The most multi-lane road. The widest road

Some roads in the world are driven much less often than others! What is the reason? Perhaps they are too steep, too narrow, too winding. For others, on the contrary, more often – because the views are beautiful, because it’s convenient and fast. For the curious reader, a list of the “best” roads in the world.

Baldwin Street is a seemingly ordinary suburban street in a town called Dunedin, on the South Island of New Zealand. But it is actually very steep: the level difference between the beginning and end of the road is as much as 70 meters - and this is over a relatively short distance of 350 meters! That is, the road literally stands vertically before the eyes of a frightened driver - and, on the contrary, it looks like a children's slide for the driver at the top point. The main thing on such a steep path is not to stall!

The iciest road in the world

McMurdo Highway is a one and a half kilometer stretch of dirt road on South Pole, connecting American Antarctic stations called McMurdo and Amundsen-Scott. This route is literally a series of flags, which are vital in such visibility conditions. The road is extremely dangerous, tiring and, of course, very isolated and monotonous.

The most dangerous road in the world

North Yungas Road in Bolivia is considered by many to be the most dangerous road on the planet. This section of the route, about 65 kilometers long, stretches from the Bolivian capital La Paz through the mountains to small town Coroico. It’s scary to think, but up to 200-300 travelers die on this route every year! Therefore, local residents called this serpentine “the road of death.” Most The single-lane road, just over 3 meters wide, has no guardrails and runs at an altitude of up to 600 meters. During the rainy season, from November to March, rain and fog can severely hamper visibility, and runoff from the mountains can sometimes turn the road into a muddy mess. In summer, dust clouds are also common here.

The most winding road in the world

The Grimsel mountain pass in the Swiss Alps doesn't rival the above-mentioned "road of death" in terms of danger, but try not to stare at the wonderful scenery along the way, because this is the most winding road in the world - and it won't take long to fall! The road starts at Meiringen, at an altitude of 600 meters, and winds through picturesque slopes to the Grimsel mountain hut located on the shore of a small lake (at an altitude of 1,874 m).

The most unusual bridge in the world

But what, a bridge is also a road! Although, is it a bridge? Judge for yourself: the Trans Tokyo Bay Expressway disappears halfway across the giant Tokyo Bay. How so? Here's how: this almost 10-kilometer highway is part bridge, part tunnel, and even with a giant floating parking lot right in the middle; yes, let's talk about convenient parking!

The longest tunnel in the world

The journey from the picturesque village of Laerdal to Aurland in Norway takes place through a 25-kilometer tunnel through a mountain range almost 1,900 meters high. The construction of the tunnel cost a whopping $125 million, but the construction was vital - during heavy winter snowfalls, getting to the neighboring point by other means became absolutely impossible.

The longest road in the world

Pan American Highway recognized as the longest road in the world: it stretches as much as 47,958 kilometers from Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska through Canada, the USA, Central and South America to the town of Ushuaia, on the southern tip of Argentina. To travel all this way means to experience the features of almost all climatic zones planet, and at the same time see some of the most beautiful places on Earth.

The highest bridge in the world

The Millau Viaduct is a 2460-meter bridge structure passing through the Tarn River valley in southern France at an altitude of 343 meters. The bridge, by the way, is higher than main symbol France, Eiffel Tower. Can you imagine? The viaduct received as many as three world records and became one of the main attractions of the country.

The narrowest road in the world

Fairy Meadow Road in Pakistan is probably the narrowest and most dangerous road in the world. Such a sweet name that means " fairy meadows", the road was awarded by German climbers. Among local residents this route is known as “Jute”. The road runs through pastures near one of the base camps of Mount Nanga Parbat, in the northwestern Himalayas. The road passes at an altitude of about 3,300 meters above sea level and serves as a starting point for travelers ascending to the rugged peak.

In 1995, the Pakistani government declared the route and its surrounding beauty a National Park.

The widest road in the world

With 26 lanes, the Katy Freeway, or Interstate 10, is the widest road in the world. About 219,000 cars pass through it every day! Built in the 1960s, the highway extends 37 kilometers from its intersection with Route 610 to Katy, Texas.

