Minerals for preschool children. Educational lesson “Minerals” in the preparatory group

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Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 “Lyudmila” combined type, Korolev 2014. Organized educational activities. Area “Cognition” (familiarization with the surrounding world) topic: “Mineral resources” (for children of the preparatory group for school) Completed by teacher: Bevz M.A.


Goals and objectives: 1. Generalize knowledge about minerals; 2.Give an idea of ​​the properties of magnets; 3. Develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions; 4. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment: Parcel, Samples of minerals, Container with water, 5 fish made of colored oilcloth with a button eye, curved with reverse side, magnets, A3 sheet of cardboard with a drawn race track (two tracks), mounted on four cubes (can be attached with buttons), Blanks for cars (bottom, roof), metal plates for each car (can be from a furniture lock), A piece of foam plastic, Tailor's needle, Colored paper, Presentation "Minerals"

“Hello, dear guys! The Mole from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” is writing to you. The other day I was counting my countless riches and came across a box that I got from my great-grandfather. There are some pebbles inside. I was about to throw them away, but Thumbelina advised me not to do this, but to first figure out what it was. She advised me to ask you for help, since you are about to start school and probably know a lot. Help me please! Best regards, Mole"

1.Very durable and resilient, a reliable friend for builders. Houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable.

2. Once a huge pump grabbed me by the nose. He put me in a pipe. Now I’m running through the pipe. I’ll run to the factory - They’ll warm me up there. These are the products: Not candy or fruit. Kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil... They will make it out of me. Without me, neither a bus nor a taxi will run, A rocket will not rise. Guess what it is?

3. It brings warmth to houses, it makes light all around, it helps to melt steel, and make paints and enamels. He is black, shiny, a real assistant.

4. If you meet someone on the road, your feet will get stuck. And to make a bowl or vase, you will need it right away.

5. Plants grew in the swamp, became fuel and fertilizer

6. They cover the roads with them, the streets in the villages. It is also found in cement. He himself is fertilizer.



7. Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen. It blooms like a blue flower from a match.

8. It was not for nothing that it was boiled in a blast furnace. The scissors and keys turned out great...


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Sample lesson notes on cognitive development older children preschool age"Minerals"


Introduce children to several minerals(granite, salt, chalk, coal, sand, clay, oil, gas, peat).

Show them application in human life.

Form at children's cognitive activity through acquaintance with the riches of the native land;

Form initial concepts about minerals of your country; Consolidate knowledge about living and inanimate nature, distinguish between objects of nature and the world of things;

Foster interest in nature and pride in your country.

Integration of educational regions: "Social-communicative development» , "Artistic and aesthetic development» , "Speech development» , « Cognitive development» .


Invented by someone, simple and wise

Say hello when meeting: "Good morning!"

Good morning! Sun and birds

Good morning! smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind and trusting

Let Good morning, lasts until the evening!

Educator: Children, I am very glad to see what you have good mood. And I want to tell you today an extraordinary fairy tale. It's called A TALE RECOVERED FROM UNDER THE GROUND.


Want to listen?


What we don’t have on earth!

And once upon a time, a long time ago, there was very little on earth.

There were no kettles, pencils, bicycles, televisions, as well as many other items that we now call essentials.

Well, since there was none of this on earth, we had to extract it from underground. Over time, people learned this.

First they mined teapots, frying pans, keys, and then steam locomotives and steamships...

Airplanes and starships...

Spaceships fly into space, but they were mined from underground!

True, not in finished form.

You won’t even find a simple nail in its finished form underground - isn't it that you will bury it there first.

Everything underground is unfinished. Bicycles, frying pans, televisions, movie cameras underground in unfinished form.


What do you think in the form of what?

Answers children.

Educator: As mineral.

Educator: Why useful?

Answers children.

Educator: Why fossils?

Answers children.

Educator: Because there is a lot of land fossilize to get what is for us on earth healthy.

Educator Do you want to know more about them?


