Verbal methods and techniques for speech development. Verbal and game teaching methods

Verbal methods and techniques of teaching include conversation, instructions from the teacher at the beginning and during the lesson, and the use of a verbal artistic image.

Classes on visual arts, as a rule, begin with a conversation between the teacher and the children. The purpose of the conversation is to evoke previously perceived images in the children’s memory and arouse interest in the activity. The role of conversation is especially great in those classes where children will do work based on a presentation (according to their own ideas or on a topic given by the teacher), without using visual aids.

The conversation should be short, but meaningful and emotional. The teacher mainly pays attention to what will be important for further work, i.e. on constructive color and compositional solution drawing, modeling, etc. If the children’s impressions were rich and they have the necessary skills to convey them, such a conversation is enough to complete the task without additional techniques.

To clarify children’s ideas on a topic or familiarize them with new depiction techniques, the teacher shows the desired object or picture during the conversation or after it, and before the children begin performing the task, demonstrates the method of work. Conversation as a teaching method is used mainly in working with children 4-7 years old. In younger groups, conversation is used in cases where it is necessary to remind children of the object that they will depict, or to explain new working techniques. In these cases, conversation is used as a technique to help children better understand the purpose and purpose of the image.

The conversation, both as a method and as a technique, should be brief and last no more than 3-5 minutes, so that the children’s ideas and emotions are enlivened, and the creative mood does not fade.

Thus, a properly organized conversation will contribute to better performance of the task by children. Artistic image, embodied in a word (poem, story, riddle, etc.), has a peculiar clarity. It contains that characteristic, typical thing that is characteristic this phenomenon and makes it stand out from others.

Expressive reading works of art helps create a creative mood, active work thoughts, imagination. To this end artistic word can be used not only in classes on illustrating works of literature, but also when depicting objects after their perception.

In all age groups you can start the lesson with a riddle that will evoke a vivid image of an object in the children’s minds, for example: “A tail with patterns, boots with spurs...” The riddle notes some details of the shape - a beautiful tail, spurs and the habit of a rooster, which distinguish it from others birds.

In order to revive previously perceived images of objects in children's memory, you can use short poems and excerpts from works of art.

In some cases, a verbal image accompanies a demonstration of nature or depiction techniques.

When drawing or sculpting on themes from literary works, the use of other teaching techniques at the beginning of the lesson is inappropriate, as they can interfere with the work of the imagination. A painting or nature will connect the child with a certain pictorial form, the verbal image will fade.

The teacher should seriously approach the selection of works of art and excerpts from them for illustration. A verbal image should include pictorial aspects, show those features of the object that are associated with its visual perception(color, shape, position). For example, when illustrating the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares,” almost all the children succeeded good work, since in this work the author vividly described appearance animals, their poses. Such visible images help the child to convey them specifically. Art literary image causes the work of not only the reproductive imagination, but also the creative one.

Even if the verbal image is very specific and vivid, the child needs to think through and imagine a lot: the setting, location, details and much more.

The teacher’s instructions necessarily accompany all visual techniques, but can also be used as an independent teaching method. It depends on the age of the children and on the objectives of the lesson. Typically, the teacher gives instructions in connection with the explanation of the assigned educational tasks.

When teaching younger children preschool age Purely verbal instructions are rarely used. Children still have too little experience and do not have enough visual skills to understand the teacher’s explanation without the participation of sensory analyzers. Only if the children have firmly established skills, the teacher may not accompany the visual demonstration with action.

In the minds of 5- to 6-year-old children, the word evokes memories of necessary reception and what action should be performed when using it. The teacher’s instructions can be addressed both to the whole group and to individual children.

For all children, instructions are usually given at the beginning of the lesson. Their goal is to explain the topic of the work and the techniques for its implementation. Such instructions must be very concise, clear and concise. To check how the children understood the explanation, the teacher in the middle and older groups can ask one of them about the sequence and methods of doing the work. This verbal repetition of the task helps children better understand their actions. IN younger group after explanation and demonstration, the teacher should be reminded where to start working.

