What came out before Pinocchio or Pinocchio? The story of a fairy tale

While entertaining children in the image of Pinocchio, I thought about the most significant part of his body...
Right. This is the nose.))
Everyone probably knows that there is a legendary misconception that the size of the male reproductive organ is directly proportional to the size of the nose of a given individual.
Here I smiled at Alexei Tolstoy, and winked at Carlo Collodi...)

Many people know the fact that initially all fairy tales written for children contain a rather rigid basis. Children perceive them without any meaning, but we, adults, can see in fairy tales scenes of violence, murder, rape, sadism, all kinds of humiliation and bullying, and all because fairy tales are not written by adult children. And adults have this peculiarity - to put sub-meanings into a fairy tale (by chance or on purpose - it doesn’t matter). I can use the bright Daniil Kharms as an example (if you’ve read it, you’ll understand me).
olesya3906 in her revealing post about the famous fairy tales of Charles Perrault, she once again proved this)

But don’t be alarmed - Tolstoy’s fairy tale “Pinocchio” based on Collodi’s fairy tale “Pinnochio” is not too cruel (but what can we do, those were not the same times, not Charlesperre’s).
I was interested in other facts and stories of a curious and mischievous long-nosed boy named Pinocchio...

Let's start with the origins, that is, with Carlo Collodi:

Carlo Collodi(Italian: Carlo Collodi, real name Carlo Lorenzini; 1826-1890) - Italian writer and journalist, best known for his children's tale The Adventures of Pinocchio: The Story of the Wooden Doll (Italian: “Le avventure di Pinocchio: storia di un burattino”). The writer took the pseudonym Collodi in 1856 after the name of the village, Collodi, in Tuscany, where his mother, Angela Orzali, was born.

Collodi's tale is called “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of a wooden doll" (Italian. "Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia d"un burattino" )
This is where Tolstoy got the name for his hero.
By the way, Pinocchio is translated from Italian. Means puppet, clown, rag doll with a wooden head.
And even more: Burattino is a minor mask character in the Italian Commedia dell'Arte, one of the zanni; a rejected lover, a kind, sentimental, but stupid and weak-willed servant; jester Burattino did not have much popularity on stage and migrated to puppet theater, where he became so famous that by the end of the 16th century. This is what they began to call all dolls on strings.

Question to answer: why did Papa Carlo name the wooden boy Pinocchio? Okay, don't worry)
“What should I call her?” Carlo thought. “I’ll call her Buratino. This name will bring me happiness. I knew one family - they were all called Buratino: the father was Buratino, the mother was Buratino, the children were also Buratino... All of them lived cheerfully and carefree..."

Between Pinocchio's nose and Pinocchio's nose there are two fundamental differences: Pinocchio’s nose grew when he lied, and Pinocchio’s nose is a natural knot that Pinocchio, when carving from a log, did not allow Papa Carlo to cut off :)

In fact, Pinocchio is very different both in plot and character from Pinocchio:
- Unlike Pinocchio, Pinocchio, when attacked by robbers, does not perform a traumatic amputation of the cat’s paw, and certainly does not hit the Talking Cricket with a hammer and does not lose his legs, which are then burned in the brazier;
- Pinocchio does not change his character and appearance until the end of the book’s plot. He mercilessly stops all attempts to re-educate him by dad Carlo and Malvina. Remains a doll. Pinocchio heeds constant re-education and at the end of the book becomes a well-mannered boy, leaving the doll's guise;
- The main plot coincides quite closely until the moment when the cat and the fox dig up the coins buried by Pinocchio (that is, 2/3), with the difference that Pinocchio is significantly kinder than Pinocchio. Further, there are no plot similarities with Pinocchio;

But let's return to the origins of writing "Pinocchio". There is one very interesting fact about Pinocchio:
Several years ago, American archaeologists carried out excavations in the area where Carlo Collodi was buried. Not far from his grave, under a small stone slab, lay the ashes of a man named Pinocchio Sanchez. When jokes are about funny coincidence dried up, the archaeologists began to think: what was it? Moreover, a certain Sanchez turned out to be almost a contemporary of Lorenzini-Collodi. And... they decided to exhume.
The examination yielded stunning results: Pinocchio had expertly made wooden prosthetic limbs and a wooden nose insert. And on one of the prostheses there was a mark of the master - “Carlo Bestulgi”.
Shocked archaeologists rushed to rummage through archives and church records. And they found out: a boy was born into the Sanchez family in 1760. As the years passed, he grew older, but did not grow at all. So he remained a dwarf. At the age of 18 he went to war as a drummer, and 15 years later he returned completely crippled. However, the master, the golden hands of Carlo, made him skillful prosthetics, and Pinocchio began his career at the fair, performing tricks and showing off his wooden body like a curiosity. It was here, at the fair, that he met his death, crashing during a demonstration of a trick.
A quarter of a century later about this sad story found out another resident of the town of Collodi - the boy Carlo Lorenzini. Undoubtedly, it made a strong impression on him, and he remembered it and wrote it down.

But most of all I was interested in the religious interpretation of Pinocchio and Pinocchio:
“Every image of man and animal, every object and situation in the story of Pinocchio has its analogy in the Gospel, and vice versa.” Pinocchio - fairy tale display evangelical image Christ. The owner of the puppet theater Mandzhofoko (fire eater) is a fabulous reflection of the Gospel Herod. Those who betrayed Pi-nok-kyo " good friends"The cat and Alice correspond to Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ. Father Pinocchio Geppeto and the Girl with Azure Hair symbolize God the Father and the Virgin Mary.
There are other - situational - analogies. The scene of the Baptism of Christ in the Gospel corresponds to the scene when a basin of water is poured on Pinocchio’s head. The tavern dinner can be read as a metaphor for the Last Supper. The temptation (successful!) of the main character with a dream about a golden tree is a replica of Christ’s wakefulness in Gethsemane. The scene of Pinochio hanging from a tree corresponds to the Gospel scene of the Crucifixion.”

I won’t post the interpretation of “Pinocchio”, but who cares here

Whom I would like to introduce Tanya to in 2017. But I have a strict rule set for myself - if I haven’t read a book, then I’ll read it first, and not at the same time as Tanya. Because as long as I can control her life, I will do so in every little way.

Everyone knows who Pinocchio is. This is the one from which Alexei Tolstoy literally copied Buratino. The beginning of the book literally repeats Buratino's plot. I even put our “Pinocchio” in front of me ( I recommend this publication! ) and compared line by line. The only difference was in the names.

