What is mainstream definition examples. Mainstream - what is it? The essence of the phenomenon and the meaning of the word

Full of various incomprehensible to the common man words that have already become a kind of slang. One of the popular words today is “mainstream”. What's this? - you will be surprised. But you’ve probably already heard it and often caught your eye. The entire Internet is teeming with this, they talk about it, and it’s fashionable. Today, among young people, it’s even shameful to not know the mainstream. So if you want to keep up with the times, let's figure it out.

Mainstream - what is it?

Let's begin with this term absolutely not new. It appeared quite a long time ago and initially related directly to art, or rather to literature. The mainstream emerged sometime in the 1940s in the United States of America. The author of this term is not reliably known. There are versions that it was literary critic William Dean Howells (1837-1920), who gave his preference exclusively to works written in a realistic manner.

So what does mainstream mean? IN literal translation from English this is “the main direction”, “the main lines”. If we talk scientific language, can be given the following definition: this is the prevailing current in any kind of activity (literature, art, music, science, politics, etc.) over a certain period of time.

What is the modern mainstream?

Today, the mainstream refers to mass trends that are popular in society. The trends relate mainly to culture and art. The word “mainstream” is used to show the contrast with alternative, underground and other non-mass trends. In other words, the mainstream is designed for a large number of consumers.

IN modern world mainstream is a fashion for certain things and behavior. For example, in Lately It has become relevant to read books or cook or work remotely, or take photographs and post them on social media.

The musical mainstream in Russian music is undoubtedly “Bi-2”, Zemfira, “Mumiy Troll” and “Chaif”.

The mainstream on the Internet is VKontakte, Instagram and cats. The world has become obsessed with these furry animals lately! Their photographs filled almost the entire Internet.

Mainstream in cars - Ford Focus, in tourism - Turkey and Egypt, in business - tax evasion, etc.

What is the negative mainstream?

In addition to the above, the mainstream also has negative meanings. This is a kind of fashion for mass stupid behavior. For example, the very common strange behavior of girls who take pictures of themselves in restrooms and at the same time make “ducky lips.” Negativity manifests itself mainly in Internet communication. In this vein, the concept of “mainstream” is seen as a fashion for the aggressive and gregarious majority, which cannot understand and accept any other views. Sometimes this concept is also called hackneyedness and banality, which have a negative connotation and imply something dull and boring.

Thus, the mainstream is what is considered the most widespread and popular in its field.

Non-mass, elite direction, arthouse.

Musical mainstream

Accordingly, the mainstream can include not only tasteless films for the masses, but also thoughtful films that received huge amounts of money for the high-quality embodiment of the director’s world and intention. For example, the films of the American director Martin Scorsese, whom some critics rank among the greatest directors, appeal to the mass audience.

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An excerpt characterizing the Mainstream

