Translation sentences from Russian to English. Why do we need translation exercises from Russian into English? Translating Russian texts into English

Dear visitors of the website! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: Murzinova: English. English: Murzinova. English lesson by Murzinova. English lessons by Murzinova. English in kindergarten. Murzinova's lessons. English lessons by Murzinova. Murzinova: English lessons. Lesson notes from Murzinova. English classes in kindergarten. English for children: manuals. English language guide for children. English manual for preschoolers. A manual on English for preschoolers. Early development: English (allowance). Early development: English language(a manual for preschoolers). English transcription for children ( visual aid for children). English: transcription for children (guide). English sounds transcription for children (visual aid). Learning English for children with transcription (visual aid for preschoolers). Sounds in English transcription for children (visual aid for preschoolers). How to explain transcription to a child (visual aid). English lessons in kindergarten (guide). A manual for an English tutor. Early development: English. Early development: English. Teaching English in kindergarten. Teaching English in kindergarten. English at preschool educational institution. List of English lessons in kindergarten. Fun lessons. English lessons by Irina Murzinova. English for children. English at preschool educational institution. English for kids. English for kids. Game English for kids download. Playful English for kids for free. Download free English for kids. English lessons for children by I. A. Murzinova. English language: lesson notes for kids free download.


List of English lessons

for preschool children

Irina Alexandrovna Murzinova

Free notes from English lessons by I. A. Murzinova (with Spot)


Dear visitors! Below are 20 detailed and absolutely free English language lesson plans for kindergarten I.A. Murzinova specifically for the website (these developments are fragmentarily suitable for grades 1-2 primary school). and all subsequent lessons and scenarios for holidays in kindergarten (see below) we are forced to make paid to support the project www.. Thank you for your assistance to the project website - by purchasing manuals or cards from the author, in an online store or from a publisher, you a small contribution to support the existence of this site, which runs on paid hosting (“Earth” tariff), and thereby gives the opportunity to beginning English teachers in institutions preschool education get (from 1st to 20th).

Lesson number Author of the lesson Topic / Lesson Topics


I.A Murzinova Acquaintance(Hello! What's your name?)


I.A Murzinova What I can do (Things I can do)


I.A Murzinova Things I cannot do. Forest animals


I.A Murzinova Forest animals(continuation)(Forest animals)


I.A Murzinova Forest animals(continuation)(Forest animals) Domestic animals, farm animals (Farm animals)


I.A Murzinova Pets, farm animals(continuation)(Farm animals)


I.A Murzinova My pets


I.A Murzinova My pets(continuation)(My pets)


I.A Murzinova African animals, jungle animals


I.A Murzinova African animals, jungle animals(continuation)(Jungle animals)


I.A Murzinova Myfamily(My Family).Colors(Colors)


I.A Murzinova My family(continuation) (My family)


I.A Murzinova My family(continuation) (My family)


I.A Murzinova My family(continuation) (My family)


I.A Murzinova Colors(continuation) (Colors)


I.A Murzinova Colors(continuation) (Colours) Body parts


I.A Murzinova Body parts(continuation) (BodyParts). Purchases(Buying and selling things).VegetablesAndfruits(Fruits and Vegetables)


I.A Murzinova ABOUT waxAndfruits(Fruits and Vegetables).My Birthday


I.A Murzinova My Home


I.A Murzinova My home(continuation) (My Home). My Furniture

Dear visitors! Above are 20 detailed and absolutely free developments of English lessons for kindergarten by I.A. Murzinova specifically for the website (these developments are partially suitable for grades 1-2 of primary school). and all subsequent lessons and scenarios for holidays in kindergarten (see below) are paid, this is necessary to support the project www. paid hosting (tariff “Earth”), and thereby give the opportunity to beginning English language teachers in preschool educational institutions to receive free English lessons for preschool children(from 1st to 20th).