After all the children have started work, the teacher should not rush with individual instructions and help. We need to determine who is at the moment needs help who did not start the work or started it incorrectly. With these children, the teacher finds out the reasons for the misunderstanding of the task and repeats his explanation, showing some working techniques.

Not all children need individual guidance. Some people think about it on their own, mark the image with a pencil on a piece of paper, so additional explanations don't need it. Indecisive, shy children who are unsure of their abilities need instructions at the beginning of the lesson. They need to be convinced that the work will certainly work out.

However, difficulties facing children should not always be prevented. Some of them can be refused additional explanations if the teacher is sure that they can solve the problem on their own, they just lack patience and perseverance. In addition, for education creative activity It is important that the child encounters difficulties and learns to overcome them.

The form of instructions cannot be the same for all children. For some, an encouraging tone is needed, arousing interest to work and self-confidence. Self-confident children should be more demanding.

The teacher's instructions should not be a direct dictation to children on how to depict an object in a particular case. They must make the child think, think. When pointing out an error, you need to draw the child’s attention to the violation of meaning and logic in the image: “The dress on the girl looks like it’s torn” (poorly shaded), “Trees are falling” (poorly positioned), “The man is so big that he won’t be able to enter the house.” At the same time, you should not explain how to correct the mistake; let the child think about it himself. Comments should be made in a friendly tone so that children feel the teacher’s interest in their work.

Individual shouting should not attract the attention of all children, so it should be done in a low voice. Instructions are given to all children during the lesson if many make mistakes. Then the teacher invites everyone to stop working and listen to his explanation. Such breaks should only be taken when emergency, as it disrupts the creative process.

With the help of words, the teacher organizes the activities of children and communicates with them. Verbal methods and techniques activate the learning process, as they contribute to the formation of more complete, clear ideas. With the help of words, knowledge is communicated and results are analyzed. The use of the word can be given as follows methodological recommendations:

a) the semantic content of the word used must correspond to the characteristics of the students and the learning objectives (before studying - a preliminary explanation, when studying the basics of the technique - detailed description);

b) in words it is necessary to emphasize the effectiveness of the motor action being studied (they climb freely at will, more complex coordinations are difficult, explain their effectiveness);

c) using a word to indicate the relationship between separate movements;

d) with the help of a word they indicate the moment of application of the main efforts; for this purpose they use brief instructions in the form individual words;

e) the word used must be figurative. This will make it visual and more understandable for students;

f) it is inappropriate to tell students about those movements that are automated;

g) the emotionality of the word used enhances its meaning, helps to understand and understand the meaning.

Almost all verbal methods used are general pedagogical, but their use in physical education differs in some features.

The description creates in the child an idea of ​​the action, and a list of signs of the action is provided. It is reported how to do it, why it should be done. The method is used when creating an initial representation, when studying simple actions, while trainees can rely on their knowledge and experience.

The explanation points to the basis of the technique and answers the question “why?” Promotes the emergence conscious attitude to action.

An explanation accompanies the display of movements and helps clarify individual elements.

Indication is precise orientation in methods of solving a motor task, in methods of correcting errors. Given in short form without justification.

A story is a narrative form of presented material, used by a teacher when organizing activities in game form(for preschoolers - figurative, plot).

Conversation – preliminary introduction new exercises, helps increase activity. Helps students develop the ability to express their thoughts. The conversation can take place in the form of questions (teacher) and answers (students) or in the form of a free clarification of knowledge and views (about the game, clarification of the rules, game actions).

Commands and orders. Commands take the form of an order to immediately perform an action, to complete it, or to change the tempo of movements. Commands require a certain intonation and dynamics. The order is formed by the teacher.

Counting allows you to set the required pace. Counting is done by voice using counting with monosyllabic instructions (one, two - inhale, exhale).