The first harbingers of the “wrong literature” appeared almost immediately, but there were not so many of them yet that the hair on my head stood out.
Scene of Pinocchio/Pinocchio communicating with the Talking Cricket:

Poor fool! Don't you understand that in this way you will turn into a real donkey and no one will give you a penny?
- Shut your throat, evil old Cricket! - Pinocchio was seriously angry.
But Cricket, full of patience and wisdom, was not offended and continued:
- And if you don’t like going to school, then why don’t you learn some craft and honestly earn your bread?
- Shall I tell you why? - Pinocchio answered, gradually losing patience. - Because of all the crafts in the world, there is only one I really like.
- And what kind of craft is this?
- Eat, drink, sleep, enjoy and wander from morning to evening.
“Note to yourself,” said the Talking Cricket with his characteristic calm, “that everyone involved in this craft always ends their life in a hospital or in prison.”
- Take it easy, evil old Cricket... If I get angry, it will be bad for you!
- Poor Pinocchio, I really feel sorry for you!
- Why do you feel sorry for me?
- Because you are a Wooden Man and, worse than that, you have a wooden head!
At last words Pinocchio jumped up, furious, grabbed a wooden hammer from the bench and threw it at the Talking Cricket.
Perhaps he did not think that he would hit the target, but, unfortunately, he hit the Cricket right in the head, and poor Cricket, having only managed to utter the last “kri-kri-kri”, was left hanging on the wall as if dead.

And the same scene from "Pinocchio":

“Oh, Pinocchio, Pinocchio,” said the cricket, “stop self-indulgence, listen to Carlo, don’t run away from home without doing anything, and start going to school tomorrow.” Here's my advice. Otherwise, terrible dangers and terrible adventures await you. I won’t give even a dead dry fly for your life.
- Why? - asked Pinocchio.
“But you’ll see - much better,” answered the Talking Cricket.
- Oh, you hundred-year-old cockroach bug! - Buratino shouted. - More than anything in the world, I love scary adventures. Tomorrow I'll run away from home at first light - climb fences, destroy bird's nests, teasing boys, pulling dogs and cats by the tails... I can’t think of anything else yet!..
- I feel sorry for you, sorry, Pinocchio, you will shed bitter tears.
- Why? - Buratino asked again.
- Because you have a stupid wooden head.
Then Pinocchio jumped onto a chair, from the chair to the table, grabbed a hammer and threw it at the head of the Talking Cricket.
The old smart cricket sighed heavily, moved his whiskers and crawled behind the hearth - forever from this room.

Did you find the difference? Disappearing from a room is not at all the same as remaining “dead” hanging on the wall. Further - more. Our Pinocchio is an ordinary cheerful hooligan. Pinocchio is an evil lazy person. At the same time, Tolstoy’s fairy tale is good; the moral in it permeates the text with a light outline and does not creep out of every paragraph. “Pinocchio” is self-examination, moralizing and anger. And it would be okay, just anger. Death on every page.

If in Pinocchio Karabas takes pity on the wooden man and does not throw him into the fire, then in Pinocchio:

Thank you. However, I am also worthy of pity. You see that I don’t have firewood to fry the lamb, and you - I’ll tell you the truth - would be very useful to me. But I felt sorry for you. Well then! In this case, I will burn someone from my troupe instead of you. Hey cops!
At this command, two long, very long, skinny, crawling wooden policemen immediately appeared with naked sabers in their hands.
And the owner of the theater ordered them in a rough voice:
- Grab Harlequin, tie him up well and throw him into the fire. My lamb should be crispy and crispy.
Imagine how poor Harlequin feels! He was so scared that his legs gave way and he fell to the floor.

But for now, both fairy tales unfold according to the same scenario. The only difference is in the manner of presentation. The moment when the wooden man escapes from the Fox and the Cat looks like this in fairy tales:

It’s hard to imagine what they did to make Pinocchio open his mouth. If during the chase they had not dropped the knife and pistol, the story about the unfortunate Pinocchio could have ended at this point.
Finally, the robbers decided to hang him upside down, tied a rope to his feet, and Pinocchio hung on an oak branch... They sat under the oak tree, holding out their wet tails, and waited for the golden ones to fall out of his mouth...
At dawn the wind rose and the leaves rustled on the oak tree. Pinocchio swayed like a piece of wood. The robbers got tired of sitting on wet tails.
“Hang there, my friend, until evening,” they said ominously and went to look for some roadside tavern.

Are you pretending to be deaf? Wait, we'll make you spit it out!
Sure enough, one of them grabbed Pinocchio by the tip of his nose, the other by the chin, and they pressed and pulled with all their might to force him to open his mouth. But it was all in vain. The Wooden Man's mouth seemed riveted and sewn shut.
Then the smaller of the robbers pulled out a huge knife and tried to insert it in the form of a chisel between Pinocchio's teeth. But Pinocchio, with lightning speed, grabbed his hand with his teeth, bit it off completely and spat it out. And imagine his amazement when he noticed that instead of a hand he had spat a cat’s paw onto the ground!
But they didn't give up. Having piled a huge pile of brushwood under a tree, they set it on fire. In an instant, the pine tree caught fire and flared up like a torch blown by the wind. Pinocchio watched as the flames rose higher and higher, and, not wanting to end his life as a roasted pheasant, he made a magnificent leap from the top of the tree down and began to run again through the fields and vineyards. And the robbers follow him.
“Everything is clear to me,” said one, “we must hang him.” So we'll hang him!
- We'll hang him! - repeated the other.
So they dragged him into the forest, tied his hands on his back, put a noose around his neck and tied the rope to the branch of a tall tree, which was known in the area as the “Big Oak”.
Then they sat down on the grass and waited for the Wooden Man to stop fluttering. But even after three hours, Pinocchio’s eyes were still open and his mouth was closed, and he was fluttering even more than before.
Finally the robbers got tired of waiting, they stood up and said to Pinocchio with a mockery:
- So, see you tomorrow! When we return tomorrow, you will have already done us such a favor and you will be pretty, dead, and your mouth will be very, very wide open.
And they left.

Great tutorial on hanging.

There are no more similarities with Pinocchio in the book. Pinocchio deceives, suffers from moral castigation of himself, listens to moral teachings from every second person and still messes around. He has no trace of Buratin's kindness. Stumbles upon the grave of the Fairy with Blue Hair (great children's fairy tale, don't you think?)

He serves as a guard dog, sitting in a kennel on a leash, he is swallowed by a shark, he fights with classmates, one of whom almost died, he regularly goes astray, being mistaken for a fish, he is almost fried in oil (almost ready-made recipe presented on the pages). As a result, Pinocchio, having once again escaped from those who guided him on the right path, finds himself in the Land of Fun and turns into a donkey. This scene was copied by Nosov in Dunno on the Moon, sending Dunno with Kozlik to the Island of Fools. But there was also more “childishness” on the Island of Fools. And you won't envy Pinocchio. And when the time comes to skin him, the owner, so as not to suffer from cutting his throat:

I give you one lira. Don't think I need this donkey. I only need his skin. He has such a beautiful, tough skin that I want to make a drum out of it for the village orchestra.
Can you imagine how Pinocchio felt when he heard that he would become a drum!
One way or another, the buyer paid one lira and immediately led the donkey to the seashore. There he hung a large stone around his neck, tied a rope to his leg, the other end of which remained in his hand, and with an unexpected strong push pushed the donkey into the water.
Pinocchio, with a huge stone around his neck, immediately sank to the very bottom. And the buyer, still holding the rope tightly in his hand, sat down on a rock and began to wait patiently for the donkey to drown, so that he could then skin it.

