The spelling of the prefix depends on the meaning of incomplete action. Write out a word from the text in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning

Task formulation:

From sentences 4-5, write down the word whose spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning “spatial proximity”:
(4)On school site work was going on in full swing. (5) The guys, chanting, dug the beds.

Correct answer: at school (the prefix PRI- means ABOUT - near the school)

Other possible formulations:
From the sentences... write down the word(s) in which...
continuation options:

  • the spelling of the prefix depends/does not depend on the voicelessness-voicing of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the consonant in the prefix depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicing of the subsequent consonant;
  • the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning (can be specified specific meaning prefixes);
  • The spelling of the prefix depends on the accent.

What you need to know:

In the Russian language there are 4 groups of prefixes, the writing of which may cause difficulties:
1) (they need to be remembered);
2) , the spelling of which depends on the subsequent consonant;
3) , the spelling of which depends on the stress;
4), the spelling of which is determined by their meaning.

1. Unchangeable prefixes.

These prefixes are unchangeable and constant in their spelling. They are always written like this! Be sure to remember these prefixes:

B- (VO-), DO-, FOR-, ON-, OVER-, UNDO, O-, OB- (OBO-), FROM- (OTO-), PO-, UNDER- (UNDO-), S- (CO-), RE-, PRE-, PRO-.

EXAMPLE: on write, under salt, By slip, By knock, With do, With give, before accept.
The prefix Z- is not in Russian! In words h giving, h health, h here, neither h gi (not visible) the letter Z is part of the root.

2. Prefixes on Z-, S-.

Their writing is very simple: a prefix with the letter Z is written before voiced consonants, and a prefix with the letter S is written before voiced consonants. Be sure to remember these prefixes:


RA With with watch,
RA Z g lie down
AND W in eat,
AND S t drink,
CRE Zm black,
RA WITHh wriggle,
IN From to Arabic,
CHERE C h ur,
sni C x parental

Case 1. To choose the correct letter -з- or -с- at the end of prefixes, it is necessary to distinguish voiced consonants from voiceless ones.
All voiceless consonant sounds can be remembered by the following phrase: F OK A, WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT BUTCH?
Voiced consonant sounds allow you to remember the phrase: OH, WE ARE NOT FORBIDDEN ABOUT ANOTHER!
in word prefixes ASDh good and ASD ts we will write a thread - With-, because the first letters of the root are - h- And - ts- denote voiceless consonants, and in word prefixes FROM d Erzhka and FROM m ena we will write the letter - h-, since the first letters of the roots indicate voiced consonants
- d- And - m-

Case 2. Remember that the spelling of the prefix WITH- in words does not depend on the voiced or voiceless consonant that follows it. The prefix C- belongs to the group of unchangeable prefixes.
in words WITH DO and WITH JUMP is written with the same prefix C-, despite the fact that in the first word after the prefix there is a voiced consonant, and in the second there is a voiceless consonant.

Case 3. The prefix Z-S- may not be noticed if the word has two prefixes.
in the word NOT VOS REQUIRED after the prefix NOT- there is a prefix BOS-, the spelling of which depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant, while the spelling of the prefix NOT- is not determined by this rule.

Case 4. Do not confuse words with prefixes ending in Z-S- with words whose roots are consonant with these prefixes.
1. prefix BES- (BESNOOK) and root -BES- (Besya)
2. prefix NIZ- (LOW) and root -NIZ- (LOW)
3. prefix RAZ- (BREAK) and root -RAZ- (STARKING), root -DIFFERENCE- (DIFFERENCE)
4. prefix RAS- (GRIND) and root -RAST- (PLANT)
5. prefix ROZ- (ROZdal) and root -ROZ- (PINK)
6. prefix ROS- (ROScherk) and root -ROS- (ROSisty), other roots (ROSKOSHNY, ROSTOK)
7. prefix WHO- (Abstain) and root -WHO- (CARIO)

3. Prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (PAC-), NE-, NI-

The spelling of vowels in these prefixes is determined by stress.
In the prefixes ROZ- (ROS-), RAZ- (RAS-) the letter is written without accent A, under stress - ABOUT.
r A write off - r ABOUT list, r A play - r ABOUT gambling, r A zliv (rivers), r ABOUT angry drinks

Prefixes NOT and NI, found in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs also depend on stress. With an accent we write NOT, without an accent we write NE.
n E when - n And when, n E who - n And who, n E what - n And What

4. Prefixes PRI-, PRE-

The rule for writing these prefixes is one of the most beloved by schoolchildren, and it is also very easy to remember. The spelling of the vowel in them depends on the meaning of the prefixes.

The prefix PRI- means:
1) approximation, accession, addition: at drive, at glue
2) location near something (proximity): at sea, at Oka
3) incompleteness of the action (the action is not completed completely): at open, at brake
These are the main meanings of the prefix pri-, but there are three more more rare meanings:
4) completeness of action: at think
5) an action performed based on someone's interests: at hide
6) accompanying action:at jump, at say, at dance, at sing

The prefix PRE- means:
1) close in meaning to the word "very": pre red (very beautiful)
2) close in meaning to the prefix re-: pre step (cross the line), interrupt (interrupt)

However, the spelling of these prefixes is not always determined by the listed meanings!

Difficulties that may arise:

Case 1. The spelling of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning differs:
give corresponding type - betray friend,
pretend door - implement dream (make it come true)
arrive during - abide on vacation (to be)
start to work - transgress law,
coming to visit - transient moment (impermanent),
despise enemy (to hate) - look after orphan (to shelter)
bow before talents (to admire) - bow down to the ground (lean)
vicissitudes fate - gatekeeper at the gate
limit(border) of patience - aisle(extension) of the house
endure(survive) - get used to it(get used to) the heat

Case 2. The spelling of some words with the prefixes PRI-, PRE- should be remembered or determined by spelling dictionary. This includes, for example, outdated words, used in phraseological combinations stumble (us-tar.) - “to stumble”, stumbling - “interference, difficulties”, stumbling block; repose (obsolete) - “to die”, to arrange the end of the world.

Case 3. It is recommended to determine the spelling of borrowed words with pri-, pre- radically using a spelling dictionary: prestige, president, price list, prefix, precedent; priority, privilege, claimaniye, private, primitive, etc.

In the Russian language exam, students may encounter different formulations of task 4, related to the spelling of the prefixes PRE- and PRI-. Let's consider possible options:

1. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

2. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “attachment”.

3. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action.”

4. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “location nearby.”

5. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning, close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-.

Let us recall the corresponding rule.

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-

(summary table)


prefixes PRE-



prefixes PRI-


High degree of quality or action (= very, very, very, too)



very funny

most unpleasant

very pretty

most important






get fed up






(the meaning of connecting something with something);


(the meaning of movement towards a goal);


(the meaning of increasing the size of something, adding something to what already exists)











gallop up





drag in


Exceptions: free





Similarity with the meaning of the prefix re-

(however, please note that direct replacement

most often it is impossible to do)






Incomplete action

(= a little bit)

open slightly

shut up

sit down

bend down


stand up


Being close

anything (near, close)










Bringing action

to the end or performing an action in someone's interests

get used to

come up with





It is very important to consider the following:

1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:

DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter)

BEND (knees) – BEND (branch)

TO UNDERBE (difficulties, misfortunes) – TO BE ENDURED (to circumstances)

TRANSITORY (moment) – COMING (postman)

STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach)

PICK (door) – bicker (quarrel) and many others.

2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated in the table. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer distinguished (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In these cases, it is necessary to use a spelling dictionary.

I suggest you practice.

