The letter e in the suffix en of nouns. The letter e in the –en suffix of nouns ending in –mya

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Lesson objectives:

  • know about suffix spelling -en- nouns on -me; know about the importance of seeds for plants, animals, humans;
  • be able to use suffix -en- in an unstressed position in writing;
  • instill a love for native nature.

Lesson progress

Initial stage. Organizational moment. Teacher's word.

Hello guys. Sit down.

Today we have unusual lesson. Our new topic We will not just study based on a Russian language textbook, but using today’s topic as an example, we will analyze how closely everything in our world is interconnected. And we will consider this using the example of texts from a biology textbook. Open your notebooks. Write down today's topic.

Frontal survey. Answer the question: “What nouns are called indeclinable?”

Answer: "10 nouns per -me and noun path"

Question: "Name the nouns you know in -me."

Answer: "Nouns in -me: burden, tribe, time, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown"

The stage of introducing new material and updating knowledge.

Russian language teacher: “Exactly right. We know that these nouns in unstressed position have the ending -And, despite the fact that they are neuter nouns. Next rule about the spelling of such nouns is presented in our textbook on page 89. Read the rule::."

Written practice of the rule exercise 211.

Russian language teacher: Let's trace the use of such nouns using the example of a noun seed.

An article from a biology textbook, “The Importance of Seeds for Plants,” is projected onto the board:

The importance of seeds for plants . Seeds play a role in the life of plants important role: using plant seeds reproduce and spread By earth's surface.

There are known cases when coconut palm seeds were transported by sea waves from one tropical island to another, located at a distance of about 250 km. Seeds of spruce, pine, larch, birch, and dandelion are carried by the wind. Oak and hazel (hazel) seeds are distributed over considerable distances by squirrels. For cultivation, people transport over long distances the seeds of plants they need but grow in other places. In this way they promote the spread of plants.

Questions from a Russian language teacher: “Name and write down phrases that contain the noun seed, used with the suffix -en" (plant seeds, palm seeds, pine, hazel, oak, birch, etc.) In what form is the noun seed used in the above cases?

Answer: Plural I.p."

Biology Teacher Questions: "What is the importance of seeds in plant life?" "Give examples of the spread of seeds across the earth's surface using seeds, using the materials from the article."


Biology teacher: “In addition to the enormous importance of seeds for the life of plants themselves, they play no less importance in the life of animals and humans. Let’s take a look at another article in our textbook.”

The article and drawings are projected onto the board.

The importance of seeds for the animal world . Seeds with their supply of starch, fats, and proteins represent a high-calorie nutritious food for many small and large animals. Birds, various mammals (sheep, bears, deer, cattle, rodents, hedgehogs, elephants, monkeys, squirrels and many others) eat in large quantities seeds and fruits.

Biology teacher:"Why are seeds an excellent food for animals?" "List the animals that eat seeds."

Biology teacher:"Open the biology textbook page 47. Let's take a look at the small informational article in the textbook"

Reading the article.

Some animals store seeds in their burrows for the winter. Thus, the chipmunk can annually store up to 5-7 kg of pine nuts in its pantries by winter. Many insects feed on unripe seeds, sucking nutrients from them.

In general, animals eat up to 85-90% of seeds grown on plants. Thus, plants largely provide the existence of the animal world.

Question from a biology teacher: “How do plants ensure the existence of the animal world? Prove it.”

The teacher’s word: “Remember, guys, by preserving green spaces, protecting nature, you save the lives of many animals, because plants provide life for many animals and for us, people.”

Question from a Russian language teacher: “Name and write down phrases with the word seed. Highlight the suffix” ( store seeds, immature seeds).

Biology teacher: " The last question that we did not touch on today is the importance of seeds for humans."

We project the text onto the board.

The value of seeds for humans. The seeds have vital important and for humans. Seeds are a food product. Cereals and flour are made from cereal seeds (from their fruits) - wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley - all over the world. Peas, beans, lentils, etc. are widely used as food. Edible and technical vegetable oils are produced from sunflower seeds, rapeseed, flax, cotton, and coconut. necessary for people. Valuable food products are the seeds of walnut, poppy, almond, coffee tree and cocoa, coconut palm, cedar pine and other plants. Seeds of black pepper, cumin, nutmeg, and vanilla are used as spices.

Since ancient times, man has grown (cultivated) the plants he needed. Thanks to this, plants produce many more seeds than are necessary for their renewal. This property turned out to be very useful to man.

