M 11 58 official route. How to connect to the My Route program? Where to buy this device

New modern expressway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg originates from the Moscow Ring Road and joins the Ring Road Northern capital. The length of this highway from “ring” to “ring” will be 669 km.

The creation of the M-11 highway was due to the heavy congestion and wear and tear of the previous highway, as well as the need to rid a number of settlements of transit transport. Besides, important factor to build it is Russia's preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. New route will connect the cities hosting the main matches of the competition.

The M-11 road will cover the territories of the Central and Northwestern federal districts. The route will be laid within the borders of the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions. Moreover, it will be located bypassing all populated areas. The new Moscow-St. Petersburg highway in some sections runs parallel to the currently functioning M-10 Rossiya highway. The intersection of M-11 with its predecessor is carried out at 58 km, 149 km, 208 km, 258 km, 334 km, 543 km through multi-level transport interchanges.

The construction of the Moscow – St. Petersburg highway is carried out in several stages. Each of them is an independent investment and construction project. This phased implementation of the project is due to the need to adapt to the throughput of the existing federal road M-10 "Russia". This value hasn't responded for a long time modern requirements Therefore, the project management decided to divide the construction stages and put the most significant sections into operation early.

Full commissioning of the M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg road will take place in 2018. However, we note that the project provides for road development, for example, increasing the number of lanes.

Main stages (sections) of construction of the M-11 highway

The route is divided into conditional sections. Their boundaries are sections of the road, calculated in km. These areas include:

15 – 58 kilometers.

They take place in Solnechnogorsk and Khimki districts of the Moscow region. At the same time, the route bypassed Khimki, which will significantly relieve city traffic and reduce the travel time of motorists. This section was opened for traffic on December 23, 2014. Khimki has already been significantly unloaded, and transport to Sheremetyevo Airport is moving faster.

The site operates in a paid mode.

58 - 149 kilometers.

They take place in the Klin and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region. Cars move from the capital, passing the cities of Solnechnogorsk and Klin. Further, the path runs through the territory of the Konakovsky and Kalininsky districts of the Tver region. The work will be completed no earlier than 2018.

Upon completion of construction, vehicles will be able to travel faster to Tver and the northwestern part of the Moscow region, since, unlike the old route, new road passes villages and other small settlements. Note that at first the road will have 4 lanes, then their number will increase to 8.

208 - 258 kilometers.

The section is located in the Torzhok district of the Tver region and bypasses Torzhok, significantly shortening the existing route Tver - Vyshny Volochyok. Construction of this site will be completed in 2018.

M-11. Detour Vyshny Volochok.

258 - 334 kilometers.

Pass through Torzhoksky, Vyshnevolotsky and Spirovsky districts of the Tver region, bypassing settlement Vyshny Volochyok. The section has already been built and opened to traffic on November 28, 2014.

This event became significant date for many categories of drivers. Vyshny Volochyok was unable to cope with the intense traffic flow; it took a lot of time to travel through two tens of kilometers of its streets. The Volochok bypass was without a doubt the most significant gift for drivers over the past years.

Now this section has 4 lanes, the project provides for 6.

334 – 543 kilometers.

This section of the route runs in the Vyshnevolotsky and Bologovsky districts of the Tver region, Okulovsky, Malovishersky and Novgorod districts Novgorod region. Its construction began in 2014 and is still ongoing. The planned commissioning date is 2018.

This section of the road can be called the most difficult. The areas of the Tver and Novgorod regions along which the M-11 road passes are famous for their impassable swamps. Road workers have to completely replace the soil under the road and build many kilometers of embankments. In particularly difficult wetlands it is necessary to construct pile fields. It is on this section that one of the largest bridges on the road is located - the bridge over the Volkhov River.

Another feature of this section is that it passes through the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. Almost 300 explosive objects have already been found and neutralized, and the remains of 10 Red Army soldiers have been recovered. Archaeological work was also carried out at this site.

Construction of a bridge across the Volkhov.