Task 1. Insert the missing letters into the words.,, pr...respected, pr...attractive,, pr...amusing, pr...grown, pr...wonderful, pr. ..exalted, pr...silence, pr...poor, pr...cut, pr...climb, pr...oven, pr...form, pr...satiation, pr... pinch, sweep, pr...rub, pr...put,, pr...plump, pr...tasty, pr...cook, pr...clicking, pr...risen, pr...being,pr...flight, pr...provide, pr...capable, pr...application, pr...spread, pr...fallen, pr...fect, pr...dpr... accepted,, pr...chairman, pr...creator, pr...sent, herald, pr...rise, pr...neglect, pr...imagine, pr...ludia, successor, pr...omen, pr...closing, pr...taste, pr...ascending,, pr...entry, pr. ..crashed, pr...supposed, pr...jerky, pr...dstart, pr...raise, pr...wash,pr...haymaking, pr...creative, pr...deliver, pr...send, pr...see, pr...similar, pr...bite, pr...extinguish, pr. ..boring, pr...will, pr...strange, pr...disposition, pr...educator, pr...howl, pr...detail-thematic, pr...bent, pr. ..earthy, pr...valued, pr...pre-Olympic, pr...offer, pr...mial.

Task 2. Insert the missing letters into the phrases.

Excellent...excellent result, honor...increase the speed, honor...the tribute to deep antiquity, protect the road,...defy the law, honor...the evil of fate,...stop screaming.

Task 3. Insert the missing letters and read the story to the kids - sisters and brothers.

One... red evening, Vasilisa, the... wise... dreamed of a... wonderful dream. All...funny and all...pretty little bunnies were jumping and jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a huge cloud. This flew...flying the evil, evil...evil Serpent Gorynych. He... landed, sat down on the grass and... thought. Kashchei ordered him to find Vasilisa wisely, to frighten him, to bring him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych .


Task 1

press, very rich, highly respected, attractive, slightly open, most wonderful, grown, very wonderful, exalted, become silent, become poor, cut down, crawled, bake, transform, satiation, pinch, sweep, rub in, attach, sharp, swollen, delicious, weld, snapping, surpassed, arrival,pre-flight, provide, opportunist, application, foreshadow, fit, prefect, undertaken, etc.edelivery, chairman, pretender, foreshadowed, foreshadow, surpass, neglect, transform, prelude, receptionist, omen, reptile, smack, etc.eascending, betrayal, crime, discontinued, intended, intermittent, pre-launch, exceed, overthink,pre-hay, feigned, bearer, send, despise, reverend, bite, extinguish, boring, freedom, strange, predisposition, transformer, scion, subject-thematic, bowed, squat, ask the price, pre-Olympic, present, premium.

Task 2

Excellent result, exceed the speed limit, ancient legends, block the road, break the law, vicissitudes of fate, stop shouting.

Task 3

On a beautiful evening, Vasilisa the Wise had a bizarre dream. The most amusing and very pretty little bunnies were skipping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a huge cloud. It was the evil, despicable Serpent Gorynych who arrived. He landed, sat down on the grass and became thoughtful. Kashchei ordered him to find the wise Vasilisa, intimidate him, and bring him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych.


    Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: a guide for applicants to universities. M., 2000.

    Russian language lesson in 6th grade

The spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”? explain the topic, I'm confused

  1. Not just "approximation". Also - incompleteness of action, for example. Open the window slightly
  2. The choice of writing the prefixes PRE-, PRI- in words depends
    on the meaning of the prefix itself and the word as a whole.

    PRE- is written if the prefix appears in the meaning
    "VERY" (wonderful, wise) or
    PERE- (obstacle, crime)

    PRI- is written if the prefix denotes
    approaching (arrived, sailed),
    joining (glued, nailed),
    proximity to something (roadside cafe, bedside rug),
    incompleteness of action (lie down, sit down, open slightly),
    accompanying action (whistle, tap).