Question from a biology teacher: “What plants does a person use for his needs? How? What property of plants turned out to be useful to a person?”

Question from a Russian language teacher: “Name and write down phrases in which the noun seed is in R.p. singular, highlight the suffix” ( from sunflower seed, rapeseed, flax, cotton, coconut, produced from seed)

The final stage. Let's draw conclusions:

Biology Teacher Questions: "What is the significance of a seed in nature? Why are all formed seeds needed for wild and domestic animals and for humans? Why does a plant produce many seeds?"

Question from a Russian language teacher: “What letter is written in the unstressed suffix of nouns ending in -mya?”

Independent work Exercise 212.

Homework. In Russian language exercise 213, paragraph 38.

In biology, paragraph 12, questions p. 49 (oral)

Called the noun “bread of the tongue.” Indeed, without using this part of speech it is impossible to construct sentences. Objects, things, events and states, people and animals, feelings and emotions - we convey all this in speech using nouns.

When writing words of this part of speech, you should follow the rules. The greatest difficulties are caused by endings and suffixes. How to correctly write noun suffixes will be discussed in the article.

Suffixes with uniform spelling

The correct spelling of many morphemes in the Russian language is subject to morphological principle, that is, they are written uniformly in all words and word forms. Nouns also have such suffixes. You just need to learn them.

These are suffixes such as IZN, OT, IN, OST, OTN, OVN and some others. Cheap, expensive, white; KINDNESS, REDNESS, SIMPLICITY; silence, depth; brevity, youth, pride; running, running; chatter and so on. Such suffixes are mainly characteristic of words formed from adjectives and verbal words.

It is recommended to remember the spelling of words formed from verbs using the suffixes IV and EB, for example “fuel”, “mesivo”, “brew”, “lace” and others. No rule can be applied to them; they must be remembered or checked in a dictionary.

Suffixes IK and EK

The suffixes of the nouns IK and EK serve to form a diminutive form and sound the same when pronounced. They need to be written in accordance with very simple rule. If, when a word is declined, the vowel “runs away”, then this is the suffix EK, and if it remains, then this is the suffix IK. Classic example, which schoolchildren love and easily remember, is a lock and a key. We bow the words and see:

  • zamochEK - zamochka (vowel “ran away”);
  • key - key (the vowel remained in place).

When applying this rule, you must first correctly find the suffix in the word. For example, in the word “ball” there is the root BALL and the familiar suffix IK, in the word “pilot” there is the knee LET and the suffix CHIC, and in the word “boy” there is no suffix at all, but only the root and null ending. It is important to remember: there are no nouns with the suffix CHECK in the Russian language!

  • Conclusion. To choose IK or EK, you need to see whether the vowel appears in the form of oblique cases.

Suffixes EC and IC

The spelling of the noun suffixes EC and IC is similar to the previous paragraph of the rule. Here, too, with declension, the vowel drops out of the EC morpheme, but is retained in the IC morpheme. But there is one more nuance. EC is written in masculine words: well done, handsome, foreigner. Accordingly, IC will belong only to feminine words: beauty, snowstorm, lazy.

Everything seems simple here. But what about neuter words, attentive readers will ask? Even their vowel does not fall out during declination. But here another principle works, and you need to pay attention to the emphasis. If the emphasis falls on the ending, we write EC: PALTETSO, letterTSO. If the base of the word is stressed, we write the suffix ITs: dressITse, nameITse, jamITse.

  • Conclusion. The EC and IC suffixes depend on the gender of the word. If you eat a neuter word, look at the stress.

Suffixes ICHK and ECHK

The suffixes of the nouns ICHK and ECHK are also found in affectionate and diminutive names, both animate and inanimate objects. It is very easy to distinguish from. ICHK is written in those words that are formed from forms with the suffix ITs: staircase - ladder, sister - sister, mill - mill. ECHK is used in all other words, including affectionately diminutive forms of proper names: kroshka - kroshechka, cat - cat, Olya - Olechka.

  • Note. The use of the names TanICHKa, ManICHKa and other similar ones is found in the works fiction, but is not standardized.

You should also keep in mind that there is no suffix YACHK in Russian.