That's right, why do it quickly? It's better to let him suffer.

The ending is happy, but boring. And I won’t read this book to Tanya. I want her to read it herself. When he learns to read and grows five years older. I’ll even tell her about this book myself and borrow it from the library. But I don’t want to look for “similarities and differences” between fairy tales, as we usually do. Too much anger. Too many boring morals. Too many words “death” and “die”. Pinocchio turned out to be too “un-Pinocchio”. And I don’t regret at all that this book passed me by during my early childhood. This is a horror book for children with strong nerves.

And in conclusion, one more quote:

They had not walked even a hundred steps when they saw two disgusting faces on the side of the road, begging for alms.
It turned out to be the Cat and the Fox, but it was difficult to recognize them. Imagine that the Cat, pretending to be blind, actually became blind because of this over time. And the aged, completely shabby and bald Fox lost her tail. It happened this way: this unfortunate thief fell into great need and one fine day was forced to sell her magnificent tail to a traveling merchant, who made a stove brush out of it.
- Ah, Pinocchio! - Lisa exclaimed in a pained voice. - Give us, poor cripples, a little alms!
-...alms! - repeated the Cat.
- Farewell, hypocrites! - answered the Wooden Man. - You deceived me once, you won’t succeed a second time.
- Believe us, Pinocchio, now we are really poor and unhappy.
-...unhappy! - repeated the Cat.
- If you are poor, then according to your deserts. Remember the proverb: “You can’t build a house with stolen goods.” Farewell hypocrites!
- Have pity on us!
- …us!
- Farewell, hypocrites! Remember the proverb: “Stolen wheat is not good for food.”
- Have mercy!
-…yeah! - repeated the Cat.
- Farewell, hypocrites! Remember the proverb: “Whoever grabs his neighbor’s jacket will end up in a coffin without a shirt.”

There is no puppet theater in Pinnochio in the finale. There is a reformed wooden boy who plows like a slave. And as a result, he becomes a real teenager.

I (I think not only me) like Tolstoy’s fairy tale much better. Everything about Collodi is too gloomy. Not childish.

For those who want to get acquainted with both fairy tales:

Both tales are published and reprinted, publishers compete with each other in price and framing.

Manukyan Malena Robertovna

The work compares two fairy tale stories by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” and Carlo Lorenzini Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of a wooden doll”, changes are traced. Based on a comparison of the plots, images and ideological meaning of fairy tales, it becomes clear what these changes brought about, what is the attractiveness of fairy tales, why both children and adults love them, not only in our country, but also abroad.



VII regional competition research works and creative projects preschoolers and junior schoolchildren“I am a researcher”

Section: Humanitarian

Are Pinocchio and Pinocchio distant relatives or twin brothers?

Supervisor: Shuruba Irina Grigorievna,

primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 76, Sochi

Sochi, 2013

  1. Introduction
  1. Main part

3 – 14

2.1.Comparison of fairy tale plots

4 – 7

2.2. Images of the main characters

7 – 13

2.3. Ideological meaning fairy tales

  1. – 14
  1. Conclusion

14 – 15

  1. Applications


Who hasn't heard the fairy tale about Pinocchio? In less than a century, the book about this wooden man has been republished and filmed many times.

This is my favorite fairy tale, as well as that of boys and girls in our country; wonderful feature and animated films have been created based on it. Pinocchio became the hero of various programs. IN children's magazine"Funny Pictures" he is one of funny people, a favorite of kids all over the country.

I believe that Pinocchio in Russia is a symbol of a happy childhood, a symbol of true childhood friendship. And this is how he was invented and portrayed by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy. And in the preface to his fairy tale, Tolstoy spoke about the prototype of his hero - the wooden doll Pinocchio by the Italian writer Carlo Collodi. It seems to me that he did this, firstly, out of gratitude to the Italian author, and secondly, so that readers of Pinocchio would definitely find the fairy tale about Pinocchio and read it. By the way, the Italian writer’s name was Carlo Collodi, and in Tolstoy’s book there is also Carlo, who made Pinocchio. I am sure that the writer gave this name to Buratino’s father specifically to once again show respect to the Italian author who came up with the story about the wooden doll.

I read the fairy tale about Pinocchio with pleasure and chose the research topic “Are Pinocchio and Pinocchio distant relatives or twins?”


I suggested that Pinocchio and Pinocchio could be distant relatives or twins.

The purpose of my work- find out by comparing the heroes of the fairy tales Pinocchio and Pinocchio whether they are distant relatives or twins.

To achieve this goal it was necessary to decide the following tasks:

  1. Carefully read the fairy-tale stories of Carlo Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio” and Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”
  2. Find in literary encyclopedia and Internet resources for materials on the history of the creation of these books.
  3. Analyze the plot of fairy tales in search of coincidences and discrepancies.
  4. Compare the images of the main characters - Pinocchio and Pinocchio.
  5. Conduct a survey among your classmates and find out their opinions about the heroes.
  6. Compare two fairy tales and try to find out what these changes have brought, what is the attractiveness of this fairy tale, why both children and adults love it, not only in our country, but also abroad.
  7. Summarize the results obtained and reveal the “secret of the golden key” - the secret of the love of children and adults for Tolstoy’s hero.

Main part

So, I read two fairy tales - “The Adventures of Pinocchio” and “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.” Then, I learned about writers. In addition, as a whole class we took part in a fairy tale quiz game, looked at the exhibition of books and publications of the “Golden Key”, and saw a New Year’s play staged by 4th grade. All the information received and all the impressions became the basis for this work.

Starting my research work, I turned to my classmates with a request to answer the questions of the questionnaire:1) Who are their favorite fairy-tale characters from children's books? 2) Which of the heroes do they consider the most cheerful and cheerful?(Appendix 1) In answer to the first question, all 33 students in our class, without exception, named Pinocchio among other heroes. Answering the second question, more than half of the class named Pinocchio.

Alexei Tolstoy admitted that he did not come up with this fairy tale himself: once in his childhood he read a story about Pinocchio, and then that book was lost. He remembered it and often retold it to his friends. But over time, the plot began to be forgotten, he had to come up with some details himself, and one day he decided to write his own version of the fairy tale.

