What does a city of regional significance mean? Criteria for granting a territory the status of an urban district

Urban district- This urban settlement, which is not part of the MR and whose MC bodies exercise powers to resolve issues local significance settlements and issues of local significance of the municipal district, and can also exercise certain state powers.

An urban district, as a rule, is an urban settlement. The city district is not part of the municipal district. The legislator, in defining the urban district, did not include the population among the subjects of the implementation of MS.

Granting an urban settlement the status of an urban district is carried out by the law of a subject of the Russian Federation, as a rule. Such allocation is carried out in the presence of existing social, transport, and other infrastructure necessary for independent decision bodies of the MC on issues of local importance of the urban district, as well as issues of local importance of the adjacent municipal area. When granting an urban settlement the status of an urban district, the development prospects of the urban settlement, confirmed by master plan of this settlement.

24. Transformation of MO and changes in the boundaries of MO: concept, forms, legislative regulation. Taking into account the opinion of the population when transforming the Moscow Region. Voting on issues of changing borders and transforming municipalities: procedure, difference from local referendum.

Changing boundaries differs from transformation in that when transforming boundaries the status of a municipality does not change, but when transforming it does.

131 Federal Law identifies the forms of transformation:

1) Separation

2) Association

3) Granting an urban settlement the status of an urban district

4) Depriving an urban settlement of the status of an urban district.

Theoretically, we can distinguish:



Association-merger 2 or more municipalities with the loss of the status of merged municipalities and the transfer of their rights and obligations to a newly created municipality

Separation - separation mo for 2 or more with the termination of the status of this mo and the transfer of rights and obligations to newly created mo.

When joining, only the joining mo loses its status.

When selected from the main mo, the status is not lost.

In this regard, the question arises whether the laws of the subject can establish other forms of transformation.

Issues of the status and transformation of municipalities are issues of administrative territorial structure. AT device is under the exclusive jurisdiction of a subject of the Russian Federation, and in accordance with Article 76 K on issues of exclusive jurisdiction of subjects, the legal acts of the Russian Federation must not contradict the legal acts of the subjects. The laws of the subject may establish additional forms transformations.

The transformation initiative belongs to the following subjects: population, compulsory medical insurance, ogvS, ogv.

The initiative of the authorities is implemented in the form of a decision of the relevant authority. The initiative of the population is implemented in the manner established for putting forward an initiative to hold a local referendum.

131 Federal Law establishes the following types of associations:

1) 2 or more settlements (consent of each population expressed by a representative body)

2) Settlement with the city district (consent of each population through + taking into account the opinion of the population of the MR, expressed by)

3) 2 or more municipal districts (taking into account the opinion of the population, through)

It also installs

1) division of the settlement ( everyone's consent by voting or meeting)

2) division of a municipal district. (taking into account the opinion of the population through)

Any form of transformation must take into account the views of the population. According to the legal position of the Constitutional Court dated March 6, 2008 on Sivashov’s complaint. The territories where MS is carried out form spatial limits municipal authorities as the public power of the people. Since the subject of the right to independently resolve issues of local importance is the population of the municipality, taking into account their opinion is necessary condition to change the boundaries of territories. Taking into account the opinion of the population is one of the necessary guarantees of the right of citizens to independently resolve issues of local importance. Taking into account the opinion of the population in certain constitutional and legal situations can be carried out by making a decision by the population in a local referendum, the results of which are binding. In other cases, the opinion of the population can be identified using various forms both direct and indirect (through a representative) body of expression of the will of citizens. However, the most adequate form of taking into account the opinion of the population is a referendum. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not directly determine in what forms the opinion of the population should be expressed when changing the boundaries of territories. Therefore, the legislator has sufficient discretion in choosing a specific mechanism for expressing the will of the local community.

In accordance with Federal Law 131, almost any form of transformation is carried out taking into account the opinion of the population expressed by the representative bodies of the relevant municipalities. The division of a settlement is carried out with the consent of the population of each of the formed settlements, expressed by voting. This voting is carried out according to the rules provided for holding a local referendum. This vote cannot be called a referendum.