It is very durable and elastic,

Reliable for builders Friend:

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will be beautiful and noticeable.


Granite - mineral resource. It is not only durable, but also beautiful. It is called decorative. Occurs different colors black, pink, green, yellow.

The most common is the black variety.

Educator: Where do you think granite is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Such rocks are widely used in architecture and construction.

Mineral resource this type perfect material for finishing embankments, including the coastal sea strip. This stone is amazingly resistant to influence time: Even after five hundred years, the destruction is just beginning to show. Atmospheric influences also have little effect on granite.



This master is white-white

Doesn't lie at school without affairs:

Runs across the board

Leaves a white mark.

Educator: Of course it's chalk. It is called Limestone.

Limestones are most often of the following types: colors: white, gray, yellow, pink, "peach", gray-lilac, brown, brown, blue, as well as all their possible combinations and shades.

Educator: Where do you think limestone is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Limestone is the most important building material; facing slabs, wall blocks, sculptural and architectural construction products, crushed stone are made from it

Applicable in the production of paints, putty, rubber, plastics, soap, medicines, mineral wool, for cleaning fabrics and treating leather, liming soils.


The kids really need it

He's on the paths in the yard,

He's at a construction site and on the beach,

It is even melted in the glass.

Educator: Sand is a sedimentary rock that results from the crushing and grinding of hard rock particles.

Educator: Where do you think sand is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Application natural sand- the widest!


If you meet me on the road,

Your legs will get stuck.

And make a bowl or vase -

You'll need it right away.

Educator: Clay is a very common rock.

Clay is widespread in nature and occurs at shallow depths.

Educator: Where do you think clay is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Usually brick and tile factories are built on the clay deposit itself.

Clay is also indispensable in art; plastic colored clay is an excellent material for creating sculptures. Has earned wide popularity in rural farm: for laying stoves, claying currents, whitewashing walls, etc.



It's black and shiny

A real helper for people.

It's light all around,

Helps melt steel

Making paints and enamels.


Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms in the earth's formation.

Educator: Where do you think coal is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Coal is an excellent fuel. It is believed that this is the most ancient look fuel that our distant ancestors used. Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms in the earth's formation. Coal is an excellent fuel.


Separately - I’m not so tasty

But it’s white and salty

And in food - everyone needs it. (salt)

Educator: Salt When crushed, it appears as white crystals of varying sizes.

Educator: Where do you think salt is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Salt is of primary importance in Food Industry in the form of a seasoning.



It took a long time to cook

In a blast furnace,

Turned out great

Scissors, keys.

Educator: Iron. Iron ore is a naturally occurring mineral formation.

Educator: Where do you think iron ore is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Iron ore is the main raw material for producing pig iron. It goes to open-hearth or converter production, as well as for iron recovery. As is known, a wide variety of products are made from iron, as well as from cast iron.


In mom's kitchen

The assistant is excellent.

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match.

Educator: Natural gas - mineral resource sedimentary groups rocks, which is a mixture of gases.

Educator: Where do you think gas is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Natural gas is used as a highly economical fuel for power plants, the cement and glass industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the production of building materials, and the production of various organic compounds. This important resource used for municipal and domestic needs.


He won't run without her

No taxi, no motorcycle,

The rocket won't rise.

Guess: what is this?

Educator: Oil is important mineral resource. It is of sedimentary origin and is mined all over the world.

Educator: Where do you think oil is used?

Answers children.

Educator: Just mined (raw) oil is not usually used. Fuel oil is obtained from oil, and plastic and other materials are made from it. Thanks to this, traffic does not stop throughout the planet. Most of Everyday objects are also made from petroleum-based materials. These are literally all the attributes modern life, starting from packages and plastic windows and ending with cases for the latest computers.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk to you about mineral, which man extracts in the mountains and bowels of the earth. And I have to come to you question: are they accurate? useful?

Answers children


Burning peatlands occupy huge areas, the fire spreads very quickly and is very difficult to extinguish.

