A direct student of the school of magic is everything. Names of wizards: list, rating, characteristics of their magic, negative and positive characters and amount of mana

In the 21st century, magic was able to be systematically studied and used as a technical science. In 2030, global cooling began in the world, causing food supplies to decrease greatly. at a fast pace and wars began for the possession of these resources. Over time, small but frequent outbreaks of hostilities grew into a global Third World War as a result of which the world's population decreased to 3 billion people. And under these conditions, the race to improve magicians and their abilities began.

Tatsuya Shiba - main character in this anime, acting as a mediocre (unlucky) student, was born into a family of respected and very powerful magicians of the Yotsuba clan. In order to get at least some benefit from such a worthless son, his mother Miya Shiba, with the help of forbidden magic, was able to correct the situation, but not without side effects consisting in the fact that Shiba Tatsuya stopped feeling anything emotionally, except for his sister Miyuki. Over time, he hopes to learn more about magic and build a weapon that can withstand his mother's power.

Miyuki Shiba is Tatsuya's sister, very talented in magic, is a contender for the post of head of the Yotsuba family, loves her brother very much and would like to receive much more than simple brotherly love.

At the academy of magic, where Tatsuya and Miyuki enter, the magicians are divided into weeds and flowers, despite the fact that the very fact that the student was able to enter such prestigious establishment, already makes him an elite magician. Despite the fact that Tatsuya became a weed, unlike his sister Miyuki, who became a flower, the main character is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance, because he can instantly determine the type of magic and neutralize it, but in battles he cannot equals.

Episode 1 - "Admission. Part One"

And so Miyuki and Tatsuya Shiba entered high school magic at the state university. The selection was difficult, but they did it, although they ended up in different groups. My sister became a flower, and my brother became a weed. Because of this, they began to have problems with communication. Almost all the flowers were arrogant and did not even want to sit at the same table with the weeds. They constantly invited Miyuki with them in order to prevent her from communicating with her brother, who was a weed. It even came to a fight. Tatsuya's classmates were very unhappy with this situation and tried to solve the problem with brute force. The president of the student council, Saigu Samayumi, and the head of the disciplinary committee, Watanaba Mari, intervened in the booth in time. The problem was resolved and there were no casualties.

Episode 2 - "Admission. Part two"

Thanks to Tatsuya, the conflict with the “flower” ended without any punishment from the disciplinary committee. The other two students from the first league asked Tatsuya for forgiveness and even wanted to spend time with him. The next day, Saigu Samayumi invited them to the student council tomorrow for a conversation. There they decided to offer Miyuki a position on the council as the most gifted first-class student. She agreed and a place was found for Tatsuya on the disciplinary committee, but Vice President Gyoba Hatori was against the weed having a position on the student council. To resolve the dispute, Shiba challenged him to a duel and won with complete defeat.

Episode 3 - "Admission. Part Three"

Tatsuya spoke in detail about how he was able to defeat Hatori. I just used my own analytical skills, plus ninjutsu, which the master teaches him. After such a defeat, there was no longer any doubt that Shiba was suitable for this position. But he himself didn’t really want this, because he was a weed, and he was also a first-year member of the student council. This completely breaks all the foundations that have developed in this school. His first day on patrol wasn't without some real work. he had to get involved in a showdown between the two clubs. The leader of one of them used magic against the rules, and the rest of the members saw that Tatsuya was a weed and also attacked him. But Tatsuya is a great guy, he carried them all out and interested some people.

Episode 4 - "Admission. Part Four"

Tatsuya recounts the details of the incident between Mibu and Kiriharu. After listening to the advice, he decided that Mibu was innocent. After graduation school day Tatsuya decided to tell his new friends about the secret of his power and why he couldn't reveal it to everyone. His secret can cause chaos among people and unrest. The next day, an unsuccessful attack was attempted on Tatsuya, where he noticed an unusual bracelet on the attacker’s hand... During school council Tatsuya talks about his suspicion of a conspiracy on the part of the Blanche organization. After walking with his sister along the corridor, he meets Mibu, who wants to thank him and invites him to a cafe, in which Tatsuya recognizes true goal- an attempt to lure him into a group opposing the “first” class.

The names of wizards are familiar to many people. After all, many books have been written about them and shown large number films. Every person can be interested in both positive and negative heroes. Let's try to find out more about them.