  3. Spelling of prefixes

    Pre- and pre-


  4. -The prefix at- indicates:
    1) spatial proximity
    2) joining, approaching
    3) performing an action in an incomplete volume or for a limited period
    4) bringing the action to completion
    5) action performed in the interests of the subject: assign

    The prefix pre- indicates:
    1) meaning through (close in meaning to the prefix per)
    2) meaning differently
    3) high degree of quality (close in meaning to the word very)
    4) to an action that reaches the limit

  5. 3 years
  6. Best answer
    malicious_sun Student (193) 3 years ago
    Spelling of prefixes

    Pre- and pre-

    1. The prefix PRE- is written in the following cases:
    when she gives to words the meaning of an extreme degree of action exceeding any measure, or highest degree qualities: extol, exceed, exaggerate, surpass, succeed; excellent, very pretty, very nice, very nice;

    when it has the meaning of the prefix re-: block (block), transform, stop, tradition (transmit), transgress (step over), perverse (inverted), successor (adopt).

    2. The prefix PRI- gives meaning to words:
    spatial proximity, contiguity: seaside, Amur region, coastal region, station, household;

    additions, approximations, attachments: incline, drive, bring, tie, freeze, fasten;

    incompleteness of action: attach, open, lie down, lower, subside;

    bringing an action to the end, to a certain result: to find, to finish off, to muffle (to muffle completely), to accustom, to invent, to kill;

    performing an action in own interests, increased manifestation actions: take a closer look, pocket, lure, dress up, hide, appropriate, listen;

    accompanying action: humming, whistling, dancing.

    1. The prefix is ​​Old Slavonic in origin. In Russian, it corresponds to a prefix with the full-vowel combination re-; Wed : barrier partition, betray to convey.

    2. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning with the prefixes pre- and pre-; cf: despise (hate) and despise (give shelter); Wed also: contempt and contempt; bow (head) and bend (branch to the ground); make (a dream come true) and close (the door), pretend (to be asleep); endure (inconvenience) and tolerate (inconvenience); transitory (moment, cf. passing) and coming (postman, participle of come).

    3. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of the words multiply (multiply greatly) and multiply (add a small amount), although these meanings are often difficult to distinguish.

    4. In the following words former consoles are no longer singled out: limit, object, advantage, contradict, seduce, pass over, (punctuation marks), obstacle, impediment, bicker, notorious, satiate, abhor, stumbling block (stumbling block), device, fastidious, handsome, order, decent, primitive , claim, communion, reason, affection.

    5. In borrowed words it is possible to write both pre- and pri- (these elements, as a rule, are not prefixes): preamble, prevail, president, presidium, drug; private, prima donna, privilege, primitive, priority.
    8 answers
    Niemand Artificial intelligence(109743) 3 years ago

  7. Sun)

  9. The prefixes pre- and pre- are determined in writing by their meaning.
    Pre-written if the meaning is very (for example, beautiful, i.e. very beautiful. very large-very large) And if it is similar to the meaning of the prefix re- (for example, block is similar to PERSPECT. transgress-CROSS over)
    The prefix is ​​assigned if the action is approaching, incomplete, close (or near), to the end and joining. For example, coastal (i.e. near the shore (this is proximity). Cover (i.e. not completely close, but only a little. This is an incomplete action). Run (i.e. to the end. arrive where you should. ) Glue (this is joining, i.e. attaching to something)
    But in general the topic is quite difficult. There are many exceptions.
    Approaching is proximity (or in another way they say “about”, but this is not entirely correct.) Examples: come, run, arrive, etc.
    And there are also prefixes that depend on the meaning. For example: to arrive (to approach somewhere, and to stay - to be somewhere)
  10. an incomplete family is a family with a child in which there is no married couple
  11. Spelling of prefixes

    Pre- and pre-

    1. The prefix PRE- is written in the following cases:
    when she gives words the meaning of the utmost degree of action, exceeding any measure, or the highest degree of quality: to extol, exceed, exaggerate, excel, succeed; excellent, very pretty, very nice, very nice;

    when it has the meaning of the prefix re-: block (block), transform, stop, tradition (transmit), transgress (step over), perverse (inverted), successor (adopt).

