Fisherman's natural calendar. Spring - spring fishing. Spring natural phenomena

The small river Banka, in fact almost a stream in usual time, has already spilled to a river 3-7 meters wide, at depths of up to 1.5 m, and has flooded the floodplain. The pedestrian bridges across the river were also flooded. Some of them will be demolished or broken. The coastal forest has already been flooded in places. In the next 5-7 days, the river level will rise even more and the entire floodplain will be flooded. Perhaps the river level will rise to 2013 levels. This river is very small and has a drainage area mainly from the Krasnogorsk forest. In summer, the river looks like a constantly flowing stream. But even with relatively high levels water during floods is a very serious problem in the Emerald Hills residential complex. The residential complex is built on a large steep slope, and meltwater washes away the embankment that protects the foundations of 27 floors. Flood reports will be issued quite frequently in the coming days. Observation of this small river shows how violent the processes of local floods can be on such water bodies. At the same time, in big rivers everything can be very calm and predictable. In the next 5-7 days, abnormal conditions will continue in Moscow and the Moscow region. warm weather with daytime temperatures from +5 to +10. The flood will intensify. Moreover, as of March 11, 2017, the snow cover in the forest is still 30-60 cm some 5-7 km from Moscow! Further into the area in the west, northwest, north and from the region There is even more snow in the forests. The prospect is very watery. There will be especially a lot of water during local floods of small rivers and streams in the region, where there are many forested areas in their drainage area/basin.

when the first thawed patches and streams appeared in 2017 scientific diary
March 13, 2017 ... In late spring, the first summer months warmer, which is beneficial for wildlife. ... Among phenologists, spring is considered with the appearance of the first thawed patches, ... in the year. At the beginning of August, yellow foliage had not yet appeared, but by the 10th... You can expect that in May 2017 the weather will be... There are puddles, streams, and snow porridge on the city streets. ...Thawed patches appeared in the forest. 1.04 ... Wild garlic has appeared in the forest, and its first bunches are being sold in the city. 10 Jan 2017 ... Ukrainians should expect prolonged and severe cold in winter, strong summer storms and a rainy but warm autumn. from the transition of the average daily air temperature through –5 °C. The first thawed patches appear, migrate to small loan online urban forests... In phenology, the appearance of the first thawed patches is necessarily noted in order to more accurately determine the beginning of the first subseason of spring - the snowmelt subseason. March 13, 2017 ... With late spring, the first summer months are warmer, which is beneficial for wildlife. ... Among phenologists, spring is considered with the appearance of the first thawed patches, ... in the year. At the beginning of August, yellow foliage has not yet appeared, but by the 10th... You can expect that in May 2017 the weather will be... Folk calendar and Monthly for 2017, signs and sayings for each season... Rooks they arrived - they brought thawed patches.... On this day, in the early hours of the day, we went out into the street to greet Spring. ... April streams awaken the earth. .... The birch tree appeared leaves earlier than the alder - the summer will be sunny, ... There are puddles, streams, snow porridge on the city streets. ...Thawed patches appeared in the forest. 1.04 ... Wild garlic has appeared in the forest, and its first bunches are being sold in the city. March 6, 2017 ... Experts believe that with scientific point As far as I can see, not only has the snow not melted away in the capital, not even thawed patches have appeared on the ground! ... that this year it will be ahead of the usual deadlines for the disappearance and the first thawed patches will not appear by... In 2017, a new one appeared in the Law on the rules for assigning disability... January 10, 2017 ... Ukrainians should expect prolonged and severe cold in the winter, strong summer storms and rainy but warm autumn. from the transition of the average daily air temperature through –5 °C. The first thawed patches appear and migrate to urban forests...

The first month of spring is capricious and deceptive. So weather in March 2017 in Moscow will turn out to be very unstable. If you believe folk signs, then December should have predicted it: frosts and small quantity precipitation indicated a cloudy but fairly dry March. The beginning of the month will still please you with sunshine, but at night the temperature will still remain below freezing. Although Maslenitsa marks the transition to spring warmth, on the 7th, when it is celebrated, frost is expected after snow and rain in the first days of March. The women's holiday the next day, it seems, will not be overshadowed by clouds covering the sky - the smiles of lovely ladies, whom men will congratulate, will make it bright and joyful.