Later I learned that Alexey Tolstoy (b. 1883), the author of “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” could not read “Pinocchio” by Carl Collodi as a child: he did not know Italian then, but the book was translated into Russian (1906). ), when the writer was nearly thirty. And the sweet story was invented only because the fairy tale about Pinocchio was not suitable for Soviet children.

Alexei Tolstoy’s book “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” appeared in 1936.

“The Adventures of Pinocchio” and “The Adventures of Pinocchio” turned out to be largely different in content, and in the characters acting in them, and in the images of the main characters themselves - the wooden men.In a pair - Pinocchio and Pinocchio - the elder Pinocchio. After all, a fairy tale about him called “The Story of a Puppet” appeared in Italy in the first issue of the weekly “Children's Newspaper” in 1881.

Pinocchio and Buratino: comparative analysis

2.1. Comparison of fairy tale plots(Table 1)

“The Adventures of Pinocchio” Plot time interval: about 2 years pass from Christmas (before hitting the shark) + 5 months of carrying water, i.e. approximately 2.5 years. Approximately 1000 days.

“The Adventures of Pinocchio” Plot time interval: only 6 days have passed, and the beginning of the 7th day has arrived (the eternal holiday of Sunday, which never, ever ends). This is a very important detail, multiple (7± 2) , that is, time is “compressed” 146 times.

This condensation of the flow of time keeps the reader in suspense and it is simply difficult to tear yourself away from the text. And this is very important for the little reader - he is easily distracted, begins to get bored with the notations of adults, lovesdynamic events.

First of all, it should be noted that the plot of the fairy tales coincides partially, that is, in separate episodes. Master Cherry, named after the color of his nose, just like carpenter Giuseppe, nicknamed Gray Nose, finds a log that squeaks with a human voice. He gives this strange log to Uncle Geppetto, who is the prototype of Papa Carlo. The wooden man Pinocchio begins to misbehave, and his father is in for a lot of trouble. In both Collodi and Tolstoy, the heroes meet the Talking Cricket and do not listen to his advice. Both Geppetto and Carlo sell jackets so that the wooden men can go to school to gain their intelligence.

But in both books, frivolous heroes exchange their ABC for a ticket to the puppet theater. During the performance, the dolls recognize them, and the owner of the theater grabs them and wants to throw them into the oven. Only Manjafono, unlike Karabas Barabas, has neither a golden key nor a secret. Tolstoy makes the director of the puppet theater the main negative hero, gives him the vile leech seller Duremar as his assistant. In Collodi, the owner of the puppets is simply one of the characters, who, by the way, after all feels sorry for Pinocchio and gives him five gold pieces to take to his father. In the further story, a cat and a fox appear who want to get his money and take him to the country of Boolvania on the Field of Miracles. Gullible Pinocchio buries the money and is left with nothing. Further events fairy tales do not at all resemble the adventures of Pinocchio: because Pinocchio’s money was stolen, he is sent to prison. Then he goes to the peasant and serves as his guard dog at the chicken coop. There is no Malvina in the fairy tale, but there is a fairy who protects and raises the wooden man like a mother. Once again, having promised to be good, he again commits a stupid and rash act - he goes to the land of Entertainment, where slackers and slackers very quickly turn into donkeys.

In the end, after going through many adventures, Pinocchio ceases to be a wooden man and becomes a real boy. This cautionary tale that it is easy to learn evil, but difficult to learn good. But only by overcoming laziness, frivolity, stubbornness and selfishness can a little man become a real Man. It seems to me that Carlo Collodi wrote his fairy tale about this.

What about Pinocchio? At first, Tolstoy fairly accurately conveyed the plot of the Italian fairy tale, but then he got carried away and created the story of the hearth, painted on an old canvas, and the story of the golden key. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy changed a lot, added new heroes, new adventures, and the fairy tale took on a new meaning.

Table 1

Comparison of fairy tale plots

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

"The Adventures of Pinocchio"

The plot is good and quite childish. Although several deaths occur in the plot (the rat Shushara, old snakes, Governor Fox), there is no emphasis on this. Moreover, all the deaths occur not through the fault of Pinocchio (Shushara was strangled by Artemon, the snakes died a heroic death in a battle with police dogs, the Fox was dealt with by badgers).

The book contains scenes related to cruelty and violence. Pinocchio hit the Talking Cricket with a hammer, then lost his legs, which were burned in a brazier. And then he bit off the cat's paw. The cat killed the blackbird who was trying to warn Pinocchio.

Time interval of the plot: only 6 days have passed, and the beginning of the 7th day has come (the eternal holiday of Sunday, which never, ever ends). This is a very important detail, a multiple of (7± ​​2), that is, time is “compressed” 146 times.

Time interval of the plot: about 2 years pass from Christmas (before getting hit by a shark) + 5 months of carrying water, i.e. approximately 2.5 years.

Approximately 1000 days.

Everything is relatively realistic, with the small exception of the appearance of the hero himself from the log and the ability to speak to animals and dolls

There are many different wonderful transformations: bad boys into donkeys, Pinocchio himself into a living child, even the Fairy herself takes on several forms, etc.
And in Tolstoy’s text everything is relatively realistic, with the small exception of the appearance of the hero himself from the log and the ability to speak to animals and dolls.

Heroes commedia dell'arte - Burattino, Arlecchino, Pierrot.

Heroes commedia dell'arte- Arlecchino, Pulcinella.

Fox Alice (female); There is also an episodic character - Governor Fox.

Fox (male).

Malvina with her poodle Artemon, who is her friend.

A fairy with the same appearance, who then changes her age several times. Poodle is a very old servant in livery.

The Golden Key is present, for information about which Karabas gives Buratino money.

The Golden Key is missing (at the same time, Majafoko also gives money).

Karabas-Barabas is a clearly negative character, an antagonist of Pinocchio and his friends.

Majafoko is a positive character, despite his fierce appearance, and sincerely wants to help Pinocchio.

The dolls behave like independent animate beings.

It is emphasized that the dolls are just puppets in the hands of the puppeteer.

2.2. Images of the main characters(Table 2.3)

To understand the meaning of Tolstoy's fairy tale, let's compare Pinocchio and Pinocchio. The name Pinocchio translates from Italian as “a tough nut to crack.” The name Buratino was also not chosen by Tolstoy by chance. This, according to the writer, is what a wooden doll is called in Italy.

In the appearance of the heroes special meaning has a nose. Pinocchio's nose is not very long, but when Pinocchio starts to lie, his nose grows rapidly and everyone sees that he is deceiving. Pinocchio's nose is always long. How is that distinguishing feature his appearance. This trait is a reflection of his character. The fact is that in Russian catchphrases the word “nose” is often used. Remembering this, I turned to the phraseological dictionary and did a little research. That's what it was. First of all, I wrote everything down catchphrases with the word “nose” and clarified the meaning.