Findings of road workers in the Novgorod region.

543 – 684 kilometers.

The road is being built on the territory of the Novgorod and Chudovsky districts of the Novgorod region, covering part of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. The section goes around the city of Chudovo and the city of Tosno and ends in St. Petersburg. The route ends at the Ring Road, near Pulkovo Airport. Construction will be completed in 2018. The advantages of this construction include such an aspect as significant unloading of the suburban routes of the Northern capital.

On January 9, 2018, on some routes of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road in the section 15-58 km, the construction and operation of which is carried out under a concession agreement, the fare will change. For passenger transport, the main changes will affect such directions as Moscow - Sheremetyevo, Moscow - Zelenograd, Moscow - MMK (A107) and Zelenograd - Solnechnogorsk. The range of increase in fare will be from 10 to 50 rubles, while most tariffs will remain unchanged.

Until the end of January 2018, for owners of the M11 15-58 transponder, free travel along the entire section of the Moscow-Solnechnogorsk road from 1:00 to 6:00. A number of changes will also affect transponder programs. The discount on the transponder (the “My Road” program) for all categories of vehicles will be 20%, regardless of the number of trips made, and the cost of subscriptions will also change. At the same time, the subscription will allow you to save up to 60% of the base tariff for passenger cars.

For example, the tariff from Moscow to Sheremetyevo Airport when paying in cash or by credit card from January 9 will be 300 rubles for a passenger car during the daytime. The same route with a transponder will cost 240 rubles.

On September 1, 2017, Avtodor and SZKK transponders finally began to operate on all toll sections of the M4-Don, M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg and M3-Ukraine highways. And from November 1, the WHSD will also join the “Unified Transponder” program. But do everyone have the same conditions and tariffs? Whose transponder is more profitable? Will transponders truly become “universal” for everyone? toll roads Russia? Let's try to figure it out.

At the end of August 2017, representatives of Avtodor (the operator of all paid areas M4-Don and M3-Ukraine, as well as the M11 section bypassing Vyshny Volochyok) and the North-Western Concession Company (SZKK, Operator of the 18-58 km section from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk of the M11 highway) announced that from September the transponders of both companies will work on all toll sections of the above routes. And in October, news appeared that Western High-Speed ​​Diameter JSC was also joining this program with transpodners for the WHSD.

It would seem that dreams of a “universal transponder” are beginning to come true. But is this really so? Will transponder owners from each company receive the same price preferences? Will there be “other people’s” loyalty programs (“passes” on the M11 Solnechnogorsk-Moscow section and an additional discount for “bonuses” on the M4 highway)?

Are transponders really universal now?

If you carefully read the press releases of the companies (this can also be done, as well as the recent news about joining the WHSD program), then optimism fades a little... Yes, purely “technically” non-stop travel transponders of both companies, like, must be provided on all sections of the M4, M11 and M3 highways. In principle, it’s already something, but:

  • About the operation of Avtodor, SZKK and WHSD transponders ontoll bypass of Odintsovo on the M1-Belarus highway companies don't mention it. If you read the news in the press on this matter, it becomes obvious that while “universal” transponders will not work on the section bypassing Odintsovo. Negotiations seem to be underway, and they even promise to resolve this issue by the end of 2017, but so far these are just words.

Please also note that for the transponder from SZKK and WHSD to work on M3 and M4, no additional actions are required, but for the Avtodor transponder to work on M11 in the Moscow region and WHSD, you need to activate the “Interoperability” service in personal account on the Avtodor website or in the mobile application.

What about the tariffs?

Regarding tariffs, discounts and loyalty programs, then things are even worse here. So, SZKK promises the owners of “its” transponders, I quote:

The discount for users with transponders “M-11 Moscow – Solnechnogorsk” on toll roads M-3, M-4 and M-11 (Vyshny Volochek) will be 20% of the fares for travel in cash

For travel along the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter (WHSD) in St. Petersburg, with Avtodor and SZKK transponders will be valid from November 1, 2017 15% discount.

