Homeopathic points on the face for rejuvenation. Shiatsu acupressure massage for facial rejuvenation at home

Acupressure self-massage of the face improves blood circulation, helps smooth out wrinkles and prevents their formation, relieves puffiness, keeps the skin healthy and radiant, improves skin color and makes it denser and more elastic. And all this naturally(including the body’s self-healing processes), without much time (maximum 15 minutes a day!) and finances, subject to its REGULAR use for at least a month. In addition, due to its effect on biological active points, Shia-tsu stimulates the work of all organs and systems and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. The results will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks!

Rejuvenate the skin

When performing a massage, breathe deeply and relax your muscles as much as possible. Try to keep the pressure on the point constant and the finger not to move. Apply pressure to each point for 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes there may be a feeling of tension or numbness, sometimes tingling or pain.

Do not press too hard on the skin - your movements should be slow, careful and at the same time rhythmic. If after pressing on the point there is a feeling of pulsation, it means that the massage was performed correctly.

Third Eye Point located between the eyebrows.

Connect the middle and index fingers of both hands and apply to the point. Press and hold for 2-3 minutes.

Point "Four squirrels" located just below the eye socket, in the recess of the cheekbone.

Impact on this point helps improve the condition of the skin, cope with acne and swelling.

Point "Face Beauty" located below the “Four Squirrels” point, directly below the pupil, in the hollow of the cheekbone.

Point "Divine Appearance" you can feel behind the jawbone under the earlobe.

Activates the activity of the thyroid gland and improves skin condition.

Point "Drilling bamboo" located near the inner edge of the eyebrows.

If your eyes are tired and inflamed. press on this point. It also helps with headaches.

How to find points

Very important point, since this is the key to the effectiveness of the procedure. As a rule, the points are located in small depressions under the skin and are slightly painful when pressed.

Eye points

The eyes are our most problematic area, let’s hide it. By regularly acting on the points listed below, you will make the delicate skin of your eyelids elastic, smooth, and your eyes shiny, bright and attractive. Don't believe me? Check it out!

The first important point - the “third eye” - is located 1 cm up from the bridge of the nose (between the inner ends of the eyebrows). You need to press it hard enough. It is also massaged when nose goes blood, with flu, runny nose, headache.

The following points relieve swelling and swelling, add shine to the eyes, relieve eye strain, improve vision - they are located in the hollow on the inner corners of the eyes. If you massage them thoroughly for 3 seconds in three approaches, you will immediately feel their beneficial effect.

A very important point is located in the middle of the eyebrow directly above the pupil (located, as it were, in the hollow between two tubercles). It relieves tension from the eyes. Exposure to it is very helpful if you read a lot during the day or work at the computer, as well as with myopia.

Stimulation of a point located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye to the temple effectively helps against crow's feet.

More important points are located in the middle under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil

It is very useful to finish by walking with light pressing movements along the upper and lower edges of the eye orbit (especially it is worth paying attention to the point under the eye, one transverse finger below the lower edge of the orbit, on the line of the pupil - it also helps with dizziness).

You need to massage all the points for about 10 seconds each, in three approaches.

Dots on lips

To have a charming smile and forget about nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth, regularly massage the following points:

In the center under lower lip. It can also be used to relieve facial swelling, toothache(in the lower jaw), massage of this area is also used for paralysis of the facial nerve.

Against the folds around the mouth: Use the tips of your middle and index fingers to massage the corners of your mouth for 30 seconds.

Three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, placed in a row on top upper lip, do 4-5 presses. This exercise prevents the appearance of vertical wrinkles on the lip. By the way, the point under the nose - if intensively massaged - can “bring it back to life” after fainting.

Anti-wrinkle points on forehead

To avoid premature facial wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out those already acquired, it is enough not to frown, not to grimace and to use the following exercises:

Using pressure from the middle and index fingers of both hands, smooth your forehead from the middle to your temples for 30 seconds.

The important point is one transverse finger above the eyebrow on the pupil line. By massaging it, you will help yourself with dizziness, pain in the frontal part of the head, night blindness and trinity neuralgia.

The point at the temple at the end of the eyebrow - its stimulation also relieves fatigue.

A point 3 cm up from the outer corner of the eye

It also helps to simply massage the forehead starting from the middle to the hairline.

Wrinkle spots on neck

Noticing wrinkles on her face, a woman always gets upset, and this causes the appearance of new wrinkles. Such chain reaction quite natural. With age, any of us develop wrinkles, no matter how carefully we take care of our facial skin, but the appearance of wrinkles can be postponed to a later date. It depends on you and me. Knowledge of the points of youth and acupressure will help us with this.