It should be noted that wizards can be both good and evil. Each character has its own character. And at the same time, everyone is united by features that are inherent ordinary people. Let's start looking at the names of wizards.

List of famous magicians

The names of magicians and wizards are known to many people who are interested in science fiction. They can be found in works of art, in TV series and films, as well as in cartoons. Let's take a look at a short list compiled by the famous writer Joanna Rowling. From it we will consider the main wizards and in the future we will get to know some of them better.

Merlin will be the first here. This is one of the most famous and great wizards. A lot has really been written about him. He is a character who is unlikely to ever be forgotten in the magical world.

You can also see Mervyn the Evil here. This is a dark magician. He is famous for his spells.

The creator of the Golden Snitch, Bowman Wright, is also mentioned. In addition, he brought his own rules to the game.

Of course, there are other magicians on the list as well. It is impossible not to mention Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. But we will learn more about them later.

Names of wizards from books

Today there are many different magicians in literature. The fantasy genre is considered especially developed. The names of wizards appear here all the time. There are several wizards who deserve our attention. For example, the most famous magician is Albus Dumbledore. This one from famous work"Harry Potter." He is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizards and Wizards.

This character is positive. He is one of the kindest, fairest and smartest magicians. At the same time, he tries to fight all the evil magicians and teach his students to go the right way. Despite the fact that he has reached old age, he continues to work at Hogwarts School and fulfill his duties.

It's impossible not to mention Harry Potter. This wizard is known throughout the world. He is also called The Boy Who Lived. Of course, it cannot be said that he is the most powerful magician, but the fact that he is brave cannot be denied. Throughout the books, he fights Voldemort.

Another famous wizard is Merlin. He was first mentioned as a prophet. After this they began to write about him as an assistant to King Arthur. Moreover, he was always on his side, regardless of the correctness of his decisions.

Also a famous magician is Pag. He stayed in literature longer than anyone else. It is interesting that this character was chosen by magicians against his will. At the end of his journey, he became the most powerful wizard in Midkemia.

Wizard rating

In fifth place is Grindelwald. This is who was one of the most powerful dark magicians before the appearance of Voldemort. At the same time, he was defeated by Albus Dumbledore, and he lived in prison for the rest of his life.

In fourth place is Professor McGonagall. She is the Head of Gryffindor House and the next Headmaster of Hogwarts. Interestingly, she is capable of becoming a cat.

In third place is Severus Snape. This character is neither a dark nor a light magician. This is what makes him so interesting. He also prepared a large number of potions during his life.

In second place is the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore. Much has already been said about him. But the first place, according to the rating, is occupied by the evil wizard - Voldemort.

The greatest magicians

Mages can also have different popularity. The most famous of them have great strength and power in magical world. Some have already been reviewed. Therefore, we will describe those that were not previously indicated.

The first name of the great wizards will be He lives in a world of people who know absolutely nothing about the existence of magicians and wizards. Therefore, watching such a character and his development is even more interesting.

Another great magician is Doctor Strange. By profession he is a surgeon. He was in a serious accident, as a result of which his hands were disfigured. After this incident, he began to look for all kinds of methods that would help him regain his health. As a result, he decided to start practicing magic, and this led him to great discoveries.

The next great magician is Elminster Omar. This is a very wise wizard who studied with the famous Mystra. After all the trials he had to endure, he deserved honor and respect. All magicians, wizards and even villains know him.

Mage from "The Lord of the Rings"

It is also impossible not to mention the famous wizard from The Lord of the Rings, Gandelf. This wise and kind wizard constantly helped the hobbits on their difficult path. We can say that this is the second famous magician after Merlin.

Evil wizards

Wizards can be not only good, but also evil. They can be found both in literary works and in films. Good always fights evil.

It will be interesting for every person to find out the names of evil wizards. Despite the fact that these are negative characters, they are no less amazing.

All fans of "Harry Potter" definitely know about such a character as Voldemort. Almost all readers are familiar with this evil magician. From the very first novel, you could learn a lot about this character. Moreover, it is clear that he tried to seize power and enslave all the wizards. And if he succeeded, then chaos and fear would reign in the world.

It is worth noting that this wizard practically achieved immortality. AND long time he was considered invincible.

We should also remember such a wizard as Raistlin Majer. It is described in the Saga of the Spear. At the same time, the author endowed him with such characteristics as cynicism, selfishness, ambition and contempt for other people. Therefore, he can also be classified as a negative character.