Article 12. Changing municipal boundaries

1. Changing the boundaries of a municipality is carried out by the law of the subject Russian Federation at the initiative of the population, authorities local government, organs state power subject of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies.

The initiative of the population to change the boundaries of a municipal entity is implemented in the manner established by federal law and the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it to put forward the initiative to hold a local referendum. The initiative of local self-government bodies, state authorities to change the boundaries of a municipal entity is formalized by decisions of the relevant local government bodies, state authorities.

2. Changes in the boundaries of municipal districts, entailing the assignment of territories of individual settlements included in them and (or) settlements to the territories of other municipal districts, is carried out with the consent of the population of these settlements and (or) settlements, expressed by voting, or at citizen gatherings, taking into account the opinion of the representative bodies of the relevant municipal districts.

3. Changes in the boundaries of settlements, entailing the attribution of the territories of individual settlements included in them to the territories of other settlements, are carried out with the consent of the population of these settlements, expressed by voting, or at citizens’ gatherings, taking into account the opinion of the representative bodies of the relevant settlements.

4. Changing the boundaries of municipal districts and settlements, which does not entail the attribution of the territories of individual settlements and (or) settlements included in them to the territories of other municipal districts or settlements, is carried out taking into account the opinion of the population expressed by the representative bodies of the relevant municipal districts and settlements.

Article 13. Transformation of municipalities

1. The transformation of municipal formations is the unification of municipal formations, the division of municipal formations, a change in the status of an urban settlement in connection with granting it the status of an urban district or depriving it of the status of an urban district.

2. The transformation of municipalities is carried out by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the initiative of the population, local government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies in accordance with this Federal Law. The initiative of the population to transform a municipality is implemented in the manner established by federal law and the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it to put forward the initiative to hold a local referendum. The initiative of local self-government bodies, state authorities to transform a municipal entity is formalized by decisions of the relevant local government bodies, state authorities.

3. The merger of two or more settlements, which does not entail changes in the boundaries of other municipalities, is carried out with the consent of the population of each of the settlements, expressed by voting, provided for in Part 3 of Article 24 of this Federal Law, or at citizen gatherings.

4. The merger of two or more municipal districts, which does not entail changes in the boundaries of other municipal entities, is carried out taking into account the opinion of the population expressed by the representative bodies of each of the merged municipal districts.

5. The division of a settlement, entailing the formation of two or more settlements, is carried out with the consent of the population of each of the formed settlements, expressed by voting, provided for in Part 3 of Article 24 of this Federal Law, or at citizens’ gatherings.

6. The division of a municipal district is carried out taking into account the opinion of the population expressed by the representative body of the municipal district.

7. A change in the status of an urban settlement in connection with granting it the status of an urban district or depriving it of the status of an urban district is carried out by the law of a subject of the Russian Federation with the consent of the population of the corresponding urban settlement, as well as with the consent of the population of the municipal district from which it is separated (into which it is included) corresponding urban settlement. The opinion of the population of an urban settlement and the opinion of the population of a municipal district are determined by voting, provided for in Part 3 of Article 24 of this Federal Law and carried out separately on the territory of the urban settlement and on the territory of the municipal district from which the urban settlement is separated (into which it is included). Changing the status of an urban settlement is not permitted in the absence of consent to such a change in the population of the urban settlement and (or) the population of the municipal district.

25. Creation of MO: foundations, order.

The creation of a municipality is the process of forming a new settlement on an intersettlement territory. The creation initiative may belong to the same subjects as the initiative to transform the MO.

The initiative of the population is put forward at a gathering of citizens living in the locality. The creation of newly formed settlements is carried out with the consent of the population of the municipal district, expressed by the representative body of this municipal district. When creating a new municipal entity, it is determined new structure local government body, adopts a new charter of the mo. The final creation procedure is formalized by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Defense must:

· Territory

· Population

· Implementation of MS

· Local budget and municipal property

The legal creation of a new entity is recorded in its charter. Although the emergence of a truly independent international organization also requires the inclusion of a new entity in the composition of the subjects of interbudgetary relations.

cities of regional significance hundred

It is necessary to cut out Vitebsk, and a dozen other similar cities across the country.