Verbal assessment is the result of an analysis of the execution of an action. In this case, the action can be evaluated by comparing it with the standard execution technique. Applies to initial stages training.

The performance of exercises by one child is assessed in comparison with others. This helps stimulate interest, but is not an indicator of quality. The effectiveness of the action can be assessed.

Evaluation categories can be expressed in various comments from the teacher expressing approval or disapproval (good, right, wrong, wrong, don’t bend your arms, etc.). Also, comments should be motivated by the teacher.

Verbal instruction is a verbal task formulated by the teacher. It contributes to the child’s greater awareness of the exercise and the creation of an image of the exercise being studied.

Verbal methods promote conscious perception and reproduction of movements by children.

With the help of words, the teacher organizes the activities of children and communicates with them. Verbal methods and techniques activate the learning process, as they contribute to the formation of more complete, clear ideas. With the help of words, knowledge is communicated and results are analyzed. The following guidelines are given for using the word:

a) the semantic content of the word used must correspond to the characteristics of the students and the learning objectives (before studying - a preliminary explanation, when studying the basics of the technique - a detailed description);

b) in a word, it is extremely important to emphasize the effectiveness of the motor action being studied (they climb freely at will, more complex coordinations are difficult, explain their effectiveness);

c) use words to indicate the relationships between individual movements;

d) using a word, indicate the moment of application of basic efforts; for this purpose, brief instructions are used in the form of separate words;

e) the word used must be figurative. This will make it visual and more understandable for students;

f) it is inappropriate to tell students about those movements that are automated;

g) the emotionality of the word used enhances its meaning, helps to understand and understand the meaning.

Almost all verbal methods used are general pedagogical, but their application in physical education has some peculiarities.

The description creates in the child an idea of ​​the action, and a list of signs of the action is provided. It is reported how to do it, why it should be done. The method is used when creating an initial idea, when studying simple actions, while students can rely on their knowledge and experience.

The explanation points to the basis of the technique and answers the question “why?” Promotes the emergence of a conscious attitude to actions.

An explanation accompanies the display of movements and helps clarify individual elements.

Indication of precise orientation in methods of solving a motor task, in methods of correcting errors. It is given in brief form without justification.

A story is a narrative form of presented material, used by a teacher when organizing activities in a playful way (for preschoolers - figurative, plot).

Conversation – preliminary introduction of new exercises helps increase activity. Helps students develop the ability to express their thoughts. The conversation can take place in the form of questions (teacher) and answers (students) or in the form of a free clarification of knowledge and views (about the game, clarification of the rules, game actions).

Commands and orders. Commands take the form of an order to immediately perform an action, to complete it, or to change the tempo of movements. Commands require a certain intonation and dynamics. The order is formed by the teacher.

Counting allows you to set the required pace. Counting is done by voice using counting with monosyllabic instructions (one, two - inhale, exhale).

Verbal assessment is the result of an analysis of the execution of an action. In this case, the action can be evaluated by comparing it with the standard execution technique. Used in the initial stages of training.

The performance of exercises by one child is assessed in comparison with others. This helps stimulate interest, but is not an indicator of quality. The effectiveness of the action can be assessed.

Categories of assessment can be expressed in various comments from the teacher, expressing approval or disapproval (good, right, wrong, wrong, don’t bend your arms, etc.). Also, comments should be motivated by the teacher.

Verbal instruction is a verbal task formulated by the teacher. It contributes to the child’s greater awareness of the exercise and the creation of an image of the exercise being studied.

Verbal methods promote conscious perception and reproduction of movements by children.

Under methods of teaching visual arts one should understand the system of actions of the teacher who organizes practical and cognitive activity children, which is aimed at mastering the content of education in kindergarten.

The choice of certain methods and techniques depends:

On the age of children and their development;

From the type of visual materials with which children act.