Oil spill

Risk of fire and or explosion from gas.

Educator: Guys, tell me, it turns out that people without there is no way to survive on mineral resources. And if this is so, then how should a person act in relation to minerals?

Answers children.


Minerals- This natural resources. Deep in the ground, sand, coal, oil, gas, granite, clay, peat, and iron ore are waiting in the wings. All minerals created by nature itself. It doesn’t take nature a year or two to turn ordinary stones into minerals. This takes thousands of years.

Bottom line classes:

Guys, ours the lesson has come to an end. Here you are you'll come, home today, and one of your relatives, mom, grandma, dad or grandpa, will ask, what new did you learn today, what will you tell them?

Stories children.

Analysis teacher training

There are many minerals that are mined from the depths of the Earth. All of them are extremely important because they allow you to obtain the necessary comfortable life things. They make it possible to heat homes, eat, move in space with high speed, make wonderful jewelry and much more. During research, scientists discover very Interesting Facts about minerals that allow you to learn more about the secrets hidden in the underground depths.

  1. Coal is the most common fossil used as fuel.. Few people know that from a 20-meter layer of peat under pressure only a 2-meter layer of coal is formed. If a similar layer of dead vegetation lies at a depth of 6 km, then the coal seam will be only 1.5 m deep.
  2. Malachite is a semi-precious stone used to make stunning jewelry. Most big Stone, which was obtained, weighed 1.5 tons. Having discovered such a treasure, the miners presented it to Empress Catherine II. Later, the stone became an exhibit at the St. Petersburg Museum of the Mining Institute.

  3. Obsidian – volcanic glass. This material has high density. It is formed under the influence of very high temperatures during an eruption of magma. Archaeologists were able to find evidence that the first surgical instruments were made from this material.

  4. Today, every person knows what oil is and how it occurs. The first theory of the origin of this mineral suggested that oil is nothing more than whale urine. Black gold began to be mined by collecting it from the surface of reservoirs. IN present time Oil is pumped out from the depths of the Earth using pumping stations.

  5. Scientists continue to present new interesting facts about metals. So, gold has been recognized as one of the most flexible metals. It is even used to make sewing threads. One ounce of gold can produce a thread about 80 km long.

  6. Iron ore has been used by humans for a long time. Archaeologists have been able to prove that making the first items from iron ore dates back to the 2nd-13th centuries. BC. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia were the first to use this mineral.

  7. Sodium chloride or salt is mined in the greatest number . Despite the necessity of this mineral for human life, only 6% of it is used as food. To sprinkle roads during icy conditions, 17% salt is used. The lion's share of this mineral is used by industry and accounts for 77% of all production.

  8. Extraordinary interesting story has the queen of metals – platinum. In the 15th century, it was discovered by Spanish travelers who arrived on the shores of Africa. After studying this material, its refractoriness was discovered. For this reason, platinum was considered unusable and was valued below the value of silver.

  9. Silver has long been famous for its bactericidal properties.. More warriors ancient Rome used it for treatment. If a person suffered serious wounds in battle, then healers covered the injury sites with silver plates. After such procedures, the wounds healed quickly and without any complications.

  10. Marble has been used since ancient times for finishing rooms and creating various decorative elements.. This is due to the amazing hardness of the material and its wear resistance. Marble retains its original appearance for 150 years even when exposed to temperature, moisture or sunlight.

  11. Diamonds are recognized as the hardest minerals mined from the depths of the earth. In this case, a blow delivered by a hammer with great strength, can break the stone into small pieces.

  12. Uranium is a metal that is considered one of the heaviest chemical elements . IN uranium ore contains a negligible amount of pure metal. Uranium has 14 stages of transformation. All elements that are formed during the transformation are radioactive. Only lead, which is the final stage of transformation, is considered safe. For complete transformation It will take about a billion years to convert uranium into lead.

  13. Copper is the only metal that does not produce sparks when rubbed Therefore, copper tools can be used in places where there is an increased risk of fire.