Acupressure Facial treatment improves blood circulation and helps smooth the skin, removes swelling from the face, improves lymphatic drainage and nutrition of skin cells, makes facial skin healthier and more elastic. This happens, in particular, because we remove congestion from the skin if we massage regularly. Only regular procedures can bring at least some improvements; massage from time to time will bring the same minor changes.

Before starting the massage, you need to relax the muscles as much as possible; you need to press on the point perpendicular to the surface of the skin for 1-3 minutes. When pressing, a feeling of tingling or tension may occur - this is normal; after you release your finger, the tension will disappear. If you clicked on a point and did not feel anything, then you found the point incorrectly. Ideally, you should feel a pulsation that disappears immediately after the pressure stops. Let's move directly to the points. For a greater massage effect, you can find each point in small recesses located according to the location description.

The “Third Eye” point is located between the eyebrows on the eyebrow line, 1 cm above the bridge of the nose. In order to find it, you need to connect the middle and index fingers of both hands.

The “Four Squirrels” point is located in the recess of the cheekbone, just below the eye socket. By pressing on this point you can remove swelling from your face and deal with acne.

The “Face Beauty” point is located below the “Four Squirrels” point, directly below the pupil. Impact on this point will provide you with a healthy complexion and youthful skin.

The Divine Appearance point is located under the earlobe behind the jaw bone. Pressing on this point helps improve the condition of the skin and is beneficial for the thyroid gland.

The Drilling Bamboo point is located near the inner edge of the eyebrows. Impact on this point helps relieve eye fatigue and helps with headaches.

The point of getting rid of crow's feet is located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye to the temple.

A point located under the eye, one transverse finger below the edge of the orbit, on the line of the pupil, helps to cope with dizziness; you need to press on this point for 10 seconds, in three approaches.

The point for removing swelling from the face is located in the center above the lower lip; by massaging this point, you can stop toothache.

The point against the folds near the mouth is located in the corners of the mouth; you need to massage it for 30 seconds.

The point located under the nose can bring you back to life after fainting.

Biologically active points on the face are special areas that are responsible for the functioning of certain systems and organs of the body and reflect their work. Stimulating these points can tidy up the body, smooth out wrinkles and prolong youth. In this publication we will talk about acupuncture, thermal and vacuum effects on active points of the face, consider the features of acupressure Zhong and Japanese shiatsu, as well as Indian marmatherapy.

Facial zones

Different areas of the face are responsible for certain organs and systems of the body. Irritation, peeling, rashes and other skin imperfections in a certain area indicate possible problems in organism.

The face is roughly divided into the following zones:

  • area around the eyes;
  • cheeks;
  • nose and bridge of the nose;
  • chin.

The forehead is responsible for the genitourinary system. If rashes, peeling or excessive wrinkles are regularly observed on the forehead, then it is worth checking the genitourinary system for the presence of dysfunctions.

Specifically, the upper part of the forehead indicates a problem in the large intestine. If acne is constantly observed in this area, this indicates severe intoxication of the body, caused by alcohol, smoking or other toxic substances. If irritation is observed in the temporal lobe, check the liver and gallbladder.

The ear area is connected to the kidneys. Constant flaking, black spots, excessive amounts of sebum on the ears are evidence of problems with these organs. If you also experience an increase blood pressure, worsening blood pressure, constant weakness and shortness of breath, do not delay going to the doctor.

The area around the eyes is also associated with the kidneys, plus it can reveal problems with digestive system. Constant dark circles, for example, are a reason to think about it and get examined by a gastroenterologist.

The cheeks are connected to the lungs, so the frequent appearance of spots, irritations and rashes indicates problems with the respiratory system. If the irritations are localized closer to the temporal region, then this indicates a problem with the cardiovascular system.

The nose area is connected to the heart, and the bridge of the nose is connected to the pancreas. The chin is responsible for reproductive organs: uterus, prostate gland.

What are the dots on the face responsible for?

Identifying problems is half the battle. To eliminate them using acupressure on the face, you need to know where which points of the face are and what they are responsible for. Accuracy is important here: if you act on the wrong point, you will get a completely different effect. Therefore, first of all, remember the location of all biologically active points and find them on your face.