No matter what anyone says, it still smells like spring in March. This is that unique freshness that anticipates the proximity of warmth and prosperity, in contrast to the dull dampness of autumn and the depressing slush of winter. True, real warmth is a long way off, but it is ahead!

Snow will fall more than once. It will get a little warmer and will be replaced by rain. Only eight days will be truly snowy and rainy. Much more trouble will bring cold piercing winds that will blow from the north. The air temperature at night in the first half of the month will range from -5 to 0°C, then it will begin to rise very slowly and at the end of March you can expect +2°C. During the day from the 1st to the 15th, the warming will seem almost imperceptible - from -2 to +4°C, and in the second half the air can warm up to +8°C. But the warmth, as was said, is not constant in March, and even in last days Snow will fall every now and then: winter is very reluctant to give way to spring. Daylight hours will increase and reach 13 hours. Here and there in squares and parks, the first timid green grass will appear in thawed areas, bird voices will sound louder, willows will turn silver, and all these are harbingers of the coming spring.

Folk signs. Weather in Russia

In a metropolis, weather signs are unclear - how can you see them through the smog or hear them in the noise of cars? They are more visible in the fields, heard in the forests, where nothing prevents Mother Nature from speaking to those who love her, on special language. Certainly, weather forecast in March 2017 in Russia cannot be the same throughout all its expanses. By the middle of the month, southerners will be able to enjoy not only the emerald grass, but also the first flowers, and northerners best case scenario They'll be waiting at the end of April. In the middle zone, summer is already judged on the 16th: the clearer and warmer the day turns out to be, the warmer summer is expected.

In the first days of March, rooks and starlings flock to the south of the country, and sometimes the trills of larks are heard. But it is not they who promise warmth, but the clear-voiced titmouses. Nature wakes up and renews itself - slowly, as if reluctantly, but more and more confidently. If on one of the warm days a hives butterfly suddenly flashes by, it means that the sun’s rays have warmed both the earth and the tree trunks more deeply, along which the life-giving juices rise to the very tops of the heads. On Alexey (30th), rapid flows of water from the mountains mean the onset of truly warm days, and swans will fly in - bringing spring on white wings.

When will Spring come?
Signs and signs of spring

SPRING, the season that lasts in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth from the moment of the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21) to the summer solstice (June 21 or 22).

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

SPRING is a transitional season, when there is a noticeable increase in daylight hours, the ambient temperature rises and the natural activity of living beings and plants intensifies.

"Wikipedia." Ed. from 03/20/2012

SPRING is when you can launch boats in the stream!

"Memories from childhood..."

Here: in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, Spring comes 7 times!

Calendar spring - March 1st according to the current current date Gregorian calendar and lasts three spring months March, April and May. - This Once.

Calendar spring according to the old style- begins on March 14 according to the current calendar and ends on June 14. - This Two.

Astronomical spring(according to the Sun): - occurs on the Spring Equinox Day 20 (this year, 2013) or March 21.- This Three.

Meteorological spring- occurs when the actual average daily temperature exceeds 0°C.- This Four.

Climate spring - From time to time, climatologists themselves reassign the day of the arrival of spring: the day when the climatic norm of the average daily temperature rises above 0°C. In Moscow, climate spring begins on March 27 - This Five.

Since ancient times in Rus', people believed that spring comes when the rooks arrive(folk sign) - This Six.

Phenological spring- a rather vague concept, in the sense that to count its beginning, various annually recurring natural phenomena, for example: the appearance of icicles on the roofs of unheated premises (barn, gazebo, etc.), the appearance of the first spring (non-freezing at night) streams, etc. Everyone can choose a sign of the beginning of Spring to their liking. - This Seven.

Spring is usually divided into three periods: pre-spring, real spring, pre-flight (flight).

Pre-spring. Beginning of spring

Spring begins with the arrival of rooks. They arrive when the snow is already melting intensively. This period, called pre-spring, lasts until the snow melts. At this time, concessions to winter are still possible - the average daily temperature may drop below zero.