Table 2

Meaning phraseological units

Phraseological turnover


Turn up your nose

They talk about someone who is too self-important and arrogant.

The nose has not grown

They talk about someone who is still young and not experienced enough.

They talk about someone who knows little.

Sticking your nose in someone else's business

They talk about someone who interferes in someone else's business.

Hack on the nose

It means to remember firmly.

Doesn't hang his nose

They talk about someone who does not lose heart.

Leads by the nose

They talk about someone who deceives.

Stay with your nose

They say about the one who is left with nothing, loses everything.

Keeps your nose to the wind

They talk about someone who quickly navigates changing circumstances.

Then I looked to see if these phraseological units could be applied directly to the image of the main character Buratino. I got the following.

The little wooden man, made from a piece of log, immediately begins to play around. He turns up his nose , does not listen to the good instructions of Papa Carlo and the good advice of the Talking Cricket. He's acting frivolouscan't see beyond his own nose, so he is easily led nose cat and fox. He does not know life at all, cannot distinguish good from evil and make responsible decisions. He still has the nose has not grown . Stupid Pinocchio buries his money in the field of Miracles in the Land of Fools andstays with his nose, deceived by the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. But after talking with wise turtle Tortilla, Pinocchio is gradually learningkeep your nose to the windand under no circumstances doesn't hang his nose . In the end it is no longer his, but he leads you by the nose swindlers and rogues: Karabas Barabas, Duremar, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio.

For Tolstoy, such human qualities like kindness, courage, mutual assistance. He is confident that only selfless and generous people will be able to find the key to happiness. It seems to me that this is the meaning contained in that magic golden key that opens the magic door in the closet behind the painted hearth. Evil and greedy heroes will never get the key to happiness. It goes to those who know how to be friends, who do not hang their noses and rush to help. Unlike Pinocchio, who after his trials gave up pranks and became a real boy, our Pinocchio remains wooden doll, who is not averse to fooling around. But, despite this, he is real: he is a true friend of Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot and other dolls, real son and Papa's assistant Carlo. He became a real hero. Unlike Collodi, Tolstoy did not want to turn the mischievous, cheerful braggart into a well-bred boy. The writer remembered his childhood well and understood that there are no children without pranks and pranks. The writer showed how you can develop and improve the qualities given by nature, and turn disadvantages into advantages: curiosity into inquisitiveness, recklessness into courage.

Table 3

Comparison of the images of the main characters



B U - a challenge, resistance, even some kind of teasing is heard;
R A - a rolling “oo-ra”, according to Mikhail Zadornov - “the joy of being”;
T I – long, drawn-out, flying, melodious, soft, melodious “and-and-and-and”;
N O - a clearly articulated sharp ending, with a strong exhalation, a kind of phonetic equivalent exclamation point. This is a certain energy release, like completing a blow in martial arts.

That is, children need these “shouts,” “screams,” and “nozzles” for their own self-affirmation, to demonstrate to themselves and the world their power and adulthood. Which is easier to demonstrate with the power of your still childish lungs. Show how “there are many of them” in this world, how big they all are!

Pinocchio is translated from Italian as “a tough nut to crack.”

P I - the beginning is some kind of chicken, pitiful, humiliated, squeaking.

With the transition to timid whining apologies - “N O.”
In the middle of the name, a kind of “stuck” occurs; instead of sonority, we hear the dull sound of a double “K - K” and, as if coughing it up, it turns out to be some kind of “KICK”. Which “kicks out” helps the continuation of “I - O”.
The latter is more like the cry of a donkey, which he actually almost turned into in a fairy tale. Moreover, the drawn-out ending “O - O - O” folds our lips into a tube, with the jaw dropping. And this corresponds to facial expressions of surprise and confusion. Even some pathetic stupidity.

When Pinocchio lies, his nose does not change in length.

Pinocchio's nose lengthens when he lies.

A doll, but which she is quite happy with current state, there is no inferiority complex. He is completely self-sufficient.

A doll that really wants to become a human. His woodenness is a mark of rejection and his curse, which he strives with all his might to remove, beg, suffer, and atone for. At the end of the text, he is “freed” from his old body, turning into a beautiful boy, looking with disgust at his former appearance.

Active, he creates situations himself or makes moves unexpected for the enemy. He gradually becomes a strategist.
Rebel, rebel, revolutionary, activist.

Passive, his situations “involve” him, dragging him in against his will.
He is a toy of circumstances. Submission to fate, rock.
He is a victim, an object.

There is no trace of repentance, but only promises (often imaginary) to improve someday, complete self-confidence - no sadness. There are no tears in sight.

Pinocchio is consumed by doubts and heartbreaking remorse, he is sadly reflective.
Often cries, tearful.

Trials are the most exciting adventures, like the opportunity to lead such an interesting, simply wonderful lifestyle as a lucky tomboy.

Tests as punishment, as a chain of cruel edifying and educational lessons for correction.

The adult world is harsh, but it can (and should!) be overcome. He does not hide in a cave with Malvina, but goes on reconnaissance.

The adult world is cold, indifferent, even hostile. Fighting it is impossible - you can only adapt to it or die.

Always in the center of communication, sociable.
Creating an energetic youth team (group, brigade, gang) with a clear specialization and occupying a high rank in it. Papa Carlo acts as a “roof”.

Existential total loneliness in a cold world.

There is very little edification, and even then these so-called “educators” (cricket, Giuseppe, Malvina) can be easily ignored. And you can even hit an annoying cricket mentor with a hammer. This is how he evaluates his upbringing: “When is Papa Carlo, and when is no one.” That is, he recognizes himself as a subject of self-education: “Teach your little spiders!”

Intrusive edification from all sides - the whole world gives continuous cruel lessons in behavior, everyone constantly teaches and educates.

An independent subject, personality (he is ready for resistance, criticism, rebuff, fight). He beats Giuseppe, provokes him into a fight with Carlo - that is, a fight is his normal environment.

He is a weak child, aware of his weakness, requiring constant care, guardianship, and guidance.

Inescapable cunning, even total cheating, although still very “childish”.

Lack of any cunning or ingenuity.

Daring to the point of despair, daring. Even a little cheeky. His motto is “Dying is so much fun!”

Timid, timid, timid.

Common sense, practicality, ability to stand up for oneself (“...even if he fights!”)

Innocence, naivety, impracticality.

Difficult attitudes towards learning, especially towards Malvina’s parodic scholasticism, although he recognizes the need to go to school and study. True in words. I haven't been to school for a day.

Pinocchio does not change his character and appearance until the end of the plot. He stops all attempts to re-educate him. Remains a doll.

Pinocchio, who is read morals and lectures throughout the book, first turns into a real donkey, but then he is re-educated, and in the end he turns from a nasty and disobedient wooden boy into a living, virtuous boy.