Traditionally, teaching methods are classified By that source, from which children receive knowledge, skills and abilities, according to means with the help of which this knowledge, skills and skills are presented.

Since preschool children acquire knowledge in the process direct perception objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality and from the teacher’s messages (explanations, stories), as well as in direct practical activities(design, drawing, modeling, etc.), then stand out methods:

- visual,



This is the traditional classification.

TO visual methods and teaching methods include the use of nature, reproductions of paintings, samples and other visual aids; examination individual items; demonstration by the teacher of image techniques; display of children's work at the end of the lesson, during their assessment.

Under in kind V fine arts refers to an object or phenomenon that is depicted through direct observation. Leaves, branches, flowers, fruits, as well as toys depicting people, animals, transport.

Sample, like nature, can act as a method and as a separate teaching technique. In those types of visual activities where the main goal is not to consolidate impressions from the perception of the environment, but the tasks are to develop individual aspects of this activity (usually in decorative and constructive works), the model is used as a teaching method.

Looking at paintings may be recommended in cases where there is no the required item, and can also serve as a means of introducing children to some techniques for depicting on a plane.

The teacher shows how to depict is a visually effective technique that teaches children to consciously create the required form based on their specific experiences. Demonstration can be of two types: demonstration by gesture and demonstration of image techniques. In all cases, the demonstration is accompanied by verbal explanations.

TO verbal methods and techniques of teaching include conversation, instructions from the teacher at the beginning and during the process of educational activities, and the use of a verbal artistic image.

GCDs for visual activities, as a rule, begin with conversations teacher with children. The purpose of the conversation is to evoke previously perceived images in the children’s memory and arouse interest in GCD. The role of conversation is especially important in those educational activities where children will do work based on a presentation (according to their own ideas or on a topic given by the teacher), without using visual aids. The conversation, both as a method and as a technique, should be brief and last no more than 3-5 minutes, so that the children’s ideas and emotions are revived, and the creative mood does not fade.

Age characteristics influence the content of the conversation and the degree of activity of children. Depending on the specific didactic tasks, the nature of the questions changes. In some cases, questions are aimed at describing external signs of the perceived object, in others - on recall and reproduction, on inference. With the help of questions, the teacher clarifies children’s ideas about an object, phenomenon, and ways of depicting it. Questions are used in general conversation and individual work with children in the process of GCD. The requirements for questions are of a general pedagogical nature: accessibility, clarity and clarity of formulation, brevity, emotionality.

Explanation- verbal method impact on the consciousness of children, helping them understand and assimilate what and how they should do during NOD and what they should get as a result. The explanation is given in simple terms, accessible form simultaneously to the whole group of children or individual children. Explanation is often combined with observation, showing ways and techniques of performing work.

Advice used in cases where a child finds it difficult to create an image. N.P. Sakulina rightly demanded not to rush with advice. Children with a slow pace of work and capable to the question asked find a solution, often do not need advice. In these cases, the advice does not contribute to the growth of independence and activity of children.

Reminder in the form of short instructions - important methodical technique training. It is usually used before the imaging process begins. More often we're talking about about the sequence of work. This technique helps children start drawing (sculpting) on ​​time, plan and organize activities.

Promotion - a methodological technique that, according to E.A. Flerina and N.P. Sakulina, should be used more often in working with children. This technique instills confidence in children, makes them want to do the job well, and gives them a feeling of success. The feeling of success encourages activity, supports the activity of children, and the feeling of failure has the opposite effect. Of course, the older the children, the more objectively justified the experience of success should be.

Artistic word widely used in visual arts activities. The artistic word arouses interest in the topic, the content of the image, and helps to attract attention to children's works. The unobtrusive use of artistic words in the process of GCD creates an emotional mood and enlivens the image.

Expressive reading of works of fiction promotes the creation of a creative mood, active work of thought and imagination. For this purpose, the artistic word can be used not only in GCD for illustrating works of literature, but also when depicting objects after their perception.