Real spring

Real spring comes when all the snow melts. Nature awakens, the grass begins to fill with an emerald shine, the buds swell and bloom on the trees, delighting us with the first soft green leaves... This period usually ends with the last return of cold weather, which comes during the flowering of bird cherry, after which the preflight (flight) begins.


The pre-year period begins immediately after the “Cheremukhovyh cold”, but I can’t say how it ends, when they tried to convey this simple wisdom, everything was already clear: “We study in the spring, and summer is when the holidays begin.” And now, alas, there is no one to ask...
Now the children themselves are starting to ask...
Maybe one of the readers can tell me?


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What is spring like?

After dividing spring into periods, we can talk in detail about what spring is like. Most often they talk about early or late spring, then about protracted or friendly, gloomy or sunny, but very rarely, especially in lately, about cold spring. All subsequent climatic examples will be given for middle zone Russia.

Early spring(here we mean not a poetic synonym for pre-spring, but a climatic definition) - this is spring, in which pre-spring occurs earlier than usual; in Moscow and the Moscow region, spring is considered early if intensive snow melting began before the first half of March.

Late spring- this, accordingly, is spring, in which the pre-spring occurs earlier than usual; in the Moscow region, spring is considered late if the pre-spring began in April.

I will also say about friendly spring - the remaining definitions, I believe, are intuitively clear without additional clarification.

Friendly Spring is considered to be the period in which the pre-spring period lasts no more than 10 days.

Seosnews 9

Spring. 2017 Moscow.

24.01.2017 the coming spring will not be late; rather, spring will even be early, but protracted; warm weather will take a long time to set in, and, unfortunately, there will be very few sunny and later hot days this spring. Appreciate sunny days: as soon as the sun is shining, be sure to get some fresh air.

Facts will be accepted about the weather in the spring of 2017.

January 24, 2017. Fedosy Vesnyak Day. “It’s warm in Fedosia - it’s like early spring.” It’s warm in Moscow on this day: the air has warmed up to +1°C. This weather portends early spring...

06 February 2017. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring.” It's frosty and sunny in Moscow this morning! Wonderful day!
Aksinya - clear! Well, perhaps spring will not be gloomy at all? - Good weather it won't hurt anyone!

February 15, 2017.Candlemas- “At Candlemas there is snow - there’s rain in the spring”, “What is the weather at Candlemas, so will spring.” At Candlemas in Moscow it snowed only in the early morning, then the sun began to peek through the clouds more and more often... - Towards a dry and sunny spring !

March 09, 2017. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.”
- There was no snow when we got there...

March 15, 2017. Fedot Vetronos."Fedot is evil - Don't be in April with grass!"
And Fedot turned out to be the one! - Not angry, sunny, +9°C!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2017

March 01, 2017 - calendar Spring.(step 1)

March 14, 2017 - the arrival of Spring according to the old calendar (March 1 according to the old calendar)(step 2)

March 20 - March 20, 2017 1:28 pm Moscow time will come astronomical Spring(moment of passage of the orbital point of the vernal equinox of the Earth- step 3).

March 27, 2017 Spring(long-term average daily temperature exceeds 0°C degrees - step 4)

March-April 2017. The day when all the winter snow grows in Moscow - real spring will come (step 5).

March-April 2017. The day when all the ice on the pond melts (step 6).

Spring. 2016 Moscow. (forecast based on weather signs)

11.01.16 According to the signs of Anna the Winter Guide and the Intercession, it turns out thatthe coming spring will be late, warm weather will take a long time to set in, but after the warmth settles in, this spring may end with unusually hot days.

Facts about the weather in spring.

January 24. Fedosy Vesnyak Day. “It’s warm in Fedosia - it’s like early spring.” It was not warm at all in Moscow that day: during the day the air warmed up only to -12.5°C. This weather confirms the preliminary forecast - early spring it won't...