The highest paved road in the world

Running at an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters through the Himalayas, Karakoram and Pamirs, the 1,300-kilometer Karakoram Highway is the highest paved highway in the world.

In 1963, Pakistan and China signed an agreement to build a road that would bring mutual benefit to both countries. Darling opened in 1986.


The longest escalator system is Hong Kong Central Hillside. Its length is 800 m. It consists of moving walkways and carries passengers from the Mid-le-Val area to the central market, located near the shore. After the morning startup, the system moves by inertia throughout the day.

The shortest escalator - 83.4 cm - is a moving walkway in shopping center in Kawasaki, Japan. It was installed by Hitachi and is 20 times shorter than a conventional escalator.

The longest airline ticket, 12m, was issued to Belgian citizen Bruno Lehnen in December 1984. He had to cover 85,623 km using 80 airlines and make 109 transfers.

You can get from central London to New York in 3 hours 59 minutes. and 44 s. on a Concorde plane. This record was set by David J. Springbett and David Boyes (Great Britain). The return journey took them 3 hours 40 minutes. 40 s. The record was set on February 8-9, 1982.

The busiest airport is Hartsfield International in Atlanta (USA). In 1999, 78,092,940 passengers passed through it. The busiest non-American airport is London Heathrow with an annual passenger flow of 62,263,365 people.

Most busy schedule on international and domestic routes with Delta Airlines (USA). In 1999, Delta carried 105,534,000 passengers, with the majority (98,298,000) arriving in the United States. United Airlines and American Airlines carried 87,049,000 and 81,452,000 passengers, respectively.

London-New York is the busiest intercontinental route. Every year, 3.82 million passengers travel the 5,539 km by air between these two cities.

International Association air transport claims that British Airways (Great Britain) is the largest international passenger air carrier (36,609 million people annually). In second place is the German company Lufthansa (27,287 million).

Michael Bartlett and David J. Springbett (Great Britain) committed trip around the world, completing it in a record time of 62 hours 15 minutes. March 18-21, 2000 Using regular flights, they covered a distance of 41,010 km. Their route: London-Three Points-Auckland-Los Angeles-Chicago-Madrid-London. The rules of this trip were as follows: it was necessary to visit 2 points that were located exactly opposite each other on the globe: Thai Tree Point ( New Zealand) and Madrid (Spain) are complete “antipodes”.

Located in eastern Tibet, Bangda Airport is located at an altitude of 4,739 m above sea level. The world's longest runway (5500m) is also located here.

The lowest airport is Schifol in Amsterdam. It is located 4.5 m below sea level.

The busiest international flight schedule is on the Hong Kong-Taiwan route.

According to estimates of the International Association civil aviation, this airline was used by 3.96 million people in 1999. In 1997, the world's 25 best airports handled 968 million people.

The steepest street in the world - Baldwin Street is located in Dundean (New Zealand). It rises at an angle of 38° and is so steep that special warning signs are posted on it. By comparison, the steepest streets in San Francisco, Filbert and 22nd Streets, have a slope of only 28.35°.

The world's widest road, the Monumental Axis, is located in Brasilia (the capital of Brazil). It stretches 2.4 km from Municipal Square to Three Powers Square. This 6-lane boulevard (250 m wide) was opened in April 1960.

The San Francisco-Oakland Bridge in California (USA) is divided into 23 lanes.

The narrowest street is in the Italian village of Ripatranzone. It is called Vicolo della Virilita, and its width is only 43 cm.

Statistics from the International Road Federation claim that Monaco has the most high density cars in relation to total length expensive In 1996, there were 480 cars for every kilometer of road there. If you try to park these cars one after another on the streets of Monaco, there will only be enough space for half of them.

The most difficult road junction located in Orange County, USA. It consists of 34 weaves on just 2 levels. About 629,000 vehicles pass through this interchange every day. Most complex outcome in Britain is considered to be Gravilly Hill, north of Birmingham, which opened on 24 May 1972. It consists of 1 8 weaves on 6 levels (together with a diversion canal and river).