Pinocchio is incorrigible, or almost incorrigible. At least not very soon! He himself changes the world for himself.

He eventually reforms. He accepts the norms of adults, adapts to the world, becomes like everyone else.

A daring and reckless adventurer, an adventure seeker, looking for adventure for the sake of adventure.

The path to correcting it is the path of continuous misfortune, the bitterest suffering.

2.3. The ideological meaning of fairy tales

In the small Italian town of Collodi there is a monument literary hero- a wooden man named Pinocchio. The inscription is carved on the monument: “To the immortal Pinocchio from grateful readers aged 4 to 70 years.”

There are quite a few monuments to Buratino in Russia: in Moscow, Gomel, Yalta, Barnaul, Rostov, Izhevsk, Salekhard, Voronezh, Kyiv and other cities. This once again confirms the degree of popularity that Tolstoy’s hero acquired among readers. We can confidently say that Pinocchio has surpassed Pinocchio in his fame. I think I can explain why.

Collodi's fairy tale teaches how to be well-mannered: the hero is punished for bad deeds, and rewarded for good ones. Tolstoy's fairy tale also teaches, but it does it imperceptibly, as if gradually. Her hero also goes through the school of “good and evil,” but the main thing in it is true friendship, which helps to overcome difficulties, which makes even small dolls invincible.

The events of the tale of Pinocchio follow one another, like the steps taken main character on the path of its development. Some heroes replace others, and rarely do any of the heroes appear again. In the tale of Pinocchio, all events are concentrated around the mystery of the golden key; this mystery keeps readers in suspense throughout the entire story. Most of the characters in a fairy tale are important to the plot; there are much fewer episodic characters. The reader perceives the story as one big adventure of Pinocchio and his friends in search of the key to happiness.


Thus, I compared two works - the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio” and the fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”. Based on this comparison, I found out that Tolstoy’s fairy tale was written “based on”, he changed a lot in the plot, and in the image of the main character, and in the images of other characters, and the meaning of the fairy tale ultimately became different.

Drawing conclusions, we can confidently say that “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” is a completely independent work. It cannot be considered either a translation or a retelling of the tale of Pinocchio. There is more Russian than Italian in Pinocchio; he is somewhat akin to Petrushka, the Russian folk doll from fairground theatrical performances.

Fairy tale heroes, like people in real life looking for the key to happiness. All this made the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” attractive to readers of all ages; both children and adults love it, not only in our country, but also abroad.Pinocchio and Pinocchio are still distant relatives - brothers, so different in character and temperament.Pinocchio is fundamentally different from the Russian brother Buratino.

And the most important thing is that I read two wonderful fairy tales, in which there are many adventures and miracles!

A lot of amazing things happen in real life. What was once only in the imagination of certain people is beginning to come true: the Internet has come to our home and has become the “key” to any information. Space satellite dishes show us the whole world. Modern science picks up the “keys” to everything. But one “key” remains unfound: an adult cannot return to childhood. Maybe that’s why adults also love the fairy tale about Pinocchio so much, watch the film and reread the book many times - they are trying to return to a carefree childhood full of good adventures. Long live Pinocchio - a symbol of a happy childhood!

List of sources and literature used

  1. Collodi K. The Adventures of Pinocchio. – M.: “Eksmo”, 2011.
  2. Tolstoy A.N. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio. – M.: “Respublika”, 1992.
  3. School phrasebook Russian language / Zhukov V.P., Zhukov A.V. – M., 1989.
  4. A.N. Tolstoy // Russian literature: Encyclopedia for children. T.9, part 2. – M., 1999. – pp. 71-73.

Appendix 1


Name your favorite ones fairy-tale heroes from children's books?

Which of the heroes do you consider the most cheerful and cheerful?

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Department of Philosophy

Nresearch work

Discipline: "Comparative Cultural Studies"

on the topic: Pinocchio and Pinocchio: comparison of two national art worlds

St. Petersburg 2013



1. Comparison of two fairy tales and characters

2. Images of the main characters




Comparisons between two cultures are usually based on something. IN in this case a comparison of the fairy tales "Pinocchio" and "Pinocchio" is considered. During the time that the book about this wooden boy was republished and filmed many times. Everyone has heard about the fairy tale “Pinocchio”; many people associate this fairy tale with a happy childhood and friendship. As in any fairy tales, in “Pinocchio” and “Pinocchio” there is a place for miracles, which greatly attracts readers.

Purpose This work is to find out the differences between the heroes of the fairy tales "Buratino" and "Pinocchio".

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to decide the following tasks:

2) Analyze the plot of fairy tales in search of coincidences and discrepancies.

3) Compare the two fairy tales and find out how the main characters differ.


· Theoretical analysis literature

· Comparative cultural method

Relevance work lies in comparative cultural analysis fairy tales "Buratino" and "Pinocchio".

1. Comparison of two fairy tales and characters

Pinocchio and Pinocchio are fairy-tale literary characters who can be called twin brothers, despite the fact that they were born in different times and in different countries.

“The Adventures of Pinocchio” and “The Adventures of Pinocchio” are in many ways dissimilar in content, in the characters they feature, and in the images of the main characters themselves. At first, Tolstoy quite accurately conveyed the plot of the Italian fairy tale, but still Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy changed a lot, added new heroes, new adventures, and the fairy tale took on a new meaning.

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" more good fairy tale, suitable for children, and "The Adventures of Pinocchio" is more violent, there are scenes of violence.

C. Collodi created his hero in the form of a doll carved from a cherry log, but endowed him with the living features of a restless child with full set characteristic children's age propensity for mischief and lack of a sense of danger. Pinocchio turned out to be so charming that the reader easily forgives his stupidity and even selfishness, because spontaneity and resourcefulness are more important, thanks to which he copes with any difficulties and unforeseen situations.

By the time of publication in Russian, the fairy tale had gone through 480 editions. In 1906, the aspiring writer A. Tolstoy was so carried away by this wonderful work that later, having gained creative experience and literary fame, he created his own version of the adventures of the wooden man, who received the name Pinocchio.

The plot of the fairy tale about the golden key largely repeats the plan of K. Collodi. Pinocchio, like Pinocchio, runs away from home and ends up in a puppet theater instead of school. Pinocchio enjoys the patronage of a young fairy - the Girl with Azure Hair. Malvina becomes Pinocchio's friend, who diligently educates the stubborn man and tries to teach him the wisdom of life. Both Pinocchio and Pinocchio fall prey to the cunning cat and fox, naively waiting for a miracle tree to grow from coins buried in the ground.