“He’s having fun at my expense,” Ermolov said quietly, nudging Raevsky, who was standing next to him, with his knee.
Soon after this, Ermolov moved forward to Kutuzov and respectfully reported:
- Time has not been lost, your lordship, the enemy has not left. What if you order an attack? Otherwise the guards won’t even see the smoke.
Kutuzov said nothing, but when he was informed that Murat’s troops were retreating, he ordered an offensive; but every hundred steps he stopped for three quarters of an hour.
The whole battle consisted only in what Orlov Denisov’s Cossacks did; the rest of the troops only lost several hundred people in vain.
As a result of this battle, Kutuzov received a diamond badge, Bennigsen also received diamonds and a hundred thousand rubles, others, according to their ranks, also received a lot of pleasant things, and after this battle even new movements were made at headquarters.
“This is how we always do things, everything is topsy-turvy!” - Russian officers and generals said after the Tarutino battle, - exactly the same as they say now, making it feel like someone stupid is doing it this way, inside out, but we wouldn’t do it that way. But people who say this either do not know the matter they are talking about or are deliberately deceiving themselves. Every battle - Tarutino, Borodino, Austerlitz - is not carried out as its managers intended. This is an essential condition.
Countless free forces(for nowhere is a person freer than during a battle, where it is a matter of life and death) influences the direction of the battle, and this direction can never be known in advance and never coincides with the direction of any one force.
If many, simultaneously and variously directed forces act on some body, then the direction of movement of this body cannot coincide with any of the forces; and there will always be an average, shortest direction, what in mechanics is expressed by the diagonal of a parallelogram of forces.
If in the descriptions of historians, especially French ones, we find that their wars and battles are carried out according to a certain plan in advance, then the only conclusion that we can draw from this is that these descriptions are not true.
The Tarutino battle, obviously, did not achieve the goal that Tol had in mind: in order to bring troops into action according to disposition, and the one that Count Orlov could have had; to capture Murat, or the goals of instantly exterminating the entire corps, which Bennigsen and other persons could have, or the goals of an officer who wanted to get involved and distinguish himself, or a Cossack who wanted to acquire more booty than he acquired, etc. But , if the goal was what actually happened, and what was a common desire for all Russian people then (the expulsion of the French from Russia and the extermination of their army), then it will be completely clear that the Tarutino battle, precisely because of its inconsistencies, was the same , which was needed during that period of the campaign. It is difficult and impossible to imagine any outcome of this battle that would be more expedient than the one it had. With the least effort, with the greatest confusion and with the most insignificant loss, the most great results throughout the entire campaign, a transition was made from retreat to offensive, the weakness of the French was exposed and the impetus that Napoleon’s army had only been waiting for to begin their flight was given.

What is better - to remain like everyone else or to be considered a “black sheep”, but to show your individuality? Each of us often chooses one thing. Thanks to supporters of the spirit of collectivism in the forties, the now popular term emerged. Mainstream, what is it and in what areas of life it is present, we suggest you figure it out.

What does mainstream mean?

In the modern world, this concept is heard by many, but not everyone knows the mainstream - what it is. This term is usually understood as the predominant direction in certain area for a specific period of time. This word is often used to describe popular mass trends in the field of art to contrast with alternative and non-mass trends.

Information mainstream

The popular concept of mainstream can be called relevant for media mass media, where polar attitudes towards people and different brands are often expressed. You can often see journalists demonstrating general mood and at the same time capture both new trends and consumer desires. Among the fastest and very effective channels to disseminate information about directions - . By analyzing social media, you can find out about the mood of the Internet audience in the shortest possible time.

Economic mainstream

It is customary to distinguish the mainstream in economics, which is called a disciplinary phenomenon, which is considered characteristic of development economic science and means the dominant or accepted theory in a certain period or, alternatively, a research tradition with the scientific community. Direction is considered as an indicator of development economic theory and regulator of scientists' behavior. At the same time, many experts assure that it should be the main object of analysis both in sociology and in the methodology of economics.

Mainstream - what is it in politics?

In the modern world, this term is usually understood not only as a certain direction in art, but also any mass movement in the life of society. For young and middle-aged people, this is communication on social networks, where it has become common for many to spend most free time. The mainstream in politics is democracy and liberalism, or everything that is commonly called by these terms. However, at all times there have been people who, trying to stand out from the general gray mass, created their own movements in art, social and political life.

Mainstream in literature - what is it?

Literary scholars say that the mainstream in literature cannot be called the “main stream.” He is classified as works of art, Where the main role is not devoted to the plot, but moral development hero. One more important sign they call it that these books are written at the intersection of genres. Analyzing the novel " gone With the Wind", it would be wrong to say that this is exclusively a work about love or a historical drama.

This direction arose thanks to the famous American writer William Howells. At one time he worked as an editor for the popular literary magazine. His favorites were works written in the realistic genre, which focused on philosophical and moral issues. Thanks to him, realistic literature gained popularity and certain time it was called mainstream. Later the term entered global publishing practice.

What is mainstream in music?

If we talk about popular culture, then in it the similar term MOR or “middle of the road” names the most popular on radio stations and commercially profitable movement in music (popular), where the most famous and beloved styles can be combined. This concept originated in America in the forties. A group or performer working in the mainstream genre can very quickly find themselves at the peak of popularity.

However, soon they instantly evaporate from the stage in the same way. Soon they are replaced by equally ambitious teams, whose ratings are rapidly increasing. One of the features of such music is the presence of large labels on which musicians can publish. Countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Scandinavia and Germany influence the modern mainstream.