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring.”
On February 6 in Moscow it was cloudy, there was light snow at times, the air temperature in the morning was -1°C, in the afternoon it reached 0°C and began to drop again, and there was sleet and rain. This weather indicates that spring in Moscow will be mostly cloudy and protracted: “Spring will not be red.”

February 15.Candlemas- “There is snow on Candlemas - there will be rain in the spring”, “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.”
On Candlemas in Moscow the weather turned out to be completely gloomy and cloudy +3°C, with light snow in the morning and then rain. I don’t even want to write about what kind of spring we should expect... But everyone already understands.

- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.” There was no precipitation on Obretenye in Moscow; in the evening the sun even appeared - which means that even if snow falls again, it still won’t last long.

March 15. Fedot Vetronos It was a clear, windless day on Fedot. Fedot in Moscow turned out to be not evil - be in April with grass!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2016

In Moscow on the first day of spring it is cloudy, without precipitation, relatively mild winter weather: from -8 to -1 degrees. (step 1)

On this day in Moscow it is partly cloudy, relatively cold - the temperature is from -2 to +2 degrees. (step 2)

March 20 - March 20, 2016 at 07:30 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring( - step 3).

March 27- the day when climate control comes to Moscow Spring daily temperature exceeds 0 degrees - step 4)

April 04. On the night of April 3-4, all the winter snow melted in Moscow - real spring has come (step 5).

April 04. In the evening of 11 there was not a single piece of ice left on the pond, although just yesterday floating ice occupied a third of the pond (step 6).

Meteorological spring came quite early this year - on March 27 (simultaneously with climatic spring, despite the late Easter). Unfortunately, this year it was not possible to reliably determine the time of arrival of the rooks - even on the way to the dacha, the farm was closed and they did not appear nearby - there was nothing to profit from...

Spring. 2015 Moscow. (forecast based on weather signs)

01/09/15 The thunderstorm that occurred on Anna Winter Order most likely indicates that the spring of 2015 will begin early with a strong thaw, but the arrival of real warmth (real spring) will be delayed until April, i.e. It looks like the coming spring will be early but protracted.

Facts about the weather in spring.

January 24 V Fedosy Vesnyak Day it was warm in Moscow maximum temperature- 0°C, average daily temperature -1.5°C with normal temperature - 9.7°C. It turns out that the possibility of an early onset of spring is still confirmed(see Signs about the weather)

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. Like Aksinya, so is spring.” In Moscow, the morning of this day turned out to be cloudy, but by noon the clouds began to clear, the sun came out. During the day the clouds became less and less and by night it cleared up completely. Precipitation on this day was only indicated by light snow. This weather suggests that although spring in Moscow may begin early, the period of cloudy and slushy weather will last almost until mid-spring, but then it will get down to business and for the most part its second half will be warm and dry.

February 15.Candlemas- “There is snow on Candlemas - there will be rain in the spring”, “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.” On this day in Moscow in the morning it was relatively warm and cloudy, the air temperature was from -2 to -1°C, weak west wind, snow at times, during the day it begins to clear, while the temperature drops to -4°C, the wind is northwest then north with gusts up to 12 m/s, in the evening the temperature continues to drop from -4 to -8°C, clear, wind from the north gusts up to 15 m/s.
Such weather may mean that in the spring we will have a rather warm and not very sunny March and April, rich in precipitation, and May as a whole will be noticeably warmer than normal, but the weather will be unstable and windy at first, and hot, dry weather will set in at the end of May.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- When you are waiting for spring, the main thing is that it doesn’t snow that day: “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.” On Obretenye in Moscow in 2015 there was no snow...

March 15 - Fedot Vetronos. Fedot turned out to be not evil this year - be in April with grass!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2015

March 01 - calendar Spring. In Moscow on the first day of spring it is relatively warm - as much as +2 degrees! It’s true that it’s cloudy and sometimes it’s drizzling, but the mood is Spring! (step 1)

March 14 - the arrival of Spring according to the old calendar (March 1 according to the old calendar) On this day in Moscow it is warm and sunny - 9 degrees! In the next 4 days, absolute temperature records of all time were set! (step 2)

March 21 - 03/21/15 at 01:45 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(the orbital point of the Earth's vernal equinox has passed- step 3).