To avoid mistakes, it is better to refer to a visual diagram:

The main points of influence are:

  • The pituitary point, also called the “third eye,” is located in the middle of the forehead, slightly above the eyebrows. Exposure to it stimulates blood supply to the frontal part of the brain, which in turn helps restore vision and stimulates the pituitary gland, which regulates endocrine processes in the body.
  • Two paired points on the walls of the nose, located in the corners of the eyes, are called “points of youth.” They improve vision.
  • Two paired points on the wings of the nose are located a centimeter from each wing. Their stimulation improves the sense of smell, helps with colds, helps fight viruses and even improves the condition of teeth.
  • The point in the middle of the chin is responsible for removing toxins.
  • Two points located on the temples help improve vision, stimulate blood supply to the brain and spinal cord and relieve tension from nearby muscles.
  • Paired points located near the tragus of the ear are easy to feel if you open your mouth: the point is located in the formed hole. Their stimulation helps relieve tension in the masticatory muscles, improves hearing and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Types of impact on BAP

There are different techniques for influencing BAP (biologically active points) depending on the result you want to achieve. Depending on the goal pursued - prolongation of youth and general improvement of the body - you need to choose the most suitable method for yourself. It is important to understand that these two goals are inextricably linked, therefore, regardless of the chosen method final result usually includes both points.

Below is a list of methods used to influence BAP:

  • acupuncture;
  • thermal effects;
  • vacuum effect;
  • acupressure.


The acupuncture method involves inserting needles under the skin. A needle with a small diameter is inserted under the skin exactly at a biologically active point. This method allows you to improve the functioning of body systems and restore health. At the same time, it significantly improves the condition of the face, replacing many salon procedures.

In cosmetology, there is a whole direction for facial rejuvenation -. The method is considered effective and safe and can successfully replace surgical lifting.

A separate method of electroacupuncture is distinguished: a weak electrical impulse. When exposed to different points pulses of different durations are used.

It is important to understand that acupuncture requires skill, precision and experience. Therefore, when deciding to use this method, we recommend that you contact only a trusted specialist.

Thermal impact

This method involves exposure to heat source points. There is a contact and a distant method - in the first, a direct effect is applied to the point, in the second, the heat source does not directly touch the skin.

Here also great value has the skill of a specialist, since if you do not calculate the duration of exposure, you can get burns. However, some types of thermal effects can be carried out independently: for example, massage with hot bags is a Thai procedure that removes toxins from the body, strengthens and rejuvenates the skin.

Vacuum effect

Surely everyone was given cans in childhood. Vacuum facial treatments work on approximately the same principle. Vacuum facial massage affects both the surface of the skin and inner layer subcutaneous fat tissue. This method smoothes and rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration, tightens pores and improves general form faces.

Zhong acupressure massage

Asian massage techniques are used all over the world for facial rejuvenation. One of them is the Chinese Zhong finger massage, which uses three fingers: thumb, index and middle. By using your fingers on points on your face to rejuvenate, you can completely transform your appearance skin. There are two types of this massage: soothing and tonic.

When carrying out a soothing massage, pressure is applied to the point continuously with a gradual increase in the pressure level. As soon as the pressure reaches the maximum (it should not be too strong so as not to cause pain), the finger is released and the procedure is repeated from the beginning. This is repeated 3-4 times, and total time session - 3-7 minutes.

In a tonic massage, everything is done the other way around: short and strong pressure, after which the finger sharply moves away from the face. The main thing is not to press too hard, you should not experience pain.

The general technique of execution is as follows. The impact begins from points located on the temples. At the same time, stroke the forehead with the index and middle fingers: first up, then to the side. Then, continuing to massage the points on the temples, stroking the eyebrows is done: from the bridge of the nose to the temples. After this, leaving the thumbs on the temples, the index and middle fingers massage the inner and outer corners of the eyes, and then the lower and upper eyelids.

Next, the thumbs move to the outer corners of the eyes, massaging them towards the temples. Then the points on the wings of the nose, at its base and under it are rubbed. Then again move to the temporal lobes, this time with the index and middle fingers, massaging in a circular motion. Next, massage the cheeks in the direction from the cheekbones to the neck.

It all ends with a light tap of the fingers on the face. Finally, you need to rub your face with your palms to generate heat. This completes the massage.

Japanese shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage is both a diagnostic method and a means of treatment. By pressing on the point, an experienced specialist will be able to tell by its rigidity or elasticity whether everything is normal with a particular organ. Impact on the points of the face with the help of shiatsu massage can improve the condition of the body and rejuvenate the face. In addition, it helps with:

The shiatsu technique is as follows. First, use the pads of your thumbs to massage the points located between the eyebrows. Then the massage moves to the points on the wings of the nose. Then there is a point under the lower lip, and after it the fingers move to the temporal lobes. At the end of the session, points near the ears are massaged.