And then then you have to deal with dozens cities of regional significance, which are also not included in the districts of the country: create “regional district” objects according to the city office and exclude the cities themselves from the territory of the districts. And in the future, repeat the same thing with hundred village councils. And this is only for Belarus.

Or are they unnecessary objects and can be deleted by entering long status city ​​into one of its names?

P.S. I would like to see editing of regions in the country open; there are a lot of inaccuracies regarding the current borders.


It is necessary to cut out Vitebsk, and a dozen other similar cities across the country.

And then then you have to deal with dozens cities of regional significance, which are also not included in the districts of the country: create “regional district” objects according to the city office and exclude the cities themselves from the territory of the districts. And in the future, repeat the same thing with hundred village councils. And this is only for Belarus.

Or are these unnecessary objects and can they be removed by adding a long city status to one of its names?

P.S. I would like to see editing of regions in the country open; there are a lot of inaccuracies regarding the current borders.

It is necessary to cut out Vitebsk, and a dozen other similar cities across the country.

And then then you have to deal with dozens cities of regional significance, which are also not included in the districts of the country: create “regional district” objects according to the city office and exclude the cities themselves from the territory of the districts. And in the future, repeat the same thing with hundred village councils. And this is only for Belarus.

Or are these unnecessary objects and can they be removed by adding a long city status to one of its names?

P.S. I would like to see editing of regions in the country open; there are a lot of inaccuracies regarding the current borders.

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What is the point of such cities? Usually cities of regional significance Then from the Vitebsk region

And then then you have to deal with dozens cities of regional significance

","html":"What is the point of such objects? This is, in fact, a duplicate of the city. Usually cities of regional significance and some other large cities are not part of the region, and it turns out that Are these objects created to cover the entire country with a grid of regions? Then from the Vitebsk region Vitebsk and a dozen similar cities around the country need to be cut out.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source":"

What is the meaning of such objects? This is, in fact, a duplicate of the city. Usually cities of regional significance and some other large cities are not part of the region, and it turns out that Are these objects created to cover the entire country with a grid of regions? Then from the Vitebsk region Vitebsk and a dozen similar cities around the country need to be cut out.

And then then you have to deal with dozens cities of regional significance, which are also not included in the districts of the country: create “regional district” objects according to the city office and exclude the cities themselves from the territory of the districts. And in the future the same thing will be repeated with hundreds of village councils. And this is only for Belarus.

Or are these unnecessary objects and can they be deleted by adding a long city status to one of its names?

P.S. I would like to see editing of regions in the country open; there are a lot of inaccuracies regarding the current borders.

","html":"What is the point of such objects? This is, in fact, a duplicate of the city. Usually cities of regional significance and some other large cities are not part of the region, and it turns out that Are these objects created to cover the entire country with a grid of regions? Then from the Vitebsk region Vitebsk and a dozen similar cities around the country need to be cut out.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags":[("displayName":"administrative division","slug":"administrativnoe-delenie","url":"/ blog/narod-karta??tag=administrativnoe-delenie")],"isModerator":false,"commentsEnabled":true,"url":"/blog/narod-karta/60772","urlTemplate":"/blog /narod-karta/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https://yandex.ru/blog/narod-karta","addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/narod-karta/60772","updateCommentUrl" :"/blog/updateComment/narod-karta/60772","addCommentWithCaptcha":"/blog/createWithCaptcha/narod-karta/60772","changeCaptchaUrl":"/blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl": "/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/narod-karta","urlEditPost":"/blog/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2/edit","urlSlug":"/blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost ":"/blog/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2/unpublish","urlRemovePost":"/blog/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2/removePost" ,"urlDraft":"/blog/narod-karta/60772 /draft","urlDraftTemplate":"/blog/narod-karta/%slug%/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest/narod- karta","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/narod-karta","isAuthor":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2 ","urlEditPostPage":"/blog/narod-karta/56a918ea35a9b071345421d2/edit","urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTranslate":" /blog/post/updateTranslate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/narod-karta/60772/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/ narod-karta/60772","author":("id":"192696472","uid":("value":"192696472","lite":false,"hosted":false),"aliases": (),,"login":"sc1a","display_name":("name":"sc1a","avatar":("default":"43978/192696472-1550894157","empty":false))," address":" [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"43978/192696472-1550894157","imageSrc":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yapic/43978/192696472-1550894157/islands-middle","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"2016-07-29T09:43:33.156Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":"http://avatars.yandex.net/get-yablog/4611686018427432610 /normal")))))">

Currently, there are cities in the country, as well as urban districts. In each case, a certain difference between these concepts is assumed. However, which features are characteristic of cities and which are characteristic of urban districts? What is each type of administrative division object?