07 April- finally (step 4)

08 April. By evening all the winter snow had melted - real spring has come (step 5).

April 14- the last ice floe on the pond melted (step 6).

April 21 - The day before (04/20/15) the temperature dropped sharply to -2.2°C and snow fell; the average daily temperature was -0.2°C and only rose the next day - (step 7)

Spring. 2014 Moscow. (forecast by signs)

12/07/13 So far there are no direct signs about what the spring of 2014 will be like, but indirect ones (it seems that the signs that the winter will be “classical”, i.e. close to the climate norm, are beginning to be justified) we can assume that the coming spring will not be late.

The first sign about the weather in spring will be received in Fedosy Vesnyak Day (24.01.14).

Facts about the weather. Spring 2014.

January 24 V Fedosy Vesnyak Day The thermometer could only rise to -11.6°C - the average daily temperature was -15.5°C, while the norm was 9.7°C. It turns out that (see Signs about the weather)

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. Like Aksinya, so is spring.” In Moscow, “Aksinya was clear!” - Early in the morning the clouds that had covered the sky all night cleared and the weather remained clear all day, only in the late evening the sky became hazy. This weather suggests that spring in Moscow, although it will come with a slight delay, will be friendly, warm and dry.

February 15.Candlemas- “At Candlemas the starry sky means late spring,” “What is the weather at Candlemas, such will be the spring.” There was no starry sky at Candlemas. On this day in Moscow from morning to evening it was warm and cloudy, air temperature +2 - +3°C, weak southwest wind, calm at times, in the evening it began to drizzle, ending with light rain and snow.
These data can be interpreted as follows: in the spring we will have quite warm and not very sunny March and April, but not rich in precipitation, and May as a whole will be slightly warmer than normal, but the precipitation will correspond to the entire spring.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.” There was no precipitation on Obretenye in Moscow, which means that even if there is still snow, it will not last long.

March 15. Fedot Vetronos- On this day, Fedot, indeed, brought a gusty wind (11-12 m.s.) to Moscow. According to the saying: “Fedot is evil - do not be (in March according to the old style) with grass.” - it seems that nature has in store for this There will be a few unpleasant surprises this spring.

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2014

March 01 - calendar Spring. Beautiful clear day! Temperature at night -5°C; during the day +2°C; a weak south, south-east wind, and only 1 cm of snow remained, and even then, mostly not snow, but ice.

March 20, 2014 at 15:02 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(the orbital point of the Earth's vernal equinox has passed).

March 22 - The rooks have arrived! Spring has arrived! By evening all the winter snow had melted - real spring has come .

April 05 - meteorological spring has arrived (average daily temperature finally exceeded zero). The snow that fell in April has melted.

07 April- water from melted snow simply soaked into the ground - no streams .

April 27 - Cherry trees have bloomed in Moscow.

April 29 - swallows have arrived .

Spring. 2013 Moscow. (forecast by signs)

01/12/2013 According to popular superstitions, it turns out that this spring will be similar to the springs of the 70s and 80s - March will be almost winter month. Real spring will begin in the second ten days of April. In March and the first half of April, cloudy weather with precipitation will prevail. But May will be warm and dry, but in the first half it can also “please” with returning cold weather (this forecast will still be clarified based on later signs).

Facts about the weather. Spring 2013

January 25. According to weather signs in Fedosy Vesnyak Day(January 24 - average daily temperature -10.2°C) it turns out that there will be no early spring in Moscow(see Signs about the weather)

February 06. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring” - on this day in Moscow there was heavy snow in the morning, and then until the end The day was cloudy and slushy - +1. This suggests that the first half of spring will be dominated by cloudy weather with precipitation.