According to the International Road Federation, the country with the largest length of roads is the United States. It was 6,348,227 km in 1999. Then comes India with 3,319,664 km of roads and Brazil with 1,724,924 km.

American businessman Dennis Tito paid Russia $20 million to visit space station. He started on April 28 and returned on May 6, 2001. His “vacation” can be called the most expensive trip, because he paid money for it from his own pocket. Other civilians on similar trips were either active crew members (Helen Sharman from the UK, Salman al-Saud from Saudi Arabia), or their travel was paid for by their employer (TV journalist Yoyoshiro Akiyama, Japan).
The biggest spacecraft— Saturn V, carried astronauts to the Moon from 1968 to 1972. Its length was 110.6 m. The smallest is Pegasus, a 3-stage rocket only 15 m long. Pegasus was first launched from a carrier aircraft in 1990. Now it has been superseded by modern model"Pegasus XL".


The most traveled couple is Dr. Robert Becher and his wife Carmen (USA). They visited all sovereign states peace. In Japan, the Emperor gave Bob a shirt. However, there were losses. True, only once: in Korea, the spouses were left without luggage. Frederick W. Finn (Great Britain) flew 19,247,750 km by plane in 2000 - more than anyone else. It usually flies from London to New Jersey (USA). He also holds another record: he is the most frequent passenger (crossed the Atlantic 714 times) of the Concorde supersonic aircraft.


France attracts the most large number tourists. According to data International organization tourism, in 1999, 73 million foreigners visited France (11.2% of the total world tourist turnover). However, the population of France itself is only 59 million.
Overall, Europe is the most popular destination among tourists. In 1999, 379.8 million people visited Europe (58.4% of all tourists).
The USA, Germany and the UK rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in terms of the amount of money their citizens spend on foreign travel (USA - $56.1 billion in 1998 and $54 billion in 1999).

Over the past few decades, the number of cars on highways has increased around the world. This, in turn, has necessitated significant efforts to promote security traffic. Roads with 8 and 10 lanes are not that uncommon, but what about roads with 20 lanes? They certainly deserve to be called engineering marvels modern world. The definition of “the widest road in the world” is quite complicated, but let’s look at the facts. So.

In the very wide place Highway 401 (Ontario, Canada) has 18 main lanes and an additional 4 lanes as connecting ramps. If all these bands are taken into account total amount With up to 22 lanes, Highway 401 in Ontario can be considered the widest road in the world. This highway extends from Windsor, in southwestern Ontario, to Quebec in east-central Canada. Another interesting attribute of this highway is the fact that the section of this road that passes through Toronto is home to the most congested highways in North America.

Many experts believe that Monumental Axis, the central avenue of the Brazilian capital Brasilia, is the widest road in the world. Some people even claim that about 160 cars can fit on this highway side by side. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that Monumental Axis is actually made up of two highways that have 6 lanes on either side, resulting in total number traffic lanes increase to 12.

As with Monumental Axis, many people also believe that the widest road in the world is Julio Avenue in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Having in total With 16 lanes, it doesn't quite qualify as the widest road in the world - but those 16 lanes make Julio Avenue the widest street in the world. To understand this, it is necessary to understand the difference between the definition of roads and streets.

Roads are defined as road forms that facilitate travel and transportation. The definition of a street generally includes sidewalks along with buildings on either side. And finally the highway
is one of the main roads public use, which connects two or more directions. Although both terms are used for road designations, in general - the use of the term "street" is most often used in the context of urban areas. This assumes that concepts such as sidewalks and buildings are located on both sides of the road. Taking this into account, Julio Avenue in Buenos Aires can be considered the widest road in the world.

The widest road

Argentine road width

As a rule, every person always has a question regarding something very, very important in the world. For example, when many people see a road, the question also arises: which is the widest road?

Of course, no one will specifically measure the width of the road, because this is simply not realistic. Yet there are those people who were able to provide an answer to this question.

