Mrko electronic magazine personal account. Some nuances of registration

Modern schoolchildren do not need the skill of turning a two into a five with a slight movement of a pen with a red rod. And all because parents can monitor their child’s progress not in the traditional way - with the help of a diary with grades, but using modern technologies– electronic diary on the portal PGU.MOS.RU. How this service works, what its advantages are and how to access the diary on Mosgosuslugi will be described below.

Abbreviations used

Some abbreviations will be used in the article, so for the clarity of the material it is better to familiarize yourself with them:

  • PSU – portal public services;
  • MRKO – Moscow Register of Education Quality;
  • Unified identification and authentication system;
  • ED – electronic diary.

What is an electronic student diary?

By going to the state portal of the Moscow region, parents can gain access to their child’s electronic diary. This is a program that allows you to view student grades, homework By different subjects, comments and notes from teachers regarding educational process. Essentially, this is a computer version of a regular, familiar paper diary. Parents can access it at any time of the day, even when the child is at school. All you need to do is become a user of the service, and, having an Internet connection, log into your account on the portal.

How to access the service?

Parents can view their child’s electronic diary through the State Services website for the Moscow Region or through the portal of the mayor of the capital

Attention: only Moscow residents whose children attend schools in the capital can become users of the service.

The number of schools participating in the project is growing every day, but not all educational institutions yet have students have access to electronic diaries. Whether the school is participating in the project can be found out from class teacher or administration educational institution.

If the school has implemented the ability to gain access to online diaries, the class teacher can give parents a login and password to enter the program. If your school doesn't already have a program, don't despair. There is a high probability that soon the school where your beloved child studies will have the opportunity to work with the service, since the government is actively introducing modern technologies into the field of education.

Registration on the portal PGU.MOS.RU

In order to access the electronic diary on the website, parents need to create a Personal Account on the State Services Mosportal.

If the parent is not a member of the ESIA, after loading the website, he needs to click on the “Register” button and go through a simple procedure for creating an account, during which he will need to provide the following data:

  • first name, last name and patronymic;
  • email;
  • login;
  • password (you need to enter it twice);
  • answer to security question;
  • current mobile number.

Tip: in order for a password to be protected from hacking, its length must be at least 6 characters, which, in addition to letters, must also contain numbers.

It is necessary to provide a valid mobile number, as it is used to complete the user account registration process. A confirmation code will be sent to your mobile phone; you will need to enter it in the authorization window.

How to use the service?

After successful authorization, the site’s services will become available, including the student’s electronic diary. You can find the service in the catalog by clicking on the item “ Electronic diary schoolchild" in the "Secondary general" section of the "Education" category.

Note: ED MRKO is a very popular service, so access to it is organized with home page portal.

After the required service has been found, you need to click on the “Get service” button on the portal. After this, the user will be asked to undergo initial authorization. It involves entering the following data:

  • in the “Account Name” column, you must enter the child’s first or last name in Latin letters (if there are two or more children, it is better to use first names);
  • MRKO login and password - this information must be obtained from the class teacher.

In order for the class teacher to transfer access to the student’s ED, parents need to:

  • write an application (in paper form) or submit an electronic request;
  • provide the child's birth certificate to the school;
  • show your passport (if the request is submitted not by the parent, but legal representative, then you will also need a document confirming this fact).

After filling out this information, you must confirm your login by clicking on the “Login” button. An electronic version will be available for viewing later. school diary. The data is entered into the cells, similarly regular diary. Homework is indicated next to each subject. If the child received a grade, it will be duplicated in electronic form.

Advantages of an electronic student diary

The parent can view all grades assigned to the child, or only his final grades for the semester. In addition, the service stores data on all past marks given to the student previously, for example, for the last academic year, if the school already had a program in place. In addition to grades, parents can view teachers' comments regarding the student's performance, as well as homework in subjects. The service has a forum where parents can exchange opinions on the work of the program.

The service is provided free of charge. To access the student's ED, you need to have access to the Internet and an account on the portal. A parent can monitor a student’s progress at any time of the day. All data in the ED is available only to portal users who know the login and password to enter their account, that is, if this information is not disclosed, third parties will not be able to view the student’s grades.