February 15. Candlemas- “What is the weather on Candlemas, such is the spring.” On this day in Moscow in the morning it was cold and cloudy, the temperature gradually increased from -8 to -5°C, variable northeast, weak north wind, clears in the afternoon for several hours of cloudless sky, maximum temperature -2.3°C, weak north wind, then calm, in the evening - partly cloudy, calm, getting colder.
These data can be interpreted as follows: in the spring we will have a rather cold March and the beginning of April with mostly cloudy weather, in the second half of April it will be warm and sunny until the beginning of May, and May as a whole will be cool, but not very rainy - will prevail partly cloudy.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If snow (falls) on Obretenye, then trample it until April (spring will drag on).” There was no precipitation in Moscow on Obretenye, which means that by April 14 (01.04 old style) almost all the snow will have melted - this means that there will be at least Spring and late, but friendly.

March 13. Vasily Teply (Kapelnik)- On Vasily, from the thawed patches around the trees, they determine: “Steep edges - spring is friendly.” - It turned out to be not easy to find trees with undisturbed snow in Moscow. Found. Interesting detail: in a white birch the circle is small, almost close to the trunk, and in a thick old linden it moves half a meter away from the trunk, but the edges of all of them are steep, going vertically down. Spring will be friendly.

March 15. Fedot Vetronos:"Fedot is evil - not to be (in March according to old style) with grass." (If there is bad weather or wind, then spring will be delayed, and the first fresh grass will appear only in April - by April 14 in our time modern calendar) . In the old days they said about the weather that happened in Moscow on March 15: “Fedot came, but not the same one!” - gusty winds and 25 mm of precipitation per day. But in the end - nothing new, it’s already clear that spring will be late...

April 1 Over the weekend I found the following weather data for April: In the old days, the most recent annual frosts were Blagoveshchensk and they fell at the end of March Julian calendar- according to the modern calendar, their peak falls on April 7. Nowadays they almost never happen, otherwise everyone would know about them (everyone knows the Epiphany frosts), but this spring is such that anything can happen... I’ll make an amendment to the temperature graph for the Annunciation frosts (light green line), we’ll see. what will happen...
By the way, despite the fact that we are all tired of waiting for spring, these cold weather are needed to stop the melting of snow, otherwise, given how much snow has accumulated, spring flood could become an "all-Russian flood"

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2013

March 20 at 15:02 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(The earth has passed the vernal equinox, from now on the day is longer than the night). But the weather so far is such that it doesn’t even smell like spring: the temperature at night is -10°C; during the day -5°C; north wind; snowdrifts 60 cm high!

March 26 - the rooks have arrived: a large flock of rooks sat down to rest on a huge old poplar right in front of our windows - Spring has arrived! (the pre-spring has arrived).

March 27 the date set by meteorologists has arrived climatic Spring(The average daily temperature on this day, alas, is -8°C).

March 31 meteorological winter has ended and has come meteorological Spring(the average daily temperature on that day exceeded 0°C and never fell below this level again).

April 05 streams stopped freezing at night. But my “test stream” appeared only today - the mass of snow accumulated over the winter, at first, held the melt water within itself. I took a video of the stream that just appeared from my phone, last year’s video was also preserved there - the comparison was simply amazing... I invite you to take a look at the video:

Video. Spring impromptu from the phone. 04/05/2013. Moscow, pond on Vyazemskaya, test stream. Sounds of Spring.

07.04.2013. Planned to reshoot the episode from April 5th in more high quality, and so that everything is the same as last year’s recording.
Alas, in the morning it was snowing and raining, and the stream was barely flowing, but still flowing! And this despite the sub-zero temperature at night! In general, the picture, if it has changed, is in the sense of the mood for spring, only in the worst side- decided to leave everything as it is... (According to official weather data, the height snow cover decreased during this time from 48 to 45 cm).

April 17 at the meteorological site of the All-Russian Exhibition Center the snow has completely melted - the real spring.

April 24- the first spring thunder (thunderstorm).

April 30- the swallows have arrived.

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2012

March 28- rooks arrived (they definitely saw them), in an arc version on March 25 (it is possible that they were rooks - from afar, unreliable) - spring has come ( pre-spring).

April 2- Streams stopped freezing at night.

April 14- the snow has melted - it has arrived real spring.

April 22- first thunderstorm.

April 28 +26.3°C(in fact, there is an element of deceit in our calculation of time, because this is leap year and, in theory, corresponding ordinary years date - April 29).