During a shiatsu massage, the effect is performed with short and light pressure – 5-7 seconds. Painful sensations should not occur, the maximum you can feel is mild electrical discharge over the body. This is normal and indicates that you hit the mark correctly.

This massage can be performed independently. The technique of performing Japanese facial massage is presented in the following video tutorial:

Indian marmatherapy

In Indian massage, biologically active points located on the face are called marmas - hence interesting name. In marmatherapy, massage is performed in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. The arms are parallel to each other. The cycle starts with a small circle and gradually increases in size. There are 5 expanding and 5 contracting circles in the cycle - each is repeated three times.


The presence of biologically active points provides amazing opportunities for healing and rejuvenating the body. The article did not describe all the techniques for influencing facial points; in fact, there are many more of them, which means that everyone can find the most suitable one for themselves. suitable way. Using methods of influencing biologically active points, you can remain healthy and beautiful for a long time.

IN Lately Medical and cosmetology specialists are intensively adopting oriental methods of rejuvenation and healing. Massage of biologically active points of the face can be considered the most affordable and effective. Just 5 minutes of daily exercise - and within a few weeks the first visible results are noted. The skin literally transforms with each new session, becomes more elastic and smooth, and takes on a blooming appearance.

The secret to the success of acupressure facial massage lies in the special impact on acupuncture points - certain areas on the body measuring 1-3 mm in which energy accumulates. They can be called magical, since each is connected with the work of an internal organ and interacts with the others through energy channels - meridians. With proper and regular stimulation of these points by pressing with the fingertips, circulation improves in the body, which is harmoniously redistributed throughout the body. Thanks to this, blood circulation increases and metabolism is normalized, tissues are saturated with oxygen and relieve muscle tension, which together leads to a slowdown in the aging process and overall health improvement. However, to obtain a lasting effect it is necessary to undergo full course lasting at least one month.

Exist various techniques massage of acupuncture points:

  • Chinese dynamic massage zhong;
  • Su-jok - Korean therapy;
  • Indian marma therapy;
  • Shiatsu is a Japanese healing system.

The history of the listed methods goes back to ancient times and is closely connected with the healers of the East, who, several centuries ago, realized that through special touches they could return youth and health to people. Modern researchers studied the phenomenon of biologically active points for a long time and came to the conclusion that they actually have a number of features: they have an increased temperature, low electrical resistance compared to neighboring areas of the skin and a higher electric potential. In addition, they are more sensitive to pain and absorb oxygen more actively.

Today, acupressure has gained great popularity, since practice has shown that it has many advantages:

  • there is no pain during the procedure. Symptoms such as numbness and aching occur only with strong pressure, and they also indicate that the points are being massaged correctly;
  • a wide range of effects allows you to use massage for a runny nose, headaches and toothaches, sleep disorders and decreased performance, increased blood pressure, to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system. With its help, you can regulate not only your well-being, but also your mood, at the same time restoring impaired functions. internal organs and systems. This is also an excellent preventive measure. colds and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the high effectiveness of the method in the field of cosmetology manifests itself in the form of positive changes after the first session. Impact on biologically active points of the face allows you to tighten the oval and improve skin color, get rid of jowls, double chin, fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • Carrying out this type of massage does not require any costs and additional equipment. All you need to have on hand is a mirror and hygiene products.

Features of the procedure

The name of the acupressure technique translated from Japanese language means “finger pressure” (shi - finger, atsu - pressure). Shiatsu is a simplified version of the traditional Japanese ammi massage, which has been successfully used in Eastern medicine for centuries.

Main hallmark Shiatsu is a combination of diagnosis and therapy. That is, this type of acupressure is designed not so much for treatment as for restoration. defensive reaction body. With its help, experienced Shiatsu practitioners are able to diagnose diseases with high accuracy, and also use skillful manipulations to launch a program of self-healing and self-rejuvenation. Characteristic It also lies in the fact that only fingers and palms are used. And the system was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi, who at one time treated statesmen, movie and sports stars - Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali.

One of the wise eastern sayings says that a person’s best healer is his own hand.

How to do Shiatsu massage at home

Independent influence on biologically active points through acupuncture or moxibustion without vocational training and experience can cause serious harm to health. However, Shiatsu acupressure does not require long training and can be performed by anyone at home without fear for their safety. Provided that there are no contraindications to massage. These include:

  • reduced intracranial pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • bad feeling;
  • damage, inflammation or allergic reactions to the skin;
  • rosacea

It is preferable to perform any acupressure in morning hours or before going to bed, starting the procedure by cleansing your face and hands with your usual cleanser, followed by moisturizing the skin with a light cream. Try to create favorable atmosphere- turn on relaxing music, light an aroma lamp and only then get down to business.