Just look at the tariffs on the official websites of Avtodor (link), and the WHSD (link) immediately becomes clear that for now, it remains much more profitable to drive on the M4 and WHSD with a “native” transponder – Avtodor gives a discount of 30% to 50% on a “native” transponder on some sections of the M4, versus only 20% for a transponder from SZKK and WHSD, and on a WHSD with a native transponder a 46% discount versus 15% with “foreign” transponders.

How are things going for travel along the 15-58 km section of the M11 highway with transponders from Avtodor and WHSD? According to information from the SZKK website, the situation is even worse:

Discounts are not provided for third-party transponders.” ()”

That is, there are no discounts for travel along the M11 section from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk with a transponder from Avtodor and WHSD - the fare is the same as for cash... Great, right? Thus, the North-Western Concession Company once again confirmed its miserliness, I can’t call it any other way..

Below I give comparison table discounts on transponders for different roads(WHSD will be added as news arrives):

Comparison of discounts for transponders
Toll roadDay Tariff without transponderSavings with Avtodor transponderSavings with SZKK transponderSavings with WHSD transponder
M4 (all sections)840 rub.243 rub. (29%)168 rub. (20%)168 rub. (20%)
M11 (Moscow-Solnechnogorsk)450-500 rub.No90-100 rub (20%)No
M11 (bypass of Vyshny Volochok)220 rub.110 rub. (50%)44 RUR (20%)44 RUR (20%)
M3 (in Kaluga region)90 rub.18 rub. (20%)18 rub. (20%)18 rub. (20%)
WHSD (All sections)500 rub.75 RUR (15%)75 RUR (15%)230 rub (46%)*

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Will loyalty programs work with someone else's transponder?

Considering the above regarding tariffs and discounts, it is at least naive to hope that any loyalty programs will work on “foreign” roads at this stage.

That is, neither a “subscription” for the M11 Moscow-Solnechnogorsk section for the Avtodor transponder, nor the use of “bonuses” for an additional discount (especially since there is no discount at all in this case) will be possible.

So whose transponder is more profitable?

Apparently, it will not be possible to call the conditions for “foreign” transponders equivalent, nor to determine one “most profitable” transponder for any route. It all depends greatly on which sections of toll roads you use most often, or what travel route you will be traveling in the near future. Here are some examples:

  1. If at that moment “foreign” transponders were already working according to the announced conditions, then for everything paid areas We would save money on the M4-Don highway(during the daytime, we don’t travel at night): 393 rubles one way, or 786 rubles round trip with the “native” Avtodor transponder(almost 40% of the cash rate) , A with transponder from SZKK– only 20% savings, or 198 rubles one way / 396 rubles round trip.
  2. For those traveling south from St. Petersburg and covers both M11 toll sections + all M4 toll plazas, savings with Avtodor transponder increases by 110 rubles one way / 220 rubles both ways (only for the M11 section bypassing Vyshny Volochok, no savings are added on the M11 in the Moscow region), that is, it will be 503 and 1006 rubles accordingly. But with Transponder from SZKK for this one-way route, the savings will be 198 rubles (M4) + 90-110 rubles (depending on the day and time of day when traveling M11 from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk) + 44 rubles (M11 bypassing Vyshny Volochyok): total maximum 352 rubles one way or 702 rubles round trip.
  3. For everyday trips along the M11 section between Moscow and Solnechnogorsk (for example, to work or to the dacha), it is obvious that the transponder from Avtodor is not an option, since it does not give any discounts on this section (at least not yet).

It is also worth considering the conditions for purchasing the transponder itself. So, you can buy a transponder from Avtodor for 1000 rubles (+500 rubles must be deposited into your account), or rent it for 100 rubles per month (starting from the 11th month of the lease, the transponder will become your property and rental payments will stop). With SZKK, the transponder itself doesn’t seem to cost anything, but you have to pay a “subscription fee” in the amount of 50 rubles for each month in which trips are made, and this subscription fee is unlimited. Plus, if you lose/break the SZKK transponder, you will have to pay 1000 rubles to replace it with a new one.

