Radar 24 aircraft online in Russian watch. Online Radar of aircraft in flight

Do you want to go on a trip or business trip? Track the plane through the Flytradar 24 service in Russian online! You will know exactly where the airliner is now and whether it is worth waiting for arrival at the airport.

Flytradar24 is a public air radar created in 2007 and designed to monitor flights of almost any air transport in real time. Translated from English, “Flight Radar” means “Flight Radar”. The web service will be useful for tourists, business travelers, as well as spotters who want to watch for fun.

Flights are constantly delayed, and information at airports is not always up-to-date and reliable. Thanks to the flytradar, you can see where the plane is now, where it is heading, and where it has stopped. This is how traffic over a dangerous region is controlled, which is important for ensuring safety.

Flightradar24 is a partially commercial project. It has free (Basic) and paid plans (Silver, Gold, Business). In the first case, a basic set of functions is offered. In the second, opportunities expand. For example, text labels are allowed, provided more details aircraft, flight history is saved for up to 365 days, etc. Users can choose a free 7-day version of the option they are interested in.

The operation of the web service is ensured by special transmitters - ADS-B transponders, which are installed on air transport. The aircraft's location is determined by GPS navigation (satellites), and ADS-B transponders transmit signals to receivers connected to Flightradar 24. Having received the information, the flightradar analyzes and displays aircraft on a map online. Using this principle, you can track different aircraft.

Overview of the Flytradar24 service

When you open the Flightradar24.com website, you will see real map, which allows you to move anywhere in the world. In the main menu you will see several sections. We'll tell you why they are needed further.


Allows you to select the application you are using. There are two options available: IOS or Android.

Add coverage area


Used when you need to find a flight, airport or airline of interest based on source data. The information base is updated online.


Allows you to communicate on a forum, chat or blog. It is also suggested to go to official page on social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter).

Press, media (Press)

Designed for people who want to use the service for print or television purposes, or publish information on the Internet. Here you will find the html code to insert into the web page, as well as useful recommendations on the use of images.

About the company

Information about the company, contacts, questions and answers, terms of use of the service are provided. If you want to sign up for a paid subscription, go to this section to view the tariffs. Costs range from $1.49 to $49.99/month and from $9.99 to $499.9/year.

Business services

This block publishes information about data services, application integration, and unlocking associated with business subscriptions.

The vertical menu consists of sections “Aircraft”, “Airport Delays”. Here you can find out:

  • the name of the airline that carries out transportation;
  • altitude and flight speed;
  • time and place of departure/arrival;

Despite the fact that the site is in English, the interface is intuitive. Graphic elements help to understand everything. And if you want to watch flytradar24 in Russian, then the page is easily translated.

How to translate into Russian

Usually the system automatically asks about this (in the right top corner a message pops up on the screen). But if this does not happen, use one of the methods described below.

Open the Flightradar24.com website in the Google Chrom browser. Click on free space left vertical menu with right mouse button. Select "translate into Russian".

Note: if native language was not installed automatically, then enable this function in the browser settings. To do this, go to Settings/Languages ​​and select the right option. Make sure the option to automatically translate pages is enabled.

Google Translator. Copy the link to the aircraft radar website page you want to translate and go to translate.google.com. In the window where the cursor is located, right-click and select “paste.” A link to the translated page will appear on the right.

How to find out the location of an airplane

To calculate where the air transport is located, you will need Internet access (on a computer or smartphone). It is advisable that the connection speed be at least 5 Mbit/s, otherwise the map will take a long time to load.

How to find a plane:

  1. In the “Search” line, enter the flight number. For example, WRC7812, BTT 9815, UDN004.
  2. After a while, a window will pop up showing detailed information about the plane. Select the Go to Flight function ( graphic element in the form of an airplane).
  3. Information about the place of departure and arrival, time, distance, and airport name will appear in the vertical menu. The distance traveled is also highlighted.

Using this algorithm, you can search for the desired aircraft, find out details, and monitor the flight. Thanks to the unique flytradar24 web service, it will be easier for you to plan trips and make decisions.

The Internet provides incredible opportunities in absolutely all areas. You can look at it right now from the roof itself tall building, move into the interior, look from the streets of Manhattan, etc. You can even monitor the movement of aircraft around the world, as air traffic controllers do!

Online service Flightradar24 allows you to track aircraft flights in real time. With its help you can find out information such as:
  • Carrier name and aircraft photo, flight number
  • Where is the route of a particular flight currently located?
  • How much time has passed since takeoff and how much time is left before landing?
  • What is the plane's altitude and speed?
  • How occupied is the airspace over a particular city, etc. details

On home page Flightradar24 displays a world map and aircraft icons. You can move absolutely anywhere globe, change the map scale.