But the system is not without its shortcomings. At this stage, access to the service is often unavailable due to technical work. In addition, not all students have the opportunity to use electronic diaries, since this requires the school to have a certain technical base(computers, Internet access), teacher training.

In recent years modern world significantly accelerated in development educational technologies. Now in many schools, instead of regular textbooks, children use special tablets. They complete many lessons using the Internet thanks to special sites. And also among Moscow schools, the MRKO service, an electronic magazine on the site, has become popular, which opens up new opportunities for parents and teachers so that they can monitor the success of their students.

This is an affordable and multifunctional service. Its main function is to monitor the educational process.

Such a system was successfully launched in Moscow quite recently. And during this period of time she managed to establish herself exclusively with the best side. Since then, the functionality of this system has been constantly upgraded. It is updated and made better so that it can more effectively cope with the tasks assigned to it.


Today we can say that this resource is used in most educational institutions city ​​of Moscow. It has created and effectively operates an electronic monitoring system for the educational process. New opportunities:

  • view the electronic journal;
  • study student diaries.


We should also not forget about many other parameters of the educational process. For this reason, it is now much easier to monitor students' progress. MRKO electronic journal of the portal is a unique function that greatly facilitates the work with statistics and monitoring educational system. There is no longer any need for educational institution staff to waste time compiling statistics. The program will handle this task on its own.

The purpose of this system is to make educational process more visual and open. Also, the MRKO electronic journal program has special mechanisms that allow timely identification and neutralization of emerging difficulties during the training period.

Main idea of ​​the project


Main idea this project is to significantly improve the quality of education received. This happens thanks to the use effective tool monitoring.

This process is achieved due to the creation of a unified information field. Parents, teachers and students themselves have access to the data. Teachers got the chance to view and maintain an electronic journal. They can also apply information about each student as soon as necessary.

Lessons in the magazine

Progress check

MRKO electronic magazine at allows every parent to monitor their child much faster and more efficiently. Using this service, you can view:

Over the past years of use, this service has been able to prove itself extremely well. This is confirmed by many positive reviews.

Student performance

Electronic journal functionality

MRKO focuses on managing the quality of educational services provided. This can be achieved even if a particular organization has multiple profiles. For example, you can select the Replacement of teachers section and correct the data there.

Substitute teachers

At the director's educational institution When using the MRKO electronic journal, a number of opportunities open up. He has all the latest reports on the work performed, useful tools that will allow monitoring and identifying necessary information from magazines.

One of the most important features, which this unique opportunity, consists of special services. They significantly simplify the work of the portal, making it more efficient and functional. It is necessary to note the following main services:

  • downloading information and storing it in a database;
  • electronic journal of teachers.

Powerful functionality opens up opportunities for obtaining data on students’ personal achievements, and also simplifies the accounting process educational activities to provide timely reporting. Additionally, each user of the Internet site has the ability to display reports in different forms which ones will be convenient for him on the MRKO portal using the electronic function magazine new mcko ru.

An individual login is created for each employee or parent who has access to information in the journal. personal account, since different functionality is available. For example, the following employees can take advantage of very special functions:

  • system worker;
  • chief deputy director;
  • secretary.

Each role has its own specific access rights, with which you can use the resource. If parents and students can only view available information, then employees have the opportunity to use an expanded range of actions.

This means they can change the data. That is, they have the ability to adjust certain information depending on how it changes.

Information on the site for users

The external design of the site attracts special attention of every visitor to this portal. Color solutions are characterized by restraint, but not dullness. At the same time, pop-up windows do not spoil the view, and there are no unnecessary graphics. This means that using the MRKO platform, namely the electronic journal new mcko ru, as convenient as possible.

The top field is occupied by the organization’s business card, as well as information about the user who visited the portal. If there are several roles available, then it is possible to switch from one account to another, as will be convenient for the guest of this portal.

The main menu is presented in the form of pinned informer tabs. These are special modules with sections that have a visualized drop-down list as soon as the cursor is hovered over it.

