
  • archives;
  • information service;
  • external relations;
  • administrative department.

Among the lower departments there is OBPSN - security department special purpose.

All departments are managed by the organizational and mobilization center located at the headquarters of the organization. The headquarters address is Grizodubovaya Street in Moscow, where the official office of the head of the department and his council is located. The former headquarters building is located at Khoroshevskoye Shosse, building 76. You can get from one building to another by walking just 100 meters.

Number of intelligence structures

Official information about numerical strength intelligence officers are not disclosed. According to analysts, the number of military personnel in this industry ranges from 6 thousand to 15 thousand people.

The forces of the intelligence department include combined arms military units (military units) - 25,000 people. All of them serve under contract. The department is subordinate to artillery units, special equipment, and a fleet of motor vehicles.

GRU equipment

The appearance of the scouts is given special attention great attention. Official uniform- gray (for officers) or dark blue (for subordinates) overcoats with red and gold design elements. The chief dresses in a black uniform with blue accents.

The modern emblems were developed in 1997. There are small, medium, large emblems that are attached to the chest or sleeve. The big one is only for officers.

Weapons equipment for soldiers is carried out according to army standards. Special units should be equipped with an improved set of weapons - machine gun, knife, pistol, etc. Since the time of the USSR, the GRU weapons have been considered the best.

Personnel training

Officers for the GRU are trained mainly at the Academy of the Ministry of Defense. Leading military personnel are also trained at the Ryazan Airborne School in the direction of special intelligence. A candidate who wants to enter one of the schools and subsequently become an intelligence officer must have good knowledge foreign languages, high level physical fitness, excellent health.

Exists additional education at the Academy of the Ministry of Defense - Higher Academic Courses. The structure of the GRU includes two of its own research institutes located in the capital.

Areas of training in higher education educational institution at the Ministry of Defense:

  • strategic human intelligence;
  • operational-tactical reconnaissance;
  • agent-operational intelligence.

From the first year of study, students undertake to maintain state secrets and not disclose the stages of their training.

Since 1992, the direction of development of the department has not changed: the priority tasks remain to improve personnel training, obtain more detailed information, and use new technologies for intelligence purposes. However, the goals of the State Administration are not always fully implemented: information leaks occur, and the collected information does not always reach the top of the authority’s hierarchy.

According to British experts, due to the inconvenient bureaucratic system important information does not even reach the President. In 2016, due to incorrect operation of services information security there was an information leak. The task of the GRU in the future is to prevent such problems.

The SBU's capture of former or not-so-former Russian special forces soldiers near Lugansk, their interviews and various information that surfaced in the press allowed us to take a fresh look at what was happening in the Donbass and in Russian army. Medialeaks collected what is known about the GRU Special Forces, where Evgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov served/are serving and summarized what the prisoners said.

What is GRU special forces?

Full title: "Special forces units of the Main intelligence agency General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". Tasks: deep reconnaissance and sabotage activities. This is what boys dream about and what Call Of Duty heroes do: special forces climb deep behind enemy lines and run through the forest, collecting information about the enemy’s weapons, destroying their fortified points and communications.

Secret troops

Since no special forces officially existed, in Afghanistan, for example, they were called separate motorized rifle battalions. The GRU is still not mentioned in the names of the formations. Let's say Alexandrov and Erofeev were/are employees 3rd Separate Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov III degree special forces brigades . Now no one denies the existence of these troops, but the composition of the units is still classified. The number of troops of the GRU Special Forces is unknown; it is believed that there are currently about 10 thousand of them in the RF Armed Forces.

What is the GRU Special Operations Command famous for?

The most famous operation carried out by the Special Forces was the seizure of the palace of Hafizullah Amin in Kabul in 1979. Due to the irregular nature of combat operations in Afghanistan, GRU special forces were widely used against the Mujahideen. Scout units were assigned to all military formations, thus everyone who served in Afghanistan knew about the existence of intelligence officers. It was in the late 80s that the number of this type of troops reached maximum value. Michele Placido's hero, Major Bandura, in "Afghan Break" is more of a sadist than a paratrooper, but in 1991 it was still impossible to talk about this.