Data from thousands of aircraft, helicopters and gliders is received in real time via automatic system tracking, which is based on several technologies: ADS-B, MLAT and FAA. All data is combined together and compared with the flight schedule, which ultimately gives very accurate data on the status of aircraft flights.

Most aircraft icons are colored yellow– this means that data from them is received and displayed without delay. An orange icon means that data from the aircraft is arriving with a 5-minute delay.

By hovering the cursor over any icon, you will immediately find out the flight number, and clicking on it with the left mouse button will immediately visually display the aircraft route and detailed flight information(on the left side of the window):

Using the icons in the sidebar you can additionally:

If you know the flight number, then by entering it into the search box (top right), you will receive its detailed schedule and even flight history! By the way, the flight history of absolutely any aircraft, helicopter or glider is stored on the Flightradar24 website and is available for viewing by anyone (for the last 7 days on a free tariff and for 30 days on a premium tariff)!

As we have already indicated, data for the vast majority of flights is displayed in real time, without a time delay, so you can independently find out the arrival time of any aircraft with an accuracy of the minute. There is also a flight schedule and a database of all airports in the world, which is always available online.

By the way mobile version Flightradar24 gives some interesting additional features. For example, you can identify a plane flying in the sky by simply pointing your smartphone at it. Or display messages on your smartphone when the desired flight flies directly above you :) The number of downloads of the application has already exceeded 3 million, which indicates its considerable popularity.

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Today many people ask if there is a flytradar in Russian online.

Others don't know how to use this program, but really want to learn.

The fact is that this program is really useful and necessary for everyone who travels by air. Moreover, it does not have a single analogue.

Today we will try to answer all questions regarding this service.


What is it

To put it simply, this is a special online monitor that also works in the form of applications for smartphones and tablets, and which allows you to track all aircraft flights.

Any user who decides to use it will be able to see in a matter of seconds everyone who is currently operating their flights.

They are very conveniently depicted as pictograms with small aircraft figures right on the map.

At the same time, the same map displays the capitals of countries, as well as cities, in general, everything is like on a regular map from Google, but with all flights indicated.

It all looks as shown in Figure 1.

What you need to use

It all depends on what device you are working on. And there are only a few options:

  1. If you are using a computer with Windows, Mac OS or any other operating system, you just need to go to the site.
  2. It is also possible that you are working with a smartphone or tablet on which . Then you need to download and install the corresponding application from .
  3. Finally, if you use , there is an app for you in the App Store.

Actually, that's all you need to work with flightradar. It is noteworthy that the interface on the site is almost exactly repeated on mobile platforms.

This means that the process of use will be the same everywhere.

Is there a version in Russian?

No, it doesn't exist. He supports only language and it's English.

Attention! Don't fall for scammers' tricks. , which supposedly allow you to download the application of the service we are considering in Russian. But such an application does not exist. Those files probably contain some kind of viruses that gullible users can very easily pick up.

Also, various sites often write that they have a Russified version, but in fact this is not the case at all.

Perhaps they just placed his window (from the official site) on their page and did Russian description. But this does not mean that they have a completely Russified service.

Be careful.

Now let’s look at the process of using the official website. It’s worth saying right away that everything here is as simple as possible.

How to use?

So, the first thing you can do is find the desired area on the map.

This can be done as on a regular page, that is, hover the mouse cursor over a certain area and use the wheel to zoom in and out of the picture.

The same thing, by the way, can be done using the “+” and “-” buttons, which respectively zoom in and out of the map, that is, zoom in and out.

You can also use the search. To do this, in the field at the top, where “Search” is initially written, you need to enter the name of the city on English.

Rice. 2. Search and zoom in/out buttons

After this, you will be able to see the selected city in an enlarged version. Above it will be located all air transport vehicles that at the moment are nearby.

At the same time, since the status of flights is constantly updated, their location will also change. The main thing is that their position will fully correspond to reality.

All you have to do is click on a specific plane. All information about it will immediately appear on the left. Specifically, you will see the following information:

  • flight code;
  • locality, where it took off from
  • destination;
  • time zones of the two above-mentioned points;
  • the distance traveled;
  • total distance his flight;
  • type of aircraft;
  • departure time and arrival time.

Available for some aircraft

More than 100 years have passed since the first aircraft under the control of a man, he took off from the ground and rushed into the sky. And, despite the fact that his flight lasted about a minute, it became the first step towards the emergence of entire sciences related to aviation, which is simply impossible to do without these days.

As you know, modern aircraft are controlled not only in the sky, but also on the ground. Control centers, equipped with complex and expensive equipment, are designed to monitor their safe movement in the air and correct the work of pilots. Surely, many of you have seen them on TV and noticed a display installed at the dispatcher’s workplace that allows you to watch the flight of aircraft in real time.