Considering the above, the conclusion suggests itself: indeed a universal or most profitable transponder for Russia today still does not exist. The choice of transponder depends on your route or the frequency of use of specific road sections. The only thing that can be said is that for traveling south on the M4, the greatest savings will come from the transponder from Avtodor, even if you have to drive along the M11 section from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk (15-58 km).

For now, I think, I will continue to use different transponders in different areas. Because the announced conditions are fake, and not a single transponder...

Should we hope for improvements in the future?

In principle, the topic of a Unified Transponder for all toll roads in Russia, although not as quickly as we would like, is still developing. It remains to “connect” the M1 section bypassing Odintsovo to the “universal transponder” program, so that purely technically it can be said that any transponder now works on any toll section.

As for tariffs and discounts, to be honest, expectations are very restrained. I would like to hope that at least the “standard” discount for travel with any transponder will someday be the same for everyone. Although, given the exorbitant appetites of the operator of the M11 Moscow-Solnechnogorsk section (15-58 km), the North-West Concession Company (SZKK) company, which, in my opinion, are significantly inflated compared to Avtodor’s tariffs (at worse quality toll section – number of lanes, illumination, speed limit etc.) and are generally inadequate in comparison with “payers” in other countries (and I travel a lot and can compare!), hopes in this regard are very vague...

By the way, if you often travel between cities, why not? Using this service you can save on travel much more than the savings from a transponder!

In conclusion, I would like to know your opinion about the adequacy of tariffs for toll sections from Avtodor and SZKK - I suggest you vote below:

Do you consider the tariffs for toll sections of the Avtodora and SZKK roads adequate?

New expressway highway M-11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" will stretch from the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) to the junction with the Ring Road (KAD) around St. Petersburg. Total length The highway will be 669 km.

The road will pass through the territories of the Central and Northwestern federal districts, along the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions bypassing all populated areas.

The new road will mainly run parallel to the existing one federal highway M-10 "Russia" and will cross it at km 58, km 149, km 208, km 258, km 334, km 543 with the device transport interchanges V different levels. This will make it possible to distribute traffic flows between the M-10 "Russia" and the new M-11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" expressway.

The construction of the highway is carried out in several stages, each of which is an independent investment project. The sequence of project implementation is determined by the extent to which the capacity of the corresponding section of the existing federal road M-10 "Russia" does not correspond to the volume of current traffic.


0. Km 15 – km 58 in the Khimki and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region, bypassing Khimki..

This site was built and operated under a concession agreement concluded with North-West Concession Company LLC.

The section opened to traffic on December 23, 2014. The payment regime was introduced on November 23, 2015. The site operator is OSSP LLC.

1. Km 58 - km 97 in Solnechnogorsk and Klin districts of the Moscow region, bypassing the cities of Solnechnogorsk and Klin , This site was built and operated under a long-term investment agreement concluded with Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC.

The section opened to traffic on September 1, 2018, and toll collection began on the same day. The site operator is OSSP LLC.

2. Km 97 - km 149 in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region, as well as in the Konakovsky and Kalininsky districts of the Tver region . Construction of the site is being carried out within the framework of a long-term investment agreement concluded with Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC and will be completed in 2019.

3. Km 149 – km 208 in the Tver region. Northern bypass Tver. This is the next stage of construction of the route.

4. Km 208 - km 258 in the Torzhok district of the Tver region, bypassing Torzhok.

The bypass was built within the framework of a long-term investment agreement between the State Company Avtodor and OJSC Mostotrest, which was signed on December 9, 2014. It is the third section of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway that has been put into operation.

The section opened to traffic on December 15, 2017, and toll collection began on the same day. The site operator is OSSP LLC.

This is the first project implemented under a long-term investment agreement (LIT). Project customer – State company"Avtodor". Contractor: Mostotrest OJSC.