How does the GRU Special Forces differ from the Airborne Forces?

Spetsnaz soldiers are often confused with paratroopers due to the fact that for obvious reasons: for secrecy, the combat uniform of some units of the Special Forces of the GRU of the USSR was the same as that of the Airborne Forces. After the breakup Soviet Union the tradition remains. For example, the same 3rd separate brigade Special Forces wear vests and blue berets on the parade ground. Scouts also jump with a parachute, but paratroopers have larger scale combat missions. Accordingly number of airborne forces much higher – 45 thousand people.

What are the GRU Special Forces armed with?

In general, the weapons of special forces are the same as those of other motorized rifle units, but there are several specific technologies. The most famous: the special machine gun “Val” and the special sniper rifle “Vintorez”. This is a silent weapon with a subsonic bullet speed, which at the same time, thanks to a number of design features, has high penetrating power. It was “Val” and “Vintorez”, according to the SBU, that were captured on May 16 from fighters of “Erofeev’s detachment”. However, there is no convincing evidence that such weapons do not remain in the warehouses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Who serves in the Special Operations Directorate of the GRU?

By virtue of high requirements and the need for long-term training most of special forces - contract soldiers. Young people who have sports training, are healthy, and have knowledge are accepted for service. foreign language. At the same time we see that this is completely ordinary people from the provinces, for them service is more good job, may be difficult and dangerous, but in no way a battle for an abstract idea.

Life is not like in the movies

Patriotic movies and bravura stories on TV convince us that special forces soldiers are universal terminators. On a combat mission they can go without sleep for three days, they shoot without missing, they can scatter a dozen armed people alone with their bare hands and, of course, they don’t abandon their own. But if you believe the words of the captured soldiers, then it’s enough large group The special forces soldiers, completely unexpectedly for themselves, were ambushed and, firing randomly, retreated in a hurry, leaving two wounded and one killed on the battlefield. Yes, they are well trained, they can run for a long time and shoot quite accurately, but these are ordinary people who are afraid of bullets and do not always know where the enemy is waiting for them.

Not a word to the enemy

Scouts operate behind enemy lines, where the risk of being captured is quite high; accordingly, soldiers and officers of the GRU special forces must undergo training on how to behave in captivity, and before being sent on a mission, undergo instructions and receive a “legend”. Because these are secret troops, secret mission, then the command, in theory, should have warned the fighters: you will find yourself in captivity, we don’t know you, you came there yourself. It is all the more surprising that, as we see, both Alexandrov and Erofeev were absolutely unprepared for either captivity or the fact that the country and loved ones abandoned them.

SBU torture

It is clear that both (former) special forces soldiers are sincerely shocked that Russian authorities(and even Alexandrov’s wife) stated that they are not in the service Russian troops and it is unknown how they ended up near Lugansk. This can be explained by torture, but people who are forced to say something against their will often do not make eye contact, pronounce words slowly and abruptly, or speak in overly correct phrases as if they had memorized the text. On the recording " Novaya Gazeta“We don’t see this. Moreover, their words contradict the version of the SBU, which claims that “Erofeev’s group” was engaged in sabotage, while the prisoners talk only about observation. People who have been forced by torture to say what is needed do not change their testimony so boldly.

Are there Russian troops in Donbass? How many are there and what are they doing there?

The Kremlin consistently denies the participation of Russian Armed Forces units in the conflict in Donbass. The capture of special forces, according to Kyiv, proves the opposite. However, the SBU does not say how much Russian soldiers and units are fighting in eastern Ukraine.