  14. You can constantly learn a lot about soil. Thus, scientists studied a common mineral resource – peat. They identified peculiar threads in it that are extremely durable. This discovery found its application in light industry. The first products made from peat threads were introduced in Holland. Peat is an excellent preservative. It preserves the remains that fell into it thousands of years ago. This allows scientists to learn interesting facts about the skeleton of a person who lived long before our days, and to examine the remains of already extinct animal species.

  15. Granite is known as a durable building material. But not everyone knows that it conducts sound much faster than air. Passing speed sound waves on granite 10 times more than passing through airspace.

Tasks: expand children's knowledge about nature, introduce underground minerals, give initial information about rational use natural resources in everyday life (water, energy, gas), be able to list their names and determine which group they belong to.

Material and equipment: illustrations depicting oil and gas production, a cross-sectional model of the earth, a toy mole, underground minerals.

Guys, today we will make an unusual journey. We will travel across the surface of the Earth and descend into its very depths to the very center.

Guess the riddle:

He gnawed everything, both the meadow and the garden.

Earth mover

In the dark during walking hours

I dug lanes under the field (mole).

Guys, where does the mole live? (Underground.)

Our planet has existed for billions of years. During the existence of the Earth, nature has created a huge variety of treasures in its depths. These treasures come in solid, liquid and gaseous forms.

Places where minerals lie in the depths are called deposits. Some treasures lie on the surface of the Earth, others are hidden at a depth of several kilometers. Such treasures are called "Minerals".

Solids include: coal, granite, iron ore.

Granite – solid, durable, granular. It is used in construction. Top part earth's crust called the granite layer.

Coal is black and hard. Who can tell me where coal is used? (children's answers). Coal, in addition to fuel, is used in chemical industry, from it paints and plastics are obtained.

(Showing pictures of coal mining.)

Liquid - one of the representatives is oil. Gasoline and kerosene are obtained from oil. It is an excellent fuel for cars and airplanes. Drilling rigs are built and drilled to extract oil. deep wells. It does not come to Earth on its own; it is pumped out with a special pump. (I show pictures of oil production.)

Guys, listen to the riddle: Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen

It blooms blue from a match (Gas).

Gaseous gases include: natural gas. This is very light substance, and very good fuel. Colorless, light, odorless. To extract gas, wells are also drilled and gas flows through special pipes to different regions our country. It is used in everyday life and in industry.

And now you and I will have a little rest.


Along the path, along the path

Let's gallop on the right leg

And along the same path

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path

On the lawn, on the lawn

We'll jump like bunnies

Stop, let's rest a little

And we'll walk home.

And now we will talk about construction minerals.

Granite - When granite breaks down, a colored fossil, sand, is formed - clay. Sand is a loose rock (yellow, reddish in color). Sand consists of tiny particles. Huge glasses are made from sand and crystal products are made.

Clay – located along river banks, in ravines and lowlands. Bricks, various dishes, and porcelain vases are made from clay.

There is also such a mineral as lime - a white substance similar to chalk. It is used as fertilizer.

Guys, now let's play a little. I will ask you riddles, and you will find the answer on my table.

(On the table there are granite, sand, clay, coal, lime in forms; pictures of gas and oil production).

Very durable and resilient

A reliable friend for builders

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will become beautiful and noticeable (Granite)

If you meet me on the road

Your feet will get stuck

How to make a bowl or vase

You will need it right away (Clay.)

The white pebble has melted

Left marks on the board (Chalk)

They cover the roads with them

Streets in villages

And it's also in cement.

He himself is fertilizer (Limestone.)

The kids really need it

He is on the roads, in the yard

He's at a construction site and on the beach

And it is even melted in glass (Sand.)

Flows through the pipe, bakes pies (Gas)

It brings warmth to homes

It's light all around

Helps melt steel

Making paints and enamels

It's black and shiny

Real assistant (Coal.)