What is the city like?

The city is large populated area, whose residents do not agriculture. It is assumed that there will be a developed economic complex, as well as an economy, numerous architectural attractions and engineering facilities to guarantee the livelihoods of people. In each case there is an opportunity to evaluate high level infrastructure development, thanks to which people note an optimal level of living comfort.

Currently, cities are actively developing, after which urban agglomerations are being created. A special role is played by capitals, cities with a population of more than 1,000,000 people, megacities and global cities. It is precisely such settlements that initially have special significance and have serious influence for the development of the state.

What is a city district?

The city district is part of the territorial component of the state. In this case, the unit in question must live on the basis of state administrative as well as local self-government. State power cannot exert any influence.

An urban district may include not only cities, but also nearby villages. Thus, a certain size of the territorial unit is assumed.

Urban district and city: main nuances

An urban district is a settlement that cannot be municipal. At the same time, at the level of local self-government, optimal opportunities for solving various important issues local society. In addition, it may be assumed that certain government powers are being exercised, but at the same time this question is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Pay attention to important features current legislation, one can count on the peculiarities of the development of urban districts.

To date, the legislation of the Russian Federation has not defined the main criteria that allow urban settlements to be granted the status of an urban district. Despite this, the legislator notes that among the most important criteria are the features of the location of the settlement at the local level, as well as the presence of numerous opportunities for a successful solution existing tasks. It is assumed that the fundamentals of human settlements development and current state economics, social development local residents.

The legislation defines two categories of urban districts, each of which has certain characteristics. This division is carried out on the basis of socio-economic ties with surrounding area and features of economic activity:

  1. Cities that long time represent the centers of administrative districts.
  2. Cities that developed during industrialization. This period occurred between the 1930s and 1950s. After this, development continued in the post-industrial period, which has direct relation to new technologies. These settlements made it possible to successfully resolve issues related to national security.

Which important differences between the two groups should be noted? Although the differences fade over time, many negative factors are still making themselves known. The division of cities into two groups is conditional, but in any case there is an opportunity to note the difference in the integration of territorial development infrastructure.

There is no doubt that not all cities, as well as villages that were formed to successfully solve government problems, have optimal potential for successful solution various issues related to local self-government and individual state powers. For this reason, some cities with neighboring towns must continue to be urban settlements. If cities have the necessary potential, they can receive the status of an urban district, guaranteeing benefits for cities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The urban district unites the city as well as populated areas. This territorial unit has complete independence from other municipalities, resulting in amazing opportunities for economic development. Each urban district that exists in Russia has certain representative authorities. Currently in the Russian Federation there is about 500 urban districts, each of which contributes to the presence of a certain structure of the country, which is an important component of the state economy.

The active development of the territorial division of the state makes it possible to improve the economy, thereby creating the basis for the development of each settlement.

Criteria for granting a territory the status of a municipal entity of the appropriate type and establishing the boundaries of a municipal district

For urban settlements - criteria:

1) part of the territory, usually, includes one city or one village, in particular, the historically established lands of these settlements, regardless of the form of ownership and intended purpose (clause 3, 4, 5, part 1, article 11 of Federal Law No. 131);

2) an urban settlement may include several settlements adjacent to the city limits that are not municipalities (master plan - lands for development) (clause 3, 5, part 1, article 11 of Federal Law No. 131);

3) Other (in addition to the general plan) conditions for annexing lands outside the city limits to an urban settlement (paragraph 3 - 6 part 3 of article 85 of Federal Law No. 131)

The best proof that land is available for development is a master plan. AB transition period there was no plan and this requirement was violated. Other conditions that must be taken into account are reflected not in the main text of the law itself, but in transitional provisions.