When management is carried out by an administrator, it is possible to adjust the specifics academic year. In this case, this user can determine the availability of rights. The head teacher performs the following functions:

Tips on the site

The main sets of links are located on each resource page used. The main image displays the news part regarding important events, and also exact schedule lessons for the coming days. The control module has pop-up windows that inform you about a variety of useful information, like tooltips or pop-up errors.

If there is such a need, then such notifications are moved to another area of ​​the screen. Each function of the program is carefully thought out to make the process of use as easy as possible.

It is important to consider that if they use MRKO, namely the electronic journal new mcko ru, in families with several children, then the academic progress of each child in this family is demonstrated in their personal account. In the case when a student or his parent needs to regularly get quick access to a resource, then for this you can download electronic application. This will allow you to view the schedule at any convenient time.

Electronic diary services as additional support for “paper” class journals and diaries are already quite widely used in Russian schools recent years six.

The Moscow Register of Education Quality as a unified platform for collecting data on monitoring the performance of metropolitan schools began full-time job from September 1, 2014. It is he who can become a monopolist in the field of electronic academic records services in the capital.

Parents are shown advertising banners. Ads are not shown to users who log in as a student or teacher.

Schedule is filled automatically (taking into account the frequency of classes) - everything is familiar. Reporting periods: quarter, trimester, year.

Feedback from parents: The grade book records grades reviewed by parents and comments.

Different access rights for teachers, class teachers, head teachers. Subject teachers have access to the subjects in their classes, and the head teacher has access to the subjects of the entire school.

Parental control and gradebook. Source:

Reporting: is formed (academic performance, attendance) in the form of tables and graphs. Export to different formats(Excel, pdf), standard printable version.

Modular interface: grade diary, teacher's journal, lesson and homework pages - separate modules.

Various grading systems: 5 points, 10 points, 100 points, pass/fail.

Reporting periods: standard (quarters, trimesters, semesters). Reporting is generated based on academic performance and attendance; You can also generate custom reports.

: advertising on all pages of the web resource.

Feedback from parents: not provided.

Feedback from students: yes (the student can attach a file with completed homework).

This is what one version of viewing a teacher’s journal looks like. Source:

Additional services: media library of educational materials (dictionaries, art and educational literature), the ability to create a custom school website.

Most of the information on the main page of MRKO is devoted to video tutorials on how to log into the system, since it is integrated with the State Services portal. Access to the system for students and teachers is granted after the school has registered in the MRKO system and reorganized its information system. But without an account on the State Services portal, parents will not be able to see their children’s grades: they enter the diary through the website of the State Services portal.

Functionality: ???

We did not see any screenshots or information about the functionality of the diary on the official website for teachers: neither what the teacher’s journal looks like, nor how performance statistics are collected, nor how reports are filled out. Considering that Moscow teachers are being voluntarily and compulsorily transferred to using this electronic journal, it is doubly offensive not to know in advance what you will be working with for the whole year.

MCKO promised to make every effort to carry out a painless integration of already functioning platforms for electronic progress recording into its system. But so far this procedure is quite painful.

Integration of electronic diaries with MRKO the only one existing systems electronic journals receiving state support. Its implementation since 2009 was supported by national project"Education" and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the comment that the press service of gave to the project is full of calm and confidence (for now):

In order to respect the rights educational organizations for your own choice information systems, and developer organizations to freedom of competition in accordance with clause 8 of Art. 3 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on the protection of information” and Art. 15 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”, MRKO must be able to integrate with electronic railway systems third party developers, which is confirmed by the quote from I. Kalina. In this regard, Moscow schools continue to work in the system.

But Eljur has already encountered a lack of support for the integration of electronic journals with MRKO. At the same time, MCKO strongly opposes providing the possibility of integrating other electronic journals with its service. November 11, 2014, Director of the Moscow Center for Education and Culture A.I. Rytov responded to numerous requests from Elzhur to develop mechanisms for correctly uploading data from their electronic journal to MRKO:

“...we inform you that resolving issues of implementing organizational and technical algorithms for online data exchange between EZhD MRKO and other electronic journals is not within the competence of GAU MCKO.”

Which somewhat hints that MKRO is not going to support automation procedures for transferring existing data.

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