He won't run without her

No bus, no taxi

The rocket won't rise

Guess what it is? (Oil).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 “Lyudmila” of a combined type


educational activities.

Area "Cognition"

(familiarization with the surrounding world)

Topic: “Minerals”

(for children in the pre-school group)


Bevz Maya Antonovna



Goals and objectives:

Summarize knowledge about minerals; give children an idea of ​​the properties of magnets, where the properties of magnets are used in industry; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions; develop the ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment:

Parcel, samples of minerals, a container with water, 5 fish made of colored oilcloth with an eye-button curved on the back side, magnets, a sheet of A3 cardboard with a drawn race track (two tracks), mounted on four cubes (can be attached with buttons), blanks for cars (bottom, roof), metal plates for each car (from a furniture lock), a piece of polystyrene foam, a tailor's needle, colored paper, presentation “Minerals” (in the appendix).

Integration educational areas:

Cognition, communication, health, artistic creativity.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Educator: - Children, the postman came to us today and brought a parcel.

Let's see what's there. A note. (Inside is a note and a small box.)

A note:

“Hello, dear guys! The Mole from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” is writing to you. The other day I was counting my countless riches and came across a box that I got from my great-grandfather. There are some pebbles inside. I was about to throw them away, but Thumbelina advised me not to do this, but to first figure out what it was. She advised me to ask you for help, since you are about to start school and probably know a lot. Help me please!

Best regards, Mole"

Educator: - What is in the box? (opens it)

Children: - Minerals.

Educator: - Why are they called that?

Children: - They are mined from underground. They benefit people.

Educator: - What types of minerals do you know?

Children: - Solid, liquid and gaseous.

Educator: - How are they obtained?

Children: - Open (quarry) and closed (mine).

Educator: - Let's figure out what minerals are in this box. To name them, you need to solve riddles.

1.Very durable and elastic,

A reliable friend for builders.

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will become beautiful and noticeable.

Children: - Granite.

Educator: - What benefits does granite bring?

Children: - It is used in construction.


2. Once a huge pump

He grabbed my nose.

Put me in a pipe

Now I'm running through the pipe.

I'll run to the factory -

They'll warm me up there.

These are the products:

Not candy or fruit.

Kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil...

They will make me out.

He won't run without me

No bus, no taxi,

The rocket doesn't rise.

Guess what it is?

Children: - Oil.

Educator: - What is made from oil?

Children: - Gasoline, plastics, detergents, medications.


3.It brings warmth to homes

It's light all around,

Helps melt steel

Making paints and enamels.

It's black and shiny

The assistant is real.

Children: - Coal.

Educator: - What benefits does it bring to people?

Children: - This is fuel.


4. If you meet me on the road,

Your legs will get stuck.

And to make a bowl or vase,

You'll need it right away.

Children: - Clay.

Educator: - What is it used for?

Children: - Bricks, dishes, cosmetics (blue clay) are made from it.


5. Plants grew in the swamp,

They became fuel and fertilizer.

Children: - Peat.

Educator: - What benefits does it bring?

Children: - This is fuel and fertilizer.


6. They cover the roads

Streets in villages.

It is also found in cement.

He himself is fertilizer.

Children: - Limestone.

Educator: - Where is limestone used?

Children: - Used in construction. Chalk is made from it.


7. Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen.

It blooms like a blue flower from a match.

Children: - Gas.

Educator: - How is gas useful?

Children: - This is the fuel that heats the home, an assistant in cooking.


8. No wonder it was cooked in a blast furnace. The scissors and keys turned out great...

Children: - This is ore.

Educator: - What is made from iron ore?

Children: - Scissors, nails, rails, magnet.

Educator: - You said magnet. What do you know about him?

Children: - It attracts iron objects.

Educator: - I invite you to go to the magical land of magnets, where you will learn about the properties of magnets and how to use them. Stand in a circle on the carpet. Let's fly.

Physical education minute

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Let's fly, fly,

They twirled their hands forward.

And then vice versa -

The plane rushed back.