Lesson number Author of the lesson Topic / Lesson Topics
I.A. Murzinova My Furniture. Colors
I.A. Murzinova My Clothes
I.A. Murzinova My Clothes (continued)
I.A. Murzinova Weather
I.A. Murzinova I am ill (I am Ill)
I.A. Murzinova At the Doctor's
I.A. Murzinova Let's be healthy! (Let's get fit!)
I.A. Murzinova Let's be healthy! (continued) (Let’s get fit!)
I.A. Murzinova I'm going to America. I'm going to America
I.A. Murzinova I'm going shopping. I'm going shopping

Motivation is the reason that motivates a person to do something and spend precious time. Therefore, before starting a long and important business, you need to find your “ guiding star”, and maybe several. So, why should kids learn English? First of all, this is another way of communication, the same as communication in native language. IN preschool age the emphasis is on developing the ability to perceive, understand and reproduce sounds not only native speech, but also other languages. This will help you learn languages ​​more easily in the future and feel at ease in the company of people who speak other languages. In addition, staging pronunciation is a kind of articulatory gymnastics, developing speech organs.

From what age?

The sooner you start teaching your child, the more realistic your goals will become. After all, Glenn Doman, an American teacher and psychologist, in his research came to the conclusion that a child under the age of 3 is capable of showing amazing results in matters of learning ability. And if your baby is not yet a year old, consider yourself lucky: you are at the ideal age, from the point of view of linguists, to start teaching your baby a foreign language. But if it so happens that a child gets acquainted with the language at the age of 4–5, this is also normal, perhaps something will go even easier. The main thing is that he likes it.


Each lesson will discuss a specific lexical topic(for example, “Animal World” or “Learning to Greet Each Other”), on the basis of which you can get acquainted with useful techniques remembering and activating your knowledge in the future. In other words, you will learn how to better and more effectively remember and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The main thing is to practice regularly and believe in success. So, let's get to work!

Lesson 1.

We will devote the first lesson to getting to know the English alphabet. We offer you a number of exercises and fun games aimed at effective memorization and automation of speaking skills. You and your child will be able to apply the acquired knowledge on your next trip abroad.


The English alphabet is the basis of knowledge. It’s not for nothing that first-graders at school begin learning their native Russian language with the alphabet. The English alphabet consists of 26 letters, which is slightly less than the Russian one.

To remember the alphabet, we can use the following hint: the song “ABC Song”. Thanks to the wonderful melody and accentuation of certain letters by voice, the alphabet is easy to remember. You can find this song on the Internet, or try reading the alphabet in such a way that the letters marked in bold are sung a little longer than the others. So let's try:

Hey, bi, si, di, and,

ef, ji-i-i,

H, ah, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pi-i-i,

Q, ar, es, ti,

u and vi-i-i,

Yes-a-able yu, ex,


Naw ah know may

Hey BBC:

Twenty Six Let's

from hey to zi.

This in English looks like a short poem:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,

Q, R, S, T, U and V,

W, X, Y and Z.

Now I know my ABC:

Twenty six letters

from A to Z.

(Now I know the entire alphabet: all 26 letters from A to Z.)

Read the alphabet first yourself, then find a melody on the Internet and listen to it several times with your child. Then you can sing the song together. Invite your child’s favorite toys to your home concert: place a soft cat or bear next to an imaginary stage, take your child by the hand and sing a song about the alphabet together for your audience.

If your mother is a needlewoman, then she will be able to make a wonderful typesetting canvas with multi-colored pockets where the letters are inserted. The canvas can be made in such a way that the number of letters in a row corresponds to the number of letters in the song “ABC Song” - then the child will be able to fill out the typesetting canvas accompanied by musical accompaniment. Both fun and educational!

You can also make cards with letters. Take thick cardboard and write the letters with a red and blue felt-tip pen (blue for consonants, red for vowels). The optimal size of cards is 10x10cm. When your child is in a good mood and doesn’t mind working out a little (don’t force him, he must have a desire, otherwise you will not achieve results), let him take a place next to you, and you start showing him the alphabet cards, loudly and clearly naming each letter. We show the card quickly, name it, remove it, replace the card with another one. The one second rule applies here: one card per second.

Thus, the child learns not only to quickly “grasp” information and concentrate, but also successfully develops the so-called photographic memory.

Play with your child by hiding one of the letters. You can immediately ask in English: “Where is letter C?” /Where is the letter si?/ [ua from lete si?] For the first lesson, it will be natural if you translate the question into Russian, then translation will no longer be needed: when you start the letter search game, the child will situationally understand what is required of him. Look for the letter together, play up the moment of finding it.

If there are cubes with letters at home English alphabet, they can be included in your games: build towers and houses. Ask your child to first build a house using only the letters from the first line of the ABC Song, then add blocks with letters from the second line of the song. Let him name each letter when he picks up the right cube. When the house is “built”, sing the song again!