According to researchers, it is generally accepted that this road is located in the Brazilian capital, under all famous name Brazil. With just the name, famous TV series involuntarily run through your mind. After all, Argentine films often show people that very broad road. Although people have no idea that this road is the widest.

An engineering miracle in our time

So, the title engineering miracle deserved is a road that consists of twenty-two lanes, where the length of each lane is about two and a half kilometers. This road was opened in April 1960.

It is believed that one hundred and sixty cars can drive side by side on this track. Of course, no one will specifically measure the width of the road, because this is simply not realistic. If we assume that there were still people who were able to provide an answer to this question, then still this fact not documented.

Nowadays, roads that have eight or ten lanes are by no means a rare occurrence, and can be found quite often. But you don’t see twenty-lane roads very often. This is probably why in Argentina it is customary to consider this road the widest. Considering that science is rapidly moving forward, there is a possibility that soon it will be possible to admire such sights in Russia.

Royal Highway

Besides the fact that there is the widest road in the world, there is also wide highway, it is located in Canada and is called Ontario 401 or its other name is “Royal Highway”. In fact, it is the busiest.

There are even rumors among the people that this particular highway is officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records, but correct name, like a highway with a wide median.

Monumental shaft

However, in addition to the widest roads, highways, there are also the widest streets. After all, the road is specifically designed for the movement of a car in in the right directions, while the path is always open for any vehicle. As for the streets, they have sidewalks and certain structures and buildings on the sides.

Therefore, the widest street is Julio Avenue, as it has a total of sixteen lanes. The six-row boulevard is called “Monumental Shaft” and has a width of two hundred and fifty meters. Among the freeways there is also the Katy Freeway, which in turn is an interstate highway in the United States of America. According to some data in lately The highway is being widened because traffic has increased and therefore requires reconstruction. According to road construction engineers, when completed it will consist of twelve main lanes, six intermediate lanes and eight access lanes. In total there will be twenty-six stripes.

Therefore, after completion of engineering and construction work, most likely, the status of the widest road in the world will be given to the Katy Freeway, but this is still speculation.

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Some roads in the world are driven much less often than others! What is the reason? Perhaps they are too steep, too narrow, too winding. For others, on the contrary, more often – because the views are beautiful, because it’s convenient and fast. For the curious reader, a list of the “best” roads in the world.

The steepest road in the world

Baldwin Street is a seemingly ordinary suburban street in a town called Dunedin, on the South Island of New Zealand. But it is actually very steep: the level difference between the beginning and end of the road is as much as 70 meters - and this is over a relatively short distance of 350 meters! That is, the road literally stands vertically before the eyes of a frightened driver - and, on the contrary, it looks like a children's slide for the driver at the top point. The main thing on such a steep path is not to stall!

The iciest road in the world

The McMurdo Highway is a one and a half kilometer stretch of dirt road at the South Pole connecting the American Antarctic stations called McMurdo and Amundsen-Scott. This route is literally a series of flags, which are vital in such visibility conditions. The road is extremely dangerous, tiring and, of course, very isolated and monotonous.

The most dangerous road in the world

North Yungas Road in Bolivia is considered by many to be the most dangerous road on the planet. This section of the route, about 65 kilometers long, stretches from the Bolivian capital La Paz through the mountains to the small town of Coroico. It’s scary to think, but up to 200-300 travelers die on this route every year! Therefore, local residents called this serpentine “the road of death.” Most of the single-lane road, just over 3 meters wide, has no guardrails and runs at an altitude of up to 600 meters. During the rainy season, from November to March, rain and fog can severely hamper visibility, and runoff from the mountains can sometimes turn the road into a muddy mess. In summer, dust clouds are also common here.

The most winding road in the world

The Grimsel mountain pass in the Swiss Alps doesn't rival the above-mentioned "road of death" in terms of danger, but try not to stare at the wonderful scenery along the way, because this is the most winding road in the world - and it won't take long to fall! The road starts at Meiringen, at an altitude of 600 meters, and winds through picturesque slopes to the Grimsel mountain hut located on the shore of a small lake (at an altitude of 1,874 m).