If you study the blogs and interviews of members of the DPR and LPR militia, the picture emerges as follows: a large-scale military operation involving Russian units, if there was, then once at the end of August - beginning of September, when the forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were suddenly thrown back from Ilovaisk, and the front line reached the border of Mariupol. By different information, at the headquarters of the DPR and LPR there are military emissaries from Moscow (just as specialists come from Washington to train officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). There is a possibility that on the territory of the self-proclaimed republics there are separate groups military from Russia, but in limited quantities. As the prisoners rightly point out, there are a lot of people here, including real retired officers who want to fight. Aleksandrov and Erofeev say that their tasks included only observation without any sabotage; this does not coincide with either the version of the General Staff of the Russian Federation or the version of the SBU.

The first special-purpose military units were created back in 1764 at the proposals of A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, and P. Panin. These units were called huntsmen. The soldiers were engaged in tactical exercises, carried out military operations in the mountains, carried out ambushes and raids.

How did it all begin?

In 1811, a separate corps of internal guards was created, which was charged with protecting and restoring order within the state. In 1817, thanks to the actions of Alexander I, a detachment was opened rapid response mounted gendarmes. The year 1842 was marked by the emergence of battalions of plastuns from the Cossacks, who, through their combat operations, trained many generations of future special forces.

Special forces in the 20th century

The 20th century began with the creation of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs - GUGSH (Main Directorate of the General Staff). In 1918, reconnaissance and units were formed special purpose with the subordination of the Cheka. Created in the 30s airborne assault and sabotage squads.

The new special forces were given serious tasks: reconnaissance, sabotage, the fight against terror, disruption of communications, energy supply, transport and much more. Of course, the soldiers were supplied with the best uniforms and new technology. Serious preparation was carried out, they used individual programs. The special forces were classified.

In 1953 the mouth occurred. And only 4 years later 5 were created individual mouth special purpose, which were joined in 1962 by the remnants of the old ones. In 1968, they began to train professional intelligence officers, and then, by the way, the famous company number 9 appeared. Gradually, the special forces turned into powerful force standing in defense of her state.


Now the GRU is a special agency foreign intelligence Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, whose goals are to provide intelligence information, necessary conditions implementation of successful policies, as well as assistance in the economic, military-technical development of the Russian Federation.

The GRU includes 13 main departments, as well as 8 auxiliary ones. The first, second, third and fourth main departments deal with issues of interaction with different countries. The Fifth Directorate is an operational reconnaissance point. The sixth department deals with the Seventh division, which resolves issues that have arisen with NATO. Sabotage, development of military technologies, management war economy, strategic doctrines, nuclear weapons And information war The remaining six departments of the GRU are in charge. The intelligence department also has two research institutes located in Moscow.

Special Forces Brigades

GRU special forces brigades are considered the most trained units in the Russian Armed Forces. In 1962, the first GRU special forces detachment was formed, whose tasks included the destruction of nuclear missiles and deep reconnaissance.

The second separate brigade was formed from September 1962 to March 1963 in Pskov. The personnel successfully participated in the exercises "Horizon-74" and "Ocean-70" and in many others. Special forces of the second brigade were the first to participate in airborne training"Dozor-86", went through the Afghan and Chechen wars. One of the detachments took part in resolving the conflict in South Ossetia from 2008 to 2009. The permanent location is Pskov and Murmansk regions.

In 1966, the 3rd Guards Separate GRU Special Forces Brigade was created. The composition took part in battles in Tajikistan, in the Chechen wars, in Afghanistan, and in a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. Since 2010, the brigade has been located in a military camp in the city of Tolyatti.

In the city of Stary Krym in 1962, the 10th GRU special forces brigade was formed. The military took part in the Chechen wars and in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict of 2008. The brigade was awarded in 2011 state award for services in the development and conduct of military operations. Place of deployment - Krasnodar region.

The 14th brigade, which was created in 1963, is located here. The personnel were repeatedly thanked for the excellent conduct of the exercises and for their participation in combat operations in Afghanistan and the Chechen wars.