But still, in the adventures of Pinocchio, much more difficulties arise. He ends up on an island of hardworking bees; finds himself in the service of a peasant and, like a guard dog, guards his chicken coop; turns into a donkey, from whose skin they are going to make a drum. Pinocchio does not pass such tests, but he meets Tortila the turtle and learns the secret of the golden key. He has to cope with the greed of Duremar, escape from the persecution of Karabas, protect Malvina and Pierrot, and rescue the dolls from trouble.

At the end of the tale, Pinocchio turns into a boy. No such transformation occurs with Pinocchio, although it is implied that, having returned to Papa Carlo, he also became an ordinary child.

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" is a fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, written in 1936 based on the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Wooden Doll."

The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden doll as a classic of children's literature. First published on July 7, 1881 in Rome, in the Newspaper for Children. The book has been translated into 87 languages. In the city of Collodi there is a monument to Pinocchio with the inscription "To the Immortal Pinocchio - grateful readers aged from 4 to 70 years."

There are quite a few monuments to Buratino in Russia: in Moscow, Gomel, Yalta, Barnaul, Rostov, Izhevsk, Salekhard, Voronezh, Kyiv and other cities. This once again confirms the degree of popularity that Tolstoy’s hero acquired among readers. We can confidently say that Pinocchio has surpassed Pinocchio in his fame.

If you compare “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” and “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” you can immediately notice how differently time flows. In Alexei Tolstoy's fairy tale, the time interval is much shorter than in Carl Collodi's; in his fairy tale, the plot lasts about two and a half years. No less important difference"The Golden Key" from "The Adventures of Pinocchio" - the scene of action. Only the Country of Fools is taken from the Italian fairy tale in The Golden Key; all other places (including the Country of Industrious Bees) are not included. It’s worth taking a closer look at exactly where Pinocchio lives and wanders. Outwardly, everything seems clear - there is a "town on the shore Mediterranean Sea"and there is a City of Fools in the Country of Fools (Dumbing by K. Collodi).

Fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy's "The Golden Key" uses some motifs from Collodi's fairy tale, but on the whole it changes the original plot quite a lot. Right up to the scene of burying coins in the Field of Miracles, the plot of Pinocchio and Pinocchio develops generally in the same way, with differences in small details (for example, instead of Malvina there is a Fairy with Malvina’s appearance). But after the cat and the fox dig up the coins buried by Pinocchio, the plot coincidences with Pinocchio no longer occur.

Collodi's landscapes differ from Tolstoy's landscapes. Instead of the usual description of a night thunderstorm - with howling wind, thunder, lightning and other effects - Tolstoy uses: “The trees rustled, the shutters slammed.”

There are also minor differences in the works of the Russian and Italian authors: Papa Carlo, unlike Geppetto, is not sent to prison, and there is also a fox instead of a fox.

Tolstoy preserved and strengthened what made Collodi’s fairy tale a work for children and ensured its enormous popularity - narrative richness, an abundance of bizarre episodes and fantastic adventures, unexpected turns actions from funny to scary and back. The whole fairy tale shifted: Collodi turned it from the world of adults to the world of children, and under Tolstoy’s pen it began to approach the ideas children's world about myself.

Carlo Collodi's book combines fabulousness, the author's cheerful fantasy and the authentic real world included in this fabulousness. All her characters: a talking cricket, a fox, a cat, a fisherman, a resident of the “land of fools” - have living prototypes in Italian reality. Throughout the book, Pinocchio finds himself in a wide variety of situations, experiences many adventures that are not at all a chain of accidents. Pinocchio, in his adventures and trials, is morally purified - and gains a soul, becoming a living boy. Pinocchio remains a wooden doll, and “it would be strange to turn Pinocchio into a man - he is already a man.” That is, the image of Pinocchio can be considered as an image of a living person, since personality traits are visible in it.

The events of the tale of Pinocchio follow one another, like the steps that the main character takes on the path of his development. Some heroes replace others, and rarely do any of the heroes appear again. In the tale of Pinocchio, all events are concentrated around the mystery of the golden key; this mystery keeps readers in suspense throughout the entire story. Most of the characters in a fairy tale are important to the plot; there are much fewer episodic characters. The reader perceives the story as one big adventure of Pinocchio and his friends in search of the key to happiness.

2. Images of the main characters

If we compare the heroes themselves, we can say that both wooden men have not only differences, but also similarities.

The differences between the characters may be that Pinocchio is a doll who really wants to become a human and tries to fix it by any means. He considers his image a curse, although Pinocchio is also a doll, but he is happy with everything. Pinocchio gives the impression of a passive boy, he often cries, is prone to loneliness, and Pinocchio, on the contrary, is active, he can even be called a rebel or a strategist, always in the spotlight, sociable, but Pinocchio has a big minus - he often makes false promises. Pinocchio is not savvy, he needs protection and help, he can even be called naive, but Pinocchio is independent, cunning, always ready for criticism, adventure and any situations that come his way. pinocchio pinocchio fairy tale literature

In the fairy tale about Pinocchio there are many miracles, transformations, there is a Fairy, but in the fairy tale about Pinocchio there are no miracles except for the appearance of Pinocchio himself.

Carl Collodi endowed Pinocchio with the ability to read and write, he is diligent at school, while Pinocchio does not like school, has never been there, although he knows that he needs to go to school. They have different attitudes towards edification: When someone wants to “educate” Pinocchio, for example Malvina or Svekki, most often he does not listen to them, ignores them, but Pinocchio is raised by everyone, they look after him, for him the whole world is one series of cruel life lessons.

You should also understand the appearance of the main characters: Pinocchio is a boy with blond hair, and Pinocchio is a boy with dark hair, but the nose is of particular importance to both characters. Pinocchio's nose is not very long, but when Pinocchio starts to lie, his nose grows rapidly and everyone sees that he is deceiving. Pinocchio's nose is always long. This is like a distinctive feature of his appearance. Pinocchio is timid and timid, but Pinocchio is very brave, goes ahead and is even a little impudent.

In the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" - a very kind book, no one dies, bad characters only pretend to be evil, they are simply scary, and "The Adventures of Pinocchio" includes many cruel scenes, deaths, deaths, so it is great for reading with children "The Adventures of Pinocchio" would be more suitable. Pinocchio is incorrigible, or almost incorrigible. He himself changes the world for himself. For Pinocchio, the path to correction is a path of continuous misfortune, the bitterest suffering.

In the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" Karabas-Barabas clearly appears negative character, also the dolls behave like animated creatures, and in the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” Majafoko is a positive character, despite his ferocious appearance, and sincerely wants to help Pinocchio, and the fairy tale emphasizes that the dolls are just puppets in the hands of the puppeteer. A. Tolstoy has the Golden Key, for information about which Karabas gives Buratino money, but K. Collodi does not have the Golden Key (at the same time, Majafoko also gives money). Another significant difference between “The Adventures of Pinocchio” and “The Adventures of Pinocchio” is the romance of Pierrot and Malvina.