The most unusual bridge in the world

But what, a bridge is also a road! Although, is it a bridge? Judge for yourself: the Trans Tokyo Bay Expressway disappears halfway across the giant Tokyo Bay. How so? Here's how: this almost 10-kilometer highway is part bridge, part tunnel, and even with a giant floating parking lot right in the middle; yes, let's talk about convenient parking!

The longest tunnel in the world

The journey from the picturesque village of Laerdal to Aurland in Norway takes place through a 25-kilometer tunnel through a mountain range almost 1,900 meters high. The construction of the tunnel cost a whopping $125 million, but the construction was vital - during heavy winter snowfalls, getting to the neighboring point by other means became absolutely impossible.

The longest road in the world

The Pan-American Highway is recognized as the longest road in the world: it stretches as much as 47,958 kilometers from Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska through Canada, the USA, Central and South America to the town of Ushuaia, on the southern tip of Argentina. To travel this entire route means to experience the characteristics of almost all climatic zones of the planet, and at the same time see some of the most beautiful places on Earth.

The highest bridge in the world

The Millau Viaduct is a 2460-meter bridge structure passing through the Tarn River valley in southern France at an altitude of 343 meters. The bridge, by the way, is higher than the main symbol of France, the Eiffel Tower. Can you imagine? The viaduct received as many as three world records and became one of the main attractions of the country.

The narrowest road in the world

Fairy Meadow Road in Pakistan is probably the narrowest and most dangerous road in the world. This sweet name, which means “fairy meadows”, was awarded to the road by German climbers. Among local residents, this route is known as “Jute”. The road runs through pastures near one of the base camps of Mount Nanga Parbat, in the northwestern Himalayas. The road passes at an altitude of about 3,300 meters above sea level and serves as a starting point for travelers ascending to the rugged peak. In 1995, the Pakistani government declared the route and its surrounding beauty a National Park.

The widest road in the world

With 26 lanes, the Katy Freeway, or Interstate 10, is the widest road in the world. About 219,000 cars pass through it every day! Built in the 1960s, the highway extends 37 kilometers from its intersection with Route 610 to Katy, Texas.

The highest paved road in the world

Running at an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters through the Himalayas, Karakoram and Pamirs, the 1,300-kilometer Karakoram Highway is the highest paved highway in the world. In 1963, Pakistan and China signed an agreement to build a road that would bring mutual benefit to both countries. Darling opened in 1986.

Since the beginning of civilization, the need for a public, connecting road has become apparent for rapid communication and national defense.
With the creation of advanced engines, roads with hard surface combined with other tactics has created the most experienced roads to improve the tourist experience.
Some roads have been around for centuries, while others are known for their specific technical characteristics.
From busy to deadly, this is the most remarkable road ever built.
Below are the most unusual roads in the world. When did they start building roads? Probably the first road was when primitive man made his way through the thickets. Modern roads for the most part are located in the places where horses were still used, in other words, modern roads stand on top of historical roads.
A road is the infrastructure of the state, the quality and length of roads largely reflects the economic power of the country, the strength and viability of the state as an institution of governance.
Below are the most unusual roads, from the most expensive to the most dangerous, from the fastest to the most long roads in the world.

German autobahns are the most expressways in the world

German Autobahns - This is the fastest road in the world. According to it, the real speed of movement between cities will be high. Autobahns have a minimum speed limit of 60 km/h, which means that any vehicle not capable of traveling at that speed cannot enter the autobahn. This applies to tractors, heavy trucks, carts, mopeds, bicycles and pedestrians. When driving on the autobahn, you have no interference from slow-moving traffic participants who constantly need to be overtaken.
50% of autobahns have no speed limit, but there are recommendations not to exceed the speed of 130 km/h. Exceeding this speed makes the car uncontrollable in turns, on slippery roads and during any maneuver, and this does not depend on the make of the car, its price and its maximum speed.
15% of autobahns have speed limits depending on traffic conditions, such conditions include - weather conditions, time of day and time of year, condition of the road surface.
Let's digress a little and describe the connection between roads and cars.