An urban settlement is given the status urban district subject to following conditions(Part 2 of Article 11 of Federal Law No. 131):

If the urban settlement has an established social, transport and other infrastructure necessary for resolving issues of local importance assigned to the urban district, and for the implementation of certain state powers delegated by laws;

Taking into account the development prospects of the urban settlement, confirmed by the master plan of this urban settlement;

If the adjacent municipal area also has sufficient infrastructure to resolve issues of local importance of the municipal area and carry out certain state powers delegated by laws.

Giving mountains to a settlement the status of mountains of a district - many of the conditions that the legislator formulates in relation to the creation of mountains of districts - they are of an evaluative nature and depend largely on the interpretation of the provisions of the law. This is the availability of social transport or other infrastructure to resolve issues of local importance in the urban district. These are not only settlement issues, but also issues that are usually resolved at the district level. The infrastructure must exist to resolve these issues, as well as to resolve those issues that are transferred as state issues for the mountains of the district. It is important to take into account the development prospects of the settlement confirmed by the master plan. The municipal district must also have sufficient infrastructure to resolve issues of regional importance.


Criteria for granting a territory status rural settlement (1)

The status of a rural settlement is received by one or more united common territory rural settlements, taking into account the following criteria:

A) Population criterion:

Rural settlement - one rural settlement (village), if its population is more than 1000 people (for a territory with high density population - more than 3000 people) (clause 6, part 1, article 11 of Federal Law No. 131);

Rural settlement - several rural settlements united by a common territory, if the population in each of them is less than 1000 (for an area with a high population density - less than 3000 people) (clause 6, part 1, article 11 of Federal Law No. 131);

Exception: rural settlement - a rural settlement with a population of less than 1000 people, taking into account population density of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and accessibility of the settlement territory(clause 8, part 1, article 11 of Federal Law No. 131).

There is a certain average number and the possibility of derogating from it depending on national geographical features. If these are subjects with high population density. Then in such territories there is a higher level of the minimum number of rural settlements - up to 3 thousand.

As an exceptional option - taking into account the pedestrian accessibility of the administrative center, etc. This combines the principle of proximity of municipal authorities to the population, despite the fact that quantitative criterion not complied with. This is the principle of taking into account national geographical features.

Availability of the administrative center (for complex territories with several administrative territories).

Criteria for granting a territory the status of a rural settlement (2)

B) Accessibility criterion for the administrative center of a rural settlement:

Pedestrian accessibility to the administrative center of the settlement and back during the working day for residents of all settlements included in its composition: with the exception of areas with low density rural population, remote and hard-to-reach areas (clause 11, part 1, article 11 of Federal Law No. 131).

There is a caveat - this criterion does not apply to areas with low population density and isolated, hard-to-reach areas. By order of the Government, territories with low population density are established. Remote and hard-to-reach areas are subject to the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. There is a reference to this law on basic guarantees voting rights. The use of this criterion does not apply to all subjects.