If we talk about the works of Stephen King, then the Scarlet King is there. This is an evil wizard who opposes light and order. Much has been written about him both in this work and in other books by the author.

Magicians from fairy tales

Wizards can also be in fairy tales. This is where there are all sorts of different characters. Let's look at some of them.

Even children know the names of wizards from fairy tales. From a very young age, they heard interpretations from their parents or watched on TV famous fairy tales. And of course, there were evil wizards there.

In the children's fairy tale "Cinderella" there is a good fairy. She should also be considered a good magician.

In the fairy tale "The Wizard" Emerald City"Stella appears. This is a kind sorceress who helped the main characters in the work.

For example, in the work “A Thousand and One Nights” an evil wizard from the Maghreb was described. He is trying to stop Aladdin and his Genie. Therefore, this is a negative character.

If we classify The Chronicles of Narnia as a fairy tale, then we can say that there are many magical heroes. For example, the lion Aslan.

As you can see, fairy tales also contain a large number of magicians, mystical creatures and wizards.


Finding out the names of wizards should be interesting to every person. This information will be especially useful for those who are interested in various literary works, films and fairy tales. After all, it always describes the confrontation between good and evil forces. This means there is always a place for magic and enchantment.

As you can see, magicians can be both good and evil. However, this does not affect their power.

Each famous wizard pursued his own goals. Some wanted to help and live in harmony with the world, while others, on the contrary, wanted to enslave everyone and come to power. A similar situation can be observed in the real world.

Just as the wizards themselves are different, so is their magic. Some people use it for good, while others, on the contrary, only ruin everything. In any case, every person needs to know the names of wizard-heroes.

Episode 1 - "Admission. Part One"

And so Miyuki and Tatsuya Shiba entered the high school of magic at the state university. The selection was difficult, but they did it, although they ended up in different groups. My sister became a flower, and my brother became a weed. Because of this, they began to have problems with communication. Almost all the flowers were arrogant and did not even want to sit at the same table with the weeds. They constantly invited Miyuki with them in order to prevent her from communicating with her brother, who was a weed. It even came to a fight. Tatsuya's classmates were very unhappy with this situation and tried to solve the problem with brute force. The president of the student council, Saigu Samayumi, and the head of the disciplinary committee, Watanaba Mari, intervened in the booth in time. The problem was resolved and there were no casualties.

Episode 2 - "Admission. Part two"

Thanks to Tatsuya, the conflict with the “flower” ended without any punishment from the disciplinary committee. The other two students from the first league asked Tatsuya for forgiveness and even wanted to spend time with him. The next day, Saigu Samayumi invited them to the student council tomorrow for a conversation. There they decided to offer Miyuki a position on the council as the most gifted first-class student. She agreed and a place was found for Tatsuya on the disciplinary committee, but Vice President Gyoba Hatori was against the weed having a position on the student council. To resolve the dispute, Shiba challenged him to a duel and won with complete defeat.

Episode 3 - "Admission. Part Three"

Tatsuya spoke in detail about how he was able to defeat Hatori. All he did was use his analytical abilities, plus ninjutsu, which the master teaches him. After such a defeat, there was no longer any doubt that Shiba was suitable for this position. But he himself didn’t really want this, because he was a weed, and he was also a first-year member of the student council. This completely breaks all the foundations that have developed in this school. His first day on patrol wasn't without some real work. he had to get involved in a showdown between the two clubs. The leader of one of them used magic against the rules, and the rest of the members saw that Tatsuya was a weed and also attacked him. But Tatsuya is a great guy, he carried them all out and interested some people.

Episode 4 - "Admission. Part Four"

Tatsuya recounts the details of the incident between Mibu and Kiriharu. After listening to the advice, he decided that Mibu was innocent. After the end of the school day, Tatsuya decided to tell his new friends about the secret of his power and why he couldn't reveal it to everyone. His secret can cause chaos among people and unrest. The next day, Tatsuya was attacked in an unsuccessful attempt, where he noticed an unusual bracelet on the attacker's hand... During the student council, Tatsuya talks about his assumption of a conspiracy on the part of the Blanche organization. After walking with his sister along the corridor, he meets Mibu, who wants to thank him and invites him to a cafe, in which Tatsuya learns the true goal - an attempt to lure him into a group opposing the “first” class.

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