Teacher's instructions necessarily accompany all visual techniques, but can also be used as an independent teaching method. It depends on the age of the children and on the tasks facing this GCD. Typically, the teacher gives instructions in connection with the explanation of the assigned educational tasks.

Practical methods- these are various exercises to consolidate a particular skill or ability.

When thinking through exercises and a system of tasks aimed at developing visual skills, one should remember that literally repeating the same tasks is boring for children and, as a rule, does not lead to success. It’s another matter if the task becomes somewhat more complicated each time and appears in a different version. For example, when drawing on the themes “Fairytale trees”, “Trees on our site”, “Autumn square”, “Winter forest”, etc., the child depicts trees, conveying parts, structure, solves composition problems (placing images on a sheet of paper ). At the same time, the task changes slightly each time.

In addition to the traditional one, there is another classification of methods (I. Ya. Lerner, M. N. Skatkin).

It includes teaching methods:

1) information-receptive;

2) reproductive;

3) research;

4) heuristic;

5) method of problem presentation.

In drawing and modeling, children depict objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, reflect the content of musical and literary works. Therefore, the teacher’s activities should be aimed at organizing and ensuring the perception and understanding of this content. For this purpose, the teacher uses information-receptive method(reception - perception), which is sometimes called explanatory and illustrative. He organizes observation with children, examination of objects, toys, finished buildings, examination of paintings and illustrations that carry information about objects and phenomena.

Hence, information-receptive method includes the following techniques:




Model teacher;

Teacher's demonstration.

In the process of observations, looking at objects, paintings, illustrations, and examinations, children become familiar with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the examination of objects offered for depiction.

SurveyThis process of perception of the subject organized by the teacher . The organization consists in the fact that the teacher, in a strictly defined sequence, identifies the aspects and properties of an object that children must learn in order to then successfully depict it in drawing, modeling, or appliqué. In the process of such perception, children form clear ideas about those properties and qualities of an object that are important for its image (shape, size, structure and color).

The teacher teaches children to perceive. They do not control this process on their own. Shape, structure, color are primarily perceived visually, so objects are first examined. To clarify such properties of an object as volumetric shape, size, surface quality (roughness, smoothness), along with examination, touching—tactile perception—is required.

Survey turns out to be effective only in conjunction with the word, telling children what to look at and what to perceive. The teacher helps the children determine the shape of an object, color, introduces them to their names, and guides them to compare shapes, proportions, and generalize the properties of objects. At the same time, he necessarily activates the children’s attention: he asks, suggests naming, defining, comparing.

When considering object to help the word attracted gesture : the teacher traces the shape of the object with his hand, as if drawing its outline; covers it with his hands, pressing on the indentations, as if sculpting it. Children, following the movements of the teacher’s hands with their gaze, will imagine more clearly possible process images.

Acquaintance with new techniques (methods) images also occur using the information-receptive method.

Showing ways action plays important role in teaching children's drawing, modeling, appliqué and design. Children are just beginning to master visual arts. They should learn how to use it correctly tools and materials (brushes, pencils, glass, scissors, paints, colored pencils, wax crayons, etc.).

The demonstration of methods is not done at every GCD, but only when this or that method of depiction is encountered for the first time. Constantly showing ways of depicting deprives children of activity and leads to passive repetition of what they have perceived.

How Reminder of methods of action , directions of lines when drawing, formative movements the teacher can use gesture, movement , outline an object , which must be produced clearly so that all children can see.

Verbal teaching techniques are used and in the process of GCD : clarification of the sequence of actions, reminders, questions if children have forgotten something, an offer to remember, add to the image, etc.

Reproductive method - This is a method aimed at consolidating children's knowledge and skills. This is a method of exercises that bring skills to automaticity. It includes:

Reception reception;

Working on drafts;

Performing shaping movements with the hand.