    2. The prefix PRI- gives meaning to words:
    spatial proximity, contiguity: seaside, Amur region, coastal region, station, household;

    additions, approximations, attachments: incline, drive, bring, tie, freeze, fasten;

    incompleteness of action: attach, open, lie down, lower, subside;

    bringing an action to the end, to a certain result: to find, to finish off, to muffle (to muffle completely), to accustom, to invent, to kill;

    performing an action in one’s own interests, intensified manifestation of an action: to take a closer look, to pocket, to lure, to dress up, to hide, to appropriate, to listen;

    accompanying action: humming, whistling, dancing.

    1. The prefix is ​​Old Slavonic in origin. In Russian, it corresponds to a prefix with the full-vowel combination re-; Wed : barrier partition, betray to convey.

    2. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning with the prefixes pre- and pre-; cf: despise (hate) and despise (give shelter); Wed also: contempt and contempt; bow (head) and bend (branch to the ground); make (a dream come true) and close (the door), pretend (to be asleep); endure (inconvenience) and tolerate (inconvenience); transitory (moment, cf. passing) and coming (postman, participle of come).

    3. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of the words multiply (multiply greatly) and multiply (add a small amount), although these meanings are often difficult to distinguish.

    4. In the following words, the former prefixes are no longer isolated: limit, subject, advantage, contradict, deceive, preclude, (marks of) punctuation, obstacle, obstacle, bicker, notorious, satiate, disgust, stumbling block (stumbling block), device, fastidious, handsome, order, decent, primitive, claim, communion, reason, affection.

    5. In borrowed words it is possible to write both pre- and pri- (these elements, as a rule, are not prefixes): preamble, prevail, president, presidium, drug; private, prima donna, privilege, primitive, priority.

Words with the prefix s- or other are not uncommon in the Russian language. It is especially important to correctly designate this morpheme, because the correct spelling of a word sometimes depends on this. In the article we will understand what prefixes are, and we will also clarify specifically complex cases their writing.

What is a prefix?

The prefix in the language plays the role of a sculptor - with its help words are created. Even one of the ways of word formation “named after her” is a prefix. What kind of morpheme is this? This is the one significant part the word that precedes the root. That is, when parsing a word according to its composition, the prefix, root, and then other morphemes are identified. This part of the word is often called a prefix, that is, what comes before the root.

The main task of prefixes is to form new words. For example, from the verb “to walk” new words are formed with the help of prefixes: come in, go out, come, move. And from the word “sonorous” you can easily get the adjectives “silent” or “consonant” using a prefix.

What types of consoles are there?

Speaking about what prefixes are, it should be noted that they are divided into several types. The writing of these morphemes directly depends on this.

The Russian language has a fairly extensive group of prefixes that do not have variable spelling. They are always written the same way; pronunciation or any other factors do not play a role here. Let's name the most common of them: co- (resistance); in- (enter); pre- (further investigation); from-/fromo- (tear off, tear off); under- (boletus); pro- (passage); dis- (tear); s- (to do).

Some prefixes in the Russian language have a variable spelling of a voiceless or voiced consonant at the end. These include: dis-/raz- (calculation, fragmented); demon-/without- (dowry, peremptory); all-/up- (to turn up, to collect); voz-/voz- (increase, recreate); is-/iz- (frenzied, spew out); nis-/low- (descend, overthrow); over-/through- (too much, excessive).

The prefixes pre-/pri- stand apart from everyone else. They belong to a group in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its lexical meaning.

Spelling of prefixes into voiceless and voiced

As mentioned above, there is a whole group of prefixes with variations in the spelling of the consonant at the end. These are words with the prefix "s-". The spelling option is the ending of the prefix with the letter "z". What should you start from? this rule? From the first sound of the root. If it is voiced, the prefix must have a “z” at the end, if it is voiceless, it must be written “s”.

Here are a few examples: a break, but a story. In the first word, the “r” following the root is voiced (sonorant), so you need to write the prefix r-. In the second word, the “s” with which the root begins is unvoiced, and accordingly the prefix ends in an unvoiced “s”.

Carefree - unprincipled. The root of the word "carefree" begins with a voiced "z", so it is correct to write the prefix "bez-", while in the second word the root begins with a voiceless "p", which regulates the writing of "bes-" as a prefix.