The 16th GRU special forces brigade was formed in 1963. In 1972, its members participated in extinguishing fires in the Central Black Earth Zone, for which they were awarded Certificate of honor Presidium Supreme Council RSFSR. In 1992, a detachment of the brigade was engaged in protecting government facilities on the territory of Tajikistan. The 16th Special Forces Brigade took part in the Chechen wars, peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, and performed demonstration exercises in Jordan and Slovakia. Place of deployment - the city of Tambov.

The year 1976 was marked by the emergence of the 22nd Guards Separate GRU Special Forces Brigade. The location is Rostov region. The composition took part in the Chechen and Afghan wars, in the Baku events of 1989, and in resolving the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

In the Chita region in 1977, the 24th separate brigade was formed. Special forces participated in Chechen war, several units fought in Afghanistan. By orders of the heads of the Soviet Union in the 80-90s. The brigade carried out secret operations in hot spots. At the moment, the train is located in the city of Novosibirsk.

In 1984, on the basis of the 791st company, the 67th separate special forces brigade was created. The personnel participated in military operations in Chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Karabakh. Previously, the unit was located in Kemerovo, but now they are talking about its disbandment.

Russian GRU special forces. Primary selection

How to get into the GRU? Special forces are the dream of many boys. Agile, fearless warriors, it would seem, capable of anything. Let's face it, joining a special forces unit is difficult, but possible.

The main condition for consideration of a candidacy is military service. Then a series of selections begins. Basically, the special forces of the GRU of the Russian Federation recruit officers and warrant officers. An officer must have a higher education. Recommendations from reputable employees are also needed. It is advisable for the candidate to be no older than 28 years old and have a height of at least 175 cm. But there are always exceptions. As for physical training, the quality of its implementation is strictly monitored, rest is kept to a minimum.

Basic requirements for the applicant's physical fitness

The physical standards that must be passed successfully are as follows:

  1. Run 3 km in 10 minutes.
  2. 100 meters in 12 seconds.
  3. Pull-ups on the bar - 25 times.
  4. Abdominal exercises - 90 times in 2 minutes.
  5. Push-ups - 90 times.
  6. A set of exercises: abs, push-ups, jumping up from a crouching position, moving from a crouched position to a lying position and back. Each individual exercise is performed 15 times in 10 seconds. The complex is performed 7 times.
  7. Hand-to-hand combat.

In addition to passing the standards, work with a psychologist, a full medical examination, and a lie detector test are carried out. All relatives must be checked; in addition, written consent to the candidate’s service will need to be obtained from the parents. So how to get into the GRU (special forces)? The answer is simple - you need to prepare from childhood. Sport must firmly enter the life of a future fighter.

I'm in a special forces unit. What awaits me? Psychological side

From the first day to the soldier everyone possible ways they suggest that he is the best. As the coaches say, this is the most important point. In the barracks itself, fighters often conduct secret checks on each other, which helps to always be in combat readiness.

To strengthen the spirit and form the character of the recruit, they are trained hand-to-hand combat. From time to time he is put into battle against a stronger opponent in order to teach him how to fight even with an opponent who is obviously superior in training. Soldiers are also taught to fight using all sorts of improvised means, even a tightly rolled newspaper. Only after a warrior has mastered such materials does he train in striking techniques.

Once every six months, soldiers are checked for readiness for further service. Soldiers are left for a week without food. The warriors are in constant movement, they are not allowed to sleep all the time. Thus, many fighters are eliminated.

Physical side of the service

A warrior trains every day, without weekends or holidays. Every day you need to run 10 km in less than an hour, and with additional weight on your shoulders (about 50 kg).

Upon arrival it takes 40 minutes. This includes finger push-ups, fist push-ups, and jumping jacks from a seated position. Basically, each exercise is repeated 20-30 times. At the end of each cycle, the fighter pumps the abs a maximum of times. Hand-to-hand combat training takes place every day. Strikes are practiced, agility and endurance are developed. Training GRU special forces is serious, hard work.