  • Conclusion. The spelling of the suffixes ECHK and ICHK depends on the presence of the suffix ITs at the base of the word from which the noun is derived

Suffixes ONK and ENK

Spelling noun suffixes with endearing meaning ONK and ENK rarely cause difficulty because they are usually clearly audible when pronounced. But let’s generalize: ONK should be written after a hard consonant, ENK - after a soft or hissing one. The braid is the braid, the birch is the birch, but the daughter is the daughter, the night is the night, Julia is Yulenka. Exceptions can be considered diminutive variants of the words “mom” and “dad”: only mamma and papa are permissible, despite the fact that the stem of these words ends in hard consonants. You also need to remember the spelling of words that do not obey the rule, “ZaINKA”, “PaINKa”, “BaINKi”. They are written in a special way and are dictionary.

  • Conclusion. The suffixes ONK and ENK depend on the softness/hardness of the preceding consonant.

Combinations IN-K and ENK-K and suffixes INK and ENK

Noun suffixes are also interesting because they can be difficult to identify correctly. The words have similar meanings, but are formed using different suffixes. For example, the words “pea” and “snowflake” denote a diminutive form of an object, but the first is formed from the word “snow” using the morpheme INK, and the other is formed from the word pea-in-a by adding the suffix K.

  • The combination IN-K is written in words formed from feminine nouns with the suffix IN: ballerIN-Ka - from ballerIN, BusIN-Ka - from busIN.
  • The combination EH-K occurs in words formed from nouns ending in -NYA: cherry-Ka - from cherry, cherry-Ka - from cherry, and so on.

The suffixes of the nouns INK and ENK are difficult to explain by any clear rule. ENK is found in words denoting female persons: beggar, nun, Frenchwoman and others. Accordingly, in words that do not have such a meaning, the suffix INK is written: gorlinka, smeshinka, zadorinka. If the suffix that causes doubt is in an unstressed position, it is better to check the dictionary.

  • Conclusion. The spelling of suffixes and combinations ENK (EN-K) and INK (IN-K) depends on morphemic composition words or regulated by a dictionary.

The letters O-E in the suffixes of nouns in the position after sibilants sound the same, which is why this particular spelling causes the most difficulties, and it is with it that the most errors are associated. In fact, the rule is very simple.

In the suffixes of nouns OK-EK, ONK-ENK, ONOK-ENOK and similar ones, O is written under stress, E is written without stress. Examples of stressed positions: riverONKa, MezhvezhONOK, circle. Unstressed suffixes: daughter, river and others.

As you can see, O-E after hissing nouns in suffixes is very easy to distinguish!

But there is one nuance (after all, the Russian language does not recognize rules without exceptions). This rule does not apply to words formed from verbs. In them, regardless of the place of stress, you should always write E (most often such suffixes are in the stressed position, which is why they are misleading). NochEVka - we write E, because from the verb "to spend the night", condensed - we write E, because from the verb "to thicken", stew - is explained in a similar way.

  • Conclusion. Suffixes of nouns after sibilants depend on the place of stress (with the exception of verbal words).

Suffixes CHIC and SCHIK

Noun suffixes cause difficulty in writing not only vowels, but also consonants. A striking example- sibilants in the suffixes of the nouns CHIC and SCHIK, which in oral speech often sound the same. Most often, these suffixes form words with the meaning of profession or occupation: “roofer”, “scout”, “layer”, etc. How to distinguish them?

The suffix CHIK is written only after the letters D, T, Z, S, ZH: Breadwinner, Clerk, Defector. The SHCHIK morpheme is written after all other sounds: mason, recruiter, etc.

It is noteworthy that soft sign is never written before the suffix CHIK, and before SHCHIK is preserved only in one case - after L: sawyer, roofer, layout designer.

  • Conclusion. The choice of the suffix CHIC or SCHIK depends on the preceding consonant sound.

N and NN in noun suffixes

Double vowels occur in words of any part of speech, including nouns. How to determine how many N to write in the suffixes of this part of speech?

  • One N is written if the noun is formed without adding the suffix N from a word whose stem ended in one N: yuNost - from yuNy, gingerbread - from spicy, and so on.
  • Two N are written at the junction of morphemes, that is, if a noun is formed from a word with a stem in N by adding another H: treason - from treason with the addition of NIK, tsennik - from tseNA with the addition of NIK.
  • NN is also written if a noun is formed from an adjective or participle that already contains a double N. CONFIDENCE - from confident, restraint - restrained.
  • Conclusion. The spelling of one or two Hs in a noun depends on the morphemic composition of the word, as well as on the number of Hs in the word from which it is formed.