The section opened to traffic on November 28, 2014. The payment regime was introduced on September 21, 2015. The site operator is OSSP LLC.

Construction began in 2014 and was completed in 2018. The section was opened to traffic on June 6, 2018. The site operator is OSSP LLC.


Concession agreement for financing, construction and operation of the on a paid basis of this section, the State Company "Avtodor" and LLC "Magistral of Two Capitals" signed on November 18, 2014. Construction of this section will be completed in 2019.

The new Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway will be built in 2019,the length of toll sections in 2019 will be 606.8 km.

If there are often toll roads on your route, then it is better to pay for them using a transponder. The M11 highway is also toll road, which can be paid using the M11 transponder.

The M11 transponder is an autonomous on-board device for driving through toll booths. With this device you can pay for toll roads without using cash or bank cards. Having a transponder, you do not have to stop near the payment acceptance point; you just need to reduce the speed to 20 km/h and the required amount will be debited from the transponder’s personal account automatically.

But in order to pay for travel using a transponder, you need to enter into an agreement on the section 15-58 km of the M11 expressway and open a personal account to account for the funds reserved for payment of travel. At the time of concluding the agreement, you will need to make a minimum down payment, which is necessary to activate your personal account:

1. 1000 rubles - for vehicles of categories I and II;
2. 2000 rubles - for vehicles of categories III and IV.

Vehicle categories table

The monthly payment is 50 rubles, but if several transponders are registered on your personal account, then this amount multiplied by the number of transponders. In some cases, namely when there were no trips using a transponder during a calendar month, the monthly payment is 0 rubles.

For new users who entered into an agreement from February 1, 2016, the monthly fixed payment for using the transponder is not charged for the first 6 months - and this is only the first advantage of the transponder. Using to pay toll highways M11 transponder, you save time and money. To pay for travel, you don’t need to look for your wallet and count money, open the window and reach for the cash register - all these unnecessary actions the transponder will do it for you.

Automatic payment of toll roads

To avoid any problems when passing through a toll collection point on the highway, you must always have a sufficient amount of money in your personal account and, most importantly, attach the M11 transponder to right place. It will help you with this detailed instructions for installing the transponder:

1. It is recommended to install the transponder inside vehicle on the windshield;
2. When installing the transponder, the windshield must be dry and its temperature must not be lower than +15 degrees so that the glue can firmly fix the transponder on the glass surface;
3. Carefully remove the transponder from the packaging. Thoroughly wipe, degrease and dry the area on the windshield where the transponder will be installed;
4. Remove the protective covering from the adhesive backing of the transponder without touching it;
5. Hold the transponder horizontally and apply the adhesive backing to the designated location on the windshield for 10 seconds. The entire surface of the adhesive base must be in close contact with the surface of the glass.

Mounting the M11 transponder on the windshield

Another small feature for cars and trucks. In a passenger vehicle, the transponder is located at least 7 cm from the top edge of the windshield behind the rear view mirror. In a commercial vehicle, the transponder is located closer to the bottom edge of the windshield, so that there is about 10 cm of free space around it. It is also necessary to take into account that the windshield wipers do not cover the transponder.

If your personal account has sufficient quantity funds and the transponder itself is fixed in the correct place, then to travel through payment acceptance points you just need to do the following:

1. Select a specially designated lane where tolls are collected using a transponder;
2. Reduce the speed of the vehicle to 20 km/h.

Toll booths

The M11 transponder, in addition to convenience, allows you to pay for travel at competitive prices. This is due to the fact that all users of the M11 expressway on the section 15-58 km using a transponder to pay are provided with a single discount program.

Discount system

This program is called “My Road”. Under the terms of the discount program, you can get a discount of 20 to 70% on trips. The size of the discount depends on the number of trips made since the beginning of the calendar month. The discount is applied separately for each transponder. For example, if several transponders are attached to an account, then the number of trips made since the beginning of the month is calculated separately for each transponder.

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