April 29- temperature record (maximum) for this date for the entire observation period - +28.9°C(nothing to complain about here, it really is a temperature record!)

May 7- the swallows have arrived.

Spring is many people's favorite season, and this is not surprising. After the gray and dull landscapes outside the window, cold and short days, it’s so nice to meet the bright warm sun, hear the murmur of streams, see the green colors of nature. Since ancient times in Rus', this season was considered the beginning of the new year. The earth woke up, plowing began, and thus a new life cycle. Therefore, in the old days, our ancestors constantly monitored nature.

Based on their observations, they drew conclusions about what the weather would be like and what to expect from it. Now few people pay attention to this and rather treat such signs as folklore, and more and more people are looking for professional forecasts on the Internet special services. And nature is no longer the same. She throws surprises at us more and more often, and contradicts herself: either there is snow in May, or the trees bloom in winter. Human nature She is so structured that she cannot live only for today. She needs to predict and know what to expect next, in the near future, which is why we love to be interested in spring from the beginning of winter - and so on all year round.

This article is no exception. And although now is not the beginning, but rather the end of winter, we are looking forward to the appearance of warm sun rays, drops, birds pipes and, of course, the first flowers. I want to quickly take off my hats, boots, and warm clothes. So what will spring 2017 bring us? What will it be like?

What the weather forecasters say

Since many factors influence the establishment of weather conditions, it is impossible to say this with an absolute guarantee. Time in in this case also plays a role and the closer the season we are interested in approaches, the more accurately we can say about it. On at the moment experts say that the month of March is expected to be cold, and winter will not fold its powers soon. Southern part countries will meet spring first. And the date will take place closer to the middle of the month, when the thermometer rises to 15 degrees, which will become constant by the end of the month.

In the northern part of the country the situation is exactly the opposite. The air temperature in this region will not rise even to zero. Here winter will remain in full force for another month.

As for the center of Russia, in this part of the country the spring season, as expected, will begin to arrive gradually. Initially, the temperature will remain below zero, but closer to the middle of the month the thermometer will begin to rise and at the end of March, residents of the center will be able to safely welcome the coming spring. Although frosts will still be possible at night. As for precipitation, Russians need to be prepared for snowfall and rain throughout March.

Only with the arrival of April will the northerners begin to welcome spring. It is in this month that the thermometers will rise, and by the end of the month they will reach a warm ten degrees, although snow can be expected in the early days. By the end of the month, the central and southern parts of the country should prepare umbrellas to meet the warm spring rain. Air temperatures in these regions will warm up from 15 to 18 degrees.

May will come into its own on time, as it should be, a harbinger of summer. And although many warm bright days are expected sunny days, you should not be surprised by unexpected rain, thunder and lightning, as these are features of the May weather. And although the whole month is quite warm and precedes the hot summer, in the central and northern parts of Russia there may be night frosts or strong drops in temperature.

It must be remembered that this meteorological forecast is not final. The weather, like a woman, loves to be unpredictable and present many surprises. So things could still change.

What do folk experts say?

What about the people's experts? What are they saying about spring 2017? For example, everyone’s favorite hedgehog, Button, claims that spring will be early and warm, although this decision raised some doubts in her. But if you believe the science of our ancestors, then the first warm season will not delay its arrival, but despite this, the weather in March is not expected to be spring at all: dank and unpleasant. And only in April the snow and ice will begin to melt intensively, but the weather will be changeable and may force residents of the central and northern parts to dress for a short time in warm jackets. But May will delight you with warm and already quite summer air.

Now, knowing the predictions of all existing weather forecasters, you can focus on the weather throughout Russia and the spring of 2017 as a whole, and also, just for fun, check who was right. But we should not forget that the country is very large and is located in unequal geographical and climatic conditions, therefore, the arrival of spring for residents of its different parts will come in different times. Some Russians will greet it early with the first warm rays of March, while for others spring will be late with the first green grass at the beginning of summer. And so that weather conditions did not affect your mood, remember everyone famous song, which says: “nature has no bad weather. Every weather is a blessing!”

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