The similarities of the main characters include the following qualities: Both men were carved by an old master from a wonderful talking log. They are both wooden dolls.

The film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” was created - a Soviet two-part musical film based on the fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy's "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", created at the Belarusfilm film studio in 1975. Considered iconic. TV premiere - January 1 and 2, 1976.

There are many more films about The Adventures of Pinocchio. The first film was released in 1940. The next film was released in 1988, and in 1996 the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” was released, and in the summer of 2013 the cartoon “Pinocchio” was released. http://www.kinokopilka.tv/movies/21404-pinokkio


After comparing two works - the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi "The Adventures of Pinocchio" and the fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" we can make the following conclusions, that Tolstoy’s fairy tale was written “based on”, he changed a lot in the plot, and in the image of the main character, and in the images of other characters, and the meaning of the fairy tale ultimately became different. We can say that “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” is a completely independent work. It cannot be considered either a translation or a retelling of the tale of Pinocchio.

For Tolstoy, such human qualities as kindness, courage, and mutual assistance are very important. He is confident that only selfless and generous people will be able to find the key to happiness. It seems to me that this is the meaning contained in that magic golden key that opens the magic door in the closet behind the painted hearth. Evil and greedy heroes will never get the key to happiness. It goes to those who know how to be friends, who do not hang their noses and rush to help. Unlike Pinocchio, who after his trials gave up pranks and became a real boy, our Pinocchio remains a wooden doll who is not averse to playing pranks. But, despite this, he is real: he is a real friend of Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot and other dolls, a real son and assistant to Papa Carlo. He became a real hero. Unlike Collodi, Tolstoy did not want to turn the mischievous, cheerful braggart into a well-bred boy. The writer remembered his childhood well and understood that there are no children without pranks and pranks. The writer showed how you can develop and improve the qualities given by nature, and turn disadvantages into advantages: curiosity into inquisitiveness, recklessness into courage.

WITHlist of literature

1. Collodi K. The Adventures of Pinocchio. - M., 1998.

2. Tolstoy A.N. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio. - M., 2003.

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Collodi's theater director is a completely different person. Yes, at first he really wants to burn Pinocchio. But, having learned that he is Gepetto’s only son, he takes pity on him and decides to light the fire with one of his dolls. And when Pinocchio chooses to burn himself rather than know that someone else will suffer because of him, the rich lord, amazed at his dedication, gives Pinocchio those same five gold pieces. And, just like that. Well, this is a total mess! After all, we have been taught since childhood that a capitalist is an evil and selfish person who, even if he does a good deed, is always looking for some kind of hidden benefit. By the way, in Carlo Collodi’s fairy tale there are no painted hearths, secret doors or golden keys. And therefore, starting from this moment, the plots differ radically.

Pinocchio turns into a kind of revolutionary. He fights with evil capitalists: the leech seller Duremar and Karabas - Barabas. He rebels against the bourgeois Malvina, who forces him, a real revolutionary, to wash his hands, learn to read and write and observe good manners. And, in the end, having learned the secret of the golden key, he takes his friends - the puppets and his father Carlo to a fairy-tale theater, apparently a prototype of communism, where neither the gibberish king, nor Karabas - Barabas, nor Duremar can penetrate; and where our heroes will forever play a play about Pinocchio, living without worries and hassle...

The tale of Pinocchio is a little more prosaic. Yes, there are their own Fox and Cat, swindlers who lie in wait for fools who want to quickly get rich in the Land of Fools (in Collodi’s case, the country is Bolvaniya). And there he loses all his money in the same way, burying it in a magic field. This is where the similarities end.

In the tale of Pinocchio, there are two more countries that Tolstoy decided to simply forget about. This is the Island of Hardworking Bees, where only those who want to work are welcomed. And the Land of Entertainment, where boys go who do not want to study, but only to have fun. This Country is ruled by a certain Master who entertains the children until one day they turn into donkeys, which the Master sells at the market. For a socialist country, the image of a donkey who does not want to learn was not the most successful. After all, the communists relied precisely on uneducated people, and those who studied a lot were not favored, and in 1922 they were kicked out of the country altogether, because education only prevented their leaders from building socialism.

Pinocchio has a dream - he wants to become a man, and a real one, and not a wooden one. Buratino, it seems, does not even think about the fact that he is not a person, but just a doll. And there is nothing surprising about this. Socialism did not need individuals, but dolls, cogs, obedient and thinking only in accordance with the teachings of Marxism.

The story of Pinocchio in the eyes Soviet man was an extremely bourgeois fairy tale. From the first page the author teaches truism that those who do not want to work will live in poverty; and if you are lazy, no one will even feel sorry for you. Well, was such a book suitable for the children of revolutionaries?! After all, everyone soviet child knew that if a poor drunkard had nothing, and his neighbor, a kulak, had a yard full of cattle, it was only because the bastard kulak mercilessly exploited the poor man, and not at all because he himself worked hard from morning to evening.

And this whole set of rules from Collodi’s book was not suitable for the builder of communism.

Listen to your parents? For what?! Real heroes (like Pavlik Morozov) obeyed only the party and the country's leaders. Working your ass off to earn your own food is also stupid. The main thing is to carry out community work, and what you need from food and clothing can always be requisitioned from a rich neighbor who does not understand general line party and does not attend party cell meetings. Studying is generally an empty activity; an uneducated worker in the Land of Soviets until Perestroika received more than an engineer. So in this case it was the engineer who was the donkey, because he exchanged a decent, comfortable life for an interesting and creative job.

The story of Pinocchio was not suitable for raising Soviet children. Therefore, Alexey Tolstoy, who knew the demands of the era well, decided not to translate “The Adventures of Pinocchio” from Italian, but to rewrite this fairy tale in a new, Soviet way. And it turned out to be something like a story about our dear Ivanushka - a fool who did nothing, sat on his stove, and one day pulled Pike out of the river, and all his wishes came true. And so, having read these fairy tales, our Buratins and Ivanushki sit on the stove and wait for luck to come to them in the form of a talking Pike, a golden Fish or a golden key. What can I say! - in all countries of Europe and America, people go to casinos to have fun, and to work to provide for their families. And only our people go to the casino as if they were going to work - to get rich without labor and effort. This is the “Pinocchio syndrome”.

So my advice to you: do not read to your children the adventures of the adventurer Pinocchio. Better read to them a fairy tale about Pinocchio, a doll made of logs who really wanted to find a soul and become a real boy. This is a more worthy goal than searching for a secret door and a golden key. And this book is more truthful. Your child will definitely meet in his life both swindlers similar to the Fox and the Cat, and bright signs inviting him to the Land of Fun, where no one thinks about the future of its inhabitants. And maybe then, having learned the story of Pinocchio, it will be easier for him to do right choice and become a real Man.

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