Special forces outfit

The GRU special forces uniform has different types, to match the tasks being carried out. At the moment, important parts of a fighter’s “wardrobe” include belts, as well as belt-shoulder systems. Functional vests include several types of equipment pouches. The belt can be adjusted in volume; a synthetic insert is used to increase its strength. The shoulder-belt system includes straps and straps that are designed to distribute the load between the hip joint and shoulders. Of course, this entire unloading system comes in addition to everyday uniform and body armor.

How to get into the GRU (special forces)?

Only guys with excellent health and excellent health get into the special forces. physical training. A good help for a conscript will be the presence of the “Fit for the Airborne Forces” mark. Some experienced fighters answer the question: “How to get into the GRU (special forces)?” They answer that you need to go to the nearest Intelligence Department and declare yourself.

For officers, general military training is conducted at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, and special training takes place at the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Academy includes adjunct courses and Higher Academic Courses. Higher education is mandatory requirement for inclusion in the ranks of officers.

According to many, in Russia for several years now, in the course of large-scale military reform, the systematic destruction of the GRU has been carried out, specific structure, created at the dawn of Soviet times. The reform, of course, affects other types of armed forces, and not just military intelligence, but it is intelligence that is being destroyed primarily as a result of giving it a so-called “new look.”

Researchers agree that it is absolutely impossible to leave everything as it was, however, analysts have a very ambiguous attitude towards the ongoing reforms. Many consider the indicative fact that 70 thousand square meters The complex of buildings on Khodynka, built for the GRU General Staff, once the second most important and powerful intelligence service after the KGB and FSB, are empty. 9.5 billion rubles were spent on their construction.

What is GRU

GRU GSH stands for the Main Intelligence Directorate, organized under the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Throughout post-revolutionary period and to this day this body has been the central governing body of the Russian Armed Forces. The GRU reports to the Chief of the General Staff, as well as the country's Minister of Defense. The department is in charge of all types of intelligence, which is carried out in the interests of the Armed Forces. This includes, among other things, reconnaissance:

  • space,
  • radio-electronic,
  • agent

The latter is given priority in the GRU. It is the agents who obtain secret materials and the latest designs foreign weapons.

As the emperor said almost 150 years ago Alexander III, Russia has only two true allies - its army and navy. Today, in 50 or 150 years, this statement will remain an axiom. Russia will not be able to exist without these strong and loyal allies, and they will not be strong without a developed and powerful military intelligence.
Can the GRU story end?

A Brief History of the GRU

November 4, 1918 is considered the birthday of the GRU. It was then that the Registration Directorate was formed as part of the Field Headquarters of the Soviet Red Army. The order for its creation was signed by the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the republic, who was then Leon Trotsky. He appointed Semyon Aralov, a veteran of Russian intelligence, as the first head of the GRU. This legendary personality was formed in the period before the First World War.

Initially, the GRU was called RUPSHKA - Registration Directorate of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army). The purpose of its creation was to coordinate the efforts made by intelligence services on all fronts and in the armies, obtaining information for the General Staff of the Red Army.

From the very beginning of its activities, the GRU was engaged in:

  • strategic and operational intelligence,
  • obtaining military-technical information,
  • obtaining information about the latest scientific achievements in the field of aircraft.

A few years after its birth, RUPSHKA became the 4th Directorate of the General Staff. IN official documents it was designated as military unit N44388. It was renamed to the GRU General Staff on February 16, 1942 by order of the People's Commissar of Defense. At the same time, serious personnel changes and structural changes took place.

Another major milestone in the history of management development occurred on November 22, 1942. It was then that military intelligence was withdrawn from the GRU by order of the People's Commissar of Defense. From now on, human intelligence was no longer conducted by the intelligence departments of the fronts, and the department itself began to report to the People's Commissar of Defense, and not to the General Staff of the Red Army.