Exploratory and heuristic methods in teaching visual arts to preschoolers are used in unity. These methods are aimed at teaching searches independent decision visual task, i.e. for the development creative thinking, imagination.

Heuristic method involves element-by-element training in creative activity.

So, for example, when analyzing with children the shape and structure of an object that they will then depict, the teacher suggests thinking about how to arrange a sheet of paper and an image on it so that the drawing looks beautiful.

Research method is used when the teacher invites children to perform creative task: convey the plot literary work, realize your own idea.

The teacher first of all leads the formation of the plan, for which it is necessary to activate, mobilize all the previous experience of the children, and direct them to a solution new task. For example, after the kids have depicted several objects of a round (rectangular) shape, they are asked to draw (blind, stick on) whatever they want (round, rectangular). Older children who know a lot of fairy tales, have looked at various illustrations in books, are familiar with works of decorative and applied art, have drawn, cut out and pasted various buildings, are asked to create a fairy-tale palace.

Game-based learning techniques applicable internally different methods. They can be included both in the information-receptive method, when the object (toy) that is to be depicted and with which children are introduced is presented in game situation(for example, a smart doll comes to visit children and asks them to draw her portrait), and in reproductive method. Repetitions and exercises carried out in a playful way will never get boring.

1) Reading and telling poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales.

2) Conversation, conversation.

3) Examination of pictures, staging.

Techniques: a) Display with naming of toys and objects. The doll Masha walks, walks, bang - fell, fell. Masha, oh-oh, is crying. –b) Please say, say the word(this is a dress).

-B) Roll call up to 1.5 years("say-repeat"). B) -Hint the right word. D) - Explanation of the purpose of the item(dishes are what we eat and drink from). D) - Repeated repetition of a new word in combination with a familiar one(a cat has kittens, a hen has chickens). E)-Questions.

AND) -Completion of words at the end of a phrase(“Kittens drink (milk)”, “Katya, eat soup (with bread)”). AND)- Repeating the word after the teacher. H) -Explanation. I) -Reminder. K) -Use of artistic words(rhymes, songs, poems, jokes).

3.Practical methods: 1) Exercises (providing assistance). 2) Joint actions of the teacher and the child. 3) Execution of orders.

4. Visual methods and techniques:

1) Display of objects, toys.

2) Observation of natural phenomena and the work of adults.

3) Examination of living objects.

4)Sample display. 5)Use of puppet theater, shadow, tabletop, flannelgraph.

6) Filmstrips.


Direct perception of an object, a toy.

Show with a name (this is a rabbit).

An explanation of what the children see (it’s Katya who came; Katya is going for a walk; go, Katya, go; oh, Katya ran and ran away).

Request-suggestion (Andryusha, come on, feed the bird).

Multiple repetition of a word.

Active action of children.

Bringing the object closer to children.

Assignment for children (go, Vasya, feed the rabbit).

Questions (simple for children under 1.5 years old, difficult for children 2-3 years old).

Artistic word.

Including objects in children's activities (“Here I put a cube, another cube on it, another cube, it turned out to be a turret”).

Performing game actions.

19. Theoretical foundations of social morals. Education of preschool children.

(Ideas of the book, Komensky, Ushinsk, Tostoy, Rousseau; Nechaeva, Bure, Zhukovskaya - the foundations of morality, etc.: “I am a man” by Kozlova, “open yourself” by Ryleeva, “Friendly guys,” “Prog-ma spirit” -character in-I”, Markova, Ostrovskaya - in the family, Bel-Nikonova).

S-n.v.- purposeful activities of the teacher in formation. morals feeling, ethical introduced, instilled norms and rules of behavior. In preschool As the child grows up under the guidance of a teacher, he gains experience in behavior, relationships with loved ones, peers, things, nature, and learns the moral norms of society..