Introduction of satellite systems into civil aviation and the worldwide Internet makes it possible today to organize aircraft tracking in real time using a regular home computer. This unique opportunity provides a free service “Flightradar24”, the functionality of which is quite wide. In particular, it allows you to monitor flight trajectories online large quantities passenger airliners equipped with a navigation device - an ADS-B transponder.

How to use the real-time aircraft map?

By accessing the Flightradar24 service, you will see a detailed map of the world with the ability to change the scale and enter into the search fields the names of the cities where the aircraft you are interested in will take off and land. By pointing the pointer at any moving object, you will see how it immediately changes color, and when you press the button interactive map will instantly display the aircraft's path with a multi-colored line. Using this trajectory, you can judge the flight altitude of air transport, focusing on the color table located on the website.

If you wish, you can get information about the model of the aircraft, the name of the airline to which it belongs, check the flight number and even look at a photo of it appearance. The Flightradar24 service, thanks to accurate and reliable data, will be useful both for satisfying ordinary people’s interest and for carrying out serious calculations.

To whom and how is the Flightradar24 service useful?

For example, real-time aircraft flights will be useful to those who intend to evaluate the performance of a particular airline. Knowing the flight schedule, you can analyze the stated flight times and judge professional qualities any company providing air transport.

This service can provide invaluable assistance in educational institutions. By connecting a computer to a projector or electronic board, the teacher can use it as a visual aid and introduce your students to the workings of modern aviation. Seeing the planes in real time and imagining how tense and responsible work performed by airline dispatchers, students will discover a lot of new things.

Thanks to Flightradar24, it is now so easy to find out about all the civil aircraft flying over your area. You will be able to see with your own eyes how the airliner with your friends or relatives on board will fly, and also just feel like an air traffic controller and feel the scale and development of modern technologies.

The developers of this truly unique service have done their best. They managed to combine information transmitted from satellites different states, into one whole and show ordinary users the movement of aircraft of hundreds of airlines from around the world. When you visit our website for the first time, you will witness the work of the entire air transport industry and, for sure, share your impressions with friends and colleagues!

“Flight radar” is translated into Russian as “flight radar”, or more precisely, “flight radar”. Precisely for monitoring flights aircraft, and practically anyone, this public resource was created. Just 15 years ago it was impossible to even dream about it, and 30 years ago it was impossible to think about it. However…

The FlightRadar24 website has been operating since 2007, but it became truly popular 3 years later, in the spring of 2010 during the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland). This incident clearly demonstrated the significance and benefits of this project. The world's leading media, thanks to the flight radar, had the opportunity to monitor air traffic in the skies over a dangerous region.

Even greater excitement around this web service was caused by the flight of the German national football team in mid-2014. Thousands of fans from all over the world watched the team's flight in real time.

FlightRadar - airplanes online

Despite its convenience and functionality, this service is used mainly by aviation enthusiasts (spotters) or those who need data for work, such as reporters. You don't have to look far for an example. Any plane crash instantly attracts an audience to flightradar24.com.

However, in addition to monitoring aircraft accidents this resource very well suited for planning your affairs in ordinary life. Although few people know about this, or simply do not understand how to use the new opportunities.

As mentioned above, the main audience of the flightradar24.com website is spotters who monitor traffic just for fun. But who would definitely find this resource useful would be tourists and business travelers. Flight delays happen all the time. Information at airports is not always provided in a timely and accurate manner. Where is the plane? Where is it flying at the moment and is it flying at all? All this can be found out through the flightradar24.com web service. And, having learned, plan your further actions.

For example, you meet a plane, and it weather conditions will land in another city or circle 400 kilometers from the destination. The board at your airport will show “flight delay”, but hardly anyone will tell you how much. With flightradar24.com you can calculate where your plane is currently and roughly calculate what time to expect it to land. Convenient and, in general, simple.

To do this, you need, firstly, at least a smartphone with Internet access, and secondly, a flight number. Nowadays, finding the location of an airplane has become easier than finding out where your minibus is now. So, go to the website flightradar24.com. In the “search” we write the flight number. This number may look something like this: AFL 0001 or SU 0002. Next, we wait for the result. Not only the aircraft you are looking for should appear on the map, but also a list of flights it has made in recent days.

By the way, in this simple way you can “break through” any airliner. If only a special radio transmitter was installed on it. Even presidential, but it is not at all necessary to know the flight number. To track an airplane, it is enough to know its tail number. The last note for beginners and aviation enthusiasts. I almost forgot, you can use the site for free for the first half hour, and then reload and use it again.

Flightradar24 is a partially commercial project. A paid subscription opens up more options in settings and removes advertising. However, the free option is generally quite convenient. The language barrier is not a problem. Although the site is in English, it will still be quite easy to understand its work. For this, minimal knowledge and intuition are enough. But what may be missing is Internet speed. On a slow connection, a map of a particular region will take quite a long time to load, from 2 to 5 minutes. Remember this and be patient.

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