His main task at that time was conducting human intelligence abroad. First of all, these were the Nazi-occupied territories of the USSR. At the same time, the RU - Intelligence Directorate appeared within the General Staff, whose task was to manage military intelligence.

The legendary structure, which is known to everyone as, appeared already in post-war years. His birth is considered to be 1950. From 1955 to 1991, the GRU was called the GRU General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces. Since 1991 it has received its modern name, i.e. GRU General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. One can only speculate about its structure and numbers, since this is a state secret.

What's happening with the GRU these days?

Despite the top secrecy, some data is still disclosed. In 2009, management leadership was changed to a more accommodating one. As everyone is assured, this was done in order to prevent the complete collapse of the GRU. The reform, however, has rather tragic consequences.

According to known data, the organization before the reform included 12 main departments, as well as 8 auxiliary departments and departments. Currently, key departments have been reduced to a critical minimum, most of which have been liquidated with the dismissal of thousands of specialists. Research and development (R&D) and experimental design (OKR) departments that existed in specialized research institutes departments, known as the 6th and 18th Central Research Institutes.

According to inaccurate data, every second officer was dismissed, and this led to the loss of the opportunities that existed within the department. Thus, out of 7 thousand officers there are currently less than 2 thousand left. The final “cleansing” took place after the resignation of V.V. Korabelnikova, former boss GRU from 1997 to 2009.

Electronic reconnaissance has been almost completely destroyed. As reported The New Times, on site foreign countries there was a 40% reduction in the number of so-called “mining units” within the management. They were responsible for human and strategic intelligence.

Things are also difficult with the education of new personnel, since the training of illegal agents was completely curtailed after the liquidation of the specialized faculty. Professors and teachers of the Military Diplomatic Academy, which previously had three faculties, were massively dismissed:

  • agent-operational intelligence;
  • strategic human intelligence;
  • operational-tactical reconnaissance.

The faculty involved in training military attaches has also undergone extreme reductions. The analytical apparatus of the GRU was liquidated. Foreign intelligence units are gradually being transferred to the subordination of the SVR.

Even the most experienced officers are subject to dismissal for fairly formal reasons, for example, due to length of service. The specifics of military intelligence suggest that only experienced ones can become specialists. army officers, and this, of course, leads to the fact that already accomplished military men aged 30-35 years come to the GRU, and the older they become, the more they should be valued. The waste of the real “golden fund” of the specific Russian intelligence community is obvious.

Such radical changes have led to the fact that, at present, from a unique strategic instrument in its essence, capabilities, and scale, the GRU was forcibly turned into an amorphous, purely secondary structure. Against the backdrop of such degradation, the next optimization management reform will most likely occur.

Apparently, the Ministry of Defense is relying on the special forces center “Senezh”, which was previously removed from the subordination of the department, which was subordinated directly to the Chief of the General Staff. Astronomical sums are allocated for its development. The Minister of Defense oversees the center; they order non-standard, even exotic, foreign-made weapons and equipment for it. The desire is obvious: something similar to the cinematic American “Delta” is being created. For most analysts, this position of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense causes slight bewilderment, since the place where specialists are trained is also a recreation center for senior management.

Currently official name- Main Directorate of the General Staff Armed Forces Russia (GU GS).

The GRU reports to the Chief of the General Staff and the Minister of Defense, and is engaged in all types of intelligence in the interests of the Armed Forces - intelligence, space, radio-electronic.

The structure and strength of the GRU is a state secret. Priority in the GRU is given to intelligence work, extraction classified materials, foreign models of modern weapons. Military intelligence residencies are significantly inferior to residencies of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation in terms of numbers and funding, while they act more rigidly and purposefully.

Created in 1918 by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army on the basis of a department whose functions included coordinating the efforts of the intelligence agencies of the Red Army units and preparing intelligence information for the Main Headquarters of the Red Army. The first official name is the Registration Directorate of the Field Headquarters of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RUPSHKA).