There is one more rule regarding prefixes with z-/s-. It concerns the prefixes roz-/ros- and raz-/ras-. The spelling of the letters "a" or "o" in them depends on the stress. IN strong position you need to write "o", in the weak - "a". For example: painting, stroke, search; to lose faith, to repent, to blush.

The spelling of the letters “e” or “i” in pronoun prefixes also depends on the stress: in a strong position, “e” is required, in a weak position, “i”. Someone, but no one; nothing, but nothing; nowhere, but nowhere.

The influence of the prefix on the vowel following it

Not only the first consonant of the root can influence the spelling of the prefix. It happens that the prefix does not remain in debt and affects the first vowel of the root, changing it to another. This applies to those words in which the prefix ends in a consonant followed by “and”, which refers to the root. So it will change to “s”.

For example: unknown. The prefix "without-" ends in a consonant, the root of the word "-izve-", so it is necessary to write it with the letter "s".

Another example is a prank. The word formed from the noun “game” has the prefix “roz-”, so we will write the root “-igr-” and not “-ig-”.

It should be remembered that there are two prefixes that do not change the letter at the beginning: inter- and super-. Examples: inter-institutional, ultra-refined.

This is what prefixes are in the Russian language, how interesting and varied they are in use and spelling.

Spelling of prefixes at-/pre-

The prefixes pre-/pri- are particularly problematic. Their spelling is regulated by the lexical meaning of the word in which the given morpheme is used.

The main thing here is to know exactly what prefixes are so as not to confuse them with part of the root.

The rules for writing the prefix are as follows:

  1. It denotes approaching an object: to arrive, to come, to gallop.
  2. Conveys the meaning of close proximity to something: Caspian, school, homestead.
  3. Words with this prefix can have the meaning of attachment: sew, tie, wrap.
  4. An indication that the action has not been completed completely: open it slightly, embellish it, listen.

There are slightly fewer words with the prefix pre- in the Russian language. It expresses a meaning close to “very” (disgusting, very funny, wonderful) or akin to words starting with “pere” (transgress - step over, block - block, interrupt - interrupt).

Any word consists of parts, which in linguistics are called morphemes. The most important of them is the root. This is the main meaning. It is like a house on a foundation, to which various premises are attached in the form of suffixes (affixes) and prefixes (prefixes), adjusted when possible, and an ending. And every time after such construction work the purpose of the house can change significantly. It is worth paying more attention to the façade, and for this you need to know: what kinds of prefixes there are, what new they add to the meaning of the word, and whether they are fraught with danger.

What are prefixes for?

What comes before the root, at the beginning of the word, is the prefix. The prefix refers to significant morphemes, since its main function is education. that a word can have more than one prefix (two, three), they are all written together. But you can do this without errors only if you know certain rules.

There are more than 70 prefixes in modern Russian. Of course, not every one of them has spelling governed by a rule. What types of prefixes there are based on these features can be found out by considering three main groups:

Uniform spelling. These are prefixes that do not have a consonant pair. For example, in- or o- (after all, there are no prefixes f- or a-). This also includes: for-, co-, pa-, po-, su-, y- and so on;

Peculiarities of writing prefixes ending in “z” or “s”. These are prefixes such as ras- (time-), nis- (low-), bes- (without-). If after the prefix there is a voiced consonant, then you need to write “z” at the end, if there is a voiceless consonant, then “s”;

The prefix is ​​pre- and its sister is pre-. The correct use of these prefixes depends on correct understanding the meaning they bring to a word.

What are the origins of prefixes?

Prefixes are divided into native Russian and foreign ones. The first include:

By-, in-, from-, on-, without-, above, with-, that is, prefixes that can also be prepositions;

Pa- and pra- are obsolete, but still found in words such as stepdaughter, flood, great-grandfather;

Between-, after-, outside-, near-, against-, these prefixes were once adverbial prepositions, but over time they became part of the word.