Problems of morals. vosp . :1) forms of ideas about the norms and rules of behavior (norms for everyone, rules for each age);

2) the development of feelings,

3) the form of motives and character. behaved f-e skill and habits of moral behavior

Recollection of morals. feelings - manifest themselves in relation to to yourself, in relation to other people, in relation to the number.

Formation of skills and moral habits. behavior - organizational skills are being formed. and behavioral discipline skills are positive. relationships with adults and peers, independence skills, the ability to maintain cleanliness and order, the ability to keep oneself busy with activities. These skills are reinforced. and transform. into habits (the habit of saying hello, saying goodbye, thanking, putting things in their place, behaving civilly). Formation of morals. ideas and motives of behavior - form of representation about revealed societies. life, about the work of adults, its overall significance, about patriotism, about norms of behavior in a team, about respect. relationships with adults.

.M-dy morals in. -1) methods. forms of skills and habits of behavior(to accumulate practical experience: training, exercise, example of an adult, observation, demonstration of action, organization of socio-political activities (collective work); 2) m-dy formir. morals submissions.(conversations on ethical topics, reading non-fiction, stories, looking at paintings, methods of persuasion.

3) behavior correction (encouragement-approval, smile, nod of the head, gift, assignment, response, story about the positive actions of others, and punishment, remark, deprived of affection, temporarily do not talk).

20. Reproduction of cultural behavior. in preschool age. KP preschooler - a set of sustainable everyday forms that are useful for society. behavior in everyday life, in society, in different types activities . KP is based on deep social morals. feeling - respect for man, for human laws. society. Concept KP very wide. It's on. external and internal culture. External (manners, external appearance) and internal culture (respect for others, sensitivity, truthfulness, etc.) must be found. in unity. To ContentsKP doshk-v includes the following: cultural-hygienic skills and habits, culture of communication with adults. and peers, culture of activity . Cultural-hygienic skills and habits - important component KP. The need for neatness, keeping the face, hands, body, hairstyle, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by hygiene requirements, but also by the norms of human relations. Children must understand that in observing these rules they have demonstrated respect for others. Culture of communication with adult peers provides for execution children use norms and rules of communication based on respect and goodwill. Corresponding vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior. in public places, everyday life. Cultural communication necessarily presupposes cultural speech. This is the presence of preschoolers. sufficient vocabulary, ability to speak concisely, maintaining a calm tone. TO ult.activities manifested in the behavior of children in classes, in play, in work. Formir. The child has a cult. activities - Means. will educate he has the ability to keep things in order workplace where he works, studies, plays; the habit of finishing the work he has begun, treating toys, things, books with care. An important indicator of cultural activities. - a natural craving for interesting, meaningful activities, the ability to value time. Conditions, education behavioral culture Doshk-ka.:1. The authority of cultural educators and parents. The cult of the teacher, the nature of his communication with children, the style of relationships are of great importance in the formation .KP 2. Exact mode implementation allows you to maintain a balanced state in your child, switch from one activity to another in a timely manner, prevent overfatigue, alternate active time. active and relaxing. 3. Proper organization of the environment, in which there are children. The selection of toys, a variety of materials, aids and equipment that correspond to the age of children, their interests and content of knowledge, abilities and skills, convenient placement of furniture, all this creates conditions for the development of a variety of activities, captivates preschoolers, allows them to find activities of interest and thereby preventing behavioral breakdowns. 4. Positive emotional atmosphere in DU and family. The behavior of children in kindergarten is regulated by rules that are formed on the basis of norms: - the rules must be specific, implying certain actions. For example: “When entering a group room, you must say hello to everyone present in it”; - the rules must be formulated clearly, accessible to children’s understanding, in the form of instructions, not prohibitions; - each new rule takes time for children to assimilate it (explanations, training in implementation, reminders, prevention of possible violations); - the rules are introduced gradually. Education methods: explanation, showing, exercise, reminders, control, evaluation, conversation, reading works of art, looking at illustrations, positive example, encouragement and punishment.

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