GRU special forces in Afghanistan in 1988. Photo by Mikhail Evstafiev

In 1950, the GRU special forces were created (a brigade for each military district or fleet and a centrally subordinate brigade). The main task of these units at the first stage was to fight the main enemy - NATO countries that possessed mobile nuclear weapons. GRU special forces units played a huge role in Afghan war, in operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

The headquarters of the GRU is located in Moscow, on Khoroshevskoye Shosse, in the Khodynskoye Pole area. Construction of the headquarters, which is an eight-story complex with total area about 70 thousand m3, inside of which there is situation center, command post, sports complex and swimming pool, was completed in the fall of 2006. Construction cost amounted to 9.5 billion rubles

CJSC Sovinformsputnik Date of foundation 1991 Number of employees: 107 people. Sovinformsputnik is an organization of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, whose tasks include the sale of unclassified images taken by GRU satellites. She became famous in April 2000, when American journalists discovered top-secret photographs among photographs distributed by Sovinformsputnik. military base USA, also known as Base 51.

Semyon Ivanovich Aralov (1918-1919)
Drabkin, Yakov Davidovich (1919, June-December)
Georgy Leonidovich Pyatakov (1920, January-February)
Vladimir Christianovich Aussem (1920, February-June)
Jan Davydovich Lenzman (1920-1921)
Arvid Yanovich Zeybot (1921-1924)
Yan Karlovich Berzin (1924-1935)
Semyon Petrovich Uritsky (1935-1937)
Yan Karlovich Berzin (1937)
Semyon Grigorievich Gendin (acting September 1937 - October 1938)
Alexander Grigorievich Orlov (acting October 1938-1939)
Ivan Iosifovich Proskurov (1939-1940)
Philip Ivanovich Golikov (1940-1941)
Alexey Pavlovich Panfilov (1941-1942)
Ivan Ivanovich Ilyichev (1942-1945)
Fedor Fedotovich Kuznetsov (1945-1947)
Nikolai Mikhailovich Trusov (1947-1949)
Matvey Vasilievich Zakharov (1949-1952)
Mikhail Alekseevich Shalin (1952-1956)
Sergei Matveevich Shtemenko (1956-1957)
Mikhail Alekseevich Shalin (1957-1958)
Ivan Alexandrovich Serov (1958-1963)
Pyotr Ivanovich Ivashutin (1963-1986)
Vladlen Mikhailovich Mikhailov (1986-1991)
Evgeniy Leonidovich Timokhin (1991-1992)
Fedor Ivanovich Ladygin (1992-1997)
Valentin Vladimirovich Korabelnikov (1997-)

GRU structure

Throughout the history of its existence, the structure of the GRU has experienced several reorganizations. In its current form, according to data available in publications, the structure of the GRU consists of 12 main directorates and 8 auxiliary departments and directorates. Basic Controls:
First Directorate - European Commonwealth countries
Second Directorate - Northern and South America, UK, Australia, New Zealand
Third Directorate - Asian countries
Fourth Directorate - African Countries
Fifth Directorate - Operational Intelligence Directorate
Sixth Directorate - Radio Intelligence Directorate
Seventh Directorate - NATO
Eighth Directorate - sabotage special forces
Ninth Directorate - Directorate of Military Technologies
Tenth Directorate - Directorate of War Economy
Eleventh Directorate - Directorate of Strategic Doctrines and Weapons
Twelfth Directorate

Auxiliary Directorates and Departments:
Office of Space Intelligence
Personnel Department
Operational and Technical Department
Administrative and Technical Department
Department of External Relations
Archives department
Information service

Special training for GRU officers is carried out at the GRU Academy (Military-Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense). Training is carried out at three main faculties:
Faculty of Strategic Human Intelligence
Faculty of Agent-Operational Intelligence
Faculty of Operational-Tactical Intelligence

The Academy runs adjunct courses and Higher Academic Courses

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