Punctuation systems. Punctuation norm

Read the passages. Find examples of unsuccessful expressions in them. Write down the corrected version. I heard pride in the voice of one stranger, who approached my friend, who was fishing in a nearby pond, and said: He gently leaned towards her and, to my amazement, asked.


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Punctuation is one of the sections of grammar that systematizes the rules for placing punctuation marks in writing, as well as the signs themselves. Scientists cannot come to an unambiguous decision about who exactly, but it is known that in an unsystematized form, punctuation marks (or rather one sign - a period) were found in ancient Greek. The dot was used to separate one from the other, obeying the rules oratory.

Syntactic theory proceeds from the fact that the placement of punctuation marks entirely depends on the rules. However, adherents of this theory admit that these rules are based on conveying the meaning of the statement as accurately as possible.

Finally, representatives of the intonation theory of punctuation argue that the division of written speech with punctuation marks is carried out in order to convey the rhythmic and declamatory division of the text. This means that punctuation rules are designed in such a way as to make it easier to read the text out loud.

Besides mandatory rules use of punctuation marks, there are so-called author’s marks, using which writers try to convey additional emotions.

All researchers agree that punctuation is one of the the most important sciences, allowing you to significantly simplify the process of written communication. Proper Use punctuation marks allows the reader to receive not only factual information in a convenient form, but also to perceive the emotional component of the text, which is especially important for journalism and. The placement of punctuation marks can turn an incomprehensible text into an interesting read, conveying all shades of meaning, so you should not neglect the rules of punctuation.

Punctuation(from lat. punctum - point) is a section of the Russian language that studies punctuation, as well as the punctuation system itself. Punctuation in Russian serves in order to convey as accurately as possible in writing what the author wanted to express. Punctuation rules created in order to regulate the intonation structure of speech, as well as syntactic and semantic relations in language.

We all remember the greatness and power of our language. This means not only its lexical richness, but also its flexibility. This also applies to punctuation - there are both strict rules and guidelines that depend on the situation, stylistic features and meaning of the text.

Punctuation in Russian speech achieved through punctuation. Punctuation marks- these are graphic symbols necessary to convey the intonation and meaning of a sentence, as well as to place certain accents in speech.

In Russian there are the following punctuation marks:

1) End of sentence marks: point, question mark and an exclamation point;

2) Sentence separation marks: comma, dash, colon and semicolon;

3) Signs highlighting individual parts of a sentence: quotes and parentheses.

I came home late. Why is the bedroom light still on? That's right, she was waiting for me! “Back at work again?” - she asked tiredly. The apartment smelled of medicine (she probably drank valerian tincture so as not to worry), so I tried to calm her down and go to bed as soon as possible. All the events of that day flashed before my eyes: a scandal at work; a reprimand from the boss who unfairly blamed me for what happened; walking through the city at night in thought.

Punctuation marks can be repeated and combined. For example, the use of interrogative and exclamation point at the same time it speaks of what is in front of us rhetorical question (a question that does not require an answer or the answer to which everyone already knows):

Who knew that everything would happen exactly like this?!

How long?!

Can also be combined comma and dash. This combination allows you to connect different values:

A cool wind blew, it became dark in the forest, and a summer village evening was approaching.

This combination of punctuation marks can also be explained by the use of different constructions, for example, referring to a sentence with a dash between the subject and the predicate:

You, brother, are the dearest person left on earth.

Despite the fact that in the Russian language there are cases when there are no strict rules for the use of certain punctuation marks, even in such cases there are certain recommendations. For example, are there such cases basic punctuation, that is, one to which preference is given. For example, the main punctuation mark when using inserted structures is parentheses:

After yesterday's downpour, all of us (except Anna, who happened to have a raincoat) fell ill with a cold.

In this case, it is possible to select plug-in design using a dash (minor punctuation mark in this case):

He sat down thoughtfully on the bench - it was wet after the rain - and thought about what happened today.

All punctuation rules and punctuation rules we will look in more detail in subsequent articles.

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