Exercises to reinforce the material

Task No. 1: Complete the English letters. The artist was in such a hurry that he forgot to finish drawing them. Help him.

Task No. 2: You have just learned the letters of the English alphabet. Look carefully and say what letters of the English alphabet these Russian letters are similar to. Tell me how they are pronounced in English and Russian.

Teaching English is an interesting, but at the same time difficult, task. Especially when we're talking about about children. To conduct a lesson for them, you need not only to know the subject well, but also the psychology of children. Finding an approach to a child is the most important task of a teacher.

An important stage for the implementation of the project is preparation (assigning roles, preparing vocabulary, establishing a form (round table, interview, debate), drawing up a lesson plan) and subsequent analysis of the lesson, which is necessary to evaluate and work on the mistakes of both the teacher and students.

Call on art to help

Poetry, songs, cinema, even paintings by painters - all this will help to interest students. Depending on the age, group size, and interests, you can vary the content of the lesson.

A lyrical musical and poetic evening, watching short educational or artistic films, discussing a painting by a great painter will be useful not only from the point of view of language learning: the activity will enrich the spiritual experience of students and force them to express their personal opinions.

Play with your students

Games are best suited for primary and secondary schoolchildren, and if gaming is the main activity, then you need to look for more intellectual tasks. Small skits performed by students in pairs can also serve as games. Think about the props, basic scenery, and makeup.

Today you can purchase many manuals and books for teachers, which contain the best methodological developments games in class foreign language.

Combine student activities

To avoid fatigue of students, it is necessary to skillfully operate different types activity: start the lesson with a check homework, then practice listening or phonetic exercises, after - spend time on grammar and in the remaining time, when fatigue begins to interfere, play or read aloud funny stories. This will give a charge good mood, you will end the lesson on a good note.

Please note

Do not forget about the cognitive aspect: after any game it is necessary to write down the main provisions of the rule that is being practiced, otherwise all techniques lose their effectiveness.

Useful advice

Call on various programs, concepts and sets of textbooks to help shape the lesson. Sometimes the most the best option It turns out that's exactly what it is, synthetic. Do not neglect visualization: audio materials are indispensable for studying phonetics, and dialogues should be well illustrated.

Related article


Today, speaking English has become the norm in modern world. Therefore, many parents want their child to be as started earlier learning a foreign language. As you know, in preschool age it is easier for children to learn than for adults; they absorb information like a sponge. new information. The first acquaintance with the English language begins with the alphabet.

You will need


Listen correct pronunciation English alphabet. After all, before teaching a child, you yourself must have an idea of ​​​​the correct pronunciation of sounds.
To introduce your child to sounds, include various children's songs in the language in your lessons and sing them with your child. For example, ABC helps you remember the sounds and order of the letters of the alphabet. There are also “talking” books on sale that will make it easier to remember the alphabet. The child simply clicks on the letter and hears its pronunciation.
And the cartoons “Lessons from Aunt Owl. English alphabet for children" will allow the child to learn letters independently.

Don't try to force your child to learn letters. So he may develop an aversion to the English language. Let the learning process happen unobtrusively.
To do this, you need to interest the child. Game method is a win-win learning option and is suitable for children of any age. Use visual aids: cards with English letters, magnets, cubes. They train great visual memory.

You can spend 4-5 minutes to get acquainted with each letter. Try to come up with a story for each letter.
Buy a colorful poster of the English alphabet. Show the letter on the poster while pronouncing it. Ask your child to repeat.
Use cards where each letter has its own image. Lay out the cards on the table. Let the child show the letter you name.

Video on the topic

Please note

Don't overload your child with information. Study no more than 30 minutes a day, with a break for outdoor games or exercises with elements of the English language. Start each next lesson by repeating already familiar letters.

Useful advice

Try not to give any hints to your child. Let him think and find the correct answer himself. Don't forget to praise your child.

Carrying out parent meeting is necessary organizational moment in the life of every kindergarten group. It allows you to solve important current problems regarding the organization of life activities of preschool children. The teacher must carefully consider the entire course of the meeting.


To have a successful meeting, you need to think through detailed plan. The optimal option would be 40-45 minutes. There is no point in spending more than this time on holding a meeting. The attention of listeners is scattered, the productivity of the event drops sharply.

Very important point In holding the meeting, parents are present with each other and with teachers. This will be facilitated various games for communication (for example, playing with a ball). Establishing close contact will reduce the possibility

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