Urban districts - special types municipalities. These are urban settlements that are built on the basis of an urban settlement and have the powers of a municipal district. Therefore, urban districts have one level of municipal government. Small urban-type settlements can also apply for the status of an urban district. Urban Okrug is a type of municipal entity equal to a municipal district. Administratively, it is not part of the municipal district, but is part of the district as a territory defined by territorial division.
In the territorial-geographical sense and in the sense of the type of municipality, the term “urban district” differs.
The fact that a settlement is not located inside the territory of another settlement means that the territory of the settlement located inside geographical boundaries another settlement, the jurisdiction of any other municipal entity cannot extend.
The non-inclusion of an urban district into the territory of a municipal district can be imagined when considering them as territories with a certain administrative and legal status. In a geographical sense, the territory of an urban district is in most cases located “within” the territory of a municipal district. A city, which is a municipal entity, in most cases the administrative center of a district, is part of its geographical area, and the territory of the urban district is an independent formation, administratively independent from the municipal district, and is not part of the territory of the municipal district. The territory of the city, which is a settlement and administrative center district, is part of the district both in the administrative-legal and geographical sense.
The non-inclusion of the territory of the urban district into the administrative territory of the municipal district means the inadmissibility of two levels of local government in intra-city territories.
However, the interpretation in different meanings the concepts of “settlement” and “settlement”, “urban settlement” and “urban district”, “district” and “ municipal district" seems to be nothing more than a play on words.
Issues of classifying cities as urban districts are resolved at the discretion of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Objective criteria for granting such status is not established; everything is determined by specific local conditions. Empowerment of the city in the current municipal formation the status of an urban district qualifies as a transformation and is carried out taking into account the opinion of the population.
In practice, it is difficult to separate city and village from each other, since they determine mutual existence and constitute a certain community. This applies primarily to small towns. Therefore, urban districts are expanding their borders by including all large territories and even territories located many kilometers from the city limits.
Most cities that have historically developed as cities with a predominantly industrial infrastructure, in currently became independent municipalities, not part of other municipalities. These are medium and large cities - centers industrial production, which do not have a strict infrastructural connection with the agricultural surroundings and mainly perform other
functions (although in socio-cultural terms they support it). Small towns, as a rule, are centers of agro-industrial processing; they bear the main infrastructural burden of providing inter-settlement powers for surrounding rural settlements.
Granting the status of a city district is carried out taking into account the existing social, transport and other infrastructure necessary for independent resolution of issues of local importance and the execution of certain transferred state powers. The current status is also taken into account:
the status of a city of “district subordination” corresponds to the status of an urban settlement that is part of a municipal district;
the status of a city of “regional subordination” corresponds to the status of an urban district;
existing urban municipalities are usually given the status of urban district.
According to the legislation, science cities and closed administrative-territorial units are municipal entities in the form of urban districts. This allows them to be directly involved in scientific and technical policy and innovation activities.
The task of science cities is to create mechanisms for implementing results basic research into end products that are competitive on the world market. The science city produces a scientific product, and industry consumes it. Each science city draws up a development program for at least five years. There are now seven science cities in Russia, including four in the Moscow region (Dubna, Korolev, Reutov, Fryazino).
In December 2004, the Government of the Moscow Region approved the list of activities for the development program of Fryazino as a science city in Russia for 2003-2007. The list includes the development of both the scientific and innovation complex and social sphere and urban economy However, Law No. 122 abolishes the programs promising development science cities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation are exempt from obligations to finance science cities on their territory, and there is no mechanism for supporting municipalities operating as science cities.
In draft Law No. 122, adopted State Duma in the first reading, it was proposed to consider urban settlements with a population of over 200 thousand people, closed administrative-territorial formations (ZATO) and science cities, as well as other urban settlements as urban districts in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (i.e. the constituent entity of the Russian Federation itself can vest any urban settlement with the status of an urban district). According to this standard,
About 140 urban settlements (91 cities with a population of over 200 thousand people and about 50 closed cities and science cities) became urban districts.
The Congress of Municipalities proposed to adopt the principle of historicism as the basis for establishing a city in the status of an urban district: all cities - independent municipalities that are such on a certain fixed date (on January 1, 2003 or on the day of the official publication of the law) are given the status of an urban district. At the same time, government bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must have the opportunity to make a decision on granting other cities (or urban-type settlements) the status of an urban district.
Large cities and capitals of constituent entities of the Russian Federation become urban districts, and practically nothing changes for them. They retain financial capital, human resources, economic basis, developed administrative structure, transport communications, communication, means mass media etc. Mayor large city- the main budget donor of the region must solve special problems. There are many subjects of the Russian Federation with significantly less human and economic potential than, for example, the city of Yekaterinburg. And in terms of budget it is more powerful. But the city can develop at least at an average level if it retains the financial resources that the subject of the Russian Federation also claims.
The largest cities (more than 500 thousand people), especially those with millions of people, need special status. A region with 8-10 thousand inhabitants is divided into 5-6 municipalities, and a city with a population of 1 million people is divided into one municipality; 40-50% of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation live in one municipality, and 50-60% live in 300 or more. Is it still possible in this case? equal right citizens to local government?
On the other hand, it is unacceptable to form urban districts that include agricultural land, forestry and other categories of land, the area of ​​which is not comparable to the urban area, i.e. it is unacceptable to include rural settlements in city ​​limits with the liquidation of their administrative status and name.

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