Foreigners by origin are:

Prefixes starting with the letter “a” (Greek): anti-national, immoral, archival;

Counter-, de-, dis-, re-, ultra-, ex-, trans-, extra- (Latin): counter-offensive, demobilization, disqualification, regression, ultrafilter, ex-champion;

Eu-, ev- (ev-) - prefixes Greek origin with the meaning "real". For example, eu-angelie (true message), eu-bacteria (correct bacteria);

Des- (French): disorganization, disinformation.

Both honey mushrooms and fragments have the prefix o-

Very often we don’t think about what prefixes there are in words. And how they help change the original meaning. For example, everyone knows what a “stump” is. Let's add the prefix o- and the suffix -ok. As a result, we get the word “honey mushroom”. Don't think that this is a mushroom growing on a stump. The real understanding of this word is given by the prefix o-, which denotes the spread of action around something. So honey mushrooms are located not on the stump, but around it.

If you remember an error, typo, typo or omission, you can immediately see that the prefix o- has another meaning - an indication of an incorrect, reckless action. And if you pay attention to the words: fragment, cigarette butt, cinder, stub, then it becomes obvious new meaning of the same prefix - a particle of an object resulting from some kind of impact on it.

What is the difference between pre- and pre-

To correctly write these prefixes, you need to clearly know the meaning of the words in which they are used. For comparison and better memorization need to make a table

Prefix pre-. Meaning:Prefix at-. Meaning:

The highest degree of quality. It is possible to replace the prefix with the words “very” or “very”: very unpleasant, wise;

Sign, action: extremely poor, joyful;

Exceeding the measure: surpass, exalt;

Meaning close to block, transform.

Approaching, joining, adding or spatial proximity: school, come, stick, add;

Incompleteness of an action or its completion on short term: sit down, stand up, lie down, sit down;

Bringing the plan to completion: nailing it down, attaching it, inventing it;

To do in someone’s interests: to hide, to save;

Additional action to the main one: sentence, jump, dance.

Similar in sound, but different in writing

There are words where the prefix pre- (pri-) carries the main semantic load, and here it is important not to make a mistake, otherwise the meaning will completely change. You can only arrive somewhere and on something, but to stay means to already be somewhere. For example, arriving by train at the station, but remaining carefree in the carriage.

There are many similar sounding pairs in the Russian language. Understand them correct spelling, you can only know the Russian language: what prefixes there are in such and such a meaning, and which ones in another. And then the verbs “to look after” (to shelter) and “to despise” (to neglect, ignore) will not get confused in your head.

It is worth remembering once and for all that a receiver is something that accepts, and a successor is someone who takes over someone’s experience or position. You can lean something to the wall, but you should only bow to that which is worthy of respect. If it is recommended to give the product a shape, then only a friend, dreams, ideals will be betrayed. You can only pretend to have a window or a door, but dreams and ideas are brought to life.

A little more about spelling

In our language there are prefixes that are separated from a word by a hyphen. There are only three of them: po-, v- (vo-) and some-. In the adverbs in -ski, -tski, -i, -emu, -mu - this is a prefix in -: in a foolish way, in its own way, in a Volga way, in a hare way. Pronouns without a preposition are written with a hyphen: some, some, some. The introductory words are formatted as follows: “thirdly”, “secondly”, “apparently”.

There is one more rule related to prefixes and which is very often forgotten to apply in writing, guided only by pronunciation. This is the choice of vowels “and” or “s” following the prefix. IN in this case spelling is not related to what kind of prefixes there are, but with which letter the root begins. This applies to all words starting with “and”: play, search, history, integral, idea, etc.

If a prefix appears in them, at the end of which there is a consonant, then “y” is written after it. for example: play, find, background, unprincipled. There are exceptions to this rule:

Compound abbreviated words: sports equipment, pedagogical institute;


Prefixes super- and inter-: super-interesting, inter-institutional;

Foreign language prefixes: counterplay, subinspector, post-impressionism.

We tried to dwell on the main aspects of the life of prefixes regarding their meanings and spellings, because this small morpheme carries a lot of meaning.

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