Mainstream - good or bad?

If some people call the mainstream the opportunity to be like everyone else, to feel the collective mood, then for others such trends in different spheres of life are unacceptable. This direction has its positive and negative sides. Among its significant advantages:

  • the opportunity to feel the collective spirit;
  • the ability to keep up with the times;

The more often a foreign language concept is used in speech, the more difficult it is to grasp its meaning. This is what happened with the word “mainstream”, which only the lazy do not use. This is especially true for online discussions. “I read (watched, listened to) this book (movie, band) before it became mainstream!” - often stated by individuals who want to seem special.

Meanwhile, people of the older generation are still perplexed: “What is the mainstream?” It's time to figure it out!

Origins of the concept

This happened in the 40s of the last century. Howell, editor of The Atlantic Monthly, contrasted the so-called mainstream with genre literature and intellectual prose. He believed that a realistic work cannot be limited by canons. Good book, according to Howell, should be written at the intersection of genres. The author’s task is to create a work in which the development of the characters will be visible and touched upon moral problems. Good realistic literature, interesting to many - this is the mainstream. The meaning is a little different from what we are used to, isn’t it? Howell's opinion was shared by many Americans: realism in literature had become popular.

Mainstream in the Western sense

From English to Russian main stream is translated as “main current” or “main direction”. This is a rather vague definition. English speaking explanatory dictionaries offer more detail: a widespread way of thinking. Another option is the prevailing trend, main aspect. Thus, the meaning of the word “mainstream” can, with some stretch, be reduced to the concepts of “traditional”, “generally accepted”, “correct in the mass consciousness”. And for an American or a European there is nothing wrong with being part of the mainstream. In a society that is stable and relatively prosperous, the “mainstream” is what is worth sticking to. It is important to note that the mainstream is not an ideology. It arises by itself, and is not imposed by spiritual or secular authorities. Initially, the concept was used in relation to culture and art, later it moved to politics, science and economics.

Mainstream is... What does main stream mean in Russia?

An attempt to determine in what meaning this concept is used by our compatriots is doomed to failure in advance. On the one hand, the mainstream is what is good for the majority. On the other hand, it is often identified with fashion, and fashion, unlike traditional values, is transitory. The Soviet mainstream - socialist realism - was closely connected with political ideology, the modern one is not connected at all. Russian-speaking Internet users use this word with some disdain: “going with the flow” is considered indecent among enlightened youth. But what was considered oppositional just recently may become “mainstream” tomorrow. By the way, they even pronounce this word differently than abroad, but with emphasis on the last syllable.

Mainstream: what does this concept mean to those who use it?

It’s interesting that in the age of social networks, where everyone is busy with the same thing, each person strives to show his exclusivity: “No, we won’t go there, it’s the mainstream...”, “I don’t listen to that stuff - it’s the mainstream,” etc. But when there are too many “exceptionals”, they begin to turn into those who swim with the “main stream”. It would seem that just recently hipsters represented a unique subculture, but now they are beginning to be perceived as mainstream.

However, everyone has their own opinion about what is considered generally accepted. It is difficult to single out any criteria. However, the “by contradiction” method is well suited for identifying the mainstream.

Some specifics

How to apply the above method? Let’s look at the example of “the most important of the arts.” So, what is the cinematic mainstream? The answer is everything that is not arthouse. It's easier to define arthouse. This is not a film for the mass audience, it is an original film, traditionally shown in separate cinemas or special small halls. Mainstream and arthouse are at different poles. The first brings money to the creators, the second - a certain reputation. The mainstream in cinema, as in music, should be as accessible as possible. It is opposed to independent art. It is not required to awaken the viewer’s thoughts, but it should “knock out a tear” or make one shudder. Currently, the mainstream are films about people with superpowers or any unique talents, post-apocalyptic films, epics about the future, fantasy and comic book adaptations.

Comics in Russia, by the way, have not yet joined the mainstream. Photos of superheroes are displayed on banners and billboards, but specialized graphic novel stores have only just begun to appear in major cities. The “ninth art” is far from popular and widespread here.