If anyone has been to Germany and drove on the autobahn, then at your driving speed of 130 km/h, 90% of the transport will overtake you, this is about the law-abiding nature of Germans and Europeans in general. Another environmental issue - at a speed of more than 100 - 130 km/h, the car consumes more gasoline, which means emissions increase harmful substances, engine wear occurs faster, which again leads to large emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Once upon a time, German used cars were very popular in the CIS, so, you could see on every car over 3 years old: perfect interior, perfect suspension, good appearance, but all cars have increased oil consumption. Here are the autobahns for you.

Roads without official speed limit

Theoretically, the roads in some countries and states can be considered the fastest, since there are no speed limits.
There are no speed limits on roads in Nepal, the Isle of Man, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala in India.
Personally, I don't drive faster than 130 km/h for safety reasons.

The Greater Boston Tunnel is the most expensive road project in the world

The Boston Tunnel's budget was originally $2.8 billion, but grew substantially to $14.8 billion in 1985, making it the largest expensive project road ever built in history. Construction began in 1991; 5 people died during construction, including 4 workers and one driver.
The construction of this road system was completed in 2007.

Yungas Road is the most dangerous road ever built

Eta 61 kilometer road located in Bolivia. In 1995, the Inter-American Development Bank dubbed it "the most dangerous road in the world." Yungas path, includes two roads, the Southern path (61 km) and Northern route(64 km).
The road runs along the slope of the mountains, essentially along the slope of rocks, the cliffs below are up to 800 meters, and the width of the road itself is only 3.5 meters, and without fencing. You can only move in one-way mode, since the road itself is located at an altitude of 4650 to 1200 meters, bad weather conditions, rain, and fog are very often observed. It is very dangerous for cars to pass each other, because part of the road may collapse under the wheels and the car will fall into the abyss.
The road claims about 250 lives every year. The road is dotted with crosses at disaster sites. Construction of the road began in 1930 during the war by Paraguayan prisoners of war.
In 1986, modernization of the road began, which was completed in 2006, and other sections were built to bypass the most dangerous places.

Pan American Highway is the longest highway in the world

Since the 20s, Americans began to develop plans to create a road that would connect Alaska and Chile.
Such a road has been created, but it is not continuous. There is the so-called Darien Gap. The gap is more than 80 km between Panama and Colombia. These 80 km are located in very inaccessible places, and besides, they are national parks of these countries.
To be fair, let’s write down the length in sections:
Prudhoe Bay, AK United States- Yaviza, Darien, Panama
The length of this section of the highway is 11,998 km

Regarding the highway section in the territory South America, then its quality leaves much to be desired, despite advertising assurances. I would say that this road does not exist at all in terms of understanding a continuous, asphalt, safe highway.

The Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas, USA is the widest in the world.

This highway has 10 lanes for the most part, but there are sections with 26 lanes, making it the widest highway in the world. The average traffic on this road is 220,000 vehicles per day.

The Karakoram Highway is located at the highest altitude

The Karakoram Road connects Pakistan and China. Construction of this road began in 1963, and in 1986 it was opened to traffic. The uniqueness of the road is also that it passes through 3 mountain systems: Himalayas, Karakoram, Pamir.
The section of the road, which is called the Khunjerab Pass, is located at an altitude of 4877 m.
IN winter time The road is not in use due to the danger of avalanches.

Golyana Tunnel – inside the rock

In 1972, 13 residents of Guoliang Village, Henan Province, China, which was cut off from the outside world, began a project to carve a road along the side of a cliff in order to connect their village with outside world. On May 1, 1977, the path was opened to travelers.

The road was built at the expense of local residents and with the labor of local residents; the 1200-meter long tunnel took 6 years to build. The width of the tunnel is approximately 4 meters, the height is about 5 meters. Several construction workers died in accidents.

Conquering kilometers of roads is an exciting activity. Especially if the route has a modern surface and allows you to travel along the longest route without interference.

Today we offer the Top 10, which includes the longest highways peace. Any of them is of particular importance for those countries through whose territory it runs.