Let's sum it up

The suffixal method is the main way of word formation of nouns. This probably explains the richness and variety of suffixes in this part of speech. Here are such common morphemes as OST, EK, ONK, but there are also rare or obsolete suffixes, for example, YAD in the word “mokryad”, YSH in the word “foundling” or UN in the word “runner”.

The difficulty is that all suffixes that form nouns require the use of special rule, as well as knowledge of the morphemic composition of the word and the method of word formation. Therefore, when studying the spelling of nouns, you will have to turn to dictionaries very often.

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>>Russian language: Letters e, and in suffixes. Letters e, o in suffixes and endings after sibilants and c


Theory A

Writing suffixes -ek And -ik in nouns should be distinguished.

If the vowel of the suffixes drops out (becomes fluent) during the declension of a noun, write e (-ek), if it doesn’t appear, write and (hic): soak ek- soak To oh, the key IR-key IR A.

In masculine nouns with stems ts with a fluent e only the suffix is ​​used -ets: young ec- young ts oh brother ec- Brother ts oh, bread ec- bread ts A.

Feminine nouns with stems ts have a suffix -its-: books ic ah, sisters ic ah, handsome ic A.

In neuter nouns with stressed ending the suffix is ​​written -ets-: gun ec oh, letters ec O; with unstressed - -its-: dress ic e, chair ic e.

Practice A

1. Write out, inserting the missing letters, first the words with the suffix -ek, and then - with the suffix -ik.

Granddaughter..k, house..k, handkerchief..k, key..k, bell..k, nut..k, whistle..k, flower..k, hut..k, pencil..k, piece..k.

2. Form from the specified words new using suffixes -ek And -ik. What meaning did the new words acquire?

Portrait, dog, sand, nose, sock, stocking, bell, wallet, gun, box, height, threshold, drawing, garden, locomotive, sheepskin coat, magnet.

3. Using suffixes -ets, -its form new ones from these nouns.

Ukraine, Syria, China, Vietnam, Iran, Albania; happy, stubborn; frost, coat, letter; dress, puddle, blizzard, porridge.

4. Copy by opening the brackets and choosing words that are appropriate in meaning.

1. An important letter (letter, little letter) was sent to the director. 2. Nastya, write me at least a short (letter, little letter). 3. Irina Petrovna, this (dress, dress) suits you very well. 4. Mom took her daughter in her arms and said tenderly: “What a beautiful (dress, frock) you have.”

Theory B

Suffixes -chick And -schik in pronunciation they are not always clearly distinguished. Suffix -chick written after letters d, t, h, s, w: way of life chick, newspapers chick, cargo chick, tray chick, defectionchick . In other cases it is written -schik: ban box, roofs box, pilbox .

Soft sign before suffix -schik written only after l: draftsman, charcoal miner.

Practice B

5. Copy the words, identify the suffixes and explain their spelling. What meaning do they give to words?

Scout, concrete worker, copyist, peddler, carrier, roofer, cutter, bookbinder.

6. Create new words from these words using suffixes -chick or -schik and write them down, inserting them where necessary.

Drum.., buoy.., drilled.., newspapers.., hauling.., beginning.., roofing.., census.., distribution.., story.., greasing.., corner.., trawl. .

7. Translate the words into Russian and write them down. Which Ukrainian suffixes correspond to Russian suffixes? -chick And - box?

Pokrivelnik, zakriynik, betonnik, viznik, driller, welder, kotyuvalnik, pereviznik.

Theory B

In adjectives, the suffix is ​​written under stress -iv-, without accent - -ev-: true ive oh, flax ive oh, with ev oh, kra ev Ouch.

In suffixes -chiv-, -liv- is written And: nitpicker chiv oh, conscience Liv th.

In adjectives after f, h, w, shch and c the suffix is ​​written under stress -ov-, no accent -ev-: hedgehog ov oh, canvas ov oh, lead ov oh, But chintz ev oh, persons ev Ouch.

Practice B

8. Copy the phrases by inserting the missing letters.

A. Glossy paper, buckwheat porridge, quartz lamp, lily of the valley smell, manganese ore, teddy bear, piston pump, cotton dress, really. .your story.
B. Thoughtful researcher, resilient athlete, trusting attitude, clear explanation, caring mother, forgetful person, envious glances, tempting offer, arrogant. .nice looking, shy boy.

9. Copy by inserting the missing letters and indicating the emphasis.

Fur..howl, ring..howl, reed..howl, kumach..howl, cherry plum..howl, knife..howl, lead..howl, brocade..howl, shoulder..howl.

N.F. Balandina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language 6th grade

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