Educator: - Here we are magical land magnets. Let's see what a magnet can do.


  1. Experience game "Fishing"

Equipment: A container with water, 5 fish made of colored oilcloth with a button eye curved on the reverse side, a magnet.

Progress of the experiment:

Place the fish in a container of water. Place the magnet against outside glass at the level of the fish. After it “bites”, slowly move the magnet upward along the wall of the glass. So you need to catch all the fish.

Experience result:

The fish follow the movement of the magnet and rise upward until they approach the surface of the water. This way you can easily take them out without getting your hands wet.


Children: - The magnetic field acts through both glass and water.

Educator: - Due to their ability to attract objects underwater, magnets are used in the construction and repair of underwater structures: with their help it is very convenient to secure and lay a cable or keep a tool at hand.

  1. Experience game "Paper racing"

Equipment: A sheet of A3 cardboard with a drawn racing track (two tracks), mounted on four cubes (can be attached with buttons),

Blanks for cars (bottom, roof), metal plates for each car (can be from a furniture lock), scissors and tape (glue and brushes can be used), magnets.

Progress of the experiment:

Attach metal plates to the bottoms of cars with tape and glue the roofs. Set up the cars at the start. Place magnets under the cardboard at the starting level where the cars are parked, and move the magnets along the contours of the road.

Experience result:

Cars move along the track, repeating the movements of a magnet that children move under the cardboard. The magnet's field, passing through the cardboard, attracts metal plates attached to cars, forcing them to follow the magnet.

Educator: - What conclusion can be drawn from this experience?

Children: - Magnetic force acts through cardboard and paper.

Educator: - Magnets can work through paper, so they are used, for example, to attach notes to the metal door of a refrigerator.

  1. Experience game “Magnetic regatta”

Equipment: A piece of foam plastic in the shape of a boat, a tailor's needle for the mast, colored paper for the sail (you can immediately attach the sail to the mast); magnet, bowl or basin with water.

Progress of the experiment:

Let the boat float in a basin of water. Control the boat by moving the magnet over the pelvis (without touching them).

The result of the experience.

The magnet sets the boats in motion even if it doesn't touch them.

Educator: - What conclusion can be drawn from this experience?

Children: - The force of a magnet acts even at a distance.

Educator: - Thanks to the property of magnets, it is possible to influence an object at a distance and through solutions. They are used in chemical and medical laboratories where sterile (very pure) substances need to be mixed. In order not to come into contact with an insufficiently sterile instrument, a small steel plate covered with sterile material is lowered into the test tube with the substance that will be mixed. Under the test tube there is a magnet, which, when rotating, sets the plate in the test tube in motion. Thus, the substance is mixed.

4. Experiment “Why do two magnets sometimes repel each other?”

Equipment (for each child or couple): two small furniture magnets.

Progress of the experiment:

Bring two magnets close to each other. Turn one of the magnets over to the other side and bring the magnets closer to each other again.

Experience result:

In one case the magnets attract, in the other they repel.

Educator: - The property of magnets to repel is used to railways in China and Japan. Some high speed trains do not have wheels: they are installed inside the train and on the rails powerful magnets, which have identical poles facing each other. Such trains practically fly above the rails and can reach enormous speeds.

Magnets are used to make jewelry: necklaces and bracelets can have a magnetic clasp or be made entirely of magnets(shows the children some magnetic decorations). Magnets are also used in children's toys.(shows the children a magnetic constructor made of balls or another toy).

Educator: - Guys, did you enjoy conducting the experiments?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - Now it’s time for us to return home. Let's stand in a circle again and go to kindergarten.

Physical education minute

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Let's fly, fly,

They twirled their hands forward.

And then vice versa -

The plane rushed back.

Educator: - Here we are back. Did you enjoy our trip?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - Guys, today we learned a lot about minerals and magnets. What did you like most?

(Children's answers)

Educator: - I suggest you decorate clay figurines as a keepsake of today’s new knowledge about minerals, which you will then take home.

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