In terms of the total length of the road network, China ranks second in the world after the United States. The length of the main highway National Highway 010 is 5,700 km. The route begins in the northeast of the mainland and ends on Hainan Island, where cars are transported by ferry.

9. Route in the Tarim Desert, China

This highway is the longest road in the desert. The road is important for oil producers, who several years ago began to develop a large oil and gas field in the desert.

8. Interstate 90, USA

The American road network is the longest and most extensive on the planet. Interstate 90 starts at the Canadian border and ends in Boston. It is noteworthy that the highway passes through the longest pontoon bridge in the world. Most of the highway is toll.

7. US Route 20, USA

The longest highway in the USA is 5,500 km long. The road connects East Coast USA with Western. US Route 20 passes through the main national park Yellowstone.

6. Karakoram Highway, Pakistan-China

The route almost completely repeats the route of the ancient Great silk road. The highway is the highest in the world. Almost 1,000 workers died while building the road due to the dangers in the cliffs.

5. Trans-Siberian Highway, Russia

Such a highway simply does not exist on official maps. However, if you combine several routes from the Baltic to the Sea of ​​Japan into a single whole, you will get a single road federal significance with a length of 11,000 km.

4. Trans-Canada Highway, Canada

This highway connects 10 Canadian provinces. The length of the route is 8030 km. Having covered the entire route, you can get there from the coast Pacific Ocean right on the Atlantic coast. The road was built over 20 years.

3. Highway 1, Australia

Australia's main national highway stretches for a record 14,500 km. The route does not go deep into the continent, but always stretches along the coast. More than a million vehicles travel on Highway 1 every day.

2. Highway AH1, Japan - Türkiye

Asian Highway No. 1 is a special UN project for which billions of dollars have been allocated. The length of the route connecting Japan, both Koreas, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey is 20,557 km. Today, cars are transported from the Japanese part of the highway to the mainland by ferry, but an underwater tunnel project is being developed.

1. Pan American Highway, North and South America

The world's longest highway is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The length of the road is 48,000 km, it passes through the territory of 15 countries. Construction of the Pan-American Highway began in 1889. It is noteworthy that on the official maps of the USA and Canada there is no route called the “Pan-American Highway”, although in fact the road passes through the territory of these countries.

Ebenezer Place, Scotland. Photo above. The shortest street in the world. Its length is 2.06 m. There is only one address on the street “No. 1 Bistro, which is part of the Mackays Hotel, which was built in 1883. The street has existed since 1887.

2. The narrowest street in the world
Spreuerhofstraße is the narrowest street in the world. It is located in Reutlingen, Germany. The width of the street ranges from 31-50 cm. The lane was built in 1727.

3. The steepest street in the world
Baldwin Street - New Zealand. The street is located in the southern part of the city of Dundin. It is believed that the slope of this road is the steepest in the whole world. At the steepest point of the 350-meter street, the slope reaches 1:2.86 (19 ° or 35%), that is, every 2.86 meters of asphalt the level increases by 1 meter.

4. The most curved road in the world
Lombard Street (San Francisco). Lombard Street is the most curved road in the world. Of course, the curved section is only part of the entire road. The speed limit is only 5 mph (8 km/h), and you can only go downhill. On both sides of the road are the most expensive mansions in San Francisco.

The road was built in such a strange way a long time ago because the first vehicles due to the weakness of the engines, they could not cope with the 27% slope. And it’s not very convenient for pedestrians to climb up.

5. The most difficult fork in the world
Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange. Los Angeles. This miracle was built in 1993.

6. Longest highway
Australian Highway 1 is a network of highways that seamlessly cross the Australian continent, connecting all of the country's major cities. The total length of the highway is 14,500 km (Trans-Siberian Highway 11,000 km, Trans-Canada Highway 8,030 km). More than a million people travel along Highway 1 every day.

7. The biggest ring road in the world
Patrajaya, Malaysia. The length of the ring is approximately 3.4 km.

8. The widest street in the world
9 de Julio, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina gained independence on July 9, 1816. In honor of this event, the street “9 de Julio” is named, which is also the main street of Buenos Aires.

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