Between pop and elite

“Refined natures” do not recognize the traditionalism and universality of the mainstream, and the marginalized do not always understand what it is. Wearing sneakers, sharing demotivational books and photos of kittens on social networks, listening to pop rock, running in the morning is mainstream, but reading cheap paperback novels and listening to chanson in the car is still not considered so.

And yet, what is the mainstream: fashion or consumer goods? It's too early to talk about this yet. The concept entered the Russian language not so long ago and has not yet had time to acquire meaning. Perhaps time will put everything in its place.

Currently, the media quite often, when covering one or another event in the world, use foreign words. It is quite difficult for ordinary people to understand their meaning. One of these words is “mainstream”. What does it mean in simple words?


What is Mainstream?

Mainstream (from the English “Mainstream” - the main, main current)- This modern term, which is used to designate a popular direction, a vector of development, a priority area of ​​interest of society in any area of ​​human activity (cultural studies, art history, fiction, theater, music, etc.). This is some kind of mass trend. Synonyms are: trend, brand, hype.

Initially, the concept of mainstream was used only in art. Gradually, it began to be transferred to the scientific, political, social, and entertainment spheres to designate popular trends. Every mainstream has its own life cycle: origin, acquisition of wide popularity, extinction.

Factors in the development of this concept:

  • Progress in creativity;
  • Grandiose cultural events;
  • Revolutionary movements;
  • Political clashes.

This term has become firmly rooted in the consciousness of people around the world and has begun to create frameworks and define paths further development society.

Ordinary people use the word “mainstream” in their speech, without even thinking about the meaning they put into it. Few people understand that the mainstream is not an instant statement or a rapidly changing trend, it is an integral cultural, social trend that is stable for a fairly long period of time (decades).

Manifestations of the mainstream:

  • choice healthy products food, comfortable clothes;
  • attending social and charity events;
  • receiving additional education;
  • mandatory presence certain type hobby;
  • acquisition of new equipment and technology (smartphones with large screens, tablets, electric cars, silent household appliances, etc.).

History of the concept

The founder of the word “mainstream” was the American literary critic William Dean Howell, who used it in his works in the 40s of the twentieth century. He tried to contrast the popular genre literature intellectual prose and used the “mainstream” to justify his point of view. It was after reading his work that this term began to gain popularity.

Mainstream in the Western sense

If you look at the English dictionary, the word “mainstream” refers to thought process, it determines latest developments, innovation, the way new ideas arise. In Western textbooks, the mainstream is the direction public consciousness which everyone should follow. IN English speaking countries this term acts as a factor that sets the form and direction of society’s choice, behavioral model, actions in the field of culture, economics, and politics.

Mainstream in Russia

For a long time now, our society has lacked clearly defined boundaries, which should be decisive in order to choose the right vector of effort. Provocative genres literary creativity, slang phrases and trends - fresh trends in life younger generation. But the degree of their influence on mental capacity and the model of behavior is minimal, simply scanty. Any trends are changeable and impermanent, so they can hardly be called determining the direction of development. Things are even worse with the mainstream creativity in our country. For literary genre, architectural creativity, and original song culture are characterized by ideological and financial exhaustion. Most smart and talented individuals migrate from Russia abroad and realize their abilities there by selling the results of their work to foreigners. There is no mainstream here at all.


Examples of manifestations of the mainstream:

  • On the Internet - the use of emoticons and slang expressions;
  • In business – outsourcing activities;
  • In the film industry - TV series and sensational action films;
  • On television - humorous shows;
  • IN religious activities– Scientology, mysticism;
  • In literature - science fiction, science fiction;
  • In financial activities – cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, ether);
  • In politics – political parties;
  • In the fashion industry - mustache, beard, tattoos, clothing style.

Important! The content of the word “mainstream” is not filled with anything new or unique that did not previously exist. It is simply a beautiful, fashionable word that you can use at any opportunity and feel educated, fashionable, cool. Its use in colloquial speech gives the information a certain freshness and popularity. Social networks lead in the frequency of its use, level intellectual development and the literacy of users of which is much lower than in online communities and various thematic forums.

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