Location of points, technique, instructions

The Shiatsu pressure technique involves three methods of influence:

  1. Pad thumb for each point.
  2. Simultaneously pressing three points in a row with the pads of the next fingers - index, middle and ring.
  3. Palm.

The pressure force is directed strictly perpendicular to the skin surface, and is dosed depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat and the sensitivity of the area.

For example, in the area of ​​the eyes, ears, neck and décolleté, the effect on a thin surface should be gentle and short-lived - three seconds is enough, but the skin of the forehead, cheekbones, chin and wings of the nose requires more noticeable and prolonged pressure. It is unacceptable to use movements that displace, rub and stretch the skin.

  1. Having studied the location of acupuncture points, proceed to massage:
  2. Run two fingers along the surface of the forehead, starting from the middle towards the temples, and then back to both sides. You can work with three fingers, making point movements in the same direction, but with a 7-second delay for each movement.
  3. Position both hands so that the pads of your middle fingers rest in the middle of the eyebrows, the ring fingers in the area at the inner corners of the eyes, and the index fingers in the outer corners. Press for 5-7 seconds.
  4. Act on similar points located under the eyebrows in the same mode, while trying not to touch the eyeball. Now, in the same way, develop the points located on the lower borders of the eye sockets. Pads index fingers
  5. apply pressure to the areas under the outer corners of the eyes, the middle ones - perpendicular to the pupils, the ring ones - just below the inner corners. Click thumbs
  6. both hands between the eyebrows for 5–7 seconds.
  7. Press on the area under the cheekbones with three fingers of both hands for 5–7 seconds. You can go down a little lower and repeat the manipulation.
  8. Use the pads of your middle fingers to touch the wings of your nose. 5 seconds is enough.
  9. Then press for 7 seconds on the indentation located above your upper gums, just below the tip of your nose.
  10. Apply pressure at the corners of your lips using the middle fingers of each hand. Exposure time - 6–7 seconds.
  11. Press for about 7 seconds into the depression under the lower lip, where the lower row of teeth cannot be felt. Place three fingers of each hand on lateral lines
  12. chin, fixing the position from below with your thumbs, act for 7 seconds. Next, move the pads higher towards the upper cheekbones. Place your fingers on the sides of your neck. Forefinger
  13. should go lower, the middle one should rest in the middle, and the nameless one should press a little higher. The pressure is very light and short, no more than 3 seconds.
  14. Find the dimples that are under the earlobes and secure them with pads three fingers located nearby symmetrical points. Press time - 5 seconds.

Hello. You already know that there are special points of beauty and youth on the face. Impact on the beauty points on the face will improve blood circulation, due to which the face will become fresh, a slight blush will appear, and small wrinkles will disappear.

Biologically active beauty points

By treating these points, let's start the processes of renewal and restoration of elasticity in the skin. How to find these points? Now we will do this.

Before activating the points of youth, you need to cleanse the skin, then apply a nourishing cream, do a light massage along the massage lines to warm up the facial skin.

We will do acupressure with the index fingers, without stretching the skin, but simply pressing the soft tissues with the pads of the fingers to the bones of the skull, located under the skin. Impact on nerve endings gives the muscles a load, forcing them to work.

The points are located in small dimples on the bones and when you press them you should feel slight pain or warmth, the main thing is that there is no discomfort.

The time of exposure to the point is 5 seconds. Paired points are processed simultaneously - for example, points in the inner and outer corners of the eyes, under the center of the eye, in the center of the eyebrows.

Massage points

We begin the procedure by treating the inner corners of the eyes, using barely perceptible pressure. If you have, then press with the knuckles of your index fingers.

Gradually, bruises and bags under the eyes will disappear, sagging skin around the eyes and mouth, and your face will disappear.

Points of youth (face and neck)

In the morning, in just 3 minutes you will receive the most powerful, which you will feel all day long.


Massage cannot be done if:

  • allergies, dermatitis, acne,
  • viral skin diseases, such as herpes,
  • intracranial (high or low),
  • vascular network on the face,
  • inflammatory process (in acute stage), occurring in any area of ​​the body.

If there are no contraindications, then start doing this incomparable massage today. I would like to remind you that it will not only make your face look young, but will also help improve the health of your entire body.

In parting, I want to say, try this wonderful, simply irreplaceable skin rejuvenation product. In a few weeks you will be pleasantly surprised not only by the external transformation, but also general condition your health. Be sure to show this article to your friends and subscribe to my blog together.

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